Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcode List Starting with H

HB01                   Create Business entity              
HB02                   Change Business entity              
HB03                   Display  Business entity            
HB11                   Create Building                     
HB12                   Change Building                     
HB13                   Display  Building                   
HB18                   Sales mode building display         
HB21                   Create Sales units                  
HB22                   Change  Sales units                 
HB23                   Display Sales units                 
HB28                   Sales display "Sales units"         
HB31                   Create Lot                          
HB32                   Change Lot                          
HB33                   Display Lot                         
HB38                   Sales driven display lot            
HBA2                   Change affected building list       
HBA3                   Display affected building list      
HBAG                   Master data generation for re-scm   
HBCX                   Order cancellation for RE-SCM       
HBF2                   Change Fit-List                     
HBF3                   Display Fit-List                    
HBIS1                  Building List Report                
HBIS2                  Business entity List report         
HBIS3                  Sales unit List report              
HBIS4                  Lot List report                     
HBPF                   Pre-Sales Browser (no splash)       
HBPS                   Pre-Sales Browser                   
HBR2                   Change Rules                        
HBR3                   Display Rules                       
HBS0                   (old) Create RE-SCM Sales Order     
HBS1                   (old) Create RE-SCM Inquiry         
HBS2                   (old) Create RE-SCM Quotation       
HB_CO44                Enhanced project scheduling         
HCMWAOKOPL1            Cost Planning                       
HCMWAOROOM1            Book Room                           
HER1                   Branch to Money Market Structure    
HER2                   Branch to Foreign Exchange Structure
HER3                   Branch to Derivatives Structure     
HERB                   Structure call TRGF                 
HIER                   Application Hierarchy Maintenance   
HMC2                   DG: Specify Transport Type          
HMC4                   DG: DG Classes and Letters          
HMC6                   DG: Dialog Danger Label             
HMC7                   DG: Dialog DG Reg-Spec PackagingCode
HMC9                   DG: Dialog Packaging Regulation     
HMCA                   EHS DGM: Hazard Inducer Types       
HMCC                   DG: Hazard Identification Numbers   
HMCG                   DG: Define Processing Status        
HMCJ                   DG: Risk Potentials                 
HMCR                   DG: Dangerous Goods Regulation      
HMU1                   Convert Haz.-Inducers to Substances 
HMU2                   Convert Hazard-Inducing Substances  
HMU3                   Convert Dangerous Goods Descriptions
HMU4                   Convert Non-DG Indicators           
HMXD                   DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances      
HMXV                   DG UN Number and Description        
HMY1                   Converting Phrases in Table Fields  
HOSH                   Maintenance View for Table ADMI_CRIT
HPAYBR_DISP_LOG        View Legal Reports Logs             
HR00                   HR Report Selection                 
HR99S00_DAQVIEW        DAQ viewer                          
HR99S00_TEMSE_VIEWER   Temse Viewer                        
HRALEX_PROTOCOL        Log Extended ALE Distribution       
HRASR00_WFC_COMP       Interactive Components              
HRASR00_WFC_DRAFT      Draft for Process Start             
HRASR00_WFC_DRAFTERR   Draft for Process Start with Error  
HRASR00_WFC_EXCPTHND   Exception Handling: Asynchron. Call 
HRASR00_WFC_PROC       Workflow Template for Sample Process
HRASR00_WFC_WITHDRAW   WF Customizing - Withdraw Process   
HRASR00_WFC_XIACPSEL   WF Cust. XI: Respons. for Proc. Sel.
