HB01 | Create Business entity |
HB02 | Change Business entity |
HB03 | Display Business entity |
HB11 | Create Building |
HB12 | Change Building |
HB13 | Display Building |
HB18 | Sales mode building display |
HB21 | Create Sales units |
HB22 | Change Sales units |
HB23 | Display Sales units |
HB28 | Sales display "Sales units" |
HB31 | Create Lot |
HB32 | Change Lot |
HB33 | Display Lot |
HB38 | Sales driven display lot |
HBA2 | Change affected building list |
HBA3 | Display affected building list |
HBAG | Master data generation for re-scm |
HBCX | Order cancellation for RE-SCM |
HBF2 | Change Fit-List |
HBF3 | Display Fit-List |
HBIS1 | Building List Report |
HBIS2 | Business entity List report |
HBIS3 | Sales unit List report |
HBIS4 | Lot List report |
HBPF | Pre-Sales Browser (no splash) |
HBPS | Pre-Sales Browser |
HBR2 | Change Rules |
HBR3 | Display Rules |
HBS0 | (old) Create RE-SCM Sales Order |
HBS1 | (old) Create RE-SCM Inquiry |
HBS2 | (old) Create RE-SCM Quotation |
HB_CO44 | Enhanced project scheduling |
HCMWAOKOPL1 | Cost Planning |
HCMWAOROOM1 | Book Room |
HER1 | Branch to Money Market Structure |
HER2 | Branch to Foreign Exchange Structure |
HER3 | Branch to Derivatives Structure |
HERB | Structure call TRGF |
HIER | Application Hierarchy Maintenance |
HMC2 | DG: Specify Transport Type |
HMC4 | DG: DG Classes and Letters |
HMC6 | DG: Dialog Danger Label |
HMC7 | DG: Dialog DG Reg-Spec PackagingCode |
HMC9 | DG: Dialog Packaging Regulation |
HMCA | EHS DGM: Hazard Inducer Types |
HMCC | DG: Hazard Identification Numbers |
HMCG | DG: Define Processing Status |
HMCJ | DG: Risk Potentials |
HMCR | DG: Dangerous Goods Regulation |
HMU1 | Convert Haz.-Inducers to Substances |
HMU2 | Convert Hazard-Inducing Substances |
HMU3 | Convert Dangerous Goods Descriptions |
HMU4 | Convert Non-DG Indicators |
HMXD | DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances |
HMXV | DG UN Number and Description |
HMY1 | Converting Phrases in Table Fields |
HOSH | Maintenance View for Table ADMI_CRIT |
HPAYBR_DISP_LOG | View Legal Reports Logs |
HR00 | HR Report Selection |
HR99S00_DAQVIEW | DAQ viewer |
HR99S00_TEMSE_VIEWER | Temse Viewer |
HRALEX_PROTOCOL | Log Extended ALE Distribution |
HRASR00_WFC_COMP | Interactive Components |
HRASR00_WFC_DRAFT | Draft for Process Start |
HRASR00_WFC_DRAFTERR | Draft for Process Start with Error |
HRASR00_WFC_EXCPTHND | Exception Handling: Asynchron. Call |
HRASR00_WFC_PROC | Workflow Template for Sample Process |
HRASR00_WFC_WITHDRAW | WF Customizing - Withdraw Process |
HRASR00_WFC_XIACPSEL | WF Cust. XI: Respons. for Proc. Sel. |
HRASR00_WFC_XIACPSTR | WF Cust. XI: Respons. for Proc.Start |
HRASR00_WFC_XIFOLWUP | WF Cust. XI: Followup for Process |
HRASR00_WFC_XISELPRO | Start Process for XI Data |
HRASRPROCESS_UTILITY | Admin Utility for Process Instances |
HRASRREF_NUM | HR Admin: Process Reference Number |
HRASR_CALL_TX_PASR | Start of Transaction PASR |
HRASR_CALL_TX_PDPF | Start Personnel File |
HRASR_CHK_FSCN_CUST | Check Consistency of Form Scenarios |
