FD-1 | Number range maintenance: FVVD_RANL |
FD01 | Create Customer (Accounting) |
FD02 | Change Customer (Accounting) |
FD02CORE | Maintain customer |
FD03 | Display Customer (Accounting) |
FD04 | Customer Changes (Accounting) |
FD05 | Block Customer (Accounting) |
FD06 | Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng) |
FD08 | Confirm Customer Individually(Actng) |
FD09 | Confirm Customer List (Accounting) |
FD10 | Customer Account Balance |
FD10N | Customer Balance Display |
FD10NA | Customer Bal. Display with Worklist |
FD10NET | Customer Balance Display |
FD11 | Customer Account Analysis |
FD15 | Transfer customer changes: send |
FD16 | Transfer customer changes: receive |
FD24 | Credit Limit Changes |
FD32 | Change Customer Credit Management |
FD33 | Display Customer Credit Management |
FD37 | Credit Management Mass Change |
FDCU | Loans customizing menu |
FDFD | Cash Management Implementation Tool |
FDI0 | Execute Report |
FDI1 | Create Report |
FDI2 | Change Report |
FDI3 | Display Report |
FDI4 | Create Form |
FDI5 | Change Form |
FDI6 | Display Form |
FDIB | Background Processing |
FDIC | Maintain Currency Translation Type |
FDIK | Maintain Key Figures |
FDIM | Report Monitor |
FDIO | Transport Reports |
FDIP | Transport Forms |
FDIQ | Import Reports from Client 000 |
FDIR | Import Forms from Client 000 |
FDIT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report |
FDIV | Maintain Global Variable |
FDIX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
FDIY | Reorganize Report Data |
FDIZ | Reorganize Forms |
FDK43 | Credit Management - Master Data List |
FDKTRANS | Transport User Actions FI_AP/AR |
FDKUSER | Internet: User Action Assignment |
FDMN | |
FDM_AUTO_CREATE | Create Dispute Cases Automatically |
FDM_COLL01 | Collections Management |
FDM_COLL_SEND01 | Send Data |
FDM_CUST00 | Activate Dispute Management |
FDM_CUST01 | Create Default Vals for Dispute Case |
FDM_CUST02 | Permit References in Dispute Case |
FDM_CUST03 | Settings for Dispute Case Write-Off |
FDM_CUST04 | Create Default Vals for Disp.Case(1) |
FDM_CUST05 | Case Type for Promise to Pay |
FDM_CUST06 | Values for Dispute Case in FSCM-BD |
FDM_CUST07 | Dispute Case Reasons in FSCM-BD |
FDM_CUST08 | Activate Dispute Management |
FDM_CUST10 | Activate Assignment of Credit Memos |
FDM_CUST15 | Maintain Active Company Codes |
FDM_CUST16 | Maintain Relevant Fields |
FDM_CUST17 | Harmonize Dunning Levels |
FDM_CUSTOMIZING | FSCM-DM Process Integration |
FDM_JUDGE | Valuation of Promise to Pay |
FDM_P2P_CONFIRM | Confirmation of Promise to Pay |
FDM_SAVE | Save Case during CALL DIALOG |
FDOO | Borrower's notes order overview |
FDTA | TemSe/REGUT Data Administration |
FDTT | Treasury Data Medium Administration |
FDT_RESERVED | Reserved ID Patterns |
FDUNN | Dunning Loans |
FEBA | Postprocess Electronic Bank Statmt |
FEBAN | Bank statement postprocessing |
FEBAN_BROWSER | Displays the Note to Payee |
FEBA_ACCOUNT_BALANCE | Display Account Balance |
FEBA_BANK_STATEMENT | Postprocessing Bank Statement |
FEBA_CHECK_DEPOSIT | Postprocessing Check Deposit Trans. |
FEBA_LOCKBOX | Display Account Balance |
FEBC | Generate Multicash format |
FEBMSG | Display Internet Messages |
FEBOAS | Request Account Statement via OFX |
FEBOFX | OFX Functions |
FEBOFXN | OFX Functions |
FEBP | Post Electronic Bank Statement |
FEBSTS | Search String Search Simulation |
FEC14 | Clearing groups |
FEC6 | Regulatory indicator assignment |
FEC7 | Regulatory indicators |
FEC8 | CO transaction type handling |
FECA | Customizing Archiving |
FECC | Control of messages by the user |
FECG | General regulatory parameters |
FECJ | Create job for multiple periods |
FECM | Online manual |
FECP | Copy regulatory parameters |
FECV | Clearing cost element variants |
FEOD | Drill down (Old version) |
FEOT | Flow of cost trace (Old version) |
FEP4 | Plan versions |
FEP5 | Fiscal year dep. version parameters |
FEP6 | Plan versions |
FEP7 | Fiscal year dep. version parameters |
FER0 | Standard cost adjustment |
FER1 | Trace flow of primary costs |
FER2 | Post primary costs |
FER3 | Post variance allocations |
FER4 | Direct postings |
FER5 | Prepare drill down |
FERA | Administration |
FERC | Regulatory reporting |
FERD | Drill down |
FERE | Transport periodic parameters |
FERH | Processing history |
FERN | Release notes |
FERO | Process actuals for current period |
FERP | Process plan for current period |
FERQ | Process plan |
FERR | Reverse regulatory procedure |
FERS | Process actual |
FERT | Flow of cost trace |
FERV | Validate regulatory configuration |
FESA | Summarized final objects |
FESR | Import of ISR File (Switzerland) |
FEUB | Adjust VIBEPP after EURO conversion |
FEUI | Real Estate Implementation Guide |
FEV1 | Controlling area dependent parameter |
FEV10 | Secondary cost elem. to be ignored |
FEV11 | Regulatory indicator assignmnt field |
FEV13 | Clearing cost elements |
FEV13A | Cost element variants |
FEV2 | Company code dependent parameters |
FEV3 | Regulatory accounts for traced costs |
FEV3A | Regulatory indicator variants |
FEV4 | Specific Std. Cost. Adj. assignments |
FEV5 | Specific clearing COEl assignments |
FEV6 | Regulatory indicator assignments |
FEV9 | Regulatory accounts for direct post. |
FEVF6 | Organizational assignment of objects |
FF$3 | Send planning data to central system |
FF$4 | Retrieve planning data |
FF$5 | Retrieve transmission results |
FF$6 | Check settings |
FF$7 | Check all external systems |
FF$A | Maintain TR-CM subsystems |
FF$B | Convert Planning Group |
FF$C | Convert planning level |
FF$D | Convert business areas |
FF$L | Display transmission information |
FF$S | Display transmission information |
FF$X | Configure the central TR-CM system |
FF-1 | Outstanding Checks |
FF-2 | Outstanding Bills of Exchange |
FF-3 | Cash Management Summary Records |
FF-4 | CMF Data In Accounting Documents |
FF-5 | CMF Records fr.Materials Management |
FF-6 | CMF Records from Sales |
FF-7 | Planned Item Journal |
FF-8 | Payment Advice Journal |
FF-9 | Journal |
FF.1 | Standard G/L Account Interest Scale |
FF.3 | G/L Account Cashed Checks |
FF.4 | Vendor Cashed Checks |
FF.5 | Import Electronic Bank Statement |
FF.6 | Display Electronic Bank Statement |
FF.7 | Compare Payment Advices |
FF.8 | Print Payment Orders |
FF.9 | Post Payment Orders |
FF.D | Generate payt req. from advices |
FF/1 | Compare Bank Terms |
FF/2 | Compare value date |
FF/3 | Archive advices from bank statements |
FF/4 | Import Electronic Check Deposit List |
FF/5 | Post electronic check deposit list |
FF/6 | Deposit/loan mgmt analysis/posting |
FF/7 | Deposit/loan management int accruals |
FF/8 | Import Bank Statement into Cash Mgmt |
FF/9 | Compare Advices with Bank Statement |
FF63 | Create Planning Memo Record |
FF65 | List of Cash Management Memo Records |
FF67 | Manual Account Statement |
FF68 | Manual Check Deposit Transaction |
FF69 | Cash Mgmt: Totals Record Correction |
FF6A | Edit Cash Mgmt Pos Payment Advices |
FF6B | Edit liquidity forecast planned item |
FF70 | Cash Mgmt Posit./Liquidity Forecast |
FF71 | Cash Position |
FF72 | Liquidity forecast |
FF73 | Cash Concentration |
FF74 | Use Program to Access Cash Concntn |
FF7A | Cash Position |
FF7B | Liquidity forecast |
FF:1 | Maintain exchange rates |
FFA1 | Compare Advices with Bk.Stmt Advices |
FFB4 | Import Electronic Check Deposit List |
FFB5 | Post electronic check deposit list |
FFCD | Cash deconcentration |
FFL_OLD | Display Transmission Information |
FFS_OLD | Display Transmission Information |
FFTL | Telephone list |
FFW1 | Wire Authorization |
FFWR | Post Payment Requests from Advice |
FFWR_REQUESTS | Create Payment Requests from Advice |
FFZK | C FI Maintainence Table T018Z |
FF_1 | Standard G/L Account Interest Scale |
FF_3 | G/L Account Cashed Checks |
FF_4 | Vendor Cashed Checks |
FF_5 | Import Electronic Bank Statement |
FF_6 | Display Electronic Bank Statement |
FG99 | Flexible G/L: Report Selection |
FGI0 | Execute Report |
FGI1 | Create Report |
FGI2 | Change Report |
FGI3 | Display Report |
FGI4 | Create Form |
FGI5 | Change Form |
FGI6 | Display Form |
FGIB | Background Processing |
FGIC | Maintain Currency Translation Type |
FGIK | Maintain Key Figures |
FGIM | Report Monitor |
FGIO | Transport Reports |
