Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcodes starting with G

GA11 Create FI-SL Actual Assessment
GA11N Create FI-SL Actual Assessment
GA12 Change FI-SL Actual Assessment
GA12N Change FI-SL Actual Assessment
GA13 Display FI-SL actual assessment
GA13N Display FI-SL Actual Assessment
GA14 Delete FI-SL Actual Assessment
GA14N Delete FI-SL Actual Assessment
GA15 Execute FI-SL actual assessment
GA16 Actual Assessment Overview
GA1D Delete allocation line items
GA27 Create FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA27N Create FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA28 Change FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA28N Change FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA29 Display FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA29N Display FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA2A Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA2AN Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA2B Execute FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA2C Plan Assessment Overview
GA31 Create FI-SL actual distribution
GA31N Create FI-SL Actual Distribution
GA32 Change FI-SL actual distribution
GA32N Change FI-SL Actual Distribution
GA33 Display FI-SL actual distribution
GA33N Display FI-SL Actual Distribution
GA34 Delete FI-SL actual distribution
GA34N Delete FI-SL Actual Distribution
GA35 Execute FI-SL actual distribution
GA36 Actual Distribution Overview
GA47 Create FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA47N Create FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA48 Change FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA48N Change FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA49 Display FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA49N Display FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA4A Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA4AN Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA4B Execute FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA4C Plan Distribution Overview
GAL1 Update Assignment Table EDIMAP
GAL2 Generate Export/Import
GAL3 Export of G/L acct transactn figures
GALILEO Galileo Bypass
GALILEO_SYNCH Synchronization of Galileo PNRs
GAOV Cycle Overview FI-SL
GAR1 Create Archive
GAR5 Display Structure of Local DBs
GAR8 RW/RP Reports for FI-SL Archives
GAR9 Generate FI-SL Archive/DB Reports
GB01 Document Entry for Local Ledgers
GB02 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers
GB03 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers
GB04 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers
GB05 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers
GB06 Reverse Local FI-SL Actual Documnts
GB11 Document Entry for Global Ledgers
GB16 Reverse Global FI-SL Actual Docmnts
GBC1 GBC: Method Repository
GBC2 GBC: Task Definition
GBC3 GBC: Field and Value Allocations
GBC4 GBC:No.Range Maintenance(ISU_GBCCON)
GBC5 GBC:No.Range Maint. (ISU_GBCLNK)
GBCA GBC: Link Log
GC01 Call GS01 for LC
GC10 FI-LC: Print Companies
GC11 Create Company Master Record
GC12 Change Company Master Record
GC13 Display Company Master Record
GC14 Delete Company Master Record
GC16 Create Subgroup Master Record
GC17 Change Subgroup Master Record
GC18 Display Subgroup
GC19 FI-LC: Print Subgroups
GC21 Enter Individual Fin.Statement Data
GC22 Display Individual Fin. Stmt Data
GC23 FI-LC: Document Entry
GC24 FI-LC: Display Document
GC25 Maintain Consolidation Number Ranges
GC26 FI-LC: Journal Entry Report
GC27 FI-LC: Customize Journal Entry Reprt
GC28 Status Display
GC29 Status Management
GC30 FI-LC: Mass Reversal
GC31 FI-LC: Customize Curr. Translation
GC32 FI-LC: Customizing Consolidation
GC33 FI-LC: Financial Data Table Maint.
GC34 FI-LC: Reported Data Table Display
GC35 FI-LC: Transport Table Entries/Sets
GC36 Transport connection: Cons.Inv.Cust.
GC38 Data transfer
GC39 Change Local Valuation Data
GC41 GLT3 - Maintain GLT3 sub-assignments
GC44 Send Financial Statement Data
GC45 Delete Subgroup
GC4P FI-LC Print Step-Consolidated Group
GC50 Report Selection
GC51 Report Selection
GC60 Data for elim. of IC profit/loss
GC61 Export of Transaction Data
GC62 Import of Transaction Data
GC63 Liability Method
GC99 Consolidation Test Data
GCA1 FI-SL: Field Usage for Assessment
GCA2 FI-SL: Data Control for Assessment
GCA3 FI-SL: Allocations: Data fld descr.