HRASR_CHK_PROC_CUST | Check Consistencies of Processes |
HRASR_EXEC_TX_ATTCH | Start Personnel File |
HRASR_EXEC_TX_PASR | Start of Transaction PASR |
HRASR_EXEC_TX_PDPF | Start Personnel File |
HRASR_FSCN_CUST | Manage Form Scenario |
HRASR_GS_INFO | Information About Generic Services |
HRASR_SWN_EXUSER_UPD | Determine User To Be Excluded |
HRASR_TEST_PROCESS | Test Process Execution |
HRAUTH | Authorization Workbench |
HRBAS_CHECK_INFTY | Test Decoupled Infotypes |
HRBEN0000 | Benefits Application Menu |
HRBEN0001 | Enrollment |
HRBEN0003 | Participation Monitor |
HRBEN0004 | EOI Monitor |
HRBEN0005 | Enrollment Form |
HRBEN0006 | Benefits Participation Overview |
HRBEN0009 | Benefits - Plan Overview |
HRBEN0012 | Automatic Plan Enrollment |
HRBEN0013 | Default Plan Enrollment |
HRBEN0014 | Termination of Participation |
HRBEN0015 | Confirmation Form |
HRBEN0041 | Jump from IMG into Maintenance Views |
HRBEN0042 | Configuration Consistency Check |
HRBEN0043 | Copy Benefit Area |
HRBEN0044 | Delete Benefit Area |
HRBEN0045 | Benefit Area Currency Conversion |
HRBEN0046 | Cost summary |
HRBEN0047 | Check Actual Working Hours |
HRBEN0049 | Currency Conversion Benef. Infotypes |
HRBEN0050 | Copying templates in BDS |
HRBEN0051 | Maintenance of templates in BDS |
HRBEN0052 | IDoc Data Transfer |
HRBEN0053 | Copy Benefit Plan |
HRBEN0054 | Delete Benefit Plan |
HRBEN0055 | Overview Adjustment Permissions |
HRBEN0056 | Standard Plans Overview |
HRBEN0071 | Eligible Employees |
HRBEN0072 | Participation |
HRBEN0073 | Health Plan Costs |
HRBEN0074 | Insurance Plan Costs |
HRBEN0075 | Savings Plan Contributions |
HRBEN0076 | Vesting Percentage |
HRBEN0077 | Changes in Benefits Elections |
HRBEN0078 | FSA Contributions |
HRBEN0079 | Change of Elibility Status |
HRBEN0081 | Employee Demographics |
HRBEN0083 | Change in general benefits |
HRBEN0085 | Costs/Contributions for Misc. Plans |
HRBEN0086 | Stock Purchase Plan Contributions |
HRBEN0087 | Benefit Election Analysis |
HRBEN0088 | Contribution Limit Check |
HRBEN0089 | Enrollment Statistics |
HRBEN00ADJRSN | Create adjustment reasons |
HRBEN00CEWB | Conc. Employment Benefits Workbench |
HRBEN00ENSTATUS | COBRA Employer Notice |
HRBEN00GENSTATUS | Status of General Notice |
HRBEN00PAYRQ | Create Payment Requests |
HRBEN00RETIDOCIN | Retirement plan data transfer: in. |
HRBEN00RETIDOCOUT | Retirement plan data transfer out |
HRBEN00RETPAYCUM | Payroll cumulations retirement plans |
HRBEN00RETSRV | Service calculation retirement plans |
HRBEN00TERMSTATUS | Status Report for Termination |
HRBEN00UNASTATUS | Status of Unavailibility Notice |
HRBENUS02 | FSA claim |
HRBENUSCOB01 | Collect COBRA Events |
HRBENUSCOB02 | Create COBRA Letters |
HRBENUSCOB03 | COBRA Participation |
HRBENUSCOB05 | COBRA Cost Overview |
HRBENUSCOB06 | COBRA Enrollment Form |
HRBENUSCOB07 | COBRA Election Period |
HRBENUSCOB09 | COBRA Confirmation Form |
HRBENUSCOB10 | COBRA Data Transfer to Provider |
HRBENUSCOBOVERDUE | COBRA overdue payments |
