DA_CONTROL | Data Archiving Control |
DA_SARA | Cross-Archiving-Object Check/Delete |
DB01 | Analyze exclusive lockwaits |
DB02 | Tables and Indexes Monitor |
DB02OLD | old DB02DB02 |
DB02_MSS | Db02 for MS SQL Server |
DB03 | Parameter changes in database |
DB05 | Analysis of a table acc. to index |
DB11 | Create Database Connection |
DB12 | DBA Backup Logs |
DB12OLD | DBA Backup Logs (OLD) |
DB12_MSS | DB12 Multiconnect transaction |
DB13 | DBA Planning Calendar |
DB13C | Central DBA Planning Calendar |
DB13COLD | Central DBA Planning Calendar (OLD) |
DB13OLD | DBA Planning Calendar (OLD) |
DB14 | Display DBA Operation Logs |
DB14OLD | Display DBA Operation Logs (OLD) |
DB15 | Data Archiving: Database Tables |
DB16 | Display DB Check Results |
DB16ORA | Display DB Check Results: Oracle |
DB17 | Configure DB Check |
DB17ORA | Configure DB Check: Oracle |
DB2 | DB2 z/OS: Select Database Activities |
DB20 | Update DB Statistics |
DB20ORA | Update DB Statistics: Oracle |
DB21 | Configure DB Statistics |
DB24 | Administrative Database Operations |
DB26 | DB Profile:Monitor and Configuration |
DB26ORA | DB Profile Maintenance: Oracle |
DB2B | DB2 z/OS: Buffer pool tuning |
DB2BW | BW Analysis Tool |
DB2C | DB2 z/OS: Catalog Browser |
DB2D | DB2 z/OS - Deadlock Monitor |
DB2J | DB2 z/OS: Manage JCL Jobs |
DB2T | DB2 z/OS - Timeout Monitor |
DB2U | DB2 z/OS: Long Running Transactions |
DB2W | DB2 z/OS: Workload Manager Monitor |
DB2X | DB2/390: database check |
DB2_IXFIX | DB2-z/OS: index fix (padded, codepg) |
DB33 | DB System check (configure, IFMX) |
DB34 | Dbspace extension (IFMX) |
DB36 | DB6: Alert Configuration |
DB37 | DB6: Alert Message Log |
DB4COCKPIT | iSeries: Cockpit for CCMS Transact. |
DB4DB12 | iSeries: Backup and Recovery |
DB4DGN | Diagnostics |
DB4LCK | Lock Monitor |
DB50 | SAP DB Assistant |
DB50N | Database Assistant |
DB59 | MaxDB/liveCache System Overview |
DB6BACKHIST | DB6: DBA Planning Calendar |
DB6CLP | DB6: Command Line Processor |
DB6COCKPIT | DB6: DBA Cockpit |
DB6CST | DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace |
DB6CST_LST | DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace |
DB6DB21 | DB6: RUNSTATS Control |
DB6DBALOG | DB6: DBA Log Viewer |
DB6DBM | DB6: Database Manager Configuration |
DB6DBP | DB6: Database Configuration |
DB6EXL | DB6: Analyze Exclusive Lock Waits |
DB6EXPLAIN | DB6: Explain SQL Statement |
DB6FSC | DB6: File System Configuration |
DB6PARHIS | DB6: Show Parameter History |
DB6PERF | DB6: DB2 UDB Cockpit Performance |
DB6PLAN | DB6: DBA Planning Calendar |
DB6SPACE | DB6: Space Analysis |
DB6SQC | DB6: Analyze SQL Cache |
DB6STATS | DB6: Run Single Statistics |
DB6SYSCFG | DB6: System Registration |
DB6TAC | DB6: Analyze Table Snapshot |
DB6TRC | DB6: Trace Status |
DBACOCKPIT | Start DBA Cockpit |
DBACOCKPIT_ITS | Start DBA Cockpit |
DBCO | Database Connection Maintenance |
DBG_ABAP_EDITOR | Debugger -> ABAP Editor |
DBG_BROWSER | Debugger -> Repository Browser |
DBG_MEMORY_DIFFTOOL | Debugger: Call Memory Inspector |
DBG_SCREEN_PAINTER | Debugger -> Screen Painter |
DBG_TABLE_TO_EXCEL | ABAP Debugger: Table as Excel File |
DC10 | Define document types |
DC20 | Define data carrier |
DC30 | Define workstation application |
DDCHECK | Classification of DDIC Structures |
DECK | Cash Holding Years |
DEDT | Define Downtime |
DELETE_COL_SETTINGS | Delete Column Configuration |
DELETE_FACTS | Delete from the fact table |