GCA4 FI-SL: Allocation Field Grp Texts
GCA5 FI-SL: Allocation Table Information
GCA6 FI-SL: Field Usage for Distribution
GCA7 FI-SL: Data Control for Distributn
GCA8 Sender-Receiver Relationship
GCA9 Check allocation customizing
GCAC Ledger comparison
GCAE Ledger comparison w/diff. clearing
GCAG Generate FI-SL Archiving
GCAN Analysis of FI-SL Database Contents
GCAR Ledger Comparison Remote
GCB1 Change FI-SL Customizing Comp. Code
GCB2 Display FI-SL Customizing Comp.Code
GCB3 Copy FI-SL Customizing Company Code
GCB4 FI-SL: Delete Company Code
GCBA FI-SL: Valid Document Types
GCBE Texts for Document Types
GCBR Document Types for Rollup
GCBT Texts for Document Types
GCBW1 Generate TransStruct. for Totals Tbl
GCBW2 Generate summ.table trans. structure
GCBX FI-SL: Valid Document Types
GCCG Generate Code for FI-SL
GCD1 FI-SL Customizing: Diagnosis Tool
GCD2 List of FI-SL Direct Posting Tables
GCD3 Graphical Navigation in FI-SL
GCD4 Check General Ledger
GCD5 Check Currencies in FI-SL
GCD6 Graphic Display of FI-SL Tables
GCDE Delete FI-SL Transaction Data
GCDF Delete FI-SL Transaction Data
GCDH G/L diagnosis
GCE1 Maintain User
GCEA Maintain FI-LC ledgers
GCEB Maintain FI-LC ledgers for conversn
GCEC Maintain companies for conversion
GCED Make special settings for conversion
GCEE FI-LC: Reconcil. of bal. carried fwd
GCEF FI-LC: Reconcil. of fin. data tables
GCEG Ingeration: Euro transaction types
GCEH Make settings for integration
GCEJ Suggest FI-LC package assignment
GCEK Reconcil. integration <_> CF FILCT
GCEL Item substitution/Ret. earn. (CF)
GCEM Post extract in carryforward period
GCEN Check whether balance carried fwd
GCEP Delete period values for current yr
GCEU Item can be Included in Bal.Sheet
GCF1 Create FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.
GCF2 Change FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.
GCF3 Display FI-SL Customizng Fd Assign.
GCF4 FI-SL: Delete Field Assignment
GCG1 Create FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.
GCG2 Change FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.
GCG3 Display FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp
GCG4 Copy FI-SL Customizing Global Comp.
GCG5 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Companies
GCGE Activate Global Plan Line Items
GCGG Generation of GLU1
GCGR Activity Groups
GCGS Reconciliation of Total Line Items
GCGV C FI Maintain Table T009
GCI1 Installation of FI-SL Tables
GCI2 FI-SL: Installation of Object Tables
GCI3 FI-SL Table Directory
GCI4 FI-SL Fixed Field Movements
GCIN Maintain FI-SL tables
GCIQ Quick installation FI-SL
GCJU Diagnosis: Direct Access to Function
GCL1 Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL2 Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL3 Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL4 Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL6 FI-SL: Copy Ledger
GCLE Activate Local Plan Line Items
GCM1 Conversion
GCP1 FI-SL: Local Posting Periods
GCP2 FI-SL Customizing: T001C
GCP3 FI-SL: Local Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Param
GCP4 FI-SL: Global Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Para
GCP5 FI-SL: Local Plan Periods
GCP6 FI-SL: Global Plan Periods
GCR1 Rollup: Create Field Assignment
GCR2 Rollup: Change Field Assignment
GCR3 Rollup: Display Field Assignment
GCR4 FI-SL: Rollup Substitution
GCR5 FI-SL: Rollup Substitution
GCR6 FI-SL Customizing:Del.Rollup Fld.A.
GCR7 Rollup: Direct Access
GCR8 Rollup: Direct Access
GCRB Report Selection
GCRE1 Activate drilldown rep. for SL table
GCRE2 Deactivate drilldown rep. - SL table
GCRF Translation Factors
GCRS Languages for Report Writer
GCS1 FI-SL: Master Data T800D
GCS5 Balance Carr. Forward Fld Movements
GCS6 Global Standard Accounts
GCS7 Bal.Carr.Forward: Global Std Accts
GCT0 Transport of Substitutions
GCT1 Transport Ledger
GCT2 FI-SL Activation
GCT3 Control Information
GCT4 Transport Rollup
GCT5 Transport: Planning Parameters
GCT6 Transport Distribution Key
GCT7 Transport: Cycles
GCT8 Transport: Document Types
GCT9 Transport of Validations
GCTA Transport Rules
GCTR Transport from Report Writer objects
GCTS Transport of sets and variables
GCU0 Customizing FI-GLX Menu
GCU1 Data Transfer from FI
GCU2 Generate G1U2
GCU3 Transfer Data From CO
GCU4 Subsequent Posting of Data From MM
GCU5 Subsequent Posting of Data frm Sales
GCU6 CO plan doc subs. posting to FI-SL
GCU9 Delete Transaction Data
GCUP Subsequently posting CO data to FISL
GCUT Maintain user tables
GCV1 FI-SL: Create Activity
GCV2 Change FI-SL Customizing Activity
GCV3 Display FI-SL Customizing Activity
GCV4 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Activity
GCVB Update Type in FI-SL
GCVI FI-SL: Actual Versions
GCVO Preparation for FI-SL Customizing
GCVP FI-SL: Plan Periods
GCVV FI-SL Validation / Local
GCVW FI-SL Validation / Global
GCVX FI-SL Substitution / Local
GCVY FI-SL Substitution / Global