HRBENUSCOBREGEND | COBRA end of max. cov.cont. period |
HRBENUSFSACLM | FSA Claims Monitor |
HRBPS0001 | Generate benefit point account(IT717 |
HRBPS0002 | Display general request information |
HRBPS0003 | Create obligatory request |
HRCLM0001 | Claims processing data entry |
HRCLM0002 | Record Claims |
HRCLM0010 | Jump from IMG to maintenence views |
HRCLM0015 | Display Entitlements and Claims |
HRCLM0020 | Enroll into Benefit Claims Plan |
HRCMP0000 | Compensation management |
HRCMP0001 | Compensation Administration |
HRCMP0001C | Change Compensation Adjustment |
HRCMP0001D | Display Compensation Adjustment |
HRCMP0001_A | Compensation Adj. Reasons (Tree) |
HRCMP0002 | Comp. Adjustment over Org. Structure |
HRCMP0003 | Compensationi Adj.: Employee Selec. |
HRCMP0004 | Submit Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0005 | Approve Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0006 | Reject Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0007 | Activate Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0010 | Compensation Management: Budgeting |
HRCMP0011 | Budget Structure Maintenance: Create |
HRCMP0012 | Budget Structure Maintenance: Displ. |
HRCMP0013 | Budget Structure Maintenance: Change |
HRCMP0014 | Budget Administration: Display |
HRCMP0015 | Budget Administration: Change |
HRCMP0016 | Initialize Compensation Budget |
HRCMP0020 | Report selection |
HRCMP0021 | HR PA-CM: Access Ad Hoc Query |
HRCMP0022 | HR PA-CM: SAP Query Access |
HRCMP0030 | Change Matrix Catalog |
HRCMP0031 | Display Matrix Catalog |
HRCMP0041 | Pay scale Increase |
HRCMP0042 | Pay Scale Reclassification |
HRCMP0043 | Pay Scale Reclassification by Hours |
HRCMP0050 | Job Pricing |
HRCMP0051 | Maintain Job (Compensation Mgmt) |
HRCMP0052 | Maintain Position (Comp. Mgmt) |
HRCMP0053 | Display Salary Survey Data |
HRCMP0060 | Long-term incentives: granting |
HRCMP0060C | Change award granting |
HRCMP0060D | Display award granting |
HRCMP0061 | Long-term incentives: Exercising |
HRCMP0061C | Change award exercising |
HRCMP0061D | Display award exercising |
HRCMP0061ESS | Exercising Employee Options |
HRCMP0062 | Life events for long-term incentives |
HRCMP0063 | Expiration/forfeiting of ltis |
HRCMP0064 | Cancellation of long-term incentives |
HRCMP0065 | Stock Split |
HRCMP0070 | Workflow Custom. Comp. Adjustment |
HRCMP0071 | Workflow Custom. Awards Exercising |
HRCMP0072 | Workflow Custom. Award expiration |
HRCMP0073 | Workflow Customizing Life Events |
HRCMP0080 | Display Total Compensation Statement |
HRCMP0080ESS | Display Total Compensation Statement |
HRCMP0081 | Print Total Compensation Statement |
HREFI_UPDATE | E-filing Update Infotypes |
HREIC | Start Employee Interaction Center |
HREIC_ADJCUST | Customizing Synchronization for EIC |
HREIC_AUTHQUERY | Define Authentication Query |
HREIC_CATEGORY | EIC: Maintain Category Catalog |
HREIC_CATEG_COPY | EIC: Maintain Category Catalog |
HREIC_WF_EMAIL | Customizing Workflow EIC E-Mail |
HREIC_WF_FOLUP | Customizing Workflow EIC FollowUpAct |
