B1B2 | Create Magnetic Media files |
BA01 | Table T005BU |
BA10 | Subsystem Configuration |
BA11 | Config. Transceiver / Upload Files |
BALA | ALE Application menu |
BALD | ALE Development |
BALE | Area Menu for Administration |
BALM | ALE Master data |
BANK_CUS_CHDOC | Customer Setting Change Doc. Tool |
BANK_CUS_CHDOC_DEV | Developer Setting Change Doc. Tool |
BANK_CUS_JC | Definition of Job Nets |
BANK_CUS_PP | Settings for Parallel Processing |
BANK_CUS_PPC | Settings for Parallel Processing |
BANK_JC_OVRVW | Overview + Control of Job Nets |
BANK_JC_START | Start of a Job Net |
BANK_PP_APPLREL | Relationships betw. Applic. Types |
BANK_PP_CHECK | Check Customizing for Parall. Proc. |
BANK_PP_GEN | Generate Application Type |
BANK_PP_MONITOR | Call PPF Monitor |
BANK_PP_OVRVW | Overview of Current Mass Runs |
BANK_PP_SETTINGS | Current Settings for Par. Processing |
BAPI | BAPI Explorer |
BAPI45 | BAPI Browser |
BAPIPPLAN | Test Tool for Payment Plan BAPIs |
BAPIW | BAPI Explorer |
BASIS_CL01 | Call CL01 (if it exists) |
BASIS_CL02 | Call CL02 (if it exists) |
BASIS_O1CL | Call O1CL (if it exists) |
BATCHMAN | Transfer of External CO Data |
BAUP | Bank Data Transfer |
BBPS | EBP Order Status Tracking |
BC01 | Business Partner: Form of Address |
BC03 | Business Partner: Marital Status |
BC04 | Business Partner: Property Regime |
BC05 | Business Partner: Employee Group |
BC06 | Business Partner: Rating |
BC07 | Business Partner: Cred. Rat. Instit. |
BC08 | Business Partner: Legal Form |
BC09 | Business Partner: Legal Entity |
BC10 | Business Partner: Loan to Manager |
BC11 | Business Partner: Employment Status |
BC12 | Business Partner: GBA Information |
BC13 | Business Partner: Partner Grouping |
BC14 | Business Partner: Address ID |
BC15 | No. Range Maint.: BP_PARTNR Partner |
BC16 | Business Partner: Function |
BC17 | Business Partner: Department |
BC18 | Business Parnter Release Parameters |
BC19 | Business Partner: Release Activat. |
BC20 | Business Partner: Salutation |
BC50 | Business Partner: Role Type |
BC51 | Business Partner: Role Category |
BC52 | Business Partner: BP View |
BC53 | Business Partner: Relationship Cat. |
BC54 | Business Partner: Screen |
BC55 | Business Partner:Screen-View Assign. |
BC56 | Business Partner: Relationship Type |
BC57 | Business Partner: BP Grouping |
BC60 | Business Partner: Role Category View |
BC61 | Business Partner: Application |
BC62 | Business Partner: Applicat.Role Cat. |
BC63 | Business Partner: Phonetic Search |
BC64 | Business Partner: Role Csat. Text ID |
BC65 | Business Partner: Field Groups |
BC66 | Business Partner: Link Act. category |
BC67 | Business Partner: Link Role Category |
BC68 | Business partner: Field-Fld Grp Ass. |
BC69 | Business Partner: View-Fld Grp Ass. |
BC70 | BP: Field Modification Activated |
BC71 | Business Partner: Field Mod.Role Cat |
BC72 | Business Partner: Notes (Role) |
BC73 | Business Partner: Notes (general) |
BCA0 | BP: Business Partner - Applic.Cust. |
BCABA | BC ABAP Programming |
BCA_CONDIND_REL01 | Customizing Release Procedure |
BCA_CONDSTD_REL01 | Customizing Release Procedure |
BCA_CUS_AK | Determine Rate Type - Currency Swap |
