Saturday, July 5, 2008

tcodes starting with D


DA_CONTROL Data Archiving Control
DA_SARA Cross-Archiving-Object Check/Delete
DB01 Analyze exclusive lockwaits
DB02 Tables and Indexes Monitor
DB02OLD old DB02DB02
DB02_MSS Db02 for MS SQL Server
DB03 Parameter changes in database
DB05 Analysis of a table acc. to index
DB11 Create Database Connection
DB12 DBA Backup Logs
DB12OLD DBA Backup Logs (OLD)
DB12_MSS DB12 Multiconnect transaction
DB13 DBA Planning Calendar
DB13C Central DBA Planning Calendar
DB13COLD Central DBA Planning Calendar (OLD)
DB13OLD DBA Planning Calendar (OLD)
DB14 Display DBA Operation Logs
DB14OLD Display DBA Operation Logs (OLD)
DB15 Data Archiving: Database Tables
DB16 Display DB Check Results
DB16ORA Display DB Check Results: Oracle
DB17 Configure DB Check
DB17ORA Configure DB Check: Oracle
DB2 DB2 z/OS: Select Database Activities
DB20 Update DB Statistics
DB20ORA Update DB Statistics: Oracle
DB21 Configure DB Statistics
DB24 Administrative Database Operations
DB26 DB Profile:Monitor and Configuration
DB26ORA DB Profile Maintenance: Oracle
DB2B DB2 z/OS: Buffer pool tuning
DB2BW BW Analysis Tool
DB2C DB2 z/OS: Catalog Browser
DB2D DB2 z/OS - Deadlock Monitor
DB2J DB2 z/OS: Manage JCL Jobs
DB2T DB2 z/OS - Timeout Monitor
DB2U DB2 z/OS: Long Running Transactions
DB2W DB2 z/OS: Workload Manager Monitor
DB2X DB2/390: database check
DB2_IXFIX DB2-z/OS: index fix (padded, codepg)
DB33 DB System check (configure, IFMX)
DB34 Dbspace extension (IFMX)
DB36 DB6: Alert Configuration
DB37 DB6: Alert Message Log
DB4COCKPIT iSeries: Cockpit for CCMS Transact.
DB4DB12 iSeries: Backup and Recovery
DB4DGN Diagnostics
DB4LCK Lock Monitor
DB50 SAP DB Assistant
DB50N Database Assistant
DB59 MaxDB/liveCache System Overview
DB6BACKHIST DB6: DBA Planning Calendar
DB6CLP DB6: Command Line Processor
DB6CST DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace
DB6CST_LST DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace
DB6DBM DB6: Database Manager Configuration
DB6DBP DB6: Database Configuration
DB6EXL DB6: Analyze Exclusive Lock Waits
DB6EXPLAIN DB6: Explain SQL Statement
DB6FSC DB6: File System Configuration
DB6PARHIS DB6: Show Parameter History
DB6PERF DB6: DB2 UDB Cockpit Performance
DB6PLAN DB6: DBA Planning Calendar
DB6SPACE DB6: Space Analysis
DB6SQC DB6: Analyze SQL Cache
DB6STATS DB6: Run Single Statistics
DB6SYSCFG DB6: System Registration
DB6TAC DB6: Analyze Table Snapshot
DB6TRC DB6: Trace Status
DBCO Database Connection Maintenance
DBG_ABAP_EDITOR Debugger -> ABAP Editor
DBG_BROWSER Debugger -> Repository Browser
DBG_MEMORY_DIFFTOOL Debugger: Call Memory Inspector
DBG_SCREEN_PAINTER Debugger -> Screen Painter
DBG_TABLE_TO_EXCEL ABAP Debugger: Table as Excel File
DC10 Define document types
DC20 Define data carrier
DC30 Define workstation application
DDCHECK Classification of DDIC Structures
DECK Cash Holding Years
DEDT Define Downtime
DELETE_COL_SETTINGS Delete Column Configuration
DELETE_FACTS Delete from the fact table
DELETE_MDT_SETTINGS Delete Manager's Desktop Settings
DELETE_NF_SETTINGS Delete Framework Settings
DELETE_OM_SETTINGS Delete Object Manager Settings
DELG1 Edit Outbound Delivery Groups
DEMO_OO_METHOD OO Trans. for Local Instance Method
DEMO_REPORT_TRANSACT Report Transaction with SelScrn 500
DEMO_SCREEN_FLOW Demonstration for Screen Sequences
DEMO_SELSCREEN_DYNP Selection Screen as Initial Screen
DEMO_TCD DEMO of a TCD Recording
DEMO_TRANSACTION Demonstration Transaction
DEVBOOK Project management
DEVICE_CONFIG Device Configuration
DEXP Expediting
DGA1 DG: Activation DG Checks
DGA10 Assign DG check schema/SD documents
DGA2 DG-Check Schema-Determ. Routine
DGA3 DG - Check Methods
DGA4 Usage Profile DG Check Routines
DGA5 DG: Countries en Route
DGA6 DG: Alloctn Chk Schema/Chk Methods
DGA7 Usage Context DG Check Schema
DGA8 DG-CheckSchemaDetRoutineShipmentDoc
DGA9 Allocate DG-CheckSchema/ShipmentDoc
DGAA DG: Output Cond. for MatMast Fields
DGAB DG: Profile for DG Ind. in Del. Head
DGAC DG: Controlling EDI Processing
DGC2 DG: Specify Transport Type
DGC4 DG: Define DG Classes
DGC5 DG: Define Water Pollution Classes
DGC6 DG: Specify Danger Label
DGC8 Text IDs standard/user-defined texts
DGC9 DG: Dialog type for ident. no.