FGIP | Transport Forms |
FGIQ | Import Reports from Client 000 |
FGIR | Import Forms from Client 000 |
FGIT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. |
FGIV | Maintain Global Variable |
FGIX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
FGIY | Reorganize Report Data |
FGIZ | Reorganize Forms |
FGL6 | IRE: One Time Posting - Gen. Contr |
FGM0 | Special Purpose Ledger Menu |
FGRP | Report Painter |
FGRW | Report Writer Menu |
FGSODN_IT1 | Number range maintenance: FIN2_IT |
FI01 | Create Bank |
FI02 | Change Bank |
FI03 | Display Bank |
FI04 | Display Bank Changes |
FI06 | Set Flag to Delete Bank |
FI07 | Change Current Number Range Number |
FI08 | Distribution of the Bank Master Data |
FI09 | Distribution of IBANs |
FI12 | Change House Banks/Bank Accounts |
FI12CORE | Change House Banks/Bank Accounts |
FI12_OLD | Change House Banks/Bank Accounts |
FI13 | Display House Banks/Bank Accounts |
FI13_OLD | Display House Banks/Bank Accounts |
FIAAHELP | FI-AA Utility Programs |
FIAAHELP_DARK | FI-AA Utility Programs Dispatcher |
FIBAN | Maintain IBAN |
FIBB | Bank chain determination |
FIBC | Scenarios for Bank Chain Determin. |
FIBD | Allocation client |
FIBF | Maintenance transaction BTE |
FIBHS | Display bank chains for house banks |
FIBHU | Maintain bank chains for house banks |
FIBL0 | Origin Indicator Definition |
FIBL1 | Control Origin Indicator |
FIBL2 | Assign Origin |
FIBL3 | Group of House Bank Accounts |
FIBL4 | Bank Clearing Account for HR Payment |
FIBLAPOP | Vendors - Payment Request |
FIBLAROP | Customers - Payment Request |
FIBLFFP | Free Form Payment |
FIBPS | Display bank chians for partners |
FIBPU | Maintain bank chains for partner |
FIBS | Input House Bank in Payment Request |
FIBTS | Dis. bank chains for acct carry fwds |
FIBTU | Main. bank chains for acctCarry over |
FICAAOLA | Master Data Tab |
FICAARCHBDT | BDT Contract Account Archiving |
FICADELE | Contract Account Deletion |
FICADELEBDT | BDT Contract Account Deletion |
FICD | Cash deconcentration |
FICOBDT | Financial Conditions |
FICOBDT01 | FICO Config. - BDT - Applications |
FICOBDT0104 | FICO Config - BDT - Screen Config. |
FICOBDT013 | FICO Config. - BDT - Roles |
FICOBDT014 | FICO Config. - Role Category Groups |
FICOBDT02 | FICO Config. - BDT - Field Groups |
FICOBDT023 | FICO Config. - BDT - SETS |
FICOBDT03 | FICO Config. - BDT - Views |
FICOBDT04 | FICO Config. - BDT - Section |
FICOBDT05 | FICO Config. - BDT - Screens |
FICOBDT06 | FICO Config. - BDT - Screen Sequence |
FICOBDT07 | FICO Config. - BDT - Event |
FICOBDT08 | FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Std Funct. |
FICOBDT09 | FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Add. Funct. |
FICOBDT10 | FICO Config.- BDT - Matchcodes |
FICOBDT100 | FICO Config - BDT - Fmod per Acct |
FICOBDT102 | FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. type |
FICOBDT103 | FICO Config - BDT - Fld Grp Authoriz |
FICOBDT105 | FICO Config. BDT -Fmod Ext. Applic. |
FICOBDT11 | FICO Config - BDT - ScrnFld ->DB Fld |
FICOBDT12 | FICO Config. - BDT - Fmod. Criteria |
FICOBDT15 | FICO Config. - BDT - Appl. Transact. |
FICOBDT16 | FICO Configuration - BDT - Tables |
FICOBDT17 | FICO Config.- BDT -Ext. Applications |
FICOBDT18 | FICO Config. - BDT - Activities |
FICOBDT19 | FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. Type |
FICOBDT20 | FICO Config. - BDT - Auth Fld Grps |
FICOBDT_31 | Define Condition Type |
FICOMAIN | Menu for New Conditions Log |
FICO_123 | Create Basic Setting - Conditions |
FICO_124 | Create Basic Setting - Conditions |
FICO_CG | Define Condition Group Type |
FICO_CUS_LIST_BCA | Customizing for Condition Group Type |
FICO_FOBU_OPERATOR | Define Formula Operators |
FIEH01 | Process Contracts with Errors |
FIHB | In-house bank |
FIHB0 | Number Range Maintenance |
FIHB1 | Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB |
FIHB4 | Assignment of IHB to Bookkeeping |
FIHB5 | Data for Automatic Payments |
FIHB6 | Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB |
FIHB7 | Reversal of IHC Payment Requests |
FIHB8 | Transfer Recipient Items |
FIHBC | Settings for In-House Bank |
FIHC | Create In-House Cash Center |
FILAACETRANS | Transfer ACE Documents to Accounting |
FILAADJ | Manual Changes to Value ID Contents |
FILAADJREV | Reverse Value ID Change |
FILAADMN | Process Processing Initial Screen |
FILACHECK | List Available Help Programs |
FILACUS | List Available Help Programs |
FILAEXAM | Lease: Process Analysis |
FILAEXAMX | Processing of Process (Enhanced) |
FILAEXPL | Display Lease |
FILAFIRECON | Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation |
FILAHELP | List Available Help Programs |
FILASTRUC_LVS_PARAM | Validation Parameter |
FILASYST | Jump to IMG for System Customizing |
FILATEST | Process Processing Initial Screen |
FILAUF_WF_CUST | Store Order: Workflow Customizing |
FILAVSRDEF | Substitution/Validation Determinat. |
FILAVSRDEF_CLASS | Check Sequences f. Financ. Classif. |
FILAVSRDEF_CRMC | Check Sequences f. Pricing Classif. |
FILAVSRDEF_VALID | Validation Determination |
FILAVSRDEF_VALUE | Determ. f. Val.Determ. Substitution |
FILA_LC_TEST | Lease Classification |
FILA_RE_C_CAT | Define Refinancing Categories |
FILA_RE_C_CAT_C | Assign Tax ID and Clearing Accounts |
FILA_RE_C_CHGPR | Assign Change Processes to Clusters |
FILA_RE_C_EVENT | Assign Processes |
FILA_RE_C_RFF | Generate Forfaiting Payment Schedule |
FILA_RE_C_VAL | Assign Value Identifier to Ref. Cat. |
FILA_RE_DOC_FLOW | Display DocFlow for Refinancing |
FILA_RE_MASTER | Edit Refinancing Program |
FILA_RE_NR1 | Number Range Maint: Refinancing |
FILA_RE_RETURN | Create Return Transaction Tranche |
FILA_RE_SELECT | Create Refinancing Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANCHE | Edit Refinancing Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PO | Post Refinancing Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PR | Post Return Transaction Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANS_POST | Repost Customer/Vendor G/L Accounts |
FILE | Cross-Client File Names/Paths |
FILEEDIT | File Editor |
FILINV_WF_CUST | Store Inventory:Workflow Customizing |
FIMA | Financial Calculations |
FIMA_TEST_DI | FiMa Test for Daily Interest |
FIMA_TRACE | User Dialog for FIMA Trace |
FINA | Branch to Financial Accounting |
FINB_ACCO | Activation of All Configuration |
FINB_ACINST_CHANGE | Change/Set Accounting Instance |
FINB_CCD_ADD | Classes for Customizing Dispatcher |
FINB_CONF_AFTER_NOTE | Rework after SAP Note Implementation |
FINB_CONF_START_IMG | Define Configuration (SAP) |
FINB_CONF_WB | Maintain Configuration Aspect |
FINB_GN_TRACE | Activate Generator Trace |
FINB_MSG_LG1 | Analyze Application Log |
FINB_PR_SHOW | Display Persistence Objects |
FINB_TR_CAT | Catalog of Transport Objects |
FINB_TR_CATA | Attributes of Transport Objects |
FINB_TR_CATAL | Local Attributes |
FINB_TR_CCM | Client Copy - Protection |
FINB_TR_CCM1 | Client Copy - Administration |
FINB_TR_CCO | Client Copy - Object Status |
FINB_TR_CC_CD | Copy Transaction Data |
FINB_TR_CC_LOG | Client Copy-Postprocessing Log |
FINB_TR_CUST | FINB Transport Tool: Customizing |
FINB_TR_DEST | Destination for Transport Methods |
FINB_TR_DISPLAY | Transport Container Display |
FINB_TR_EXEC_AI | Postprocessing of Client Copy |
FINB_TR_IMG | Transport Tool - Development |
FINB_TR_REORG | Transport Container Reorganization |
FINB_TR_TCATO | Obsolete Transport Objects |
FINB_TR_U1 | Copy a Transport Request |
FINB_TR_U2 | Prepare Delivery |
FINB_TR_WZ | RFC Connection Wizard |
FINB_VIEW_TO_CONFIG | Connection to Configuration |
FINDR0 | ParameterTransaction Derivation Tool |
FINF | Info System Events |
FINL_9000_SHOW | Display |
FINP | Info System Processes |
FINR3_CPROJECTS_CUST | cProjects IMG in Plug-In for ERP |
FINT | Item Interest Calculation |
FINTAP | Item Interest Calculation Vendors |
FINTSHOW | Overview of Int. Runs for Item. Int. |
FIN_ACCDOCNO_MAINT | Number Ranges for Document Numbers |
FIN_GLACCT | Maintain G/L Accounts |
FIN_GLTRATYPE | Maintain Transaction Type |
FIN_PRCVARIANT | Maintain Price Variant |
FIOA | Interest on Arrears - Consumer Loans |
FIOR | Create Orbian Bank |
FIOTPKOFIMAINTAIN | Maintain Derivation Rule Entries |
