Saturday, July 5, 2008

SAP Tcodes from FN to FQ

FN-1 No.range: FVVD_RANL (Loan number)
FN-4 Number range maintenance: FVVD_PNNR
FN-5 Number range maintenance: FVVD_SNBNR
FN-6 Number range maintenance: FVVD_RPNR
FN09 Create Borrower's Note Order
FN11 Change borrower's note order
FN12 Display borrower's note order
FN13 Delete borrower's note order
FN15 Create borrower's note contract
FN16 Change borrower's note contract
FN17 Display borrower's note contract
FN18 Payoff borrower's note contract
FN19 Wthdrw/Red. Borrower's Note Contract
FN1A Create other loan contract
FN1V Create other loan contract
FN20 Create borrower's note offer
FN21 Change borrower's note offer
FN22 Display borrower's note offer
FN23 Delete borrower's note offer
FN24 Activate borrower's note offer
FN2A Change other loan application
FN2V Change other loan contract
FN30 Create policy interested party
FN31 Change policy interested party
FN32 Display policy interested party
FN33 Delete policy interested party
FN34 Policy interested party in applic.
FN35 Policy interested party in contract
FN3A Display other loan application
FN3V Display other loan contract
FN40 Create other loan interested party
FN41 Change other loan interested party
FN42 Display other loan interested party
FN43 Delete other loan interested party
FN44 Other loan in applic.
FN45 Other loan interested prty in cntrct
FN4A Wthdrw/Reduce Other Loan Application
FN4V Withdraw/Reduce Other Loan Contract
FN5A Other loan application in contract
FN5V Payoff other loan contract
FN61 Create collateral value
FN62 Change collateral value
FN63 Display collateral value
FN80 Enter manual debit position
FN81 Change manual debit position
FN82 Display manual debit position
FN84 Change waiver
FN85 Display Waiver
FN87 Change Write-Off Debit Position
FN88 Display Write-Off Debit Position
FN8A Manual Entry: Unscheduled Repayment
FN8B Manual Entry: Other Bus. Operations
FN8C Enter Single Postings
FN8D Post Planned Records
FN8X Business Operations: Workplace
FNA0 Policy application in contract
FNA1 Create Mortgage Offer
FNA2 Change Mortgage Offer
FNA3 Display Mortgage Loan Offer
FNA4 Mortgage Offer Withdrawal
FNA5 Mortgage Offer in Contract
FNA6 Create Policy Offer
FNA7 Change Policy Offer
FNA8 Display Policy Offer
FNA9 Policy Offer Withdrawal
FNAA Reactivation of Deleted Mort. Offer
FNAB Reactivation of Deleted Mort.Applic.
FNAC Reactivate deleted mortgage contract
FNAD Reactivation of Deleted Policy Offer
FNAE Reactivation of Deleted Policy Appl.
FNAG Reactvtn of Deleted Other Loan Offer
FNAH Reactivate del. other loan
FNAI Reactivate deleted other loan cntrct
FNAK Select File Number
FNAL Reactivate deleted BNL contract
FNAM Reactivate deleted policy contract
FNARCADMIN Archiving Administration
FNARCANALYZE Check Whether Docs Can Be Archived
FNARCEXCL Set /Delete Archiving Lock
FNARCHIVING Loan Document Archiving
FNARCSTATUS Display Archiving Status
FNASL Loans: Account Analysis
FNASSIGN_COND_X Workplace: Condition Assignment
FNASSIGN_INL_COND_X Workplace Cond. Assgnmnt Inst. Loan
FNASSIGN_LOC_COND_X Workplace Condition Assignment (LoC)
FNB1 Transfer to a Loan
FNB2 Transfer from a Loan
FNB3 Document Reversal - Loans
FNB8 BAV Information
FNB9 BAV transfer
FNBD Loans-Automatic bal.sheet transfer
FNBG Guarantee charges list
FNBT Balance Sheet Transfer
FNBU DARWIN- Loans accounting menu
FNCD Transfer Customizing for Dunning
FNCL Consumer Loan
FNCL_ADMIN Consumer Loan Administration
FNCL_DISPLAY Display Consumer Loan
FNCL_EDIT Change Consumer Loan
FNCNCL Delete Rescission Indicator
FNCOT_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCOT_INL_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_INL_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_INL_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCOT_LOC_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_LOC_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_LOC_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCOT_LOS_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_LOS_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_LOS_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCP1 Generate Change Pointers Manually
FNCP3 Display change pointers
FNCP4 Reorganize change pointers
FNCW1 Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment
FNCW2 Administrative Responsibility
FNCW3 Assign Agents to Tasks
FNCW4 Activate/Deactivate Workflow
FNDD Convert Dunning Data in Dunn.History
FNDEF_PAST_DUE Display Open Items After Due Date
FNDOCSSHOW Display Individual Documents
FNEN Create Loan
FNENALG Create General Loan
FNENHYP Create Mortgage Loan
FNENPOL Create Policy Loan
FNENSSD Create Borrower's Note Loan
FNETSCA2 Customer: Change Address
FNETSCB1 Customer: Create Bank Details
FNETSCB2 Customer: Change Bank Details
FNETSCB6 Customer: Delete Bank Details
FNETSVA2 Vendor: Change Address
FNETSVB1 Vendor: Create Bank Details
FNETSVB2 Vendor: Change Bank Details
FNETSVB6 Vendor: Delete Bank Details
FNEXP Export Interface Loans
FNF1 Rollover: Create file
FNF2 Rollover: Change file
FNF3 Rollover: Display file
FNF4 Rollover: Fill file
FNF9 Rollover: Evaluations
FNFO ISIS: Create file
FNFP ISIS: Change file
FNFQ ISIS: Display file
FNFR ISIS: Fill file
FNFT Rollover: File evaluation
FNFU Rollover: Update file
FNG2 Total Loan Commitment
FNG3 Loan Commitment
FNGEN_PRODUCT_ATTR Processing Attrib. for Loans General
FNGEN_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Loans General
FNGEN_PRODUCT_CREA Creating Products for Loans in Genrl
FNI1 Create mortgage application
FNI2 Change mortgage application
FNI3 Display Mortgage Loan Application
FNI4 Mortgage Application Withdrawal
FNI5 Mortgage application to offer
FNI6 Mortgage application in contract
FNIA Create inquiry
FNIB Change inquiry
FNIC Display Inquiry
FNID Deactivate Interested Party
FNIE Reactivate Interested Party
FNIH Decision-making
FNIJ Create credit standing
FNIK Change Credit Standing
FNIL Display Credit Standing
FNIN Create collateral value
FNINL Edit Installment Loan
FNINL_DISPLAY Display Installment Loan
FNINL_EDIT Change Installment Loan
FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attribs for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for Inst. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Instllmt Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP_C Comp. Products Instlmt Loans by Clnt
FNINL_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Installment Loan Products
FNINL_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Install. Loans
FNINV_ACC_DISP Display Investor Contract
FNIO Change collateral value
FNIP Display collateral value
FNK0 Multimillion Loan Display (GBA14)
FNK1 Loans to Managers (GBA15)
FNKO Cond.types - Cond.groups allocation
FNKWGFLAG Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator
FNL1 Rollover: Create Main File
FNL2 Rollover: Change Main File
FNL3 Rollover: Displ. Main File Structure
FNL4 New business
FNL5 New business
FNL6 New business
FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attributes for LoC
FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for LoC
FNLOC_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Products - LoC Using Client
FNLOC_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Lines of Credit
FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR Proc. of Attrs for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR_D No. of Attrib. for Aquisition System
FNLOS_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Aquisition Syst
FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Prod. for Aqu. Using Client
FNLOS_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products in Aquisition System
FNLOS_PRODUCT_DISP No. of Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLS_ACTM Set Status Actual Completed
FNLS_CONTS Reset Planned Completed to Contract
FNLS_PLANM Set Status Planned Completed
FNLS_PLANS Set Status Planned Completed
FNM1 Automatic Posting
FNM1S Automatic Posting - Single
FNM2 Balance sheet transfer
FNM3 Loans reversal module
FNM4 Undisclosed assignment
FNM5 Automatic debit position simulation
FNM6 Post Interest on Arrears
FNMA Partner data: Settings menu
FNMD Submenu General Loans
FNME Loans management menu
FNMEC Loans Management Menu
FNMH Loans management menu
FNMI Loans information system
FNMO Loans Menu Policy Loans
FNMP Rollover
FNMS Loans Menu Borrower's Notes
FNMULTIARC Archive Document Data
FNN4 Display General File
FNN5 Edit general file
FNN6 Display general main file
FNN7 Edit general main file
FNN8 Display general main file
FNN9 Edit general overall file
FNO1 Create Object
FNO2 Change Object
FNO3 Display Object
FNO5 Create collateral
FNO6 Change collateral
FNO7 Display collateral
FNO8 Create Objects from File
FNO9 Create Collateral from File
FNP0 Edit rollover manually
FNP4 Rollover: Display file
FNP5 Rollover: Edit File
FNP6 Rollover: Display main file
FNP7 Rollover: Edit main file
FNP8 Rollover: Display overall file
FNP9 Rollover: Edit overall file
FNQ2 New Business Statistics
FNQ5 Transact.type - Acct determinat.adj.
FNQ6 Compare Flow Type/Account Determin.
