OP00 | Maintain Operation Control Key |
OP01 | Customizing Routing/Work Center |
OP03 | Factory Calendar C |
OP04 | Word Processing |
OP07 | Standard Text |
OP08 | Standard Text |
OP09 | Maintain Alternative Activity Desc. |
OP10 | Maintain Person Responsible |
OP11 | Maintain Period Pattern Key |
OP12 | Maintain Location |
OP13 | Maintain Screen Sequence |
OP14 | Maintain Type of Std. Value Determin |
OP15 | Production User Profile |
OP16 | Maintain Period Pattern |
OP17 | Formula Parameters |
OP18 | Maintain Setup Group/Setup Group Cat |
OP19 | Standard Value Key |
OP20 | Maintain Setup Type Key |
OP21 | Define Formula |
OP22 | Maintain Wage Groups |
OP23 | Maintain Location |
OP24 | Maintain period dependent oper. val. |
OP26 | Maintain suitability |
OP28 | Maintain Perf. Efficiency Rate Key |
OP30 | Maintain Move Time Matrix |
OP31 | Maintain Time Segment (Per. Pattern) |
OP32 | Maintain Capacity Category |
OP34 | Maintain Work Center Planner Group |
OP35 | Maintain Perf. Efficiency Rate Key |
OP36 | Maintain Capacity Default Values |
OP37 | Maintain Available Capacity Version |
OP38 | Maintain Setup Type Key |
OP39 | Maintain Graphics Profile |
OP40 | Maintain Work Center Category |
OP41 | Matchcode for work center |
OP42 | Default work center |
OP43 | Maintain Setup Group Categories |
OP44 | Maintain Task List Usage |
OP45 | Maintain Usage |
OP46 | Maintain Task List Status |
OP47 | Maintain PRT Usage |
OP48 | Maintain Planner Group |
OP49 | Matchcode for Routings/Ref. Op. Sets |
OP4A | Maintain Shift Sequences |
OP4B | Overview variant: Routing |
OP4C | Overview variant: Ref. oper. set |
OP4D | Overview variant: Rate routing |
OP4E | Overview variant: Ref. rate routing |
OP4F | Overview var.:Scheduling of routings |
OP4G | Overview var.:Scheduling ref.op.set |
OP4H | Overview var.:Scheduling of rate rtg |
OP4I | Overview var.:Scheduling RefRateRtgs |
OP50 | Assign Material Types |
OP51 | Formula Parameters |
OP52 | Formula Parameters |
OP53 | Formula Parameters |
OP54 | Define Formula |
OP55 | Define Formula |
OP56 | Define Formula |
OP57 | Define Formula |
OP58 | Maintain Default Value Profiles |
OP59 | Formula Parameters |
OP5A | Field Selection: Task List Overview |
OP5B | Field Selection: Task List Header |
OP5C | Field Selection: Task List Sequence |
OP5D | Field Selection: Task List Details |
OP5E | Field selection task list overview |
OP5F | Field selection std network -> PRT |
OP5H | Field sel. insp.plan characteristics |
OP61 | Number range maintenance: ROUTING_3 |
OP62 | Number ranges for routings |
OP63 | Number Ranges for Ref.Operation Sets |
OP64 | Maintain Setup Group Key |
OP65 | Formula Parameters |
OP66 | Maintain Location Group |
OP67 | Maintain Operation Control Key |
OP68 | Maintain Move Time Matrix |
OP69 | Maintain wage type |
OP70 | Maintain PRT Control Key |
OP71 | Maintain Wage Group |
OP72 | PRT Control Key |
OP73 | PRT Authorization Group |
OP74 | Maintain PRT Group Key |
OP76 | Define suitability |
OP77 | Engineering Workbench for Task Lists |
OP78 | Maintain Type of Std. Value Determin |
OP7A | Customizing matchcode for PRTs |
OP7B | Define Parameters |
OP80 | Maintain PRT Status |
OP82 | Define Formula |
OP84 | Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs. |
OP85 | Profiles: Default Values for QM |
OP87 | Maintain Routing/Ref.Op.Set Usage |
OP88 | Maintain Assignmt. of Task List Type |
OP8A | Maintain operation value description |
OP8B | Maintain standard value texts |
OP8C | Record layout for background (APL) |
OP8D | Data transfer APL |
OP8E | Command file task lists Rel. 2.2A |
OP8F | Maintain production scheduler |
OP8H | Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs. |
OP91 | Maintain Object Overview Version |
OP95 | Assign Work Center Cat. to Applicatn |
OP96 | Maintain Work Center Category |
OP97 | Maintain Performance Efficiency Rate |
OP98 | Maintain Validity of Perf.Effic.Rate |
OPA0 | Status selection profiles |
OPA1 | Maintain combination definitions |
OPA2 | Define selection profile |
OPA3 | Define option profile |
OPA4 | Define list profile |
OPA5 | Define graphics profile |
OPA6 | Define overall profile |
OPA7 | Define columns |
OPA9 | Maintain selection profiles |
OPB1 | Define list versions |
OPB2 | Define distribution function |
OPB3 | Specify distribution functions |
OPB4 | Specify distribution strategies |
OPB5 | Specify distribution key |
OPC0 | Axis representation selection |