HRASR00_WFC_XIACPSTR   WF Cust. XI: Respons. for Proc.Start
HRASR00_WFC_XIFOLWUP   WF Cust. XI: Followup for Process   
HRASR00_WFC_XISELPRO   Start Process for XI Data           
HRASRPROCESS_UTILITY   Admin Utility for Process Instances 
HRASRREF_NUM           HR Admin: Process Reference Number  
HRASR_CALL_TX_PASR     Start of Transaction PASR           
HRASR_CALL_TX_PDPF     Start Personnel File                
HRASR_CHK_FSCN_CUST    Check Consistency of Form Scenarios 
HRASR_CHK_PROC_CUST    Check Consistencies of Processes    
HRASR_EXEC_TX_ATTCH    Start Personnel File                
HRASR_EXEC_TX_PASR     Start of Transaction PASR           
HRASR_EXEC_TX_PDPF     Start Personnel File                
HRASR_FSCN_CUST        Manage Form Scenario                
HRASR_GS_INFO          Information About Generic Services  
HRASR_SWN_EXUSER_UPD   Determine User To Be Excluded       
HRASR_TEST_PROCESS     Test Process Execution              
HRAUTH                 Authorization Workbench             
HRBAS_CHECK_INFTY      Test Decoupled Infotypes            
HRBEN0000              Benefits Application Menu           
HRBEN0001              Enrollment                          
HRBEN0003              Participation Monitor               
HRBEN0004              EOI Monitor                         
HRBEN0005              Enrollment Form                     
HRBEN0006              Benefits Participation Overview     
HRBEN0009              Benefits - Plan Overview            
HRBEN0012              Automatic Plan Enrollment           
HRBEN0013              Default Plan Enrollment             
HRBEN0014              Termination of Participation        
HRBEN0015              Confirmation Form                   
HRBEN0041              Jump from IMG into Maintenance Views
HRBEN0042              Configuration Consistency Check     
HRBEN0043              Copy Benefit Area                   
HRBEN0044              Delete Benefit Area                 
HRBEN0045              Benefit Area Currency Conversion    
HRBEN0046              Cost summary                        
HRBEN0047              Check Actual Working Hours          
HRBEN0049              Currency Conversion Benef. Infotypes
HRBEN0050              Copying templates in BDS            
HRBEN0051              Maintenance of templates in BDS     
HRBEN0052              IDoc Data Transfer                  
HRBEN0053              Copy Benefit Plan                   
HRBEN0054              Delete Benefit Plan                 
HRBEN0055              Overview Adjustment Permissions     
HRBEN0056              Standard Plans Overview             
HRBEN0071              Eligible Employees                  
HRBEN0072              Participation                       
HRBEN0073              Health Plan Costs                   
HRBEN0074              Insurance Plan Costs                
HRBEN0075              Savings Plan Contributions          
HRBEN0076              Vesting Percentage                  
HRBEN0077              Changes in Benefits Elections       
HRBEN0078              FSA Contributions                   
HRBEN0079              Change of Elibility Status          
HRBEN0081              Employee Demographics               
HRBEN0083              Change in general benefits          
HRBEN0085              Costs/Contributions for Misc. Plans 
HRBEN0086              Stock Purchase Plan Contributions   
HRBEN0087              Benefit Election Analysis           
HRBEN0088              Contribution Limit Check            
HRBEN0089              Enrollment Statistics               
HRBEN00ADJRSN          Create adjustment reasons           
HRBEN00CEWB            Conc. Employment Benefits Workbench 
HRBEN00ENSTATUS        COBRA Employer Notice               
HRBEN00GENSTATUS       Status of General Notice            
HRBEN00PAYRQ           Create Payment Requests             
HRBEN00RETIDOCIN       Retirement plan data transfer: in.  
HRBEN00RETIDOCOUT      Retirement plan data transfer out   
HRBEN00RETPAYCUM       Payroll cumulations retirement plans
HRBEN00RETSRV          Service calculation retirement plans
HRBEN00TERMSTATUS      Status Report for Termination       
HRBEN00UNASTATUS       Status of Unavailibility Notice     
HRBENUS02              FSA claim                           
HRBENUSCOB01           Collect COBRA Events                
HRBENUSCOB02           Create COBRA Letters                
HRBENUSCOB03           COBRA Participation                 
HRBENUSCOB04           COBRA Payments                      
HRBENUSCOB05           COBRA Cost Overview                 
HRBENUSCOB06           COBRA Enrollment Form               
HRBENUSCOB07           COBRA Election Period               
HRBENUSCOB08           COBRA Invoice                       
HRBENUSCOB09           COBRA Confirmation Form             
HRBENUSCOB10           COBRA Data Transfer to Provider     
HRBENUSCOBOVERDUE      COBRA overdue payments              
HRBENUSCOBREGEND       COBRA end of max. cov.cont. period  
HRBENUSFSACLM          FSA Claims Monitor                  
HRBPS0001              Generate benefit point account(IT717
HRBPS0002              Display general request information 
HRBPS0003              Create obligatory request           
HRCLM0001              Claims processing data entry        
HRCLM0002              Record Claims                       
HRCLM0010              Jump from IMG to maintenence views  
HRCLM0015              Display Entitlements and Claims     
HRCLM0020              Enroll into Benefit Claims Plan     
HRCMP0000              Compensation management             
HRCMP0001              Compensation Administration         
HRCMP0001C             Change Compensation Adjustment      
HRCMP0001D             Display Compensation Adjustment     
HRCMP0001_A            Compensation Adj. Reasons (Tree)    
HRCMP0002              Comp. Adjustment over Org. Structure
HRCMP0003              Compensationi Adj.: Employee Selec. 