BCA_CUS_BK | Bal. Sheet Accts for Currency Swap |
BCA_CUS_CC | Determine Rate Cat. - Currency Swap |
BCA_CUS_REL_PROC | Customizing Release Procedure |
BCA_CUS_REL_WF_RULES | AM Release WF: Rule Customizing |
BCA_CUS_RP_WF_LINKS | Link Between Release Procedure & WF |
BCA_US_CD_NO | Number range maintenance: BCA_US_CD |
BCA_US_COMP | BCA: Activate US/Canada Component |
BCA_US_DEA1 | Dormancy and Escheat Accounts Report |
BCA_US_DS_BC | Display Bank Checks |
BCA_US_DS_HOLD | Create a Detailed Hold Report |
BCA_US_F971 | Account Blocks (US specific) |
BCA_US_ISS_BC | Issue Bank Checks |
BCA_US_ISS_CC | Issue Certified Checks |
BCA_US_OD_ANAL | Overdraft protection Analyze & print |
BCA_US_OD_PLAN | Maintain Overdraft Plan |
BCA_US_OD_PROC | Overdraft protection (US) |
BCA_US_OD_PR_LOG | Overdraft protection (US) - view log |
BCA_US_OD_REL | Maintain Account Relationship |
BCA_US_OD_SETUP | BCA: Maintain Overdraft Protection |
BCA_US_RE_BC | Reprint Bank Check |
BCA_US_RV_BC | Reverse Bank Check |
BCA_US_TDA1 | Time Deposit - Create |
BCA_US_TDA3 | Time Deposit - Display |
BCA_US_TDRO1 | Time deposit rollover - Mass run |
BCA_US_TDRO2 | Time deposit rollover - Single run |
BCA_US_TDROLG | App log time deposit rollover |
BCG0 | Bar chart: Maintain field definition |
BCG1 | Bar chart: Maintain form definition |
BCG2 | Bar chart: Maintain graphic profile |
BCG3 | Bar chart: Maintain form assignment |
BCG4 | Bar chart: Maintain option profile |
BCG5 | Bar chart: Maintain color assignment |
BCG6 | Bar chart: Maintain color definition |
BCG7 | Bar chart: Call model graphic |
BCG8 | Bar chart: Maintain graphic element |
BCG9 | Bar chart: Maintain chart |
BCGK | Maintain employee group to sub-group |
BCMK | Maintain employee sub-group |
BCT0 | Create Contact |
BCT1 | Change Contact |
BCT2 | Display Contact |
BCTM | Business Partner Contacts |
BCTNUM | Number Range Maintenance: BCONTACT |
BCT_SARA | Archiving of Customer Contacts |
BC_DATA_GEN | Create Data for Flight Data Model |
BC_GLOBAL_SBOOK_EDIT | Changing SBOOK records |
BD10 | Send Material |
BD100 | IDoc display object channel view |
BD101 | Consistency check |
BD102 | Outbound registry |
BD103 | Inbound registry |
BD104 | maintain tbd53 |
BD105 | Maintain Supported Business Objects |
BD11 | Get Material |
BD12 | Send customer |
BD13 | Get customer |
BD14 | Send vendor |
BD15 | Open vendor |
BD16 | Send Cost Center |
BD17 | Get Cost Center |
BD18 | Send General Ledger Account |
BD19 | Get General Ledger Account |
BD20 | IDoc passed to application |
BD21 | Select change pointer |
BD22 | Delete change pointers |
BD23 | Delete serialization data |
BD24 | Send Cost Elements |
BD25 | Send Activity Type |
BD26 | Get Activity Type |
BD27 | Send cost center activity prices |
BD28 | Send obj/cost element control data |
BD30 | Distribute material object list |
BD31 | Distribute document object list |
BD32 | Distribute plant allocations(matBOM) |
BD33 | Distribute material variants (ALE) |
BD34 | Distribute order BOM |
BD35 | Send Business Process Groups |
BD36 | Send Business Processes |
BD37 | Send Business Process Price |
BD40 | Read change pointer for group |
BD41 | Dispatch IDocs for group |
