Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcodes NA to NZ

N Quickstart SE16N
N10B IS-H*MED: Maintain work station org.
N10C IS-H*MED: Maint. asnmt WrkCntr-TMkr
N10D IS-H*MED: Maint. plan.object classes
N10E IS-H*MED: Maint. svc-based resources
N10F IS-H*MED: Displ. svc-based resources
N10G IS-H*MED: Display table N1NURSHIFT
N10H IS-H*MED: Maintain table N1NURSHIFT
N10I IS-H*MED: Maintain roll assignment
N10J IS-H*MED: Maintain OR-service split
N10K IS-H*MED: Display proc. instructions
N10L IS-H*MED: Maintain proc.instructions
N10M IS-H*MED: Maintain transfer times
N10N IS-H*MED: Display transfer times
N10O IS-H: Maintain Symbols for WP IDs
N10V IS-H: Display Work Env-to-User Asgmt
N10W IS-H: Maintain Work Env-to-User Asgt
N1A0 IS-H*MED: Create position/task
N1A1 IS-H*MED: Change position/task
N1A2 IS-H*MED: Display position/task
N1A3 IS-H*MED: Create collective entry
N1A4 IS-H*MED: Change collective entry
N1A5 IS-H*MED: Display collective entry
N1A6 IS-H*MED: Maintain employees inv.
N1A7 IS-H*MED: Display employees inv.
N1AA IS-H*MED: Service Details
N1AB IS-H*MED: Service Details
N1AC IS-H*MED: Change service code
N1AD IS-H*MED: Display service code
N1AE IS-H*MED: Create Request Category
N1AEN IS-H*MED: Create Request Category
N1AF IS-H*MED: Change Request Category
N1AFN IS-H*MED: Change Request Category
N1AG IS-H*MED: Display Request Category
N1AGN IS-H*MED: Display Request Category
N1AT IS-H*MED: No.range req. categories
N1AU IS-H*MED: Request Overview
N1B0 IS-H*MED: Create Visit Sequence
N1B1 IS-H*MED: Change org.assignment
N1B2 IS-H*MED: Display org.assignment
N1B4 IS-H*MED: Create task qualification
N1B5 IS-H*MED: Change task qualification
N1B6 IS-H*MED: Display task qualification
N1B7 IS-H*MED: Maintain nurs.profile
N1B8 IS-H*MED: Display nurs.profile
N1BA IS-H*MED: Create service request
N1BB IS-H*MED: Change service request
N1BC IS-H*MED: Display service request
N1BE IS-H*MED: Enter requests received
N1C0 IS-H*MED: Create employee position
N1C1 IS-H*MED: Change employee position
N1C2 IS-H*MED: Display employee position
N1C4 IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption
N1C5 IS-H*MED: Display mat. consumption
N1COMPCON IS-H: Maintain Component Configurat.
N1CORD IS-H: Create Clinical Order
N1COT IS-H: Set Up Clinical Order Types
N1CT IS-H: Define Context Types
N1CUSTIDS IS-H*MED: Customer-Spec. Class Types
N1D1 IS-H*MED: Maint.printer f.each inst.
N1D2 IS-H*MED: Dsply.printer f.each inst.
N1DEFVT Prereg.Type Definition - Master Data
N1DI IS-H*MED: Pat.Transport - Dispatcher
N1E0 IS-H*MED: Create nursing cycle
N1E1 IS-H*MED: Change nursing cycle
N1E2 IS-H*MED: Display nursing cycle
N1E3 IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization
N1E4 IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization
N1EC IS-H*Med: Extra services
N1G1 IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt
N1GENPROC IS-H*MED: Generate Procedures
N1GS IS-H*MED: Menu care unit mgmt
N1IS1 IS-H*MED: Internet Service
N1K1 IS-H*MED: Maintain quota planning
N1K2 IS-H*MED: Display quota planning
N1K3 IS-H*MED: Display OUs involved
N1K4 IS-H*MED: Maintain OUs involved
N1K7 IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot
N1K8 IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot
N1KA IS-H*MED: Medical Record Management
N1KH IS-H*MED: hsptl structure
N1L1 IS-H*MED: Task by position
N1L2 IS-H*MED: Qualifications by task
N1L3 IS-H*MED: List task by service
N1L4 IS-H*MED: Qualifications by person
N1L5 IS-H*MED: List employee position
N1L6 IS-H*MED: Requestable org. unit
N1L7 IS-H*MED: Service range list
N1L8 IS-H*MED: Qualif.-task-employee
N1LA IS-H*MED: Material proposal
N1LP IS-H*MED: Nursing Worklist
N1LU IS-H*MED: Worklist
N1LU01 IS-H*MED: Standard Worklist
N1LU02 IS-H*MED: Worklist Variant Selection
N1LUT1 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o init. scrn.
N1LUT2 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/ Initial Screen
N1LUV1 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o In.Scrn
N1LUV2 IS-H*MED: Work list w/ init. screen
N1M0 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry
N1M1 IS-H*MED: Display subseq.srvc entry
N1M2 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry
N1M3 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry
N1MA IS-H*MED: Maintain Material Asgnmnt.