HRCMP0004              Submit Compensation Adjustments     
HRCMP0005              Approve Compensation Adjustments    
HRCMP0006              Reject Compensation Adjustments     
HRCMP0007              Activate Compensation Adjustments   
HRCMP0010              Compensation Management: Budgeting  
HRCMP0011              Budget Structure Maintenance: Create
HRCMP0012              Budget Structure Maintenance: Displ.
HRCMP0013              Budget Structure Maintenance: Change
HRCMP0014              Budget Administration: Display      
HRCMP0015              Budget Administration: Change       
HRCMP0016              Initialize Compensation Budget      
HRCMP0020              Report selection                    
HRCMP0021              HR PA-CM: Access Ad Hoc Query       
HRCMP0022              HR PA-CM: SAP Query Access          
HRCMP0030              Change Matrix Catalog               
HRCMP0031              Display Matrix Catalog              
HRCMP0041              Pay scale Increase                  
HRCMP0042              Pay Scale Reclassification          
HRCMP0043              Pay Scale Reclassification by Hours 
HRCMP0050              Job Pricing                         
HRCMP0051              Maintain Job (Compensation Mgmt)    
HRCMP0052              Maintain Position (Comp. Mgmt)      
HRCMP0053              Display Salary Survey Data          
HRCMP0060              Long-term incentives: granting      
HRCMP0060C             Change award granting               
HRCMP0060D             Display award granting              
HRCMP0061              Long-term incentives: Exercising    
HRCMP0061C             Change award exercising             
HRCMP0061D             Display award exercising            
HRCMP0061ESS           Exercising Employee Options         
HRCMP0062              Life events for long-term incentives
HRCMP0063              Expiration/forfeiting of ltis       
HRCMP0064              Cancellation of long-term incentives
HRCMP0065              Stock Split                         
HRCMP0070              Workflow Custom. Comp. Adjustment   
HRCMP0071              Workflow Custom. Awards Exercising  
HRCMP0072              Workflow Custom. Award expiration   
HRCMP0073              Workflow Customizing Life Events    
HRCMP0080              Display Total Compensation Statement
HRCMP0080ESS           Display Total Compensation Statement
HRCMP0081              Print Total Compensation Statement  
HREFI_UPDATE           E-filing Update Infotypes           
HREIC                  Start Employee Interaction Center   
HREIC_ADJCUST          Customizing Synchronization for EIC 
HREIC_AUTHQUERY        Define Authentication Query         
HREIC_CATEGORY         EIC: Maintain Category Catalog      
HREIC_CATEG_COPY       EIC: Maintain Category Catalog      
HREIC_WF_EMAIL         Customizing Workflow EIC E-Mail     
HREIC_WF_FOLUP         Customizing Workflow EIC FollowUpAct
HREIC_WF_REQUEST       Customizing Workflow EIC Request    
HRESSCA_TFR            Tax Form Reprint                    
HRESSDE_CNET           ESS Germany: Monthly Net Income     
HRESSHK_IR56B          End of Tax Year Form                
HRESSHK_IR56F          Ceased to be Employed Form          
HRESSHK_IR56G          Employee Departing Hong Kong Form   
HRESSIN_F16            Display Form 16                     
HRESSMY_EA             EA Form                             
HRESSMY_PCB2           PCB 2(II) Form                      
HRESSPT_IID            Individual income declaration       
HRESSSG_IR21           Tax form IR21                       
HRESSSG_IR8A           Tax form IR8A                       
HRESSSG_IR8E           Tax form 8E                         
HRESSSG_IR8S           Tax form IR8S                       