BD42 | Check IDocs for group |
BD43 | Post IDocs for group |
BD44 | Assign Message Types to Serlz. Group |
BD47 | Dependencies between methods |
BD48 | Dependency method - message |
BD50 | Activate Change Ptrs for Mess. Type |
BD51 | Maintain function modules (inbound) |
BD52 | Activ.change pointer per chng.doc.it |
BD53 | Reduction of Message Types |
BD54 | Maintaining Logical Systems |
BD55 | Maintain IDoc Conversion |
BD55OLD | Maintain IDoc Conversion |
BD56 | Maintain IDoc Segment Filters |
BD57 | Maintain link and serialization ty. |
BD58 | Convert organizational units |
BD59 | Allocation object type -> IDoc type |
BD60 | Additional data for message type |
BD61 | Activate Change Pointers - Generally |
BD62 | Define Segment Conversion Rule |
BD62OLD | Define Segment Conversion Rule |
BD63 | Transport ALE Tables of Message Type |
BD64 | Maintenance of Distribution Model |
BD65 | Maintain IDoc type required fields |
BD66 | IDoc type field -> change doc.field |
BD67 | Maintain methods (inbound) |
BD68 | Maintain Lists |
BD68OLD | Maintain Lists |
BD69 | Assignment of Message Type to IDoc |
BD70 | Synchronize Number Ranges |
BD71 | Define FM for dependent bus. object |
BD72 | Activate Events |
BD73 | Reposting of IDocs (ALE) |
BD75 | Convert IDoc Status |
BD77 | Distribution of control data |
BD78 | Monitoring control data distribution |
BD79 | Maintain IDoc Conversion Rules |
BD79OLD | Maintain IDoc Conversion Rules |
BD81 | Filter objects parameter filtering |
BD82 | Generate Partner Profiles |
BD83 | Send IDocs after an ALE error |
BD84 | Post IDocs after ALE error |
BD85 | Consistency check for transfer |
BD86 | Consistency check for sales |
BD87 | Status Monitor for ALE Messages |
BD89 | Control data model. - initial screen |
BD91 | Send Characteristic |
BD92 | Send Class |
BD93 | Send Classification |
BD95 | Specify ALE object types |
BD96 | filter objects of receiver determin. |
BD97 | Assign RFC dest. to Logical Systems |
BD98 | Consistency Check Workflow Connectn. |
BD99 | Message type dependencies |
BDA4 | Specify ALE object types |
BDA5 | Distribute documents |
BDBG | Create ALE Interface for BAPI |
BDBP | Hierarchy maintenance of BAPI param. |
BDBR | Register BAPI for Data Transfer |
BDBS | Generate coding for mapping |
BDC5 | Consistency of Customizing Data |
BDCCC | Check Center: ALE Basis Cust. Data |
BDCCV | Maintain Items |
BDCONTACTS | Comments created in Biller Direct |
BDCP | Number Range Maintenance: ALE_CP |
BDCPMIG | Migrate Change Pointers |
BDCUPDATE | Test Update in Batch Input |
BDD5 | Application Consistency Check |
BDFDF | Request Fund |
BDFDS | Send fund |
BDFG | ALE Interfaces from Function Module |
BDLR | Registration of transfer program |
BDLS | Convert Logical System Names |
BDLSC | Objects for Special Treatment |
BDLSM | Definition of Conversion Matrix |
BDLSS | Conversion of Logical System Names |
BDLST | Start Conversion Process |
BDM2 | Monitoring: IDocs in Receiving Sys. |
BDM5 | Technical Consistency Check |
BDM6 | Monitor: Check input workflow |
BDM7 | ALE Audit: statistical analyses |
BDM8 | ALE Audit: Sending the confirmations |
BDM9 | Reorganizing the audit database |