FNQ7 Generate flow type
FNQ8 Automatic Clearing for Overpayments
FNQ9 Int. adjustment run
FNQF Swiss interest adjustment run
FNQG Swiss special interest run
FNR0 Loans: Posting Journal
FNR6 Insur.prtfolio trends - NEW
FNR7 Totals and Balance List
FNR8 Account Statement
FNR9 Planning List
FNRA Other accruals/deferrals
FNRB Planned Record Update
FNRB_WORKLIST Update Planned Records from Worklist
FNRC Accruals/deferrals reset
FNRD Display incoming payments
FNRE DO NOT USE:Reverse Incoming Payments
FNRELOADING Reload Archived Documents
FNRI Portfolio Analysis Discount/Premium
FNRLZ Statement of Remaining Terms
FNRS Reversal Accrual/Deferral
FNS1 Collateral number range
FNSA Foreign currency valuation
FNSARACUST Customizing Loan Archiving CML
FNSB Master data summary
FNSFP Contracts for the Finance Project
FNSIM_CORR Simulate Backdated Condition Change
FNSL Balance reconciliation list
FNSTA Processing Characteristics
FNT0 Loan correspondence (Switzerland)
FNT1 Automatic Deadline Monitoring
FNT2 Copy text modules to client
FNTDPRODPROFILE Assign Profiles to Products
FNUB Treasury transfer
FNV0 Payoff policy contract
FNV1 Create mortgage contract
FNV2 Change mortgage contract
FNV3 Display mortgage contract
FNV4 Contract Full / Partial Recission
FNV5 Disburse Contract
FNV6 Create policy contract
FNV7 Change policy contract
FNV8 Display policy contract
FNV9 Policy Contract WIthdrawal
FNVA Create paid off contracts
FNVCOMPRESSION Loans: Document Data Summarization
FNVCOMPREXCL Set /Delete Archiving Lock
FNVD Disburse Contract
FNVD_REPAY Loan Payoff
FNVI Loans: General Overview
FNVM Change Contract
FNVR Reactivate Contract
FNVS Display Contract
FNVW Withdraw or Reduce Contract
FNWF WF Loans Release: List of Work Items
FNWF_REP Release Workflow: Synchronization
FNWO Loans: Fast Processing
FNWS Housing statistics
FNX1 Rollover: Create Table
FNX2 Rollover: Change Table
FNX3 Rollover: Display Table
FNX6 Rollover: Delete Table
FNX7 Rollover: Deactivate Table
FNX8 Rollover: Print Table
FNXD TR-EDT: Documentation
FNXG List of Bus. Partners Transferred
FNXU List of Imported Loans
FNY1 New Business: Create Table
FNY2 New Business: Change Table
FNY3 New Business: Display Table
FNY6 New Business: Delete Table
FNY7 New Business: Deactivate Table
FNY8 New Business: Print Table
FNZA Account Determination Customizing
FN_1 Table maint. transferred loans
FN_2 Table maintenance transf. partner
FN_AUTODRAFT_PROCESS Create Auto Debit Files
FN_BILLNUM Number Range Maintenance Bill Number
FN_BILL_NUM Number Range Maintenance: FVVD_BILL
FN_CBR_INFO Display Files for Credit Bureau
FN_CBR_PROCESS Create Files for Credit Bureau
FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attributes: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products - Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP_C Comp.Prods.- Cons.Loans Using Client
FN_CL_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products - Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products: Consumer Loans
FN_CORR_MASS Create Annual Interest Statement
FN_DAILY_ACCRUAL Daily Interest Accrual Display
FN_DERI_COMPANY_CODE Derivation Rules for Company Code
FN_DERI_CONDITION Derivation Rules for Condition Table
FN_DERI_ORIGINATOR Derivation Rules for Originator
FN_DERI_PRODUCT Derivation Rules for Product
FN_DERI_SALES_ORG Derivation Rules for Org. Unit
FN_LOANUNITA_ARC_ADM Archiving Administration LOANREF_A
FN_LOANUNITV_ARC_ADM Archiving Administration LOANREF_V
FN_LOANUNIT_ARC Archive Loan Reference Units
FN_LOANUNIT_RELOAD Reload Loan Reference Units
FN_MIG_CMS Deletion of Data After Migration CMS
FN_PAY_PROCESS_SUSP Generate PPO Error Messages
FN_PAY_PROC_PAYOFF Create Payoff from Overpayment
FN_PAY_STOP Create Lockbox Stop File
FN_POST_INL Post Planned Records from Worklist
FN_PPO2 Edit Postprocessing Order
FN_PPO3 Display Postprocessing Order
FN_PPO_VIEWCALL PPO Customizing with Component
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_ATTYP Assign Attribute Types
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_CUSAT Table/Struct.Name f.Cust. Attributes
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_PTYP Options for Supported Product Cats.
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_TAPT Assign Prod.Cat.& Cond.Type
FN_PRODUCT_KEYP_WORK Change Key Prefix for Product Key
FN_RULE_COMPANY_CODE Rule Entries for Company Code
FN_RULE_CONDITION Rule Entries for Condition Table
FN_RULE_ORIGINATOR Rule Entries for Loan Originator
FN_RULE_PRODUCT Rule Entries for Product
FN_RULE_SALES_ORG Rule Entries for Org. Unit
FN_STOP_ADMIN Manage Stops
FN_TRLE_CHECK_CUST Check Cust. for Parallel Posit. Mgmt
FN_TRLE_CML_TRL Comp. CML-BO and Parallel Pos. Mgmt
FN_TRLE_INIT_VCLASS Initialization of General Valn Class
FN_TRLE_TEST_INIT REP: rfvd_test_distributor_init
FN_UPD_FELDAUSW Update Program for Field Selection
FO/E Create exception real estate
FO/F Maintain exception real estate
FO/G Display exception real estate
FO/H Create groups except. real estate
FO/I Change groups except. real estate
FO/J Display groups except. real estate
FO01 Real estate management leasing
FO08 Reversal input tax distribution
FO10 Reserved for real estate
FO11 Number range maintenance: Land reg.
FO12 Field status: Management contract
FO13 Activate Settlement Unit
FO13U Activate Settlement Unit
FO14 Land register: Display
FO15 Land register: Change
FO16 Land register: Create
FO18 Land register: Parameters via MEM ID
FO19 Land register: Parameter trnsfr test
FO1B Create expert report
FO1C Change expert report
FO1D Display expert report
FO1E Owner Settlement
FO1F Owner Account Settlement Reversal
FO1G Correction Items Retirement
FO1I Post-generate settlement particip.
FO1I_MV Post-Generate Settlement Particip.
FO1J Corr.item transfer within asset
FO1K Reverse CI transfer within asset
FO1L Repost Input Tax Adjustments
FO20 Reserved for real estate
FO21 Create business entity
FO22 Change business entity
FO23 Display business entity
FO24 Follow-up post. inc.pmnt rejections
FO25 Number Range for Business Entity
FO27 Number Range for Property
FO28 Number Range for Building
FO29 Reset transaction block
FO30 Maintain lease-out
FO31 Create property
FO32 Change property
FO33 Display property
FO35 Create building
FO36 Change building
FO37 Display building
FO38 Change RA: Conds of Active Contracts
FO3B Selection real.est.obj. for CO sett.
FO3C Real estate CO settlement
FO3K Maintain automatic postings accounts
FO3L Read lease-out flow archive
FO40 Reserved for real estate
FO49 Check index for real estate
FO4B Stand.settings rental agreemnt analy
FO4C Stand.settings rental agreemnt analy
FO4D Stand.Settings Bus.Entity Analysis
FO4E Standard settings property analysis
FO4F Standard settings building analysis
FO4G Reporting tree VI12
FO4H Reporting tree VI13
FO4I Reporting tree VI14
FO4J Reporting tree VI15
FO4K VI16 report tree
FO4L Mainten.curr.conversion type TMR
FO4M Translation Tool - Drilldown Report
FO4N Number range maint.: RE_INVOICE
FO4O Stand.settings partner analysis
FO4P Partner analysis-new selection
FO4Q Std settings land register analysis
FO4W Test monitor - Real Estate reports
FO4Y Read lease-out archive
FO5G Real Estate report list
FO5O Import reports
FO5P Generate reports
FO5Q Rental Units Standard Analysis
FO5R Real Estate report layouts
FO5T Lease-Out Analysis: New Selection
FO5V Print New LO Number Correspondence
FO60 Reserved for real estate
FO61 Create settlement unit
FO61U Create Master Settlement Unit
FO62 Change settlement unit
FO62U Change Master Settlement Unit
FO63 Display settlement unit
FO63U Display Master Settlement Unit
FO65 Overview of Settlement Units
FO66 Overview cost collectors for SU
FO67 SU Overview for Rental Unit
FO6A Real estate field status application
FO6B Display real est. applic.fld select.
FO6C Rental request field status
FO6D Set delete flag for CU
FO6E Change co-applicant field selection
FO6F Display co-applicant field selection
FO6G No.range maintenance: FVVI_VWVTR
FO6H Field Status: Rental Request
FO6I Reporting tree VI11
FO6J Maintain Real Estate Report Tree
FO70 Reserved for real estate
FO77 Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_NKSET
FO79 Maintain Rent Adjustm.History
FO7P Property Standard Analysis
FO7Q Buildings Standard Analysis
FO7R Reporting tree VI10
FO7S Maintain Batch Variants
FO7T Rental unit analysis user settings
FO7U Rntl agrmnt analysis user settings
FO7V Standard analysis land register
FO7W Reorganize Report Data
FO7Y Tenant acct evaluation
FO80 RA debit positions - Log
FO81 Display Rent Adjustm.History
FO82 Create Management Contract
FO83 Change Management Contract
FO84 Display management contract
FO85 Simulate debit position/man.contract
FO86 Change active admin.contract fees
FO87 Change cond.act.cntrcts for bckgrnd
FO88 Management contract debit position
FO8A Real est. trans.records accr./defer.
FO8B RealEstate accr./defer.- Reversal
FO8C Real Estate CO Indiv. Settlement
FO8D Report: distributions
FO8DA Input Tax Distribution
FO8DB Input Tax Distribution Posting
FO8DM Input Tax Distribution Reversal
FO8DN Input Tax Distribution Log
FO8E Create admin.contract event
FO8F Change admin.contract event
FO8G Display admin.contract event
FO8H Admin.costs acct sttlmnt simulation
FO8I Management Costs Settlement
FO8J No.range maintenance:FVVI_VWEVT
FO8K Carry out real estate accr./defer.
FO8L Changed Option Rate Ratios
FO8N OptRte-Relevant Changes RU / LO
FO8P Reset D tape data
FO8Q Incoming payments by posting date
FO8R Reset delete flag for SU
FO8S Create measurement doc.
FO8T Change Measurement Document
FO8U Display Measurement Document
FO8V Collective Entry of MeasDocuments
FO8W Change Measurement Documents
FO8X Display Measurement Documents
FO8Y Collective Entry of MeasDocuments
FO8Z Change Measurement Documents
FO91 VICP report tree
FO94 Number range maintenance:FVVI_BEBE
FO95 Create correction items
FO96 Change correction items
FO97 Display correction items
FO98 Delete correction items
FO9A Display Measurement Documents
FO9B Create measurement doc.
FO9C Change Measurement Document
FO9D Display Measurement Document
FO9E Collective Entry of MeasDocuments
FO9F Call reporting tree VI01
FO9G Call reporting tree VI02
FO9H Call reporting tree VI03
FO9I Call reporting tree VI04
FO9J Call reporting tree VI05
FO9K Import Reports from Client
FO9L Import Forms from Client 000
FO9M Transport reports
FO9N Transport Forms
FO9O Overview of Reports
FO9P Real estate: Create select.version
FO9Q Real estate: Change select. version
FO9R Real estate: Display select.version
FO9S Real estate: Schedule select.version
FO9T Selection Version Tree Real Estate
FO9U User-Spec. Sel.Vers.Tree Real Estate
FO9V Reporting tree VI06
FO9W Reporting tree VI07
FO9X Maintain report selection
FO9Y Business Entities Standard Analysis
FO9Z Reporting tree VI09
FOA0 Simulate Index Rent Adjustment
FOA1 Calculate rent adjustment: Index
FOA2 Rent adjustemnt: Display logs
FOA3 Calculate rent adjustment: CH
FOA4 Rent Adjustment - Reserved
FOA5 Activate rent adjustment: Index
FOA6 Rent adjustment letter: Index
FOA7 Rent adjustment logs: Index
FOA8 Dispay rent adjustments: Index
FOAA Calculate rent adj.: Comp.apartment
FOAB Assign RU to comparative group
FOABG General contract accrual/deferral
FOAC Activate rent adjustment: Comp.aprt.
FOAD Display rent adjustment: Comp.apart.
FOAE Simulate rent adjust.: Comp.apartmnt
FOAF Comparative rnt rnt. adj. coll.print
FOAG Rent adj. logs: Comparative apart.
FOAH Calculate rent adj.: Free adj.
FOAI Activate rent adj.: Free adjustment
FOAIMMO Maintain AIMMO Indicator
FOAJ Display rent adj.: Free adjustment
FOAK Rent adjustment letter: Free adj.
FOAL Display rent adjustment: Free adj.
FOAM Simulate rent adjustment: Free adj.