HRESS_PAYSIMU          HR-ESS: Payroll Simulation (Demo)   
HREXP_RHEXPUPD         Synchro LDAP Data with ExpertProfile
HREXP_RHEXPUPDVAL      Synchro.Value Table w.Expert Profile
HRFBN0001              Enrollment                          
HRFBN0012              GB Flexbens Core Plan Enrolment     
HRFBN0013              GB Flexbens Standard Plan Enrolment 
HRFBN0014              Termination of Participation        
HRFBN0041              Jump from IMG into Maintenance Views
HRFBN0072              Participation                       
HRFBN0073              Flexible Health Plan Costs          
HRFBN0074              Fleible Insurance Plan Costs        
HRFBN0085              Flexbile Costs/Contr for Misc. Plans
HRFBN0087              Flexbile Benefit Election Analysis  
HRFBN0089              Enrollment Statistics(FlexBen)      
HRFBN00ADJRSN          Create adjustment reasons           
HRFBN00GRPENROL        Flexible Benefit Group Enrolment    
HRFBNEENOTI            Send Notification to Employees      
HRFBNFLEXSALARY        Flexible salary                     
HRFBNHOLIDAY           Holiday Report for Flexible Benefits
HRFBNPROVIDER          Provider Report for Flexible Benefit
HRFBNREMIND            Employee Enrolment Reminder Report  
HRFORMS                HR Forms Workplace                  
HRFORMS_METADATA       HR Metadata Workplace               
HRFPMCHG01             Allowed Period for Changes          
HRFPM_CUST_DIAGNOSE    Check Customizing                   
HRFPM_DEL_WI           Deletion of Unnecessary Work Items  
HRFPM_DIFF_ORG         Personnel Cost Savings per Org.     
HRFPM_DOC_DISP         Display PBC Documents               
HRFPM_ERLK             Adjust completed Indicator          
HRFPM_EXTEND_OM        Enhancement of Org. Structure       
HRFPM_FEATURE_PM200    Charac. Maintenance Charac. PM200   
HRFPM_FINANCE_CHECK    Persons with Missing Financing      
HRFPM_FIN_ORG          Budget and Financing per Org.       
HRFPM_FM_BUD           Number Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_BUD
HRFPM_FTE_CHK          Check of Staff Assignment Rules     
HRFPM_INC_TOOL         Process Inconsistencies             
HRFPM_NR_BLK           No. Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_BLK   
HRFPM_NR_COM           Number Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_COM
HRFPM_NR_PRE           Number Range Maintenance: FPM_FM_PRE
HRFPM_NR_RUNID         Number Range Maintenance: FPM_RUNID 
HRFPM_OCC_CHK          Check of Financing Rules            
HRFPM_PBCDOCBU_DISP    Budget Journal                      
HRFPM_PBCDOC_DISP      Financing Journal                   
HRFPM_SALSA_DISP       Display Personnel Cost Savings      
HRFPM_START_AWB        Start run administrator workbench   
HRFPM_VACANCY_DISP     Create Personnel Cost Savings       
HRGPBSSNORHR_GB_HEID   Number range maintenace HR_GB_HEID  
HRGPBSSNORP08_HESA     Number range maintenace P08_HESA    
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR       HESA NISR                           
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR_C01   HESA NISR new records conversion    
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR_C02   Batch input for HESA NISR           
HRGPBS_IN1             CLASS Interface (TemSe or Database) 
HRGPBS_IN3             CLASS Interface (House-keeping)     
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK        Check ME Payroll Data is consistent 
HRGPBS_SMP_SSP_CHECK   Check ME SMP/SSP Data is consistent 
HRGPBS_SNRO            Number Range Maintenance            
HRGPBS_SNRO_HESA       Number Range for HESA Staff ID      
HRGPBS_TEMSE_TO_PC     Public Sector GB (TemSe to PC)      
HRGPBS_TPS             Teachers' Pensions Annual Return    
