Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcodes from JC to JH

JC9A                   IS-M: Condition Master Data         
JC9B                   IS-M: Condition Master Data - Sales 
JC9C                   IS-M: Condition Master Data         
JC9D                   IS-M: Condition Master Data         
JCIC_INWAIT_POPUP      IS-M: CIC, INWAIT Dialog Box        
JCP4                   IS-M: Master Data f.Postal Charges  
JCR0                   IS-M/SD: Postal Charges, Gen.BI Sess
JCR1                   IS-M/SD:Postal Charges, Display Data
JCR2                   IS-M/SD: Extract Postal Charges     
JCS0                   IS-M: Create Condition              
JCS1                   IS-M: Create Condition w/Reference  
JCS2                   IS-M: Change Condition              
JCS3                   IS-M: Display Condition             
JD01                   IS-M: Create Gen.Rule for Edition   
JD02                   IS-M: Change Gen.Rule for Edition   
JD03                   IS-M: Display Gen.Rule for Edition  
JD04                   IS-M: Create Gen.Rule f.Truck Route 
JD05                   IS-M: Change Gen.Rule f.Truck Route 
JD06                   IS-M: Display Gen.Rule f.Truck Route
JD10                   IS-M: Create Ad Pre-Prt.(Fast Entry)
JD11                   IS-M: Change Ad Pre-Prt.(Fast Entry)
JD12                   IS-M: Display Ad Pre-Prt.(Fast Ent.)
JD20                   IS-M: Create Gen.Rule for Media Prod
JD21                   IS-M: Change Gen.Rule for Media Prod
JD22                   IS-M: Display Gen.Rule for Med.Prod.
JD31                   IS-M: Create Publication            
JD32                   IS-M: Change Publication            
JD33                   IS-M: Display Publication           
JD34                   Create Edition                      
JD35                   Change Edition                      
JD36                   Display Edition                     
JD37                   IS-M: Create Issue                  
JD38                   IS-M: Change Issue                  
JD39                   IS-M: Display Issue                 
JD40                   IS-M: Coll.Processing of Issues     
JD41                   IS-M: Collective Issue Display      
JD42                   Automatic Issue Generation          
JD43                   Issue Numbering                     
JD44                   IS-M: Coll.Issue Proc.for Pub.Date  
JD45                   Move Publication Date of Issue      
JD46                   Log: Move Issue Publication Date    
JD51                   IS-M: Edit Edition Gen.Triggers     
JD52                   IS-M: Display Edition Gen.Triggers  
JD55                   IS-M: Create Issue Archiving        
JD56                   IS-M: Delete Issue Archiving        
JD57                   IS-M: Reload Issue Archiving        
JD58                   IS-M: Management of Issue Archiving 
JD70                   IS-M: Arrival Times of TP Objects   
JD71                   IS-M: Editions of Publications      
JD72                   IS-M: Displ.Edition Publ.Calendar   
JD73                   IS-M: Edition Overview              
JD74                   IS-M: Overview of Issue Weights     
JD75                   IS-M: Issue Overview                
JD76                   IS-M: Display Ad Pre-Print Pub.Cal. 
JD77                   IS-M: Ad Pre-Print Overview         
JD81                   IS-M: Edit Bundling Rule            
JD82                   IS-M: Display Bundling Rule         
JD83                   IS-M: Maintain Edit.Bundling Group  
JD84                   IS-M: Display Edition Bundling Group
JD85                   IS-M: List Editions in Bundling Grp 
JD86                   IS-M: Maintain Edit.Bundling Group  
JD87                   IS-M: Display Edition Packing Group 
JDMPS0                 IS-M: Edit Media Product Master Data
JDMPS1                 IS-M: Display Media Prod.Master Data
JDPOST01               Edition Postal Data                 
JF01                   IS-M/SD: Create Billing Document    
JF02                   IS-M: Change Billing Document       
JF03                   IS-M: Display Billing Document      
JF04                   IS-M: Create Billing Document       
JF05                   Create Billing Interface            
JF06                   IS-M: Billing Logs                  
JF07                   Simulate Billing Interface          
JF11                   IS-M: Reverse Billing Document      
JF12                   IS-M: Reverse Coll. Billing Run     
JF2A                   IS-M: Reorg.Billg Index aft.Canc.   
