OV-0 | View V_TVP0, Attribute 10 |
OV-1 | View V_TVPH, Attribute 1 |
OV-2 | View V_TVP2, Attribute 2 |
OV-3 | View V_TVP3, Attribute 3 |
OV-4 | View V_TVP4, Attribute 4 |
OV-5 | View V_TVP5, Attribute 5 |
OV-6 | View V_TVP6, Attribute 6 |
OV-7 | View V_TVP7, Attribute 7 |
OV-8 | View V_TVP8, Attribute 8 |
OV-9 | View V_TVP9, Attribute 9 |
OV/1 | Generate Record Layout |
OV/2 | RV Batch Input Program |
OV/3 | RV Batch Input Program |
OV/4 | RV Batch Input Program |
OV/5 | RV Batch Input Program |
OV/6 | RV Transfer Program |
OV/7 | Test Data for Data Transfer |
OV/8 | Test Data - Transfer Data - Cond. |
OV/9 | Display Test Data |
OV01 | Access Sequence: Matl Listng/Exclsn |
OV02 | Condition Type: Listing/Exclusion |
OV03 | Procedure: Listing/Exclusion |
OV04 | C RV Tab. TVAK "Listing/Exclusion" |
OV05 | Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion A |
OV06 | Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion C |
OV07 | Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion D |
OV08 | Condition Table: Add Index |
OV09 | Condition table: Change Index |
OV10 | Condition Table: Display Index |
OV11 | Access Sequence: Matl Determination |
OV12 | Condition Types: Material Determin. |
OV13 | Procedure: Material Determination |
OV14 | C SD Tab. TVAK "MaterialSub" |
OV16 | Condition Table: Material Substit. A |
OV17 | Condition Table: Material Substit. C |
OV18 | Condition Table: Material Substit.D |
OV1Z | Define Product Allocation Procedure |
OV20 | Condition Table: Create Rebate |
OV21 | Condition Table: Change Rebate |
OV22 | Condition Table: Display Rebate |
OV23 | Condition Exclusion: SD |
OV24 | Pricing: V_T681F for A U |
OV25 | V_T681F: RevAccDeter - Allowed Flds |
OV26 | V_T681F: MatDeterm. - Allowed Flds |
OV27 | V_T681F: List Excl. - Allowed Fields |
OV28 | V_T681F: Rebate - Allowed Fields |
OV29 | V-T681F: Index Field Catalog |
OV2Z | Define Product Allocation Object |
OV30 | Condition Exclusion: ProcedAssignmnt |
OV31 | Maintain Exclusion Group |
OV32 | Maintain CondTypes for ExclusionGrp |
OV33 | C RV View V_TVFK_KON |
OV34 | View V_T687 Account Key |
OV35 | C RV View V_T683S_EL |
OV36 | Archiving Conditions V_T681H |
OV3Z | Determine Prod. Allocation Hierarchy |
OV40 | V_T681F:Cross-Selling:PermittedFldNo |
OV41 | Access sequences: Cross-selling |
OV42 | Condition types: Cross-selling |
OV43 | Diagram: Cross-selling |
OV46 | Condition table: Cross-selling H |
OV47 | Condition table: Cross-selling |
OV48 | Condition table: Cross-selling A |
OV4Z | Product Allocation Control |
OV50 | Comparison of master data for cust. |
OV51 | Display of Changes for Customer |
OV52 | Del.Customers Pre-Production Startup |
OV5Z | Maintain Consumption Periods |
OV60 | V_T681F: RecAccDet - Allowed fields |
OV61 | Recon. account det.: Create table |
OV62 | Rec. account det.: Change table |
OV63 | Rec. account det.: Display table |
OV64 | Account determin. - rec. accounts |
OV65 | Cond. proc. for rec. account det. |
OV66 | Cond. types: Acc. det. rec. accounts |
OV67 | Rec. account det.: Access sequences |
OV68 | Ass. billing type - rec. acc. proc. |
OV71 | Cash account det.: Change table |
OV72 | Cash account det.: Display table |
OV73 | V_T681f: RecAccDet - Allowed fields |
OV74 | Cash account det.: Access sequences |
OV75 | Cash account det.: Condition types |
OV76 | Cond.: Procedure for cash acc. det. |
OV77 | Account determination -Cash accounts |
OV78 | Assign billing type-cash acc. proc. |
OV7Z | Create Characteristics for Rem.Alloc |
OV80 | Acc. det.- credit cards: Create tab. |
OV81 | Acc. det.- credit cards: Change tab. |
OV82 | Acc. det.- credit cards: Displ. tab. |
OV83 | V_T681F: Credit card -Allowed fields |
OV84 | Credit card acc. det: Acc. sequences |