FOAN Activate rent adjustment: All methds
FOAO Reverse rent adjustment: All methods
FOAP Display rent adjustment logs
FOAPCUST00 Activation of Application FI-CDA
FOAPLOG01 Analyze Application Log
FOAPLOG02 Analyze Application Log
FOAPPROC01 Transfer Credits and Payments
FOAPPROC02 Clear Invoices
FOAQ Calculate rent adj.: Rep. rent list
FOAR Simulate rent adj.: Rep. rent list
FOAR00 Business Partner Configuration Menu
FOAR01 REAR: Applications
FOAR02 REAR: Field Groups
FOAR03 REAR: Views
FOAR04 REAR: Sections
FOAR05 REAR: Pictures
FOAR06 REAR: Screen Sequences
FOAR07 REAR: Events
FOAR08 REAR: GUI Standard Functions
FOAR09 REAR: GUI Additional Functions
FOAR0A Create Rental Request
FOAR0B Change Rental Request
FOAR0C Display Rental Request
FOAR10 Application archiving
FOAR100 Management contract archiving
FOAR101 Management of mgt contract archives
FOAR103 Mngt contract archiving prep.prog.
FOAR11 Management of application archives
FOAR12 REAR: Field Modification Criteria
FOAR13 REAR: Activities
FOAR14 REAR: Field Assignment Screen->DB
FOAR15 REAR: Application Transactions
FOAR16 REAR: Tables
FOAR18 REAR: Activity Field Modification
FOAR1A Transfer Rental Units into Offers
FOAR1B Offer Overview
FOAR1C Overview of Requests
FOAR20 Offer archiving
FOAR21 Management of offer archives
FOAR25 REAR: Authorization Types
FOAR26 REAR: Field Groups for Authorization
FOAR27 REAR: Search
FOAR2A Rental Request -> Find Offer Object
FOAR2B Offer Object -> Find Rental Request
FOAR30 Flow archiving
FOAR30R1 Read Lease-Out Flow Archive
FOAR31 Management of flow archives
FOAR33 Flow archiving preparatory program
FOAR40 Rental agreement archiving
FOAR40R1 Read lease-out archive
FOAR41 Management of rntl agrmnt archives
FOAR43 Rntl agrmnt archiving prep.program
FOAR45 LO archiving index creation
FOAR46 LO archiving index deletion
FOAR50 Archiving rental units
FOAR51 Managing rental unit archives
FOAR53 Rental unit archiving prep.program
FOAR60 Building archiving
FOAR61 Managing building archives
FOAR63 Building archives prep. program
FOAR70 Property archiving
FOAR71 Managing property archives
FOAR73 Property archiving prep.program
FOAR80 Archiving business entities
FOAR81 Managing business entity archives
FOAR83 Business entity archiving prep.prog.
FOAR90 Settlement unit archiving
FOAR91 Managing settlement unit archives
FOAR93 Settlement unit archiving prep.prog.
FOARBW Rental Request Number Range
FOARNOTE Rental Request: Notes
FOAROF Offer Number Range
FOART0 RE: REsearch RE Market Place
FOART1 REsearch: Concordance Eval. Test
FOART2 REsearch: Administration Web-User
FOAS Activate RLR Rent Adjustment
FOAT Display Active RLR Rent Adjustment
FOAU Rep.rnt list rnt increase coll.print
FOAV Display RLR Rent Adjustment Log
FOAW Print apartment valuatn Netherlands
FOAY Balance List by Real Estate Object
FOAZ Display Active Rent Adj. ALL
FOB0 Number range maintenance:FVVI_SOID
FOB1 Lease-Out One-Time Postings
FOB4 Check Real Estate Acct Determination
FOB9 Rent Adj. - Reminder Print ALL
FOBA RE archive residence times
FOBB Rent Adj. - Reminder Print CGP
FOBC Real estate: Delete transaction data
FOBC72 Business partner: Notes (role)
FOBC73 bc73
FOBD Rent Adj. - Simulate Amount Transfer
FOBE Rent Adj. - Calculate Amount Transf.
FOBF Rent Adj. - Activate Amount Transf.
FOBG Rent Adj. - Reverse Amount Transfer
FOBH Rent Adj. - Display Amount Transfer
FOBI Rent Adj.- Display Amnt Transfer Log
FOBJ Rent Adj. - Reminder Print RLR
FOBK Copy real estate company codes
FOBL Rent Adj. - Reminder Print EXP
FOBM Rent Adj. - Reminder Print CEA
FOBN Rent Adj. - Reminder Print MOD
FOBO Rent Adj. - Reminder Print IND
FOBP Properties: Usage type acc. dev.plan
FOBT Rent Adj. - Reminder Print FAC
FOBW Rent Adj. - Reminder Print SCS
FOBX Rent Adj. - Reminder Print FAR
FOBY Rent Adj. - Reminder Print GAR
FOBZ Rent Adj. - Reminder Print ACO
FOCNOI Real Estate: BDN - CN Templates
FOCORRITEM Correction Items Report
FOCPTL Overview of Letters and Text Modules
FOCP_COLLATERAL Print Rental Collateral for LO
FOCP_COLLATERAL_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: Deposit Types
FOCP_RADJ_ADJMOD_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: Rent Adj. Modus
FOCP_RADJ_DUNMOD_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: Rent Adj. Dun.
FOCP_RC_TYPE_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: LO Type
FOD0 Copy Customizing Cross-IS
FOD1 Copy Real Estate Customizing
FOD2 Copy Customizing for Related Applic.
FOD9 CustDarwinRealEst:Create ac.sttl.var
FODA Cust.darwinRealEst:Chnge ac.sttl.var
FODB Cust.darwinRealEst:
FODC Cust.darwinRealEst:Delete ac.stl.var
FODU Customizing View T_TZS13 Real Estate
FODZ Cust. object type status profile
FOE1 Create: Rental Unit
FOE2 Change: Rental Unit
FOE3 Display: Rental Unit
FOE5 Number range maintenance: MIETEINH
FOE6 Run drilldown report
FOE7 Create drilldown report
FOE8 Change drilldown report
FOE9 Display drilldown report
FOEBKA Display account statement
FOEBL1 Lockbox total report
FOED Maintain global variable
FOEP Cust.ISIS Alloc. external roles TZR4
FOEP0001 Actual: Line Items
FOEP0002 Commitment line items
FOEP0003 Line Items - Plan
FOEPA001 Settlement unit actual line items
FOEPA002 Sett. unit commitment line items
FOEPV001 Management contr. actual line items
FOEPV002 Mgt contract commitment line items
FOEPV003 Mgt contract plan line items
FOEU Create form for real estate report
FOEV Change form for real estate report
FOEW Display form for real estate report
FOF9 VIFI report tree
FOFI Real Estate Management master data
FOFO Mass release
FOFV Real estate third-party mgmnt
FOG1 Create Provis. Agreement
FOG2 Change Provis. Agreement
FOG3 Display Provis. Agreement
FOG4 Supplement Provis. Agreement
FOG8 Sign provisional agreements
FOG9 Activate Commercial Lease-Outs
FOGEDI Building: Direct Input
FOGEGN Building: Generate Data File
FOGESH Building: Change Data File
FOGH Transfer offer to
FOGRDI Property: Direct Input
FOGRGN Property: Generate Data File
FOGRSH Property: Change Data File
FOGS Property
FOH1 Create Heating System
FOH2 Change Heating System
FOH3 Display Heating System
FOH9 Management contract: Fee list
FOHA Import A-tape
FOHB Post external acct sttlmnt result
FOHBKID Maintain House Bank Accounts
FOHD Import D-tape
FOHL Write M/L-tape
FOHS Simulate Settlement Result
FOHX Overview of Extern. Heating Expenses
FOI0 RE Contract: Development Menu
FOI0SCS RE Contract: Development/Customizing
FOI1 RECN-BDT: Applications
FOI10 RECN-BDT: Search Help
FOI2 RECN-BDT: Field groups
FOI4 RECN-BDT: Sections
FOI5 RECN-BDT: Screens
FOI6 RECN-BDT: Screen Sequences
FOI8 RECN-BDT: GUI Standard Functions
FOI9 RECN-BDT: GUI Additional Functions
FOIA RECN-BDT: Matchcodes
FOIB RECN-BDT: Field Assignm. Screen->DB
FOIC Real Estate Management master data
FOID RECN-Cust: Contract Type -> Adjust.
FOIE RECN-BDT: Field Modif. Criteria
FOIF RECN-BDT: Application Transactions
FOIH RECN-Cust: Field Modification Activ.
FOII RECN-Cust: Field Modific.ContrType
FOIJ RECN-BDT: Generate Test File (DI)
FOIK RECN-BDT: Update w/o Dialog
FOIL RE Contract: Resubmission
FOIM RE Contract: Create
FOIO RE Contract: Change
FOIP RE Contract: Display
FOIQ RE Contract: Periodic Postings
FOIR RECN Cust: Screen Configurations
FOIS Information system
FOIT Acct Assign. for RE General Contract
FOIU RECN Cust: User Field Accnt Determ.
FOIV RECN Cust: Contract Type
FOIW RECN Cust: Authorization Types
FOIW21 Create PM Notifications in RE
FOIX_NR Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_RECN
FOIY RECN Cust: Resubmission Rule
FOIZ RECN Cust: Field Groups for Author.
FOJ0 Contract: Application Menu
FOJ1 Maintain Comparative Group
FOJ2 Display Comparative Group of Apartm.
FOJ3 Real Estate Implementation Guide
FOJ4 Cash Flow Generator General Contract
FOJ5 Display Contingencies
FOJ6 Correction of VISLID Entries
FOJ7 Correction of T033F Entries
FOJ8 RECN-Cust: Object Part
FOJA Maintain participation ID
FOJB Display participation ID
FOJC RECN Cust: Resubmission Rules
FOJD RECN-Cust: Contr.Type -> Obj.Type
FOJE RECN-BDT: Activities
FOJF RECN-Cust: Acct Determin. Values
FOJF0 LO: Account Determination Values
FOJF1 MC: Account Determination Values
FOJG RE Contract One-Time Posting
FOJI RECN Cust: Validation Times
FOJJ RECN-Cust: ContrTyp Preassignments
FOJK RECN Cust: Substitution Times
FOJL RECN Cust: Periods of Notice
FOJM RECN Cust: Notice Dates
FOJN RECN Cust: Notice Reasons
FOJO RECN Cust: Notice Rejection Reasons
FOJP RECN-BDT: BDT Data Client Copy
FOJQ RE Contract: Create CN (Legacy Data)
FOJR RE Contract: Periodic Postings Log
FOJS RE Customer: Renewal Options
FOJSCS1 Condition Type-> Service Charge Key
FOJSCS10 Change Service Charge Settlement
FOJSCS11 Display Service Charge Settlement
FOJSCS2 Service charge keys
FOJSCS20 RE Contract:Overview of Act. Revenue
FOJSCS21 RE Contract:Overview of Plan Revenue
FOJSCS22 Overview of Missing Sales Reports
FOJSCS25 Missing Sales Report: Correspondence
FOJSCS3 Apportionment Units
FOJSCS30 RE:Rent Adj.-Index Contract Forecast
FOJSCS4 Apportionment Unit <-> Area Type
FOJSCS5 Apprtion. Unit With Extra Attributes
FOJSCS6 Cred. SC Key -> Deb. SC Key
FOJSCS7 Properties of Service Charge Key
FOJSCS8 Maintain Settlement Categories
FOJSCS9 Assign of Plan Index to Actual Index
FOJT RE Customer: Renewal
FOJU RE Contract: Maintain Sales Reports
FOJUN RE Contract: Maintain Sales Reports
FOJUNS Enter Sales with Condition Types
FOJV RE Contract: Create Defaults
FOJW RE Contract: Display Sales Reports
FOJWN RE Contract: Display Sales Reports
FOJWNS Display Sales with Condition Types
FOJX RE Contract: Change Defaults
FOJY RE Contract: Display Defaults
FOJZ RE Contract: Contract Data Reporting
FOK0 Maintain key figures
FOK1 Notice of rental agreement
FOK2 Edit Rental Deposit Release
FOK3 Display rental deposit release
FOK4 Edit rental unit inspection
FOK5 Display rental unit inspection
FOK6 Print sec.dep.sttl. for dep.release
FOK7 Mass Notice on Lease-Out
FOKA RE: Import Planning Layout
FOKB RE: Transport Planning Layouts
FOKC Create Cost Element Planning Layout
FOKD Change Cost Element Planning Layout
FOKE Display Cost Element Planning Layout
FOKF Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
FOKFP Copy Cash Flow to Plan Version
FOKG Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
FOKH Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
FOKIP Copy Actual->Plan for Real Estate
FOKN RE: Displ.Planning Stat.Key Figs
FOKO Check conditions/flow types
FOKOBA Acct Determination for Cond.Type
FOKOTCH Check Internal Condition Categories
FOKP RE: Change Plan.Cost El./Act.Inpt
FOKPP Copy Plan->Plan for Real Estate
FOKQ RE: Displ.Plan.Cost Elem/Act.Inpt
FOKR RE: Change Plan.Prim.Cost Elements
FOKS RE: Displ.Plan.Primary Cost Elements
FOKT RE: Change Planning Activ.Input
FOKU RE: Display Planning Activ.Input
FOKV RE: Change Plan.Revenue Elements
FOKW RE: Display Plan.Revenue Elements
FOKX RE: Change Plan.Stat.Key Figures
FOKY RE: Display Plan.Stat.Key Figures
FOKZ RE: Change Plan.Stat.Key Figures
FOL6 IRE: one-time postings lease-out
FOL7 IRE: Change record indicator
FOLA Bulk Print. Resid.Lease-Out
FOLB Mass Print. Bank Guarantee for LO
FOLC Mass Print. Garage LO Correspondence
FOLD Bulk Print. Garage Lease-Out
FOLE Bulk Print. LO Personal Guarantee
FOLF Bulk print. resid.RA-correspondence
FOLG Bulk print.adv.notice of const.chngs
FOLH Bulk print.rnt incr.due const.chngs
FOLI Resid. and Garage LO Bulk Printing
FOLJ FVVI Pop-up for rntl agrmnt printing
FOLK FVVI Pop-up for addit.letter print.