JF2B                   IS-M: Tfer Postings Bef.STax Reg.   
JF61                   List of Open Items and Balance      
JF87                   IS-M/SD: Create Rev.Acct Det.Table  
JF88                   IS-M/SD: Change Rev.Acct Det.Table  
JF89                   IS-M/SD:Display Rev.Acct Det.Table  
JFAF                   IS-M: Billing Document Check List   
JFB2                   IS-M: Data Transfer f.Bank Return   
JFB3                   IS-M: Reconc.List for Bank Return   
JFB4                   IS-M: Ords fr.Bank Rtns for Change  
JFB5                   IS-M: Ref.Transfer of Bank Returns  
JFBF                   IS-M: Billing Document Flow         
JFBS                   IS-M: Bank Returns by Return Reason 
JFBT                   IS-M: Payment Medium Germany        
JFCA                   IS-M/SD: Billing Doc.Authorization  
JFCB                   Check Payment Cards Before Billing  
JFCC                   Checking Log for Payment Cards      
JFCO                   Issue - Addit. Account Assignment   
JFCO_PVA               Edition - Additional Account Assgmt 
JFF1                   Maintain number range: ISP_FIBU     
JFFB                   Doc.According to Billing Cond.Types 
JFFI                   FI Journal for Revenue Posting/Dist.
JFJOURNREVPER          Posting Journal for Per. Rev. Accr. 
JFLI                   IS-M/SD: List Billing Documents     
JFM1                   Media Sales + Distribution - Billing
JFNF                   Set Up Indexes                      
JFNL                   Non-Billed Deliveries               
JFP2                   Billing Docs not Transfd to RF/FI   
JFP3                   Collective Proc./Transfer Assignment
JFRA                   Posting Journal for Revenue Accrual 
JFRE                   IS-M: Revenue Distribution Journal  
JFREVENUECOCKPIT       Revenue Accrual Cockpit             
JFRJ                   IS-M: Outgoing Invoice Journal      
JFRT                   Orders Not Billed                   
JFSI                   IS-M/SD: Simulate Billing           
JFSU                   IS-M: Information on Coll.Proc.     
JFT1                   Individual Transfer to FI           
JFT2                   Collective Transfer to FI           
JFT3                   IS-M/SD: Payment Card Transfer      
JFT4                   Collection Transfer for Billing     
JFT5                   IS-M/SD: Bank Returns Transfer      
JFT6                   IS-M/SD: Transfer Revenue Distrib.  
JFTA                   IS-M/SD: Call Up Individual Transfer
JFTB                   IS-M/SD: Call Up Collective Transfer
JFTC                   IS-M/SD: Call Up Field Coll.Transfer
JFTD                   IS-M/SD: Access Bank Rtns.Transfer  
JFTE                   IS-M/SD: Access Revenue Accrual     
JFTH                   IS-M/SD: Data Transfer to HR        
JFU1                   Individual Transfer to FI           
JFU2                   Collective Transfer to FI           
JFU3                   IS-M/SD: Bank Returns Transfer      
JFU4                   Collection Transfer for Billing     
JFUV                   Transfer Issue to Financial Accounts
JFVL                   Open Issue Account Assignments      
JF_ITALY_VAT_01        Setting for VAT Reporting           
JF_ITALY_VAT_02        VAT Reporting - Italy               
JG01                   IS-M: Create General Bus.Partner    
JG02                   IS-M: Change General Bus.Partner    
JG03                   IS-M: Display General Bus.Partner   
JG07                   IS-M/SD: Create Carrier             
JG08                   IS-M/SD: Change Carrier             
JG09                   IS-M/SD: Display Carrier            
JG10                   IS-M/SD: Create Service Company     
JG11                   IS-M/SD: Change Service Company     
JG12                   IS-M/SD: Display Service Company    
JG16                   IS-M/SD: Create Sales Customer      
JG17                   IS-M/SD: Change Sales Customer      
JG18                   IS-M/SD: Display Sales Customer     
JG19                   IS-M/SD: Create Retailer            
JG20                   IS-M/SD: Change Retailer            
JG21                   IS-M/SD: Display Retailer           
JG34                   IS-M/SD: Create Commission Recipient
JG35                   IS-M/SD: Change Commission Recipient
JG36                   IS-M/SD: Display Commission Recipt  
JG40                   IS-M/SD: Create Field Collector     
JG41                   IS-M/SD: Change Field Collector     
JG42                   IS-M/SD: Display Field Collector    
JG43                   IS-M/SD: Create Researcher          
JG44                   IS-M/SD: Change Researcher          