DELETE_MDT_SETTINGS | Delete Manager's Desktop Settings |
DELETE_NF_SETTINGS | Delete Framework Settings |
DELETE_OM_SETTINGS | Delete Object Manager Settings |
DELG1 | Edit Outbound Delivery Groups |
DEMO_OO_METHOD | OO Trans. for Local Instance Method |
DEMO_REPORT_TRANSACT | Report Transaction with SelScrn 500 |
DEMO_SCREEN_FLOW | Demonstration for Screen Sequences |
DEMO_SELSCREEN_DYNP | Selection Screen as Initial Screen |
DEMO_TCD | DEMO of a TCD Recording |
DEMO_TRANSACTION | Demonstration Transaction |
DEVBOOK | Project management |
DEVICE_CONFIG | Device Configuration |
DEV_DA_CONTROL | DEV Entries Control DA |
DEXP | Expediting |
DGA1 | DG: Activation DG Checks |
DGA10 | Assign DG check schema/SD documents |
DGA2 | DG-Check Schema-Determ. Routine |
DGA3 | DG - Check Methods |
DGA4 | Usage Profile DG Check Routines |
DGA5 | DG: Countries en Route |
DGA6 | DG: Alloctn Chk Schema/Chk Methods |
DGA7 | Usage Context DG Check Schema |
DGA8 | DG-CheckSchemaDetRoutineShipmentDoc |
DGA9 | Allocate DG-CheckSchema/ShipmentDoc |
DGAA | DG: Output Cond. for MatMast Fields |
DGAB | DG: Profile for DG Ind. in Del. Head |
DGAC | DG: Controlling EDI Processing |
DGC2 | DG: Specify Transport Type |
DGC4 | DG: Define DG Classes |
DGC5 | DG: Define Water Pollution Classes |
DGC6 | DG: Specify Danger Label |
DGC8 | Text IDs standard/user-defined texts |
DGC9 | DG: Dialog type for ident. no. |
DGCA | DG: Hazard Notes |
DGCB | DG: Labels for Printing |
DGCC | DG: Hazard Identification Numbers |
DGCD | DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances |
DGCE | DG: VbF Classes |
DGCF | DG: Storage Hazard Classes |
DGCG | DG: Processing Status |
DGCH | DG: Maintain indicator profile |
DGCI | DG: Date Determination |
DGCK | Txt names for DG MatMast ind. txts |
DGCL | DG: Primary and Secondary Languages |
DGCM | DG: Assign check list |
DGCN | DG: Assign check list (pack.) |
DGCR | DG: Regulations |
DGCS | Texts for mode of transport cats. |
DGCV | DG UN Number and Description |
DGD1 | Maint. and Assign Regulation Profile |
DGD2 | Assignmt Regul. Profile/Indic. Cat. |
DGD3 | Checkbox Struc. for T/O-T Materials |
DGE4 | First database via DGP1 |
DGE5 | DG Filling from Spec. Management |
DGE6 | DG Simul. of Filling from Spec. Mgmt |
DGP0 | Basic Data: Environment |
DGP1 | Create Dangerous Goods Master |
DGP10 | Generate Phrase Sets |
DGP2 | Change Dangerous Goods Master |
DGP3 | Display Dangerous Goods Master |
DGP5 | Report for sending dangerous goods |
DGP5S | Report to Simulate Sending |
DGP7 | Display import logs |
DGP8 | Delete import logs |
DGP9 | Activate phrase library |
DGPREL | Dangerous Goods Product Release |
DGR1 | Displaying DG master data |
DGR2 | Dangerous goods: Change document |
DGR3 | Display DG Packaging Data |
DGR4 | Display DG Packaging Data |
DGSD | Display Report Logs |
DGTD | DG: Maintain mat-dependent texts |
DGTU | DG: Maintain mat-independent texts |
DGU0 | DG: Conversion of Customizing Tables |
DGU1 | DG: Conversion of DG Reg. tables |
DGU2 | DG: Conversion Texts/Descriptions |
DGU3 | DG: Converting the DG Descriptions |
DGUC | DG: Test refer. integrity regulation |
DGUD | DG: Test ref. integrity of C tables |
DGUM | DG: Convert field LWDG to MasterData |
DIACLC1 | Logbook: counter type definition |
DIACLC2 | Customizing for cntr upd in Logbook |
DIACLC3 | Logbook: Dig. signature customizing |
DIACLC4 | Log Entry Type customizing |
DICTIONARY | Terminology and Glossary Maintenance |
DIOHFWC1 | Application definition (cust.) |
