E1DY | Create/Rep. Dynamic Schedule Records |
E25M | Extend Budget Billing Plan |
E25T | Select BillOrder/Uninvoiced BillDocs |
E2DY | Change/Display Dyn. Schedule Records |
E309 | Define Air Pressure Areas |
E3DY | Delete Dynamic Schedule Records |
E40A | Display Sched. Recs |
E40B | Change Sched. Recs |
E41A | Display Portion |
E41B | Create Portion |
E41C | Change Portion |
E41D | List of Sched. Master Recs |
E41E | Delete Portion |
E41F | Display MR Units |
E41G | Change MR Unit |
E41H | Create Meter Reading Unit |
E41I | Delete MR Unit |
E41J | Maint. Portion |
E41L | List of MRUs Alloc. to Main MRU |
E42A | Display Parameter Recs |
E42B | Create Parameter Recs |
E42C | Change Parameter Recs |
E42D | List of Parameter Recs |
E42F | Delete Parameter Rec |
E43A | Generate Sched. Recs for Rec Types |
E43B | Generate SRs of all MRUs of Portion |
E43C | List of Sched. Recs |
E43D | List of all MRUs of a Portion |
E43E | Activate Meter Reading Units |
E4DY | Delete Dynamic Schedule Records |
E61CD | Delete Correspondence Data |
E61D | Delete Budget Billing Plan |
E61K | Maintain Defaults for BB Procedure |
E61L | Charges Plan Active for Div. Cat. 06 |
E61M | Adjust BB Plans Automatically |
E61PSD | Stop Payment Scheme |
EA00 | Test Billing of a Contract |
EA04 | Maintain Specifs for PayMeth.Determ. |
EA05 | Display and Release Outsortings |
EA10 | Document Invoicing |
EA10_AGGRBILL | Create Aggregated Bill |
EA10_COLL | Create collective bill |
EA11 | Budget Billing Invoicing |
EA12 | Request Budget Billing Amounts |
EA12IC | Request Budget Billing Amounts |
EA13 | Print/Billing Document Reversal |
EA14 | Print/Billing Document Reversal |
EA15 | Reversal of Invoicing Documents |
EA16 | Create Manual Backbilling |
EA17 | Change Manual Backbilling |
EA18 | Display Manual Backbilling |
EA19 | Create Bill (Individual Creation) |
EA20 | Reverse Billing Document |
EA21 | Adjustment Reversal Billing Docs |
EA22 | Display Billing Document |
EA22_TOOL | Billing Tool |
EA24 | Delete Adj. Reversal frm Bill.Order |
EA25 | Create Partial Bill (Individual) |
EA26 | Mass Processing: Create Bill |
EA27 | Mass Processing: Create Partial Bill |
EA28 | Mass Process.: Request BB Amounts |
EA29 | Mass Processing: Bill Printout |
EA29_AGGRBILL | Print Aggregated Bill |
EA30 | Create Rate |
EA31 | Change Rate |
EA32 | Display Rate |
EA33 | Mass Processing: Bill Reversal |
EA34 | Mass Processing: Full Reversal |
EA35 | Create Schema |
EA36 | Change Schema |
EA37 | Display Schema |
EA38 | Mass Activity: Billing |
EA39 | Mass Activity: Billing Simulation |
EA40 | Display Print Document |
EA43 | Generate SRs of a Record Type |
EA44 | Delete Sched. Recs |
EA44M | Mass Deletion of Schedule Records |
EA45 | Create Consumption and Partial Bill |
EA46 | Create Consumption and Partial Bill |
EA47 | Crt. Discount/Surcharge |
EA48 | Chg.Discount/Surcharge |
EA49 | Displ.Discount/Surcharge |
EA50 | Create Operand |
EA51 | Change Operand |
EA52 | Display Operand |
EA53 | Create Rate Cat. |
EA54 | Chg. Rate Cat. |
EA55 | Display Rate Cat. |
EA56 | Maint. Rate Type |
EA57 | Create Budget Billing Change Doc. |
EA58 | Mass Activity: Coll. Bill Printout |
EA59 | Print Collective Bill (Old) |
EA60 | Print Invoicing Document |
EA61 | Create BB Plan |
EA61EX | Budget Billing Change |
EA61IC | Create Down Payment Request |
EA61PS | Create Payment Scheme |
EA62 | Change BB Plan |
EA62IC | Change Down Payment Request |
EA62PS | Change Payment Scheme |
EA63 | Display BB Plan |
EA63IC | Display Down Payment Request |
EA63PS | Display Payment Scheme |
EA64 | Print collective bill |
EA65 | Portion Change |
EA65PS | Create Payment Scheme Requests |
EA66PS | Mass Run: Create PS Requests |
EA67 | Settings for BB Plan |
EA68 | Maint. Specifs in Posting Area R007 |
EA70 | Create Billing Cal. Value |
EA71 | Change Billing Cal. Value |
EA72 | Display Billing Cal. Value |
EA73 | Create Gas Procedure |
EA74 | Change Gas Proced. |
EA75 | Display Gas Procedure |
EA76 | Create Cal. Value Proced. |
EA77 | Change Calorific Value Procedure |
EA78 | Display Cal. Value Proced. |
EA79 | Create Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc. |
EA80 | Change Vol. Corr. Fact.Proc. |
EA81 | Display Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc. |
EA85 | Maintain Burning Hour Calendar |
EA86 | Copy Burng Hr Calendar for One Year |
EA87 | Rate Determination |
EA88 | Maintain Variant |
EA89 | Create Price |
EA90 | Change Price |
EA91 | Display Price |
EA92 | Maintain Price Adjustment Clause |
EA97 | Evaluation 1: Variants R/2 <-> ERP |
EA98 | Evaluation 2: Variants R/2 <-> ERP |
EA99 | Eval. of Variants |
EABBP | Archive Budget Billing Plans |
EABI | Billing/Invoicing log display |
EABICO | Bill Correction |
EABIH | Archive Billing Document Headers |
EABIL | Archive Billing Document Line Items |
EABR | IS-U Billing |
EACCBAL | Acct Balnce Display for Deregulation |
EACOLLREV | Select Reversed Documents (SR) |
EADYN | Define Dynamic Period Control |
EAFACTS | Archive Installation Facts |
EAIN | Billing/Invoicing log display |
EALOGBI_1 | Detail display: MiniApp EMAP_LOGBI |
EALOGIN_1 | Detail display MiniApp EMAP_LOGIN |
EALZ | Logical Register Numbers |
EAMABI | Mass Billing |
EAMACB | Consumption History from Inv. Line |
EAMACF | Consumption History from Inst. Facts |
EAMACH | Mass Overall Check |
EAMASI | Mass Billing Simulation |
EAMS00 | Mass Billing of Simulation Indexes |
EAMS01 | Mass Act.: Billing of Sim. Indexes |
EAMS10 | Create Simulation Indexes |
EAMS11 | Monitoring of Mass Simulation |
EAMS12 | Statisics for Simulation Indices |
EAMS13 | Delete Simulation Indexes |
EAMS20 | Define Simulation Periods |
EAMS21 | UIS Version: Create for Mass Simul. |
EAMS22 | Statistics for Billing-Rel. Proc. |
EAOUT | Display Outsourcing for Bill/Inv. |
EAOUTL | Cross-Contract Billing |
EAOUT_1 | Detail display MiniApp EMAP_OUTBIIN |
EAPDH | Archive Print Document Headers |