JG45                   IS-M/SD: Display Researcher         
JG49                   IS-M/SD: Create Forwarding Agent    
JG50                   IS-M/SD: Change Forwarding Agent    
JG51                   IS-M/SD: Display Forwarding Agent   
JG55                   IS-M/SD: Create Postal Data         
JG56                   IS-M/SD: Change Postal Data         
JG57                   IS-M/SD: Display Postal Data        
JG58                   IS-M/SD: Create Sales Cust.(Central)
JG59                   IS-M/SD: Change Sales Cust.(Central)
JG60                   IS-M/SD: Display Sales Cust.(Cent.) 
JG61                   IS-M/SD: Create Retailer (Central)  
JG62                   IS-M/SD: Change Retailer (Central)  
JG63                   IS-M/SD: Display Retailer (Central) 
JG90                   IS-M: Block Order/Bill.Doc. - Change
JG91                   IS-M: Block Order/Bill.Doc.-Display 
JG92                   IS-M: Block Roles - Change          
JG93                   IS-M: Block Roles - Display         
JG94                   IS-M: Change BP Deletion Flags      
JG95                   IS-M: Display BP Deletion Flags     
JGA0                   IS-M: Maintain Address Management   
JGA1                   IS-MP: Display Address Management   
JGA2                   IS-M: Maintain Business Partner Asgt
JGA3                   IS-M: Display Bus.Partner Assignment
JGA4                   IS-M: Maintain Address Print Formats
JGA6                   IS-M:Maint.AddPrintFormat-Env.Assgmt
JGA8                   IS-M: Address Recording             
JGA9                   IS-M/SD: Add.Change -> Check Orders 
JGAD                   IS-M: Determine Address Duplicates  
JGAE                   IS-M: Determine Jurisdiction Code   
JGAF                   IS-M: BP Log in Non-SAP System      
JGAS                   IS-M: Screen Mod.for SD BP Transacs 
JGB3                   IS-M: Add.Synch. IS-M -> Standard   
JGB4                   IS-M: Add.Synch. IS-M -> Non-SAP    
JGB5                   IS-M: Transfer Customers on Hand    
JGB6                   IS-M: BTCI Session BP Data Transfer 
JGB7                   IS-M: conn. IS-M->FI     
JGB8                   IS-M: Bank con.synchronization log  
JGBA                   IS-M: Transfer Bank Data            
JGBD                   IS-M: Bank data changes             
JGBDC1                 Change Bank Number in Bank Details  
JGBDC2                 Bank Details Change: Create File    
JGBDC3                 Bank Details Change: Read File      
JGBP_CHANGE            IS-M: Change Business Partner       
JGBP_SHOW              IS-M: Display Business Partner      
JGCL                   IS-M: BP Classification             
JGKS                   IS-M: Sales Summary                 
JGM0                   Business Partner                    
JGR1                   IS-M/SD: SC Employee Turnover       
JGR2                   IS-M: Service Company Employees     
JGR3                   IS-M: Overview of Fwding Agents     
JGV3                   IS-M: Maintain Lost Time for SC EE  
JGV4                   IS-M: Display Lost Time for SC EE   
JGV7                   IS-M: Maintain Employment Relnship  
JGV8                   IS-M: Display Employment Relnship   
JGWWWIU1               IS-M: Create Internet User          
JGWWWIU2               IS-M: Change Acc.Data for Int.User  
JGZ0                   Check SAP BP Customizing            
JGZ1                   IS-M: Create Customer               
JGZ2                   IS-M: Change Customer               
JGZ20                  IS-M: Create Sales Customer         
JGZ21                  IS-M: Change Sales Customer         
JGZ22                  IS-M: Display Sales Customer        
JGZ23                  IS-M: Create Retailer               
JGZ24                  IS-M: Change Retailer               
JGZ25                  IS-M: Display Retailer              
JGZ3                   IS-M: Create Vendor                 
JGZ30                  IS-M: Create Service Company        
JGZ31                  IS-M: Change Service Company        
JGZ32                  IS-M: Display Service Company       
JGZ33                  IS-M: Create Carrier                
JGZ34                  IS-M: Change Carrier                
JGZ35                  IS-M: Display Carrier               
JGZ36                  IS-M: Create Researcher             
JGZ37                  IS-M: Change Researcher             
JGZ38                  IS-M: Display Researcher            
JGZ39                  IS-M: Create Field Collector        
JGZ4                   IS-M: Change Vendor                 
JGZ40                  IS-M: Change Field Collector        
JGZ41                  IS-M: Display Field Collector       