N1MATV IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption
N1ME Medication Evaluations
N1MEAM IS-H*MED: Maintain Agents
N1MEAM1 IS-H*MED: Maintain All Agents
N1MEDSRV IS-H*MED: Med. Service Entry
N1MEFLS Scrap Posting f. Care Unit Store
N1MEFM IS-H*MED: Maintain Formulary
N1MEFMN IS-H*MED: Maintain Formulary
N1MEPI IS-H*MED: Fill List - Pick List
N1ME_AHEVT Create Ad Hoc Event
N1ME_CO Create Medication Order
N1ME_EVT_END End Events
N1ME_EVT_GEN Event Generation
N1ME_IMP_AGENT Import External Agent Catalog
N1ME_IMP_BDCC Import External Drug Catalog
N1ME_N1TPOU Template / Group - OU Assignment
N1ME_N1TPUSER Assign Template/Group to User
N1ME_N1TPUSER_ALL Assign Template/Group to User
N1ME_TMPL IS-H*MED:Medication; Create Template
N1ME_TPDIA Templates - Diagnoses Assignment
N1ML IS-H*MED: Medical unit list
N1MO IS-H*MED Basic Data: Surgery System
N1MP IS-H*MED: Nursing
N1MS IS-H*MED: Basic data srvc processing
N1MZ IS-H*MED: Display Material Assignmnt
N1N1 IS-H: Display scoring table NASCO
N1N2 IS-H: Maintain scoring table NASCO
N1NK IS-H*MED: Number Ranges
N1OT IS-H: Define Object Types
N1P0 IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry
N1P1 IS-H*MED: Display service entry
N1P2 IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry
N1P3 IS-H*MED: Display service entry
N1P4 IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Maintain
N1P5 IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Display
N1P6 IS-H*MED: Create req. profile
N1P7 IS-H*MED: Change req. profile
N1P8 IS-H*MED: Display req. profile
N1PA IS-H*MED: Display Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asnmt
N1PATORG IS-H*MED: Call Patient Organizer
N1PC IS-H: File transfers PC - SAP
N1PDNK Number Range Interval Births
N1PE IS-H: File Transfer PC --> R3
N1PF IS-H*MED: Call nursing plan
N1PG IS-H*MED: OR Schedule
N1PH IS-H*MED: Patient History
N1PK IS-H*MED: Worklist f. Nursing Svcs.
N1PM PERINAT: Perinatal monitor
N1PN IS-H*MED: OR Planning List
N1PR IS-H*MED: Maint. Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asnmt
N1RB IS-H*MED: Evaluation of visits
N1RK IS-H*MED: Patient Transport Service
N1RL IS-H*MED: Service management
N1RS IS-H*MED: Basic medical data
N1S1 IS-H*MED: Display task
N1S2 IS-H*MED: Maintain task
N1S3 IS-H*MED: Display position
N1S4 IS-H*MED: Maintain position
N1S5 IS-H*MED: Display qualifications
N1S6 IS-H*MED: Maintain qualifications
N1S7 IS-H*MED: Display srvc facility type
N1S8 IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc facil. type
N1S9 IS-H*MED: Display srvc grouping type
N1SA IS-H*MED: Maintain
N1SB IS-H*MED: Display service status
N1SC IS-H*MED: Maintain service status
N1SD IS-H*MED: Display srvc task asgnmt
N1SE IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc task asgnmt
N1SF IS-H*MED: Display cancel. reasons
N1SG IS-H*MED: Maintain cancel. reasons
N1SH IS-H*MED: Display request status
N1SI IS-H*MED: Maintain request status
N1SJ IS-H*MED: Display request priority
N1SK IS-H*MED: Maintain request priority
N1SL IS-H*MED: Display Req. Type Usage
N1SM IS-H*MED: Maintain Req. Type Usage
N1SN IS-H*MED: Display transport types
N1SO IS-H*MED: Maintain transport types
N1SP IS-H*MED: Display OU-rel.Customizing
N1SQ IS-H*MED: Maint. OU-Rel. Customizing
N1SR IS-H*MED: Display date interpretat'n
N1SS IS-H*MED: Maint. date interpretat'n
N1ST IS-H*MED: Display deg. of infection
N1SU IS-H*MED: Maint. deg. of infection
N1SV IS-H*MED: Display
N1SW IS-H*MED: Maintain
N1SX IS-H*MED: Maintain planned beds
N1TR IS-H*MED: Transport List
N1TX IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU
N1TX1 IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU
N1US IS-H*MED: Update Desktop Components
N1VE IS-H: Set Up Preregistration Types
N1VK IS-H*MED: Preregistration List
N1VL Insur.Verification/Extension Request
N1VM IS-H*MED Pre-registration list
N1VPP1 IS-H*MED: Display Vital Parameters
N1VPP2 IS-H*MED: Maintain Vital Parameters
N1VPPF41 IS-H*MED: Vital Parameters Inp. Help
N1VPPF42 IS-H*MED: Maint. Vital Par. Inp.Help
N1VPPOEZ1 IS-H*MED: Display Vit. Par. OU Asmnt
N1VPPOEZ2 IS-H*MED: Maint.Vital Par. OU-Assnmt
N1W1 IS-H*MED: Task-rel.employeeSrvcList
N1W2 IS-H*MED: Diagnosis-rel.srvc.eval
N1W3 IS-H*MED: List Srvc.-patient-employ.