EAPDL | Archive Print Document Line Items |
EARDISP01 | Display Archive: Print Doc. Header |
EARDISP02 | Display Archive: Print Document Itms |
EARDISP03 | Display Archive: Billing Document |
EARDISP04 | Display Archive: Budget Billng Plans |
EARDISP05 | Display Archive: Billing Doc. Lines |
EARDISP06 | Display Archive: MR Results |
EARDISP07 | Display Archive: Inspection List |
EARDISP08 | Display Archive: EDM Profile Values |
EARELINVOICE | Release Billing in Background |
EARETPER | Define retention period |
EAROUND | Accts for Rounding Amnt Gross Price |
EAR_CHECKER | Verify legal rep. cust. consistency |
EASIBI | Create Individual Bill |
EASICH | Individual Overall Check |
EASIM | Simulation Scenarios |
EASIM01 | Simulation f. Backbill. and PE Bill. |
EASISI | Create Individ. Simulation |
EASY | Tool:Search For/Call-Up Transactions |
EASYDMS_CUS | Customizing Easy Document Management |
EATAXROUND_JP | Amount Rounding for Jap. Tax Calcul. |
EATR | Mass Activity: Create Bill/Part.Bill |
EAXX | IS-U Billing |
EA_DOWNLOAD | Download Billing Master Data |
EA_TRANSPORT | Complete Transport of Master Data |
EA_UPLOAD | Upload Billing Master Data |
EBAA | Connection object overview |
EBO1 | Create boleto for bills |
EBPP | EBPP - Demo |
EBPP_APAR_SUPPORT | Support Transaction for Bill. Direct |
EBPP_AR_CONTACTS | EBPP: Remarks Created |
EBPP_AR_MATCH | EBPP: Assignmt of User to Accounts |
EBPP_AR_T042ICC | Account Determination Payment Cards |
EBPP_AR_T042ZEBPP | EBPP: Maintain EBPP Payment Methods |
EBPP_CREATE_USER | Create a new user |
EBPP_CUST_CHNG | Change Notification Data |
EBPP_CUST_DISP | Display Notification Data |
EBPP_LOG_CUST | Customizing for Log Categories |
EBPP_LOG_DISP | Display of Log Categories |
EBPP_LOG_ORGA | Reorganize Log Entries |
EBPP_RI | Biller Direct Bill Receipt |
EBPP_RIC | Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Settings |
EBPP_RICONN | Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Links |
EBR_CATCFOP | CFOP Category Determination -ISU |
EBR_COMPROVRET | Yearly discounted IRPJ by customer |
EBR_LIVICMS | Update EBRLIVICMS table for Brazil |
EBR_MATCATCFOP | Mat Categ Determination CFOP - ISU |
EBR_TE011BR | Quantity dependent tax determination |
EBR_VALRETIR | Monthly discounted IRPJ - Customers |
EBW_DQ_CS | Marketing: Consumpt. -> Delta Queue |
EBW_DQ_SS | Sales Statistics -> BW Delta Queue |
EC01 | Org.Object Copier: Company Code |
EC02 | Org.Object Copier: Plant |
EC03 | Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area |
EC04 | Org.Object Copier: Sales Organizatn |
EC05 | Org.Object Copier: Distribution Chnl |
EC06 | Org.Object Copier: Division |
EC07 | Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point |
EC08 | Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point |
EC09 | Org.Object Copier: Warehouse Number |
EC10 | Org.Object Copier: Personnel Area |
EC11 | Org.Object Copier: Personnel Subarea |
EC12 | Org.Object Copier: Employee Subgroup |
EC13 | Org.Object Copier: Purchasing Org. |
EC14 | Org.Object Copier: Storage Location |
EC15 | Org.Object Copier: Material Type |
EC16 | Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area |
EC20 | IS-U Front Office |
EC25 | IS-U navigator |
EC30 | Maintain rate data |
EC31 | Display Rate Data |
EC50 | Create Move-In Doc. |
EC50E | Create Move-In Document |
EC51 | Change Move-In Document |
EC51E | Change Move-In Document |
EC52 | Display Move-In Doc. |
EC52E | Display Move-In Document |
EC53 | Reverse Move-In Documnt |
EC53E | Reverse Move-In Document |
EC55 | Create Move-Out Doc. |
EC55C | Tabstrip- ISU - Move-Out |
EC55E | Move-Out |
EC56 | Chg. Move-Out Doc. |
EC56E | Change Move-Out |
EC57 | Display Move-Out Doc. |
EC57E | Display Move-Out |
EC58 | Reverse Move-Out Doc. |
EC58E | Reverse Move-Out |
EC60 | Initial Processing: Move-In/Out |
EC6F | Initial Processing: Move-In/Out |
EC70 | Accel.Entry: Move-In / Out / In/Out |
EC85 | Create Disc. Doc. |
EC86 | Change Disc. Doc. |
EC87 | Display Disc. Doc. |
ECBWPP | Prepare Extrapolation Indexes |
ECENV_BP | Data environ. for business partner |
ECENV_CO | Data environ. for connection object |
ECENV_DV | Data environment for device |
ECHE | Assignment of Visible Components |
ECICACC | Konfiguration Autocall & Config |
ECLP1 | Create Loyalty Account |
ECLP2 | Change Loyalty Account |
ECLP3 | Display Loyalty Account |
ECMCUST | Customizing for ECM |
ECMO | Overview of ECOs |
ECMR | Overview of ECRs |
ECNC | IS-U Navigator: Customizing |
ECOBJFILL | E&C Portal: Batch Proc ECP_OBJFILL |
ECON1 | Maintain Concession Eligibility |
ECON2 | Display Concession Eligibility |
ECOP | Main Program for Entity Copier |
ECP_CT04 | Change Characteristics |
ECP_CT05 | Create Characteristics |
ECP_FUNCT_TYPE | Maintain iView function types |
ECRD1 | Create Redemption |
ECRD2 | Change Redemption |
ECRD3 | Display Redemption |
ECRD4 | Mass Printout of Redemption Vouchers |
ECRMREPL | Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U |
ECRMREPLM | Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U |
ECRM_OBJ_TEMPL | Master Data Templates for CRM TO |
ECRM_PROD_TEMPL | MD Templates for CRM Products |
ECVBP02 | Customer Data Overview |
ECVCO00 | Connection object overview |
ECVE | Export Resources from Web Repository |
ECVM | Generate Language Version Cust. Info |
EC_TUTORIAL_TCD | eCATT Tutorial: TCD Command |
EC_TUTORIAL_TESTDATA | eCATT: Demo for Test Data Management |
EDATEXAGGR | Export Aggregated Messages |
EDATEXAGGRMON | Monitor Aggregated Messages |
EDATEXDELETE | Delete Data Exchange Task |
EDATEXEVENTDUE | Monitoring of Due Date of Task |
EDATEXEXECUTE | Execute Data Exchange Tasks |
EDATEXGEN | Generate Data Exchange Tasks |
EDATEXMON01 | Monitoring of Data Exchange Tasks |
EDATEXREVGEN | Generation Reversal of D.Exch. Tasks |
EDATEXSEND | Send Data for Due Tasks |
EDEREG_ANALYSE | Analyses for POD/Service Provider |
EDEREG_PODGROUP_GEN | Generate Point of Delivery Groups |