HRGPBS_TPS_ARCH        TPS Modification of archive data    
HRGPBS_TPS_SNRO        Number Range Maintenance            
HRLDAP_MAP             Assign Query Field -> LDAP Attribute
HRMGE0010              Offer Letter for global employees   
HRMGE0020C             Change Items List                   
HRMGE0020D             Display Items List                  
HRMGE0030              Compensation Overview (GECCO)       
HRMGE0050              Customize Office templates          
HRMGE0060              Generate Compensation Packages      
HRMGE0070              Check Compensation Packages         
HRMGE0080              Mass Activation                     
HRMGE0090              Merge and Split of Global Assignment
HRMGE00DOC             Business documents navigator (BDS)  
HRMGE00POL             Policy tracking                     
HROBJ                  Customizing HR                      
HROM                   Organizational Management reports   
HRPADJP_CP_FOREI_EMP   Foreigner Employment Status         
HRPADJP_JU_DEPINF      Update Dependents' Information      
HRPADKRCUSTWF0001      Workflow customizing Korea          
HRPADRUKLADRCHECK      KLADR - Check                       
HRPADRUKLADRDELETE     KLADR - Delete                      
HRPADRUKLADRLOAD       KLADR - Load                        
HRPADRUPFR             Pension Fund of Russia - SZV-4-1/2  
HRPADRUPFRMANAGER      Package manager for pension fund    
HRPADRUPFR_1           Form (The questionnaire ADV-1)      
HRPADRUPFR_11          ADV-11 Insurance payments list      
HRPADRUPFR_2           ADV-2 - the exchangeable            
HRPADRUPFR_3           Pension fund of Russia              
HRPADRUT2_2004         Personal Card T-2                   
HRPADRUT7RUN           T7RUN-tables tools                  
HRPADRU_AVNEDIT        RPLNFLY0                            
HRPADRU_AVP1           Insurance payments of pension paym. 
HRPADRU_AVP2           Tax return calc. on unifom soc. tax 
HRPADRU_AVP4           Obligatory pension insurances decl. 
HRPADRU_HR33Y          Number range of tax document (RU)   
HRPADRU_HRULT3         List of members of staff (Form T3)  
HRPADRU_HRULTAB0       RPLNFLY0                            
HRPADRU_HRYP298        Number Range of Administrative Order
HRPADRU_RUFROMS        Maintaining special RU-Forms        
HRPADRU_T2             Ò-2 Employee's personal card        
HRPADRU_T53            T-53 Payroll sheet                  
HRPADRU_T7             T-7 Vacation schedule               
HRPADRU_T7RUOKSO       OKSO - Load                         
HRPADUNEDGR            Education Grant Maintenance         
HRPADUNEDGRCOP         Copy Education Grant Records        
HRPADUNEDGRSTAT        Education Grant Statistics          
HRPADUNEGPYMNT         Create EG Advance Payment           
HRPADUNEXM_NR          Number Range Maint.: HR_UN_EG       
HRPADUN_AAP_CLEANUP    Delete existing PAAP records        
HRPADUN_AAP_CONSDEMO   Personal actions approval console   
HRPADUN_AAP_CONSOLE    Personal actions approval console   
HRPADUN_AAP_CONS_ADM   Personal actions approval console   
HRPADUN_AAP_CONS_ALL   Personal actions approval console   
HRPADUN_AAP_CONS_OFF   Personal actions approval console   
HRPADUN_AAP_UPD0001    XPRA for Customer field IT0001      
HRPAYCA_ROESW          HRDC Software Attributes Update     
HRPAYCA_ROEWB          Record of Employment (ROE) Workbench
HRPAYCA_ROEWB_CE       ROE Workbench for CE                
HRPAYCA_ROE_CONVERT    ROE: Convert data fr. T5KSN to T5KR0
HRPAYDEBSA             Construction: Display Const.Sites   
HRPAYDEBSP             Construction; Maintain Cons.Sites   
HRPAYJP_COMMUTER       Commuting allowance management      
HRPAYJP_COMMUTER_DIS   Commuting allowance management dis. 
