Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcodes from OP to OT

OP00 Maintain Operation Control Key
OP01 Customizing Routing/Work Center
OP03 Factory Calendar C
OP04 Word Processing
OP07 Standard Text
OP08 Standard Text
OP09 Maintain Alternative Activity Desc.
OP10 Maintain Person Responsible
OP11 Maintain Period Pattern Key
OP12 Maintain Location
OP13 Maintain Screen Sequence
OP14 Maintain Type of Std. Value Determin
OP15 Production User Profile
OP16 Maintain Period Pattern
OP17 Formula Parameters
OP18 Maintain Setup Group/Setup Group Cat
OP19 Standard Value Key
OP20 Maintain Setup Type Key
OP21 Define Formula
OP22 Maintain Wage Groups
OP23 Maintain Location
OP24 Maintain period dependent oper. val.
OP26 Maintain suitability
OP28 Maintain Perf. Efficiency Rate Key
OP30 Maintain Move Time Matrix
OP31 Maintain Time Segment (Per. Pattern)
OP32 Maintain Capacity Category
OP34 Maintain Work Center Planner Group
OP35 Maintain Perf. Efficiency Rate Key
OP36 Maintain Capacity Default Values
OP37 Maintain Available Capacity Version
OP38 Maintain Setup Type Key
OP39 Maintain Graphics Profile
OP40 Maintain Work Center Category
OP41 Matchcode for work center
OP42 Default work center
OP43 Maintain Setup Group Categories
OP44 Maintain Task List Usage
OP45 Maintain Usage
OP46 Maintain Task List Status
OP47 Maintain PRT Usage
OP48 Maintain Planner Group
OP49 Matchcode for Routings/Ref. Op. Sets
OP4A Maintain Shift Sequences
OP4B Overview variant: Routing
OP4C Overview variant: Ref. oper. set
OP4D Overview variant: Rate routing
OP4E Overview variant: Ref. rate routing
OP4F Overview var.:Scheduling of routings
OP4G Overview var.:Scheduling ref.op.set
OP4H Overview var.:Scheduling of rate rtg
OP4I Overview var.:Scheduling RefRateRtgs
OP50 Assign Material Types
OP51 Formula Parameters
OP52 Formula Parameters
OP53 Formula Parameters
OP54 Define Formula
OP55 Define Formula
OP56 Define Formula
OP57 Define Formula
OP58 Maintain Default Value Profiles
OP59 Formula Parameters
OP5A Field Selection: Task List Overview
OP5B Field Selection: Task List Header
OP5C Field Selection: Task List Sequence
OP5D Field Selection: Task List Details
OP5E Field selection task list overview
OP5F Field selection std network -> PRT
OP5H Field sel. insp.plan characteristics
OP61 Number range maintenance: ROUTING_3
OP62 Number ranges for routings
OP63 Number Ranges for Ref.Operation Sets
OP64 Maintain Setup Group Key
OP65 Formula Parameters
OP66 Maintain Location Group
OP67 Maintain Operation Control Key
OP68 Maintain Move Time Matrix
OP69 Maintain wage type
OP70 Maintain PRT Control Key
OP71 Maintain Wage Group
OP72 PRT Control Key
OP73 PRT Authorization Group
OP74 Maintain PRT Group Key
OP76 Define suitability
OP77 Engineering Workbench for Task Lists
OP78 Maintain Type of Std. Value Determin
OP7A Customizing matchcode for PRTs
OP7B Define Parameters
OP80 Maintain PRT Status
OP82 Define Formula
OP84 Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs.
OP85 Profiles: Default Values for QM
OP87 Maintain Routing/Ref.Op.Set Usage
OP88 Maintain Assignmt. of Task List Type
OP8A Maintain operation value description
OP8B Maintain standard value texts
OP8C Record layout for background (APL)
OP8D Data transfer APL
OP8E Command file task lists Rel. 2.2A
OP8F Maintain production scheduler
OP8H Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs.