HREIC_WF_REQUEST | Customizing Workflow EIC Request |
HRESSCA_TFR | Tax Form Reprint |
HRESSDE_CNET | ESS Germany: Monthly Net Income |
HRESSHK_IR56B | End of Tax Year Form |
HRESSHK_IR56F | Ceased to be Employed Form |
HRESSHK_IR56G | Employee Departing Hong Kong Form |
HRESSIN_F16 | Display Form 16 |
HRESSPT_IID | Individual income declaration |
HRESSSG_IR21 | Tax form IR21 |
HRESSSG_IR8A | Tax form IR8A |
HRESSSG_IR8E | Tax form 8E |
HRESSSG_IR8S | Tax form IR8S |
HRESS_PAYSIMU | HR-ESS: Payroll Simulation (Demo) |
HREXP_RHEXPUPD | Synchro LDAP Data with ExpertProfile |
HREXP_RHEXPUPDVAL | Synchro.Value Table w.Expert Profile |
HRFBN0001 | Enrollment |
HRFBN0012 | GB Flexbens Core Plan Enrolment |
HRFBN0013 | GB Flexbens Standard Plan Enrolment |
HRFBN0014 | Termination of Participation |
HRFBN0041 | Jump from IMG into Maintenance Views |
HRFBN0072 | Participation |
HRFBN0073 | Flexible Health Plan Costs |
HRFBN0074 | Fleible Insurance Plan Costs |
HRFBN0085 | Flexbile Costs/Contr for Misc. Plans |
HRFBN0087 | Flexbile Benefit Election Analysis |
HRFBN0089 | Enrollment Statistics(FlexBen) |
HRFBN00ADJRSN | Create adjustment reasons |
HRFBN00GRPENROL | Flexible Benefit Group Enrolment |
HRFBNEENOTI | Send Notification to Employees |
HRFBNFLEXSALARY | Flexible salary |
HRFBNHOLIDAY | Holiday Report for Flexible Benefits |
HRFBNPROVIDER | Provider Report for Flexible Benefit |
HRFBNREMIND | Employee Enrolment Reminder Report |
HRFORMS | HR Forms Workplace |
HRFORMS_METADATA | HR Metadata Workplace |
HRFPMCHG01 | Allowed Period for Changes |
HRFPM_CUST_DIAGNOSE | Check Customizing |
HRFPM_DEL_WI | Deletion of Unnecessary Work Items |
HRFPM_DIFF_ORG | Personnel Cost Savings per Org. |
HRFPM_DOC_DISP | Display PBC Documents |
HRFPM_ERLK | Adjust completed Indicator |
HRFPM_EXTEND_OM | Enhancement of Org. Structure |
HRFPM_FEATURE_PM200 | Charac. Maintenance Charac. PM200 |
HRFPM_FINANCE_CHECK | Persons with Missing Financing |
HRFPM_FIN_ORG | Budget and Financing per Org. |
HRFPM_FM_BUD | Number Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_BUD |
HRFPM_FTE_CHK | Check of Staff Assignment Rules |
HRFPM_INC_TOOL | Process Inconsistencies |
HRFPM_NR_BLK | No. Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_BLK |
HRFPM_NR_COM | Number Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_COM |
HRFPM_NR_PRE | Number Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_PRE |
HRFPM_NR_RUNID | Number Range Maintenance: FPM_RUNID |
HRFPM_OCC_CHK | Check of Financing Rules |
HRFPM_PBCDOCBU_DISP | Budget Journal |
HRFPM_PBCDOC_DISP | Financing Journal |
HRFPM_SALSA_DISP | Display Personnel Cost Savings |
HRFPM_START_AWB | Start run administrator workbench |
HRFPM_VACANCY_DISP | Create Personnel Cost Savings |
HRGPBSSNORHR_GB_HEID | Number range maintenace HR_GB_HEID |
HRGPBSSNORP08_HESA | Number range maintenace P08_HESA |
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR_C01 | HESA NISR new records conversion |
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR_C02 | Batch input for HESA NISR |