HRPAYRUT7RUN           T7RUN-tables tools                  
HRPAYRU_HRUCEDT0       Remuneration Statements             
HRPAYRU_HRUCKTO0       Lohnkonten                          
HRPAYRU_HRUCLJN0       Payroll Journal - Russia            
HRPAYRU_HRULAVP02004   HRULAVP0_2004                       
HRPAYRU_HRULAVP12004   HRULAVP1_2004                       
HRPAYRU_HRULAVP22003   ESN Tax Declaration                 
HRPAYRU_HRULAVP42002   Declaration on insurance payments   
HRPAYRU_HRULAVR0       Preliminary employees average number
HRPAYRU_HRULAVR1       Employees average number counting   
HRPAYRU_HRULICO0       RPLICOY0                            
HRPAYRU_HRULNDFL       Person income tax (2-NDFL)          
HRPAYRU_HRULTX12       Tax reestr (form N 12)              
HRPAYRU_IMG_P0_011     Garnishmetn Document Category       
HRPAYRU_SET_MOLGA      HR-RU Set molga                     
HRPAYUN_OH11           NPO: wage type maintenance          
HRPAYUN_PU30           UN: wage type maintenance           
HRPBCBC                Evaluate Total Number of Positions  
HRPBCBC_FORM           Evaluate Position Overview (PDFform)
HRPBCC                 Create Position Plan                
HRPBCCOR               Business distribution plan          
HRPBCEXT               Carry Forward Position Plan         
HRPBCM                 Change Position Plan                
HRPBCM_DYNACT          Change Position Plan                
HRPBCS                 Display Position Plan               
HRPBCSTA               Change Budget Status                
HRPBC_2FC              Reconciliation of Docs in Accounting
HRPBC_AVC              Availability Control                
HRPBC_BPREP            Collection of BPREP Data            
HRPBC_BPREP_MAINT      Edit Planning Data                  
HRPBC_BULIST           Position Analysis                   
HRPBC_BULIST_FORM      Position Analysis as PDF Form       
HRPBC_CREATE_EARMARK   Decoupled Update in PBC             
HRPBC_DATES            Monitoring of Tasks                 
HRPBC_DIFF_REORG       Reorganize Personnel Cost Savings   
HRPBC_DIFF_SOLVE       Remove Funds Block                  
HRPBC_ENGINE_CHNGLOG   Objects with Flag                   
HRPBC_ENGINE_FS        Commitment Creation - Free Selection
HRPBC_ENGINE_INIT      Start Initial Commitment Creation   
HRPBC_ENGINE_INIT_FS   Initial Cmmt Creat. - Fr. Selection 
HRPBC_ENGINE_P         Commitment Creation for Persons     
HRPBC_ENGINE_PCH       Commitment Creation for Org. Objects
HRPBC_ENGINE_PNP       Commitment Creation for Persons     
HRPBC_ENGINE_START     Directly Start Commitment Run       
HRPBC_FINLIST          Financing Analysis                  
HRPBC_FIN_CHK          Check of Financing Rules            
HRPBC_HCP_01           Maintain Planning Results           
HRPBC_IMG              Call IMG PBC                        
HRPBC_INIT_1514        Convert 1501 to 1005 and 1514       
HRPBC_LIFI             Financing Overview                  
HRPBC_LOG              Display Log for Commitment Run      
HRPBC_LOG_BPREP        Log for Running Planning Act.       