OP91 Maintain Object Overview Version
OP95 Assign Work Center Cat. to Applicatn
OP96 Maintain Work Center Category
OP97 Maintain Performance Efficiency Rate
OP98 Maintain Validity of Perf.Effic.Rate
OPA0 Status selection profiles
OPA1 Maintain combination definitions
OPA2 Define selection profile
OPA3 Define option profile
OPA4 Define list profile
OPA5 Define graphics profile
OPA6 Define overall profile
OPA7 Define columns
OPA9 Maintain selection profiles
OPB1 Define list versions
OPB2 Define distribution function
OPB3 Specify distribution functions
OPB4 Specify distribution strategies
OPB5 Specify distribution key
OPC0 Axis representation selection
OPC1 Maintain axis representation
OPC2 Curve representation selection
OPC3 Maintain curve representation
OPC5 Max. no. of data records
OPCD Capacity category
OPCE Capacity planner
OPCF Time units
OPCG Maintain Operation Control Key
OPCH Maintain production scheduler
OPCI Setup group key/category
OPCL Scheduling type
OPCM Standard value key
OPCN Maintain move time matrix
OPCQ Efficiency rate
OPCR Formula parameters
OPCS Define formula
OPCT Strategies
OPCU Strategy levels
OPCW Planned order parameters
OPCX Formula parameters
OPCY Define formula
OPD0 Resource planning overall profile
OPD1 Resource planning selection profile
OPD2 Capacity leveling - time profile
OPD3 Resource planning evaluation profile
OPD4 Resource planning period profile
OPD5 Flow control definition
OPD6 Flow control control table
OPD7 Flow control statuses
OPD8 Flow Control Actions
OPD9 Flow Control Messages
OPDA Transition matrix (setup matrix)
OPDB Capacity Leveling Strategy Profile
OPDD Factory calendar
OPDE Resource planning control profile
OPDF Define requirements grouping
OPDH Capacity leveling - list profile
OPDJ Define layout
OPDK Define standard overview
OPDL Cap. plan. detailed cap.list maint.
OPDM Define detail list (leveling)
OPDQ Profile for planning table (tab.)
OPDR Define layout key
OPDT Define detail list
OPDU Maintain perf. efficiency rate key
OPDV Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s
OPDW Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s
OPE0 Maintain Sort String
OPE1 Maintain Value Type
OPE2 Maintain Machine Type
OPE3 Maintain Planner Group
OPE4 Maintain Control Parameters
OPE5 Maintain rounding categories
OPE6 Maintain Rounding Category
OPE7 Maintain overhead key
OPE8 Maint. Roundg. and Add.Val.Key (Def)
OPE9 Maintain User Profile
OPEA User selection
OPEB Automatic selection
OPEC PP user fields
OPENPS Download Activities to Palm Pilot
OPF0 Maintain User
OPF1 Authorizations for CAPP
OPFA Field selection: Work center
OPFP Configuring the Fixed Price Version
OPG0 Profile for planning table
OPG1 Chart sequence - selection
OPG2 Line representation
OPG3 Scale time axis
OPG4 Time scale profile
OPG5 Graphic obj.type sel./repr.profile
OPG6 Transition matrix setup fam.key
OPG7 Line display selection
OPG9 Graphical object type/obj.represent.
OPGD Ref. Oper. Set-All Task Lists (PP)
OPGE Ref. Oper. Set - Rate Routings (PP)
OPGF Work Center - All Task Lists (PP)
OPGG Work Center - Rate Routings (PP)
OPGH Document PRT - All Task Lists
OPGI Equipment PRT - All Task Lists
OPGJ Material PRT - All Task Lists
OPGK Misc. PRT - All Task Lists
OPGL Resource - Master Recipes (PI)
OPGM Process Instr. Cat. - Master Recipe
OPGN Document PRT - Maintenance Task List
OPGO Equipment PRT-Maintenance Task Lists
OPGP Material PRT - Maintenance Task List
OPGQ Misc. PRT - Maintenance Task Lists
OPGR Work Center - Standard Network (PS)
OPGS Document PRT - Standard Network (PS)
OPGT Equipment PRT - Standard Network(PS)
OPGU Material PRT - Standard Network (PS)
OPGV Misc. PRT - Standard Network (PS)
OPH1 CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Actual Data
OPH2 PS Cash Management: Delete Plan Data
OPH3 CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Master Data
OPH4 CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: MM Data Transfer
OPH5 CO CBM: Successive FI Data Transfer
OPH6 CO CBM: Take Over FI Completely
OPH7 CO-CBM: Take Over All Data
OPI1 Maintain Value Categories
OPI2 Value Categories for Cost Elements
OPI3 Update Control: File RPSCO
OPI4 Commitment Item Value Categories
OPI5 Value Categories for Stag.Key Figs
OPI6 Activate CO Cash Budget Management
OPI8 Display Value Category
OPIA Interest Profile for Projects
OPIB Maintain Interest Profile
OPIC Intrst Relevance: Cost Els/Cmmt Itms
OPIC1 Specify system messages
OPID Proj.Int Calc: Account Determination
OPIE Interest Indicator
OPIF View Maintenance:Compound Int.Cont.