BDMC | Upload info structures |
BDMO | ALE CCMS Group Administration |
BDMONIC | ALE CCMS Monitoring Objects (Detail) |
BDMONIC2 | ALE CCMS Monitor Objects (General) |
BDMONIC3 | ALE CCMS Monitor Branch |
BDR1 | Display application log for recovery |
BDR2 | Reorganization of recovery data |
BDRC | ALE: Determine Recovery Objects |
BDRL | ALE: Process recovery objects |
BDTP | Business Process- Maintain Templates |
BDT_COMPARE | Compare Control Table Entries |
BDWE02 | Call we02 |
BDWE02_2 | Empty Input Field in SE38 |
BDXA | Distribution of Distribution Groups |
BDXD | Import of ALE Requests |
BDXE | Generation of ALE Requests |
BDXI | Model Display (Specific) |
BDXJ | Maintenance of Distribution Groups |
BDXK | Convert CONDAT Objects in Dist.Group |
BDXL | Forward ALE Requests |
BDXM | Analysis of Log Table |
BDXN | Analyze Inbound Log Table |
BDXQ | IMG Display of Distribution Groups |
BD_GEN_GRCP | General Recipe Distribution |
BD_GEN_SRCP | Replicate Site Recipe |
BERE | Business Event Repository |
BERP | Business Processes |
BERPC | Business Processes |
BF01 | P&S BTEs |
BF02 | Bus. Events: Assignment of app.comp. |
BF03 | Business Event Repository: Overview |
BF05 | Process BTEs |
BF06 | Processes: Allocation of appl.comp. |
BF07 | Process Interfaces: Overview |
BF11 | BTE Evaluation Criteria |
BF12 | Partners |
BF21 | SAP Application Products |
BF22 | Business Framework: Partner Products |
BF23 | Activate Partner Products |
BF24 | Customer Products |
BF31 | Application modules per Event |
BF32 | Partner Modules per Event |
BF34 | Customer Modules per Event |
BF41 | Application Modules per Process |
BF42 | Partner Modules per Process |
BF44 | Customer Modules per Process |
BFST | Attibutes for Selection of Events |
BG00 | Number Range Maintenance: BGMK_NR |
BGM1 | Create Master Warranty |
BGM2 | Change Master Warranty |
BGM3 | Display Master Warranty |
BGM6 | Warranty Entry for Technical Object |
BGMN | Warranty Processing |
BH05 | Maiantain personnel area |
BIBS | Examples of User Interface Design |
BIC | Transfer Bank Data from BIC Database |
BKDR | Maintain transfer rules |
BKDS | Sender Structure Maintenance |
BLOG | Overview of BRE Run |
BM00 | Batch Management |
BMA1 | Maintain Prop./Prod. Units |
BMA2 | Percentage proportion calculation |
BMA3 | Prop./prod. quant. from base quant. |
BMA4 | Base quant. from prop./prod. quant. |
BMAA | Batch Archiving Runs |
BMBC | Batch Information Cockpit |
BMC1 | Create Class (Class Type 'BATCH') |
BMC2 | Change Class (Class type 'BATCH') |
BMC3 | Display Class (Class Type 'BATCH') |
BMCC | Integrity Check for Batch Classif. |
BMCHCL | Batch Class Conversion |
BMOBPRO | Original Batches in Production |
BMOBPUR | Original Batches in Procurement |
BMSM | Update the standard features |
BMUW | Assign Worklist Folder |
BMUWT | Maintain Worklist Cat. f. Batches |
BMV0 | Manage Data Transfers |
BMVN | Number Range Maintenance: DI_JOBID |
BNR | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_DBRE |
BORC1 | Maintenance of User Groups |
BORGR | GR Automotive |
BORGR_B | GR Automotive: Posting |
BORGR_C | GR Automotive: Clearing |
BORGR_V | GR Automotive: Preliminary Entry |