EDIT | Juergen's Editor |
EDM1 | Monitor Profile Import |
EE25 | Budget Billing Amounts |
EE52 | IS-U: Change Notification |
EE53 | IS-U: Display Notification |
EE72 | IS-U: Change Work Order |
EE73 | IS-U: Display Work Order |
EE73_WM_NOTIF_1 | Detail Display for MiniApp WM_NOTIF |
EE73_WM_ORDER_1 | Detail display for MiniApp WM_ORDER |
EEAK | Employment equity - Canada |
EEDM00 | EDM Frame |
EEDM01 | Maintain Profile |
EEDM02 | Display Profile |
EEDM04 | Maintain Profile Allocation |
EEDM05 | Display Profile Allocation |
EEDM06 | Create Profile Header |
EEDM07 | Change Profile Header |
EEDM08 | Display Profile Header |
EEDM09 | Create Point of Delivery |
EEDM10 | Change Point of Delivery |
EEDM11 | Display Point of Delivery |
EEDM12 | Operand - Profile Role Allocation |
EEDMCALCWB | EDM Calculation Workbench |
EEDMCOPY01 | Copy a file with profile values |
EEDMCOPY02 | Copy File with Internal Data |
EEDMEXP01 | Download profile values via PoD |
EEDMEXP02 | Download Profile Values by Prof. No. |
EEDMFACTORCALC | Calculate Dynamic Modif. Factor |
EEDMFICALC01 | Start Formula Instance Calculation |
EEDMFICALC02 | Monitor Formula Instance Calculation |
EEDMFICALC03 | Compress Temporary Trigger |
EEDMFICALC04 | Analyze/Delete Calculation Run Info. |
EEDMIDESERVPROV01 | Create Service Provider |
EEDMIDESERVPROV02 | Change Service Provider |
EEDMIDESERVPROV03 | Display Service Provider |
EEDMIDE_GRID01 | Create Grid |
EEDMIDE_GRID02 | Change Grid |
EEDMIDE_GRID03 | Display Grid |
EEDMIMP01 | Upload Profile Values via PoD |
EEDMIMP02 | Upload Profile Values by Profile No. |
EEDMPODCONSGEN | Generation of Consumption History |
EEDMRTPCODE | Generate Codes for RTP Components |
EEDMSENDPRO01 | Send Profiles |
EEDMSENDPRO02 | List of Sent Profiles |
EEDMSETTLANALYSE | Display Settled PoDs for Document |
EEDMSETTLANALYSEPOD | Documents for PoD Display |
EEDMSETTLCHANGE | Change Settlement Document |
EEDMSETTLCREATE | Create Settlement Document |
EEDMSETTLDISP | Display Settlement Document |
EEDMSETTLPARA_WZ | Wizard: Check and Create Parameters |
EEDMSETTLST | Start/Stop Settlement Run |
EEDMSETTLUNIT01 | Create Settlement Unit |
EEDMSETTLUNIT02 | Change Settlement Unit |
EEDMSETTLUNIT03 | Display Settlement Unit |
EEDMSETTLVAR01 | Create Selection Variant |
EEDMSETTLVAR02 | Change Selection Variant |
EEDMSETTLVAR03 | Display Selection Variant |
EEDM_CMP01 | Create RTP Component |
EEDM_CMP02 | Change RTP Component |
EEDM_CMP03 | Display RTP Component |
EEDM_FRM01 | Create RTP Formula |
EEDM_FRM02 | Change RTP Formula |
EEDM_FRM03 | Display RTP Formula |
EEDM_RTP01 | Create RTP Interface |
EEDM_RTP02 | Change RTP Interface |
EEDM_RTP03 | Display RTP Interface |
EEDM_SETTLPROFILE | Profile Template for Settlmnt Params |
EEDM_SETTLUNIT_GEN | Generation of Settlement Units |
EEFO_CREDIT_CREATE | Front Office: Create Credit Memo |
EEFO_INSTMNTPLN_CREA | Front Office: Create Installmt Plan |
EEFO_PAYMENT | Pay Bills |
EEIS1 | Output Unbilled Contracts |
EEIS2 | Ouput Contr.Accts w/o BB Amounts |
EEIS3 | Output Portion w/o BB Amount |
EERCH_DEL | Only Relevant for DE |
EERCH_EXP | Billing Document Extraction - Export |
EERCH_IMP | Only relevant for Germany |
EERD_DATA_DEL | Delete Print Document Extracts |
EERD_DEL | Only Relevant for DE |
EERD_EXP | Print Document Extracts - Export |
EERD_EXTR | Extracts: Export Print Documents |
EERD_IMP | Only relevant for Germany |
EEWB | Easy Enhancement Workbench |
EEWC | System Data Maintenance |
EEWM_CU_ANALYSIS | Analyze Operations in Task Lists |
EEWM_ILCH | Change Inspection List |
EEWM_ILCR | Create/Extend Inspection List |
EEWM_ILDI | Display Inspection List |
EEWM_INOC | Create Insp. Orders/Notifications |
EEWM_SHIFTLOG | shift management |
EEWZ1 | Maintain Application Group Data |
EEWZ2 | Use for Extension Fields |
EEWZ3 | Additional Extension Definition |
EE_CRM_CLASS_GENER | Generate class for set type |
EFAK | IS-U Invoicing |
EFAKTOR | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_FAKTOR |
EFCC | Print Workbench Mass Processing |
EFCM | Print Workbench Form Class Processg |
EFCS | Print Workbench: Form Class |
EFGM | Print Workbench Mass Processing |
EFGN | Print Workbench: Mass Activation |
EFRM | Print Workbench: Application Form |
EFTP | Print Workbench Mass Processing |
EFTR | Print Workbench: Generate Trans.List |
EFTRADM | Adminstration of Print WB Translatn |
EFTRADMLANGUS | Print Workbench Mass Processing |
EFTRLANGVEC | Language Transport Form Objects |
EFTRSL | Print Wbench Trans. for Translation |
EFTT | Print Workbench: Transl. Worklist |
EFUD | Print Workbench: Application Form |
EG01 | Create Device Category |
EG02 | Change Device Category |
EG03 | Display Device Category |
EG04 | Create Register Group |
EG05 | Change Register Group |
EG06 | Display Register Group |
EG07 | Create Input/Output Group |
EG08 | Change Input/Output Group |
EG09 | Display Input/Output Group |
EG14 | Create Command |
EG15 | Change Command |
EG16 | Display Command |
EG17 | Create Command Group |
EG18 | Change Command Group |
EG19 | Display Command Group |
EG27 | Create Device Group |
EG28 | Change Device Group |
EG29 | Display Device Group |
EG30 | Full Replacement |
EG31 | Full Installation |
EG32 | Full Removal |
EG33 | Technical Installation |
EG34 | Billing-Related Installation |
EG35 | Billing-Related Removal |
EG36 | Technical Removal |
EG41 | Change device info record |
EG42 | Device modification |
EG43 | Display device info record |
EG44 | Create device info record |
EG50 | Inst./Removal/Repl.: Reversal |
EG51 | Installation Reversal |
EG52 | Reverse Technical Replacement |
EG53 | Reverse Technical Removal |
EG60 | Maintain Logical Register |
EG61 | Display Logical Register |
EG70 | Maintain Rate Data |
EG71 | Display Rate Data |
EG72 | Maintain Device Allocation |
EG73 | Display Device Allocation |
EG75 | Create Register Relationships |
EG76 | Change Register Relationships |
EG77 | Display Register Relationships |