FOLL FVVI Pop-up for print of oth.letters
FOLM Cust. FVVI letters
FOLN Cust.FVVI letter-module relationship
FOLQ FVVI optical archive
FOLR FVVI Client copy text modules
FOLS FVVI Maintain text objects
FOLT FVVI Maintain text ID's
FOLU Archive and Corresp.Parameters
FOLW Allocate application/corr.activity
FOLX Real estate Alloc. CA -> Letter/role
FOLY Real estate correspond. activities
FOLZ Rent adjust.CH:Int.rate per location
FOM1 Maintain Repr. List of Rents
FOM2 Display Repr. List of Rents
FOM3 Change representative list of rents
FOM4 Maintain rent reaductios
FOM5 Display rent reductions
FOMA Create modernization measure
FOMAFC RE:Rent Adj.-Index Contract Forecast
FOMAFCC RE:Rent Adj.-Index Contract Forecast
FOMASS Number Range for Mass Changes
FOMB Change modernization measure
FOMC Display modernization measuer
FOMC_1 Electr. Account Statement: Test Data
FOMC_2 Electr. Acct Statement: Gen. File
FOMD Delete modernization measure
FOME Rntl unit attribute selection (cust)
FOMF OI list by business entity
FOMG Repeat run invoice printout
FOMH Evaluation log invoice printout
FOMKB Tenant Account Sheet
FOMS Swiss representative rent list
FOMS1 Maint.Rep.List of Rents (Basic Data)
FOMS2 Maint.Rep.List of Rnts (Value Table)
FOMU OI Transfer Posting on Tenant Change
FOMY REst. manual incom.pmnt fast entry
FOMZ Real Estate Incoming Payments
FON1 Simulate full acct settlement: OC
FON2 Execute service charge settlement:OC
FON3 Execute full acct settlement: HC
FON4 Execute full acct settlement: OC+HC
FON5 Simulate full acct settlement: HC
FON6 Simulate full acct settlement: OC+HC
FON7 Reverse full acct settlement: OC
FON8 Reverse full acct settlement: HC
FON9 Reverse full acct settlement: OC+HC
FONA Real Estate Management master data
FONH Reverse External Heating Exp. Sett.
FONK Number range for SC settlement
FONN Correspondence SCS/Rntl Agreement
FONU Serv.charge stt. apportionable costs
FONZ Tenant account maintenance
FOO1 Reassign Correction Items
FOO7 Cust.heat.costs data medium exchange
FOOA1 Change Object Availability
FOOA2 Display Object Availability
FOOA3 Object Availability - Mass Change
FOOF Reverse debit contr.
FOOG Reverse contract
FOOH Invoice / Credit memo owner
FOOL Maitain heat.oil supply
FOOPTRATES Option Rate Report
FOOZ Incoming Pymnts with Residual Items
FOP2 Change Real Estate planning
FOP3 Display Real Estate planning
FOP5 Simulate flat-rate adjustment
FOP6 Calculate flat-rate adjustment
FOP7 Activate flat-rate adjustment
FOP8 Flat-rate adjustment correspondence
FOPA OI Clearing on Rental Agreements
FOPB Condition types with acc./def. ID
FOPCBU Connect User and Person
FOPCR_MAINTAIN Settings for Improved Performance
FOPCS_SHM_CUST Shared Memory Customizing
FOPC_AIS_CO_REPORT Import AIS Report Names
FOPC_AS_REORG Administration Programs
FOPC_CASECUST_CHECK Case Management Customizing
FOPC_CONSIST_CHECK Consistency Check on Validity Period
FOPC_CUST_PERS_RESP Set Logic for Responsible Persons
FOPC_DEFIC_ANA_COPY Copy Issues for Deficiency Analysis
FOPC_HR_DEL Deletion of HR Table Entries
FOPC_HR_LINKS_MIGRAT Conversion of Links in KPro
FOPC_HR_REBUILD Rebuild HR Object List
FOPC_SIGNOFF_NOTE Maintain Note for Sign-Off
FOPC_SOD_CHECK Segregation of duties check
FOPC_WF_SLG1 Analyze Applicat. Log for Scheduling
FOPD Check acc./def. reference flow types
FOPE Copy reference flow types
FOPF List of reference flow types
FOQ0 Number Range Maintenance: VERGLWOHN
FOQ1 FVVI: Create Ext. Compara. Apartment
FOQ2 FVVI: Change Ext. Compara. Apartment
FOQ3 FVVI: Display Ext. Compara.Apartment
FOQ4 FVVI: Delete Ext. Compara. Apartment
FOQ5 RE: Simulate CH rent adj.
FOQ6 RE: Activate CH rent adjustment
FOQ7 Real estate: CH rent adj: Disp.res.
FOQ8 RE: Display CH rent adj.log
FOQ9 RE: Rent adj. - display CH
FOQA RE: Calculate GAR rent adj.
FOQB RE: Activate GAR rent adj.
FOQC RE: Display active GAR rent adj.
FOQD Free garage adj.:Tenant letter
FOQE RE: Display GAR rent adj. log
FOQF RE: Simulate GAR rent adj.
FOQG Print rent adjustment Switzerland
FOQH RE: Calculate FAR rent adj.
FOQI RE: Activate FAR rent adj.
FOQJ RE: Display active FAR rent adj.
FOQK Free resid. adj.: Letter to tenant
FOQL RE: Display FAR rent adj. log
FOQM RE: Simulate FAR rent adj.
FOQN RE: Calculate rent adj. AnyCond.
FOQO RE: Activate rent adj. Any.Cond.
FOQP RE: Display adj.AnyCond.
FOQQ Adj. surcharges: Letter to tenant
FOQR RE: Display rent adj.log Any.Cond
FOQS RE: Simulate rent adj. AnyCond.
FOQU RE: Simulate MOD rent adj.
FOQV RE: Activate MOD rent adj.
FOQW RE: Display active MOD rent adj.
FOQX RE: Display MOD rent adj. log
FOQY RE: Reverse MOD rent adj.
FOQZ RE: Calculate MOD rent adj.
FOR1 Rooms: Maintain
FOR2 Rooms: Display
FOR3 Number range maintenance:FVVI_SRAUM
FOR5 Maintain common rooms in building
FOR6 Display common rooms in building
FOR7 Maintain rooms in RU via building
FOR8 Display rooms in RU via building
FORA RE: Rent adj. - opin.
FORALSR Process Returned Debit Memo
FORB RE: Activate EXOP rent adj.
FORC RE: Display act.EXOP rent adj.
FORD RE: Display EXOP rent adj. log
FORE RE: Simulate EXOP rent adj.
FORF Rnt adj. as res.of exp.rep.corresp.
FORG RE: Reverse EXOP rent adj.
FORH RE: Rent adj. - Simulate CEA
FORI RE: Rent adj. - Calculate CEA
FORJ RE: Rent adj. - Activate CEA
FORK RE: Rent adj. - Reverse CEA
FORL RE: Rent adj. - Display CEA
FORM RE: Rent adj. - CEA log
FORN Rent Adj. - Print CEA
FORN1 Change Renewal Option for Contract
FORN2 RE: Change CN Renewal Option
FOROZ VI01 reporting tree (IPD)
FORQ RE: Rent adj. - Simulate area
FORS RE: Rent adj. - Calculate area
FORS1 Maintain Resubmission
FORS2 Display Resubmission
FORS3 RE: Generate Resubmission Dates
FORT RE: Rent adj. - Activate area
FORV RE: Rent adj. - Reverse area
FORW RE: Rent adj. - Display area
FORX RE: Rent adj. - Area log
FORY RE: Rent adj. - Print area
FOS1 Internal document entry
FOS8 Single Document Reversal
FOSA Execute debit position
FOSB Debit position simulation
FOSC Debit position reversal
FOSE Account determination list
FOSF Maintain Dunning Procedure
FOSG Display Dunning Procedure
FOSH Vacancy debit position
FOSI Debit pos. unoccup.status simulation
FOSJ RU-Unoccupied:Reverse debit position
FOSK Vacancy Debit Position - Log
FOSL General Real Estate Posting Log
FOSM General Real Estate Posting Log
FOSN Real Estate - Posting
FOSO Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_RWINT
FOSR Replaced by transaction FVIESR
FOST Real Estate Management master data
FOT1 Current Vacancies
FOTA Rental units: Create data file
FOTB Change data file rental units
FOTC Direct input rental units
FOTD Lease-outs: Create data file
FOTE Change data file lease-outs
FOTED1 Electr. Data Transmission Settings
FOTED2 Elec. Data Transmission Parameter(s)
FOTF Direct input lease-outs
FOTI00 Tenant Information - Config. Menu
FOTI01 RETI: Activities
FOTI02 RETI: Applications
FOTI03 RETI: Screen Layout Field Groups
FOTI04 RETI: Screen Layout Views
FOTI05 RETI: Screen Layout Sections
FOTI06 RETI: Screen Layout Screens
FOTI07 RETI: Screen Sequence
FOTI08 RETI: Times
FOTI09 RETI: Tables
FOTI0A Tenant Information
FOTI10 RETI: GUI Functions - Standard
FOTI11 RETI: GUI Functions - Additional
FOTI12 RETI: Matchcode ID's
FOTI13 RETI: Assign Screen->DB Field
FOTI14 RETI: Field Modifications - Criteria
FOTI15 RETI: ApplicTransactions
FOTI16 RETI: Field Modification Activity
FOTI17 RETI: Authorizations-Author.Groups
FOTI18 RETI: Field Group Authorization
FOTIOI RE BDN - TI Templates
FOTP Create Electr. Special Advance Payt
FOTV Admin. Report Data Transmission
FOTY Error Message
FOU1 RFVI: Rent adj. due to EURO Convers.