N1W4 IS-H*MED: Patient-rel.srvc.list
N1WA IS-H*MED: Waiting list info. funct.
N1WL IS-H*MED: Follow-up visit list
N1WR IS-H*MED: Waiting List
N1WSCONFIG Configure Web Service
N201 IS-H*MED: Create Document
N202 IS-H*MED: Change Document
N203 IS-H*MED: Display document
N204 IS-H*MED: Documents List
N205 IS-H*MED: Maint. diagn. code control
N206 IS-H*MED: Display diagn.code control
N207 IS-H*MED: Create OU Diag. Hit List
N208 IS-H*MED: Maintain OU diagn.hit list
N209 IS-H*MED: Display OU diagn. hit list
N210 IS-H*MED: Display diagnosis groups
N211 IS-H*MED: Maintain diagnosis groups
N212 IS-H*MED: Display class. areas asgmt
N213 IS-H*MED: Maintain class.areas asgmt
N214 IS-H*MED: Displ. nurStd-basCat.asgmt
N215 IS-H*MED: Maint. nurStd-basCat.asgmt
N216 IS-H*MED: Displ. nurStd-serCat.asgmt
N217 IS-H*MED: Maint. nurStd-serCat.asgmt
N218 IS-H*MED: Displ.nurStd-classAr.asgmt
N219 IS-H*MED: Maint.nurStd-classAr.asgmt
N220 IS-H*MED: Displ.basCat-classAr.asgmt
N221 IS-H*MED: Maint.basCat-classAr.asgmt
N222 IS-H*MED: Maint. diagnos. doc./case
N223 IS-H*MED: Displ. diagn. doc./case
N224 IS-H*
N225 IS-H*MED: Maint.serCat-classAr.asgmt
N2AN Number Range Ext. Data References
N2APPLOG IS-H*MED: Application Logging
N2ASPECT_DEF Definition of Aspects
N2AZ IS-H*MED: Maint. task - time asgmt
N2BA IS-H*MED: Assign
N2BASEITEM Base Item Editor
N2BN IS-H*MED: WCA Number Range Interval
N2CATC Process Categories
N2COMHIST Transfer History
N2COMIBX Document Inbox
N2COMLOG Communication Log for Admin.
N2COM_DOCIN_WS Release Web Svce for Doc. Confim.
N2COM_DOCOUT_LP Create Logic Port for Doc. Dispatch
N2COM_DOCRESPIN_WS Release Webservice for Doc. Dispatch
N2COM_DOCRESPOUT_LP Logical Port for Confirm. Dispatch
N2DOKTRANS DocCat definition transport client
N2DU IS-H*MED: Load and unload docdefs
N2E0 IS-H*MED: Create docCat-SvcItem asgt
N2E1 IS-H*MED: Change docCat-SvcItem asgt
N2E2 IS-H*MED:Display docCat-SvcItem asgt
N2E3 IS-H*MED: Create docCateg.- OU asgmt
N2E4 IS-H*MED: Change docCateg.- OU asgmt
N2E5 IS-H*MED: Display docCategy-OU asgmt
N2E6 Maintain OU-Related Document Profile
N2E7 Display OU-Related Document Profile
N2E8 Maintain Svce-Related Doc. Profile
N2E9 Display Svce-Related Doc. Profile
N2F4 IS-H*MED: Extern. data module maint.
N2FD PMD: EDM Maintenance (General)
N2FN Number Range Ext. Data References
N2G1 IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt
N2GA Assign Pathway
N2GB Pathway Library
N2GD Treatment Pathway Definition
N2GL Layout Processing Pathways
N2GL_CAT Edit Categories
N2GM Pathway Monitor
N2GR pathways Evaluations
N2GU Patient Pathway
N2HIT Maintain Findings Hit List
N2KA PMD: Combobox Catalogs Maintenance
N2KO IS-H*MED: Maint. complications
N2KZ IS-H*MED: Maint. compl.-compl. asgmt
N2L1 IS-H*MED: OU diagnoses hit list
N2LINKDEF Definition of Link Module
N2LIZENZ IS-H*MED: License Management
N2MD IS-H*MED: Basic data: medical d
N2ON IS-H*MED: Number range OR
N2OT IS-H*MED: Maintain OR Departments
N2OW ISH-MED DWS:  Outpat Clin. Wk Stat.
N2OX Start OR document
N2OZ IS-H*MED: Surgery times
N2PC IS-H*MED: admin. docum. templates
N2PRZ IS-H*MED: Maintain Procedure HitList
N2PRZ_BASIS IS-H*MED: SPC Hit List - Global
N2RO IS-H*MED: Surgery System
N2RP IS-H*MED: Nursing
N2RR IS-H*MED: Radiologie Evaluations
N2RS IS-H*MED: Med.basic data/documentat.
N2RW Findings Work Station
N2S0 IS-H*MED: Create Document Element
N2S1 IS-H*MED: Change document element
N2S2 IS-H*MED: Display document element
N2SW X-Ray Rounds
N2T5 IS-H*MED: Copy Document Category
N2T6 IS-H*MED: Create document category
N2T7 IS-H*MED: Change document category
N2T8 IS-H*MED: Display document category
N2T9 IS-H*MED: Copy Definite Design
N2TBS Management of Text Modules
N2TL IS-H*MED: Param. doc. tool box
N2TOOL PMD Toolbox (New, Unreleased)
N2UX Application Server Utility
N2VD00 Progress Entries Number Range
N2WLD Template Management
N2ZO Time definition
N2ZP Time definition
N2_COM_SCHEMA_DOWNL XML Profile Download for Doc Disp.