EG7A | Maint. Basic Cat. Desc. and SortSeq. |
EG7B | Maintain Inspection Points |
EG80 | Create Sample Lot |
EG81 | Change Sample Lot |
EG82 | Display Sample Lot |
EG83 | Compile Sample Lot |
EG84 | Determine Lot Devices |
EG85 | Draw Sample Devices from Lot |
EG88 | Create Periodic Replacement List |
EG89 | Display Periodic Replacement List |
EG8A | Compile Sample Lot: Report |
EG8B | Sampling procedure B/NL |
EG8C | Combine Sample Lots |
EG8D | Draw Sample Devices from Lot |
EG90 | Create repl. orders/notifications |
EG97 | Perform Certification |
EGCONTRACT | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_GCONTR |
EGMN | IS-U Device Management |
EGPB | Assign Breakpoint to User |
EGR | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_DGEN |
EGW1 | Create Winding Group |
EGW2 | Change Winding Group |
EGW3 | Display Winding Group |
EHIL | IS-U Tools |
EHQL | EH&S-QM: Display Logs |
EHQMC1 | EH&S-QM: Maintain Types of Chars. |
EHSAMBTAET | Medical Services |
EHSAMED | Occupational Health |
EHSASSIGN | Assignment Protocol to Person |
EHSASSLTA | Assignment LTA Rating from Work Area |
EHSASSPERS | Person list for protocol assignment |
EHSBC02 | Edit Brief Consultation |
EHSBP11 | Create physician |
EHSBP12 | Change physician |
EHSBP13 | Display physician |
EHSBP31 | Create Health Center |
EHSBP32 | Change Health Center |
EHSBP33 | Display Health Center |
EHSBP41 | Create Laboratory |
EHSBP42 | Change Laboratory |
EHSBP43 | Display Laboratory |
EHSBP51 | Create External Company |
EHSBP52 | Change External Company |
EHSBP53 | Display External Company |
EHSCALPROX | Enter Substitutes for Calender |
EHSCBER | Customizing Consultations |
EHSCDCT | Customize Diagnosis Types |
EHSCMAS | Customizing Measures |
EHSDATIMP | Import Medical Data |
EHSDIAGSL | EH&S: Diagnosis Key |
EHSEVAL00 | Occupational Health Report Tree |
EHSEXIST0 | Existing objects |
EHSH_C_NR_EXA_CO | Number Ranges Examination ID |
EHSH_C_NR_NEWPER | Number Ranges Internal Personnel No. |
EHSH_C_NR_RECN | Number Ranges Occup. Health Rec. No. |
EHSH_C_NR_VAC_ID | Number Ranges Vaccination ID |
EHSH_D_PCP | Planning Cockpit |
EHSMQUEST | Completing Questionnaires |
EHSMQUEST01 | Number Range Maint. Questionnaire |
EHSPERSHC1 | Assign Persons to Health Center |
EHSPP01 | Exposure Groups |
EHSPRANZ | Display Med. D. Import Logs |
EHSPRLOE | Delete Med. D. Import Logs |
EHSQCATOH | Question catalog |
EHSQEVAL01 | Evaluate Completed Questionnaires |
EHSQUESTOH | General questionnaire |
EHSSCAN | Scan Questionnaire |
EHSSERV | Medical Service Results / Sign-Off |
EHSSERV01 | Open Medical Service |
EHSSERV11 | Number Range Maint. Medical Service |
EHSSERV30 | Display Appointment List |
EHSSERV50 | Logical Database Selection Screen |
EHSSTRU00 | Existing objects |
EHSSUGGP | Proposal list person<->prot. |
EHSTERM01 | Scheduling medical service |
EHSVA02 | Edit Vaccinations |
EHSVU01 | Edit Health Surveillance Protocol |
EHSVU11 | Edit Examination |
EHSVU21 | Edit Physical Tests |
EHSVU31 | Edit lab. tests |
EHVD | HTML Customer Overview: Select Data |
EI01 | UIS: Activate Update |
EI03 | UIS: Change Communication Structure |
EI10 | UIS: Execute Evaluation |
EI11 | UIS: Create Evaluation |
EI12 | UIS: Change Evaluation |
EI13 | UIS: Display Evaluation |
EI14 | UIS: Settings for Standard Analysis |
EI18 | UIS: Create Field Catalog |
EI19 | UIS: Change Field Catalog |
EI1B | UIS: Maintain Requirements |
EI1F | UIS: Maintain Formulas |
EI20 | UIS: Display Field Catalog |
EI21 | UIS: Create Info Structure |
EI22 | UIS: Change Info Structure |
EI23 | UIS: Display Info Structure |
EI24 | UIS: Create Update |
EI25 | UIS: Change Update |
EI26 | UIS: Display Update |
EI27 | UIS: Create Evaluation Structure |
EI28 | UIS: Change Evaluation Structure |
EI29 | UIS: Display Evaluation Structure |
EI30 | UIS: Simulate Document Update |
EI31 | UIS: Statistics Update |
EI32 | UIS: Setup of Statistical Data |
EI35 | Set up stock statistics |
EI44 | UIS: Rate Statistics Selection |
EI45 | UIS: Rate Statistics Selection |
EI72 | CO-PA: Statistical Update |
EI80 | Check Document transfer COPA/BW/UIS |
EIDECOM1 | Communication on Basis of Serv.Prov. |
EIDECOM2 | Communication on Basis of Serv. Type |
EIDESERV1 | Define Service Types |
EIDESERV2 | Define Process Control |
EIDESERV3 | Define Own Billable Services |
EIDESERV4 | Define Third Party Billable Services |
EIDESERV5 | Define Non-Billable Services |
EIDESP1 | Allocate Operational Area |
EIDESP2 | Allocate Rate Categories |
EIDESP3 | Allocate Certification Status |
EINF | IS-U Information System |
EIS1 | UIS: Current Settings |
EJOBSCHEDULER | Job Scheduler |
EK01 | Acct Determ.: IS-U Receiv. Accounts |
EK02 | Acct Determ.: IS-U Rev. Accts |
EK03 | IS-U Argentinian Tax Determination |
EK04 | Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina |
EK05 | Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina |
EK06 | Defaults for Acct Display BB Amounts |
EK07 | Defaults for Acct Disp BB Amnts CIC |
EK08 | IS-U Account Display: Specifications |
EK09 | Define Specifications for Loans |
EK11 | Specifs: Source Item Charges in IP |
EK12 | Down Payment Specifications |
EK13 | Down Paym./Rec. Clearing Information |
EK14 | C FI Maintain Table TFK022A/B |
EK15 | Dunning Charge Invoicing |
EK16 | Document Type: GI and VAT Perception |
EK17 | Specif. for Migration of Payments |
EK20 | Activate 2-Level Tax Determ. Code |
EK21 | Maintain 2-Step Tax Determ. Ident. |
EK22 | Payment Migration: Specifications |
EK23 | Down Payment Request Payment Proc. |
EK25 | Create Loan |
EK26 | Change Loan |
EK27 | Display Loan |
EK70 | Cust. Item Ind. -> Payment Block |
EK71 | Cstmzng: Aggr. Posting of Inbnd Bill |
EK72 | Transactions for Aggregated Posting |
EK73 | Aggr. Bill: Trans. -> Offsetting Tr. |
EK74 | Dereg. - Maintain Factory Calendar |
EK75 | Conversion Int./Ext. Transaction |
EK78 | FI-CA: Interest on Cash Sec. Deposit |