FOU2 Maintain sales reports
FOU2N Maintain Sales Reports
FOU2NS Enter Sales with Condition Types
FOU3 Display sales reports
FOU3N Display sales reports
FOU3NS Display Sales with Condition Types
FOU4 Reverse sales-based settlement
FOU4N Reverse Sales-Based Settlement
FOU5 Sales settlement selection
FOU6 List of sales reports per year
FOU7 List of sales reports per month
FOU8 Overview of Missing Sales Reports
FOUA Calculate sales settlement
FOUAN Calculate Sales Settlement
FOUB Display sales settlement history
FOUBN Display Sales Settlement History
FOUC RE: Activate sales-based rent adj
FOUD RE: Display act.sales-based rnt adj
FOUE Simulate sales settlement
FOUEN Simulate Sales Settlement
FOUF RE: Activate USER rent adj.
FOUG RE: Reverse USER rent adj.
FOUH RE: Display active USER rent adj.
FOUI RFVI: Simulate Rent Adjustment USER
FOUJ RFVI: Calculate rent adjustment USR
FOUK RE: Simulate Meth.Comp. rent adj.
FOUL RE: Calculate Meth.Comp. rent adj
FOUM Convers. of rep.list of rents texts
FOUP RE: Reverse CH rent adj.
FOUQ RE: Reverse IND rent adj.
FOUR RE: Reverse CGP rent adj.
FOUS RE: Reverse FAC rent adj.
FOUT RE: Reverse RLR rent adj.
FOUU RE: Reverse GAR rent adj.
FOUV RE: Reverse FAR rent adj.
FOUW RE: Reverse rent adj. AnyCond
FOUX RE: Reverse sales-based rent adj.
FOV0 Rental agreement number range
FOV1 Create Lease-Out
FOV2 Change Lease-Out: Master Data
FOV3 Display Lease-Out
FOV4 Supplement Lease-Out
FOV6 Activate advance payment adjustment
FOV7 Call Lease-Out
FOV8 Activate Residential Lease-Outs
FOV9 Activate Provisional Agreements
FOVA Determination of option rates
FOVB Real Est.: Update of LO Cash Flow
FOVC Manual input tax treatment
FOVD Input tax trtmnt: Monthly postings
FOVE Create Lease-Out Offer
FOVF Change Lease-Out Offer
FOVG Display Lease-Out Offer
FOVH Transfer offer to lease-out
FOVI Post trivial amnts to prior period
FOVIM Migration: Post Trivial Amt to Prior
FOVJ Reverse input tax treatment run
FOVK Print general rent adjustment
FOVL Overview of Lease-Outs
FOVN Invoice (CH) on basis of cash flow
FOVO Print owner settlement
FOVP Repeat invoice (cash flow)
FOVQ OIs from FI already invoiced
FOVS Assign Collective LO for Act. LO
FOVTIV11 Overview adjustment methods
FOVU Print sales settlement
FOVV Lease-out renewal
FOVX Mass Processing of Offers
FOVZ Rental Agreement Offer Number Range
FOW0 Real Estate application number range
FOW1 Real est. comm. application: Create
FOW2 Real est. comm. application: Change
FOW3 Real est. comm. application: Display
FOW4 Real est. priv. application: Create
FOW5 Real est. priv. application: Change
FOW6 Real est. priv. application: Display
FOW7 Overview of Rental Requests
FOW8 Rent requests evaluation
FOWB92 Rent Adj.acc. to CEA: Correspondence
FOWE Business entity
FOWEDI BE: Direct Input
FOWEGN BE: Generate Data File
FOWESH BE: Change Data File
FOWU Display simplif.cost effic.analysis
FOWV Change Simplif.Cost Effic.Analysis
FOWW Create simplif.cost effic.analysis
FOWX Create Cost Efficiency Analysis
FOWY Change Cost Efficiency Analysis
FOWZ Displ.Cost Efficiency Analysis
FOXA Create broker
FOXB Change broker
FOXC Display broker
FOXD Create owner
FOXE Change owner
FOXF Display owner
FOXG Create tenant
FOXH Change tenant
FOXI Display tenant
FOXJ Create
FOXK Change
FOXL Display
FOXX Real estate current settings
FOYA Real Estate IXS Incid.Expens.Sttlmnt
FOYB Rechnung Miete: Erstdruck
FOYC Invoice for Rent: Repeat Print
FOYS Status- and transaction control
FOZ0 Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_ZAEHL
FOZ1 Rental unit: Applications allocation
FOZ2 Rent request allocation
FOZA Acct determ. for LO
FOZB Customiz.Real
FOZC Customizing post.interface REstMgmt
FOZD Change Payment Method, Bank Details
FO_ANCO_01 Analysis and Correction VITAXA
FO_ANCO_02 Analysis/Correction VIBEBE/VIBEOS
FO_ANCO_03 Analysis/Correction Program VITAXD
FO_BELEGE Document Analysis Doc. Database BRF
FO_BELEGE_RETAX Doc. Analysis for RETAX Documents
FO_FVVI_BUKRS Basic Settings for RE Company Codes
FO_NKA_BUP SCS Follow-up Posting
FO_NRIV_IMKNT Number Range Interval: FVVI_IMKNT
FO_PRINT_NOTICE Notice / Confirmation of Notice
FO_RFVIAB30 Correction Item Flows
FO_RFVIITLBZX Enter Date of Service
FO_SAD9 Transfer Rental Request
FO_SETS Generate Sets from RE Objects
FO_USE_OF_ACCOUNTS Accounts Used in RE Account Determ.
FO_VIBEOS Option Rates: Correction Items
FO_VIOB05 Option Rates: Buildings
FO_VIOB06 Option Rates: Properties
FO_VIOB07 Option Rates: Business Entities
FO_VTIV8A Accounts for Directly Assigned Costs
FO_V_ANKA_VI Asset Classes - Real Estate
FO_V_TIV65 Non-Deductible Input Tax Accounts
FO_V_TIV79A Input Tax Correction Accounts
FO_V_TIV79K Non-Deduct.Input Tax Default Account
FO_V_TIV80 Clearing Accounts for Cost Accounts
FO_V_TIV84 Revenue Acct Non-Ded.Inp.Tx Rev.Acct
FO_V_TIVA1 Accounts for rounding differences
FP00 Determine Appl. Component
FP02R Change Repayment Request
FP02RC Reset Check Reason in Repymt Request
FP03 Submission to External Coll. Agency
FP03D Submit Receivables to Coll. Agency
FP03DM Mass Act.: Submission to Coll.Agency
FP03DML Logs of Submissions for Collection
FP03E Release of Items for Collection
FP03EC Submit Items for Internal Collection
FP03F Read Collection Agency File
FP03H History of Collection Items
FP03L List of Collection Items
FP03M Mass Run: Release for Collection
FP03R Display Repayment Request
FP03U Call Back Receivables fm Coll.Agency
FP04 Write Off
FP04H Display Write-Off History
FP04HP Write-Off History Public Sector
FP04M Mass Run: Write-Off
FP04P Write-Off with Authoriz. Wrt-Off Rsn
FP04_APPROVE Approve Item Write-Off
FP04_US_TELCO Write Off
FP05 Process Payment Lot
FP05ARC Create Archive Index for Payment Lot
FP05BNKD Clarification Case Transfer
FP05CLE Process Payment Lot
FP05CLE_CALL Clarification proc. via CALL TRANS
FP05DIS Display payment lot item
FP05FIK Change Reconcil. Key for Payment Lot
FP05_PROP Exception Accts for Clarif. Proposal
FP06 Account Maintenance
FP07 Reset Clearing
FP08 Reverse Document
FP08M Mass Reversal
FP09 Returns
FP09ALV Returns Lot Overview
FP09FIK Change Recon. Key for Returns Lot
FP09FS Field Selection Returns Lot Header
FP09FSL Field Selection Returns Lot List
FP18 Reverse Repayment Request
FP20 FI-CA Check Deposit List
FP22 Mass Reversal of Documents
FP25 Process Check Lot
FP30 Find Payment
FP30C Find Clarification Cases
FP31 Find Payment (fromm Payment Run)
FP35 Process Credit Card Lot
FP40 Transfer
FP45 Process Payment Order Lot
FP50 Manual Outgoing Checks Lot:
FP50FIK Man. Check Lot: New Recon. Key
FP51 Data Transfer: Man. Outgoing Checks
FP52 Postproc.Tfr of Man. Issued Checks
FP53 Clarif.Process. of Cashed Checks
FP54 Transfer Encashment Data to Clarif.
FP55 DunSch - Customer Structure Generat.
FP60M Mass Activity: Revenue Distribution
FP60P Post Revenue Distribution
FP60R List of Distributed Revenues
FP60R2 Evaluation of Revenue Distribution
FP70 Returns Lot: Incorrect Bank Data
FPAC Maintain document types-runtimes
FPAC01 Maintain Correspondence Runtimes
FPAC02 Activate AS for Document Archiving
FPAC03 Activate AS for Paymt Lot Archiving
FPAC04 Activate AS for Returns Lot Arch.
FPAC05 Activate AS for contract acct arch.
FPAC06 Activate AS for Correspondence arch.
FPACTEN Create Customer Notifications
FPAR FI-CA Document Archiving
FPAR01 FI-CA Official Number Archiving
FPAR02 FI-CA: Request Archiving
FPAR02A FICA Runtime for Archiving Requests
FPAR02B Activate AS for Archiving Requests
FPAR03 FI-CA: Revenue Distribution Archivg
FPAR03B Activate AS for Revenue Distribution
FPAR04 FI-CA: Gen. Tax Reporting Archiving
FPAR05 FI-CA: Gen. Revenue Reporting Arch.
FPAR06 FI-CA: Gen. Tax Reporting Arch.