N2_F4_SIMPLETREE_ADM Manage Simple Tree Maintenance
N2_FORUM Forum
NA01 IS-H: Create Billing Statistics
NA02 IS-H: Print Invoice(s)
NA03 IS-H: Cancel Invoice(s)
NA04 IS-H: Post invoices with calc.block
NA05 IS-H: Invoice List
NA07 IS-H: Bill.status of dischrged cases
NA08 IS-H: Billing Statistics by IP Types
NA10 IS-H: Revenue Accrual
NA12 IS-H: Invoice statistics by payer
NA17 IS-H: Adjust services to absence
NA18 IS-H: Revenue Accrual
NA20 IS-H: Create CASE Selection Billing
NA21 IS-H: Delete CASE Selection Billing
NA22 IS-H: Display CASE Selection Billing
NA23 IS-H: Edit Billing Document Msgs
NA24 IS-H: Copy Case Selection
NA25 IS-H: Billing selection via visits
NA26 IS-H: Inpatient Test Billing
NA30 IS-H: Case Billing
NA30N IS-H: Case Billing
NA30OLD IS-H: Case Billing - Old
NA31 IS-H: Change Billing Block Inpat.
NA32 IS-H: Change Billing Block Outpat.
NA33 IS-H: Cascade Bill Processing
NA35 IS-H: Billing Information Case
NA40 IS-H: Case-Related Invoice Overview
NA45 IS-H: Case monitor billing
NA46 IS-H: Compensation check BPflV '95
NA47 IS-H: Propose charges
NA48 Compare Charges
NA52 IS-H: Subsequent billing
NA55 IS-H: Process outpatient flat rates
NA60 IS-H: Export data for IFA billing
NA65 IS-H: Log transfer IFA billing
NA66 IS-H: IFA status info transf. cases
NA70 ÎS-H SG: Estimated Bill
NA90 IS-H: Create Invoice Selection
NA91 IS-H: Change Bill Selection
NA92 IS-H: Create Collective Invoice
NA93 IS-H: Print Collective Invoice
NA94 IS-H: Collective Invoice
NA95 IS-H: Provisional Invoice
NACE WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen
NACO Conditions for Output Control
NACP WFMC: Define Conditions
NACQ WFMC: Maintain Condition Tables
NACR WFMC: Maintain Output Condition Rec.
NACS WFMC: Assign Output Type Access Seq.
NACT WFMC: Maintain Condition Types
NACU WFMC: Customizing Output Types
NACV WFMC: Partner Definition
NACW WFMC: Maintain Processing Program
NACX WFMC: Access Sequences
NACY WFMC: Field Catalog
NACZ WFMC: Procedure
NAPRKEY Print Parameters for Output
NAS1 IS-H SG: Create Inpat. Bill
NAVCT685B Output Types (Cluster)
NAVP_MANAGE Manage Navigation Profiles
NAWF Start Customizing Control Flow
NB20 IS-H: Create Organizational Unit
NB21 IS-H: Change Organizational Unit
NB22 IS-H: Display Organizational Unit
NB23 IS-H: Maintain Org. Unit Hierarchy
NB24 IS-H: Display Org. Unit Hierarchy
NB25 IS-H: Maintain Interd. B.Assgmt. OU
NB26 IS-H: Display Interd. B.Assgmt. OU
NB27 IS-H: Maintain Statistical Beds
NB28 IS-H: Display Statistical Beds
NB29 IS-H: Collective Entry Build. Unit
NB30 IS-H: Maintain Building Units
NB31 IS-H: Change Building Units
NB32 IS-H: Display Building Units
NB33 IS-H: Maintain Bld. Unit Hierarchy
NB34 IS-H: Display Bld. Unit Hierarchy
NB35 IS-H: Maintain Bld. Unit / OU
NB36 IS-H: Display Bld. Unit /OU
NB37 IS-H: Maintain pl. charac. bld. unit
NB38 IS-H: Display Pl.Charac. Bld. Unit
NB39 IS-H: Maintain Equipment Bld. Unit
NB40 IS-H: Display Equipment Bld. Unit
NB41 IS-H: Maintain Door Coordinates
NB42 IS-H: Display Door Coordinates
NB43 IS-H: Release Build. Structure
NB44 IS-H: Set up BU identifier
NB45 IS-H: Maintain Plan. Chars Single BU
NB46 IS-H: Display Plan, Chars Single BU
NB51 IS-H: Delete Org. Structure
NB52 IS-H: Set up OU identifiers
NB53 IS-H: Release Org. Structure
NBU1 IS-H: Maint. Fixed Vals User Master
NC10 IS-H Create Message Type Copy
NC11 IS-HCM Change Message Type
NC12 IS-HCM Display Message Type
NC20 IS-H Create Message Segment Copy
NC21 IS-HCM Change Message Segment
NC22 IS-HCM Display Message Segment
NC301KK Create §301 Message for Hlth Insurer
NCEDI IS-H: EDI Workbench
NCH1 IS-HCO CH: Create Case-Based Orders
NCO1 IS-H: Transfer service to CCenter
NCO2 HCO: Create Case-Based Orders
NCO3 HCO: Assign Preliminary Costing
NCO4 HCO: Status Monitoring Case-Bsd Ord.