OPIG View Maint.: Compound Int. Periods
OPIH Interest Scale, General Conditions
OPIN Number range maintnce:  VHU_PINST
OPJ2 Production order stock determination
OPJ4 Schedule batch function request
OPJ6 Maintain Status Profiles
OPJ7 Maintain Routing Usage
OPJ8 Maintain Operation Control Key
OPJ9 Maintain prod. scheduler group
OPJA Maintain setup group/group category
OPJB Specify system messages
OPJC Maintain Wage Groups
OPJD Item Categories
OPJE User Selection
OPJF Automatic Selection
OPJG Maintain Default Values
OPJH Order types production order
OPJI BOM Usage Priorities
OPJJ Maintain Scope of Check
OPJK Maintain Control
OPJL Maintain Checking Rule
OPJM Application-Specific Criteria
OPJN Maintain Scheduling Type
OPJO C MM-BD units of measurement
OPJP Maint. acct.assgnm.types for orders
OPJQ Standard Value Key
OPJR Maintain move time matrix
OPJS PP: Maintain reduction strategies
OPJT Maintain Strategy Levels
OPJU Production order control parameters
OPJV Maintain Capacity Category
OPJW Maintain Capa.Planr.Grp for WrkCentr
OPJX Factory Calendar C
OPJY Maintain perf. efficiency rate key
OPJZ Maintain Release Periods
OPK0 Confirmation Parameters PP
OPK0T Confirmation Parameters
OPK1 Confirmation Parameters PP-PI
OPK1T Confirmation Parameters
OPK2 Formula Parameters
OPK3 Define Formula
OPK4 Confirmation Parameters
OPK5 Maintain variances
OPK6 List Layout
OPK7 Accessing Customizing PDC transfer
OPK8 Maintain print control prod. orders
OPK9 Maintain Goods Receipt Valuation
OPKA Maintain Movement Types
OPKB Control parallel confirmation
OPKC Control confirmation process chain
OPKD Control confirmation process chain
OPKE Screen Sequence for Components
OPKF Control parallel confirmation
OPKG Maintain Messages
OPKH Maintain Breakpoints
OPKI Maintain Collective Confirmation
OPKJ Maintain PRT Control Key
OPKK Standard Text
OPKL Formula Parameters
OPKM Define Formula
OPKN Overview variant production control
OPKO Command File for Production Orders
OPKP Shop floor control profile
OPKQ Customizing: Matchcode for Proc.Ord.
OPKR Print flag
OPKS Maintain Origins for CO Object
OPKT Initial Screen: Settlement Structure
OPKU Maintain Collective Confirmation
OPKV Print Flag
OPKW Print shop papers
OPKX Deletion Flag/Indicator
OPKZ Customizing Matchcode for ProdOrder
OPL1 Costing Variants: PP Prod. Order
OPL2 Maintain trigger point group
OPL3 Trigger point usage
OPL4 Profile for missing parts list
OPL5 Order type LIS parameters
OPL6 Profile for documented goods mvmts
OPL7 Order change management profile
OPL8 Order type parameters: Overview
OPL9 Parameters for order change mgmt
OPLA Conditions: V_T682F for H CO
OPLB CondTab: Create (batch, prod.)
OPLC CondTab: Change (batchs, prod.)
OPLD CondTab: Display (batches, prod.)
OPLE Strategy types: Batch determ. (prod)
OPLF Access: Maintain batch determ.(prod)
OPLG Batch determ.: Procedure for prod.
OPLH Overview variant - production orders
OPLI Background job for goods movements
OPLJ Job "Fast entry confirmation"
OPLK Overall profile for order prog. rep.
OPLL Order progress: Displayed fields
OPLM Order progress: Displayed fields
OPLO maintain selection profile
OPLP Job "Convert planned order"
OPLQ maintain filter for control keys
OPLR Maintain filter for capacity version
OPLS Parallel processing control
OPLT Target System for Data Transfer
OPLV Maintain Filter for Task List Usage
OPLW Maintain Filter for Task List Status
OPLX Maintain Filter for BOM Usage
OPLY Maintain Filter for BOM Status
OPLZ Maintain POI Planned Order Selection
OPM0 Maintain profile - field selection
OPM1 Costing Variants - Production Order
OPM2 Maintain Detail Screen Control Oper.