HRPBC_LOG_BUDGET       Log for Budget Creation Run         
HRPBC_MAIL01           Definition of e-mail texts          
HRPBC_MDIR             Direct Infotype Maintenance         
HRPBC_MOVECUST1509     Convert Customizing for IT 1509     
HRPBC_MOVEINFTY1509    Convert Infotypes: 1505 to 1509     
HRPBC_ORIG             Creation of Original Budget         
HRPBC_PCHK             Check Violation of Earmarking       
HRPBC_QUERY_EXEC       Execution of a Query                
HRPBC_RC_DOC           Match Single/Totals Records         
HRPBC_RC_FUND          Compare Fund/Commitment             
HRPBC_RC_REQ           Compare Requirement/Commitment      
HRPBC_REQ              Determine Financing Requirement     
HRPBC_ROLL1520         Adjustment of Original Budget       
HRPBC_SCHEDMAN         Schedule Manager                    
HRPBC_START            Message overview PBC                
HRPBC_STOV             Evaluation of FTE Limits            
HRPBC_STRUC_VIEW       Structure Overview                  
HRPBC_VAC              Display Vacant Positions            
HRPBSBE_BAPAY          Evolution of IT0008 with seniority  
HRPBSBE_CADRE          PS-BE "Cadre"                       
HRPBSBE_PAYSC          Generate Pay Scales                 
HRPBSBE_SEN12          PS-BE seniority calculation         
HRPBSINGENCORRLETTER   Generate Correspondence Letters     
HRPBSININFOUPDT        Infotype Update in R/3              
HRPBSINLISTREQ         Claims / Advance Requests           
HRPBSINOFFPAY          Start Off-Cycle Payroll-Claims      
HRPBSINRESOLVERR       Resolve Infotype Update error       
HRPBSIN_CRCT_ASSIGN    Correct the assignments of a Roster 
HRPBSIN_CUR_STAF       Current Staffing                    
HRPBSIN_LEAVEREQLIST   List Leave Encashment Request       
HRPBSIN_LEENCASH_OFF   Start Off-cycle & Follow-up Activit 
HRPBSIN_LEG_UPLD       Rosters upload from Legacy System   
HRPBSIN_LENCH_RESERR   Resolve Errors for Leave Encashment 
HRPBSIN_LOANUPDINFTY   Update Infotype for Approved Loan   
HRPBSIN_LVENC_INFTY    Update Infotype for Approved Request
HRPBSIN_LVENC_UPSTAT   Update Request Status               
HRPBSIN_NEWHIRES       New Hires with Military Status      
HRPBSIN_NMBRNG         Number range maintenance: HRIPSCLAIM
HRPBSIN_NMBRNG_LE      Number range maintenance: HRIPSLE   
HRPBSIN_NMBRNG_LOAN    Number range maintenance: HRIPSLOAN 
HRPBSIN_ROS_CRT        Create - Roster  transaction        
HRPBSIN_ROS_DIS        Roster display transaction          
HRPBSIN_ROS_MNT        Roster maintenance transaction      
HRPBSIN_RSTRPT_CRT     Create Roster Points for a Roster   
HRPBSIN_RSTR_CHNG      Chnages in Rosters in a time frame  
HRPBSIN_SALARY_INCRT   Report for Salary Increment         
HRPBSIN_SIMUL_RCRT     Simulate Recruitment                
HRPBSIN_TRG_APV_WF     Trigger Approval Workflow           
HRPBSIN_UPD_STATUS     Update Advance/Claim request status 
HRPBSUSACTION          Nature of Actions                   
HRPBSUSACTIONCONFIG    Nature of Action Configuration (4.7)
HRPBSUSDRUG_ADDR       HR Public Sector: maintain address  
HRPBSUSEEOC_ADDR       HR Public Sector: maintain address  
HRPBSUSERRCONFIG       Crediting Plan Configuration for ERR
HRPDV00REPORT0001      Maintained Qualifications           
HRRCF_ADJ_ENTRY        Workflow Customizing  ADJUST ENTRY  
HRRCF_APPROVE_POS      Workflow Customizing for Approvals  
HRRCF_APPROVE_REQ      Workflow Customizing for Approvals  
HRRCF_CAND_DERIG       Workflow Customizing: DEREGISTER    
HRRCF_RECREATE_SP      Recreate Search Profile             
HRRSM00FBA             External HR Master Data             
HRRSM00IMG             Customizing RSM (Internal)          
HRRSM00NUMKR           Maintain Number Range: HRSM_SEQNR   
HRRSM00PAR             External HR Master Data Parameters  
HRTIMAUCE_PT50         Acts as dummy in NONCE              
HRTNM00_ACTIVATE       Activate Training Needs Management  
HRTNM00_BATCH_DEL      TNM batch: update table _ab table   
HRTNM00_BATCH_QUOTA    TNM quota batch input management    
HRTNM00_BATCH_STAT     TNM batch: update table _ab table   
HRTNM00_BATCH_STAT_E   TNM batch: update table _ab table   
HRTNM00_REPCRE         TNM Transaction : Create Mode       
HRTNM00_REPDIS         TNM Transaction : Display mode      
HRTNM00_REPMOD         TNM Transaction : Modify mode       
HRTNM00_SNAP           TNM Reporting : Snapshot            
HRUA_MIGRAWARDS        Migration of Awards Data            