JGZ42                  IS-M: Create Commission Recipient   
JGZ43                  IS-M: Change Commission Recipient   
JGZ44                  IS-M: Display Commission Recipient  
JGZ50                  IS-M: Create Publisher              
JGZ51                  IS-M: Change Publisher              
JGZ52                  IS-M: Display Publisher             
JGZ60                  IS-M: Create Media Customer         
JGZ61                  IS-M: Change Media Customer         
JGZ62                  IS-M: Display Media Customer        
JGZ70                  IS-M: Create Media Sales Agent      
JGZ71                  IS-M: Change Media Sales Agent      
JGZ72                  IS-M: Display Media Sales Agent     
JGZ90                  IS-M: Create Household              
JGZ91                  IS-M: Change Household              
JGZ92                  IS-M: Display Household             
JH00                   IS-M: Condition Refs Check List     
JH01                   IS-M: Condition Refs Check List     
JH51                   Display UM for pricing              
JH52                   Design Ad Type: Admissibility       
JH53                   General Ad Type: Admissibility      
JH54                   UM for Ads & Pricing (Display)      
JH55                   Ad Type Design Admissibility (Displ)
JH56                   General Ad Type Admissibility(Displ)
JH57                   BU Grouping for Ad Type Admissibilty
JH60                   Generate schedule lines             
JH61                   Display generation period           
JH62                   Item list according to date type    
JH64                   Status/char.attributes for item     
JH65                   Data transfer for new orders        
JH66                   Data transfer for old orders        
JH67                   Data transfer for COAs              
JH68                   Status/char.attributes bill.dataset 
JH69                   Status/Char.Attributes S.Line/Ad Spc
JH70                   Status/Char.Attributes for AI SLine 
JH72                   Status/char.attributes for com.SLine
JH73                   Status/Char.Attribute DT Sched.Line 
JH75                   Manual on-screen mark up check      
JH76                   Data trans.for new commercial orders
JH77                   Status/Char.Attributes S.Line/Ad Spc
JH78                   Return Actual Online Data Manually  
JH84                   Grouping for Fixed Spaces Planning  
JH85                   Fixed spaces capacity               
JH86                   Date-spec. capacity for fixed spaces
JH89                   IS-M/AM: Order Transfer to TS Online
JH91                   Create Conditions                   
JH92                   Create conditions using template    
JH93                   Change Conditions                   
JH94                   Display Conditions                  
JH99                   Order transfer from emerg.sys.ACCESS
JHA0                   IS-M: Sales Area Menu               
JHA1                   IS-M/AM: Create Order               
JHA1N                  IS-M/AM: Create Order               
JHA1X                  IS-M/AM: Create Order               
JHA2                   IS-M/AM: Change Order               
JHA2N                  IS-M/AM: Change Order               
JHA2X                  IS-M/AM: Change Order               
JHA3                   IS-M/AM: Display Order              
JHA3N                  IS-M/AM: Display Order              
JHA3X                  IS-M/AM: Display Order              
JHA4                   IS-M: Maintain Fast Entry           
JHA6                   IS-M/AM: Central Access             
JHA7                   Advertisement orders 1              
JHA8                   Business partner usage              
JHAD                   IS-M: Positioning Information       
JHAE                   IS-M: Error List for Tech.System    
JHAF                   IS-M: Todo List for Technical System
JHAG                   Cam.rdy cpy with past reminder date 
JHAH                   IS-M: Payment Cards: Authorization  
JHAI                   IS-M/AM: Credit Check for Orders    
JHAJ                   Payment Cards:Coll.Process.Overview 
JHAK                   Credit Mgmt: Coll.Process.Overview  
JHAORDER_OBJ_CHANGE    IS-M: Display Order                 
JHAORDER_OBJ_SHOW      IS-M: Display Order                 
JHAP                   IS-M/AM Order Update Collective Log 
JHAVMA                 IS-M/AM: Update Orders              
JHAVM_REGEN            IS-M: Generate New AM Order Items   
JHAW                   IS-M/AM: IAC Enter Classified Ad    
JHAW_ADMIN             IS-M/AM: IAC Classified Ads Adminis.