NCO7 HCO: Case-Based Order Classification
NCO8 IS-H: Stat. key figure (nursing)
NCO9 IS-H: Stat. Key Figures (Dept.)
NCOA IS-H: Asgmt org.unit to cost centers
NCOB IS-H: Asgmt services to act. types
NCOC IS-H: Revenue accrual billing
NCOD IS-H: Stat.ratio-CO stat.ratio asgmt
NCOE IS-H: Assign Svce to Base ObjCosting
NCOF IS-H: Settings
NCOG IS-H: Supported characteristics
NCOH IS-H: Order characteristics
NCOI IS-H: Org.unit-CCtr asgmt f.rev.acct
NCOJ IS-H: Stat. key figures (inter-dept)
NCOK IS-HCO: Services to be Transferred
NCOL IS-HCO: Transfer Information
NCOM IS-H: Copy NOEK into NO2K
NCON HCO: Stat. Key Figs (Case-Bsd Ord.)
NCOO IS-H: Stat. Key Figs (Case-bsd ord.)
NCOP IS-HCO: Maintain Cost Centers-OU
NCOQ HCO: Stat. Key Figures (Coll.Order)
NCOR HCO: Copy Collective Orders
NCOS HCO: Determine Collective Orders
NCO_COLORD HCO: Define Collective Orders
NCW3 IS-H: EDI Workbench
ND01 IS-H: Create medical record/document
ND02 IS-H: Maintain record/document list
ND03 IS-H: Display record/document list
ND04 IS-H: Collect.entry of returned rec.
ND05 IS-H: Return medical record/document
ND06 IS-H: Create Med. Record Reminder
ND07 IS-H: Request med. record/documents
ND08 IS-H: Borrow single rec./document
ND09 IS-H: Create record via mvmnt list
ND10 IS-H: Borrow record via mvmnt list
ND11 IS-H: Return Temp. Medical Records
ND12 IS-H: Borrow requested med. record
ND13 IS-H: Collect.Entry for Borrowed Rec
ND14 IS-H: Transfer Med.Rcrds via BorrLst
ND15 IS-H: Transfer single rec./document
ND18 IS-H: Evaluate Med. Record Archive
NDRPAT IS-H: Bus. Partner-Patient Rlnshp
NDV1 Maintain Version Interfaces
NDV2 Maintain System Releases
NDYM IS-H: Screen Modification
NE10 IS-H: Display Copayment
NE11 IS-H: Maintain Copayment
NE15 IS-H: Transfer Copayment
NE16 IS-H: Write off Copayment Requests
NE17 IS-H: Generate copayment
NE18 IS-H: Post copayment back
NE20 IS-H: Maintain Down Payment
NE21 IS-H: Display Down Payment
NE22 IS-H: Down Payment Overview
NE23 IS-H: Down Payment Monitor
NEDI EDI Workbench
NEDIIN IS-H EDI Inbound Worklist
NEDIOUT IS-H EDI Outbound Worklist
NEDIW EDI Worklist
NEFE Statistical Setup: SFIS / Versions
NEO01 IS-H: Create External Order
NEO02 IS-H: Maintain External Order
NEO03 IS-H: Display External Order
NEO04 IS-H: Ext.Order- Create Order Placer
NEO05 IS-H: Ext.Order- Change Order Placer
NEO06 IS-H: Ext.Order-Display Order Placer
NEOAB IS-H: External Order - Billing
NEODR IS-H: External Order - Mass Print
NEOST IS-H: Ext.Order - Cancel Billing Doc
NEWTON Mathematical Tests
NEW_SERP Report Tree Maintenance
NG01 IS-H: Create General Bus. Partner
NG02 IS-H: Change General Bus. Partner
NG03 IS-H: Display General Bus. Partner
NG04 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Employee
NG05 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Employee
NG06 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Employee
NG07 IS-H: Create B.Partner Ins. Provider
NG08 IS-H: Change B.Partner Ins. Provider
NG09 IS-H: Display B.Partner Ins.Provider
NG10 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Customer
NG11 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Customer
NG12 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Customer
NG13 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Employer
NG14 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Employer
NG15 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Employer
NG16 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Hospital
NG17 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Hospital
NG18 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Hospital
NG30 IS-H: Create Bus.Partner RP Employee
NG40 IS-H: Maintain Ins. Prov. Types
NG41 IS-H: Display Guarantor Types
NIAPPS IS-H: Visit Scheduling at Web - Demo
NK01 IS-H: Maintain IV request (coll.ent)
NK02 IS-H: Display IV request (coll.ent.)
NK06 IS-H: Maintain IV Confm.(Coll.Entry)
NK19 IS-H: Print request for IV - outpt.
NK20 IS-H: Print Insurance Verif. request
NK21 IS-H: Dun Insurance Verification
NK22 IS-H: Generate outpatient ins.verif.