EK79 | Default values for cash deposit int. |
EK81 | Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts |
EK82 | Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts |
EK92 | Create Payment Plan |
EK93 | Change Payment Plan |
EK93C | Combined Change of Payment Plans |
EK93M | Adjust Payment Plans Automatically |
EK94 | Display Payment Plan |
EK94C | Combined Display of Payment Plans |
EK95 | Manual History for Payment Schedule |
EK96 | Adjust Balance-Forward Amount |
EK96_DEFAULT | Default Adjustm. of Difference Amnt |
EKND | IS-U Customer Service |
EKS1 | PURCHIS: Statistics Update: Item Lvl |
EKSR | Remove BBP from Collective Bill |
EK_M100 | Defaults for Payment Medium ID |
EK_R017 | Doc. Type for Stat. Fee in Argentina |
EK_R100 | Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID |
EK_R200 | Def. Info. for Security Dep. Transf. |
EK_R201 | Def. Info for Sec.Dep.Trans. Revers. |
EK_R202 | Bollo Specifications (Italian Tax) |
EK_SURS | Charge Request for Mass Activity |
EL01 | Execute Order Creation |
EL06 | Execute Mass Order Creation |
EL09 | Execute Order Creation |
EL16 | Execute Order Output |
EL18 | Execute Estimation |
EL20 | Fast Entry |
EL22 | Fast Entry With Correction |
EL27 | Correction of Implausible Results |
EL27_MRUNIT | Correct Implausible MRs for MR Unit |
EL28 | Single Entry |
EL29 | Correction of Plausible Results |
EL30 | Estimate Meter Reading Results |
EL31 | Manual Monitoring |
EL32 | Automatic Monitoring |
EL35 | Meter Reading Order Output |
EL37 | Reverse Meter Reading Order Creation |
EL37_WO_MRUNIT | Reverse MRRs w/o Order Creation |
EL40 | Maintain Street Route |
EL41 | Display Street Route |
EL42 | Display Meter Reading Units |
EL43 | Device Overview |
EL50 | Create Meter Reading Group |
EL51 | Change Meter Reading Group |
EL52 | Display Meter Reading Group |
EL56 | Change Periodic Consumption |
EL57 | Display period consumption |
EL59 | Mass Change Meter Reading Units |
EL59P | Define Parameter Group |
EL60 | Activation EB for Individ. Install. |
EL61 | Activation EB for Amount of Install. |
EL62 | Deactivation of EB for Ind. Install. |
EL70 | List of Implausible MR Results |
ELDM | Monitoring of IDocs Processed |
ELEU | Upload of Meter Reading Results |
ELMU | Upload |
ELOC | Manage Container Location |
ELSIG00 | Signature Strategy |
ELSIG01 | Authorization Grp Digital Signatures |
ELSIG02 | Digital Signature |
ELSIG03 | Signature Method for Signat. Object |
ELSIG03N | Signature Method for Signat. Object |
EL_MA_MRIDOC | Process IDocs with errors |
EM10 | Goods Movement via Serial Numbers |
SAPconnect Easy EMail | |
EMASN | IDoc Monitor for Inb. Ship. Notific. |
EMFOR | Monitor for Forecast/JIT Del.Sched. |
EMIGALL | IS-U Migration |
EMIGCMP | IS-U Migration Company Maintenance |
EMIGCNV | IS-U Mig: Maintain Conversion Obj. |
EMIGCOM | Compare with migration Customizing |
EMIGFLD | IS-U Migration: Maintain Fields |
EMIGFVA | Fixed Value Maintenance |
EMIGIMP | IS-U Migration: Data Import |
EMIGJOB | IS-U Migration: Job Scheduler |
EMIGKSV | IS-U Migration: Maintain KSM |
EMIGMASSRUN | Mass Import Monitor: IS Migration |
EMIGMASSRUNGROUP | Group Import IS Migration |
EMIGOBJ | Maintain migration object |
EMIGPROJECT | IS-U Migration: Maintain Project |
EMIGSTAT | Display Stats Record: IS-U Migration |
EMIGSTR | Maintenance of autom. data structure |
EMIGUSR | IS-U migration user maintenance |
EMJIT | IDoc Monitor for JIT Calls |
EMMA | Log Analysis and Case Creation |
EMMAC1 | Create Case |
EMMAC2 | Change Case |
EMMAC3 | Display Case |
EMMACAP | Run Automatic Processes for Cases |
EMMACC | Cust. Tab. Add. Data in Transaction |
EMMACCAT1 | Create Case Category |
EMMACCAT2 | Change Case Category |
EMMACCAT3 | Display Case Category |
EMMACCAT4 | Delete Case Category |
EMMACCAT5 | Transport Case Category |
EMMACL | Clarification List |
EMMACLGEN | Generate Case List Program |
EMMACLS | Case List with Shortcut Keys |
EMMAJOBLOG | Job log via EMMA |
EMMALOG | Display Application Log |
EMMA_NR_CASE | Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_CASE |
EMMA_NR_JOB | Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_RUNID |
EMMA_OLD | Monitor mass activity |
EMORD | IDoc Monitor for SD Orders |
EMSG | Maintenance of Message Groups |
EMU1 | Convert Loans to EURO |
EMU2 | Reset Conversion to EURO |
EN00 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ERDK |
EN01 | Subscreens for Simple Notification |
EN03 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EHAU |
EN04 | Number Range Maint.: ISU_EVBS |
EN05 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EDCN |
EN06 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EANL |
EN07 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ETRF |
EN08 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAOBJ |
EN09 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDOC |
EN10 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAORD |
EN11 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EZWG |
EN12 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EKOG |
EN13 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EEAG |
EN15 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABL |
EN17 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EVER |
EN18 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_CREFNO |
EN19 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDEPRO |
EN20 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDETRA |
EN22 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EDSC |
EN23 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EPREI |
EN25 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABP |
EN27 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_DEVGRP |
EN40 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDCDOC |
EN41 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDCDCI |
EN43 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EKON |
EN50 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EEIN |