FIOTP_NRIV | One-Time PostingsNumber Range Maint. |
FIPAY_BDGTS01 | Subsequent SPL Screening |
FIPAY_CUST01 | Maintenance View V_FIPAY_T042_GTS |
FIPOS | Create Commitment Items |
FIPRB01 | FIPR Control: Applications |
FIPRB02 | FIPR Control: Field Groups |
FIPRB03 | FIPR Control: Views |
FIPRB04 | FIPR Control: Sections |
FIPRB05 | FIPR Control: Screens |
FIPRB06 | FIPR Control: Screen Sequences |
FIPRB07 | FIPR Control: Business Trans. Events |
FIPRB08 | FIPR Control: CUA Standard Function |
FIPRB09 | FIPR Control: CUA Addit. Functions |
FIPRB100 | FIPR Control: Matchcode |
FIPRB101 | FIPR Control: Matchcode |
FIPRB102 | FIPR Control: Matchcode |
FIPRB103 | FIPR Control: Matchcode |
FIPRB11 | FIPR Control: Assgt Scrn->DB Field |
FIPRB12 | FIPR Control: Field Modif. Criteria |
FIPRB13 | FIPR Control: Products |
FIPRB14 | FIPR Control: Product Group |
FIPRB15 | FIPR Control: Applic. Transactions |
FIPRB16 | FIPR Control: Tables |
FIPRB18 | FIPR Control: Activities |
FIPRB19 | FIPR Control: FB per Activity |
FIPRC1 | Maintain Attribute Type |
FIPRC10 | Fields Maintenance |
FIPRC11 | Feature Maintenance |
FIPRC12 | Field Values Maintenance |
FIPRC13 | Two Dimensional Field Value Mainten. |
FIPRC2 | Product Category Maintenance |
FIPRC3 | Maintain Attributes |
FIPRC4 | Maintain Key Prefix |
FIPRC5 | Field Grouping Activity |
FIPRD1 | Create Product |
FIPRD2 | Change Product |
FIPRD3 | Display Product |
FIPRD4 | Copy Product |
FIRPGR | Repetitive Code Groups Maintenance |
FISPLOGCUST | Customizing for Log Categories |
FISPLOGDISP | Display of Log Entries |
FISPLOGORGA | Reorganize Log Entries |
FITP_RESPO | Contact Partner Responsibilities |
FITP_SETTINGS | Settings for Travel Planning |
FITP_SETTINGS_TREE | Tree Maintenance Current Settings |
FI_DRILLDOWN | GT Documents for FI Document |
FJA1 | Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts |
FJA2 | Change Last Adjustment Dates |
FJA3 | Balance Sheet/P&L with Inflation |
FJA4 | Infl. Adjustment of Open Items (FC) |
FJA5 | Infl. Adj. of Open Receivables (LC) |
FJA6 | Infl. Adj. of Open Payables (LC) |
FK01 | Create Vendor (Accounting) |
FK02 | Change Vendor (Accounting) |
FK02CORE | Maintain vendor |
FK03 | Display Vendor (Accounting) |
FK04 | Vendor Changes (Accounting) |
FK05 | Block Vendor (Accounting) |
FK06 | Mark Vendor for Deletion (Acctng) |
FK08 | Confirm Vendor Individually (Acctng) |
FK09 | Confirm Vendor List (Accounting) |
FK10 | Vendor Account Balance |
FK10N | Vendor Balance Display |
FK10NA | Vendor Balance Display |
FK10NET | Vendor Balance Display |
FK15 | Transfer vendor changes: receive |
FK16 | Transfer vendor changes: receive |
FK59 | C FI-CA Table maintenance TFK044A |
FKCB | FI-CA Dunning - Customizing |
FKCJ | BP Control: Activities |
FKCUMTAX | Summarize Tax Lines UK |
FKEXMA | Monitor Tax Exemptions |
FKI0 | Execute Report |
FKI1 | Create Report |
FKI2 | Change Report |
FKI3 | Display Report |
FKI4 | Create Form |
FKI5 | Formular ändern |
FKI6 | Display Form |
FKIB | Background Processing |
FKIC | Maintain Currency Translation Type |
FKIK | Maintain Key Figures |
FKIM | Report Monitor |
FKIO | Transport Reports |
FKIP | Transport Forms |
FKIQ | Import Reports from Client 000 |
FKIR | Import Forms from Client 000 |
FKIT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. |
FKIV | Maintain Global Variable |
FKIX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
FKIY | Reorganize Report Data |
FKIZ | Reorganize Forms |
FKJOCMDR | Job Commander Standalone |
FKJOCMDR1 | Job Commander from FuMo (List) |
FKJOCNT | Job Container |
FKJOXTR | Job Container |
FKKCRM_AUTH_CHECK | Dummy: FCC Authorization Check |
FKKINVBILL_DISP | Display Billing Document |
FKKINVBILL_NUM | Number Range for Billing Documents |
FKKINVDOC_DISP | Display Invoicing Document |
FKKINVDOC_NUM | Number Range for Invoicing Documents |
FKKINV_BW_MA | BW Extraction of Invoicing Documents |
FKKINV_BW_MON | Analysis of BW Extraction Orders |
FKKINV_BW_SIM | Simulation of BW Extraction |
FKKINV_COL_M | Create Mass Collective Invoicing |
FKKINV_M | Mass Invoicing |
FKKINV_MA | Invoicing |
FKKINV_MON | Analysis of Invoicing Orders |
FKKINV_REV_M | Mass Reversal |
FKKINV_REV_MA | Invoicing Reversal |
FKKINV_REV_S | Ind. Reversal |
FKKINV_S | Individual Invoicing |
FKKORD1 | Edit Requests |
FKKORD1_APPR | Check Requests |
FKKORD1_EXT | Display Requests |
FKKORD2 | Edit Standing Requests |
FKKORD2_APPR | Approve Standing Requests |
FKKORD2_EXT | Display Standing Requests |
FKKORD3 | Edit General Requests |
FKKORD3_APPR | Check General Requests |
FKKORD3_EXT | Display General Requests |
FKKORD4 | Edit Request Templates |
FKKORDA | Approve Request |
FKKORDM | Create Documents from Requests |
FKKORDNR | Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ORD |
FKKRCD1 | Display Change Documents Requests |
FKKS | Contract A/R + A/P |
FKKSNEW | Contract A/R + A/P |
FKK_CORRSPND_CUS | Customizing Object CORRSPND |
FKK_CORRSPND_DELETE | Correspondence: Delete Requests |
FKK_CORRSPND_PROF | Correspondence: Package Prof. Creatn |
FKK_CORRSPND_SARA | Archive Administration for CORRSPND |
FKK_CORR_ARCHIVEINFO | Activate Archive IS for Corr. Arch. |
FKK_CORR_HISTORY | Display Correspondence History |
FKK_EBS_ARC | Link Documents with External Bills |
FKK_EBS_ARC_E | Postprocessing Run: Link Bills |
FKK_EBS_MRD | Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys. |
FKK_EBS_MRD_E | Postprocessing Run: External Reversa |
FKK_EBS_POI | Create Additional Information |
FKK_EBS_POI_E | Postprocessing Run: Additional Info. |
FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA | Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics |
FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA_E | Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs |
FKK_PAYMENTRELEASE | Install Payment Release Workflow |
FKLOCK01 | Check Conditional Locks |
FKLOCK2 | Set Processing Locks |
FKMN | |
FKMT | FI Acct Assignment Model Management |
FKPC | Payment card processing |
FKR8 | Report: Stock Transfer Tax |
FKR9 | Initializing STT Position |
FLB1 | Postprocessing Lockbox Data |
FLB2 | Import Lockbox File |
FLBFILE | Generate a Test Lockbox File |
FLBP | Post Lockbox Data |
FLBPC1 | Create BP from Vendor |
FLBPC2 | Link BP to Vendor |
FLBPD1 | Create BP from Customer |
FLBPD2 | Link BP to Customer |
FLCC1 | Create Customer |
FLCC2 | Change Customer |
FLCC3 | Display Customer |
FLCU1 | Create Customer |
FLCU2 | Change Customer |
FLCU3 | Display Customer |
FLEXBRE | BRE: Parallel Execution of BRE |
FLEXFIN | Update Obselete Backlog Entries |
FLEXLOG | Total Log of Parallel BRE Run |
FLOREO | Customizing of Logical Doc. Reorg. |
FLQAB | Assignment from Bank Statement Info. |
FLQAC | Assignment from FI Information |
FLQAD | Assignment from Invoices |
FLQAM | Manual Assignment |
FLQC1 | Liquidity Items |
FLQC10 | Regenerate Flow Data |
FLQC11 | Query Sequences (Invoice) |
FLQC12 | Settings for Invoice Exit |
FLQC13 | Settings for FI Mechanisms |
FLQC14 | FI Assignment Analysis |
FLQC15 | Query Sequences |
FLQC16 | Tables for Conditions in Queries |
FLQC2 | Global Data |
FLQC3 | Company Code Data |
FLQC4 | Other Actual Accounts |
FLQC5 | Query Sequences (Bank Statement) |
FLQC6 | Assignment: Sequences - Bank Accts |
FLQC7 | G/L Accounts Relevant for Query |
FLQC8 | Query Sequences (FI Information) |
FLQC9 | Delete Flow Data |
FLQCUST | Menu for Liquidity Calc. Settings |
FLQHIST | Line Item History |
FLQINFACC | G/L Accounts w/ Liquidity Item Info |
FLQLACC | G/L Accounts List |
FLQLGRP | List of Query Sequences |
FLQLI | Line Item List |
FLQLQR | List of Queries |
FLQLS | Totals List |
FLQMAIN | Liquidity Calculation |
FLQQA1 | Edit Query (General) |
FLQQA3 | Display Query (General) |
FLQQA5 | Queries for Sequences |
FLQQB1 | Edit Query (Bank Statement) |
FLQQB3 | Display Query (Bank Statement) |
FLQQB5 | Queries for Seq. (Bank Statement) |
FLQQB7 | Test Request (Bank Statement) |
FLQQC1 | Edit Query (FI Information) |
FLQQC3 | Display Query (FI Information) |
FLQQC5 | Queries for Sequences (FI Info.) |
FLQQC7 | Test Query (FI Payment Document) |
FLQQD1 | Edit Query (Invoice Information) |
FLQQD3 | Display Query (Invoice Information) |
FLQQD5 | Query Sequences (Invoices) |
FLQQD7 | Test Query (Other FI Document) |
FLQREP | Payment Report |