DGCA DG: Hazard Notes
DGCB DG: Labels for Printing
DGCC DG: Hazard Identification Numbers
DGCD DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances
DGCE DG: VbF Classes
DGCF DG: Storage Hazard Classes
DGCG DG: Processing Status
DGCH DG: Maintain indicator profile
DGCI DG: Date Determination
DGCK Txt names for DG MatMast ind. txts
DGCL DG: Primary and Secondary Languages
DGCM DG: Assign check list
DGCN DG: Assign check list (pack.)
DGCR DG: Regulations
DGCS Texts for mode of transport cats.
DGCV DG UN Number and Description
DGD1 Maint. and Assign Regulation Profile
DGD2 Assignmt Regul. Profile/Indic. Cat.
DGD3 Checkbox Struc. for T/O-T Materials
DGE4 First database via DGP1
DGE5 DG Filling from Spec. Management
DGE6 DG Simul. of Filling from Spec. Mgmt
DGP0 Basic Data: Environment
DGP1 Create Dangerous Goods Master
DGP10 Generate Phrase Sets
DGP2 Change Dangerous Goods Master
DGP3 Display Dangerous Goods Master
DGP5 Report for sending dangerous goods
DGP5S Report to Simulate Sending
DGP7 Display import logs
DGP8 Delete import logs
DGP9 Activate phrase library
DGPREL Dangerous Goods Product Release
DGR1 Displaying DG master data
DGR2 Dangerous goods: Change document
DGR3 Display DG Packaging Data
DGR4 Display DG Packaging Data
DGSD Display Report Logs
DGTD DG: Maintain mat-dependent texts
DGTU DG: Maintain mat-independent texts
DGU0 DG: Conversion of Customizing Tables
DGU1 DG: Conversion of DG Reg. tables
DGU2 DG: Conversion Texts/Descriptions
DGU3 DG: Converting the DG Descriptions
DGUC DG: Test refer. integrity regulation
DGUD DG: Test ref. integrity of C tables
DGUM DG: Convert field LWDG to MasterData
DIACLC1 Logbook: counter type definition
DIACLC2 Customizing for cntr upd in Logbook
DIACLC3 Logbook: Dig. signature customizing
DIACLC4 Log Entry Type customizing
DICTIONARY Terminology and Glossary Maintenance
DIOHFWC1 Application definition (cust.)
DIOHFWC2 Node type specification (Customizing
DIOHFWC3 Hierarchy definition (customizing)
DIOHFWC4 Fcode definitions (customizing)
DIS01 Collective Processing Distribution
DIS05 Cost Distribution: Overview
DIWPSC2 Custom. of Time Interval in MEB
DIWPSC3 Customizing of Fleet for the MEB
DIWPSC4 Customizing of Revision Type
DIWPS_REVNR Number range maintenance: WPS_REV
DIWPS_REVNRS Number Range Maintenance: WPS_REV
DI_0MVTPM Movement Types for PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS1 SN Criteria in Sales Documents
DI_0PCS2 Stock Determ. Rule PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS3 Customizing Stock Determ. in PM/CS
DI_PCS1 Stock Det. Rules for Special Stock
DI_SCCOUNT Meas.Point for Subcontracting
DL10 Download
DL11 Create download profile
DL12 Change condition download profile
DL13 Display condition download profile
DLC2 Comparison of Delivery Confirmations
DLCN Delivery Confirmation Matching
DLOG BRE: Overview of Extract Generation
DMC Start DMC Interface
DMCAPP Maintain Applications in DMC Tool
DMCCONF DMC Configuration
DMCDIGEN Generate Runtime Objects for DI-2
DMCGEN1 Generate Runtime Object
DMCISB Maintain Direct Input 2
DMCRULE Maintain Global Transfer Rules
DMCWB Workbench for DMC Development
DMEE DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool
DMEE1 DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool
DMEE1_DEBUG DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode
DMEE_DEBUG DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode
DMLCUST Customizing for MDF Objects
DMLCUSTOBJTYPE Customizing for MDF Object Types
DMS_FOLDER1 Find favorites
DMWB Document Modeling Workbench
DNOTIF Basic Notification
DNOTIFREP Basis Notification Reporting
DNOTIFWL Basic Notifications Worklist
DNOTIFWL_EWT Basic Notifications Worklist
DNOTIF_EWT Basic Notification
DNOTIF_FCT Basic Notification
DNOTIF_FCT_EWT Basic Notification
DNO_CUST01 Settings for Notification Type
DNO_CUST02 Settings for Partner Types
DNO_CUST03 Settings for Note Types
DNO_CUST04 Basic Notification: User Settings
DNO_CUST05 Subscreen Control
DNO_NOTIF Number Range Maintenance
DNO_UPDATE Manual Adjustment
DOKU_BARC User's Guide: Bar Chart Graphics
DOKU_CNET_CLUST User's Guide: Cluster Editor
DOKU_CNET_HIER User's Guide: Hierarchy Graphics
DOKU_CNET_NETZ User's Guide: Network Graphics
DP101 Reset Billing Plan Date
DP60 Change Accounting Indicator in LI
DP70 Conversion of Individual Orders
DP80 SM: Resource-Related Quotation
DP81 PS: Sales Pricing
DP82 PS: Sales Pricing Project
DP90 CS: Resource-Related Billing Doc.