GCVZ Rule Maintenance
GCW1 Versions for Currency Translation
GCW2 Local Translation Methods
GCW3 Global Translation Methods
GCW4 Sp.Purpose Ldgr Currency Translation
GCW5 FI-SL: Historical Curr. Translation
GCW6 FI-SL: Exchange Rates
GCW7 Transport Currency Translation Mthd
GCW8 Exchange Rate Types
GCW9 Methods for Currency Translation
GCWU Assign tables to translation methods
GCX1 FI-SL: Client-independent user exits
GCX2 FI-SL: Client-dependent user exits
GCZ3 Generate Report Groups
GC_GR_NV Indirect call of GCD3
GD00 Report Selection
GD02 FI-SL line item plan documents
GD12 Flex.G/L: Totals Record Display
GD13 Totals Record Display
GD20 Start Selectin FI-SL Line Items
GD21 Flexible G/L: Document Selection
GD22 Flex. G/L: Actual Document Display
GD23 FI-SL: Local Actual Document Display
GD33 FI-SL: Global Actual Doc. Display
GD42 Flex. G/L: Plan Document Display
GD43 FI-SL: Local Plan Document Display
GD44 FI-SL: Global Plan Document Display
GD51 Enter Local FI-SL Master Data
GD52 Change Local FI-SL Master Data
GD53 Display Local FI-SL Master Data
GD54 Delete Local FI-SL Master Data
GD60 Create Code Combinations
GD61 Maintain Code Combinations
GD62 Display Code Combinations
GD63 Code combinations activation
GD64 Code combinations deactivation
GDS_MATERIAL_EXTRACT Extraction of Materials for GDS
GENC Generate Source Code
GENIL_BOL_BROWSER Browser for Business Object Layer
GENIL_MODEL_BROWSER Model Browser forGen.IL Applications
GEN_US_2 Activate/deactivate US enhancements
GFSRFW Fastsearch Replication Monitor
GFSWB Generic Fast Search Workbench
GFTR_C0001 FTTR: Applications
GFTR_C0002 TR-TM: Define Field Groups
GFTR_C0003 FTTR: Views
GFTR_C0011 TR-TM: Screen Field <--> DB Field
GFTR_C0012 TR-TM: Field Modification Criteria
GFTR_C0023 FTTR: Data Sets
GFTR_C0101 GFTR: Field Modification Prod. Cat.
GFTR_C0102 TR Transaction Mgmt: Field Selection
GFTR_C0200 Customizing Field Selection Process
GFTR_CATTR Treasury Sample Transactions
GFTR_C_MENU Transaction: Task Menu
GGB0 Validation Maintenance
GGB1 Substitution Maintenance
GGB3 Maintain Boolean Class
GGB4 Analysis tool for valid./subst.
GJ01 Net Cash Call to Equity Group
GJ02 JV Gross Cash Call To Equit Group
GJ03 JV Net Cash Call To Project
GJ04 JV Gross Cash Call To Project
GJ05 JV Non-operated cash call to eq grp
GJ06 JV Non-Operated Cash Call to Project
GJ09 Joint Venture detailed information
GJ0A Non-Operated Billing by Operator V.2
GJ0B Non-Operated Billing by Venture V.2
GJ10 Yearly balance shifting
GJ11 Joint Venture master data catalog
GJ12 Billing Ledger Extract
GJ13 Joint Venture Ledger Extract
GJ14 Hard Copy Billing
GJ16 EDI Billing
GJ17 Suspense Project / Equity Group
GJ18 Partner Suspense Clearing
GJ19 Equity Adjustments
GJ20 Venture Bank Account Switching
GJ21 Recovery indicator
GJ22 Internal recovery indicator
GJ23 Change JV partners
GJ24 Venture classes
GJ25 Cutback rules / accounts
GJ26 Cutback rules / accounts
GJ27 Cutback rules / cost centers
GJ28 Cutback rules / cost centers
GJ29 Cutback rules / projects
GJ2A Display JV partners
GJ2B Maintain JV partners
GJ30 Cutback / project intercompany code
GJ31 Cutback tables / orders
GJ32 Cutback rules / orders
GJ33 Equity types
GJ34 JV project in suspense
GJ35 Bank accounts
GJ36 Funding groups
GJ37 Funding group assignment
GJ39 JV Billing indicator
GJ3A Display JV project in suspense
GJ3B Cutback rules / intercompany assets
GJ3C Cutback rule: Networks
GJ3D Cutback - Intercompany networks
GJ3R Reconsile Intercompany Mapping
GJ40 Accounts for supplemental billing
GJ41 JV Projects for supplemental billing
GJ42 JV Material Batch-Cond code x-ref
GJ44 Net profit interest groups
GJ45 JVA functions / function item types
GJ47 Billing methods
GJ49 Billing method posting rules
GJ4A Periodic updates for company code
GJ4A_MCC Periodic updates for company code
GJ50 JV Posting rule detail customizing
GJ51 Bank accounts for cash call print
GJ52 Non-operated billing forms
GJ53 Non-operated billing form lines
GJ54 JOA detailed information
GJ55 JV valuation area
GJ56 Accounts for exchange differences
GJ57 JIB/JIBE classes
GJ58 JIB/JIBE subclasses
GJ59 JV Conditional code
GJ60 EDI Outbound Base Configuration
GJ61 JV Clearing billing indicator
GJ62 JV Bi.Meth./CompCd. assignment
GJ63 JV Project types
GJ64 JV Cost center types
GJ65 JV Order types
GJ66 JIB master data
GJ67 JIB account mapping
GJ68 JIB class/account mapping
GJ69 JIB class/subclass/account mapping
GJ70 JOA-maintenance
GJ72 JOA classes
GJ73 Special cost elements
GJ74 Stepped rate rules
GJ75 JV stepped rate thresholds
GJ76 Partner process groups
GJ77 Drilling statistical ratios
GJ78 Producing statistical ratios
GJ80 JIB account mapping for AFE
GJ81 JV Billing structure
GJ82 Create BTCI Sessions for Cash Calls
GJ83 JV Automatic posting
GJ84 JVA NPI/CI Netting (without CI Grp)
GJ85 JV Automated Postings (Cost Calcs)
GJ86 Customize report selection
GJ87 Display summary ledger totals