OPC1 | Maintain axis representation |
OPC2 | Curve representation selection |
OPC3 | Maintain curve representation |
OPC5 | Max. no. of data records |
OPCD | Capacity category |
OPCE | Capacity planner |
OPCF | Time units |
OPCG | Maintain Operation Control Key |
OPCH | Maintain production scheduler |
OPCI | Setup group key/category |
OPCL | Scheduling type |
OPCM | Standard value key |
OPCN | Maintain move time matrix |
OPCQ | Efficiency rate |
OPCR | Formula parameters |
OPCS | Define formula |
OPCT | Strategies |
OPCU | Strategy levels |
OPCW | Planned order parameters |
OPCX | Formula parameters |
OPCY | Define formula |
OPD0 | Resource planning overall profile |
OPD1 | Resource planning selection profile |
OPD2 | Capacity leveling - time profile |
OPD3 | Resource planning evaluation profile |
OPD4 | Resource planning period profile |
OPD5 | Flow control definition |
OPD6 | Flow control control table |
OPD7 | Flow control statuses |
OPD8 | Flow Control Actions |
OPD9 | Flow Control Messages |
OPDA | Transition matrix (setup matrix) |
OPDB | Capacity Leveling Strategy Profile |
OPDD | Factory calendar |
OPDE | Resource planning control profile |
OPDF | Define requirements grouping |
OPDH | Capacity leveling - list profile |
OPDJ | Define layout |
OPDK | Define standard overview |
OPDL | Cap. plan. detailed cap.list maint. |
OPDM | Define detail list (leveling) |
OPDQ | Profile for planning table (tab.) |
OPDR | Define layout key |
OPDT | Define detail list |
OPDU | Maintain perf. efficiency rate key |
OPDV | Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s |
OPDW | Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s |
OPE0 | Maintain Sort String |
OPE1 | Maintain Value Type |
OPE2 | Maintain Machine Type |
OPE3 | Maintain Planner Group |
OPE4 | Maintain Control Parameters |
OPE5 | Maintain rounding categories |
OPE6 | Maintain Rounding Category |
OPE7 | Maintain overhead key |
OPE8 | Maint. Roundg. and Add.Val.Key (Def) |
OPE9 | Maintain User Profile |
OPEA | User selection |
OPEB | Automatic selection |
OPEC | PP user fields |
OPENPS | Download Activities to Palm Pilot |
OPF0 | Maintain User |
OPF1 | Authorizations for CAPP |
OPFA | Field selection: Work center |
OPFP | Configuring the Fixed Price Version |
OPG0 | Profile for planning table |
OPG1 | Chart sequence - selection |
OPG2 | Line representation |
OPG3 | Scale time axis |
OPG4 | Time scale profile |
OPG5 | Graphic obj.type sel./repr.profile |
OPG6 | Transition matrix setup fam.key |
OPG7 | Line display selection |
OPG9 | Graphical object type/obj.represent. |
OPGD | Ref. Oper. Set-All Task Lists (PP) |
OPGE | Ref. Oper. Set - Rate Routings (PP) |
OPGF | Work Center - All Task Lists (PP) |
OPGG | Work Center - Rate Routings (PP) |
OPGH | Document PRT - All Task Lists |
OPGI | Equipment PRT - All Task Lists |
OPGJ | Material PRT - All Task Lists |
OPGK | Misc. PRT - All Task Lists |
OPGL | Resource - Master Recipes (PI) |
OPGM | Process Instr. Cat. - Master Recipe |
OPGN | Document PRT - Maintenance Task List |
OPGO | Equipment PRT-Maintenance Task Lists |
OPGP | Material PRT - Maintenance Task List |
OPGQ | Misc. PRT - Maintenance Task Lists |
OPGR | Work Center - Standard Network (PS) |
OPGS | Document PRT - Standard Network (PS) |
OPGT | Equipment PRT - Standard Network(PS) |
OPGU | Material PRT - Standard Network (PS) |
OPGV | Misc. PRT - Standard Network (PS) |
OPH1 | CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Actual Data |
OPH2 | PS Cash Management: Delete Plan Data |
OPH3 | CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Master Data |
OPH4 | CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: MM Data Transfer |
OPH5 | CO CBM: Successive FI Data Transfer |
OPH6 | CO CBM: Take Over FI Completely |
OPH7 | CO-CBM: Take Over All Data |
OPI1 | Maintain Value Categories |
OPI2 | Value Categories for Cost Elements |
OPI3 | Update Control: File RPSCO |
OPI4 | Commitment Item Value Categories |
OPI5 | Value Categories for Stag.Key Figs |
OPI6 | Activate CO Cash Budget Management |
OPI8 | Display Value Category |
OPIA | Interest Profile for Projects |
OPIB | Maintain Interest Profile |
OPIC | Intrst Relevance: Cost Els/Cmmt Itms |
OPIC1 | Specify system messages |
OPID | Proj.Int Calc: Account Determination |
OPIE | Interest Indicator |
OPIF | View Maintenance:Compound Int.Cont. |
OPIG | View Maint.: Compound Int. Periods |
OPIH | Interest Scale, General Conditions |