HRGPBS_IN1 | CLASS Interface (TemSe or Database) |
HRGPBS_IN3 | CLASS Interface (House-keeping) |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK | Check ME Payroll Data is consistent |
HRGPBS_SMP_SSP_CHECK | Check ME SMP/SSP Data is consistent |
HRGPBS_SNRO | Number Range Maintenance |
HRGPBS_SNRO_HESA | Number Range for HESA Staff ID |
HRGPBS_TEMSE_TO_PC | Public Sector GB (TemSe to PC) |
HRGPBS_TPS | Teachers' Pensions Annual Return |
HRGPBS_TPS_ARCH | TPS Modification of archive data |
HRGPBS_TPS_SNRO | Number Range Maintenance |
HRLDAP_MAP | Assign Query Field -> LDAP Attribute |
HRMGE0010 | Offer Letter for global employees |
HRMGE0020C | Change Items List |
HRMGE0020D | Display Items List |
HRMGE0030 | Compensation Overview (GECCO) |
HRMGE0050 | Customize Office templates |
HRMGE0060 | Generate Compensation Packages |
HRMGE0070 | Check Compensation Packages |
HRMGE0080 | Mass Activation |
HRMGE0090 | Merge and Split of Global Assignment |
HRMGE00DOC | Business documents navigator (BDS) |
HRMGE00POL | Policy tracking |
HROBJ | Customizing HR |
HROM | Organizational Management reports |
HRPADJP_CP_FOREI_EMP | Foreigner Employment Status |
HRPADJP_JU_DEPINF | Update Dependents' Information |
HRPADKRCUSTWF0001 | Workflow customizing Korea |
HRPADRUPFR | Pension Fund of Russia - SZV-4-1/2 |
HRPADRUPFRMANAGER | Package manager for pension fund |
HRPADRUPFR_1 | Form (The questionnaire ADV-1) |
HRPADRUPFR_11 | ADV-11 Insurance payments list |
HRPADRUPFR_2 | ADV-2 - the exchangeable |
HRPADRUPFR_3 | Pension fund of Russia |
HRPADRUT2_2004 | Personal Card T-2 |
HRPADRUT7RUN | T7RUN-tables tools |
HRPADRU_AVP1 | Insurance payments of pension paym. |
HRPADRU_AVP2 | Tax return calc. on unifom soc. tax |
HRPADRU_AVP4 | Obligatory pension insurances decl. |
HRPADRU_HR33Y | Number range of tax document (RU) |
HRPADRU_HRULT3 | List of members of staff (Form T3) |
HRPADRU_HRYP298 | Number Range of Administrative Order |
HRPADRU_RUFROMS | Maintaining special RU-Forms |
HRPADRU_T2 | Ò-2 Employee's personal card |
HRPADRU_T53 | T-53 Payroll sheet |
HRPADRU_T7 | T-7 Vacation schedule |
HRPADUNEDGR | Education Grant Maintenance |
HRPADUNEDGRCOP | Copy Education Grant Records |
HRPADUNEDGRSTAT | Education Grant Statistics |
HRPADUNEGPYMNT | Create EG Advance Payment |
HRPADUNEXM_NR | Number Range Maint.: HR_UN_EG |
HRPADUN_AAP_CLEANUP | Delete existing PAAP records |
HRPADUN_AAP_CONSDEMO | Personal actions approval console |
HRPADUN_AAP_CONSOLE | Personal actions approval console |
HRPADUN_AAP_CONS_ADM | Personal actions approval console |
HRPADUN_AAP_CONS_ALL | Personal actions approval console |
HRPADUN_AAP_CONS_OFF | Personal actions approval console |
HRPADUN_AAP_UPD0001 | XPRA for Customer field IT0001 |
HRPAYCA_ROESW | HRDC Software Attributes Update |
HRPAYCA_ROEWB | Record of Employment (ROE) Workbench |
HRPAYCA_ROEWB_CE | ROE Workbench for CE |
HRPAYCA_ROE_CONVERT | ROE: Convert data fr. T5KSN to T5KR0 |
HRPAYDEBSA | Construction: Display Const.Sites |
HRPAYDEBSP | Construction; Maintain Cons.Sites |