JHAW_WEBEDITOR         IS-M/AM: Web Editor Test Transaction
JHB1                   IS-M: Ad Insert Planning            
JHB10                  IS-M/AM: Online Planning            
JHB2                   IS-M: Commercial Planning           
JHB3                   IS-M: Commercial Planning Export    
JHB4                   IS-M/AM: Fixed Spaces Planning      
JHB4_IAC               IS-M/AM: IAC Display Free Spaces    
JHB5                   IS-M/AM: Local Windows Planning     
JHB6                   IS-M: Display BU Hierarchy          
JHB7                   IS-M: Change BU Hierarchy           
JHB9                   IS-M: M/AM Order Qty <> M/SD Del.Qty
JHBA                   Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display   JC
JHBB                   Cond.Maint.Via Index: Create      JC
JHBC                   Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display   JE
JHBD                   Cond.Maint.Using Index: Create    JE
JHBE                   Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change    JC
JHBO                   Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change    JE
JHBW                   IS-M: AI Plant Data Assignment List 
JHC1                   Contact Conversion                  
JHC2                   Maintain positioning factor         
JHCA                   Archive                             
JHCB                   Archive                             
JHCNTENT_REP_CALL      IS-M: Access Report With Variant    
JHCP_CHANGE            Change Contact Person               
JHCP_CONV              Media Contact: Convert Order/Contrct
JHCP_CONV_CAS          Media CP: Sales Support Conversion  
JHCP_CONV_CAS_INDX     Media CP: CAS/INDX Conversion       
JHCP_DISPLAY           Display Contact Person              
JHD1                   Create Condition Records (JA)       
JHD2                   Change Condition Records (JA)       
JHD3                   Display Condition Records (JA)      
JHD4                   Create Condition Records (JB)       
JHD5                   Change Condition Records (JB)       
JHD6                   Display Condition Records (JB)      
JHD7                   IS-M: Create Condition Table (JD)   
JHD8                   IS-M: Change Condition Table (JD)   
JHD9                   IS-M: Display Condition Table (JD)  
JHDA                   Create Condition List Prices JC     
JHDB                   IS-M: Change Cond.List Prices JC    
JHDC                   IS-M: Display Cond.List Prices JC   
JHDD                   IS-M: Execute Condition List   JC   
JHDE                   IS-M: Create Cond.List Prices JE    
JHDF                   IS-M: Change Cond.List Prices JE    
JHDG                   IS-M: Display Cond.List Prices JE   
JHDH                   IS-M: Execute Condition List    JE  
JHE0                   Account Determination: Display Table
JHE1                   Account Determination: Create Table 
JHE2                   Account Determination: Change Table 
JHE7                   Dynam.cond.maint.f.pricng for c.ord.