BOS02 | SD: Service Entry - Web Transaction |
BOS02_WAP | Service Entry Sheet: WAP Transaction |
BOSECP | Costing: Costs -> Conditions |
BOSMM | Subcontractor/Vendor Processing |
BOSPR | Create Subcontractor Pur. Req. |
BOSPS01 | BOS: Project Cost Transfer Program |
BOSPS02 | BOSPS Batch Processing |
BOSPS_REV1 | BOS/Project- Plan/Actual Revenue |
BOSSC | Subcontracting COND-copying control |
BOSSH | Procedure for Surcharge and Discount |
BP | Maintain Business Partner |
BP0 | Business Partner, Initial Screen |
BPACC | Line derivation budgeting documents |
BPACCR | Acc Derivation Budget Entry Document |
BPAR_ARCH | Business Partner: Conversion to CBP |
BPAR_ARCHW | Fin. transaction: Create archive |
BPAR_ARCH_W | Business Partner: Create Archive |
BPB1 | Evaluation of Business Partner/Roles |
BPB2 | Evaluation of Business Parter Data |
BPB4 | Evaluation of Partner Relationships |
BPC1 | Create Business Partner |
BPC2 | Change Business Partner |
BPC3 | Display Business Partner |
BPC4 | Create Bus. Partner Using Reference |
BPC5 | Change Business Partner - Copy |
BPCA | Partner:Change Documents - Addresses |
BPCD | Business Partner: Change Documents |
BPCF | TRGP: Change Documents |
BPCG | TRGP: Change Documents Addresses |
BPH | Business Partner Group Hierarchy |
BPH_TYPE | Maintain Hierarchy Categories |
BPMD | Master Data Tab |
BPMDCS | Master Data Tab |
BPMDFI | Customer Company Code Master Data |
BPMDGD | Master Data Tab |
BPMDSD | Customer Company Code Master Data |
BPOMEAS | BPO Application Measurement |
BPS0 | Business Planning |
BPSHOW00 | Analysis report: Bdgting/Overall pl. |
BPS_DOWN | Load Model Files to PC |
BPS_EXCEL | Excel Interface Builder |
BPS_INFO | Hidden |
BPS_RM | Reminder Report STS |
BPS_STAT0 | BPS Single Record Statistics |
BPS_STAT1 | BPS Single Record Status Evaluation |
BPS_STS_START | Start STS Execution |
BPS_TC | Maintain Status and Tracking System |
BPS_TRACE | Trace for API in SEM-BPS |
BPS_TRANS | Transport Planning Customizing |
BPS_WB | Web Interface Builder |
BPS_WEBSTART | Start Web Interfaces |
BPS_WIF0 | Start Web Interface |
BP_FMCA_CUSTOMER | Maintain Contract Partner/Customer |
BP_FMCA_VENDOR | Maintain Contract Partner/Vendor |
BP_LOCA | Example: Business Partner Locator |
BRECLEAR | BRE: Reorganisation or Deletion |
BREE | BRE Execution |
BRF | Business Rule Framework - Workbench |
BRFACS01 | BRF: Create Abstract Action |
BRFACS02 | BRF: Change Abstract Action |
BRFACS03 | BRF: Display Abstract Action |
BRFACT01 | BRF: Create Concrete Actions |
BRFACT02 | BRF: Change Concrete Actions |
BRFACT03 | BRF: Display Concrete Actions |
BRFAPC01 | BRF: Create Features for Appl.Class |
BRFAPC02 | BRF: Change Features for Appl. Class |
BRFAPC03 | BRF: Display Features for Appl.Class |
BRFAPL01 | BRF: Create Application Class |
BRFAPL02 | BRF: Change Application Class |
BRFAPL03 | BRF: Display Application Class |
BRFEVT01 | BRF: Create Event |
BRFEVT02 | BRF: Change Event |
BRFEVT03 | BRF: Display Event |
BRFEXP01 | BRF: Create Expression |
BRFEXP02 | BRF: Change Expression |
BRFEXP03 | BRF: Display Expression |
BRFIMC01 | BRF: Create Impl. Class |
BRFIMC02 | BRF: Change Impl. Class |