FLQT1 | Create Transfer Posting |
FLQT1B | Create Transfer with Batch Input |
FLQT2 | Change Transfer Posting |
FLQT3 | Display Transfer |
FLQTRCBPOS | Commitment Item Derivation |
FLQTRFIPOS | Liquidity Items for Commitment Item |
FLQUPGRP | Upload Query Sequence (Assignment) |
FLQUPINFAC | Upload Info Accounts (Application) |
FLQUPQR | Upload Queries |
FLT02 | Flight Scheduling: Generate Details |
FLVN1 | Create Vendor |
FLVN2 | Change Vendor |
FLVN3 | Display Vendor |
FM+0 | Display FM Main Role Definition |
FM+1 | Maintain FM Main Role Definition |
FM+2 | Display FM Amount Groups |
FM+3 | Maintain FM Amount Groups |
FM+4 | Display FM Budget Line Groups |
FM+5 | Maintain FM Budget Line Groups |
FM+6 | Display FM Document Classes |
FM+7 | Maintain FM Document Classes |
FM+8 | Display FM Activity Categories |
FM+9 | Maintain FM Activity Categories |
FM+A | Display Doc.Class->Doc.Cat. Assgmt |
FM+B | Maintain Doc.Clase->Doc.Cat.Assgmt |
FM03 | Display FM Document |
FM03A | Display FM Document with Archive |
FM2BL_DERIVE | Derive FM totals transfer to BL |
FM2BL_DERIVE1 | Derive FM totals transfer to FI |
FM2BL_DERIVER | CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to BL |
FM2BL_DERIVER1 | CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to FI |
FM2E | FM: Change Budget Document |
FM2F | FM: Display Budget Document |
FM2G | Field Contents in Funds Centers |
FM2M | Index of Funds Centers |
FM3G | Commitment Item Hierarchy |
FM3M | Index of Commitment Items |
FM3N | Commitment Items for G/L Accounts |
FM48 | Change Financial Budget: Initial Scn |
FM48_1 | PS-CM: Create Planning Layout |
FM48_2 | PS-CM: Change Planning Layout |
FM48_3 | PS-CM: Display Planning Layout |
FM49 | Display Financial Budget: Init.Scrn |
FM4G | Budget Structure Element Hierarchy |
FM4M | Directory of Functional Areas |
FM5I | FIFM: Create Fund |
FM5M | Index of Funds |
FM5S | FIFM: Display Fund |
FM5U | FIFM: Change Fund |
FM6I | FIFM: Create Application of Funds |
FM6M | Index of Application of Funds |
FM6S | FIFM: Display Application of Funds |
FM6U | FIFM: Change Application of Funds |
FM71 | Maintain Cover Pool |
FM72 | Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool |
FM73 | Create Cust. for Distr.inCollec.Exp. |
FM78 | Charact.Groups for Cover Pools |
FM79 | Grouping Chars for Cover Pool |
FM7A | Indiv. Processing of CE Rules |
FM7B | Flag FMAA as Eligible for Cover |
FM7C | Generate Cover Pools from Rules |
FM7G | Edit rules |
FM7K | Copy Cover Eligibility Rules |
FM7K_N | Copy Cover Pools with Funds Centers |
FM7L | Delete Cover Eligibility Rules |
FM7M | Directory of Funded Programs |
FM7P | Indiv. Processing of Assgt to Cvr E. |
FM7S | MassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibilty |
FM7U | Multiple Processing of Assgts to CE |
FM80 | Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Display |
FM81 | Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Update |
FM9B | FM: Copy Budget Version |
FM9C | Plan Data Transfer from CO |
FM9D | FM: Block Budget Version |
FM9E | FM: Unblock Budget Version |
FM9K | FIFM: Change Budget Structure |
FM9L | FM: Display Budget Structure |
FM9M | FM: Delete Budget Structure |
FM9N | FM: Generate Budget Object |
FM9O | Copy Supplement Budget |
FM9P | Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values |
FM9Q | FM: Total Up Budget |
FM9QBTP | Reconstruct Budget per Budget Type |
FM9QBUD | FM: Reconstruct Budget |
FM9QRIB | FM: Reconstr. of Additional Revenues |
FM9R | Loc.Auth.: Change Budget Structure |
FM9S | HHM: Generate Net Vote Objects |
FM9T | Check Assignment Object |
FM9TBUD | Check budget objects |
FM9U | FM: Checking Budget Consistency |
FM9W | Adjust Funds Management Budget |
FM9X | FM: Delete Budget 1 Commitment Item |
FM9Y | FM: Copy BS - Year-Dependent StD. |
FM9Z | FM: Transfer Budget Structure |
FM9ZA10 | Budget Structure Mass Processing |
FMA1 | Matching: Totals and Balances (CBM) |
FMA2 | Matching: CBM Line Items and Totals |
FMA3 | Matching: FI Line Items (CBM) |
FMA4 | Matching: FI Bank Line Items (CBM) |
FMAA | Matching: Line Items and Totals (FM) |
FMAB | Matching: FI FM Line Items |
FMABPDERIVE | Auto. Budget Postings - Customizing |
FMABPDERIVER | Auto. Budget Postings - Customizing |
FMABP_COR | Re Post ABP to BCS |
FMABP_COR_AWORG | ABP cor. for follow on document |
FMAD | Leveling: FI-FM Totals Records |
FMAF | Level Line Items and Totals Items |
FMAO | Requests Journal |
FMARC | Initial Archiving Run |
FMARC_BATCH | Initial Archiving Run |
FMAR_AT | Archive Totals Records f. Cmmt/Act. |
FMAR_BCS_ED | Archive Budget Entry Documents (BCS) |
FMAR_BCS_LI | Archive Budget Line Item (BCS) |
FMAR_BCS_TT | Archive Budget Totals Records (BCS) |
FMAR_BE | Archive Budget Entry Documents |
FMAR_BH | Archive Budget Hierarchy Documents |
FMAR_BT | Archive Budget Totals Records |
FMAR_CO | Archive CO Line Items |
FMAR_FI | Archive FI Line Items |
FMAR_OI | Archive Commitment Line Items |
FMAVC1 | Prepare Cross Assignments Clearing |
FMAVCCUST01 | Display Control Ledger Customizing |
FMAVCCUSTDEF | Check AVC Customizing (FM) |
FMAVCDERIACTG | Derivation of Activity Groups |
FMAVCDERIAO | Derivation of control object (ACO) |
FMAVCDERIAOCPY | Copy strategy for derivation of ACO |
FMAVCDERIAODEL | Delete strategy for deriving ACO |
FMAVCDERIAOPREDEF | Add predefined steps (AFMA) |
FMAVCDERIAOR | Derivation of control object (ACO) |
FMAVCDERICH | Derivation of checking horizon |
FMAVCDERITPROF | Derivation of tolerance profile |
FMAVCDERITPROFCPY | Copy strategy for derivation of TolP |
FMAVCDERITPROFDEL | Delete strategy for deriving TolProf |
FMAVCDERITPROFR | Derivation of tolerance profile |
FMAVCLDGRCPY | Copy AVC ledger (FM) |
FMAVCR01 | Display Annual Data of Control Obj. |
FMAVCR02 | Display Overall Data of Control Obj. |
FMAVCREINIT | Re-Initialize AVC Ledger |
FMB0 | CO Document Transfer |
FMBB | Budgeting Workbench |
FMBBC | Create Entry Document |
FMBELI | Processing list |
FMBG1 | Input tax adjustmnt(monthly) for PCO |
FMBG2 | Input tax adjustmnt (yearly) for PCO |
FMBG3 | Display input tax adjustments |
FMBGCP | Copy acc. assignment allocations |
FMBGD | Cash Dis. and Backdated Tax Calculn |
FMBGJ | Execute Annual Adjustments |
FMBGKONT | Assign FM Account Assgnts to PCOs |
FMBGM | Execute Monthly Adjustments |
FMBGU | Reset Input Tax Adjustment |
FMBGUL | Sales Tax List PCOs |
FMBGV | Calculate Input Tax Deduction Rate |
FMBI | Posting Line-Based Budget Increase |
FMBLBASIC | BL Account classification |
FMBLCLASS | BL Account classification |
FMBLCOAD | Colombia budgetary ledger derivation |
FMBLCOADR | Colombia budgetary ledger derivation |
FMBLCORR | Budgetary Ledger Correction |
FMBLEXCLWASHOUT | BL Account classification |
FMBLEXT | BL Accounts for Extensions |
FMBLEXT0 | Set account balance to zero |
FMBLEXTR | CO-PA BL Account Rule for Extensions |
FMBLYRCL1 | Year End Acc. Ass. derivation |
FMBLYRCL2 | US BL federal government derivation |
FMBOSTAT | Maintain budget object & status |
FMBPLOGSHOW | Display Retraction Log |
FMBPLOGSHOW_BCS | Display Retraction Log |
FMBPNO | Number Range Maintenance: FM_BPREPBW |
FMBPQV | Create Query Variant |
FMBPQV_BCS | Create Query Variant |
FMBPRET | Budget data transfer |
FMBPRET_BCS | Budget data transfer |
FMBPREVERSE | Cancel Retractor Run |
FMBPREVERSE_BCS | Cancel Retractor Run |
FMBPRRC | Change Derivation Strategy |
FMBPRRC_BCS | Maintain Derivation Rules BCS |
FMBPRRC_COMMON | Change Derivation Strategy |
FMBPRRI | Create Derivation Strategy |
FMBPRRI_BCS | Create Derivation Strategy BCS |
FMBPRRI_COMMON | Create Derivation Strategy |
FMBPRRS | Display Derivation Strategy |
FMBPRRS_BCS | Display Derivation Strategy |
FMBPRRS_COMMON | Display Derivation Strategy |
FMBSBO | Change Budget Addresses |
FMBSBOHIS | Change History of Budget Addresses |
FMBSBOHISDEL | Delete Change History of Budg. Addr. |
FMBSBOS | Dispay Budget Addresses |
FMBSBO_DATA | Budget data on invalid objects |
FMBSBO_DEL | Delete budget objects |
FMBSBO_GEN | Generate budget objects from budget |
FMBSBO_MULT | Maintain budget objects |
FMBSCPY | Copy budget structure objects |
FMBSDERIBO | Derivation of budget object |
FMBSDERIBOCPY | Copy strategy for deriving bud. addr |
FMBSDERIBODEL | Delete strategy for budget addresses |