NK23 IS-H: Generate IV f. inpatients
NK24 IS-H: Monitoring of IV Requests
NK25 IS-H: Monitoring Insurance Verifictn
NK26 IS-H: Extend request for ins.verif.
NK30 IS-H: Maintain Pre-Approved Ins.
NK31 IS-H: Display Pre-Appr.IV Confmtn.
NK35 IS-H: Maintain IV Default Values
NK36 IS-H: Display IV Default Values
NK50 IS-H: Create IV declaration (AT)
NK51 IS-H: Change IV declaration (AT)
NK52 IS-H: Display IV declaration (AT)
NKM0 IS-H: Menu Catalogs
NKRS IS-H: Number Ranges
NKVWS1 IS-H: Change PPA Work Station
NKVWS2 IS-H: Display PPA Work Station
NL01N IS-H: Service Entry for all Cases
NL04N IS-H: Service Entry - OU-Related
NL10 IS-H: Maintain Service Entry
NL10N IS-H: Case-Related Service Entry
NL11 IS-H: Display service entry
NL11N IS-H: Case-Related Service Display
NL20 IS-H: Maintain prelim. service entry
NL21 IS-H: Display prelim. service entry
NL22 IS-H: Maintain Prelim. Entry by OU
NL23 IS-H: Display Prilim. Entry by OU
NL28 IS-H: Transfer Svces from PE by OU
NL29 IS-H: Transfer srvs from prel. entry
NM30 IS-H: HCO Int.controlling area menu
NM40 IS-H Communication
NM44 IS-H: Communication Menu
NMCO1 IS-H MM: Transfer Matl. Consumption
NMCO2 IS-H MM: Data Transfer Matl.Consumpt
NMCOL IS-H MM: List Material Consumptions
NMG1 IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt
NMM0 Material Requisition
NMM1 IS-H: Create Material Req. by OU
NMM2 IS-H: Maintain OU-Rel. Material Req.
NMM3 IS-H: Display Material Req. by OU
NMM4 IS-H: Collective Proc. Material Req.
NMM5 IS-H: Create Case-Rel. Material Req.
NMM6 IS-H: Display Case-Rltd Mat. Requis.
NMM7 IS-H: Maintain Case-Rel. Goods Issue
NMM8 IS-H: Display Case-Rltd Goods Issue
NMM9 IS-H: Pick List
NMMC1 IS-H MM: Maintain Matl Consumption
NMMC2 IS-H MM: Display Matl Consumption
NMMD IS-H*MED: Basic data: medical d
NMMO IS-H*MED Basic Data: Surgery System
NMMP IS-H*MED: Nursing
NMMS IS-H*MED: Basic data srvc processing
NMND IS-H: Reset Client
NMO9 ISH: Customizing patient management
NMOC Custom. Billing Service Entry
NMOF Customizing pat. acctg. srv convers.
NMOI ISH: Custom. Copayment Processing
NMOK IS-HCM Customizing communication
NMOL IS-HCO: Settings link to Controlling
NMS1 Patient accounting
NMS2 Inpatient Management
NMS3 Outpatient Management
NMS4 Nurse Station Management
NMS5 Medical / Nursing Documentation
NMS6 Medical Record Administration
NMS7 Hospital Structure
NMS8 Service Master
NMS9 Business Partners
NMT0 IS-H: Basic data: srv. master data
NN1L Menu Service facility management
NN2L IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt
NNIH IS-H NL: Customizing Dutch tables
NNL1 _
NNL2 _
NP01 IS-H: Create patient master data
NP02 IS-H: Change patient master data
NP03 IS-H: Display patient master data
NP04 IS-H: Maintain risk factors
NP05 IS-H: Display risk factors
NP06 IS-H: Merging patients
NP07 IS-H: Find Similar Patients
NP10 IS-H: Call Case Overview
NP10D IS-H: Call Case Overview Display
NP11 IS-H: Create inpatient admiss. data
NP12 IS-H: Change inpatient admiss. data
NP13 IS-H: Display inpatient admiss. data
NP20 IS-H: Maintain delivery data
NP21 IS-H: Display delivery data
NP22 IS-H: Maintain newborn admission
NP23 IS-H: Display newborn admission
NP24 IS-H: Maintain gen. case/case asgmt
NP25 IS-H: Display gen. case/case asgmt
NP26 IS-H: Maintain comp. case/case asgmt
NP27 IS-H: Display comp. case/case asgmt
NP28 IS-H: Maintain newb. case/case asgmt
NP29 IS-H: Display newb. case/case asgmt
NP30 IS-H: Maintain companion admission
NP31 IS-H: Display companion admission
NP32 IS-H: Maintain person assignment
NP33 IS-H: Display person assignment
NP36 IS-H: Create surgery (case)
NP37 IS-H: Create surgery (visit)
NP38 IS-H: Change surgery
NP39 IS-H: Display surgery
NP40 IS-H: Create outpatient case
NP41 IS-H: Create outpatient visit
NP42 IS-H: Change outpatient visit
NP43 IS-H: Display outpatient visit
NP44 IS-H: Maintain treatment certificate
NP45 IS-H: Display treatment certificate
NP46 IS-H: Treatment certificate evaluat.