HRPAYJP_COMMUTER | Commuting allowance management |
HRPAYJP_COMMUTER_DIS | Commuting allowance management dis. |
HRPAYRUT7RUN | T7RUN-tables tools |
HRPAYRU_HRUCEDT0 | Remuneration Statements |
HRPAYRU_HRUCKTO0 | Lohnkonten |
HRPAYRU_HRUCLJN0 | Payroll Journal - Russia |
HRPAYRU_HRULAVP22003 | ESN Tax Declaration |
HRPAYRU_HRULAVP42002 | Declaration on insurance payments |
HRPAYRU_HRULAVR0 | Preliminary employees average number |
HRPAYRU_HRULAVR1 | Employees average number counting |
HRPAYRU_HRULNDFL | Person income tax (2-NDFL) |
HRPAYRU_HRULTX12 | Tax reestr (form N 12) |
HRPAYRU_IMG_P0_011 | Garnishmetn Document Category |
HRPAYUN_OH11 | NPO: wage type maintenance |
HRPAYUN_PU30 | UN: wage type maintenance |
HRPBCBC | Evaluate Total Number of Positions |
HRPBCBC_FORM | Evaluate Position Overview (PDFform) |
HRPBCC | Create Position Plan |
HRPBCCOR | Business distribution plan |
HRPBCEXT | Carry Forward Position Plan |
HRPBCM | Change Position Plan |
HRPBCM_DYNACT | Change Position Plan |
HRPBCS | Display Position Plan |
HRPBCSTA | Change Budget Status |
HRPBC_2FC | Reconciliation of Docs in Accounting |
HRPBC_AVC | Availability Control |
HRPBC_BPREP | Collection of BPREP Data |
HRPBC_BPREP_MAINT | Edit Planning Data |
HRPBC_BULIST | Position Analysis |
HRPBC_BULIST_FORM | Position Analysis as PDF Form |
HRPBC_CREATE_EARMARK | Decoupled Update in PBC |
HRPBC_DATES | Monitoring of Tasks |
HRPBC_DIFF_REORG | Reorganize Personnel Cost Savings |
HRPBC_DIFF_SOLVE | Remove Funds Block |
HRPBC_ENGINE_CHNGLOG | Objects with Flag |
HRPBC_ENGINE_FS | Commitment Creation - Free Selection |
HRPBC_ENGINE_INIT | Start Initial Commitment Creation |
HRPBC_ENGINE_INIT_FS | Initial Cmmt Creat. - Fr. Selection |
HRPBC_ENGINE_P | Commitment Creation for Persons |
HRPBC_ENGINE_PCH | Commitment Creation for Org. Objects |
HRPBC_ENGINE_PNP | Commitment Creation for Persons |
HRPBC_ENGINE_START | Directly Start Commitment Run |
HRPBC_FINLIST | Financing Analysis |
HRPBC_FIN_CHK | Check of Financing Rules |
HRPBC_HCP_01 | Maintain Planning Results |
HRPBC_INIT_1514 | Convert 1501 to 1005 and 1514 |
HRPBC_LIFI | Financing Overview |
HRPBC_LOG | Display Log for Commitment Run |
HRPBC_LOG_BPREP | Log for Running Planning Act. |
HRPBC_LOG_BUDGET | Log for Budget Creation Run |
HRPBC_MAIL01 | Definition of e-mail texts |
HRPBC_MDIR | Direct Infotype Maintenance |
HRPBC_MOVECUST1509 | Convert Customizing for IT 1509 |
HRPBC_MOVEINFTY1509 | Convert Infotypes: 1505 to 1509 |
HRPBC_ORIG | Creation of Original Budget |
HRPBC_PCHK | Check Violation of Earmarking |
HRPBC_QUERY_EXEC | Execution of a Query |
HRPBC_RC_DOC | Match Single/Totals Records |
HRPBC_RC_FUND | Compare Fund/Commitment |
HRPBC_RC_REQ | Compare Requirement/Commitment |
HRPBC_REQ | Determine Financing Requirement |
HRPBC_ROLL1520 | Adjustment of Original Budget |
HRPBC_SCHEDMAN | Schedule Manager |
HRPBC_START | Message overview PBC |
HRPBC_STOV | Evaluation of FTE Limits |
HRPBC_STRUC_VIEW | Structure Overview |
HRPBC_VAC | Display Vacant Positions |