OPM3 Maintain Detail Scrn Control Header
OPMF Field Selection - BOM Transfer
OPMI Import models activities
OPMJ Determine progress values
OPN0 Master Recipe Profile
OPN1 Maintain Profiles for Master Recipes
OPN2 Valuation Variants - Prod. Order
OPN3 Overv.Var.: Master Recipe Scheduling
OPN5 Field Seln: Std Network Overview
OPN6 Field Selection Standard Network Hdr
OPN7 Field Sel.:Std Ntwk Activity Detail
OPN8 Field Sel.:Std.Ntwk Comp.Overview
OPN9 Field Sel. Std Ntwk Comp.Detail
OPO1 Create Cost Element Planning Layout
OPO2 Change Cost Element Planning Layout
OPO3 Display Cost Element Planning Layout
OPO4 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
OPO5 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
OPO6 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
OPO7 View Maintenance V_TCJ41_7
OPO8 View Maintenance V_TCJ41_8
OPO9 View Maintenance V_TCJ41_9
OPOA View Maintenance V_T003O_N0
OPOB View Maintenance V_T003O_N1
OPOC View Maintenance V_T399X_N0
OPOD View Maintenance V_T399X_N1
OPOE View Maintenance T_T399X_N2
OPP1 Customizing MRP
OPP3 Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing
OPP5 List Profile Component List
OPPA PP/MRP Customizing Explosion
OPPB Direct Procurement
OPPC Period Grouping
OPPD Customizing Planning Time Fence
OPPE Conversion Plnnd Order -> Prod.Order
OPPE01 General iPPE Customizing
OPPE02 Define iPPE Node Type
OPPE03 Define iPPE Variant Types
OPPE04 Define iPPE Alternative Types
OPPE05 Define iPPE Relationship Types
OPPE06 Customer-Spec. Model Assgts (iPPE)
OPPE07 Time Analysis: Partner Products iPPE
OPPE11 Profiles: iPPE WB Professional
OPPE12 Tabs: iPPE Workbench Professional
OPPE13 User Assgmt: iPPE WB Professional
OPPE14 Define Reports for iPPE WB Prof.
OPPE15 Define Interface for iPPE Workbench
OPPE20 Profile Maintenance iPPE PS
OPPEACT01 Define Std Val. Determin. Type
OPPEACT02 Object Dependency in Process Struct.
OPPECHK01 Customizing: Consistency Check
OPPEDOK Documentation
OPPEGENFILT Generate Attribute Value Filter
OPPELUI01 Profile Definition: iPPE WB Express
OPPELUI02 User Assignment: iPPE WB Express
OPPERES01 Customizing for Production Resources
OPPESCMPV Object Dependent Status Management
OPPESTATUS Cross-Application Status Management
OPPF Customizing for Order Report
OPPH Customizing Purchase Req. Conversion
OPPI Available Stock
OPPJ MRP Checking Rule
OPPK Hierarchy Element
OPPM Evaluation Profiles
OPPN Layout
OPPP Customizing Direct Procurement
OPPQ C M MRP Plant Parameters for MRP
OPPS Strategy
OPPT Strategy Group
OPPU Strategy Group for MRP Group
OPQDP02P Define Derivation Paths
OPQDP03D Maint. Derivation Paths for Stucture
OPQ_CORRESPONDENCE Deter. interest key, tol. grp, clear
OPQ_DDS_OF_PSOB Determine DDS for Contr. Object Type
OPQ_LOCK_REASON Determine Payment Lock Reason
OPQ_PAYMENT_METHOD Determine Payment Method and DDS
OPQ_ST_BP_SYNC Create Business Partner for Student
OPQ_ST_SYNC_CURR Synchronize Student Account Data
OPR1 Area of Responsibility <-> Message
OPR3 Definition of Breakpoints
OPR4_ACT Multilevel Actual Settlement
OPR4_CK Material Cost Estimate
OPR4_CKMC Mass Costing - Sales Documents
OPR4_CKML Closing and Calc. of Periodic Price
OPR4_CKPF Price Update
OPR4_FCO Collective Processing: Variances
OPR4_KKA WIP Calculation
OPR4_KKP Repetitive Mfg and Process Mfg
OPR4_KKS Collective Processing: Variances
OPR4_KKS1 Individual Processing: Variances
OPR4_PPCO Production Order: Cost Calculation
OPR5 Definition of Error Mgmt IDs (SAP)
OPR6 Definition of Object IDs (SAP)
OPR7 Def. of Areas of Responsibility
OPR8 Def. of Minimum Message Types (SAP)
OPR9 Def. of Reference Objects (SAP)
OPRCMFE User-Defined Messages
OPRF Maintain Quotation Prefixes
OPS Customizing for Project System
OPS0 Maintain print control for networks
OPS1 Maintain User Fields
OPS2 Maintain Relationship Texts
OPS3 Maintain PS Text Types
OPS4 maintain simulation profile
OPS5 Maintain Standard Network Profile
OPS6 Maintain Project Manager
OPS7 Maintain Applicant
OPS8 Materialflow network
OPS9 Budget Management Profile
OPSA Maintain Project Profile
OPSB Cost Planning Profile
OPSC Create network types
OPSCAS Command File Payments (PS)
OPSCOS Command File Costs (PS)
OPSD Maintain Profile for Report Lines
OPSE Maintain Report Groups
OPSF Maintain Report Variations
OPSG Order change management profile
OPSH Maintain ctrl. key for activity (PS)
OPSI Edit PS validation rules
OPSINS Command File Info System (PS-F)
OPSJ Maintain Project Coding
OPSK Maintain Special Characters
OPSL Project Info System Overview Maint.