NP47 IS-H: Maintain Procedures for Case
NP48 IS-H: Display Procedures for Case
NP51 IS-H: Maintain nurs. acuity per case
NP52 IS-H: Display patient group per case
NP53 IS-H: Maintain patient group per OU
NP54 IS-H: Display patient group per OU
NP55 IS-H: Maintain case classif.per case
NP56 IS-H: Display case classif. per case
NP57 IS-H: Maintain case classif. per OU
NP58 IS-H: Display case classific. per OU
NP61 IS-H: Maintain Diagn. Doc. by Case
NP62 IS-H: Display Diagn. Doc. by Case
NP63 IS-H: Maintain Diagnosis Doc. by OU
NP64 IS-H: Display Diagnosis Doc. by OU
NP71 IS-H: Maintain medical grounds
NP72 IS-H: Display medical grounds
NP91 IS-H: Create absence
NP92 IS-H: Change leave of absence
NP93 IS-H: Display leave of absence
NP94 IS-H: Generate leave of absence
NP97 IS-H: Create discharge
NP98 IS-H: Change discharge
NP99 IS-H: Display discharge
NPDRG1 IS-H: Display DRG Data
NPDRG2 IS-H: Maintain DRG Data
NPDRG3 IS-H: DRG Grouping of Multiple Cases
NPFA IS-H: Public List
NPFL IS-H: Religious list
NPLNC01 IS-H: Change Statistical Occ.Chrctst
NPLNC02 IS-H: Display Statist. Occ. Chrctst
NPPR IS-H: Nurs. Acuity Classific. Eval.
NPRT LIS/setup/log
NR00 IS-H: Report selection
NR11 IS-H: Care Unit Overview (List)
NR12 IS-H: Care Unit Overview Graphic
NR13 IS-H: Occupancy Overview
NR14 IS-H: Outpatient Clinic Management
NR16 IS-H: Visit Scheduling
NR17 IS-H: Move Appointments
NR19 IS-H: Apptmnt Lists Outp.Clinic.Mgmt
NR20 Change Planning Object
NR21 Display Planning Object
NR22 Maintain Available Time Slots
NR23 Display Time Slots
NR24 IS-H: List Planning Objects
NR25 Create Planning Object
NR26 IS-H: Collective Print of Appts
NRAM IS-H: Outpatient admission inquiry
NRAU IS-H: Inpatient admission inquiry
NRBA IS-H: Report Ctrl. Other Basic Data
NRBG IS-H: Report Ctrl. Business Partner
NRBL IS-H: Report Ctrl. Service Master
NRBS IS-H: Report Ctrl. Hospital Struc.
NRC3 IS-H Report ctrl data exchange §301
NRCM IS-H: Communication report control
NRCPB IS-H: Information Clin.Proc. Builder
NRCQ IS-H: Report control monitoring
NREDOMA1 Change Renewable Document Management
NREDOMA2 Display Renewable Document Mgmt
NREN IS-H: Inquiry on discharge
NREP IS-H: General report control
NRKV Medical records adm. inquiry
NRMA IS-H: Outpatient dept. mgmt. inquiry
NRMP IS-H: Med.Nur.Evaluations Rep.Contr.
NRPA IS-H: Patient accctg report control
NRPP IS-H: Nurs. Acuity Classific. Eval.
NRPV IS-H: Patient Mgmt report control
NRSM IS-H: Nurse station managem. inquiry
NRSS IS-H: Report contr. Other Statistics
NRST IS-H: Report contr. govt-mandated st
NRVE IS-H: Inquiry on transfer
NS01 IS-H: Midnight Census Statistics
NS02 IS-H: Geographics Statistics
NS03 IS-H: S1 Bed Assignment Figures
NS04 IS-H: S4 Perf. Fig. of Departments
NS10 IS-H: Data Collection Diagnoses
NT01 IS-H: Create Services in Catalog
NT02 IS-H: Change Services in Catalog
NT03 IS-H: Display Services in Catalog
NT07 IS-H: Display Service Catalog
NT08 Additional srv data Germany
NT09 IS-H: Planned Values by Service / OU
NT10 ISH: View Maint. Charge Catalog Asgm
NT11 ISH: View Maint. Charge Asgmt. (No.)
NT12 IS-H: Assign Services to SurgPrcds
NT13 IS-H: Assign SrgPrcds to Services
NT32 IS-H: Maintain Service Group
NT33 IS-H: Display Service Group
NT34 IS-H: Maintain Dynamic Srv. Groups
NT42 IS-H*MED: Create Personnel Qualif.
NT43 IS-H*MED: Change Personnel Qualif.
NT44 IS-H*MED: Display Personnel Qualif.
NT45 IS-H*MED: Maintain Material Proposal
NT46 IS-H*MED: Display Material Proposal
NT50 Maintain Billing Types
NT51 Display Billing Types
NT60 IS-H*MED: Create service spectrum
NT61 IS-H*MED: Change service spectrum
NT62 IS-H*MED: Display service spectrum
NT70 IS-H: Maintain service categories
NT75 IS-H: Maintain rules for charge prop
NT76 IS-H: Display rules for comp.prop.
NTP1 IS-H: Maintain model transaction
NTP2 IS-H: Display model transaction
NTRB Transport Building Units
NTRL Transport Service Master
NTRO Transport Organizational Units
NV01 IS-H: Create inpatient admission
NV02 IS-H: Change inpatient admission
NV03 IS-H: Display inpatient admission
NV04 IS-H: Create quick inpatient admiss.