HRPBSBE_BAPAY | Evolution of IT0008 with seniority |
HRPBSBE_PAYSC | Generate Pay Scales |
HRPBSBE_SEN12 | PS-BE seniority calculation |
HRPBSINGENCORRLETTER | Generate Correspondence Letters |
HRPBSININFOUPDT | Infotype Update in R/3 |
HRPBSINLISTREQ | Claims / Advance Requests |
HRPBSINOFFPAY | Start Off-Cycle Payroll-Claims |
HRPBSINRESOLVERR | Resolve Infotype Update error |
HRPBSIN_CRCT_ASSIGN | Correct the assignments of a Roster |
HRPBSIN_CUR_STAF | Current Staffing |
HRPBSIN_LEAVEREQLIST | List Leave Encashment Request |
HRPBSIN_LEENCASH_OFF | Start Off-cycle & Follow-up Activit |
HRPBSIN_LEG_UPLD | Rosters upload from Legacy System |
HRPBSIN_LENCH_RESERR | Resolve Errors for Leave Encashment |
HRPBSIN_LOANUPDINFTY | Update Infotype for Approved Loan |
HRPBSIN_LVENC_INFTY | Update Infotype for Approved Request |
HRPBSIN_LVENC_UPSTAT | Update Request Status |
HRPBSIN_NEWHIRES | New Hires with Military Status |
HRPBSIN_NMBRNG | Number range maintenance: HRIPSCLAIM |
HRPBSIN_NMBRNG_LE | Number range maintenance: HRIPSLE |
HRPBSIN_NMBRNG_LOAN | Number range maintenance: HRIPSLOAN |
HRPBSIN_ROS_CRT | Create - Roster transaction |
HRPBSIN_ROS_DIS | Roster display transaction |
HRPBSIN_ROS_MNT | Roster maintenance transaction |
HRPBSIN_RSTRPT_CRT | Create Roster Points for a Roster |
HRPBSIN_RSTR_CHNG | Chnages in Rosters in a time frame |
HRPBSIN_SALARY_INCRT | Report for Salary Increment |
HRPBSIN_SIMUL_RCRT | Simulate Recruitment |
HRPBSIN_TRG_APV_WF | Trigger Approval Workflow |
HRPBSIN_UPD_STATUS | Update Advance/Claim request status |
HRPBSUSACTION | Nature of Actions |
HRPBSUSACTIONCONFIG | Nature of Action Configuration (4.7) |
HRPBSUSDRUG_ADDR | HR Public Sector: maintain address |
HRPBSUSEEOC_ADDR | HR Public Sector: maintain address |
HRPBSUSERRCONFIG | Crediting Plan Configuration for ERR |
HRPDV00REPORT0001 | Maintained Qualifications |
HRRCF_ADJ_ENTRY | Workflow Customizing ADJUST ENTRY |
HRRCF_APPROVE_POS | Workflow Customizing for Approvals |
HRRCF_APPROVE_REQ | Workflow Customizing for Approvals |
HRRCF_CAND_DERIG | Workflow Customizing: DEREGISTER |
HRRCF_RECREATE_SP | Recreate Search Profile |
HRRSM00FBA | External HR Master Data |
HRRSM00IMG | Customizing RSM (Internal) |
HRRSM00NUMKR | Maintain Number Range: HRSM_SEQNR |
HRRSM00PAR | External HR Master Data Parameters |
HRTIMAUCE_PT50 | Acts as dummy in NONCE |
HRTNM00_ACTIVATE | Activate Training Needs Management |
HRTNM00_BATCH_DEL | TNM batch: update table _ab table |
HRTNM00_BATCH_QUOTA | TNM quota batch input management |
HRTNM00_BATCH_STAT | TNM batch: update table _ab table |
HRTNM00_BATCH_STAT_E | TNM batch: update table _ab table |
HRTNM00_REPCRE | TNM Transaction : Create Mode |
HRTNM00_REPDIS | TNM Transaction : Display mode |
HRTNM00_REPMOD | TNM Transaction : Modify mode |
HRTNM00_SNAP | TNM Reporting : Snapshot |
HRUA_MIGRAWARDS | Migration of Awards Data |
HRUA_MILITARY_LIST | Military Status List |
HRUA_MILITARY_STATUS | Military Status Management |
HRUA_T54 | Form T-54a |