GJ88 Display billing ledger totals
GJ89 Automatic Adjust of Overhead Rates
GJ90 JV Realized exchange differences
GJ91 JV Unrealized exchange
GJ92 JV Goods receipt expense orders
GJ93 JV Goods receipt inventory orders
GJ94 International Cost Calculations
GJ95 North American Overhead Calculations
GJ96 Payroll Burden Clearing
GJ97 Compare FI with JV document
GJ97N JV Document Comparison
GJ98 North America Overhead Detail Report
GJ99 EDI mapping
GJA1 Create joint operating agreement
GJA2 Change joint operating agreement
GJA3 Display joint operating agreement
GJA4 JOA master data catalog
GJA5 Display changes for Joint Op. Agreem
GJA8 JV JOA screen
GJAA JOA  Master Transaction
GJAC Activate JVA in a Client
GJB1 BI for supplemental detail
GJB2 Account for supplemental detail
GJB3 Project type for supplemental detail
GJB4 Cost center type for suppl. detail
GJB5 Order type for supplemental detail
GJB6 SDS protocol
GJBA Balance sheet accounts for splitting
GJBM GJ BAPI parameter mapping
GJBR Billing reconciliation
GJBS Assign substitution to JV company
GJBT Billing threshold check
GJBV Assign Validation to JV Company
GJC1 Activate company in JV
GJC2 Deactivate company in JV
GJCA Housebank switching
GJCB JV Cutback Program
GJCC Copy configuration from company code
GJCG Carried interest groups
GJCM Change message control for JVA
GJCN Convenience netting
GJCS JV settlement manipulation rules
GJCU Cutback Ledger Update
GJCUST JV Customizing
GJDC Dunning
GJDE Delete Joint Venture Data
GJE0 EDI invoice service codes
GJE2 JV Customize EDI Suppl Seg Drivers
GJE3 JV Customize EDI Segment Components
GJE4 EDI JIBE condition codes
GJE5 JV EDI Communications Code
GJE6 JV EDI Bill Ind to Svc Code mapping
GJE7 JV EDI Outbound: Company Config.
GJE8 JV EDI Terms of Payment
GJE9 JV EDI Contact Function Codes
GJEA EDI inbound: company configuration
GJEB JV EDI Outbound: Control Processed
GJEC Pre-Cutback Equity_Change Management
GJED JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE No
GJEE JV EDI Inbound: Property Table
GJEF EDI inbound: withhold code
GJEG EDI inbound: mapping qualifier
GJEH JV EDI Inbound: Cost Object Mapping
GJEI JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref
GJEJ JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class
GJEK JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class+Sub
GJEL JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class
GJEM JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class+Sub
GJEN JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE
GJEO EDI inbound: 819 account mapping
GJEP EDI inbound: 819 acc class mapping
GJEQ EDI inbound: 819 acc class+sub
GJER JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Mapping
GJES JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Service Code
GJET EDI inbound: 810 account mapping
GJEV Process history
GJEW EDI inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC no
GJEX JV mapping: Material - Service code
GJEY JIB/JIBE Tubular Sub-Accounts
GJEZ JIB/JIBE Non-Tubular Sub-Accounts
GJF1 Create JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF2 Change JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF3 Display JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF4 Delete JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF5 Execute JV assessment - actual
GJF6 Overview JV assessment
GJF7 Create JV assessment cycle - plan
GJF8 Change JV assessment cycle - plan
GJF9 Display JV assessment cycle - plan
GJFA Print Allocation Information
GJFARM_0 view maintenance FARM
GJFARM_1 Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback
GJFARM_2 Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback
GJFARM_3 FarmIn/Out Cash Call redetermination
GJFARM_4 FarmIn/Out Cash Call correction
GJFB Execute JV assessment - plan
GJG1 Create JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG2 Change JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG3 Display JV distribution cycle-actual
GJG4 Delete JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG5 Execute JV distribution - actual
GJG6 Overview distribution - actual
GJG7 Create JV distribution cycle -plan
GJG8 Change JV distribution cycle - plan
GJG9 Display JV distribution cycle-plan
GJGA Display JOA graphically
GJGB Document Entry for Local Ledgers
GJGO Driver transaction for customizing
GJGP Document Entry for Local Ledgers
GJGR Graphical Navigation JVA
GJIS Install JV standard reports
GJJ1 Generate JADE audit file
GJJ2 Billing extracts
GJJ3 JADE file description
GJJA JV Load Balancing
GJJE Joint venture event maintenance
GJL2 C JVA Change Ledger
GJL3 C JVA Display Ledger
GJL7 Plan Data Transfer by Documents
GJL8 Company code (global data)
GJLB Load Balancing Distribution
GJLI Summary ledger line items
GJLI2 Billing ledger line items
GJLV Line item report list variants
GJM1 Mark Prepaid Inventory
GJM2 Display Prepaid Inventory
GJNO Non open item unreal. exchange diff.