EN55 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EAUS |
EN70 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_PRDOC |
EN80 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_TE271 |
EN99 | General Foreign Trade Processing |
ENBI | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_BIRUN |
ENCLEAN | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ECLEAN |
ENCO | Printing / Communication |
ENDELIVER | Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_DELI |
ENEDMCR | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_CR |
ENEDMFI | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_FI |
ENEDMIB | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_IB |
ENEDMPRO | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDMP |
ENEDMPROT | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDMPT |
ENEDMSC | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_SC |
ENEDMSD | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_SD |
ENEDMUS1 | Number Range Maintenance ISU_EDM_U1 |
ENEDMVN | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_VN |
ENER | No. Range Maint.: ISU_ERCH |
ENFO | Foreign Trade/Customs: Init. Screen |
ENGK | Legal control |
ENGR | Periodic Declarations |
ENIDESWD | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDESWD |
ENIN | Number range maint. ISU_INDEXN |
ENLO | Documentary Payments |
ENLP | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_LOGLPR |
ENNR | No. Range Maint.: ISU_LOGINR |
ENPA | FT: Enjoy: Period-end Closings |
ENPR | Preference Handling |
ENPS | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABP |
ENRD | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ERDMP |
ENROB | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAROB |
ENROUTE | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EROUTE |
ENSAMPLE | Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_SMPL |
ENSL | Cockpit: Sanctioned Party List |
ENSV | Foreign Trade Data Maintenance |
ENVD | CIC: Data Environment Maintenance |
ENVOUCHER | Number Range Maintenance: EWAWA_PGR |
ENWDPL | Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_WDPT |
ENWDPPROC | Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_WDPP |
ENWEIGH | Number Range Maintenance: EWAWA_WPNR |
ENWEIGHOFL | Number Range Maintenance: EWAWA_WONR |
ENWK | No. Range Maint.: ISU_EWIK |
ENZD | Customs Objects: Documentation/Info. |
ENZW | No. Range Maint.: ISU_LOGIZW |
EOLA | Master Data Tab |
EP01 | Customizing: Transaction Statistics |
EP02 | Customizing: Stock Statistics |
EPA1 | Create Print Action Record |
EPA2 | Change Print Action Record |
EPA3 | Display Print Action Record |
EPAR | List Print Action Records |
EPDHIER | Display Hierarchy of MDT Category |
EPDTYPE | IS-U MD Generator: MDT Categories |
EPERS | IS-U Report Var. Maint. for MiniApps |
EPLOT | Repayment on Account |
EPMC | Customizing: Plant Manager |
EPM_REPORT_START | Start Report With Variant |
EPODSRVC1 | Create point of delivery services |
EPODSRVC2 | Change point of delivery services |
EPODSRVC3 | Display point of delivery services |
EPPM | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_PREPAY |
EPRACT | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_PRACT |
EPREPAY | Amnt Managmnt of Prepayment Meter |
EPREPAYFREE | Release locked PPM entries |
EPREPAY_RELEASE | Release locked PPM entries |
EPRODCUST | IS-U MD Template: Customizing |
EQ01 | Field Selection: Contract (IMG) |
EQ02 | Field Sel: Connection Object (IMG) |
EQ03 | Field Selection: Premise (IMG) |
EQ04 | Field Selection: Installation (IMG) |
EQ05 | Field Sel: Device Location (IMG) |
EQ06 | Field Sel: Initial Screen - Move-Out |
EQ07 | Field Sel: Move-In - Contract1 (IMG) |
EQ08 | Field Sel: Move-In Contract 2 (IMG) |
EQ09 | Field Sel: Owner Allocation (IMG) |
EQ10 | Field Selection for Property (IMG) |
EQ30 | Search Help for Parameter Recs (IMG) |
EQ31 | Search Help for Portions (IMG) |
EQ32 | Search Help for MR Units (IMG) |
EQ33 | Search Help for Contracts (IMG) |
EQ34 | Search Help for Conn. Objects (IMG) |
EQ35 | Search Help for Premises (IMG) |
EQ36 | Search Help for Installations (IMG) |
EQ37 | Search Help for Device Locs (IMG) |
EQ38 | Search Help for Register Grps (IMG) |
EQ39 | Search Help for I/O Groups (IMG) |
EQ40 | Search Help for Command Groups (IMG) |
EQ42 | Search Help for Winding Groups (IMG) |
EQ43 | Search Help for Device Categs (IMG) |
EQ44 | Search Help for Devices (IMG) |
EQ45 | Search Help for Lots (IMG) |
EQ46 | Search Help for Rates (IMG) |
EQ47 | Search Help for Schemas (IMG) |
EQ48 | Search Help for Rate Categs (IMG) |
EQ49 | Search Help for Discs/Surchgs (IMG) |
EQ50 | Search Help for Franchise Cont.(IMG) |
EQ51 | Search Help for Print Docs (IMG) |
EQ52 | Search Help for BB Plans (IMG) |
EQ53 | Search Help for Billing Docs (IMG) |
EQ54 | Search Help for Move-In Docs (IMG) |
EQ55 | Search Help for Move-Out Docs (IMG) |
EQ56 | Search Help for Disconn. Docs (IMG) |
EQ57 | Search Help for Cleaning Obj. (IMG) |
EQ58 | Search Help for Surfaces (IMG) |
EQ59 | Search Help for Routes (IMG) |
EQ60 | Search Help for Cont. Location (IMG) |
EQ61 | Srch Help for BP for Cont.Loc. (IMG) |
EQ62 | Srch Help for Guarantor Cntrct (IMG) |
EQ80 | Check Sub-Transactions for Rates |
EQ81 | Display Migration Handbook (IMG) |
EQ82 | Billing Master Data Transport (IMG) |
EQ83 | Check Rates (IMG) |
EQ84 | Check Activities (IMG) |
EQ85 | Check Statistics Groups (IMG) |
EQ90 | Task Customizing for IS-U (IMG) |
ER30 | Maintain Poli. Reg. Struc. Hierarchy |
ER31 | Maintain Political Regional Struct. |
ER32 | Display Political Regional Structure |
ER3D | Display Poli. Reg. Struct. Hierarchy |
ERCH_EXTR | Extracts: Export Billing Docuemnts |
EREC01 | Transfer to FI- single cont. mode |
EREC02 | Transfer to FI invoicing 3rd party |
EREC03 | Aggregated Posting to Contract Acc. |
EREG | IS-U Regional Structure |
ERN1 | No. Range Maint.: ISU_TE227 |