FPAR07 Delete Tax Reporting Data
FPAR08 Delete Reporting Data for Revenues
FPAR09 FI-CA: Foreign Currency Valuation
FPAR10 FI-CA: Clearing History Archive
FPAR11 FI-CA: Doubtful Receivables
FPAR12 FI-CA: Invoicing by Third Party
FPAR2 FI-CA Correspondence Archiving
FPARBGA0 FI-CA: Life of Tax Info. for Com.Ops
FPARBGA1 Archiving of Tax for Commercial Ops
FPARBGA2 Activate AS for Tax for Commerc. Ops
FPARBP FI-CA: Business Partner Archiving
FPARCASE0 FI-CA: Item List Runtime
FPARCASE1 Archiving of Item List in Cases
FPARCASE2 Activate AS for Item List in Cases
FPARCJ0 FI-CA: Cash Journal Runtime
FPARCJ1 Cash Journal Archiving
FPARCJ2 Activate AS for Cash Journal
FPARCOLL0 FI-CA: Collection Agency Runtimes
FPARCOLL1 Collection Agency Archiving
FPARCOLL2 Activate AS for Collection Agency
FPARCR0 FICA Check Deposit Archiving Runtime
FPARCR1 FI-CA: Check Deposit Archiving
FPARINDPAY0 Runtime of Payment Specifications
FPARINDPAY1 Payment Specification Archiving
FPARINDPAY2 Activate AS for Payment Specificatns
FPARIP0 FICA: Life of Payment Specifications
FPARM0 Define FICA Dun. Archiving Runtime
FPARM1 FI-CA: Dunning History Archiving
FPARMDOC0 FI-CA: Sample Docs (General) Life
FPARMDOC1 Archiving of Sample Documents
FPARMDOC2 Activate AS for Sample Documents
FPAROB1 FI-CA Official Doc. Number Archive
FPARPNBK0 FI-CA: Prenofitication Runtime
FPARPNBK1 Prenotification Archiving
FPARPNBK2 Activate Archive IS Prenotification
FPARR0 FICA Returns Archiving Runtime
FPARR1 FI-CA: Returns Archiving
FPARR2 Returns History Archiving Runtime
FPARR3 FI-CA Returns History Archiving
FPARS1 Delete Totals Records
FPARSTPY0 FICA: Life for Pymts Sub. to StampTx
FPARSTPY1 Archiving of Pymts Subj. to Stamp Tx
FPARSTPY2 Activate AS for Stamp Tax Payments
FPARTHP1 Archiving of Convergent Billing
FPARTHP2 Activate AS for Convergent Billing
FPARV1 FI-CA: Contract account archiving
FPARZ0 FI-CA: Payment Lot Archiving
FPARZ1 Define Payment Lot Period
FPAS00 Display Archived Payment Lot
FPAS01 Displ.FICA Pymt Lot ArchivInfoStruct
FPAS02 Displ.FICA Docs Archiv.Info.Struct.
FPAS04 Display FICA Returns Lot Archive
FPAV FI-CA: Payment Advice Note
FPAVDEL Delete Payment Advice Note
FPAVI FI-CA: Pymt Advice Note fm CollAgeny
FPAWM Processing of Report File
FPAWM_ALV Foreign Trade Report - ALV List
FPAY1A Create Payment Specification
FPAY1B Create Payment Specification
FPAY2 Change Payment Specification
FPAY3 Display Payment Specification
FPAY8 Reverse Payment Specification
FPAY9 Reverse Item Preselection
FPAYR01 Payment Specifications: List
FPAYR02 Payment Specifications:Preselections
FPAYR03 Payment Specifications: Items
FPB0 Post Payment
FPB1 Document Transfer
FPB10 Paymt Lot Transfer - Cust.Struct.Gen
FPB11 ReturnsLotTransfer - Cust.Struct.Gen
FPB12 Check Register Transfer
FPB13 Check Reg. Transfer - Error Proces.
FPB14 Check Reg. Tfr - Cust. Struct. Gen.
FPB17 Transfer MultiCash File (FI-CA)
FPB2 Process Document Transfer Errors
FPB20 Payment Advice Note Transfer
FPB21 Pymt Advice Tfr - Error Processing
FPB22 Advice Note Tfr - Generate Cust.Str.
FPB3 Payment lot transfer
FPB4 Payment Lot Transfer Error Process.
FPB5 Returns Lot Transfer
FPB6 RL Transfer: Error Processing
FPB7 Transfer from Elect. Acct Statement
FPB8 Acct Stmt Transfer: Error Processing
FPB9 Doc.Transfer-Cust.Struct.Generator
FPBCD FI-CA Data Transfer Changes
FPBL_GET Get Locked Partners and Countries
FPBMC Select MultiCash Conversion Program
FPBN Process Balance Notifications
FPBRBOLO Boleto: payment medium creation
FPBW BW Extraction of Open Items
FPBWCINT Maintain FICA Extraction Intervals
FPBWD Delete Held Jobs
FPBWS OI Selection for Extraction - Admin.
FPB_CALL_RW_REPORT AC Report Call for Launchpad
FPB_CALL_TRANSACTION Transaction from Launchpad
FPB_CHANGE_APPLFIELD Change Comb. of applid fieldnam
FPB_DELETE_PERS_DATA Delete Selected Personalization Data
FPB_EXP_CLIENT_COPY Copy Scenario from Client
FPB_FILL_PERS_CC Fill for Personalization, Cost Ctrs
FPB_FILL_PERS_PC Fill for Personalization,Profit Ctrs
FPB_LAUNCHPAD_CUST Customizing of Report Launchpad
FPB_LINE_SYNC Delete Line Items
FPB_LP_ASR_HRA_CUST Report List for Role ASR
FPB_LP_ASR_HRU_CUST Report List for Role ASR
FPB_LP_BUA_PLA_CUST BUA Planning Report Customizing
FPB_LP_BUA_REP_CUST BUA Reporting Report Customizing
FPB_LP_BUY_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Buyer
FPB_LP_EXP_CUST Report Lists for Express Planning
FPB_LP_ISR_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Role ISR
FPB_LP_IVC_REP_CUST Maint. Report List for Invoice Verif
FPB_LP_MSS_REP_CUST MSS Reporting Report Customizing
FPB_LP_MT_REP_CUST MT Reporting Report Customizing
FPB_LP_PM_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Role PM
FPB_LP_PSS_REP_CUST PSS Reporting Report Customizing
FPB_LP_PS_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Role PS
FPB_LP_QI_REP_CUST QI Reporting Report Customizing
FPB_LP_SUP_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Vendor
FPB_MAINTAIN_DIALOG Personalization: Dialog Maintenance
FPB_MAINTAIN_HIER Personalization: Hierarchy Maint.
FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_M Collective Processing of Pers. Data
FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_S Individual Processing of Pers. Data
FPB_MIGRATE_RULES Migrate Rules of Monitors
FPB_MON_LINE Evaluation for Line Items
FPB_MON_VAR Evaluation for Critical Variance
FPB_MYB_CONF Set up BP for MSS (myBudget)
FPB_RULE_ADMIN Rule Administration
FPB_RULE_ADMIN_FRONT Front End Rule Maintenance
FPB_RULE_USER Display Rule for a User
FPB_SHOW_PERS_DATA Display Personalization Data
FPB_SNI_CUST Set Hierarchy Navigation
FPC1 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn. Procedure
FPCB Collective Bill
FPCC Display Cash Desk Closing
FPCC0002 Create Account Statements
FPCC0026 Balance Notification Account Creatn
FPCC0029 Create Business Partner Statement
FPCC0034 Generate Write-Off Notification
FPCCR Clarification of Cashed Checks
FPCD Post Payment
FPCF Transfer Data to Cash Management
FPCFDEL Delete Completed Clarification Cases
FPCH1 Online Check Printing
FPCHA Assign Payment Document to Check
FPCHL List of Issued Checks
FPCHN Create Check in Register
FPCHO Maintain Owner of Check Forms
FPCHP Check Assignment for Payment Run
FPCHR Check Management
FPCHS Document Reversal after Check Lock
FPCHV Voiding of Checks from Payment Run
FPCHX Check Extract for Report Files
FPCI Information for Collection Agencies
FPCIBW BW Extraction of Cleared Items
FPCIBWFC Set Fields for CI Extraction
FPCJ Cash Journal
FPCJM Edit Cash Object
FPCJR Cash Desk Evaluation
FPCJ_MAINTAIN_RESP Maintain Cash Journal Responsibilits
FPCLBW Extraction of Collection Items
FPCM1 Transfer of Credit Data
FPCM2 Replication of Score
FPCNR Clarif. Incorr. Bank Data Changes
FPCODU Correspondence Dunning
FPCODUH Correspondence Dunning History
FPCOHIST Display Correspondence History
FPCOLLAG Derivation Cllction Agncy - Custom.
FPCOLLAGP Derivation Cllction Agncy - Mainte.
FPCOPARA Correspondence Printing
FPCPL Clarification Processing: Pmnt Lot
FPCPL_ALERT Clarification Processing: Pmnt Lot
FPCPR Clarif. Processing: Payment Run
FPCR1 Display Creditworthiness
FPCR2 Change Creditworthiness
FPCRL Clarification Processing: Returns
FPCRPO Clarification Processing: Credit
FPCRPO_DET Create Credit List
FPCUM Write-Off fm Clarification Worklist
FPCVS Clarification Processing:
FPCVS_CLAR Confirm Payments
FPCVS_CONF Confirm Reported Payments
FPCVS_EXAM Monitoring of Third Party Payments
FPD1 Security Deposit Statistics Report
FPD2 Overview of Security Deposits
FPDDA2 Change Debit Memo Notification
FPDDA3 Display Debit Memo Notification
FPDDAX Debit Memo Notification
FPDE Document Extracts: Overview
FPDEC_DEL Customizing Extr. - Deletion of Ext.
FPDEC_EXP Customizing Extracts - Export
FPDEC_IMP Customizing Extracts - Import
FPDEP_DEL Partner Extracts - Del. of Extract
FPDEP_EXP Partner Extracts - Export
FPDEP_IMP Partner Extracts - Import
FPDE_AEXP Doc. Extracts - Export fm Archive
FPDE_DEL Doc. Extracts - Deletion of Extract
FPDE_EXP Document Extracts - Export
FPDE_EXTR Doc. Extracts - Export Extr. Docs
FPDE_IMP Document Extracts - Import
FPDKCPR Denmark : CPR / CVR No
FPDM00 Display Dispute Cases
FPDM01 Create Coll. Cases after Dunn. Run
FPDOC Display missing FI-CA document
FPDR Trans.Postg Run for Deferred Revenue
FPDUDC Create Docs from Standing Requests
FPDUTL Dunning Telephone List
FPE1 Post Document
FPE1S Post Sample Document
FPE2 Change Document
FPE2C Reset Check Reason in Document
FPE2M Mass Document Change
FPE2S Change Sample Document
FPE3 Display Document
FPE3S Display Sample Document
FPE4 Display Document Changes
FPEMMA Log Analysis for Mass Runs
FPEMMACGEN Mass Act.: Clarification Case Gen.
FPEMMAPREP EMMA: Mass Activity for Job Analysis
FPEW1 Euro: Reconcile with G/L
FPEW2 Euro: Status of Mass Runs
FPEW3 Euro: Conversion of FI-CA Documents
FPEW3A EURO: Balance Determin. in FI G/L
FPEW4 EURO: Conv. Inst.Plan and Coll. Bill
FPEW5 Euro: Display Critical Documents
FPEW6 Euro: Adjust FI Reconciliation Accts
FPEW7 Euro: Check Adjustment Posting
FPEW8 Log Data on Euro Differences
FPEWG EURO: Determin. of GLT0 Conv.Prog.