OPIN | Number range maintnce: VHU_PINST |
OPJ2 | Production order stock determination |
OPJ4 | Schedule batch function request |
OPJ6 | Maintain Status Profiles |
OPJ7 | Maintain Routing Usage |
OPJ8 | Maintain Operation Control Key |
OPJ9 | Maintain prod. scheduler group |
OPJA | Maintain setup group/group category |
OPJB | Specify system messages |
OPJC | Maintain Wage Groups |
OPJD | Item Categories |
OPJE | User Selection |
OPJF | Automatic Selection |
OPJG | Maintain Default Values |
OPJH | Order types production order |
OPJI | BOM Usage Priorities |
OPJJ | Maintain Scope of Check |
OPJK | Maintain Control |
OPJL | Maintain Checking Rule |
OPJM | Application-Specific Criteria |
OPJN | Maintain Scheduling Type |
OPJO | C MM-BD units of measurement |
OPJP | Maint. acct.assgnm.types for orders |
OPJQ | Standard Value Key |
OPJR | Maintain move time matrix |
OPJS | PP: Maintain reduction strategies |
OPJT | Maintain Strategy Levels |
OPJU | Production order control parameters |
OPJV | Maintain Capacity Category |
OPJW | Maintain Capa.Planr.Grp for WrkCentr |
OPJX | Factory Calendar C |
OPJY | Maintain perf. efficiency rate key |
OPJZ | Maintain Release Periods |
OPK0 | Confirmation Parameters PP |
OPK0T | Confirmation Parameters |
OPK1 | Confirmation Parameters PP-PI |
OPK1T | Confirmation Parameters |
OPK2 | Formula Parameters |
OPK3 | Define Formula |
OPK4 | Confirmation Parameters |
OPK5 | Maintain variances |
OPK6 | List Layout |
OPK7 | Accessing Customizing PDC transfer |
OPK8 | Maintain print control prod. orders |
OPK9 | Maintain Goods Receipt Valuation |
OPKA | Maintain Movement Types |
OPKB | Control parallel confirmation |
OPKC | Control confirmation process chain |
OPKD | Control confirmation process chain |
OPKE | Screen Sequence for Components |
OPKF | Control parallel confirmation |
OPKG | Maintain Messages |
OPKH | Maintain Breakpoints |
OPKI | Maintain Collective Confirmation |
OPKJ | Maintain PRT Control Key |
OPKK | Standard Text |
OPKL | Formula Parameters |
OPKM | Define Formula |
OPKN | Overview variant production control |
OPKO | Command File for Production Orders |
OPKP | Shop floor control profile |
OPKQ | Customizing: Matchcode for Proc.Ord. |
OPKR | Print flag |
OPKS | Maintain Origins for CO Object |
OPKT | Initial Screen: Settlement Structure |
OPKU | Maintain Collective Confirmation |
OPKV | Print Flag |
OPKW | Print shop papers |
OPKX | Deletion Flag/Indicator |
OPKZ | Customizing Matchcode for ProdOrder |
OPL1 | Costing Variants: PP Prod. Order |
OPL2 | Maintain trigger point group |
OPL3 | Trigger point usage |
OPL4 | Profile for missing parts list |
OPL5 | Order type LIS parameters |
OPL6 | Profile for documented goods mvmts |
OPL7 | Order change management profile |
OPL8 | Order type parameters: Overview |
OPL9 | Parameters for order change mgmt |
OPLA | Conditions: V_T682F for H CO |
OPLB | CondTab: Create (batch, prod.) |
OPLC | CondTab: Change (batchs, prod.) |
OPLD | CondTab: Display (batches, prod.) |
OPLE | Strategy types: Batch determ. (prod) |
OPLF | Access: Maintain batch determ.(prod) |
OPLG | Batch determ.: Procedure for prod. |
OPLH | Overview variant - production orders |
OPLI | Background job for goods movements |
OPLJ | Job "Fast entry confirmation" |
OPLK | Overall profile for order prog. rep. |
OPLL | Order progress: Displayed fields |
OPLM | Order progress: Displayed fields |
OPLO | maintain selection profile |
OPLP | Job "Convert planned order" |
OPLQ | maintain filter for control keys |
OPLR | Maintain filter for capacity version |
OPLS | Parallel processing control |
OPLT | Target System for Data Transfer |
OPLV | Maintain Filter for Task List Usage |
OPLW | Maintain Filter for Task List Status |
OPLX | Maintain Filter for BOM Usage |
OPLY | Maintain Filter for BOM Status |
OPLZ | Maintain POI Planned Order Selection |
OPM0 | Maintain profile - field selection |
OPM1 | Costing Variants - Production Order |
OPM2 | Maintain Detail Screen Control Oper. |
OPM3 | Maintain Detail Scrn Control Header |
OPMF | Field Selection - BOM Transfer |
OPMI | Import models activities |
OPMJ | Determine progress values |
OPN0 | Master Recipe Profile |
OPN1 | Maintain Profiles for Master Recipes |
OPN2 | Valuation Variants - Prod. Order |
OPN3 | Overv.Var.: Master Recipe Scheduling |
OPN5 | Field Seln: Std Network Overview |
OPN6 | Field Selection Standard Network Hdr |
OPN7 | Field Sel.:Std Ntwk Activity Detail |