EROD | Transfer Master Data to Route Plan. |
ERONEW | Maintain Service Frequency |
EROUTE | Route |
ES20 | Create Contract |
ES20C | Tab Strip for IS-U Contract |
ES21 | Chg. Contract |
ES22 | Display Contract |
ES27 | Multiple Contract Maint. |
ES28 | Multiple Contract Display |
ES30 | Create Installation |
ES30CONTAIN | Tabstrip: Reference Values |
ES30HEAT | Tabstrip: Reference Values |
ES30LIGHT | Tabstrip: Reference Values |
ES30REFVAL | Tabstrip: Reference Values |
ES31 | Change Installation |
ES32 | Display Installation |
ES43 | Create Franchise Contract |
ES44 | Change Franchise Contract |
ES45 | Display Franchise Contract |
ES50 | Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EPROP |
ES51 | Create Ownership |
ES52 | Change Ownership |
ES53 | Display Ownership |
ES54 | Reverse Property |
ES55 | Create Connect. Object |
ES56 | Change Connect. Object |
ES57 | Display Connect. Object |
ES60 | Create Premise |
ES61 | Change Premise |
ES62 | Display Premise |
ES64 | Change Connection Object |
ES65 | Create Device Loc. |
ES66 | Change Device Loc. |
ES67 | Display Device Loc. |
ESALES_SVOFFERS | Maintain Settings for File Table |
ESARA01 | IS-U Archiving: Print Docmt Header |
ESARA02 | IS-U Archiving: Print Document Items |
ESARA03 | IS-U Archiving: Billing Document |
ESARA04 | IS-U Archiving: Budget Billing Plans |
ESARA05 | IS-U Archiving: Billing Doc. Lines |
ESARA06 | IS-U Archiving: MR Results |
ESARA07 | IS-U Archiving: Inspection List |
ESARA08 | IS-U Archiving: EDM Profile Values |
ESARA09 | IS-U Archiving: Prepayment Documents |
ESARA10 | IS-U Archiving: Usage Factors |
ESARA11 | IS-U: Archiving: Settlement Docs |
ESARA12 | IS-U Archiving: Routes |
ESARA13 | IS-U Archiving: Waste Disposal Order |
ESARA14 | IS-U Archiving: Installation Facts |
ESARA15 | IS-U Archiving: Switch Documents |
ESARJ01 | Activate AS for print doc. header |
ESARJ02 | Activate AS for print doc. line itms |
ESARJ03 | Archive IS bill.doc.header is active |
ESARJ04 | Activate AS for budget billing plan |
ESARJ05 | Arch.Info.Struct.:Bill.Doc.Lines Act |
ESARJ06 | ArchInfrastr. ME Results Active |
ESARJ07 | ArchInfStructure InspectList Active |
ESARJ08 | ArchInfStruc: EDM Prof.Values Active |
ESARJ09 | ArchInfStructure: Prepayment Active |
ESARJ10 | Arch.Inf.Struct.: Act. Waste Order |
ESARJ11 | Arch.Inf.Structure: Activate Routes |
ESARJ12 | Arch.Inf.Str.: Archive Install.Facts |
ESARJ13 | Arch.Inf.Structure: Settlement Doc. |
ESARJ14 | Arch.Info.Structure: Usage Factors |
ESARJ15 | Activ. ArchInfoStruc. f. Switch Docs |
ESD1 | IS-U Business Master Data |
ESD2 | IS-U Technical Master Data |
ESDF | Maint. of Add. Field Descriptions |
ESDP | Maintain Tolerance Profile |
ESFUTIL | ESF Utility |
ESIMD | IS-U Archiving: Reorg. Sim. Docs |
ESI_ADD_MAP | ESI Add mapping |
ESI_BO_TEST_TOOL | ESI Testtool for Business objects |
ESOA_ENGINEER | Enterprise SOA Engineer |
ESOA_INTRO | Enterprise SOA Introspector |
ESPLOG | Display IDoc STOACT Log |
ESPLOGD | Delete IDoc STOACT Log |
ESWTMON01 | Monitoring of Switch Documents |
ETHI | Aggr. Posting Serv. Prov. CA |
ETHIM | Mass Act. Aggr. Posting for ServProv |
ETHIM_REV | Mass Activity Rev. Aggr. Posting SP |
ETHIM_TAX | Aggregated Posting for SP with Tax |
ETHI_DIS | Evaluation of DFKKTHI Entries |
ETP_DELETE_TASKS | Deleting tasks |
ETRANSF | Mass Activity - Aggregated Posting |
ETRM | IS-U Scheduling |
EUNLD | Delete Unneeded Billing Doc. Lines |
EUPTSP | GP Content Transport |
EVAL | BRE Statistics PARALLEL Mass Billing |
EVKK | IS-U Contract Accounts R/P |
EW00 | Conversions for the Euro |
EW01 | EMU Conversion: Package Overview |
EW04 | EMU Conversion: Field-Rel. Control |
EW06 | EMU Conv.: Form Routines per Package |
EW07 | EMU Conv.: Form Routines per Table |
EW08 | EMU Conv.: Acct Determination in FI |
EW09 | EMU Conv.: Document Type/Posting Key |
EW10 | EMU: Load Organization Objects |
EW11 | EMU: Load CO-PA Objects |
EW13 | EMU: Load Conversion Info for LIS |
EW14 | EMU: Load Conversion Info for EIS |
EW16 | Records No. of Largest Tables |
EW17 | Determine Required Database Memory |
EW18 | EMU: Load Depreciation Areas |
EW28 | EMU: Load CO Objects |
EW29 | EMU: Load Tables for FI-SL |
EW30 | FI Previous Open Item Reconciliation |
EW35 | FI Previous Clearing Procedures |
EW36 | FI Documents/Trans.Figures Analysis |
EW38 | EMU Conversion: MM Stock Value List |
EW38_HIERARCHY | Chge List Proc. for Ord.Hierarchies |
EW39 | FI Open Item Selection |
EW39_HIERARCHY | Disp. List Proc. for Ord. Hierarchs. |
EW3Z | Currency Select.f.Changeover Package |
EW40_HIERARCHY | Multi-level List Proc.for Ord.Hier. |
EW45 | FI D/C G/L Accts Analysis bef.Conv. |
EW46 | MM Edit Contract Release Order Docu |
EW47 | Create Standard Package |
EW48 | MM Display Archived Purchasing Docs |
EW49 | MM MM --> FI Balance Comparison |
EW4Z | Currency Select.f.Changeover Package |
EW50 | MM Post Adjustment Documents |
EW51 | FI S/L-G/L Reconciliation Analysis |
EW53 | FI Check Customizing |
EW55 | FI Adjust D/C G/L Accounts |
EW57 | EMU Conv: Start Postprocess.Programs |
EW58 | EMU Conv.: Conversion Programs Start |
EW59 | EMU Conv.: Start Preprocess.Programs |
EW61 | EMU Conv.: CO Credit w.Settl.Tables |
EW62 | EMU Conv.: CO Settlmnt Tables Recon. |
EW63 | EMU Conv.: CO Commt Totals Structure |
EW64 | EMU Conv.: CO Dwn Pmnt Totals Struc. |
EW65 | EMU: CO-AA Comparison for Investmnts |
EW67 | EMU: AA Summary Records Selection |
EW68 | EMU: AA Balance Adjustment |
EW69 | AA Transaction Figure Reconciliation |
EW72 | FI Subsequent Open Item Selection |
EW73 | Investment Programs Adjustment |
EW74 | FI Subseq.Open Item Reconciliation |
EW75 | FI Subsequent SL/GL Reconciliation |
EW76 | FI Docs/Trans.Figures Reconciliation |
EW77 | FI Docs/Transaction Figures Adjustmt |
EW80 | MM Totals Comparison MBEW |
EW82 | MM Stock Value List |
EW84 | List MM Differences |
EW93 | EMU: Load Conversion Info for FI-SL |
EW95 | EMU Conversion: Tables and Programs |
