ON/1 | IS-H: Calc. Procedure Determination |
ON01 | IS-H: Control Institution |
ON02 | IS-H: Parameter Time-dep. Institut. |
ON03 | IS-H: Maintain Screen Sequence |
ON04 | IS-H: Screen Modification |
ON05 | IS-H: Control Client |
ON06 | IS-H: Parameters time-dep., client |
ON07 | IS-H: Default Service Catalog |
ON08 | ISH: Authorizations |
ON09 | ISH: User |
ON10 | ISH: User Profiles |
ON100 | IS-H: Calc.Formula for Cmp DynCaseMx |
ON14 | IS-H: Postal code maintenance |
ON15 | IS-H: Maintain Geographical Areas |
ON16 | IS-H: Parishes |
ON17 | IS-H: Addresses |
ON18 | IS-H: Name affixes - titles |
ON19 | IS-H: Parameters, time-indep.,client |
ON20 | IS-H: Inst-Spec., Time-Indep. Params |
ON21 | IS-H: Sex |
ON22 | IS-H: Default End Date of Services |
ON24 | IS-H: Certificate Status |
ON25 | IS-H: Name elements for search |
ON26 | IS-H: Marital Status |
ON27 | IS-H: Religious denominations |
ON28 | IS-H: Relationships |
ON29 | IS-H: Asgmt. of case type to org.cat |
ON30 | IS-H: Categories of case-case asgmt. |
ON31 | Conditions: Customizing for Pricing |
ON32 | IS-H: Parameter for Copymnt Request |
ON33 | IS-H: Parameter for Copayment |
ON34 | IS-H: Accident types |
ON35 | IS-H: Copayment Waiver |
ON36 | IS-H: Diagn.Coding Catalog Ctgrs |
ON37 | IS-H: Diagnoses Codes |
ON38 | IS-H: Cust.Proc. maint.Prce.Determtn |
ON39 | IS-H: Risk Factors |
ON40 | IS-H: Service Text Service Entry |
ON41 | IS-H: Case types |
ON42 | IS-H: Case-to-person asgmt functions |
ON43 | IS-H: Movement categories |
ON44 | IS-H: Movement types |
ON45 | IS-H: Discharge statuses |
ON46 | IS-H: Types of Coverage |
ON47 | IS-H: Causes of death |
ON48 | IS-H: Delivery categories |
ON49 | IS-H: Birth Procedures |
ON4A | IS-H: Case categories |
ON4B | IS-H: Assignments to Case Categories |
ON4C | IS-H: Activation of Case Categories |
ON50 | IS-H: Organizational Categories |
ON51 | IS-H: Organizational Cat. Hierarchy |
ON52 | IS-H: Assgmt. Specialty - Department |
ON54 | IS-H: Departmental Key |
ON55 | IS-H: Down Payment Parameters |
ON56 | IS-H: Params. for Down Pymnt request |
ON57 | IS-H: R/2 screens for batch input |
ON59 | IS-H: Outpatient visit status |
ON60 | IS-H: Building Categories |
ON61 | IS-H: Building Category Hierarchy |
ON62 | IS-H: Equipment/Facilities ID code |
ON63 | IS-H: General Parameter Maintenance |
ON64 | IS-H: Blocking Reason Build. Unit |
ON66 | IS-H: Service-related Cat.Determntn. |
ON68 | IS-H: Hierarchy Bld.Cat. - Org. Cat. |
ON69 | IS-H: Maintain Division for Pricing |
ON70 | IS-H: Work org. type: ID codes/texts |
ON71 | IS-H: Event-work org.type: SAP value |
ON72 | IS-H: Event-Work Org.Type Asgmt-Cust |
ON73 | IS-H: Work Organ.: Keys/texts/types |
ON74 | IS-H Specialty categories |
ON75 | IS-H: Work Organizer Ctrl w/o Condit |
ON76 | IS-H: Work Organizer Ctrl with IPTyp |
ON77 | IS-H: Work org.: Form windows, elem. |
ON78 | IS-H: Input/output device assignment |
ON79 | IS-H: Assign Work Organ. to Printer |
ON7A | IS-H: Work org.: With bill.t./IPType |
ON7B | IS-H: Assign Work Organizers to OUs |
ON7C | IS-H List of work organizer settings |
ON7F | IS-H: Work Organizer-Event Filter |
ON80 | IS-H: Determine Billing Type |
ON81 | IS-H: Maintain Charge Master Type |
ON82 | IS-H: Charge Master Columns |
ON83 | IS-H: Grouping categories |
ON84 | IS-H: Maintain Record Types |
ON85 | IS-H: Maintain Record Structure |
ON86 | IS-H: Default values for FI data |
ON87 | ISH: Catalog Determination |
ON88 | IS-H: Charge Master Column Detn |
ON89 | ISH: Assgnmnt.-Service Conversion |
ON90 | IS-H: Certificate categories |
ON91 | IS-H: Certificate Types |
ON92 | IS-H: Service Text Parameters |