FMBSDERIBOPREDEF | Add predefined steps (BSAC) |
FMBSIDX_INCON | Display index inconsistencies |
FMBSIDX_RECON | Reconstruct budget structure index |
FMBSPO | Change Posting Addresses |
FMBSPOHIS | Change History of Posting Addresses |
FMBSPOHISDEL | Delete Change History of Post. Addr. |
FMBSPOS | Display Posting Addresses |
FMBSPO_DATA | Actual/Commitment on invalid objects |
FMBSPO_DEL | Delete posting objects |
FMBSPO_GEN | Generate posting objects from data |
FMBSPO_MULT | Maintain posting objects |
FMBS_STAT | Budget Structure Settings |
FMBTB | Transfer Budget Totals to FI-BL |
FMBUD001 | Export ISPS Budget Data |
FMBUD002 | Import ISPS Budget Data |
FMBUD003 | Export from Local Auth. Budget Data |
FMBUD004 | Import from Local. Auth. Budget Data |
FMBUD007 | Export of Financial Results |
FMBUD008 | Import Financial Results |
FMBUDACT | Budget/Actuals allowed for BL |
FMBV | FM: Activate Availability Control |
FMB_A01 | Budget Consumption View |
FMB_B01 | Budget View by Document Type |
FMB_B02 | Budget View by Process |
FMB_PL01 | Budget Lines Vs. Commt./Actual Line |
FMB_PT01 | Budget Totals Vs. Commt./Actual Tot. |
FMC2 | Customizing in Day-to-Day Business |
FMCAALOT | Approval Write-Off |
FMCABILL | Public Sector Billing |
FMCABP | B. Partner Asset w. Duplicate Search |
FMCABP1 | B. Partner Asset w. Duplicate Search |
FMCAC1 | Create Contract Partner & Customer |
FMCAC2 | Change Contract Partner & Customer |
FMCAC3 | Display Contract Partner & Customer |
FMCACOLLAG | Derivation Cllction Agncy - Custom. |
FMCACOLLAGE | Derivation Cllction Agncy - Mainte. |
FMCACOV | Business Partner Overview |
FMCACOVP | Business Partner Overview |
FMCADERIVE | FM Deriv. Transactions - Customizing |
FMCADERIVE2 | FM Derivation Trans. - Distributor |
FMCADERIVER | FM Deriv. Transactions - Maintenance |
FMCADLOT | Resubmission Write-Off |
FMCAILOT | Approval Installment Plan |
FMCAINCOC | Generate Inbound Correspondences |
FMCAINCOH | Process Inbound Correspondence |
FMCAINVH | Invoice History |
FMCAM1 | Generate Inbound Correspondences |
FMCAM2 | Generate Invoices |
FMCAOGRM | Generate Docs from General Requests |
FMCAORDNR2 | Number Range Maintenance: FMCA_ORD |
FMCASKV | Differences in Cash Discount Clearng |
FMCAV1 | Create Contract Partner & Vendor |
FMCAV2 | Change Contract Partner & Vendor |
FMCAV3 | Display Contract Partner & Vendor |
FMCA_AIH | IS-PS-CA Archiving Invoice History |
FMCA_EHVD | Customer Overview - Data Selection |
FMCB | Reassignment: Document Selection |
FMCC | Reassignment: FM-CO Assignment |
FMCCA | Def. of FM CC - Address based |
FMCCD | Def. of FM CC - Document based |
FMCCOVR | FM Obligation Closeout |
FMCCR01 | Consistency Check Report |
FMCD | Reassignment: Delete Work List |
FMCECVGPNR | Maintain No.Range Intvl for Cvr Grps |
FMCEDELCG | Delete CE Rules |
FMCEGENCG | Generate CE Rules |
FMCEHISCG | Change History of CE Rules |
FMCEHISDEL | Delete Change History Records for CE |
FMCEMON01 | Overview of Automatic Cover Groups |
FMCERG | Strategy for Generating CE Rules |
FMCERGR | Derivation Rules in CE Rule Strategy |
FMCERULE | Process Single CE Rule |
FMCG | Reassignment: Overall Assignment |
FMCIA | Edit Commitment Item |
FMCIC | Display commitment item |
FMCID | Change Commitment Item: Hierarchy |
FMCIE | Display Commitment Item: Hierarchy |
FMCIH | Commt Items: Alternative Hierarchy |
FMCI_COPY_NEXT_YEAR | Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year |
FMCI_FYC | Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year |
FMCI_REPLACE_HIVARNT | Replace Hierarchy Variant Assignment |
FMCJ | Maintain cash journal |
FMCL | FM Closeout of Obligations |
FMCN | Reassignment: Supplement.Acct Assgt |
FMCP_EF_CLOSE | Close Earmarked Funds for Contracts |
FMCP_EF_CREATE | Create Earmarked Funds for Contracts |
FMCR | Reassignment: Display Work List |
FMCT | Reassignment: Transfer |
FMCUDERIVAL | Derivation strategy to create line |
FMCUDERIVDALE | Derivation strategy for ALE distribu |
FMCUDERIVMIG | Derivation strategy for migration |
FMCUDERIVMIGED | Derivation strategy for migration |
FMCUDERIVSUB | Derivation strategy for substitution |
FMCYCOPI_BW | Transfer of SAP BW PlanData to BCS |
FMCYCOPI_CO | Transfer of CO Planning Data to BCS |
FMCYFREEZE | Copy budget data (freeze) |
FMCYLOAD | Copy budget data (load) |
FMCYPREP | Copy budget data (preparation) |
FMCYRESET | Reset budget data (preparation) |
FMCYTEXT | Copy Budget Text |
FMD1 | FM: Change Carryforward Rules |
FMD2 | FM: Display Carryforward Rules |
FMD7 | FM: Change Supplement Budget Plan |
FMD8 | FM: Display Supplement Budget Plan |
FMD9 | FM: Change Suppl. Coll. Expend. Plan |
FMDA | FM: Change Budget Plan |
FMDAOPA | Clear Down Payments |
FMDB | FM: Display Budget Plan |
FMDC | FM: Change Collect. Expend. Planning |
FMDD | FM: Display Collect. Expnd. planning |
FMDE | FM: Loc. Auth.: Change Fin. Result |
FMDERIVATIONANALYSIS | Analysis Report on FM Derivations |
FMDERIVE | FM Object Assignment - Customizing |
FMDERIVER | FM Object Assignment - Maintenance |
FMDF | FM: Loc. Auth.: Display Fin. Result |
FMDG | FM: Loc. Auth.: Change FR in CE |
FMDH | FM: Loc. Auth.: Display FR in CE |
FMDI | FM Loc. Auth.: Copy Budget Version |
FMDI01 | Data Transfer in Direct Input |
FMDJ | FM: Transfer Financial Result |
FMDK | FM Loc. Auth.: Change Net Voting |
FMDL | FM Loc. Auth.: Display Net Voting |
FMDM | Monitor Closing Operations |
FMDMR1 | Display Assignment Rules for Process |
FMDMR2 | Display Assignmt. Rules for Val.Type |
FMDN | FM: Integration in Balance Hierarchy |
FMDO | FM: Loc. Auth.: Transfer Bdgt Values |
FMDO1 | FM: Revaluate Original Budget |
FMDO2 | FM: Revaluation of Supplement |
FMDOCREV | Mass reversal of FM documents |
FMDS | Copy Carryforward Rules |
FMDT | Display Carryforward Rules |
FMDV | FM: Residual Budget Data Transfer |
FMDW | FM: Financ. Result CE Data Transfer |
FMDX | FM: Coll. Expend. Plan Data Transfer |
FMDY | FM: Financial Result Data Transfer |
FMDZ | FM: Budget Planning Data Transfer |
FME1 | Import Forms from Client 000 |
FME2 | Import Reports from Client 000 |
FME3 | Transport Forms |
FME4 | Transport Reports |
FME5 | Reorganize Forms |
FME6 | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
FME7 | Reorganize Report Data |
FME8 | Maintain Batch Variants |
FME9 | Translation Tool - Drilldown |
FMEB | Structure Report Backgrnd Processing |
FMECDERIVE | FMEUF Object Assignment -Maintenance |
FMECDERIVER | FMEUF Object Assignment -Maintenance |
FMEDANALYZER | Analyzis of possible Duplicated Docs |
FMEDD | Display Entry Document |
FMEDDW | Drilldown for Budget Entry Documents |
FMEDFAMNR | FM document family number ranges |
FMEDNR | FM entry document number ranges |
FMEH | SAP-EIS: Hierarchy maintenance |
FMEK | FMCA: Create Drilldown Report |
FMEL | FMCA: Change Drilldown Report |
FMEM | FMCA: Display Drilldown Report |
FMEN | FMCA: Create Form |
FMEO | FMCA: Change Form |
FMEP | FMCA: Display Form |
FMEQ | FMCA: Run Drilldown Report |
FMER | FMCA: Drilldown Tool Test Monitor |
FMEUFDD | Display Original Document |
FMEUFFINTYP | Display Financing Source Type |
FMEUFINTERV | Define Intervention |
FMEUFLEVELS | Define Levels |
FMEUFLP1 | Set Up Launchpad for Cert. Manager |
FMEUFLP2 | Set Up Launchpad for Cert. Accountnt |
FMEUFPROC | Display Certification Procedure |
FMEUFRCODE | Maintain Regional Codes |
FMEUFTAXHAND | Display Certification Procedure |
FMEUF_CUST | Expenditure Certification Custom. |
FMEURO05 | Delete Euro FM Area |
FMEURO1 | Create Euro FM Area |
FMEURO2 | Refresh Euro Master Data |
FMEURO3 | Display Euro FM Areas |
FMEURO4 | Deactivate Euro FM Area |
FMEV | Maintain Global Variable |
FMF0 | Payment Selection |
FMF1 | Revenue Transfer |
FMFA_0001 | FMFA: Applications |
FMFA_0002 | FMFA: Field Groups |
FMFA_0003 | FMFA: Views |
FMFA_0004 | FMFA: Sections |
FMFA_0005 | FMFA: Screens |
FMFA_0006 | FMFA: Screen Sequences |
FMFA_0007 | FMFA: Events |
FMFA_0008 | FMFA: GUI Standard Functions |
FMFA_0009 | FMFA: GUI Additional Functions |
FMFA_0011 | FMFA: Assign Screen Field->DB Field |
FMFA_0012 | FMFA: Field Grouping Criteria |
FMFA_0013 | FMFA: Role Categories |
FMFA_0015 | FMFA: Application Transactions |
FMFA_0016 | FMFA: Tables |
FMFA_0018 | FMFA: Activities |