JHEB                   Account Determination: Create Table 
JHEC                   Account Determination: Change Table 
JHED                   Account Determination: Display Table
JHEF1                  Sales Volume Proof Media Partnership
JHEF2                  IS-M: VBOX Restructure              
JHEM                   IS-M: Create Media Partnership      
JHEM1                  IS-M: Create Media Partnership      
JHEN                   IS-M: Change Media Partnership      
JHEO                   IS-M: Display Media Partnership     
JHEOBA                 IS-M/AM: Update Revenue Object Docs 
JHEOBA_RRREL           IS-M/AM: Convert Orders for ROD     
JHF0                   IS-M: Billing                       
JHF1                   IS-M/AM: Create Billing Document    
JHF2                   IS-M/AM: Change Billing Document    
JHF3                   IS-M/AM: Display Billing Document   
JHF7                   IS-M/AM: Collective Billing Run     
JHF8                   IS-M/AM: Reverse Bill.Coll.Processng
JHF9                   IS-M: Contract Settlement           
JHFA                   Coll.Proc.Contract Settlement Log   
JHFB                   IS-M/AM: Billing Overview           
JHFC                   IS-M/AM: Release to Accounting      
JHFD                   Billing Document Reversal BCat-Ind. 
JHFE                   IS-M/AM: Revenue Distribution       
JHFK                   IS-M: Cntrct Settlement Billing Doc.
JHFL                   IS-M/AM: Bill.Log for Cntrct Sttlmnt
JHFP                   IS-M/AM: Overview Coll.Billing Run  
JHFR                   IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog)
JHFS                   IS-M/AM: Billing - Ind.Reversal     
JHFT                   IS-M: General Receivables Charge-Off
JHFU                   IS-M/AM: Release Customer Accounting
JHG1                   Create Condition Table (JC)         
JHG2                   Change Condition Table (JC)         
JHG3                   Display Condition Table (JC)        
JHGP                   IS-M/AM: Overview Coll.Billing Run  
JHGR                   IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog)
JHGS                   IS-M/AM: CSetBill. Reverse Dialog   
JHGT                   IS-M: Charge Off Contract Settlement
JHH1                   IS-M: Display Revenue Object Doc.   
JHINSSERT_DET          Enter Series Determ.Rule Parameters 
JHK1                   IS-M: Pricing Proc.Det.for Pricing  
JHK4                   Activate Condition Index            
JHK8                   Condition table: Change index   (JA)
JHK9                   Reorganize condition indexes        
JHKD                   Condition table: Change index   (JC)
JHKE                   Condition table: Change index (JE)  
JHKH                   Reorganize condition indexes        
JHKI                   Reorganize condition indices      JE
JHKJ                   Condition table: Change index (JD)  
JHKL                   IS-M/AM: Sales Activity List        
JHKM                   Cond.maint.using index: Create      
JHKN                   Cond.maint.using index: Change      
JHKO                   Cond.maint.using index: Display     
JHKP                   Define campaigns                    
JHKR                   Reorganize condition indices      JE
JHKS                   Cond.maint.using index: Create    JA
JHKS2                  Cond.Maint.Using Index: Create  JD  
JHKT                   Reorganize condition indices      JD
JHKU                   Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change    JA
JHKU2                  Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change JD   
JHKX                   Cond.maint.using index: Display   JA
JHKX2                  Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display JD  
JHM0                   IS-M/AM: Interface Records Contents 
JHM1                   IS-M/AM: Data Generat.for New Order 
JHM2                   IS-M/AM: Generate Contract Data     
JHM3                   IS-M/AM: Data Gen.for Legacy Order  
JHM4                   File Check for Order Migration      
JHN1                   IS-M: Create Condition Table (JK)   
JHN2                   IS-M: Change Condition Table (JK)   
JHN2JM                 IS-M: Change Condition Table (JK)   
JHN3                   IS-M: Display Condition Table (JK)  
JHN4                   IS-M: Create Condition Records (JK) 
JHN5                   IS-M: Change Condition Records (JK) 
JHN6                   IS-M: Display Condition Records (JK)
JHO2                   IS-M: Change Responses              
JHO3                   IS-M: Display Responses             
JHO4                   Number range maintenance: ISP_CHINR 
JHO5                   Display Box No.Resubmission Date    
JHP0                   IS-M: Sales Agent Settlement        
JHP1                   IS-M: Create Sales Agent Settlement 
JHP2                   IS-M: Change Sales Agent Settlement 
JHP3                   IS-M: Display Sales Agent Settlement
JHP7                   IS-M: SlsAgent Settlement Coll.Proc.