ON93 | IS-H: Warning f. service adjustment |
ON94 | IS-H: Create Copayer |
ON95 | IS-H: Create FI Customer |
ON96 | IS-H: Type of Processing Cust.Sessn. |
ON97 | IS-H: Def.Value Country for Bus.Part |
ON98 | IS-H: Def.Value Language Bus.Partner |
ON99 | IS-H: Default Start Date of Services |
ONA0 | IS-H: Routines for filling FI Cust. |
ONA1 | IS-H: Sort Procedure Ins.Verificatn. |
ONA2 | IS-H: Displ. Params. f. Copay.Requst |
ONA3 | IS-H: Display Copayment Parameters |
ONA4 | IS-H: Display Down Payment Params. |
ONA5 | IS-H: Display Down Paymt.Req.Params. |
ONA6 | IS-H: Rules for Direct Pat. Billing |
ONA7 | IS-H: Change Billing Block |
ONA8 | IS-H: Change Rules for Point Values |
ONA9 | IS-H: Control Billing Messages |
ONAA | IS-H: Maintain Ins. Contract Type |
ONAG | IS-H: IV reasons for rejection |
ONAK | IS-H: Copayment amount per day |
ONAV | IS-H: Variants for Inv.Restrictions |
ONB0 | IS-H: User groups |
ONB1 | IS-H: Priorities for waiting list |
ONB2 | IS-H: Terminal def. HC smart card |
ONB3 | IS-H: Activity-spec. bus.partner txt |
ONB4 | IS-H: Bus.partn.funct. int.-ext.cat. |
ONB5 | IS-H: Assign IV request to clerk |
ONB6 | IS-H: SAP user exits |
ONB7 | IS-H: Customer user exits |
ONB8 | IS-H: Movement reasons |
ONB9 | IS-H: Exclusions for service pairs |
ONBA | IS-H: Define stat. key figures |
ONBB | IS-H: Maintain leave of abs settings |
ONBC | IS-H: Maintain Pricing Procedure |
ONBD | Assign Bill.Type to Doc.PricingProc. |
ONBE | IS-H: Create Condition Table |
ONBF | IS-H: Create Access Sequence |
ONBG | IS-H: Create Condition Type |
ONBH | IS-H: Create Condition Records |
ONBI | IS-H: Maintain no.range f. bill.doc. |
ONBK | IS-H: Define Billing Types |
ONBL | IS-H: Define Partner Functions |
ONBM | IS-H: Define Document Flow |
ONBN | IS-H: Define Blocking Reasons |
ONBO | IS-H: Assign bill.type to bill.block |
ONBP | IS-H: Maintain access seq. acct detn |
ONBQ | IS-H: Maintain Acct Detn Type |
ONBR | IS-H: Assessment rate rules |
ONBS | IS-H: Maintain Acct Detn Procedure |
ONBT | IS-H: Billing exception comments |
ONBU | IS-H: Procedure Dtn. for Act. Dtn. |
ONBV | IS-H: Assign Revenue Accounts |
ONC0 | IS-HCM: Maintain Seg. -> Seg. Asgmt. |
ONC1 | IS-HCM Maintain Message Type |
ONC1D | IS-HCM: Delete Customer Msg. Cmpnts. |
ONC2 | IS-HCM: Create Partner System |
ONC3 | IS-HCM Maintain Message Segment |
ONC4 | IS-HCM: Delete Partner System |
ONC5 | IS-HCM Installation Check Subsystems |
ONC6 | IS-HCM: Maintain System Attributes |
ONC7 | IS-HCM Display Incorr. Incoming Msg. |
ONC8 | IS-HCM Maintain Message Fields |
ONC9 | IS-HCM Delete Incorr. Incoming Msg. |
ONCA | IS-HCM Maintain Cat.-Segment-Assgmnt |
ONCA1 | IS-HCM: Display Msg.Type-Sgmt Asgmt |
ONCB | IS-HCM Display Receipt Logs |
ONCC | IS-HCM Maintain Segment-Field-Assgmt |
ONCC1 | IS-H: Display MsgSegment-Field Asgmt |
ONCD | IS-HCM Delete Receipt Logs |
ONCE | IS-HCM List of partner system sett. |
ONCEDI0 | EDI Procedure Basic Customizing |
ONCEDI1 | IS-H EDI Institution Agreements |
ONCEDI2 | IS-H EDI Convert int.<->ext. Code |
ONCEDI3 | IS-H EDI Communication Status |
ONCEDI4 | IS-H EDI Application status |
ONCEDI5 | IS-H EDI DCP-to-Ins. Provider Asgmt |
ONCEDI6 | IS-H EDI DCP-to-Ins. Prov. Coll.Asgt |
ONCEDI7 | IS-H EDI Display DCP-Ins.Prov. Asgmt |
ONCEDI8 | IS-H EDI: Message Structure Tree |
ONCEDI9 | IS-H Build EDI File Names |
ONCEDIC0 | IS-H: Control/Options for EDI |
ONCEDIDE0 | IS-H §301 DCP File Compare |
ONCEDIDE1 | IS-H P301/P302 HI Fund File Compare |
ONCEDIUA | IS-H EDI: Deposit Old EDI Records |
ONCEDIUA2C | IS-H Display EDI Recs.in Temp.Storag |