DIOHFWC2 | Node type specification (Customizing |
DIOHFWC3 | Hierarchy definition (customizing) |
DIOHFWC4 | Fcode definitions (customizing) |
DIS01 | Collective Processing Distribution |
DIS05 | Cost Distribution: Overview |
DIWPSC2 | Custom. of Time Interval in MEB |
DIWPSC3 | Customizing of Fleet for the MEB |
DIWPSC4 | Customizing of Revision Type |
DIWPS_REVNR | Number range maintenance: WPS_REV |
DIWPS_REVNRS | Number Range Maintenance: WPS_REV |
DI_0MVTPM | Movement Types for PM/CS Orders |
DI_0PCS1 | SN Criteria in Sales Documents |
DI_0PCS2 | Stock Determ. Rule PM/CS Orders |
DI_0PCS3 | Customizing Stock Determ. in PM/CS |
DI_PCS1 | Stock Det. Rules for Special Stock |
DI_SCCOUNT | Meas.Point for Subcontracting |
DL10 | Download |
DL11 | Create download profile |
DL12 | Change condition download profile |
DL13 | Display condition download profile |
DLC2 | Comparison of Delivery Confirmations |
DLCN | Delivery Confirmation Matching |
DLOG | BRE: Overview of Extract Generation |
DMC | Start DMC Interface |
DMCAPP | Maintain Applications in DMC Tool |
DMCCONF | DMC Configuration |
DMCDIGEN | Generate Runtime Objects for DI-2 |
DMCGEN1 | Generate Runtime Object |
DMCISB | Maintain Direct Input 2 |
DMCRULE | Maintain Global Transfer Rules |
DMCUMSCHL | DMC: Recoding |
DMCWB | Workbench for DMC Development |
DMEE | DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool |
DMEE1 | DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool |
DMEE1_DEBUG | DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode |
DMEE_DEBUG | DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode |
DMLCUST | Customizing for MDF Objects |
DMLCUSTOBJTYPE | Customizing for MDF Object Types |
DMS_FOLDER1 | Find favorites |
DMWB | Document Modeling Workbench |
DNOTIF | Basic Notification |
DNOTIFREP | Basis Notification Reporting |
DNOTIFWL | Basic Notifications Worklist |
DNOTIFWL_EWT | Basic Notifications Worklist |
DNOTIF_EWT | Basic Notification |
DNOTIF_FCT | Basic Notification |
DNOTIF_FCT_EWT | Basic Notification |
DNO_CUST01 | Settings for Notification Type |
DNO_CUST02 | Settings for Partner Types |
DNO_CUST03 | Settings for Note Types |
DNO_CUST04 | Basic Notification: User Settings |
DNO_CUST05 | Subscreen Control |
DNO_NOTIF | Number Range Maintenance |
DNO_UPDATE | Manual Adjustment |
DOKU_BARC | User's Guide: Bar Chart Graphics |
DOKU_CNET_CLUST | User's Guide: Cluster Editor |
DOKU_CNET_HIER | User's Guide: Hierarchy Graphics |
DOKU_CNET_NETZ | User's Guide: Network Graphics |
DP101 | Reset Billing Plan Date |
DP60 | Change Accounting Indicator in LI |
DP70 | Conversion of Individual Orders |
DP80 | SM: Resource-Related Quotation |
DP81 | PS: Sales Pricing |
DP82 | PS: Sales Pricing Project |
DP90 | CS: Resource-Related Billing Doc. |
DP91 | SD: Resource-Related Billing Doc. |
DP93 | Res.-Rel. Billing Btwn Comp. Codes |
DP95 | Resource-Rel. Billing, Coll.Processg |
DP96 | Res-Rel.Billing Collect.Proc - Sales |
DP97 | Res-Rel. Billing Collect. Proc.-Srvc |
DP98 | Resource for Billing Request |
DP99A | Doc.Flow Reporting - Res.-Rel. Bill. |
DP99B | Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill. - SD |
DP99C | Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill.-Service |
DPRL | Change Material When Profile Deleted |
DPRV | Change Material When Profile Changed |
DRAIRPORT | Display Airport Data |
DRAW_RES | Display Reserve Fields |
DRBBOOK | Display Company Booking |
DRBOOK | Display Booking |