FMFA_0104 | FMFA: Applications |
FMFA_0106 | FMFA: Assign Object Part --> Note ID |
FMFA_0108 | Edit Funct. Area Field Sel. String |
FMFGAPAAC | Acc. Property account assignment cat |
FMFGAPCON | Acc. Property Main Settings |
FMFGAPCR | Accountable Property program |
FMFGAPMT | Accountable Property Movement Types |
FMFGAPTR | Acc. Property Transaction Types |
FMFGBUTYPE | Budget Type attributes |
FMFGCCRUPDATE | Update CCR data using data file |
FMFGCCRUPLOAD | Upload Initial CCR Data File |
FMFGCCRVENDORCREATE | Create Vendor Master from CCR Data |
FMFGCCRVENDORUPDATE | Update Vendor Master from CCR Data |
FMFGDRVCOCKPIT | Federal Extension Derivation Data |
FMFGDRVCOCKPIT_IMG | Federal Extension Derivation Access |
FMFGDRVTRACE | Display US Federal derivation trace |
FMFGF2_ATTRIBUTES | Configure Attributes |
FMFGRCN_DEF_RULE | Reconciliation Rule Definition |
FMFGRCN_DEF_SLICE | Reconciliation Slice Definition |
FMFGSUBTOT | Reconciliation Subtotal Texts |
FMFGTCL | Congressional Limitations (St. Fund) |
FMFGYEFIELDS | Collected fields year end |
FMFG_ACC_CLOSEOUT | Closeout of the Residual Accounts |
FMFG_AUTO_TC | Treasury Confirmation - Automated |
FMFG_CANCELED_AP | Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI |
FMFG_CANCELED_AP_MM | Canceled Fund for Account Payable-MM |
FMFG_CANCELED_AR | Canceled Fund for Acct Receivable-FI |
FMFG_CANCEL_FUND | A/R Cancel Fund Automatic Posting |
FMFG_DIT_FBT | Maintain List of DIT/FBT Accts |
FMFG_DOCT_ADJ | Document types for adjustments |
FMFG_EF_POST | Post parked Earmark fund documents |
FMFG_EXCLUDE_INVOICE | Exclude Invoice from PPA Calculation |
FMFG_E_1099_C | Tax Form 1099-C |
FMFG_E_BR1 | Statement of Budgetary Resources |
FMFG_E_BS1 | Balance Sheet |
FMFG_E_CA1 | Statement of Custodial Activities |
FMFG_E_CF | budget carry forward with subtypes |
FMFG_E_CL0 | Preclosing Rollup |
FMFG_E_CL1 | Preclosing rollup: fund type rules |
FMFG_E_CL2 | Preclosing rollup: fund rules |
FMFG_E_FI1 | Statement of Financing |
FMFG_E_NET_COST | Statement of Net Cost |
FMFG_E_NP1 | Statement of Changes in Net Position |
FMFG_E_REL | Release Budget |
FMFG_E_SF1081 | US Federal SF1081 - Voucher process |
FMFG_E_SF132 | SF-132 |
FMFG_E_SF133 | SF-133 |
FMFG_E_SF224 | SF-224 Statement of Transactions |
FMFG_E_SF224_ALC_CHG | SF-224: Maintain ALC GWA Master Data |
FMFG_E_SF224_ALC_GWA | SF-224: Display ALC GWA Master Data |
FMFG_E_SF224_DERIVE | SF-224 - Customizing |
FMFG_E_SF224_DERIVER | SF-224 - Customizing |
FMFG_E_SF224_TS | Treasury Subclasses |
FMFG_E_TRANS_REG | Transaction Register |
FMFG_E_YFITRG02 | Document Listing |
FMFG_E_ZFZALI00 | Payment Settlement List |
FMFG_E_ZOPAC | Online Payment and Collection System |
FMFG_F2_TRANS | Maintain Transfer Agency and Account |
FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_BCS | 5-Column Status of Funds in BCS |
FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_SPL | 5-Column Status of Funds in FI-SL |
FMFG_HELD_INVOICES | List for Parked and Held Documents |
FMFG_IMPROP_REASONS | Reason code maintenance |
FMFG_INVCANCEL | Cancel Invoice and Subsequent Docs |
FMFG_IPAC | US Federal IPAC Interface Process |
FMFG_IPACED | US Federal IPAC Interface Process |
FMFG_IPACED_REVERSE | IPACed Bulk File Confrm. Reverse Pro |
FMFG_IPAC_CNFRM | IPAC Confirmation Process |
FMFG_IPAC_REGENERATE | Regenerate previous produced bulk fi |
FMFG_IPAC_REVERSE | IPAC Bulk File Reverse Process |
FMFG_IPAC_SNUM | Number range maintenance: IPAC_DOCR |
FMFG_MM_PENDING | PO Pending Changes Report |
FMFG_PMT_TYPE | Maintain Pmt Method to Pmt Type map |
FMFG_PO_HISTORY | Purchase Order History |
FMFG_PO_POST | Post the held PO's |
FMFG_PROG_REPT_CODE | Program Report Category - FACTS II |
FMFG_PR_POST | Post the held PR's |
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE1 | Reconciliation: Derivation cust. |
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE2 | Reconciliation: Derivation cust. |
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE3 | Reconciliation: Derivation cust |
FMFG_RCV | Report on Receivables From Public |
FMFG_REASON_CODE | Improper Reason Code Report |
FMFG_RPT_E_UNFILLED | Close Out Unfilled Orders |
FMFG_SO_HISTORY | Sales Order History |
FMFG_SS_BATCH | Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoi |
FMFG_SS_CERTIFY | Payment Sampling Certification Proce |
FMFG_SS_STATUS | Payment Sampling Process Status Repo |
FMFG_TC_REV_CHECKS | US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - check |
FMFG_TC_REV_SCHEDULE | US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - Sched |
FMFG_TREASURY_CONFIR | Treasury Confirmation |
FMFG_WAREHOUSE | Warehouse Report Transaction |
FMFG_YEAR_END_CLOSE | Year End close open balance |
FMFG_YRCL | Year end closing rules |
FMFI | Execute program RFFMCJFI |
FMFPCOPY | Copy Assgmt of Cmmt Item to Rev Type |
FMFUDERI | Fund and Function Derivation |
FMFUDERIR | Fund and Function Derivation: Rules |
FMG1 | Create Budget Structure Template |
FMG2 | Change Budget Structure Template |
FMG3 | Display Budget Structure Template |
FMG4 | Delete Budget Structure Template |
FMG5 | Generate BS Object from BS Template |
FMGL | Maintain Text for Grouping |
FMGL_COFIMONITOR | Monitor Balancing CO-FI Postings |
FMGL_PERIOD_CONTROL | Posting Periods for Gnral Ldr Fields |
FMGR | Maintain Texts for Grouping |
FMGX | Commitment Item Issue to UNIX-File |
FMGY | Create Commitment Items via UNIX |
FMHC | Check Bdgt Structure Elements in HR |
FMHG | Generate Bdgt Struc Elements in HR |
FMHGG | Generate BS Elements f. Several Fnds |
FMHIE_CHANGE | Process Hierarchy |
FMHIE_GENERATION | Generate Generate Hierarchy |
FMHIE_HIEID | Create/Assign Sub-Hierarchy ID |
FMHIST | Apportion Document in FM |
FMHK | Copy Control Data |
FMHV | Budget Memo Texts |
FMIA | Indiv. Processing of Revs Incr. Bdgt |
FMIB | Posting Line-Based Budget Increase |
FMIC | Generate Additional Budget Incr.Data |
FMIK | Copy Rules for Revs Incr. the Budget |
FMIL | Delete Rules for Revs Incr. Budget |
FMIP | Edit Revenues Increasing Bdgt Rules |
FMIPCT | Payment Transfer: Customizing |
FMIR | Detail Maintenance of Open Int Rules |
FMIS | Display Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget |
FMIT | Totals-Based Distribution Procedure |
FMITPO | Payment Transfer |
FMIU | Maintain Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget |
FMJ0 | Manual Zero Carryforward |
FMJ2 | Year-End Closing: Carryfwd Cmmts |
FMJ2_D | Carryfwrd Cmmt Accrd. to Entry Date |
FMJ3 | Reverse Commitments Carryforward |
FMJA | Budget Year-End Closing: Prepare |
FMJB | Budget Year-End Closing: Determine |
FMJC | Budget Year-End Closing: Carry Fwd |
FMJD | Reverse Fiscal Year Close: Budget |
FMJM | Maintain residual budget application |
FMJN | Display residual budget application |
FMJO | Maintain residual budget approval |
FMJP | Display residual budget approval |
FMJ_ANZ | Carry Forward Down Payments |
FMJ_APP | Approval Step Cmmt Carryforward |
FMJ_DISPLAY | Display FM Commt Carryforward Docs |
FMJ_FICA | Transfer Open Items from FI-CA |
FMKFDEF | FM Definition of Key Figures |
FMKFR01 | Display budget data |
FMKO_RFFMKHPL | Budget plan |
FMKUDELDATA | Delete BCS database tables |
FMKUDOCRESET | Reset BCS Entry Documents |
FMKUMIGDOC | Migrate FB Documents to BCS |
FMKUMIGTOT | Migrate FBS totals to BCS totals |
FMKUTOTCOL | Collect Budget Totals |
FMKUTOTCOLLAPSE | Collapse Budget Totals |
FML1 | Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FML2 | Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FML3 | Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FML4 | Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FMLD | Ledger Deletion |
FMLF | Classify Movement Types |
FMLGD_H_CUST | Clearing Control |
FMLGD_H_ELKO | Basic Settings Elctr. Bank Statement |
FMLID | Display Change Document |
FMLIDW | Drilldown for Change Documents |
FMLINR | FM line item document number ranges |
FMMACGPERC | Edit percentage per cover group |
FMMC | FM Obligation Closeout |
FMMDCICOPY | Copy commitment item substrings |
FMMDFCCOPY | Copy funds center substrings |
FMMDFDCOPY | Copy fund substrings |
FMMDFNCOPY | Copy functional area substrings |
FMMD_SETGEN | Generate Substring Groups |
FMME1 | Funded Program Control: Applications |