DP91 SD: Resource-Related Billing Doc.
DP93 Res.-Rel. Billing Btwn Comp. Codes
DP95 Resource-Rel. Billing, Coll.Processg
DP96 Res-Rel.Billing Collect.Proc - Sales
DP97 Res-Rel. Billing Collect. Proc.-Srvc
DP98 Resource for Billing Request
DP99A Doc.Flow Reporting - Res.-Rel. Bill.
DP99B Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill. - SD
DP99C Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill.-Service
DPRL Change Material When Profile Deleted
DPRV Change Material When Profile Changed
DRAIRPORT Display Airport Data
DRAW_RES Display Reserve Fields
DRBBOOK Display Company Booking
DRBOOK Display Booking
DRB_SHOW_CALL_DUMMY DRB Call for Layout Maintenance
DRC1 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient
DRC2 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient
DRC3 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient
DRC4 Conditions: V_T681F for R DR
DRC5 Access Sequences: Deriv. Recipient
DRC6 Strategy Types: Derivation Recipient
DRC7 Search Proc.: Derivation Recipient
DRCARR Display Carrier
DRCONN Display Connection
DRCOUNTRY Display Country
DRCUSTOM Booked Flights
DRE Delivery-Related Analyses
DRFLIGHT Display Flight Data
DRP0 Network Graphic
DRP4 Network Graphic/Quotas View
DRP8 Maintain Materials Deployment
DRP9 Maintain Plant Categories
DRPA Definition of DRP Planning Run
DRPB Deployment: Background Processing
DRPBOOK Display Private Booking
DRPLANETYPE Display Aircraft Type
DRPM Deployment for Material
DRPO Deployment for Material
DRPS Calculate Safety Stock
DRPW Deployment for Plant
DSA Service Session Workbench
DSADEV_OLD Service Development Workbench
DSAL Digital Signature Logs
DSA_ITS DSVAS: ITS start transaction
DSA_SESSION_OPEN Open the Service Assistant session
DSC1 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender
DSC2 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender
DSC3 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender
DSC4 Conditions: V_T681F for R DS
DSC5 Access Sequences: Derivation Sender
DSC6 Strategy Types: Derivation Sender
DSC7 Search Procedures: Derivation Sender
DSETGEN BRE: Create Error Extract from Log
DSINA Display Backlog Entry in Extract
DTR0 Enter Downtimes
DUMMY_MASS_EINE Dummy transaction for mail execution
DUMMY_MASS_EKKO Dummy transaction for mail execution
DUMMY_MASS_MARC Dummy transaction for mail execution
DUMMY_MASS_VENDOR Load programs global data
DVC1 Derivation: No. Range f. Deriv. No.
DVC2 Derivation: No. Range f. Cond. Recds
DVC8 Assignmt of Search Procedure to Evnt
DVCO Condition Records Via Bill of Mat.
DVDC Delete Extended Batch Where-Used Lst
DVDL Delete Derivation Log
DVMAN Perform Manual Derivation
DVMO Monitor
DVR1 Create Derivation Recipient Record
DVR2 Change Derivation Recipient Record
DVR3 Display Derivation Recipient Record
DVS1 Create Derivation Sender Record
DVS2 Change Derivation Sender Record
DVS3 Display Derivation Sender Record
DVSA Shipping Approval
DVSP Set Up Derivation
DWDM Development Workbench Demos
DXCF DARTX Field Catalog
DXCS DARTX Segment Catalog
DXEV DARTX Extract Administration
DXVW DARTX Data View Administration
DXX01 DARTX Maintain Authorization Groups
DXX02 DARTX Segment Maintenance
DXX03 DARTX Maintain SAP Segment Control
DXX04 DARTX Maintain MasterData Indicators
DXX05 DARTX Application Maintenance
DXX06 DARTX Reference Table Maintenance
DXX07 DARTX Data Set/Segment Assignments
DXX08 DARTX Data Set Maintenance
DXX09 DARTX Global Settings Maintenance
DXX10 DARTX Maintain Segment Relationships
DXX11 DARTX Maintain Sel.Parameter Display
DXX12 DARTX Directory Group Maintenance
DXX13 DARTX Maintain Customer Seg. Control
DXX14 DARTX Maintain Reference Crcy/Qty
DXXV DARTX Define Data Extract Views
DXXVW Execute Data View
DZ00 Introduction to

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