ONCEDIZ | IS-H EDI Service <-> Room Type Asgmt |
ONCF | IS-HCM: EDI Transfer System |
ONCG | IS-HCM Generate SAP Structures |
ONCH | IS-HCM Generate Customer Structures |
ONCI | IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Options |
ONCJ | IS-H: Synchronous dispatch options |
ONCK | IS-HCM: Display Receipt Options |
ONCL | IS-HCM: EDI - Excluded cases |
ONCM | IS-HCM: Activate EDI Comm. Procedure |
ONCN | IS-HCM: Number Ranges |
ONCO | Customizing |
ONCP | IS-HCM: Maint. Dispatch w/o Refer. |
ONCQ | IS-H: Monitoring check programs |
ONCR | IS-HCM Maintain Disp. w. OU Refer. |
ONCS | IS-H: Synchronous dispatch |
ONCSTAT | IS-HCM Table Entry Evaluations |
ONCT | IS-HCM Maintain Convert. HL7 Values |
ONCU | IS-HCM: EDI - Exclude Msg to InsProv |
ONCV | IS-HCM Maintain Recpt. w/o Reference |
ONCW | IS-HCM: DC Point Transaction Data |
ONCX | IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Logs |
ONCY | IS-HCM: Delete Dispatch Logs |
ONCZ | IS-HCM: Maintain data coll. point |
OND1 | IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Versions |
OND2 | IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Fields |
OND3 | IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Rules |
OND4 | IS-H: Maintain BDT Fixed Vals.OU-rel |
ONDT | IS-H: Planning type |
ONE1 | IS-H: IMG CP/EP Discount |
ONE2 | IS-H: Set up Direct Patient Billing |
ONE3 | IS-H: HCO documentation |
ONE4 | IS-H: HCO documentation |
ONE5 | IS-H: HCO documentation |
ONEI0 | IS |
ONEIS | IS-H: Determine chars., key figs EIS |
ONFCL | IS-H: Case Categorization |
ONG0 | IS-HCM: Maintain Message Standards |
ONG1 | IS-H: Maintain EDI Procedures |
ONG2 | IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced. |
ONG3 | IS-H: Maintain EDI Proc. Funct. Call |
ONG4 | IS-H EDI Procedure-to-Standard Asgmt |
ONG5 | IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced. |
ONG6 | IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced. |
ONHA | _ |
ONHB | _ |
ONHC | _ |
ONHD | _ |
ONHE | _ |
ONHF | _ |
ONHG | _ |
ONHH | _ |
ONHI | _ |
ONHJ | _ |
ONHK | _ |
ONHL | _ |
ONHM | _ |
ONHN | _ |
ONHO | _ |
ONHP | _ |
ONHQ | _ |
ONHR | _ |
ONHS | _ |
ONHT | _ |
ONHV | _ |
ONHW | _ |
ONK1 | ISH: Assign Application to System |
ONK2 | ISH: Assgn Event to Application |
ONK3 | IS-H: Events |
ONK4 | IS-H: Event/configuration assignment |
ONK5 | IS-H: Application Parameters |
ONK6 | IS-HCM: Maintain System Attributes |
ONK7 | IS-H: Check Configuration |
ONL0 | IS-H: Maintain Service Rule Types |
ONL1 | IS-H: Maintain Service Exclusions |
ONL2 | IS-H: Maintain Service Combinations |
ONL3 | IS-H: Maintain Service Max. Values |
ONL4 | IS-H: Assign rule types to events |
ONL5 | IS-H: Check procedure |
ONL6 | IS-H: Maintain compensation proposal |
ONL7 | IS-H: Control parameters FR/PS |
ONLA | IS-H: Check Procedure - Overview |
ONLA_NPROC_RULES | IS-H: Check Procedure - Overview |
ONM1 | IS-H: Borrowing reason |
ONM2 | IS-H: Borrower categories |
ONM3 | IS-H: Borrowing authorizations |
ONM4 | IS-H: Admin.of med.records paramet. |
ONM9 | IS-H: Assign Material Catalog to OU |
ONMA | Define Material Catalogs |
ONMB | Define Material Sets |
ONMC | IS-H: Assign Material Sets to OU |
ONMD | Generate Material Catalogs |
ONME | Define Material Sets |
ONMF | IS-H: Maintain Material Proposal |
ONMG | Generate Material Catalogs |
ONMH | Define Cabinets |
ONMHC | Copy Closets |
ONMHD | Closet List |
ONN1 | IS-H: Number Ranges for Org. Units |
ONN2 | IS-H: Number Ranges for Build. Units |
ONN3 | IS-H: Number Ranges Pers. Structure |
ONN4 | IS-H: Number Ranges Patients |
ONN5 | IS-H: Case Number Ranges |
ONN6 | IS-H: Number Ranges Business Partner |