FMME10 | Funded Program Control: Search Help |
FMME100 | FPC: Field Group per Activitiy |
FMME101 | FPC: Field Group per Role |
FMME102 | FPC: Authorization Types |
FMME103 | FPC: Field Groups for Authorizations |
FMME104 | Funded Program Control: Screen confi |
FMME105 | FPC: Field Group for Ext.Application |
FMME106 | FPC: Note View for Role Category |
FMME107 | FPC: Where-Used View |
FMME108 | FPC: Client-Wide Field Grouping |
FMME109 | Field Group Criteria by FM Area |
FMME11 | FPC: Assign Screen Field to Database |
FMME12 | FPC: Field Group Criteria |
FMME13 | Funded Program Control: BP Roles |
FMME14 | Funded Program Ctrl: BP Role Groupin |
FMME15 | FPC: Application Transaction |
FMME16 | Funded Program Control: Tables |
FMME17 | Funded Program Control: External App |
FMME18 | Funded Program Control: Activities |
FMME19 | FPC: Function Module Activities |
FMME2 | Funded Program Control: Field Groups |
FMME20 | Funded Program Ctrl:Differentiation |
FMME200 | Funded Progr. Contr: Change doc list |
FMME21 | Funded Program Ctrl: Activity type |
FMME22 | Funded Program Ctrl: Cat. Fld Grp |
FMME23 | Funded Program Control: Data sets |
FMME24 | Funded Progr. Where used list define |
FMME25 | Where used list - process to view |
FMME26 | FPC: Assign BAPI Flds to Field Grps |
FMME27 | Funded Program DI to Table fields |
FMME3 | Funded Program Control: Views |
FMME4 | Funded Program Control: Views |
FMME5 | Funded Program Control: Views |
FMME6 | Funded Program: Screen Sequence |
FMME7 | Funded Program: Events |
FMME8 | Funded Program Ctrl: GUI Std Functio |
FMME9 | Funded Program Ctrl: GUI Addl Func. |
FMMEASURE | Funded Program: Maintain |
FMMEASURED | Funded Program: Display |
FMME_SET_C | Funded Program Groups Create |
FMME_SET_CH | Funded Program Groups Change |
FMME_SET_D | Funded Program Groups Display |
FMMI | Mass Maintenance of Open Intervals |
FMMIGCE | Migrate FBS cover pools and rules |
FMMPCOVR | Carry over residual budget |
FMMPCOVR_BT | Carry over residual budget |
FMMPPCLO | Pre-close: Transfer Residual Budget |
FMMPRBB | Increase Budget from Revenues |
FMMPRELE | Release data |
FMMPROLLUP | Rollup budget |
FMMPSTAT | Generate Statistical Budget Data |
FMMPTRAN | Transfer postings |
FMMPTRAN_BT | Transfer to consumable budget type |
FMN0 | Subsequent Posting of FI Documents |
FMN0_PAY | Reconstruction of Payment Docs |
FMN3 | Transfer Purchase Req. Documents |
FMN3N | Reconstruction of Purch. Requisition |
FMN4 | Transfer Purchase Order Documents |
FMN4N | Reconstruction of Purchase Orders |
FMN5 | Transfer Funds Reservation Documents |
FMN5N | Reconstruction of Earmarked Funds |
FMN8 | Simulation Lists Debit Position |
FMN9 | Posted Debit Position List |
FMNA | Display CBA Rules |
FMNB | CBA Budget Objects |
FMND | Actual Distribution in CBA |
FMNG | CE: Actual Distr. and Integration |
FMNI | Integration with the Budget |
FMNK | Copy Collective Expenditure |
FMNL | Delete Collective Expenditure Rules |
FMNM | Budget Transfer in CBA |
FMNO | Number range maintenance: FMCJ_BELNR |
FMNP | Maintain CBA Rules |
FMNR | Assgt of SN-BUSTL to Coll. Expend. |
FMNS | Display CBA Rules |
FMNSD | Rebuild FM Open Item of SD Orders |
FMNSDN | Reconstruction of Sales Orders |
FMNU | Maintain CBA Rules |
FMNV | Fast Data Entry Distribution Basis |
FMOD | Override FM Update Date |
FMOPER | Open Budgeting Periods |
FMP2 | Delete Financial Budget Version |
FMPAYCORR | FM Payment lines correction program |
FMPAYD | Process Payment Distribution |
FMPEP | Multiple Budget Entry |
FMPF | Change Chart of Commitment Items |
FMPG | Change Chart of Cmmt Items Assgmt |
FMPLADM | FI-FM: Planner Profile Maintenance |
FMPLCPD | FI-FM: Change Plan Data |
FMPLDPD | FI-FM: Change Plan Data |
FMPLLC | FI-FM Change Planning Layout |
FMPLLD | FI-FM Display Planning Layout |
FMPLLI | FI-FM Create Planning Layout |
FMPLSET | FI-FM: Set a Planner Profile |
FMPLUP | FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data |
FMPO | Payment Directives: Create |
FMPOPDERIVE | Principle of Prudence - Customizing |
FMPOPDERIVER | Principle of Prudence - Maintenance |
FMPSO001 | Reverse Overdue Deferrals |
FMPSO002 | Funds Commits.from Standing Rqsts |
FMPSO50 | Check Mass Deferral Requests |
FMPSOSA | Process Petty Amounts |
FMR0 | Reconstruct Parked Documents |
FMR1 | Actual/Commitment Report |
FMR2 | Actual/Commitment per Company Code |
FMR3 | Plan/Actual/Commitment Report |
FMR4 | Plan/Commitment Report w.Hierarchy |
FMR5A | 12 Period Forecast: Actual and Plan |
FMR6A | Three Period Display: Plan/Actual |
FMRA | Access Report Tree |
FMRB | Access Report Tree |
FMRBCPY | Copy RIB Rules |
FMRBDEL | Delete Master Data for RIB |
FMRBDERIMD | Assign Proposal for RIB Master Data |
FMRBDERIRO | Derive RIB Object From Budget Addr. |
FMRBGENMD | Generate Master Data for RIB |
FMRBIDXREC | Reconstruct Index for RIB |
FMRBMON01 | Overview of RIB Values |
FMRBREINIT | Re-Initialize RIB Ledgers |
FMRBRULE | Edit Single Rule for RIB |
FMRC | Reason codes for penalties (report) |
FMRC21 | Reconciliation of Earmarked Funds |
FMRC22 | Reconciliation of Purchase Orders |
FMRC23 | Reconciliation of Purch. Requisition |
FMREW | Earmarked Funds: Enhancement Wizard |
FMRE_ARCH | Archive Earmarked Funds |
FMRE_EWU01 | Earmarked Funds: Euro Preprocessing |
FMRE_EWU02 | Earmarked Funds: Euro Postprocessing |
FMRE_KERLK | Close Earmarked Funds |
FMRE_SERLK | Close Earmarked Funds |
FMROD | Recurring Obligations Overdue Check |
FMROP | Post Recurring Obligations |
FMRP18 | Clear Subsequent Postings |
FMRPKFCHECK | Comparison of Key Figures(Reporting) |
FMRP_2FMB4001 | Commitments/Actuals |
FMRP_2FMB4002 | Assigned Funds |
FMRP_3FMB4001 | Annual Budget |
FMRP_3FMB4002 | Overall Budget |
FMRP_3FMB4003 | Budget: Period Display |
FMRP_3FMB4004 | Assigned Funds (Annual Budget) |
FMRP_3FMB4005 | Assigned Funds (Overall Budget) |
FMRP_3FMB4006 | Assigned Fds (Releases, Annual Bdgt) |
FMRP_3FMB4007 | Assigned Fds (Releases,Overall Bdgt) |
FMRP_CI_SET_HIER | Create CI Set Hier. from Master Data |
FMRP_FC_SET_HIER | Create FC Set Hier. from Master Data |
FMRP_RFFMAV01X | Annual Budget |
FMRP_RFFMAV02X | Overall Budget |
FMRP_RFFMAV03X | Budget Deficits with Expenditures |
FMRP_RFFMAV04X | Budget Deficits for Revenues |
FMRP_RFFMAV05X | Cross Assignments and Outside Usages |
FMRP_RFFMBWBM | BW: Text-Upload |
FMRP_RFFMCE01 | Monitor for Cover Eligibility |
FMRP_RFFMCE11 | Overview of Cover Pools with FMAA |
FMRP_RFFMCE12 | Overview of Cover Pools |
FMRP_RFFMCE13 | Overview Revenue Cover Pool |
FMRP_RFFMCE21 | FMAA Subj. to Cvr to FMAA Ent.to Cvr |
FMRP_RFFMCE22 | Ent. to Cvr to Subj. to Cvr FMAA |
FMRP_RFFMCE23 | Subj. to cover to Expend. Cover Pool |
FMRP_RFFMCE31 | Rules f. Revenues Increasing Budget |
FMRP_RFFMCE32 | Rules for Revenues Cover Pools |
FMRP_RFFMCE41 | Collective Expenditure FM Acct Asgts |
FMRP_RFFMEP1AX | All Postings |
FMRP_RFFMEP1BX | Annual Budget |
FMRP_RFFMEP1CX | CO Postings |
FMRP_RFFMEP1FX | FI Postings |
FMRP_RFFMEP1GX | Yr End Closing: Cmmts/Bdgt Carrd Fwd |
FMRP_RFFMEP1OX | Commitments and Funds Transfers |
FMRP_RFFMEP2AX | PBOF - Commts/Actuals Line Items |
FMRP_RFFMEP2BX | Overall Budget |
FMRP_RFFMEP30X | PBOF - Annual Bdgt vs Cmmts/Acts LIs |
FMRP_RFFMEP31X | PBOF - Overall Bgt vs Cmmts/Acts LIs |
FMRP_RFFMEP3GX | Year-End Clsg: Preselected Budget |
FMRP_RFFMEP4BX | Periodical Display |
FMRP_RFFMTO10X | Commitment/Actual Totals Records |
FMRP_RFFMTO20X | Additional Revenues |
FMRP_RFFMTO30X | PBOF - Ann.Bdgt vs Cmmts/Acts Totals |
FMRP_RFFMTO31X | PBOF - Ovrl Bgt vs Cmmts/Acts Totals |
FMRP_RFFMTO50 | Annual Budget: List |
FMRP_RW_BUDCON | Budget Consumption Report |
FMRP_RW_BUDGET | Budget Report |
FMRP_RW_BUDVER | Budget Version Comparison |
FMRP_RW_COVRGRP | Budget Consumption in Cover Groups |
FMRP_RW_EFFYEAR | Budget Overview by Year of Cash Eff. |
FMRULES | FM Objects: Predefined Rules |
FMRW | Budget Entry Documents |
FMRY | Annual budget |
FMRZ | Overall Budget |
FMSA | Create Funds Center in FM Area |
FMSB | Change Funds Center in FM Area |
FMSC | Display Funds Center in FM Area |
FMSD | Change Funds Ctr/Hierarchy Variant |
FMSE | Display Hierarchy Variant/Funds Ctr |
FMSF | Change Funds Ctr Hierarchy Variant |
FMSG | Change Assignment Fnds Ctr Hier.Var. |