JHP8                   IS-M/AM: Reverse Coll.SlsAgnt Sett. 
JHPA                   Account Determination: Create Table 
JHPB                   Account Determination: Change Table 
JHPC                   Account Determination: Display Table
JHPP                   IS-M/AM Evaluate Sls Agent Coll.Proc
JHPR                   IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog)
JHPS                   IS-M:Ind.Vendor Bill.Doc.Reversal   
JHPU                   IS-M/AM: Release Vendor Documents   
JHR0                   IS-M: Contract Settlement           
JHR1                   IS-M/AM: Create Final Settlement    
JHR2                   IS-M/AM: Change Settlement          
JHR3                   IS-M/AM: Display Settlement         
JHR4                   IS-M/AM: Settlements List           
JHR5                   IS-M/AM: Create Interim Settlement  
JHR6                   IS-M: Alt.Payer in Contract Settlemt
JHRE                   IS-M: Complaints List               
JHSA                   Evaluate Collective Processing Run  
JHSP                   IS-M: Collective Processing Log     
JHSR                   IS-M/AM: Reorganize Coll.Processing 
JHT1                   Create Condition Table (JA)         
JHT2                   IS-M: Change Condition Table (JA)   
JHT3                   Display Condition Table (JA)        
JHT4                   Create Condition Table (JC)         
JHT5                   Change Condition Table (JC)         
JHT6                   Display Condition Table (JC)        
JHTB                   IS-M: Create Condition Table (JE)   
JHTC                   IS-M: Change Condition Table (JE)   
JHTD                   IS-M: Display Condition Table (JE)  
JHV1                   IS-M: Create Contract Requirements  
JHV2                   IS-M: Change Contract Requirement   
JHV3                   IS-M: Display Contract Requirement  
JHV4                   Maintain number range: COA          
JHV5                   IS-M: Maintain Substitute Reqs      
JHV6                   Overview of Contract Requirements   
JHVCATVASTD_SM34       IS-M: Issue Shift: Order Item Pool  
JHW0                   IS-M: Contract Monitoring           
JHW1                   IS-M: Create Contract               
JHW2                   IS-M: Change Contract               
JHW3                   IS-M: Display Contract              
JHW3_IAC               IS-M/AM: Query Contract             
JHW4                   IS-M: Display BP Hierarchy          
JHW5                   IS-M: Create External Sales Volume  
JHW6                   Maintain number range: COA          
JHW8                   IS-M: Change Contract Billing Doc.  
JHW9                   IS-M: Display Contract Billing Doc. 
JHWA                   IS-M: Create Media-Mix Contract     
JHWB                   IS-M: Change Media-Mix Contract     
JHWC                   IS-M: Display Media-Mix Contract    
JHWD                   IS-M: Maintain Media-Mix Packages   
JHWE                   IS-M: Define No.Range Intervals     
JHWF                   IS-M: Create Media-Mix Settlement   
JHWF1                  IS-M: Media-Mix Interim Settlement  
JHWF2                  IS-M: Media-Mix Final Settlement    
JHWG                   IS-M: Change Media-Mix Settlement   
JHWH                   IS-M: Display Media Mix Settlement  
JHWI                   IS-M: Media-Mix Settlement Coll.Proc
JHWJ                   Media-Mix Initial Screen Tree Strct.
JHWL                   IS-M: Subsequent Contract Assignment
JHWM                   IS-M: Select Assignments            
JHWN                   IS-M: Subsequent Assignment of BDst 
JHWWWTEMP              Edit Order Data from the Internet   
JHZ1                   IS-M/AM: Number Range Obj.for Order 
JH_COPY_FUNC_CALL      IS-M: Access Copying Function       
JH_P                   Maintain Print Parameters           

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