ONN7 | IS-H: Number Ranges Ins.Verif./Cert. |
ONN8 | IS-H: Number Ranges Billing |
ONN9 | IS-H: Technical Number Range |
ONNKTR_KV | IS-H: Create External Ins. Prov. |
ONO1 | Maintain flat rate type (AT) |
ONO2 | Determine flat rate type (AT) |
ONO3 | Maintain flat rate rules (AT) |
ONO4 | Flat rate scales (AT) |
ONO5 | Flat rate exclusions (AT) |
ONO6 | IS-H: Outpt. ind. services/ins.prov. |
ONOA | IS-H: VAT assessment (Austria) |
ONOC | IS-H*MED: Assign Physician - OU |
ONOT | Maintain Quotation Types |
ONP1 | IS-H: Periods |
ONP4 | Create Ntwk Pl.Layout Statistical KF |
ONP5 | Change Ntwk Pl.Layout Statistical KF |
ONP6 | Display Nwk Pl.Layout Statistical KF |
ONR0 | IS-H: Applications report control |
ONR1 | IS-H: Report Control Groups |
ONR2 | IS-H: Report Ctrl Assgmt. User-Group |
ONR3 | IS-H: Report Ctrl. Assgmt. Grp.-Rep. |
ONRA | IS-H: Maintain Record Types |
ONRB | IS-H: Maintain Record Structure |
ONRC | IS-H: Statistics: Srv valuat. factor |
ONRD | IS-H: Stat. - Case class. val. form. |
ONRE | IS-H: Statistics: Svce Remapping |
ONRF | IS-H: Statistics - Geogr.area totals |
ONRK | IS-H: Age groups for statistics |
ONRL | ISH: Maintenance Statistics for NLSU |
ONS1 | IS-H: Maintain selection proc. (AT) |
ONTNPC1 | IS-H: Maintain Occup.Characteristics |
ONTNREL | IS-H: Start View Maintenance TNREL |
ONU0 | IS-H: Client reset control |
ONU1 | IS-H: Import Postal Code Directory |
ONU2 | IS-H: Import Postal Code Directory |
ONU3 | IS-H: Import Postal Code Directory |
ONV0 | IS-H: Change CP/EP Discount |
ONV1 | IS-H: Maintain Treatment Category |
ONV2 | IS-H: Display Treatment Category |
ONV3 | IS-H: Maintain Case Class/Treat.Cat. |
ONV4 | IS-H: Display Case Class./Treat.Cat. |
ONV5 | IS-H: Services for Treatmnt Category |
ONV6 | IS-H: Display Service per Trtmt.cat. |
ONV7 | IS-H: Maintain Ins. Prov. Types |
ONV8 | IS-H: Display Guarantor Types |
ONV9 | IS-H: Create CP/EP Discount |
ONVA | ISH: View Maintenance Institutions |
ONVB | ISH: View maint. classification cat. |
ONVC | ISH: View maint. classification type |
ONVD | ISH: View Maint. Nurs. Acuity Class. |
ONVE | IS-H: Maintain Guarantor Class |
ONVF | IS-H: Display Guarantor Class |
ONVI | IS-H: Nurs. acuity classif. params |
ONVJ | IS-H: Cases for NAcuity CorrectProc. |
ONVV | IS-H: Ins. Relat. System Parameters |
ONWA | IS-H: Bad debt parties |
ONWPCB | Customizing MiniApps Inpat. Billing |
OO0C | Context Maintenance |
OO0D | Object Description Profile |
OO0O | Object Data Definition |
OO0R | Relationship Data Definition |
OO0T | Tool Definition |
OO2S | Description: Subtypes |
OO513PAPD | Appraisal Model for PA/PSA/EE-gp/sgp |
OO91 | SAP Org. Object Type Assignment |
OO9M | Matrix Types |
OOAA | Edit Recipient Groups |
OOAC | HR: Authorization main switch |
OOAD | Task Functions |
OOAE | Settings for Appraisal Systems |
OOAI | Appraisal Transfer Persons |
OOAK | Selection Criteria (Detail) |
OOAK_NEW | Criteria for Detailed Selection |
OOALECOMB | HR: Distributable Relationship |
OOALERELA | HR: Distributable Relat. Direction |
OOALESIN | HR: Serialization in ALE Inbound |
OOALESOUT | HR: Serialization in ALE Outbound |
OOALE_FILTER1 | HR:Master Data Distribution Filter 1 |
OOALE_FILTER2 | HR:Master Data Distribution Filter 2 |
OOAM | Change Appraisals Catalog |
OOAP | Set Active Plan Version |
OOAS | Aspects |
OOATTRCUST | Customizing General Attribute Maint. |
OOATTRCUST_DISP | Customizing General Attribute Maint. |
OOATTRCUST_TRSP | Customizing General Attribute Maint. |
OOAU | Authorizations |
OOAW | Evaluation Paths |
OOAZ | Building Address |
OOB1 | Form of Appraisal |