DRB_SHOW_CALL_DUMMY | DRB Call for Layout Maintenance |
DRC1 | Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC2 | Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC3 | Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC4 | Conditions: V_T681F for R DR |
DRC5 | Access Sequences: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC6 | Strategy Types: Derivation Recipient |
DRC7 | Search Proc.: Derivation Recipient |
DRCARR | Display Carrier |
DRCONN | Display Connection |
DRCOUNTRY | Display Country |
DRCUSTOM | Booked Flights |
DRE | Delivery-Related Analyses |
DRFLIGHT | Display Flight Data |
DRP0 | Network Graphic |
DRP4 | Network Graphic/Quotas View |
DRP8 | Maintain Materials Deployment |
DRP9 | Maintain Plant Categories |
DRPA | Definition of DRP Planning Run |
DRPB | Deployment: Background Processing |
DRPBOOK | Display Private Booking |
DRPLANETYPE | Display Aircraft Type |
DRPM | Deployment for Material |
DRPO | Deployment for Material |
DRPS | Calculate Safety Stock |
DRPW | Deployment for Plant |
DSA | Service Session Workbench |
DSADEV_OLD | Service Development Workbench |
DSAL | Digital Signature Logs |
DSA_ITS | DSVAS: ITS start transaction |
DSA_SESSION_OPEN | Open the Service Assistant session |
DSC1 | Create CondTables: Derivation Sender |
DSC2 | Create CondTables: Derivation Sender |
DSC3 | Create CondTables: Derivation Sender |
DSC4 | Conditions: V_T681F for R DS |
DSC5 | Access Sequences: Derivation Sender |
DSC6 | Strategy Types: Derivation Sender |
DSC7 | Search Procedures: Derivation Sender |
DSETGEN | BRE: Create Error Extract from Log |
DSINA | Display Backlog Entry in Extract |
DTR0 | Enter Downtimes |
DUMMY_MASS_EINE | Dummy transaction for mail execution |
DUMMY_MASS_EKKO | Dummy transaction for mail execution |
DUMMY_MASS_MARC | Dummy transaction for mail execution |
DUMMY_MASS_VENDOR | Load programs global data |
DVC1 | Derivation: No. Range f. Deriv. No. |
DVC2 | Derivation: No. Range f. Cond. Recds |
DVC8 | Assignmt of Search Procedure to Evnt |
DVCO | Condition Records Via Bill of Mat. |
DVDC | Delete Extended Batch Where-Used Lst |
DVDL | Delete Derivation Log |
DVMAN | Perform Manual Derivation |
DVMO | Monitor |
DVR1 | Create Derivation Recipient Record |
DVR2 | Change Derivation Recipient Record |
DVR3 | Display Derivation Recipient Record |
DVS1 | Create Derivation Sender Record |
DVS2 | Change Derivation Sender Record |
DVS3 | Display Derivation Sender Record |
DVSA | Shipping Approval |
DVSP | Set Up Derivation |
DWDM | Development Workbench Demos |
DXCF | DARTX Field Catalog |
DXCS | DARTX Segment Catalog |
DXEV | DARTX Extract Administration |
DXVW | DARTX Data View Administration |
DXX01 | DARTX Maintain Authorization Groups |
DXX02 | DARTX Segment Maintenance |
DXX03 | DARTX Maintain SAP Segment Control |
DXX04 | DARTX Maintain MasterData Indicators |
DXX05 | DARTX Application Maintenance |
DXX06 | DARTX Reference Table Maintenance |
DXX07 | DARTX Data Set/Segment Assignments |
DXX08 | DARTX Data Set Maintenance |
DXX09 | DARTX Global Settings Maintenance |
DXX10 | DARTX Maintain Segment Relationships |
DXX11 | DARTX Maintain Sel.Parameter Display |
DXX12 | DARTX Directory Group Maintenance |
DXX13 | DARTX Maintain Customer Seg. Control |
DXX14 | DARTX Maintain Reference Crcy/Qty |
DXXV | DARTX Define Data Extract Views |
DXXVW | Execute Data View |
DZ00 | Introduction to |
Saturday, July 5, 2008
tcodes starting with D
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