FPEWS EURO: FI-CA Document Balances
FPF1 Create Reconciliation Key
FPF2 Change Reconciliation Key
FPF3 Display Reconciliation Key
FPG0 Maintain Alternative Posting Data
FPG1 Transfer Posting Totals to G/L
FPG1M General Ledger Transfer - Mass Run
FPG2 Reconcile with General Ledger
FPG2M Check G/L Documents - Mass Run
FPG3 Transfer to CO-PA
FPG3M COPA Transfer - Mass Run
FPG4 Close Reconcil. Keys Automatically
FPG5 FI-CA Docs to FI-GL Docs
FPG7 Check CO-PA Documents
FPG7M Check CO-PA Documents - Mass Run
FPG8 Reverse General Ledger Transfer
FPI1 FI-CA: Calc. Interest Individually
FPI2 FI-CA: Interest on Cash Sec. Deposit
FPI3 FI-CA: Overdue Interest Inst.Plan
FPI4 FI-CA: Display Interest Calculation
FPI5 Loan Calculation: Test Transaction
FPINTHDEL Delete Interest History
FPINTM1 Interest Run
FPINTM2 Cash Security Dep. Interest Run
FPIPBW Installment Plan Extraction
FPK1 Item Processing
FPL9 Display Account Balance
FPL9S Account Balance: Internal Call
FPLC Acct Balance: Fullscreen Chronology
FPLKA Evaluate Processing Locks
FPLKDEL Delete Mass Locks Set
FPLOGADMI Log Administration Form Processing
FPM3 Display Dunning History
FPM4 Display Returns History
FPMA Automatic Clearing
FPMO FI-CA: Application monitor
FPN1 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_BELEG
FPN10 Number Range Maintenance: FKKINDPAY
FPN2 Maintain Number Range: FKK_ACCOUNT
FPN3 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ZAUFT
FPN4 Number Range Maintenance: FKKPYFORM
FPN5 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_UMB
FPN6 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_EXTDOC
FPN7 Number Range Maintenance: FKKPYORDER
FPN8 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_TXINV
FPN9 Number Range Maintenance: FKKPYANNMT
FPNORMBP Normalized BP for Duplicate Search
FPNRPT Number Range Maintenance: FKK_REPT
FPN_AGGRF Number Range Maintenance: FKKDREGAGG
FPN_AUBID Number Range Maintenance: FKKD_AUBID
FPO1 FI-CA: OI List per Key Date
FPO1P OI List for Key Date (Parallel)
FPO1_ACC FI-CA Key Date-Specific OI List(Acc)
FPO2 Reconciliation of OI's in G/L
FPO4 Item Evaluation
FPO4P OI List for Key Date (Parallel)
FPO6 Evaluation of Report Totals
FPO7 Analysis of Extracted Open Items
FPO7F Display Non-Resident Customers
FPOITR Outbound Interface: BP Postings
FPOR2 Change Payment Order
FPOR3 Display Payment Order
FPOR8 Reverse Payment Order
FPOR8M Mass Reversal of Payment Orders
FPP Framework for Parallel Processing
FPP1 Create Contract Partner
FPP2 Change Contract Partner
FPP2A Activate Planned Changes
FPP3 Display Contract Partner
FPP4 Maintain Payment Data
FPP7 Create Installer
FPP8 Change Installer
FPP9 Display Installer
FPPARDEL Delete Parameter Records
FPPARHID Hide Parameter Records
FPPARMV Move Parameter Records
FPPARUNHID Reactivate Parameter Records
FPPCAI PCARD: Items in card account
FPPCAS PCARD: Invoiced items
FPPCBP PCARD: Business partner with cards
FPPCDL PCARD: Delete logs
FPPCDS PCARD: Perform invoicing
FPPCLI PCARD: Log (paid items)
FPPCLP PCARD: Log (payments)
FPPCSF PCARD: Display invoicing file
FPPCSL Payment cards: Display log
FPPCTS PCARD: Items to be invoiced
FPPN5 Postprocess Prenotification Return F
FPPNH Display Prenotification History
FPPNO Prenotification file outgoing
FPPNR Process Prenotification Return
FPPNU Change Prenotif. Processing Status
FPPST Denmark: Stop payment
FPP_2 Parallel Processing Initial Screen
FPP_2_SAMPLE Example - Parallel Processing
FPP_SAMPLE Framework for Parallel Processing
FPP_SAMPLE_ENTRY Framework for Parallel Processing
FPP_STMT Parallel Processing of Settlement
FPP_STMT_ENTRY Framework for Parallel Processing
FPR1 Create Installment Plan
FPR2 Change installment plan
FPR3 Display installment plan
FPRA Display Adjusted Receivables
FPRD Installment Plan Printing
FPRECL Post Reclassifications
FPREPT Receipt Management
FPREPTM Mass Receipt Printing
FPRES_CON Summarization of Reserve Postings
FPRH Display Installment Plan Histories
FPRL Release Cash Security Deposit
FPRS Open Repayment Requests
FPRU Overview of Repayment Requests
FPRV Transfer Post Adjusted Receivables
FPRVD Display Adjusted Items
FPRW Adjust Receivables According to Age
FPR_PLCL Clarification Account - Itemization
FPR_RLCL Clarification Account - Itemization
FPS1 Load of Polling Data to Bank Buffer
FPS2 Generate Payment Advice from Polling
FPS3 Intraday Statment
FPSA CA Selection
FPSC Display Day-End Closing
FPSCHEDULER Execute Mass Activity
FPSEC0 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_SEC
FPSEC1 Create Security Deposit
FPSEC2 Change Security Deposit
FPSEC3 Display Security Deposit
FPSELP Selections for Evaluations
FPSELP1 Layout for Evaluations
FPSELPLOCK Locks according to Preselection
FPSNAP Account Bal.: Creation of Snapshots
FPSNAP_CUST Account Bal.: Partner for Snapshot
FPSNAP_DEL Account Bal.: Deletion of Snapshots
FPSO Post Charge After Payment
FPSP BP Selection
FPST Preselection by Transaction Data
FPS_RFKKBELJ00 Document Journal
FPS_RFKKPYOD Delete Payment Orders
FPS_RFKKPYOL List of Payment Orders
FPS_RFKPYD00 Delete Payment Data
FPT1 Check Totals Tables
FPT1M Check Totals Records - Mass Run
FPT3 Alternative Period Transfer
FPT4 Analyze Status of Transfer
FPT5 Display documents for reconcil. key
FPT6 Recreate Totals Records
FPT7 Statement Posting Totals
FPT8 Acct Assgt Stmt for Single Docs
FPTCRPO Credit Processing
FPTRACE Display Log
FPTX1 Select Country-Specific Tax Report
FPU1 Maintenance of regrouping accounts
FPU2 Tfr Posting to Other Company Code
FPU5 Transfer Documents to Another Acct
FPU6 History of Transfer
FPVA Dunning Proposal
FPVB Dunning Activity Run
FPVBUND Adjustment to Percentage of Ownersh.
FPVBUND1 Maintenance of VBUND History
FPVC Mass Reversal of Dunning Notices
FPVT Transfer Dunning Telephone List
FPVT1 Entries in Dunning Telephone List
FPVZ Maintain Agreed Payment Amounts
FPW1 Foreign Currency Valuation
FPW2 Log Records for For. Crcy Valuations
FPW3 Event-Controlled Inverse Posting
FPY1 Payment Run / Debit Memo Run
FPY1A Analysis Tool for Payment Runs etc.
FPYE1 Year-End Postings
FPYS Payment Run (Direct Payers)
FPZD Reorganize Payment Documents
FPZP Payment Form Items Overview
FPZW Receivables correction
FPZWH Evaluate Adjusted Receivables
FP_DEL_DFKKQSR Delete Withhold. Tax Reporting Data
FP_DEL_DFKKREP01 Deletion of Tax Rep. Data (Belgium)
FP_DEL_DFKKZP_ARCIND Delete Indexes for Arch. Payment Lot
FP_NOTE_CUST Not to Payee Analysis - Customizing
FP_NOTE_TEST Note to payee Analysis - Test
FP_PD01 Report RFKKPD01
FP_PD02 Report rfkkpd02
FP_PD03 Report rfkkpd03
FQ00 FI-CA Technical Settings
FQ0015 Account Assignment of Other Taxes
FQ0025 Tax Specifications
FQ0061 FI-CA: Late Payment Surcharge
FQ0090 FI-CA: Specifications for Bundling
FQ01 C FI Maintain Table TFK022A/B
FQ0111 FI-CA: Returns Specifications
FQ02 C FI Maintain Table TFK022C
FQ0200 FI-CA: Withholding Tax Outgoing Payt
FQ0201 FI-CA: Addtl Withholding Tax OutPayt
FQ0210 FI-CA: Withholding Tax Incoming Payt
FQ0211 FI-CA: Addtl Withholding Tax IncPayt
FQ03 C FI Maintain Table TFK022D
FQ0300 FI-CA: Segment for G/L Item
FQ0301 FI-CA: Segment for Bus. Partner Item
FQ04 C FI Maintenance Table TFK000U
FQ05 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFK061A
FQ06 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFK062A
FQ1031 FI-CA: Incoming Pmnt Specifications
FQ1032 FI-CA: Post Payment Order Specs
FQ1033 FI-CA: Credit Card Lot Specs
FQ1035 FI-CA: Specs for Man. Checks Lot
FQ1036 FI-CA: Specs for Check Encashment
FQ1037 FI-CA: Specs for Check Encashment
FQ1038 FI-CA: Specs for Check Encashment
FQ1039 Check Encashment Exp./Rev. Accounts
FQ1041 FI-CA: Returns Clarification Account
FQ1310 FI-CA: Main/Sub for Official Charges
FQ1311 FI-CA: Doc. Type for Official Chrges
FQ1320 Settings for Credit Clarification
FQ1321 Settings for Credit Clarification
FQ1380 Settings for Revenue Distribution
FQ1381 Posting Specs: Revenue Distribution
FQ1382 Spec. Posting Specs: Rev. Distrib.
FQ2000 Fund Accounting Settings FI-CA
FQ2001 Acct Determination f. Fund Clearing
FQ2101 FI-CA: Document Type for Perception
FQ2102 FI-CA: Tax Determ. Code - Argentina
FQ2110 Tfr Pstg to Resp. Company Code
FQ2600 Document Types for Invoicing Docs
FQ2605 Maintain Doc. Types for Posting Docs
FQ2610 Acct Assgt of General Ledger Items
FQ2611 Acct Assgt of Business Partner Items
FQ2612 Summarization Trans for BPtnr Items
FQ2617 Assign Charge/Discount Key
FQ2618 Base Amount Determ. Charges/Discnts
FQ2620 Calculatn of Interest on Open Items
FQ2622 Calc. of Int. on Cash Sec. Deposits
FQ2625 Item Selectn: Statistical Open Items
FQ2628 Activation in Invoicing
FQ2630 Account Maintenance in Invoicing
FQ2635 Subitems in Invoicing
FQ2640 Trans. Deter. for Billing Doc. Items
FQ2641 Determine Tax Code
FQ2642 Determine Tax Condition Type
FQ2645 Document Types for Billing Documents
FQ2680 Determination of Application Form
FQ2685 Invoicing: Payment Method/Form
FQ2686 Assign Key for Invoice Rounding
FQA1 Archiving of FI-CA documents
FQAT02 Follow-Up: Variants for Act. Type 2
FQAT03 Follow-Up: Variants for Act. Type 3
FQAT04 Follow-Up: Variants for Act. Type 4
FQAUTH FI-CA Special Authorizations
FQB1 Correspondence Data Fields
FQB2 Correspondence Data Fields
FQB4 FI-CA Corresp. - Application Forms
FQB9 FI-CA: Ital. Stamp Tax Returns,Specs
FQC0 C FKK Acct Determination (General)
FQC1 C FKK Account Determination */0010
FQC1005 Prefix for Lot IDs-Acct Stmt Transfr
FQC1071 C FKK Account Determination */1071
FQC1091 Acct Determination */1091
FQC1200 Acct Determination */1200
FQC1210 Acct Determination */1200
FQC1350 C FKK Account Determination */1350
FQC1351 Spec. for Posting Reclassifications
FQC1400 Acct Determ. IDOC Receivables Items
FQC1401 Account Determ. IDOC Revenue Items
FQC1402 Document Type Determination
FQC1403 Determination of Posting Data
FQC1404 Determination of Posting Transacts
FQC1405 Tax IDs for IDOC Data
FQC1410 Data for Reversing IDOC Documents
FQC1500 Receipt Management Specifications
FQC1510 Credit Specif. from Follow-Up Acts
FQC2 C FKK Account Determination */0020
FQC2120 Receipt Management Specifications
FQC3 C FKK Account Determination */0030
FQC40 C FKK Account Determination */0040
FQC5 C FKK Account Determination */0050
FQC6 C FKK Account Determination */0060
FQC7 C FKK Account Determination */0070
FQC700 Collective Bill Specifications
FQC8 C FI-CA Account Determination */0071
FQC900 Acct Determination */0900
FQCALLID Maintenance of Table TFKCALLID
FQCC Maintain Bank Sel. IDs for Pymt Run
FQCE Acct Determination: Error Analysis
FQCF User ID for Bank Transactions
FQCODU Cont A/R + A/P - Cust. Dunn. Proced.