HRULCALCSEN | Results of Seniority Calculation |
HRULICO0 | Flexible Payroll Evaluation |
HRULSICK | Sickness Certificates Register |
HRULSTAT | Statistical Data Preparation |
HRULSTAT_VIEW | Statistical Data Processing |
HRULT530 | Payroll Sheet (Form T-53) |
HRUSER | Set Up and Maintain ESS Users |
HRUU0267 | Mass Generation of IT 0267 Records |
HRUU294T | Status Review for Employment Book |
HRUULSP1 | Convert Working Conditions |
HRUUPKM1 | Package Manager |
HRWAOCOMP | EWT: Compensation |
HRWAOHEAD | EWT: Headcount Plan |
HRWAOSTATUSQUO | Status Quo Reporting |
HRWFD_EM | WFD - HCM Employee Maintenance |
HRWF_SETVACANCY | Maint. WF 01000040: Create Vacancy |
HRWPC_CMP_WORKFLOW | Workflow Custom. Comp. Adjustment |
HRWPC_FC_EXEC | Execute F Code in MSS |
HRWPC_OADP_MIGRATION | Migration from OADP Customizing |
HRWTT00MAIN | Wage type tool |
HR_LSO_AD_HOC_QUERY | SAP LSO: Ad Hoc Query (Courses) |
HR_NAMESPACE | Query HR Namespace |
HSMR01 | EHS: Fill Hazardous Substance Master |
HSMR02 | EHS: Distribute Haz. Subs. Master |
HSMR03 | EHS: Change Doc. Haz. Subs. Master |
HSMR04 | EHS: Activate Phrases |
HSMR05 | EHS: Generate Phrase Sets |
HSMR06 | EHS: Display Filling Log |
HSMR07 | EHS: Delete Filling Log |
HU00 | Handling units |
HU02 | Creating and Changing Handling Units |
HU03 | Display of HUs |
HU04 | Creation of HUs with stock |
HU05 | Display of HUs for object |
HUCANC | Matl Doc. Cancellation of HU Gds Mvt |
HUCOWA | Display Staged HUs |
HUCOWE | Display Manufactured HUs |
HUDIFF | Adjustment of HU Stocks |
HUEX | Number Range Maintenance: HU_VEKP |
HUGO | Settings for Travel Planning |
HUIBD | Handling Units for Inbound Delivery |
HUIND | Database Indexes for Handling Units |
HUINV01 | Create HU Phys. Inventory Documents |
HUINV02 | Change HU Phys. Inventory Document |
HUINV03 | Enter Counted Qty for HU Phys. Inv. |
HUINV04 | Analysis of HU Phys. Inv. Documents |
HUINV05 | Post HU Phys. Inventory Differences |
HUINV06 | Delete Inventory Status for HUs |
HUINV07 | Display HU Phys. Inv. Documents |
HUMAT | Handling Units Related to Matl Doc. |
HUMO | HU Monitor |
HUNK | Number range maintenance: LE_HU |
HUNKUMP | Number range maintenance: LE_HU_UMP |
HUOBD | Display HUs for Outbound Delivery |
HUP1 | HU creation in production |
HUP10 | Stock: Plan HUs - General |
HUP11 | Stock: Plan HUs Without Order |
HUP12 | Stock: Plan HUs for Order |
HUP13 | Stock: Plan HUs for Delivery |
HUP14 | Stock: Plan HUs for Purchase Order |
HUP30 | Stock: Pack HUs - General |
HUP31 | Stock: Pack HUs Without Order |
HUP32 | Stock: Pack HUs for Order |
HUP33 | Stock: Pack HUs for Delivery |
HUP34 | Stock: Pack HUs for Purchase Order |
HUPAST | Packing Station |
HUPASTW | Packing Station |
HUPAST_C | Customizing -Packing Station Profile |
HUPP1 | Packing Program for Stock: Plan |
HUPP3 | Packing Program for Stock: Pack |
HUTRA | Display HUs for Shipment |
HUVTRF | Assign HUs to a Shipment |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcode List Starting with H
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