BRFIMC03 | BRF: Display Impl. Class |
BRFRLS01 | BRF: Create Rule Set |
BRFRLS02 | BRF: Change Rule Set |
BRFRLS03 | BRF: Display Rule Set |
BRFRUL01 | BRF: Create Rule for Event |
BRFRUL02 | BRF: Change Rule for Event |
BRFRUL03 | BRF: Display Rule for Event |
BRFU01 | BRF: Compare SAPscript Texts |
BRF_FILL_TBRF185 | Automatic Population of TBRF185 |
BRF_OVERVIEW | Overview of BRF Objects |
BS02 | Maintain status profiles |
BS03 | Display status profiles |
BS12 | Maintain object types |
BS13 | Display object types |
BS22 | Maintain system status |
BS23 | Display system status |
BS32 | Maintain processes |
BS33 | Display processes |
BS42 | Maintain Status Selection Profiles |
BS43 | Display status selection |
BS52 | Maintain authorization key |
BS53 | Display authoriztaion key |
BSMO | Object type control in Mass Change |
BSMV | Transaction control in Mass Change |
BSP_WD_WORKBENCH | IC WebClient Workbench |
BSV1 | Where-used list for transaction |
BSV2 | Where-used list for system status |
BSV3 | Where-used list for object type |
BSV4 | Status Profile Overview |
BSVV | Parameterizable status workflow evnt |
BSVW | Linkage Status Update-Workflow Event |
BSVX | System Status Events |
BSVY | System/User Status Events |
BSVZ | System/User Status Events |
BTREE | Overview of BRE Programs |
BUA1 | Create contact person |
BUA2 | Change contact person |
BUA3 | Display contact person |
BUB1 | BuPR: Create BP relationship |
BUB2 | BuPR: Change BP relationship |
BUB3 | BuPR: Display BP relationship |
BUB4 | BuPR: Create BP role definition |
BUB5 | BuPR: Change BP role definition |
BUB6 | BuPR: Display BP role definition |
BUB9 | BuPR: No. range maintenance: BP rel. |
BUBA | BuPR: Relationship Categories |
BUBASSTRATENVCOPY | Copy Strategy (With Text): Initial |
BUBASSTRATENVDELETE | Delete Strategy: Initial |
BUBB | BuPR: Role definition category |
BUBD | BuPR: Applications |
BUBE | BuPR: Views |
BUBF | BuPR: Sections |
BUBG | BuPR: Screens |
BUBH | BuPR: Screen Seq. Variants |
BUBI | BuPR: Events |
BUBJ | BuPR: GUI Standard Functions |
BUBK | BuPR: GUI Additonal Functions |
BUBL | BuPR:Assgn Scr.Field->Database Field |
BUBL_DI | BP: Allocate DI Field -> DB Field |
BUBM | BuPR: Tables |
BUBN | BuPR: Field Groups |
BUBO | BuPR: Field Grouping (Criteria) |
BUBP | BuPR: Field Grping Using Rel. Cat. |
BUBQ | BuPR: Field Grp. Using Role Def.Cat. |
BUBR | BP: Field Grpg Via Activity (Cust) |
BUBS_FRG | BP: Field Grpg for Ext.Applications |
BUBT | BP: Role Definition Types |
BUBU | BP: Relationship Types |
BUBV | BP: Maintenance Without Dialog |
BUBW | BP: Generate Test File (DI) |
BUBX | BP: Activities |
BUBY | BP: Field Grpg via Activity (Ctrl) |
BUBZ | BP: External Applications |
BUC0 | BP Cust: Forms of Address |
BUC1 | BP Cust: Address Type |
BUC2 | BP Cust: Groupings |
BUC3 | BP Cust: Data Origin |
BUC4 | BP Cust: BP Role->Address Type |
BUC5 | BP Cust: Academic Titles |
BUC6 | BP Cust: Aristocratic Title |
BUC7 | BP Cust: Name Affixes |
BUC8 | BP Cust: Legal Form of Organization |
BUC9 | BP Cust: Legal Entity Organization |
BUCA | BP Cust: Industry |
BUCC | BP Cust: Group Types |
BUCD | BP Cust: Business Partner Type |