OOB2 | Assign Appraisal Model |
OOBA | Define Reservation Type |
OOBC | Pushbutton Control Batch Input |
OOBD | Cancellations |
OOBE | Budgeting Parameters |
OOBG | Reasons |
OOBI | INTERN: PA-PD Integration in Batch |
OOBS | Staffing Schedule |
OOBU | Business Events Bookings |
OOBX | Appraisal Type: Standard Input |
OOC3 | PD-TEM: Master Data Catalog |
OOCA | Activity Types |
OOCB | Customer Enhancement for Master Data |
OOCC | Cost Center of Cost Object |
OOCDIST | Integration with Cost Distribution |
OOCDOC_CUST | Activate Change Documents |
OOCE | Organizational Elements |
OOCH | Consistency Check |
OOCINH | Inheritance of Contr. Area in Pos. |
OOCK | Integ. Cost Plng & Cost Accounting |
OOCM | Compensation Management Settings |
OOCM_AD | Compensation Administration Settings |
OOCM_CR | Calculation of Compa Ratio |
OOCM_JP | Job pricing parameter |
OOCM_SS | Participation in Salary Survey |
OOCM_TCS | Total Compensation Statement Para. |
OOCO | Integration HR Planning: Cost Acctng |
OOCOLFRAMCUST | Column Framework Customizing |
OOCOLFRAMCUST_DISP | Column Framework Customizing |
OOCOLFRAMCUST_TRSP | Column Framework Customizing |
OOCP | Maintain Company |
OOCR | Set up PD Transport Connection |
OOCT | Catalogs |
OOCU | Task Customizing |
OOCU_PAR | Task Customizing with parameters |
OOCU_PAR_HRGB | Activate workflow 'HR_GB:PrtCar' |
OOCU_RESP | Customizing Responsibilities |
OODA | Online Process |
OODB | Data Collection |
OODC | Shift Planning: Requirements Entry |
OODD | Shift Planning: Lock Settings |
OODE | Shift Planning: Work Center View |
OODF | Shift Planning: Abbrev. Proposal |
OODG | Shift Planning: Standard Shift Group |
OODH | Shift Planning: Selection View |
OODIFMA | Restrict to One FM Area |
OODK | Shift Planning: Factory Calendar |
OODL | Default Values for Output |
OODM | Activate indicator for subst. types |
OODN | Shift Planning: Dialog Box Cust. |
OODO | Shift Planning: Different Payment |
OODQ | Time Evaluation: External Access |
OODR | Time Evaluation: Report Variant |
OODS | Data Views |
OODT | Data Transfer |
OODU | Shift Planning: Report Variant |
OODV | Shift Planning: Substitution Type |
OODW | Shift Planning: Messages |
OODX | Shift Planning: Groupings |
OODY | Shift Planning: Time Types/Balances |
OOEC | Change Development Plan Catalog |
OOECM_AD | Administration Control Parameters |
OOECM_BD | Budgeting Control Parameters |
OOECM_JP | ECM Switches for Job Pricing |
OOECM_MAIN | ECM Activation Switch |
OOEE | Settings for Development Plans |
OOEF | Firmly Book/Cancel |
OOEG | Create Business Event Group |
OOEP | Set Suitability Areas |
OOER | Create External Instructor |
OOES | Restrictions |
OOET | Create Business Event Type |
OOEV | Attendees: Booking Checks |
OOEW | Booking Priorities |
OOEX | Print Shift Plan w/Microsoft Excel |
OOEY | Further Processing of Plan States |
OOEZ | Define Development Plan States |
OOFA | Switch for Business Event Locations |
OOFD | Search Function |
OOFF | Passport photo |
OOFK | Factory Calendar |
OOFO | Form Editing |
OOFRAMEWORKCUST | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKCUST_DISP | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKCUST_TRSP | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKIFCUST | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKIFCUST_DI | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKIFCUST_TR | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFT | Customizing Quota Planning FTE |
OOFUNC_AP | Functions - Appraisals |
OOFUNC_DP | Functions - Development Plans |
OOGA | Designs |
OOGP | Work Schedule Group Assignment |