NV05 IS-H: Change quick inpatient admiss.
NV06 IS-H: Display quick inpatient admis.
NV07 IS-H: Create emergency inpat. adm.
NV08 IS-H: Change emergency inpat. adm.
NV09 IS-H: Display emergency inpat. adm.
NV10 IS-H: Inpatient companion admission
NV11 IS-H: Create transfer
NV12 IS-H: Change transfer
NV13 IS-H: Display transfer
NV20 IS-H: Inpatient newborn admission
NV2000 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2000_AMB IS-H: SAP ACM - Complete
NV2000_AMB_BG IS-H: SAP ACM - Workers Comp.Variant
NV2000_AMB_KV IS-H: SAP ACM - PPA Variant
NV2000_AMB_NA IS-H: SAP ACM - Emergency Admission
NV2000_AMB_PV IS-H: Private Insured Variant
NV2000_EMERGENCY IS-H: Emergency Admission
NV2001 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2001_AMB IS-H: SAP ACM - Complete
NV2002 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2003 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2004 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2005 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2006 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2007 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV2008 IS-H: Clinical Process Builder
NV22 IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp
NV23 IS-H: Display insurance relationship
NV25 IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp
NV26 IS-H: Display insurance relationship
NV31 IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp
NV32 IS-H: Display insurance relationship
NV33 IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp
NV34 IS-H: Display insurance relationship
NV35 IS-H: Maintain Guarantors
NV36 IS-H: Display Guarantors
NV41 IS-H: Create outpatient admission
NV42 IS-H: Change outpatient admission
NV43 IS-H: Display outpatient admission
NV44 IS-H: Create quick outpat. admission
NV45 IS-H: Change quick outpat. admission
NV46 IS-H: Display quick outpat.admission
NV47 IS-H: Create emergency admission
NV48 IS-H: Change emergency admission
NV49 IS-H: Display emergency admission
NV50 IS-H: Outpatient companion admission
NV60 IS-H: Outpatient newborn admission
NVT0 IS-H: Display Contract. Categories
NVT1 IS-H: Maintain Contract. Categories
NVT2 IS-H: Contract Scheme - Ins. Provs
NVT3 IS-H SG: External Contract Schemes
NWCH02 IS-H CH: Assign Post. Code to Region
NWCH03 IS-H CH: Assign Post. Code to Region
NWCH04 IS-H CH: Assign Geog. Area to Canton
NWCH05 IS-H CH: Assign Geog. Area to Canton
NWCH06 IS-H CH: Canton Tariff
NWCH07 IS-H CH: Canton tariff
NWCH08 IS-H CH: Convention
NWCH09 IS-H CH: Convention
NWCH10 IS-H CH: Code Group Pension Ins. No.
NWCH11 IS-H CH: Code Group Pension Ins. No.
NWCH12 IS-H CH: Patient Category
NWCH13 IS-H CH: Patient Category
NWCH14 IS-H CH: Patient Type
NWCH15 IS-H CH: Patient Type
NWCH16 IS-H CH: Absence Rules
NWCH17 IS-H CH: Absence Rules
NWCH18 IS-H CH: Billing Agreements
NWCH19 IS-H CH: Billing Agreements
NWCH20 IS-H CH: Determine Bill. Agreement
NWCH21 IS-H CH: Determine Bill. Agreement
NWCH22 IS-H CH: Movement Types
NWCH23 IS-H CH: Movement Types
NWCH24 IS-H CH: Patient Classes
NWCH25 IS-H CH: Patient Classes
NWCH26 IS-H CH: Service Rule Billability
NWCH27 IS-H CH: Service Rule Billability
NWCH28 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Sve High.Val.
NWCH29 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Sve High.Val.
NWCH30 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Svce Breakdwn
NWCH31 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Svce Breakdwn
NWCH32 IS-H CH: Service Generation
NWCH33 IS-H CH: Cancel Service Generation
NWCH34 IS-H CH: Assign Billing Agreement
NWCH35 IS-H CH: Determine Charge Fact. Val.
NWCH70 IS-H CH: Manage Insurance Verif.
NWCH71 IS-H CH: Manage Insurance Verif.
NWCH72 IS-H CH: Manage Insurance Verif.
NWCH73 IS-H CH: Ins. Verification Reminder
NWCH74 IS-H CH: Extend Ins. Verification
NWCH75 IS-H CH: Ins. Verif. Status Tracking
NWCH76 IS-H CH: Assign Contract Scheme (IV)
NWCH90 IS-H CH: Create Fee Recipient
NWCH91 IS-H CH: Change Fee Recipient
NWCH92 IS-H CH: Display Fee Recipient
NWCHIVT Maint. View for Object Types Table
NWCVLICENCE IS-H: License Mgmt Country Version
NWP1 IS-H: Clinical Work Station
NWTM Monitoring Network Dates
NWTM01 Date type maintenance
NWTM02 Maintain ref. fields f. date types
NWTM03 Maintain date status
NWTM04 Edit profile for monitoring dates
NWTM05 Edit role for monitoring dates
NWTM06 Edit Assignment of User to Role
NZLVCON HR New Zealand Leave Conversion

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