GJNR JV Number range customizing
GJP1 JVA NPI/CI Netting (with CI Grp)
GJPA Partner regional addresses
GJPC Penalty categories
GJPD Determine CRP pricing procedure
GJPE Display Documents for re-posting
GJPN Partner Netting
GJPTS Payment term schema
GJQ0 CRP Customising Menu
GJQ1 Conditions: Procedure for A CR
GJQ2 Condition Types: SD Pricing
GJQ3 Maintain Access (Sales Price)
GJQ4 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog
GJQ5 Create Conditions (CRP)
GJQ6 Change Conditions (CRP)
GJQ7 Display Conditions (CRP)
GJQ8 Create Conditions (Purchasing)
GJQ9 Maintain Recover Ind determination
GJQA Change Condition Table (CRP)
GJQB Change Condition Table (CRP)
GJR1 Summary Ledger Reporting
GJR2 Billing Ledger Reporting
GJR3 JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report
GJR4 EDI: Invoice and Operating Statement
GJR5 JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure
GJR6 JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects
GJR7 JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Comparison
GJR8 810/819 Mapping Report
GJR9 810/819 Property Error
GJRC Cash Call Reclass
GJRCN Cash Call Reclassification
GJRD JV Recovery indicator determination
GJRG_5J1A Gross bill./all by venture/account
GJRG_5J1B Gross billable / all by cost object
GJRG_5J1C Gross bill/partner net by cost obj.
GJRG_5J1D Gross bill./all by cost obj. F.Curr
GJRG_5J1E Gross billable/partner net for JIB
GJRG_5J1F Remaining cutback by cost object
GJRG_5J1G Posted suspense overview
GJRG_5J1H Gross non-operated by cost object
GJRG_5J2A Venture/EG/Billing indicator
GJRG_5J2B Partner/Billing indicator
GJRG_5JCA Cost centers: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCB Internal orders: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCC WBS elements: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCD Cost centers: actual/plan gross/net
GJRG_5JCE Int. orders: actual/plan gross/net
GJRG_5JCF WBS elements: actual/plan gross/net
GJRS Configure report selection
GJRT Overhead burden rate type
GJRX Bericht auswählen
GJS1 Create account set
GJS2 Change account set
GJS3 Display account set
GJSX Call set maintenance
GJT0 Reverse AM/MM Transfer document
GJT1 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT1_OLD JV Transfer Asset to Project/Order
GJT2 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT2_OLD JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT3 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT3_OLD Retirement of Venture Owned Assets
GJT4 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT4_OLD Sale of Venture owned assets
GJT5 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT5_OLD Transfer Proj./Order to Proj./Order
GJT6 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT6_OLD Transfer Project/Order to Asset
GJTA Depreciation area update by RI
GJTB Transaction Type Subst. for Cutback
GJTD Transaction types per line
GJTE Equity change asset transact. types
GJTF Fields to be copied to new assets
GJTG Maintain TransTypeGroup JV Prop.
GJTR C FI Month End Advance Tax Return
GJTX Maintain Field Transfers rules for
GJU1 Customizing groups
GJU2 Customizing group definition
GJU3 Processes for authorization
GJV1 Create Joint Venture Master
GJV2 Change Joint Venture Master
GJV3 Display Joint Venture Master
GJV4 Joint Venture Customizing Menu
GJV5 Display Change Documents JV-Master
GJVA Advance Tax Report
GJVB JV Billing formats
GJVC IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting con
GJVD Joint Venture Deletion
GJVE List Venture / Equity Groups
GJVF Bank Acct Switch - Maintain Data
GJVG Bank Acct Switch - Create Data
GJVL JV layout sets
GJVP IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pro
GJVS JV Supplemental detail
GJVV Joint Venture Master Transaction
GJW1 Create JV-Pricing archive
GJW2 Delete archived JV-Pricing Data
GJW3 JV-Pricing Archive-Administration
GJX1 Conditions: Procedure for A CR