OPN8 | Field Sel.:Std.Ntwk Comp.Overview |
OPN9 | Field Sel. Std Ntwk Comp.Detail |
OPO1 | Create Cost Element Planning Layout |
OPO2 | Change Cost Element Planning Layout |
OPO3 | Display Cost Element Planning Layout |
OPO4 | Create Stat. KF Planning Layout |
OPO5 | Change Stat. KF Planning Layout |
OPO6 | Display Stat. KF Planning Layout |
OPO7 | View Maintenance V_TCJ41_7 |
OPO8 | View Maintenance V_TCJ41_8 |
OPO9 | View Maintenance V_TCJ41_9 |
OPOA | View Maintenance V_T003O_N0 |
OPOB | View Maintenance V_T003O_N1 |
OPOC | View Maintenance V_T399X_N0 |
OPOD | View Maintenance V_T399X_N1 |
OPOE | View Maintenance T_T399X_N2 |
OPP1 | Customizing MRP |
OPP2 | MPS |
OPP3 | Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing |
OPP5 | List Profile Component List |
OPPA | PP/MRP Customizing Explosion |
OPPB | Direct Procurement |
OPPC | Period Grouping |
OPPD | Customizing Planning Time Fence |
OPPE | Conversion Plnnd Order -> Prod.Order |
OPPE01 | General iPPE Customizing |
OPPE02 | Define iPPE Node Type |
OPPE03 | Define iPPE Variant Types |
OPPE04 | Define iPPE Alternative Types |
OPPE05 | Define iPPE Relationship Types |
OPPE06 | Customer-Spec. Model Assgts (iPPE) |
OPPE07 | Time Analysis: Partner Products iPPE |
OPPE11 | Profiles: iPPE WB Professional |
OPPE12 | Tabs: iPPE Workbench Professional |
OPPE13 | User Assgmt: iPPE WB Professional |
OPPE14 | Define Reports for iPPE WB Prof. |
OPPE15 | Define Interface for iPPE Workbench |
OPPE20 | Profile Maintenance iPPE PS |
OPPEACT01 | Define Std Val. Determin. Type |
OPPEACT02 | Object Dependency in Process Struct. |
OPPECHK01 | Customizing: Consistency Check |
OPPEDOK | Documentation |
OPPEGENFILT | Generate Attribute Value Filter |
OPPELUI01 | Profile Definition: iPPE WB Express |
OPPELUI02 | User Assignment: iPPE WB Express |
OPPERES01 | Customizing for Production Resources |
OPPESCMPV | Object Dependent Status Management |
OPPESTATUS | Cross-Application Status Management |
OPPF | Customizing for Order Report |
OPPH | Customizing Purchase Req. Conversion |
OPPI | Available Stock |
OPPJ | MRP Checking Rule |
OPPK | Hierarchy Element |
OPPM | Evaluation Profiles |
OPPN | Layout |
OPPP | Customizing Direct Procurement |
OPPQ | C M MRP Plant Parameters for MRP |
OPPR | C M MRP MRP Group |
OPPS | Strategy |
OPPT | Strategy Group |
OPPU | Strategy Group for MRP Group |
OPPZ | MRP Group |
OPQDP02P | Define Derivation Paths |
OPQDP03D | Maint. Derivation Paths for Stucture |
OPQ_CORRESPONDENCE | Deter. interest key, tol. grp, clear |
OPQ_DDS_OF_PSOB | Determine DDS for Contr. Object Type |
OPQ_LOCK_REASON | Determine Payment Lock Reason |
OPQ_PAYMENT_METHOD | Determine Payment Method and DDS |
OPQ_ST_BP_SYNC | Create Business Partner for Student |
OPQ_ST_SYNC_CURR | Synchronize Student Account Data |
OPR1 | Area of Responsibility <-> Message |
OPR3 | Definition of Breakpoints |
OPR4_ACT | Multilevel Actual Settlement |
OPR4_CK | Material Cost Estimate |
OPR4_CKMC | Mass Costing - Sales Documents |
OPR4_CKML | Closing and Calc. of Periodic Price |
OPR4_CKPF | Price Update |
OPR4_FCO | Collective Processing: Variances |
OPR4_KKA | WIP Calculation |
OPR4_KKP | Repetitive Mfg and Process Mfg |
OPR4_KKS | Collective Processing: Variances |
OPR4_KKS1 | Individual Processing: Variances |
OPR4_PPCO | Production Order: Cost Calculation |
OPR5 | Definition of Error Mgmt IDs (SAP) |
OPR6 | Definition of Object IDs (SAP) |
OPR7 | Def. of Areas of Responsibility |
OPR8 | Def. of Minimum Message Types (SAP) |
OPR9 | Def. of Reference Objects (SAP) |
OPRCMFE | User-Defined Messages |
OPRF | Maintain Quotation Prefixes |
OPS | Customizing for Project System |
OPS0 | Maintain print control for networks |
OPS1 | Maintain User Fields |
OPS2 | Maintain Relationship Texts |
OPS3 | Maintain PS Text Types |
OPS4 | maintain simulation profile |
OPS5 | Maintain Standard Network Profile |
OPS6 | Maintain Project Manager |
OPS7 | Maintain Applicant |
OPS8 | Materialflow network |
OPS9 | Budget Management Profile |
OPSA | Maintain Project Profile |
OPSB | Cost Planning Profile |
OPSC | Create network types |
OPSCAS | Command File Payments (PS) |
OPSCOS | Command File Costs (PS) |
OPSD | Maintain Profile for Report Lines |
OPSE | Maintain Report Groups |
OPSF | Maintain Report Variations |
OPSG | Order change management profile |
OPSH | Maintain ctrl. key for activity (PS) |
OPSI | Edit PS validation rules |