EW96 | EMU Conv.: Check Conversion Table |
EW98 | EMU Conv.: Check Conversion Program |
EW99 | Overview of all Packages |
EWA0 | EMU Conv: RE Load CO Objects |
EWA1 | FI-AA: Analysis of assets w/errors |
EWA2 | FI-AA: Asset before&after comparison |
EWA3 | Reconcil. of critical FI-AA documts |
EWA6 | Lock AA Transaction Types |
EWA7 | AA Totals Record Reconciliation |
EWA8 | AA Balances Reconciliation |
EWA9 | AA Asset Status Reconciliation |
EWABILL | Valuate Waste Billing Category |
EWABULKY | Create Bulk Waste Order |
EWAC | Action Manager: Customizing |
EWACAL | Maintain Calendar |
EWACAPAB | Daily Capacity |
EWACLEAN | Property |
EWACONTS | Container Transport |
EWAEL01 | Delivery Locks |
EWAEL02 | View Control |
EWAEL03 | Reserve Sample |
EWAEL04 | Waste Disp. Installation Management |
EWAEL05 | Transaction Group |
EWAEL06 | Procedures Within Facility |
EWAEL07 | Operations Log |
EWAELOCEO_INIT | Structure Container Loc. Allocations |
EWAFAKTOR | Waste Billing Factor |
EWAGG | Guarantor Contract |
EWAORDALL | Create Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDDEL | Delete Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDER | Change/Display Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDERDOWN | Output Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDRESL | Confirmation |
EWAPLAN | Planning |
EWAROB | Cleaning Object |
EWAROBTYP | Maintain Cleaning Object Category |
EWAS | IS-U Waste Management |
EWAWA01 | Accelerated Weight Entry |
EWAWA02 | Weighing Procedure |
EWAWA03 | General Cargo Entry |
EWAWA04 | Offline Weighing |
EWAWAT001 | Hardware Profile |
EWAWAT002 | Profile Control |
EWAWAT003 | Profile Group |
EWA_AAT_CHECK | Consistency Check for Billing |
EWBC | Customizing: Front Office Processes |
EWBE | Customizing: Editor Step |
EWC0 | RKAABR01: Order Settlement Analysis |
EWC1 | CO-PA Reports Translation |
EWC2 | CO Reconciliation Ledger |
EWC4 | Reconciliation of Parked Docs FM |
EWCF | Confirm Euro Currency Customizing |
EWCK | Currency Check BKPF, KONV |
EWCM | Maintain Currency Tables for Euro |
EWCT | Currency Test Converter |
EWEBIAC_1_PAY | ISS Pay Bills |
EWEBIAC_ACCT_INFO | ISS Accounts Information |
EWEBIAC_A_PAY | ISS Direct Debit Mandate |
EWEBIAC_A_PAY_CIC | ISS Direct Debit Mandate as ESS |
EWEBIAC_CALLBACK | ISS Initiate Callback |
EWEBIAC_CH_MD | ISS Change Bill Address |
EWEBIAC_CH_MD_CIC | ISS Change Bill Address ESS |
EWEBIAC_CONSUMP_HIST | ISS Consumption Overview |
EWEBIAC_CONS_HIS_CIC | ISS Consumption Overview in CIC |
EWEBIAC_CONTINUE | Dummy Entry for Service Usage |
EWEBIAC_CPUSER | Customer Portal - User |
EWEBIAC_ENROLLMEN | ISS Initial Data Creation |
EWEBIAC_ENROLLMENT | ISS Initial Data Creation |
EWEBIAC_ENROLL_CIC | ISS Initial Data Creation as ESS |
EWEBIAC_INFO | ISS Accounts Information |
EWEBIAC_INFO_CIC | ISS Account Information ESS |
EWEBIAC_LOGIN | ISS Internet Account |
EWEBIAC_METER_CIC | ISS Meter Reading Entry from CIC |
EWEBIAC_METER_READ | ISS Meter Reading Entry |
EWEBIAC_PASSWD | ISS Change Internet Password |
EWEBIAC_PASSWD_NEW | ISS Password Forgotten |
EWEBIAC_PREMISE_SEL | ISS Premise Selection |
EWEBIAC_PREM_SEL_CIC | ISS Premise Selection |
EWEBIAC_SHOW_PROFIL | ISS Display Profile Values |
EWF1 | Display FI/AA Adjustment Differences |
EWF2 | Display Open Item Total at Key Date |
EWF3 | Display Critical Documents |
EWF4 | Display Clearing Proced.Adjustment |
EWF7 | Delete Table EWUFI_SOP |
EWF8 | Compare Index w.Transaction Figures |
EWF9 | Compare Index w.Transaction Figures |
EWFC | IS-U Front Office Configuration |
EWFC0 | Action Box Configuration |
EWFC1 | Action Config. for HTML Operation |
EWFG | Add Up Totals Records |
EWFM | Find Open Dunning Runs |
EWFS | Check for Balances in Local Currency |
EWFZ | Find Open Payment Runs |
EWG5 | Consolidation Staging Ledger |
EWHV | Generic IAC for Cluster Objects |
EWK0 | Customer Development: Find Fields |
EWK1 | Cust.Development: Report Txt |
EWK2 | Cust.Development: Curr.on Screen |
EWK3 | Customer Development: Assign Rule |
EWK4 | Customer Development: Save Selection |
EWM1 | MM Fill Fields in EBAN |
EWM3 | Match MM Sales Values |
EWM4 | MM Purchase Order History Adjustment |
EWM6 | Reconcile GR/IR Clearing Account |
EWMA | IS-U Work Management |
EWS1 | EMU Conv.: Check Analysis Program |
EWS2 | Evaluate Archived Data |
EWS3 | List of Critical Archives |
EWSH | EMU Procedure Monitor |
EWT0 | Change Plan Year for Chngover Pckge |
EWT1 | Set Ability to be Restarted |
EWT2 | Activate a Changeover Package |
EWT3 | Start Forecast |
EWTF | Table Selection for RESTART/NO VIEW |
EWUD | EMU mass conversion in cust. master |
EWUL | Currency conversion vendors |
EWUM | Conversion Sequence/Server Assignmnt |
EWUO | Transaction data for EMU conversion |
EWUS | Maintain Largest Tables |
EWUT | EMU: TA currency changeover FX/MM/DE |
EWWA | Currency Select.f.Changeover Package |
EWWB | Determining Ratios & Exchange Rates |
EWX1 | FI Analyze: Open Items |
EWX2 | FI Analyze: Open Items |
EWX7 | FI Post: Post Documents Subsequently |
EWZ5 | Lock Users |
EWZ6 | Unlock System |
EWZA | Confirm System Settings |
EXEORGCHEARM | Parameter transaction for TG01000008 |
EXPD | Expediting |
EXPD_STNUM | Number Range Status Information |
EXPG | Agent Determination |
EXPO_ANA | Analysis of a FOX Folder |
EXPO_READ | Read & Visualize FOX Storage |
EXPO_TEST | Text explosion FOX with PLM objects |
EXP_CUST | Express Planning Customizing |
EXP_CUST_KFPRICE | Prices of Statistical Key Figs |
EXP_INSTANCE_CREATE | Create Instance |
EXP_INSTANCE_DISPLAY | Create Instance |
EXP_INSTANCE_EDIT | Create Instance |
EXTID_DN | External Identification Type DN |
EXTID_ID | External Identification Type ID |
E_DEREG_SYST | Deregulation: System Settings |
E_JBP_CUST | Customizing JBP |
E_JBP_SYST | SAP System Settings for JBP |
Saturday, July 5, 2008
SAP Tcodes Starting with E
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