GJX2 Condition Types: SD Pricing
GJX3 Maintain Access (Sales Price)
GJX4 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog
GJXC JV cross company reconciliation
GJY01 Create JV bank account archive
GJY02 Delete archived JV bank account data
GJY03 Reload JV bank account data
GJY04 JV bank archive administration
GJY1 Create JV-Cutback archive
GJY11 Create JVA event
GJY12 Delete archived JV event data
GJY13 Reload archived JVA event data
GJY14 JVA event archive administration
GJY2 Delete archived JV-Cutback Data
GJY3 Reload JV-Cutback Archives
GJY4 JV-Cutback Archive-Administration
GJY5 Reporting on JVA-Archives
GJY6 RW/RP Reports for JVA-Archives
GJZ1 Create JV-Billing archive
GJZ2 Delete archived JV-Billing Data
GJZ3 Reload JV-Billing Archives
GJZ4 JV-Billing Archive-Administration
GJZ5 Reporting on Billing-Archives
GJZ6 RW/RP Reports for Billing-Archives
GJZA Company code (global data)
GJZC Company code (corporate information)
GJZD Company code (detailed data)
GJ_GD13 Display JVA and JV-Billing totals
GJ_GD20 JVA and JV-Billing items
GL10 Flexible G/L: Transaction figures
GL20 Number Ranges FI-SL Rollup
GL21 Create rollup
GL22 Change rollup
GL23 Display rollup
GL24 Delete rollup
GL25 Execute rollup
GL26 Reverse rollup
GLA1 Activate flexible G/L
GLAREP Flex. G/L:RW/RP reports for archives
GLARI1 Flex. GL: Line item archiving
GLART1 Flex. GL: totals archiving
GLBW Foreign Currency Valuation:G/L Assts
GLC1 Flexible G/L: Currencies
GLC2 Flex.G/L: Activate local ledger
GLCF Blnce carrd fwrd: Summ for P&L accts
GLDE Deletion of Flex G/L transactn data
GLFLEXCUS New General Ledger Accounting
GLFLEXIMG Flexible G/L Customizing
GLFLEXSPL New General Ledger Accounting
GLGCA1 Flexible G/L: Field use assessment
GLGCA2 Flexible G/L: Data control assessmt
GLGCA3 Flexible G/L: Data field allocation
GLGCA4 Flexible G/L: Field group texts
GLGCA5 Flexible G/L: Table information
GLGCA6 Flexible G/L: Field use distribution
GLGCA7 Flexible G/L: Data control distrib.
GLGCA8 Sender-receiver relationship
GLGCA9 Check allocation customizing
GLGCS1 General Ledger: Master Data Check
GLGCU1 Subsequently Post Docs to ERP GL
GLGCU2 Copy transaction figures
GLGVTR Flexible G/L: Balance carry forward
GLL1 Create ledger
GLL2 Change ledger
GLL3 Display ledger
GLL4 Delete ledger
GLLI Activate Local Plan Line Items
GLN1 Flexible G/L:Actual Document Types
GLN2 Flexible G/L: Plan Document Types
GLOB Branch to Global Settings
GLOBAL_TEMPLATES Global authorization templates
GLP2 Flexible G\L: Versions
GLPA Offsetting account determination
GLPCA Display Table GLPCA
GLPCP Display Table GLPCP
GLPCT Display Table GLPCT
GLPLADM FI-SL: Planner Profile Maintenance
GLPLANZ FI-SL: Display Profile Maintenance
GLPLC FI-SL Change Planning Layout
GLPLD FI-SL Display Planning Layout
GLPLDEL Delete Generated Programs
GLPLI FI-SL Create Planning Layout
GLPLIMPORT Import Layouts
GLPLINST Installation of summary tables
GLPLINSTALL Install all summary tables
GLPLSET FI-SL: Set a Planner Profile
GLPLTOOL FI-SL: Planning Tool
GLPLTRANS FI-SL: Transport Layouts
GLPLUP FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data
GLPV Flexible G\L: Versions
GLR1 Flex. G/L: Create rollup ledger
GLR2 Flex. G/L: Change rollup ledger
GLR3 Display flex. G/L rollup ledger
GLR4 Flex. G/L: Delete rollup ledger
GM01 Warranty categories
GM02 Warranty types
GM03 Initial transactions
GM04 Warranty counter categories
GMAVCCUSTDEF Check AVC Customizing (GM)
GMAVCDERIACTG GM Derivation of Activity Groups
GMAVCDERIACTGR Derivation of Activity Groups
GMAVCDERIAO GM Derivation control object (ACO)
GMAVCDERIAOR GM Derivation control object (ACO)
GMAVCDERICH GM Derivation of check horizon
GMAVCDERICHR GM Derivation of check horizon
GMAVCDERITPROF GM Derivation of tolerance profile
GMAVCDERITPROFR GM Derivation of tolerance profile
GMAVCOVRW Overview of GM AVC Values
GMAVCREINIT Re-Initialize AVC Ledger
GMBDGTOVIEW GM Budget Overview