OPSINS | Command File Info System (PS-F) |
OPSJ | Maintain Project Coding |
OPSK | Maintain Special Characters |
OPSL | Project Info System Overview Maint. |
OPSM | Maintain Overall Profile PS InfoSys |
OPSN | Edit PS substitution rules |
OPSO | Maintain Project Types |
OPSP | Capacity availability check |
OPSPAR1 | Maintain Partner Functions |
OPSPAR2 | Define Lang.-Dep.Partner Functions |
OPSPAR3 | WBS Partner Profile |
OPSQ | Intervals for Cost/Revenue Types |
OPSR | Maintain milestones |
OPSREV | Command File Revenues (PS) |
OPSS | Maintain milestones |
OPST | Network Confirmation Parameters |
OPSU | Maintain Activity Control Key |
OPSV | Cost object ind. |
OPSW | Info System Profile |
OPSX | PS: Reset "Budgeted" Status |
OPT1 | Maintain PS Transaction Types |
OPT2 | Matchcode for project definition |
OPT3 | Matchcode for WBS elements |
OPT4 | Matchcode for standard network |
OPT5 | Customizing matchcode for network |
OPT6 | Maintain std. milestone group |
OPT7 | Project planning board profile |
OPT8 | Maintain hierarchy graphic / dates |
OPT9 | Network parameters for PS-SD |
OPTA | Command file for PS -> FI area |
OPTB | Command file for WBS |
OPTC | Command file for network |
OPTD | Command file for standard network |
OPTE | Command file for PS info system |
OPTF | Command file for PS graphic |
OPTG | Maintain PS Info Summztn Criteria |
OPTH | PS info system maintenance |
OPTI | Maintain Progrss Analysis Overview |
OPTJ | Maintain PS Info Unit Conversion |
OPTK | Exclude Cost Elems from Avlbty Cntrl |
OPTL | Maintain PS Info Comparison Criteria |
OPTM | Fincl Budgeting Profile for Projects |
OPTN | Maintain priorities |
OPTO | Change costing variants |
OPTP | Sub-network parameters |
OPTQ | Maintain WBS scheduling parameters |
OPTR | Strategies for settlement rules |
OPTS | Maintain project version profile |
OPTT | Maint. acct.assgnm.types for orders |
OPTU | Maint. PS Info System field settings |
OPTV | Maint. PS Info System sort criteria |
OPTW | Maint.PS Info System group. criteria |
OPTX | Maint. PS Info System database set. |
OPTY | Capacity leveling - Time profile/PS |
OPTZ | Matchcode for standard WBS elements |
OPU0 | Matchcode for standard project def. |
OPU3 | Production order control parameters |
OPU4 | Maintain Capacity Planning (SOP) |
OPU5 | Parameter long term planning PlndOrd |
OPU6 | Production order control parameters |
OPU7 | Control parameters plant maintenance |
OPU8 | Overview Var.: Header Line Info Sys. |
OPU9 | Overview Variant: Item Line |
OPUA | Field selection: Network: Header |
OPUB | Field selection: Network: Overview |
OPUC | Field selection: Network: Details |
OPUD | Field selection:Network confirmation |
OPUH | Field sel: Std. project definition |
OPUI | Field selection: Std. WBS elements |
OPUJ | Field selection: Project definition |
OPUK | Field selection: WBS element |
OPUL | PS: Maintain reduction strategies |
OPUM | Maintain Subprojects |
OPUN | Capacity overviews |
OPUO | Project schedule overviews |
OPUP | Subnetwork schedule overview |
OPUQ | Overall network scheduling overview |
OPUR | Info System: Structure overview |
OPUS | Maintain Version Number Entry Mask |
OPUT | Maintain overview variants |
OPUU | Maintain Network Profile |
OPUV | Network Type Parameters |
OPUW | Standard Network Status |
OPUX | Maintain overview variants std netwk |
OPUY | Overview var.:Std.ntwrk scheduling |
OPUZ | Control parameters plant maintenance |
OPVC | Convert Avlability Cntrl Tol.Limits |
OPVP | Collective availibility checkProfile |
OQ02 | Maintain Forms |
OQ26 | Maintain qualification type |
OQ49 | Routing matchcode |
OQ62 | Number ranges for inspection plans |
OQ63 | Number ranges for ref.operation sets |
OQ77 | Engineering Workbench for QM |
OQ84 | Profile def. values: Task list/gen. |
OQ85 | Profile def. values: Task list/char. |
OQB1 | Maintain control key |
OQB2 | Maintain certificate type |
OQB3 | Maintain procurement block key |
OQB4 | Maintain document types Q documents |
OQB5 | Insp. type for stat. prof. and stat. |
OQB6 | Number range for certificate receipt |
OQB7 | Maintain required QM systems |
OQB8 | Define QM systems |
OQBA | Variants-maintain all-QINF in DB |
OQBB | Activate Customizing doc. types |
OQBC | Deactivate Customizing doc. types |
OQCZ | Settings for Workflow Certificates |
OQFA | Adapt field selection |
OQGN1 | Task Customizing |
OQI3 | Storage Data Maintenance |
OQI4 | Customize Lot Selection for QA32/33 |