OPSM Maintain Overall Profile PS InfoSys
OPSN Edit PS substitution rules
OPSO Maintain Project Types
OPSP Capacity availability check
OPSPAR1 Maintain Partner Functions
OPSPAR2 Define Lang.-Dep.Partner Functions
OPSPAR3 WBS Partner Profile
OPSQ Intervals for Cost/Revenue Types
OPSR Maintain milestones
OPSREV Command File Revenues (PS)
OPSS Maintain milestones
OPST Network Confirmation Parameters
OPSU Maintain Activity Control Key
OPSV Cost object ind.
OPSW Info System Profile
OPSX PS: Reset "Budgeted" Status
OPT1 Maintain PS Transaction Types
OPT2 Matchcode for project definition
OPT3 Matchcode for WBS elements
OPT4 Matchcode for standard network
OPT5 Customizing matchcode for network
OPT6 Maintain std. milestone group
OPT7 Project planning board profile
OPT8 Maintain hierarchy graphic / dates
OPT9 Network parameters for PS-SD
OPTA Command file for PS -> FI area
OPTB Command file for WBS
OPTC Command file for network
OPTD Command file for standard network
OPTE Command file for PS info system
OPTF Command file for PS graphic
OPTG Maintain PS Info Summztn Criteria
OPTH PS info system maintenance
OPTI Maintain Progrss Analysis Overview
OPTJ Maintain PS Info Unit Conversion
OPTK Exclude Cost Elems from Avlbty Cntrl
OPTL Maintain PS Info Comparison Criteria
OPTM Fincl Budgeting Profile for Projects
OPTN Maintain priorities
OPTO Change costing variants
OPTP Sub-network parameters
OPTQ Maintain WBS scheduling parameters
OPTR Strategies for settlement rules
OPTS Maintain project version profile
OPTT Maint. acct.assgnm.types for orders
OPTU Maint. PS Info System field settings
OPTV Maint. PS Info System sort criteria
OPTW Maint.PS Info System group. criteria
OPTX Maint. PS Info System database set.
OPTY Capacity leveling - Time profile/PS
OPTZ Matchcode for standard WBS elements
OPU0 Matchcode for standard project def.
OPU3 Production order control parameters
OPU4 Maintain Capacity Planning (SOP)
OPU5 Parameter long term planning PlndOrd
OPU6 Production order control parameters
OPU7 Control parameters plant maintenance
OPU8 Overview Var.: Header Line Info Sys.
OPU9 Overview Variant: Item Line
OPUA Field selection: Network: Header
OPUB Field selection: Network: Overview
OPUC Field selection: Network: Details
OPUD Field selection:Network confirmation
OPUH Field sel: Std. project definition
OPUI Field selection: Std. WBS elements
OPUJ Field selection: Project definition
OPUK Field selection: WBS element
OPUL PS: Maintain reduction strategies
OPUM Maintain Subprojects
OPUN Capacity overviews
OPUO Project schedule overviews
OPUP Subnetwork schedule overview
OPUQ Overall network scheduling overview
OPUR Info System: Structure overview
OPUS Maintain Version Number Entry Mask
OPUT Maintain overview variants
OPUU Maintain Network Profile
OPUV Network Type Parameters
OPUW Standard Network Status
OPUX Maintain overview variants std netwk
OPUY Overview var.:Std.ntwrk scheduling
OPUZ Control parameters plant maintenance
OPVC Convert Avlability Cntrl Tol.Limits
OPVP Collective availibility checkProfile
OQ02 Maintain Forms
OQ26 Maintain qualification type
OQ49 Routing matchcode
OQ62 Number ranges for inspection plans
OQ63 Number ranges for ref.operation sets
OQ77 Engineering Workbench for QM
OQ84 Profile def. values: Task list/gen.
OQ85 Profile def. values: Task list/char.
OQB1 Maintain control key
OQB2 Maintain certificate type
OQB3 Maintain procurement block key
OQB4 Maintain document types Q documents
OQB5 Insp. type for stat. prof. and stat.
OQB6 Number range for certificate receipt
OQB7 Maintain required QM systems
OQB8 Define QM systems
OQBA Variants-maintain all-QINF in DB
OQBB Activate Customizing doc. types
OQBC Deactivate Customizing doc. types
OQCZ Settings for Workflow Certificates
OQFA Adapt field selection
OQGN1 Task Customizing
OQI3 Storage Data Maintenance
OQI4 Customize Lot Selection for QA32/33
OQI5 List of control charts for insp. lot
OQI6 List of control charts for task list
OQI7 Results Recording Worklist: New
OQI8 Work list variant automatic UD
OQI9 Cntrl chart lists for master charac.