GMBDGTOVIEWD GM Budget Overview Direct
GMBUNR GM change document number ranges
GMCLASS GM Sponsored Class Master Data
GMCLAUTH Class Authorization Groups
GMDERIVE GM Assignment - Customizing
GMDERIVER GM Assignment  - Maintenance
GMEDNR GM entry document number ranges
GMGAAPPOST Post Grants Manangement GAAP Accrual
GMGRANT Grant Master - Single Screen
GMGRANTD Grants Master - Display Only
GMGRANTWF Approve Grant
GMGRAUTH Grant Authorization Groups
GMIDCPOST Calculate GM Indirect Cost
GMLDBW GM Special Ledger BW Extractors
GMMPRBB Increase Budget from Revenues
GMNRG Set Not Relevant Grant
GMPRAUTH Program Authorization Groups
GMPROGRAM GM Sponsored Program Master Data
GMRBDERIMD GM: Assign Proposal for RIB Master D
GMRBDERIRO GM: Derive RIB Object From Posting
GMRBGENMD Generate Master Data for GM RIB
GMRBIDXREC Reconstruct Index for GM RIB
GMRBRULE Edit Single Rule for RIB Object
GMRELATIONSHIPS Maintain Grant Relationships
GMREPCLASS Define GM Report Class
GMREPORTRULE Define GM Report Rule
GMS1 GM BDT Applications
GMS100 GM BDT field group per activity
GMS101 GM BDT field group per role category
GMS102 GM BDT Authorization Types
GMS103 GM BDT Field Groups Authorization
GMS104 GM BDT Visual Screen Tool
GMS105 GM BDT Field Groups Ext. Application
GMS106 GM BDT Note View for Role Categories
GMS107 GM BDT Where-Used Views
GMS108 GM BDT Field Grouping ApplicationObj
GMS11 GM BDT Assign Scrn Flds to DB Fields
GMS12 GM BDT Field group criteria
GMS13 GM BDT Role Categories
GMS14 GM BDT Role Groupings
GMS15 GM BDT Application Transactions
GMS16 GM BDT Tables
GMS17 GM BDT External Applications
GMS18 GM BDT Activities
GMS19 GM BDT Function Module Activity
GMS2 GM BDT Field Groups
GMS20 GM BDT Differentiation Types
GMS200 GM BDT Change document lists
GMS21 GM BDT Activity Category
GMS22 GM BDT Where-Used List:
GMS23 GM BDT Data sets
GMS24 GM BDT Where used list define view
GMS25 GM BDT Where-used process to view
GMS26 GM BDT BAPI Fields to Field Groups
GMS4 GM BDT Sections
GMS5 GM BDT Screens
GMS6 GM BDT Screen Sequence
GMS7 GM BDT Events
GMS8 GM BDT GUI Std Functions
GMS9 GM BDT GUI Addl Functions
GMSCHEDULERULE Define GM Schedule Rule
GMTEXTID GM Text ID maintenance
GMTRANSLATE1 Translation: Initial Screen
GMWHEREUSED Where-Used GM Assignments
GM_AWARD_TYPE Maintain award types
GM_BDGT_COPY_VERSION Copy GM Document between Versions
GM_BDGT_DEL Delete GM Budget Documents
GM_BDGT_DOC_TYPE Budget Document Types
GM_BDGT_RANGES Number range maintenance: GRANT_BDGT
GM_BDGT_REASON_CODES Plan/Budget Reason Codes
GM_BDGT_RELEASE GM Budgeting Release Process
GM_BDGT_TRANSFER_FM Budget Transfer to Funds Management
GM_BDGT_VERSION Plan/Budget Versions
GM_BILLING_RULES Configure Billing Rules
GM_BLOCK_STATUS Block Billing Status
GM_BP_ACC_1 Account Group Assignment
GM_BP_ACC_2 Sponsor/Customer Details
GM_CC_SETTINGS Maintain Company Code Settings
GM_CFDA GM: Define CFDA codes
GM_COA Maintain chart of account settings
GM_CREATE_BUDGET Create GM Budget Entry Document
GM_CS_RULES Configure Cost Sharing Rules
GM_DISPLAY_BUDGET Display GM Budget Entry Document
GM_E_4GBA Overall Budget vs. Commitment/Actual
GM_GAAP Maintain chart of account settings
GM_GAAPVT Maintain chart of account settings
GM_GRANT_TYPE Maintain grant types
GM_IDC_RULES Configure IDC Rules
GM_LD_CODES Configure Legislative Codes
GM_LOC GM: Define Letters of Credit
GM_MAINT_NR Maintain Number Ranges for Grants
GM_MLST Billing Plan
GM_MODIFY_BUDGET Modify GM Budget Entry Document
GM_OBJ_MAPPER GM Object Mapper
GM_PAYMENT_RULE Maintain payment rules
GM_RECON_CO GM:Reconciliation of CO Documents
GM_RECON_EF GM:Reconciliation of Earmarked Funds
GM_RECON_FI_DEL Delete GM Actual Line Items
GM_RECON_FI_REP Transfer FI Documents to GM Ledger
GM_RECON_MM_REP Transfer MM Documents to GM Ledger
GM_RECON_PK GM:Reconciliation of FI Parked Doc.
GM_RECON_PO GM:Reconciliation of Purchase Orders
GM_RECON_PR GM:Reconciliation of Purchase Req.