OQI5 | List of control charts for insp. lot |
OQI6 | List of control charts for task list |
OQI7 | Results Recording Worklist: New |
OQI8 | Work list variant automatic UD |
OQI9 | Cntrl chart lists for master charac. |
OQIA | Maintain variant: Q-level evaluation |
OQIC | Work list variant for results rec. |
OQID | Order maint. variant for material |
OQIE | Usage var. for QM order in material |
OQIF | Customize Lot Selection for QVM1 |
OQIG | Customize Lot Selection for QVM2 |
OQIH | Customize Lot Selection for QVM3 |
OQII | Customize Lot Selection for QA16 |
OQIJ | Field select. maintain results hist. |
OQIK | Field sel. PhysSampDraw with ref. |
OQIL | Field sel. insp. lots for physSamps |
OQIM | Field sel. deletion program Q-levels |
OQIN | Results recording for insp. points |
OQIO | Results recording for insp. lots |
OQIP | Results recording for insp. charac. |
OQIQ | Results recording variant for sample |
OQIR | Results recording variant for equip. |
OQIS | Res. recording variant for fnct. Loc |
OQIT | Settings for Insp. Method List |
OQIU | Settings for Master Insp. Char. List |
OQIV | Results History for Task List Charac |
OQIW | Results History for Task List Charac |
OQIX | Test Equipment Usage List |
OQIY | Test Equipment Tracking |
OQIZ | Settings for Notification Workflow |
OQL8 | Assign origin for delivery type |
OQL9 | Assign Inspection Type to Del. Type |
OQM1 | Q-Notification Field Selection: Gen. |
OQM2 | Q-Notif. Field Sel: Initial Screens |
OQM3 | Q-Notif. Field Sel: Ref. Objects |
OQM4 | Q-Notif. Field Sel: Partner Screens |
OQN0 | Maintain notification types |
OQN2 | Maint. status prof. for Q-notif.type |
OQN3 | Maint. prio. types for notif. types |
OQN5 | Maintain catalogs for notif. types |
OQN6 | Maintain cat. profile for Q-notific. |
OQN7 | Start values - notification |
OQNC | Set field selection for notif. list |
OQND | Set field selection for task list |
OQNE | Set field selection for item list |
OQNF | Variant: Work list activities |
OQNL | Field selec. multi-lvl list - notif. |
OQNM | Field selec. mul.lev. list - partner |
OQNN | Field selec. mul.level list - item |
OQNO | Field selec. multi-lvl list - activ. |
OQNP | Field selec. multi-level list - task |
OQNR | Define follow-up actions |
OQNU | Multi-lev. list fld selection-cause |
OQNW | Settings for Notification Workflow |
OQP1 | Insp. plan lists |
OQR0 | Organize QM Archiving |
OQS8 | Customizing for IQS8 |
OQS9 | Customizing for IQS9 |
OQZ6 | Def. access seq. for cert. profile |
OQZ7 | Create cond. table for certificates |
OQZ8 | Change cond. table for certificates |
OQZ9 | Disp. cond. table for certificates |
OQZA | Field catalog cert. profile V_T681F |
OQZC | Condition types certificate profiles |
OQZE | Certif. profiles search procedure |
OQZN | Number ranges for quality certs. |
ORA_LOCK | Oracle: Lock-Monitor |
ORA_PERF | DBACockpit: Oracle - Performance |
ORA_SPACE | DBACockpit: Oracle - Space Statistic |
ORCP01 | Recipe Customizing Status |
ORCP03 | Customizing for Equip. Requirements |
ORCP04 | Customizing for Recipes |
ORCP05 | Customizing for Process Stages |
ORCP06 | Customizing for Processes |
ORCP07 | Customizing for Actions |
ORCP08 | Customizing for Operations |
ORCP09 | Customizing for Units of Measurement |
ORDO | Download of an Investment Program |
ORET | Report Selection |
ORF1 | C SD TVST in Route Determination |
ORF2 | C SD TVLK in Route Determination |
ORFA | Asset Accounting Customizing |
ORFB | |
ORGANIZER | Records Management |
ORIS | Stat. Setup: Sales Price Revaluation |
ORISBW | Reorg: BW Sls Price Revaluation Docs |
ORK0 | Configuration menu gen. controlling |
ORK1 | Customizing: Account-Based EC-PCA |
ORK2 | EC-PCA: Call IMG |
ORKA | C CO-OPA Configuration Menu: Orders |
ORKE | Display CO-PA IMG |
ORKL | Reconciliation Ledger Menu |
ORKS | |
ORLNA | Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACCT |
ORLNC | Number Range Maintenance: VHU_CPGRP |
ORLNI | Number Range Maintenance: TRMNO_INT |
ORLNP | Number Range Maintenance: VHU_PSHP |
ORLNR | Number Range Maintenance: VHU_REPROC |
ORLNS | Number Range Maintenance: VHU_PSHPA |
ORLNT | Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACST |
ORLNV | Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACPO |
ORLPT | Maintain account posting types |
ORLPTA | Assign Account Posting Types |
ORLRP | Residence Times for Archiving |
ORLRS1 | Create Condition Table |