OOGT | User Assignment |
OOGV | Health Examinations |
OOHAP_BASIC | Basic Appraisal Template Settings |
OOHAP_CATEGORY | Appraisal Category Settings |
OOHAP_CAT_GROUP | Category Group Settings |
OOHAP_VALUE_TYPE | Standard Value Lists |
OOHCP1 | Basic Settings Pers. Cost Planning |
OOHCP2 | Data Collection Settings PersCostPl. |
OOHCP3 | Planning Run Settings PersCostPl. |
OOHCP4 | Detail Planning Settings PersCostPl. |
OOHCP5 | Posting Settings Pers. Cost Planning |
OOHCP_MODIFY | Change Customizing Headcount Plng |
OOHCP_SHOW | Display Customizing Headcount Plng |
OOHP | Set Up PD - PA Integration |
OOHQ | Integration: PLOG - PREL |
OOHRCE_MAINS | Switches for PAD CE |
OOHRFPM_MAXNO | Max. No. of Objects to be Checked |
OOHRPBC01 | Gen. Settings for Pay Scale Evaluatn |
OOHRPBC02 | Subtype for Reassignment Lock |
OOHRPBC03 | Activate Monitoring of Tasks |
OOHRPBC04 | Activate Basic Conversion of STA |
OOHRPBC05 | Value of Pay Scale Eval. in Trnf. |
OOHRPBC06 | Activate Basic Conversion |
OOHRPBC07 | Posting Date for Payroll Simulation |
OOHRPBC08 | Retroactive Acctg by Cmmt Processor |
OOHRPBC09 | General Settings |
OOHRPBC_BCS | Original Budget Creation BCS |
OOHRPBC_FBS | Original Budget Creation FBS |
OOHRPPBC_ADT0 | Switch for Main/Sub-Group |
OOIF | HR: Switch for IBAN Functionality |
OOIL | Integration Cost Allocation |
OOIO | Initialization Object Type |
OOIT | Infotypes |
OOIV | Initial Business Event/Resource Type |
OOKA | Incompatible Attendances/Absences |
OOKB | Cost/Price Determination |
OOKF | Cost Center Determination |
OOKO | Resources and Authorities |
OOKP | Cost Planning |
OOKR | Fee Handling |
OOKU | Correspondence User Groups |
OOKV | Conflict Reaction |
OOKY | Set up Current Year for YEA Korea |
OOLA | List Entry |
OOLB | Wage Elements |
OOLC | Create Business Event Location |
OOLE | Current Settings |
OOLG | Language Sequence in Pers. Planning |
OOLW | Workflow connection - Ctry Reassign. |
OOMA | Mail Connection |
OOMD | HR Search Function |
OOME | Define Lunch Times |
OOMG | Control Elements Materials Mgmt |
OOML | Room Administration Mail Connection |
OOMM | Integration Materials Management |
OOMP | Organization Elements Materials Mgmt |
OOMS | Toolboxes |
OOMT | Actions |
OOMV | Create Sequential File for PD |
OOMW | Display Sequential File for PD |
OOMWB1 | MDT Scenario Maintenance |
OONA | Naming |
OONB | Actions for Business Event Assessmnt |
OONC | No. Assignment for All Plan Versions |
OONF | Note Function |
OONR | Number Ranges |
OONS | Name Tags |
OONT | Note Function |
OOOBJMANCUST | Object Manager Customizing |
OOOBJMANCUST_DISP | Object Manager Customizing |
OOOBJMANCUST_TRSP | Object Manager Customizing |
OOOD | Data Sets |
OOOE | Organizational Plan |
OOOS | Functions |
OOOT | Maintain object types |
OOOU | Create Organizational Unit |
OOPADCE_PER | Switches for PAD CE |
OOPADCE_UI | Switches for PAD CE |
OOPAYGP | Switch for Payroll of Global EE |
OOPB | User groups |
OOPC | Administration: Personnel No. Check |
OOPCPWIZ1 | Wizard: Personnel Cost Planning |
OOPD | HR Master Data |
OOPE | Organizer Types |
OOPF | Define Profiles |
OOPH | Set Up PA - PD Integration |
OOPM | HR Planning: Search Function |
OOPP | Consistency Check for Integration |
OOPPOMSET | T77S0: PPOM Settings |
OOPR | Authorization Profile Maintenance |
OOPS | HR Master Data Integration |
OOPT | Participate in Integration |
OOPV | Plan Versions |
OOPW | Indiv. Attendee Check Path - Company |
OOQ4 | Maintain Career Model |
OOQ5 | Copy Requirements Profile to Holder |
OOQA | Change Qualifications Catalog |
OOQB | Qualification Transfer: Applicants |