BUCF | BP Cust: Number Ranges |
BUCG | BP Cust: BP Role Field Grouping |
BUCH | BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity |
BUCI | BP-Cust.: Field Grpng.: Partner Type |
BUCJ | BP Cust: Authorization Types |
BUCK | BP Cust: Marital Status |
BUCL | BP Cust: Occupation/Group |
BUCM | BP Cust: Legitimation Type |
BUCN | BP Cust: Field Grps f. Authorization |
BUCO | BP-Cust: Screen Configuration |
BUCP | BP-Cust: Fld.modif.exter.application |
BUCQ | BP-Cust: Evaluation Tables |
BUCS | BP-Cust: Notes on Roles |
BUCT | BP-Cust: Define Note Views |
BUCU | BP Cust: Where-Used List |
BUCV | BP Cust. Field Grouping Appl.Object |
BUCW | BP Cust: Trans. f. Address Determin. |
BUCX | BP Cust: Assign Trans.->Address Type |
BUC_IDCATEGORY | BP Cust: ID Categories |
BUC_IDTYPE | BP Cust: ID Types |
BUG1 | Create Business Partner, General |
BUG2 | Change Business Partner, General |
BUG3 | Display Business Partner, General |
BUG4 | Bus. partner general deletion flag |
BUI1 | Create Prospect |
BUI2 | Change Prospect |
BUI3 | Display Prospect |
BUKFBATCH | Key Figures - Batch Processing |
BUM1 | Create Employee (BP) |
BUM2 | Change Employee (BP) |
BUM3 | Display Employee (BP) |
BUMR | BP Relationships: Config. Menu |
BUN2 | Change student (in role grouping) |
BUN3 | Display student (in role grouping) |
BUNA | Number Range Maintenance: BP_PADRNR |
BUP0 | BDT, Multiple Call (Funct. Grp BUSS) |
BUP1 | Create Business Partner |
BUP2 | Change Business Partner |
BUP3 | Display Business Partner |
BUPAARCH | Business Partner Archiving |
BUPAARCHBDT | BDT Business Partner Archiving |
BUPABWST | Gen. DataSource for BW Status Obj. |
BUPADELE | Delete Business Partner |
BUPADELEBDT | BDT Delete Business Partner |
BUPA_ARCH | Fin. transaction: Create archive |
BUPA_BIP_FILE_EXPORT | BIP: Cleansing Export |
BUPA_BIP_FILE_IMPORT | BIP: Cleansing - Import |
BUPA_BIP_NOHIT_SHOW | BIP: Cleansing: Show imported NoHits |
BUPA_CALL_FU | FM Activation for BP Data Exchange |
BUPA_CLEAR | SAP BP: Data Cleansing |
BUPA_DEL | Deletion without Archiving |
BUPA_IFC_CALL_FU | Determining FMs for Data Exchange:BP |
BUPA_PRE_DA | Flag Business Partner for Deletion |
BUPA_SEND | Send Partners and Relationshps to XI |
BUPA_TAXNUMTYPE | Maintain Relevant Tax No. Categories |
BUPMASS | BP Customizing: Mass Changes |
BUPT | Business Partner Configuration Menu |
BUR0 | BuPR: Contact Person Departments |
BUR1 | BuPR: Contact Person Functions |
BUR2 | BuBR: Contact Person Authority |
BUR3 | BuPR: Contact Person VIP Indicator |
BUR4 | BP: Marital property regime |
BURC_LAYOUT | Custom. Rel.Category -> Log. Group |
BUS0 | BDT: Application Objects |
BUS1 | BDT: Applications |
BUS10 | BDT: Search Help |
BUS11 | BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Group |
BUS2 | BDT: Field Groups |
BUS23 | BP Tax: Data Sets |
BUS3 | BDT: Views |
BUS4 | BDT: Sections |
BUS5 | BDT: Screens |
BUS6 | BDT: Screen Sequences |
BUS7 | BDT: Events |
BUS8 | BDT: GUI Standard Functions |
BUS9 | BDT: GUI Additional Functions |
BUSB | BDT: Assign Screen Field->DB Field |
BUSB_DI | BDT: Assign DI Field->DB Field |
BUSC | BDT: Field Grouping Criteria |
BUSD | BDT: BP Views |
BUSE | BDT: BP Role Groupings |