ORLRS2 | Change Condition Table |
ORLRS3 | Display Condition Table |
ORLRS4 | Field Catalog for RP Acct Statement |
ORLRS5 | Access Sequence for RP Acct Statemt |
ORLRS6 | Output Types for RP Account Statemts |
ORLRS7 | Assign Output to Partner Roles |
ORLRS8 | Output Procedure for RP Acct Statemt |
ORMI | Import models orders |
ORMXT04 | Custom.: Field Sel. for Trial Views |
ORMXTNR | Maintain Number Ranges for Trials |
ORMXTQMBBIDNR | Maintain Number Ranges for Trials |
ORPS1 | Checks for Worklists |
ORPS2 | Message Type for Confirmation |
ORPS3 | Qty/Error Combination for Confirm. |
ORPS4 | Assign Quantity Layout to Plant/ID |
ORPS5 | Define Confirmation Layouts |
ORPS6 | Assign Layouts to Plant/Order Type |
ORUP | Upload of an Investment Program |
OS01 | LAN check with ping |
OS02 | Operating system configuration |
OS03 | O/S Parameter changes |
OS04 | Local System Configuration |
OS05 | Remote System Cconfiguration |
OS06 | Local Operating System Activity |
OS06N | Operating System Activity |
OS07 | Remote Operating System Activity |
OS07N | Remote Operating System Activity |
OS07_HOST | call OS07 with hostname |
OS07_U | Remote Operating System Activity |
OS11 | Spare Part Indicators |
OS12 | Material Provision Indicators |
OS13 | Item Categories |
OS14 | Material Types Allowed in BOM Item |
OS15 | Variable-Size Item Formulas |
OS16 | BOM Item Object Type |
OS17 | Explosion Types |
OS18 | Relevancy to costing |
OS20 | BOM Usage |
OS21 | BOM Usage Default Values |
OS22 | Copying Defaults for Item Statuses |
OS23 | BOM Statuses |
OS24 | Material Types Allowed in BOMs |
OS25 | BOMs with History Requirement |
OS26 | Laboratory/Office |
OS27 | Modification Parameters for BOMs |
OS28 | Defaults for BOMs |
OS29 | User-Specific Settings for BOMs |
OS30 | Application |
OS31 | BOM Usage Priorities |
OS32 | Alternative BOM Determination |
OS33 | Alt. Determination in Inventory Mgmt |
OS34 | Alt. Determination in Costing |
OS35 | Alt. Determination in Production |
OS36 | Alt. Determination in SD |
OS37 | Alt. Determination in PM |
OS38 | Alt. Determination in MRP |
OS40 | Generate BOM Transfer File |
OS41 | Transfer BOM without Long Text |
OS42 | Process Transfer File |
OS43 | Copy BOM changes |
OS44 | Copy BOM variants |
OS45 | Copy BOM with description |
OS46 | Edit transfer file (long text)_ |
OS47 | Field Groups: Assigned Fields |
OS48 | Field Groups: Definition and Descs |
OS51 | Change Master Statuses |
OS52 | Change Master Matchcode |
OS53 | Number Ranges for Change Master |
OS54 | Change Master Control Data |
OS55 | Material Revision Level Sequence |
OS56 | Change Types |
OS57 | Document Revision Level Sequence |
OS58 | Object Mgmt Record Change Types |
OS59 | ECM: Profile Settings |
OS60 | Effectivity Parameters: Definition |
OS61 | Effectivity Type |
OS62 | Effectivity parameters - popup texts |
OS65 | Effectivity types - texts |
OS66 | Effect. params - texts - headings |
OS67 | ECH: Effectivity Profile |
OS68 | ECH: History Requirement Control |
OS69 | Engineering Change Mgmt: release key |
OS70 | User-Specific List Profiles |
OS71 | ECH: Change Number Format |
OS72 | ECH: Workflow for ECR/ECO |
OS73 | ECH: Workflow for Object Mgmt Record |
OS80 | REM Planning Table (Gen. + Sched.) |
OS81 | REM Planning Table (Row Display) |
OSC1 | Appointment Type Maintenance |
OSC2 | Appoint. diary: Maint. destination |
OSC3 | Appointment Calendar:Priority Maint. |
OSC4 | Maintenance of Appointment Type Grps |
OSC_WF_REPLY | Customizing for WF appt. replies |
OSDPAPO | Distinction SDP-APO or Standard APO |
OSGR | Command file for Customizing graph. |
OSP1 | Settings for Repet.Manufacturing |
OSP2 | Repetitive Mfg Profile |
OSP4 | Repetitive Mfg: Distribution Functn |
OSP5 | Repetitive Manufacturing: Cost Log |
OSP6 | Create Cost Collector Strategy |
OSP7 | Withdrawal Sequence |
OSP8 | Number Range for Backlogs |
OSP9 | Number Range for Document Log |
OSPA | Customizing Distribution Function |
OSPB | Customizing Production Order Type |
OSPC | Customizing Goods Movements |
OSPD | Customizing Planning Periodicity |
OSPF | Repetitive Manufacturing Line Texts |
OSPH | Batch Search Proced. in REM Profile |
OSPI | Number Range for Backflush Discrep. |
OSPJ | No.Range Maintenance f. Document Log |
OSPK | Storage Location Search |
OSPM | Background Job Reprocessing REM |
OSPN | Background Job: Adjmt. of Dep. Reqs |
OSPO | Backgr. Job - Agg. Coll. Backflush |
OSPP | Customizing for Pull List |