OQIA Maintain variant: Q-level evaluation
OQIC Work list variant for results rec.
OQID Order maint. variant for material
OQIE Usage var. for QM order in material
OQIF Customize Lot Selection for QVM1
OQIG Customize Lot Selection for QVM2
OQIH Customize Lot Selection for QVM3
OQII Customize Lot Selection for QA16
OQIJ Field select. maintain results hist.
OQIK Field sel. PhysSampDraw with ref.
OQIL Field sel. insp. lots for physSamps
OQIM Field sel. deletion program Q-levels
OQIN Results recording for insp. points
OQIO Results recording for insp. lots
OQIP Results recording for insp. charac.
OQIQ Results recording variant for sample
OQIR Results recording variant for equip.
OQIS Res. recording variant for fnct. Loc
OQIT Settings for Insp. Method List
OQIU Settings for Master Insp. Char. List
OQIV Results History for Task List Charac
OQIW Results History for Task List Charac
OQIX Test Equipment Usage List
OQIY Test Equipment Tracking
OQIZ Settings for Notification Workflow
OQL8 Assign origin for delivery type
OQL9 Assign Inspection Type to Del. Type
OQM1 Q-Notification Field Selection: Gen.
OQM2 Q-Notif. Field Sel: Initial Screens
OQM3 Q-Notif. Field Sel: Ref. Objects
OQM4 Q-Notif. Field Sel: Partner Screens
OQN0 Maintain notification types
OQN2 Maint. status prof. for Q-notif.type
OQN3 Maint. prio. types for notif. types
OQN5 Maintain catalogs for notif. types
OQN6 Maintain cat. profile for Q-notific.
OQN7 Start values - notification
OQNC Set field selection for notif. list
OQND Set field selection for task list
OQNE Set field selection for item list
OQNF Variant: Work list activities
OQNL Field selec. multi-lvl list - notif.
OQNM Field selec. mul.lev. list - partner
OQNN Field selec. mul.level list - item
OQNO Field selec. multi-lvl list - activ.
OQNP Field selec. multi-level list - task
OQNR Define follow-up actions
OQNU Multi-lev. list fld selection-cause
OQNW Settings for Notification Workflow
OQP1 Insp. plan lists
OQR0 Organize QM Archiving
OQS8 Customizing for IQS8
OQS9 Customizing for IQS9
OQZ6 Def. access seq. for cert. profile
OQZ7 Create cond. table for certificates
OQZ8 Change cond. table for certificates
OQZ9 Disp. cond. table for certificates
OQZA Field catalog cert. profile V_T681F
OQZC Condition types certificate profiles
OQZE Certif. profiles search procedure
OQZN Number ranges for quality certs.
ORA_LOCK Oracle: Lock-Monitor
ORA_PERF DBACockpit: Oracle - Performance
ORA_SPACE DBACockpit: Oracle - Space Statistic
ORCP01 Recipe Customizing Status
ORCP03 Customizing for Equip. Requirements
ORCP04 Customizing for Recipes
ORCP05 Customizing for Process Stages
ORCP06 Customizing for Processes
ORCP07 Customizing for Actions
ORCP08 Customizing for Operations
ORCP09 Customizing for Units of Measurement
ORDO Download of an Investment Program
ORET Report Selection
ORF1 C SD TVST in Route Determination
ORF2 C SD TVLK in Route Determination
ORFA Asset Accounting Customizing
ORGANIZER Records Management
ORIS Stat. Setup: Sales Price Revaluation
ORISBW Reorg: BW Sls Price Revaluation Docs
ORK0 Configuration menu gen. controlling
ORK1 Customizing: Account-Based EC-PCA
ORKA C CO-OPA Configuration Menu: Orders
ORKL Reconciliation Ledger Menu
ORLNA Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACCT
ORLNC Number Range Maintenance: VHU_CPGRP
ORLNI Number Range Maintenance: TRMNO_INT
ORLNP Number Range Maintenance: VHU_PSHP
ORLNR Number Range Maintenance: VHU_REPROC
ORLNS Number Range Maintenance: VHU_PSHPA
ORLNT Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACST
ORLNV Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACPO
ORLPT Maintain account posting types
ORLPTA Assign Account Posting Types
ORLRP Residence Times for Archiving
ORLRS1 Create Condition Table
ORLRS2 Change Condition Table
ORLRS3 Display Condition Table
ORLRS4 Field Catalog for RP Acct Statement
ORLRS5 Access Sequence for RP Acct Statemt
ORLRS6 Output Types for RP Account Statemts
ORLRS7 Assign Output to Partner Roles
ORLRS8 Output Procedure for RP Acct Statemt
ORMI Import models orders
ORMXT04 Custom.: Field Sel. for Trial Views
ORMXTNR Maintain Number Ranges for Trials
ORMXTQMBBIDNR Maintain Number Ranges for Trials
ORPS1 Checks for Worklists
ORPS2 Message Type for Confirmation
ORPS3 Qty/Error Combination for Confirm.