BUSF | BDT: Application Transactions |
BUSG | BDT: Tables |
BUSH | BDT: External applications |
BUSI | BDT: Activities |
BUSJ | BP Control: FuncMod. Activity (Ctrl) |
BUSM | BDT: Differentiation Types |
BUSN | BDT: Activity Categories |
BUSO | BP Cust: BP Cat. Field Grouping |
BUSP | Generate Screen Containers |
BUSRO | BP-CUST: Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSSA | Transaction Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSWU01 | BP Control: Where-Used List,Struct. |
BUSWU02 | BP Control: Where-Used List, Views |
BUSWU03 | BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View |
BUSWU04 | BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View |
BUSWU11 | BP Addresses: Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU21 | BP Bank Details: Where-UL,Structure |
BUSWU31 | BP PaytCard: Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU41 | BP Rel.Addr.:Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU61 | BP Roles: Where-Used List, Structure |
BUSWU62 | BP Roles: Where-Used List, Views |
BUSWU63 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUSWU64 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUS_CALL | BDT: Call BDT, Complete LUW |
BUS_HDRID | BP Tax: Header IDs |
BUT021_INS | Update BUT021 from BUT021_FS |
BUTI | Update Without Dialog |
BUTJ | Generate Test File (DI) |
BV01 | BAV Transfer/Securities Init. Screen |
BV02 | BAV Transfer / Loans Initial Screen |
BV03 | BAV Trnsfr / Real Estate Init.Screen |
BV11 | BAV Display / Securities Init.Screen |
BV12 | BAV Display / Loans Initial Screen |
BV13 | BAV Display/ Real Estate Init.Screen |
BVW_BC_SFLIGHT | Business View Flight Database |
BW01_DISP | GBT: Document Display for Miniapp |
BW03MAST | Generate general DataSources |
BW03MASTER | Generate summ.table trans. structure |
BW07 | BW20PI: Gen. SET Hierarchies for BW |
BW09 | BW20PI: Product Hierarchy for SAP BW |
BW10 | BW20PI: Log. Gen. Hierarchy for BW |
BWCA | SAPoffice: Internet Calendar |
BWCCMS | CCMS Monitor for BW |
BWFS_AB_DATUM_SET | Date from Which Data is Read |
BWFS_INFOSOURCE_DELT | Maintain InfoSources for Delta Pos. |
BWFS_INFOSOURCE_INIT | Maintain InfoSources for Pos. Init. |
BWFS_INIT_DATE_SET | Date of Position Initialization |
BWFS_PROT | BW Extraction Log |
BWFS_TIMESTAMPS_DELA | Deletes Time Stamp Per InfoSource |
BWMSSPROCS | Transaction for MSS SP Maintenance |
BWOM01 | BCT-CO: Change Report Row Hierarchy |
BWOM02 | BCT-CO: Displ/Check Report Row Hier. |
BWP0 | Date: Maintain Key Figure |
BWP1 | Date Event |
BWP2 | Date Origin |
BWP3 | Duration: Maintain Key Figure |
BWP4 | Dates: Assgn. of Table to Value Type |
BWP5 | Duratn: Assg. of Table to Value Type |
BWP6 | Float: Maintain Key Figure |
BWP7 | Float: Assg. of Table to Value Type |
BWS1 | Assign System Status to BW Status |
BWS2 | Assign User Status to BW Status |
BWSP | SAPoffice: WWW |
BWST | Gener. DataSource for BW Status Obj. |
BWWF_WI_DECI | Execute User Decisions |
BWWI_EXECUTE | Executing a work item (WEBgui) |
BYPASS | Bypass for All Reservation Systems |
Friday, July 4, 2008
List of Sap Tcodes which Starts with B
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