OOQI | Transfer Qualifications - Employee |
OOQM | Qual. Profile: Mass Data Maintenance |
OOQU | Settings for Personnel Development |
OOQ_SKILL_ESS | Root Qualification Group |
OORA | Create Room |
OORB | HR-TEM: Number Range Reference Doc. |
OORE | Create Resource |
OORP | Plan Version for Room Reservation |
OORT | Create Resource Type |
OORU | Shift Planning: Proposal Strategy |
OORV | Strategy for Automatic Assignment |
OORW | Work Schedule: Rule Values |
OOSB | User (Structural Authorization) |
OOSC | Define Scales |
OOSD | Integration Billing |
OOSE | Organizational Elements |
OOSF | Search Function |
OOSG | Settings for Credit Memo |
OOSH | Control Elements Day-To-Day Actys |
OOSK | Cost Accounting Control |
OOSO | Create Organizational Unit |
OOSP | Authorization Profiles |
OOSQ | Create Requirements Profile |
OOSR | Settings for Invoice |
OOSS | Prices, Taxes, Account Assignment |
OOST | Standard Assignment |
OOSU | Subtypes |
OOSV | Customizing for Ctry Reassg Workflow |
OOSW | Create Work Center |
OOT1 | Shift Groups for Shift Planning |
OOT2 | Requirement Types per WS/Shift Group |
OOT3 | Requirements |
OOT5 | Shift Groups for Shift Planning |
OOTA | Attendee Type: Print Control |
OOTB | Attendee/Organizer Types Allowed |
OOTG | Areas |
OOTK | Integration Appointment Calendar |
OOTM | Time Schedule |
OOTO | Specify Appointment Types |
OOTP | Create Development Plan |
OOTR | Display Import Lock Table |
OOTS | Breakpoints |
OOTT | Attendee Types |
OOTV | Prebookings |
OOUA | Batch Input User Level |
OOUM | Integration Cost Transfer Posting |
OOUR | C. Enhancement Resource Reservation |
OOUS | Maintain User |
OOV1 | Display Table T77S0 |
OOV2 | Maintain Table T77S0 |
OOVA | Business Event Catalog |
OOVACPTIME | No.of Days to Bring Forward Vacns |
OOVB | Vacancy Editing |
OOVC | Formatting Text Variables |
OOVD | Output Sequence of Text Elements |
OOVI | Notification Abbr.: Assign Event |
OOVK | Relationships |
OOVM | User-Specific Output Control |
OOVO | Prebooking Business Event Types |
OOVS | Create Notification Abbreviation |
OOVW | Service for Lock |
OOW1 | Classification of Task Complexes |
OOW2 | Substitute Profile |
OOW3 | Substitute Profile: Class. Assignmnt |
OOW4 | Workflow/Org.Mgmt Prefix Numbers |
OOWB | TEM-ESS : Standard values |
OOWFAC | Activate Workflow Event Linkage |
OOWIZ1 | Wizard: Cost Transfer Posting |
OOWIZ2 | Wizard: Activity Allocation |
OOWIZ3 | Wizard: Billing |
OOWIZ4 | Wizard Customizing Correspondence |
OOWIZ41 | Form Wizard |
OOWIZ42 | Text Variable Wizard |
OOWIZ43 | Notification Abbreviation Wizard |
OOWIZ5 | Wizard: Cost Transfer Posting |
OOZI | Dynamic Menus Additional Info |
OOZO | Shift Planning: Simulate Attendences |
OOZR | Target OT-Dependent Time Constraint |
OOZS | Attendance Types Time Management |
OOZT | Shift Planning: Employee Status |
OOZW | Integration with Time Management |
OO_CA_TAX_SPL | HR: Set up Canada Tax Split |
OO_CENTRAL_PERSON | HR: Set Up Central Person |
OO_GB_DRILLDOWN | HR: Set up GB Drilldown Reporting |
OO_GB_HESA_01 | HR: Set up GB HESA Institution Code |
OO_GB_ME | HR: Set up GB Multiple Employments |
OO_GB_ME_CHECK | HR: Set up GB ME consistency check |
OO_GB_ME_PAYSLIP | HR: Set up GB ME payslip aggregation |
OO_HRALXCUSTINT | Activate Integration |
OO_HRALXCUSTOBP | Data Synchronization: Org. Units |
OO_HRALXCUSTPBP | Data Synchronization: Persons |
OO_HRALXCUSTPER | Logging/Error Analysis |
OO_HRRCF_CAT_CREATE | Set Up Categories for Questionnaires |
OO_HRRCF_CAT_TRANS | Transport Categories |
OO_HRRCF_CAT_UPDATE | Update Questionnaire Categories |
OO_HRRCF_CREATE_USER | Create User for E-Recruiting |