GM_RESP Maintain grant responsibilities
GM_REVAL Revaluation of currency in GM
GM_REV_SETTINGS Default FM account assignments
GM_RM_BUPA Business Partner integration to RM
GM_RRB_IND GM Billing (Single Processing)
GM_RRB_MASS GM Billing (Mass Processing)
GM_SETS_GRANT1 Create Grant Group
GM_SETS_GRANT2 Change Grant Group
GM_SETS_GRANT3 Display Grant Group
GM_SETS_SPCLASS1 Create Sponsored Class Group
GM_SETS_SPCLASS2 Change Sponsored Class Group
GM_SETS_SPCLASS3 Display Sponsored Class Group
GM_SETS_SPPROG1 Create Sponsored Program Group
GM_SETS_SPPROG2 Change Sponsored Program Group
GM_SETS_SPPROG3 Display Sponsored Program Group
GM_SPLIT_RULES Configure Splitting Rules
GM_UPD_SETTINGS Maintain Update Settings
GM_VALUETYPES Maintain Value Types
GM_WF_DEF_BUDGET Definition of GM Workflow for Budget
GM_WF_DEF_MASTERDATA Definition of GM WF for Grant Master
GP12N FI-SL: Change Plan Data
GP12NA FI-SL: Display Plan Data
GP30 Maintain Distribution Keys
GP31 Create Distribution Key
GP32 Change Distribution Key
GP33 Display Distribution Key
GP34 Delete Distribution Key
GP41 Create Planning Parameters
GP42 Change Planning Parameters
GP43 Display Planning Parameters
GP44 Delete Planning Parameters
GP52 Local Source Data to Plan
GP62 Global Source Data to Plan
GP82 Flexible G/L: Enter plan values
GP83 Flexible G/L: Display plan values
GPSHAD_NEW Preparation of Shadow Table
GPSHAD_UPDATE Update of Shadow Table
GR11 Create Standard Layout
GR12 Change Standard Layout
GR13 Display Standard Layout
GR14 Delete Standard Layout
GR17 Export standard layouts
GR18 Import standard layouts
GR19 Copy standard layouts from client
GR1L Directory: Standard Layout
GR21 Create Library
GR22 Change Library
GR23 Display library
GR24 Delete library
GR27 Export libraries
GR28 Import libraries
GR29 Copy libraries from client
GR2L Catalog: Libraries
GR31 Create report
GR32 Change Report
GR33 Display report
GR34 Delete report
GR37 Export reports
GR38 Import reports
GR39 Copy reports from client
GR3L Catalog: Reports
GR51 Create report group
GR52 Change Report Group
GR53 Display report group
GR54 Delete report group
GR55 Execute Report Group
GR57 Export report groups
GR58 Import report groups
GR59 Copy report groups from client
GR5G Generate report groups
GR5L Directory: Report groups
GRAL Calling SAP Graphics demos
GRCT Report Writer: Control Tables
GRE0 Report Writer: Extract Management
GRE1 Report Writer: Display Extracts
GRE5 Report Writer: Delete Extracts
GRE6 Report Writer: Print Extracts
GRE7 Report Writer: Validity of Extracts
GRE8 Extracts: User Settings
GRE9 Extracts: User settings, coll.maint.
GRLV List variants for line items
GRM1 Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign.
GRM2 Display MRP Group Assignments
GRM3 Colective Processing: Assignments
GRM4 Change Grouping Element Assignments
GRM5 Maintain MRP group assignments
GRM6 Grouping Consistency Check
GRM7 Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign.
GRMG Generic Request and Message Gen.
GRM_WRAPPER Generic Role Manager: Wrapper
GRP1 Report Writer: Display Extracts
GRP5 Report Writer: Delete Extracts
GRP6 Report Writer: Print Extracts
GRP7 Report Writer: Validity of Extracts
GRPE Editor callup for FI/CO program
GRR1 RW: Create Row/Column Structure
GRR2 RW: Change formula
GRR3 RW: Display formula
GRR4 Create model
GRR5 Change model
GRR6 Display model
GRR7 Export models
GRR8 Import models
GRR9 Copy models from client
GRRT Report Painter: Translate reports
GRW_PORTAL_LAUNCH Start Report Group from Portal
GRW_PORTAL_LAUNCHNEW Start Report Group from Portal
GS01 Create set
GS02 Change Set
GS03 Display Set
GS04 Delete set
GS07 Exports sets
GS08 Import sets
GS09 Copy sets from client
GS11 Create Variable
GS12 Change Variable
GS13 Display Variable
GS14 Delete Variable
GS17 Export variables
GS18 Import variables
GS19 Copy variables from client
GS32 Create/Change Key Figures
GS33 Display Key Figures
GSCD Activate change documents
GSFNR Document Display for a GSFNR
GSP_CD Maintain constants
GSP_KD Maintain account determination
GSP_KD1 Maintain acct deter: 0 balance
GSP_KD2 Maintain acct deter: Additional rows
GSP_LD Define item type
GSP_LZ1 SAP internal item cat. assignment
GSP_LZ2 Allocation: acct number - item type
GSP_MD Define Splitting Method
GSP_PD Define business process
GSP_RD Define Split Rule
GSP_VD Define business process variant
GSP_VZ1 Transaction->process var. assignment
GSP_VZ2 MM movem. type->process var. assgmt
GSP_VZ3 FI doc type->process var. assignment
GSTA Subsequent Pstng of Stat.Key Figures
GTDIS General Table Display
GTRDERIVE GTR Object Assignment - Customizing
GTRDERIVER GTR Object Assignment  - Maintenance
GVAR Maintenance of Fiscal Year Variants
GVTR FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
GVTR_NACC FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
GWUG FI-SL: Global Currency Translation
GWUL FI-SL: Local Currency Translation
GZZG Generate FI-SL completely

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