ORPS4 Assign Quantity Layout to Plant/ID
ORPS5 Define Confirmation Layouts
ORPS6 Assign Layouts to Plant/Order Type
ORUP Upload of an Investment Program
OS01 LAN check with ping
OS02 Operating system configuration
OS03 O/S Parameter changes
OS04 Local System Configuration
OS05 Remote System Cconfiguration
OS06 Local Operating System Activity
OS06N Operating System Activity
OS07 Remote Operating System Activity
OS07N Remote Operating System Activity
OS07_HOST call OS07 with hostname
OS07_U Remote Operating System Activity
OS11 Spare Part Indicators
OS12 Material Provision Indicators
OS13 Item Categories
OS14 Material Types Allowed in BOM Item
OS15 Variable-Size Item Formulas
OS16 BOM Item Object Type
OS17 Explosion Types
OS18 Relevancy to costing
OS20 BOM Usage
OS21 BOM Usage Default Values
OS22 Copying Defaults for Item Statuses
OS23 BOM Statuses
OS24 Material Types Allowed in BOMs
OS25 BOMs with History Requirement
OS26 Laboratory/Office
OS27 Modification Parameters for BOMs
OS28 Defaults for BOMs
OS29 User-Specific Settings for BOMs
OS30 Application
OS31 BOM Usage Priorities
OS32 Alternative BOM Determination
OS33 Alt. Determination in Inventory Mgmt
OS34 Alt. Determination in Costing
OS35 Alt. Determination in Production
OS36 Alt. Determination in SD
OS37 Alt. Determination in PM
OS38 Alt. Determination in MRP
OS40 Generate BOM Transfer File
OS41 Transfer BOM without Long Text
OS42 Process Transfer File
OS43 Copy BOM changes
OS44 Copy BOM variants
OS45 Copy BOM with description
OS46 Edit transfer file (long text)_
OS47 Field Groups: Assigned Fields
OS48 Field Groups: Definition and Descs
OS51 Change Master Statuses
OS52 Change Master Matchcode
OS53 Number Ranges for Change Master
OS54 Change Master Control Data
OS55 Material Revision Level Sequence
OS56 Change Types
OS57 Document Revision Level Sequence
OS58 Object Mgmt Record Change Types
OS59 ECM: Profile Settings
OS60 Effectivity Parameters: Definition
OS61 Effectivity Type
OS62 Effectivity parameters - popup texts
OS65 Effectivity types - texts
OS66 Effect. params - texts - headings
OS67 ECH: Effectivity Profile
OS68 ECH: History Requirement Control
OS69 Engineering Change Mgmt: release key
OS70 User-Specific List Profiles
OS71 ECH: Change Number Format
OS72 ECH: Workflow for ECR/ECO
OS73 ECH: Workflow for Object Mgmt Record
OS80 REM Planning Table (Gen. + Sched.)
OS81 REM Planning Table (Row Display)
OSC1 Appointment Type Maintenance
OSC2 Appoint. diary: Maint. destination
OSC3 Appointment Calendar:Priority Maint.
OSC4 Maintenance of Appointment Type Grps
OSC_WF_REPLY Customizing for WF appt. replies
OSDPAPO Distinction SDP-APO or Standard APO
OSGR Command file for Customizing graph.
OSP1 Settings for Repet.Manufacturing
OSP2 Repetitive Mfg Profile
OSP4 Repetitive Mfg: Distribution Functn
OSP5 Repetitive Manufacturing: Cost Log
OSP6 Create Cost Collector Strategy
OSP7 Withdrawal Sequence
OSP8 Number Range for Backlogs
OSP9 Number Range for Document Log
OSPA Customizing Distribution Function
OSPB Customizing Production Order Type
OSPC Customizing Goods Movements
OSPD Customizing Planning Periodicity
OSPF Repetitive Manufacturing Line Texts
OSPH Batch Search Proced. in REM Profile
OSPI Number Range for Backflush Discrep.
OSPJ No.Range Maintenance f. Document Log
OSPK Storage Location Search
OSPM Background Job Reprocessing REM
OSPN Background Job: Adjmt. of Dep. Reqs
OSPO Backgr. Job - Agg. Coll. Backflush
OSPP Customizing for Pull List
OSPR Number Ranges in REM
OSPS Batch Search Procedure for Pull List
OSPT Repetitive Mfg Profile Assistant
OSPX Customizing stock determination
OSPY Conversion for withdrawal seq. grp
OSQ1 Customizing for Seqeuncing: Visual.