OSPR | Number Ranges in REM |
OSPS | Batch Search Procedure for Pull List |
OSPT | Repetitive Mfg Profile Assistant |
OSPX | Customizing stock determination |
OSPY | Conversion for withdrawal seq. grp |
OSQ1 | Customizing for Seqeuncing: Visual. |
OSQ2 | Customizing for Sequencing: Planning |
OSS1 | Logon to SAPNet |
OSSC | Appt. Calendar: Appt. Type Maint. |
OST1 | CS Transport C Tables TCS21/TCS22 |
OST2 | CS Transport C Tables BOM Usage |
OST3 | Transp. Customizing tabs T418F,T418G |
OSU1 | su: Display Export Filter |
OSU2 | su: Display page formats |
OSU3 | su: Display Postscript fonts |
OSU4 | su: Display screen fonts |
OSU5 | su: Display colors |
OSU6 | su: Display shapes |
OSU7 | su: Display line types |
OSUR | su: Customizing profile |
OS_APPLICATION | OO Framework Application |
OT01 | C FI Maintain Table 001_K |
OT02 | C FI Maintain Table T056S |
OT03 | C FI Maintain Table T056A2 |
OT05 | C FI Maintain Table T039 |
OT06 | C FI Maintain Table T079D |
OT07 | C FI Maintain Table T078D |
OT08 | C FI Maintain Table T079K |
OT09 | C FI Maintain Table T078K |
OT10 | C FI Maintain Table T077D |
OT11 | C FI Maintain Table T077K |
OT12 | C FI Maintain Table T036 |
OT13 | C FI Maintain Table T035 |
OT14 | C FI Maintain Table T036 |
OT16 | C FI Maintain Table T035D |
OT17 | C FI Maintain Table T038 |
OT18 | C FI Maintain Table T038T |
OT19 | C FI Maintain Table T038V |
OT20 | Number Ranges of Memo Records |
OT21 | C FI Maintain Table T037 |
OT22 | C FI Maintain Table T037A |
OT23 | C FI Maintain Table T036S |
OT24 | C FI Maintain Table T018C |
OT25 | C FI Maintain Table T056P |
OT26 | C FI Maintain Table T056R |
OT27 | C FI Maintain Table T018D |
OT29 | C FI Maintain Table 001_I |
OT30 | Current Account |
OT31 | Not Current Account |
OT32 | C FI Maintain Table T004F |
OT33 | C FI Maintain Table T056 |
OT34 | C TD Levels for Special G/L |
OT35 | Purchase orders |
OT36 | C FI Maintain Table T056B |
OT37 | C FI Maintain Table T077S |
OT38 | C FI Batch Input Program |
OT39 | C FI Batch Input Program |
OT40 | C FI Change Customer |
OT41 | C FI Change Vendor |
OT42 | C FI Change G/L Account |
OT43 | C Maintain version: Man. bank stmt |
OT45 | C Maintain variants: check deposit |
OT47 | C FI Maintain Table T0350 |
OT48 | C FT CMF Reorganization |
OT49 | C FI Maintain checks recd (T028D) |
OT50 | C Elec acct assignment /checks recd |
OT51 | C FI Maintain T028G |
OT52 | C FI Maintain T028H |
OT53 | C FI Maintain T028H |
OT54 | C FI Maintain T001F |
OT55 | C FI Maintain T028B |
OT56 | C FI Maintain manual acct (T028D) |
OT57 | C FI Maintain elec account (T028D) |
OT58 | C Elec acct determntn (manual acct) |
OT59 | C Elec.bkng ac.assignment (elec.ac.) |
OT60 | C TR Acct determin G/L acct bal int |
OT61 | Program and variant selection |
OT62 | C acct determination dep./loan mgmt |
OT63 | C FI Maintain table T001F (BlExPres) |
OT64 | C FI Maintain table T001G (BlExPres) |
OT65 | C FI Maint. Table T001F (RetBlEx) |
OT66 | C FI Maintain table T001G (RetBlEx) |
OT67 | C FI Maintain table T046S |
OT68 | C FI Maintain table T012K (RetBlEx) |
OT69 | Reorganize CM data from orders |
OT73 | C FI Maintain Table T028M |
OT74 | C FI Maintain Table T028O |
OT75 | Reconstruct CM from Vendor Bill.Docs |
OT76 | Reconstruct CM from Loans |
OT77 | Reconstruct CM from Securities |
OT78 | Reconstruct FC, Money Mkt, Deriv. |
OT79 | Reconstruct CM from Securities |
OT80 | Planning levels/Treasury Management |
OT81 | Process Repetitive Codes |
OT82 | C FI Tabellenpflege T028L |
OT83 | Basic Settings for the El.Bank St. |
OT84 | Bank Stmt/Check Dep.Posting Specs |
OT85 | C FI Mainenance in Table T035Z |
OT90 | C FI Maintenance Table T028Q |
OTC_CONV | CFM 1.0: Migration OTC Int.Rte Inst. |
OTF1 | Material-Freight Groups |
OTF2 | Forwarding Agent - Freight Groups |
OTF3 | Freight Code Sets |
OTF4 | Determine Freight Code Set |
OTF5 | Freight Codes |
OTF6 | Freight Code Determination |
OTF7 | Define Freight Code Index |
OTLA | Report Selection |
OTLD | Current Settings for Cash Management |
OTPM | Define El.Bank Stmt Search String |
OTR1 | Number Range for Form Numbers |
OTR2 | Number Range for Control Numbers |
OTR3 | Number range for log numbers |
OTR4 | Number range for temse files |
OTZ1 | C FI Users |
OTZ2 | C FI Profiles |
OTZ3 | C FI Authorizations |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes from OP to OT
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