OO_HRRCF_DEL_EXTCAND | Delete External Candidates |
OO_HRRCF_SYST_CUST | System Parameters in E-Recruiting |
OO_HRRCF_VIEW_SRVLOG | Display Search Query Log |
OO_HRRCF_WD_BL_CUST | System Parameter Backend System |
OO_HRRCF_WD_CUST | System Parameter Front-End System |
OO_MGE_MAN_PATH | Master Switch for Man. of Gl. Empl. |
OO_MGE_MS | Master Switch for Man. of Gl. Empl. |
OO_POST_ARCHI | Archiving Function for Posting Index |
OO_POST_PPMAR | Payment Posting Active AR |
OO_POST_PPMAT | Payment Posting Active AT |
OO_POST_PPMAU | Payment Posting Active AU |
OO_POST_PPMBE | Payment Posting Active BE |
OO_POST_PPMBR | Payment Posting Active BR |
OO_POST_PPMCA | Payment Posting Active CA |
OO_POST_PPMCH | Payment Posting Active CH |
OO_POST_PPMCN | Payment Posting Active CN |
OO_POST_PPMDE | Payment Posting Active DE |
OO_POST_PPMDK | Payment Posting Active DK |
OO_POST_PPMES | Payment Posting Active ES |
OO_POST_PPMFI | Payment Posting Active FI |
OO_POST_PPMFR | Payment Posting Active FR |
OO_POST_PPMGB | Payment Posting Active GB |
OO_POST_PPMHK | Payment Posting Active HK |
OO_POST_PPMID | Payment Posting Active ID |
OO_POST_PPMIE | Payment Posting Active IE |
OO_POST_PPMIN | Payment Posting Active IN |
OO_POST_PPMIT | Payment Posting Active IT |
OO_POST_PPMJP | Payment Posting Active JP |
OO_POST_PPMKR | Payment Posting Active KR |
OO_POST_PPMMX | Payment Posting Active MX |
OO_POST_PPMMY | Payment Posting Active MY |
OO_POST_PPMNL | Payment Posting Active NL |
OO_POST_PPMNO | Payment Posting Active NO |
OO_POST_PPMNZ | Payment Posting Active NZ |
OO_POST_PPMPH | Payment Posting Active PH |
OO_POST_PPMPT | Payment Posting Active PT |
OO_POST_PPMRU | Payment Posting Active RU |
OO_POST_PPMSE | Payment Posting Active SE |
OO_POST_PPMSG | Payment Posting Active SG |
OO_POST_PPMTH | Payment Posting Active TH |
OO_POST_PPMTW | Payment Posting Active TW |
OO_POST_PPMUS | Payment Posting Active US |
OO_POST_PPMVE | Payment Posting Active VE |
OO_POST_PPMXX | Payment Posting Active XX |
OO_POST_PPMZA | Payment Posting Active ZA |
OO_PTSPPS_ADHVP | Additional Checks PP61 |
OO_PTSPPS_AKSP | Save Shift Abbreviation |
OO_PTSPPS_BDV | Activate Cumulation of Requirements |
OO_PTSPPS_DET | Activation of Additional Information |
OO_PTSPPS_EXBDA | MS EXCEL Print Macros Reqmts Matchup |
OO_PTSPPS_INCLUPD | Activate Functionality |
OO_PTSPPS_MRK | Activate Special Day Marking |
OO_PTSPPS_PSABG | Activate Long-Term Temp. Assignments |
OO_PTSPPS_PSAPL | Direct Access to Absence Planner |
OO_PTSPPS_PSASP | Result of Proposal Determination |
OO_PTSPPS_PSCDO | Activate PSOLL Change Documents |
OO_PTSPPS_PSDCI | Activate Background Process |
OO_PTSPPS_PSDWI | Protect Employee Preferences |
OO_PTSPPS_PSHID | Hide Temp. Reassigned Employees |
OO_PTSPPS_PSINF | Activate Extended Info Columns |
OO_PTSPPS_PSKSA | Retain Abbreviation for Availability |
OO_PTSPPS_PSLVV | Delete Obsolete Substitutions |
OO_PTSPPS_PSPLM | Activate Pool Management |
OO_PTSPPS_PSSRT | Activate Enhanced Sorting |
OO_PTSPPS_PSTAA | Maintain Info Texts for Att./Absence |
OO_PTSPPS_PSTSN | Time Statement for Student Nurses |
OO_PTSPPS_RFRSH | Refresh on Saving |
OO_PTSPPS_SMUCD | Assgmt Proposal for Changed Days |
OO_PTSPPS_SMUDR | Assgmt Proposal for Changed Days |
OO_PTSPPS_TASSA | Temp. Assgmt Despite Att./Absence |
OO_T77BW | Automatic State Management |
OO_UGHR_CENTRAL_PERS | HR: Set Up Central Person |
OO_USPS_CERT_RENEW | Msg Class for Cert. Renewal Code |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes from ON to OO
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