OSQ2 Customizing for Sequencing: Planning
OSS1 Logon to SAPNet
OSSC Appt. Calendar: Appt. Type Maint.
OST1 CS Transport C Tables TCS21/TCS22
OST2 CS Transport C Tables BOM Usage
OST3 Transp. Customizing tabs T418F,T418G
OSU1 su: Display Export Filter
OSU2 su: Display page formats
OSU3 su: Display Postscript fonts
OSU4 su: Display screen fonts
OSU5 su: Display colors
OSU6 su: Display shapes
OSU7 su: Display line types
OSUR su: Customizing profile
OS_APPLICATION OO Framework Application
OT01 C FI Maintain Table 001_K
OT02 C FI Maintain Table T056S
OT03 C FI Maintain Table T056A2
OT05 C FI Maintain Table T039
OT06 C FI Maintain Table T079D
OT07 C FI Maintain Table T078D
OT08 C FI Maintain Table T079K
OT09 C FI Maintain Table T078K
OT10 C FI Maintain Table T077D
OT11 C FI Maintain Table T077K
OT12 C FI Maintain Table T036
OT13 C FI Maintain Table T035
OT14 C FI Maintain Table T036
OT16 C FI Maintain Table T035D
OT17 C FI Maintain Table T038
OT18 C FI Maintain Table T038T
OT19 C FI Maintain Table T038V
OT20 Number Ranges of Memo Records
OT21 C FI Maintain Table T037
OT22 C FI Maintain Table T037A
OT23 C FI Maintain Table T036S
OT24 C FI Maintain Table T018C
OT25 C FI Maintain Table T056P
OT26 C FI Maintain Table T056R
OT27 C FI Maintain Table T018D
OT29 C FI Maintain Table 001_I
OT30 Current Account
OT31 Not Current Account
OT32 C FI Maintain Table T004F
OT33 C FI Maintain Table T056
OT34 C TD Levels for Special G/L
OT35 Purchase orders
OT36 C FI Maintain Table T056B
OT37 C FI Maintain Table T077S
OT38 C FI Batch Input Program
OT39 C FI Batch Input Program
OT40 C FI Change Customer
OT41 C FI Change Vendor
OT42 C FI Change G/L Account
OT43 C Maintain version: Man. bank stmt
OT45 C Maintain variants: check deposit
OT47 C FI Maintain Table T0350
OT48 C FT CMF Reorganization
OT49 C FI Maintain checks recd (T028D)
OT50 C Elec acct assignment /checks recd
OT51 C FI Maintain T028G
OT52 C FI Maintain T028H
OT53 C FI Maintain T028H
OT54 C FI Maintain T001F
OT55 C FI Maintain T028B
OT56 C FI Maintain manual acct (T028D)
OT57 C FI Maintain elec account (T028D)
OT58 C Elec acct determntn (manual acct)
OT59 C Elec.bkng ac.assignment (
OT60 C TR Acct determin G/L acct bal int
OT61 Program and variant selection
OT62 C acct determination dep./loan mgmt
OT63 C FI Maintain table T001F (BlExPres)
OT64 C FI Maintain table T001G (BlExPres)
OT65 C FI Maint. Table   T001F (RetBlEx)
OT66 C FI Maintain table T001G (RetBlEx)
OT67 C FI Maintain table T046S
OT68 C FI Maintain table T012K (RetBlEx)
OT69 Reorganize CM data from orders
OT73 C FI Maintain Table T028M
OT74 C FI Maintain Table T028O
OT75 Reconstruct CM from Vendor Bill.Docs
OT76 Reconstruct CM from Loans
OT77 Reconstruct CM from Securities
OT78 Reconstruct FC, Money Mkt, Deriv.
OT79 Reconstruct CM from Securities
OT80 Planning levels/Treasury Management
OT81 Process Repetitive Codes
OT82 C FI Tabellenpflege T028L
OT83 Basic Settings for the El.Bank St.
OT84 Bank Stmt/Check Dep.Posting Specs
OT85 C FI Mainenance in Table T035Z
OT90 C FI Maintenance Table T028Q
OTC_CONV CFM 1.0: Migration OTC Int.Rte Inst.
OTF1 Material-Freight Groups
OTF2 Forwarding Agent - Freight Groups
OTF3 Freight Code Sets
OTF4 Determine Freight Code Set
OTF5 Freight Codes
OTF6 Freight Code Determination
OTF7 Define Freight Code Index
OTLA Report Selection
OTLD Current Settings for Cash Management
OTPM Define El.Bank Stmt Search String
OTR1 Number Range for Form Numbers
OTR2 Number Range for Control Numbers
OTR3 Number range for log numbers
OTR4 Number range for temse files
OTZ1 C FI Users
OTZ2 C FI Profiles
OTZ3 C FI Authorizations

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