FMSGDERIVE | Fund message: customizing |
FMSGDERIVER | Fund message: customizing |
FMSGLBL | Customize US BL SGL |
FMSGLCLASS | SGL Account classification |
FMSHERLOCK | Processing Clarification Cases |
FMSHERLOCK_ADD_D | Clarification WL: Add Documents |
FMSK | Commitment Item Check |
FMSL | Change Cmmt Item: Mass Processing |
FMSPDERIVE | Account Distributions derive: steps |
FMSPDERIVER | Account Distributions derive: values |
FMSPLITMAINT | Maintain Acct Asst Distribtn Rules |
FMSPLIT_EXPRESS_INST | Quick installation FI-SL |
FMSPLIT_TABLE_INST | Maintain FI-SL tables |
FMSRCICHNG | Reassign Standing Request |
FMSS | Display Status Assignment |
FMST | Statistical report for PPA |
FMSU | Change Status Assignment |
FMSX | Output of Funds Center to UNIX file |
FMSY | Create Funds Center Using UNIX |
FMTB | Transfer Commitment/Actuals to FI-BL |
FMTEXT | Budget Text Organizer |
FMTFDERIVE | FM Object Assignment - Customizing |
FMTFDERIVER | G/L Acct Deriv. Rules - Maintenance |
FMTFR | HHM Object Assignment - Maintenance |
FMTR | FM budgetary ledger trace |
FMU0 | Display Funds Reservation Doc.Types |
FMU1 | Maintain Funds Reservation Doc.Types |
FMU2 | Display Funds Reservtn Fld Variants |
FMU3 | Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Variants |
FMU4 | Display Funds Reservation Fld Groups |
FMU5 | Maintain Funds Reservatn Fld Groups |
FMU6 | Display Funds Reservtn Field Selctn |
FMU7 | Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Selctn |
FMU8 | Display Template Type for Fds Resvtn |
FMU9 | Maintain Template Type for Fds Resvn |
FMUA | Dispay Fds Res.Template Type Fields |
FMUB | Maintain Fds Res.Template Type Flds |
FMUC | Display Funds Res. Reference Type |
FMUD | Maintain Funds Res.Reference Type |
FMUE | Display Funds Res.Ref.Type Fields |
FMUF | Maintaine Fds Rsvtn Ref.Type Fields |
FMUG | Display Reasons for Decision |
FMUH | Maintain Reasons for Decisions |
FMUI | Display Groups for Workflow Fields |
FMUJ | Maintain Groups for Workflow Fields |
FMUK | Display Fields in Groups for WF |
FMUL | Maintain Fields in Groups for WF |
FMUM | Display Field Selctn ->Variant/Group |
FMUN | Display Field Seln->Variant/Group |
FMUSFG1 | USFG Derivation - Customize |
FMUSFG2 | USFG Derivation - Maintain |
FMUV | Funds Resvtn Field Status Var.Asst |
FMV1 | Create Forecast of Revenue |
FMV2 | Change Forecast of Revenue |
FMV3 | Display Forecast of Revenue |
FMV4 | Approve Forecast of Revenue |
FMV5 | Change FM Acct Asst in Fcst of Rev. |
FMV6 | Reduce Forecast of Revenue Manually |
FMVA01 | Collective Prcssng Value Adjustments |
FMVABD | Define Funds Management Validation |
FMVPM1 | Create Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt. |
FMVPM2 | Change Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt. |
FMVPM3 | Display Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt |
FMVPM4 | Approve forecast of rev. value adjmt |
FMVT | Fund Balance Carryforward |
FMW1 | Create Funds Block |
FMW2 | Change Funds Block |
FMW3 | Display Funds Block |
FMW4 | Approve Funds Blocking |
FMW5 | Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Blkg |
FMWA | Create Funds Transfer |
FMWB | Change Funds Transfer |
FMWC | Display Funds Transfer |
FMWD | Approve Funds Transfer |
FMWE | Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Trsfr |
FMWHEREUSED | Where-Used FM Assignments |
FMWPM1 | Create Fund Block for Value Adjustmt |
FMWPM2 | Change Fund Block for Value Adjustmt |
FMWPM3 | Display Funds Block for Value Adjst. |
FMWPM4 | Approve Fund Block for Value Adjust. |
FMX1 | Create Funds Reservation |
FMX2 | Change Funds Reservation |
FMX3 | Display Funds Reservation |
FMX4 | Approve Funds Reservation |
FMX5 | Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Resvn |
FMX6 | Funds Reservation: Manual Reduction |
FMXPM1 | Funds Reservation: Create Value Adj. |
FMXPM2 | Funds Reservation: Change Value Adj. |
FMXPM3 | Funds Reservation: Displ. Value Adj. |
FMXPM4 | Funds Reserv.: Approve Value Adjust. |
FMY1 | Create Funds Commitment |
FMY2 | Change Funds Commitment |
FMY3 | Display Funds Precommitment |
FMY4 | Approve Funds Precommitment |
FMY5 | Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Prcmmt |
FMY6 | Reduce Funds Precommitment Manually |
FMYC | Funds Management Control |
FMYC02 | Reassignment for canceling Funds |
FMYC03DERIVE | FM Object Assignment - Customizing |
FMYCDERIVE | FM Object Assignment - Customizing |
FMYCR | HHM Object Assignment - Maintenance |
FMYC_ASSIGN | Assign Derivation Strategy |
FMYC_CFBCOM | Closing Operations: Cmmt Budget (CB) |
FMYC_CFBPAY | Clsg Operations: Bdgt for Cmmt (PB) |
FMYC_CFCCOM | FM Closing Operations: Cmmt (CB) |
FMYC_CFCPAY | FM Closing Operations: Cmmt (PB) |
FMYC_CFPARAM | Closing Ops: Carryforward Parameters |
FMYC_CFPCOM | Closing Ops: Residual Commt Budget |
FMYC_CFPPAY | Closing Ops: Residual Payment Budget |
FMYC_CFRULES | Closing Commt: Assign Carryfwd Par. |
FMYC_DEFAULT | FM Closing Operations: Default |
FMYC_DELWF | Reset Workflow (Earmarked Funds) |
FMYC_VA | Amount Adjustment of Document Chains |
FMYC_VA_REV | Undo Value Adjustment for Chains |
FMYPM1 | Funds Precmmt: Create Value Adjust. |
FMYPM2 | Funds Precmmt: Change Value Adjust. |
FMYPM3 | Funds precmmt: Display value adjust. |
FMYPM4 | Funds Precmmt: Approve Value Adjust. |
FMZ1 | Create Funds Commitment |
FMZ2 | Change Funds Commitment |
FMZ3 | Display Funds Commitment |
FMZ4 | Approve Funds Commitment |
FMZ5 | Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Commt |
FMZ6 | Reduce Funds Commitment Manually |
FMZBVT | Carry Forward Balance |
FMZK | Day-End Closing Correction User |
FMZPM1 | Funds commit.: Create value adjust. |
FMZPM2 | Funds commit.: Change value adjust. |
FMZPM3 | Funds Cmmt: Display Value Adjustment |
FMZPM4 | Funds commit: Approve value adjust. |
FMZT | Assigning Clsng Op. Grp - FM Areas |
FMZZ | Revalue Earmarked Funds |
FM_CHECK_VERRECHNUNG | Check Customizing Clearing Control |
FM_CISUB_SET1 | Create Cmmt Item Substrings Group |
FM_CISUB_SET2 | Change Cmmt Item Substrings Group |
FM_CISUB_SET3 | Display Cmmt Item Substrings Group |
FM_CLEAR_ACC | Clarification Worklist - FM AcctAsgt |
FM_DLFI | Deletes FI Documnts Transferred from |
FM_DLFM | Deletes all FM Data (fast) |
FM_DLOI | Deletes Cmmts Transferred from FM |
FM_DLPF | Reconstruct Document Bundle |
FM_EURO | Reconciliation After Euro Conversion |
FM_EURO_M | Parameter Maintenance for Euro Conv. |
FM_FCSUB_SET1 | Create Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group |
FM_FCSUB_SET2 | Change Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group |
FM_FCSUB_SET3 | Display Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group |
FM_FDSUB_SET1 | Create Fund Substrings Group |
FM_FDSUB_SET2 | Change Fund Substrings Group |
FM_FDSUB_SET3 | Display Fund Substrings Group |
FM_FNSUB_SET1 | Create Func. Area Substrings Group |
FM_FNSUB_SET2 | Change Func. Area Substrings Group |
FM_FNSUB_SET3 | Display Func. Area Substrings Group |
FM_FUNCTION | FM: Functional Area |
FM_FUNCTION1 | FM: Functional Area |
FM_FUNCTION2 | FM: Functional Area |
FM_HHM_ACTIVATE | Activate/Deactivate Funds Management |
FM_LGD_H_BSU | Search Help for Bank Turnover |
FM_LGD_H_EST | Posting Statistic for Acct Statement |
FM_LGD_H_MCE | Multi-Cash Editor |
FM_MRP_PR | Update MRP PR's to FM |
FM_RC07 | Reconcile FI Paymts-> FM Line Items |
FM_SD07 | Display Worklist |
FM_SETS_FICTR1 | Create Funds Center |
FM_SETS_FICTR2 | Change Funds Center Group |
FM_SETS_FICTR3 | Display Funds Center Group |
FM_SETS_FIPEX1 | Create Commitment Item Group |
FM_SETS_FIPEX2 | Change Commitment Item Group |
FM_SETS_FIPEX3 | Display Commitment Item Group |
FM_SETS_FUNCTION1 | Create Functional Area Group |
FM_SETS_FUNCTION2 | Change Functional Area Group |
FM_SETS_FUNCTION3 | Display Functional Area Group |
FM_SETS_FUND1 | Create Fund Group |
FM_SETS_FUND2 | Change Fund Group |
FM_SETS_FUND3 | Display Fund Group |
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG1 | Create Fund Group |
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG2 | Change Fund Group |
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG3 | Display Fund Group |
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sap tcodes FD to FM
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