HRUA_MILITARY_LIST     Military Status List                
HRUA_MILITARY_STATUS   Military Status Management          
HRUA_T54               Form T-54a                          
HRULCALCSEN            Results of Seniority Calculation    
HRULICO0               Flexible Payroll Evaluation         
HRULSICK               Sickness Certificates Register      
HRULSTAT               Statistical Data Preparation        
HRULSTAT_VIEW          Statistical Data Processing         
HRULT530               Payroll Sheet (Form T-53)           
HRUSER                 Set Up and Maintain ESS Users       
HRUU0267               Mass Generation of IT 0267 Records  
HRUU294T               Status Review for Employment Book   
HRUULSP1               Convert Working Conditions          
HRUUPKM1               Package Manager                     
HRWAOCOMP              EWT: Compensation                   
HRWAOHEAD              EWT: Headcount Plan                 
HRWAOSTATUSQUO         Status Quo Reporting                
HRWFD_EM               WFD - HCM Employee Maintenance      
HRWF_SETVACANCY        Maint. WF 01000040: Create Vacancy  
HRWPC_CMP_WORKFLOW     Workflow Custom. Comp. Adjustment   
HRWPC_FC_EXEC          Execute F Code in MSS               
HRWPC_OADP_MIGRATION   Migration from OADP Customizing     
HRWTT00MAIN            Wage type tool                      
HR_LSO_AD_HOC_QUERY    SAP LSO: Ad Hoc Query (Courses)     
HR_NAMESPACE           Query HR Namespace                  
HSMR01                 EHS: Fill Hazardous Substance Master
HSMR02                 EHS: Distribute Haz. Subs. Master   
HSMR03                 EHS: Change Doc. Haz. Subs. Master  
HSMR04                 EHS: Activate Phrases               
HSMR05                 EHS: Generate Phrase Sets           
HSMR06                 EHS: Display Filling Log            
HSMR07                 EHS: Delete Filling Log             
HU00                   Handling units                      
HU02                   Creating and Changing Handling Units
HU03                   Display of HUs                      
HU04                   Creation of HUs with stock          
HU05                   Display of HUs for object           
HUCANC                 Matl Doc. Cancellation of HU Gds Mvt
HUCOWA                 Display Staged HUs                  
HUCOWE                 Display Manufactured HUs            
HUDIFF                 Adjustment of HU Stocks             
HUEX                   Number Range Maintenance: HU_VEKP   
HUGO                   Settings for Travel Planning        
HUIBD                  Handling Units for Inbound Delivery 
HUIND                  Database Indexes for Handling Units 
HUINV01                Create HU Phys. Inventory Documents 
HUINV02                Change HU Phys. Inventory Document  
HUINV03                Enter Counted Qty for HU Phys. Inv. 
HUINV04                Analysis of HU Phys. Inv. Documents 
HUINV05                Post HU Phys. Inventory Differences 
HUINV06                Delete Inventory Status for HUs     
HUINV07                Display HU Phys. Inv. Documents     
HUMAT                  Handling Units Related to Matl Doc. 
HUMO                   HU Monitor                          
HUNK                   Number range maintenance: LE_HU     
HUNKUMP                Number range maintenance: LE_HU_UMP 
HUOBD                  Display HUs for Outbound Delivery   
HUP1                   HU creation in production           
HUP10                  Stock: Plan HUs - General           
HUP11                  Stock: Plan HUs Without Order       
HUP12                  Stock: Plan HUs for Order           
HUP13                  Stock: Plan HUs for Delivery        
HUP14                  Stock: Plan HUs for Purchase Order  
HUP30                  Stock: Pack HUs - General           
HUP31                  Stock: Pack HUs Without Order       
HUP32                  Stock: Pack HUs for Order           
HUP33                  Stock: Pack HUs for Delivery        
HUP34                  Stock: Pack HUs for Purchase Order  
HUPAST                 Packing Station                     
HUPASTW                Packing Station                     
HUPAST_C               Customizing -Packing Station Profile
HUPP1                  Packing Program for Stock: Plan     
HUPP3                  Packing Program for Stock: Pack     
HUTRA                  Display HUs for Shipment            
HUVTRF                 Assign HUs to a Shipment            

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