FQCR Account Determination: List
FQCR600 C FKK Account Determination */R600
FQCVS CVS Bank Clearing Account
FQC_R404 Diff.Accts for Cons.Ports Prev. Year
FQC_R410 Assign Summarization Subtransactions
FQD1 Productive Start - Delete Test Data
FQD2 Synchronization - Maintain Variants
FQDM0 Posting Area 3000
FQDM1 Posting Area 3001
FQDM2 Posting Area 3002
FQFUND Activation Status Fund Accounting
FQH0 Specifications for Diff. Postings
FQH1 Specifications for Diff. Postings
FQH2 Spec. for Document Type Payment Cat.
FQH3 Spec. for Clrg Acct. Payment Categy
FQI1 Maintain Interest Keys
FQI2 Display Interest Keys
FQI3 Maintain spec. for int. on inst.plan
FQI4 Maintain Interest Entries
FQI4Z Interest: Additional Functions
FQI5 Maintain Cash Sec.Deposit Entries
FQI6 Maintain Mass Activity: Interest
FQI7 Maintain Mass Activ: Cash Sec. Dep.
FQI8 Specifications-Interest on Arrears
FQI9 Processes for witholding tax code
FQK1 TFK021R (account balance: Search)
FQK2 TFK021R (account balance: Select)
FQK3 TFK021R (account balance: Sort)
FQK5 TFK021R (account balance: Add.field)
FQK50 Derivation of Credit Segment
FQK51 Maintain Credit Segment
FQK52 Central Credit Management Setting
FQK53 Derivation of Credit Segment
FQK6 TFK021R (posting totals: Search)
FQK8 TFK021R (posting totals: Sort)
FQKA Document: Central Settings
FQKB Document: User Settings
FQKL Existing settings contract A/R & A/P
FQKP Config.: Maintain Display Format
FQKPA Modifiable Fields in Account Maint.
FQKPB Broker Report: Line Layout Variants
FQKPD Document Processing: Variants
FQKPH Man. Issued Checks: Line Layout
FQKPI Payment Specification: Line Layout
FQKPK Document: Line Layout Variants (G/L)
FQKPM Account Balance:Line Layout Variants
FQKPN Bank Report: Line Layout Variants
FQKPO OI Processing: Line Layout Variants
FQKPP Document: Line Layout Variants (OI)
FQKPS Posting Totals: Line Layout Variants
FQKPT Broker Report: Item Entry
FQKPZ Payment Lot: Line Layout Variants
FQKS Account Balance: Sort Variants
FQKX TFK021L(Acct Balance: List Cats)
FQM0 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings
FQM1 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Procedures
FQM2 FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Dunning Levels
FQM3 FI-CA Dunning: Cust.Min/Max Amounts
FQM4 FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dun. Charges Type
FQM5 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings
FQM6 FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dunn.Block Reason
FQM7 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dun.Level Types
FQM8 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Proc.Types
FQM9 FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Charges
FQMASS Mass Activities
FQOGRM Post Gen. Request Specification Docs
FQORD1 Request: Doc. Generation Specificats
FQP1 Define Payment Methods
FQP2 Item Indicator
FQP3 Payment Medium Formats
FQP4 Company Code Details for Payment
FQP5 Payment medium formats:Note to payee
FQP6 Settings for Check Creation
FQP6A Assign Internal Check Numbers
FQP7 Maintain Instruction Key
FQP8 User ID for Bank Transactions
FQP9 DME Foreign Payment Transactions
FQR1 FI-CA Returns - Reason Settings
FQR2 FI-CA Returns - AcctDet Settings
FQR3 Returns - Allocate Return Reason
FQS1 Fast Entry: Item List
FQS2 Fast Entry: G/L Item List
FQS3 Fast Entry: Payment Lot
FQSEC Security Deposit: Special Parameters
FQTFK020C FI-CA Maintenance Table TFK020C
FQU1 FI-CA: Transfer Posting: Addl Specs
FQU2 Transfer Items: Trans. Determination
FQUD Customer Queries
FQUK Vendor Queries
FQUS G/L Account Queries
FQVBUND Doc. Type for VBUND Adjustment Pstg
FQVI01 Agency Coll.: Coll. Default Values
FQVI02 AgencyColl: Third-Party Default Vals
FQVI03 AgencyColls: Agency Postings on Acct
FQVI04 AgencyColl: Cust. Postings on Acct
FQVI05 AgencyColl: Deposits/Withdrawals
FQVI06 AgencyColl: Deposits/Withdrawals
FQVI07 AgencyColl: Clarification Code
FQVI08 AgencyColl: Internal Temp. Coll.
FQVI09 AgencyColl: External Temp. Coll.
FQVI10 AgencyColl: TransPost CGT
FQVI11 AgencyColl: TransPost 3rd-P. Comm.
FQVI12 AgencyColl: Payt Meths AgencyPaytRun
FQVI13 AgencyColl: Specs Shares Insurance
FQVI14 Agency Collections: Transactions
FQVI15 AgencyColl: Internal Temp. Coll.
FQVI16 Agency Collections: Document Types
FQVI17 Agency Coll: On Acct Transactions
FQVI18 Agency Coll: On Acct Clarifctn Code
FQVI19 AgencyColl: Reversal Specifications
FQVI20 Agency Coll: On Acct Clarif. Code
FQVI21 AgencyColl: Specs Shares Insurance
FQVI22 AgencyColl.: Payt Lock Subcomm.
FQZ01 FI-CA: Acct Det-Alt. Acct Reversal
FQZ02 FI-CA: Charge-Off Specs
FQZ02A FI-CA: Charge-Off Specs
FQZ03 FI-CA: Mass Write-Off Specifications
FQZ03A FI-CA: Mass Write-Off Specifications
FQZ04 FI-CA: G/L Acct Det Write Off
FQZ04A FI-CA: Write-Off Acct Determination
FQZ04B Maintain Table TFK048AB
FQZ04M Mass W/Off: Specif. and Default Vals
FQZ04S Write-Offs: Specif. and Default Vals
FQZ04T Write-Off without Tax Adjustment
FQZ04U Alterna. Expense and Revenue Account
FQZ04W External System for Tax Calculation
FQZ05 FI-CA: Acct Det - Autom. Clearing
FQZ06 FI-CA: Installm.Plan Inact. Dunn.Run
FQZ07 FI-CA: Default Vals Receivable Valtn
FQZ08 FI-CA: Acct Det.-Doubtful Items
FQZ09 FI-CA: Acct Det - Deferred Revenues
FQZ1 FI-CA: Account Balance Line Layout
FQZ10 FI-CA: Default Vals Delayed Revenues
FQZ1072 Biller Direct: Overpayment Specifs
FQZ1073 Biller Direct: Overpayment Reversal
FQZ1074 BD: Overpayment Clearing Account
FQZ11 FI-CA: Acct Det.-Ind.Val.Adjustment
FQZ12 Tax Calculation Typ Indiv.Value Adj.
FQZ13 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFKZGR
FQZ14 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFKZRGR
FQZ15 FI-CA: Coll. Agency Specifications
FQZ16 FI-CA: Acct Det. - G/L Transfer
FQZ17 Maintain Table TFKZVAR
FQZ18 Maintain Table TFKZMETH
FQZ19 Maintain Table TFKZGRME
FQZ1A FI-CA: Acct Det.-Ind.Val.Adjustment
FQZ2 FI-CA: OI Processing Line Layout
FQZ20 FI-CA: AcctDet - Indiv. Val. Adj. CZ
FQZ21 FI-CA: Collection Agency Pstg Specs.
FQZ22 FI-CA: Callback Data Specifications
FQZ23 FI-CA: Information to Coll. Agency
FQZ24 FI-CA: Document Type for VAT Percep.
FQZ25 FI-CA: Information to Coll. Agency
FQZ26 Collection Agencies
FQZ2A Maintain Table TFKZWEX
FQZ2B Maintenance of Table TFKZVARI
FQZ3 FI-CA: Posting Totals Line Layout
FQZ4 FI-CA: Screen Var. B/P Item Posting
FQZ5 FI-CA: Screen var.for post.G/L items
FQZ6 FI-CA: Payment Lot Screen Variants
FQZ7 FI-CA: Returns Lot Screen Variants
FQZ8 FI-CA: Acct Det. - Output Tax
FQZ9 FI-CA: AcctDet - Tax Clearing/Dwnpmt
FQZA FI-CA: AcctDet - CoCode Clearing
FQZB FI-CA: AccDet - Charges Rec. Revenue
FQZC FI-CA: Account Det. - Cash Discount
FQZD FI-CA: AcctDet - Exchange Rate Diff.
FQZE FI-CA: Acct Det. - G/L Transfer
FQZF FI-CA: Acct Det. - Returns
FQZG FI-CA: AccDet - Down Pmnt/Charge
FQZH FI-CA: Acct Maint. Default Entries
FQZH2 FI-CA: Credit Memo Clearing (EBPP)
FQZI FI-CA: Incoming Pmnt Specifications
FQZJ FI-CA: Clariftn Acct Incmg Paymnts
FQZK FI-CA: Reverse Doc. Default Entries
FQZL FI-CA: Payment Program: Bank Accts
FQZM FI-CA: Doc Posting: Default Entries
FQZN FI-CA: Act Det.-Inc.Pmnt Refund Acct
FQZO FI-CA: AcctDet- Reset Clrd Itms Def.
FQZP FI-CA: AcctDet.- Reset Clrg: New OI
FQZQ FI-CA: Doc Posting: Default Entries
FQZS FI-CA: Returns: Default Entries
FQZT FI-CA: Check Deposit Clearing
FQZU FI-CA: AcctDet-Inst. plan charges
FQZV FI-CA: Payment Cards: Acct Determ.
FQZX FI-CA: Payment Cards: Acct Determ.
FQZY FI-CA: Dunning: Defaults
FQZZ FI-CA: Instal.Plan Interest Spec.
FQ_ENH_BROKR Create Enhancement: Broker
FQ_ENH_OPORD Create Enhancement: Classificatn Key
FQ_FPCJ_ACTIVITIES Role-Specific Activities
FQ_FPCJ_NC Normal Clerk
FQ_FPCJ_NC_462 Normal Clerk
FQ_FPCJ_NC_GT_462 Normal Clerk
FQ_FPCJ_SC Clerk with Special Tasks
FQ_FPCJ_SC_462 Clerk with Special Tasks
FQ_FPCJ_SC_GT_462 Clerk with Special Tasks
FQ_FPCJ_SU Branch Office Manager
FQ_FPCJ_SU_462 Branch Office Manager
FQ_FPCJ_SU_GT_462 Branch Office Manager

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