OV85 | Condition types: Acc.det. cred.cards |
OV86 | Cond.proc. for credit cards |
OV87 | Credit card accounts |
OV88 | Assign billing type-credit card proc |
OV8Z | Check Settings |
OV90 | COPA project: Create table |
OV91 | COPA project: Change table |
OV92 | COPA project: Display table |
OV93 | V_T681F: COPA project all. fields |
OV94 | COPA project: Access sequences |
OV95 | COPA project: Condition types |
OV96 | Pricing procedure for COPA project |
OV97 | Accounts COPA project |
OV98 | Assign billing types-COPA proj.proc. |
OV9A | Card Authorization Requirements |
OV9B | Copying Requirements for Deliveries |
OV9C | Copying Requirements f. Billing Docs |
OV9Z | Suitable Statistical Structures |
OVA0 | C_RV_Tab. VVVS "Status group" |
OVA2 | Incompletion log |
OVA3 | C_RV_Tab. TAUUM SlsDocType Convers. |
OVA4 | /nse38/nse38Schedule Usage |
OVA5 | C SD Tab.VHA Ord.Type Group Itm Det. |
OVA6 | Credit Groups for Document Types |
OVA7 | Credit Relevancy of Item Categories |
OVA8 | Automatic Credit Checks |
OVA9 | /nse38/Handling Errors SchedAgrs |
OVAA | C SD Tab. VAG Rejection Reasons |
OVAB | /nse38/Schedule Line Types |
OVAC | C SD Tab VCPA "Copy Documents |
OVAD | Delivery Type Assignment |
OVAE | C SD Tab. VEP Orders |
OVAF | C SD Tab. 184 Item Category Determ. |
OVAG | C SD Tab. VAG Rejection Reasons |
OVAH | /nse38/Variable Messages |
OVAI | /nse38/Determine Sold-to Party |
OVAJ | /nse38/Distribution Function |
OVAK | Sales Order Type Assignment |
OVAL | C SD Table VASP Sales Docs: Blocks |
OVAM | C SD View TVKOV_AU DistChanDoc.Types |
OVAN | C SD View TVKOS_AU "Div.Doc.Types" |
OVAO | C SD View TVKO_AU "SlsOrgDoc.Types" |
OVAP | C SD Tab. VAP Item Categories |
OVAQ | C SD Tab. VAU Order Block Reasons |
OVAR | C SD Tab. ROAZ Route Determination |
OVAS | C SD Tab. VAST "Order: Block Reasons |
OVAT | C SD Tab. TXVR Copy Document Text |
OVAU | C SD Tab. VAU Other Reasons |
OVAV | C SD Tab. MVFU Avail.Check Criteria |
OVAW | C SD Tab. PTM Item Category Groups |
OVAX | C SD Tab. VAU |
OVAY | C SD Tab. 184E Sched.Line Determ. |
OVAZ | C SD Tab. VAKZ Order Type/Organiz. |
OVB0 | Change "Billing: Document Types" |
OVB1 | Sales Organizations - Rebate |
OVB2 | |
OVB3 | Rebate: Reorganiz. of Billing Index |
OVB5 | Req. for Creating a Purch.Requisit. |
OVB6 | Requirement for Picking a Delivery |
OVB7 | Requ. for Goods Issue of a Delivery |
OVB8 | Criteria for Creating a Requirement |
OVB9 | Create Delivery Due Index |
OVBA | Conditions: Views (Pricing) |
OVBB | Conditions: View sequence A,V,Rebate |
OVBC | Documents Value Classes |
OVBD | Assign Credit Control Area |
OVBE | Default Values for Display Variant |
OVBF | Conditions: View sequence A,V,SDeal |
OVBH | Conditions: View sequence A,V, Price |
OVBI | Maintain Billing Plan Type |
OVBJ | Maintain Date Category for BillPlan |
OVBK | Assign Bill Plan Type to Item Catgry |
OVBL | Date Category Proposal for Bill Plan |
OVBM | Maintain dates |
OVBN | Maintain Date IDs |
OVBO | Maintain milestone billing plan type |
OVBP | Assign billing plan type |
OVBR | Assignment to Item Category |
OVBS | Rule Table for Determining Dates |
OVBT | Modification Report Billing Plan |
OVBV_DIS | Requ. for Goods Issue of a Delivery |
OVC1 | C SD Tab. TVC1 Activity Outcomes |
OVC2 | C SD Tab. TVC2 Activity Reason |
OVC3 | C SD Tab. TVC Sales Activity Status |
OVC4 | C SD Tab. TVC4 Activity Outcomes |
OVC5 | C SD Tab. TVC5 Sales Activities |
OVC6 | C SD Tab. TVC6 Activity Status |
OVC7 | c SD Tab TVC7 Assign Activities |
OVCA | C RV Tab. TVKK "NoRng Adr > Acct. |
OVCB | Structure of Reporting View |
OVCC | Assign View to User |
OVCD | Definition of Reporting View |
OVCE | Control Update of Perform.Measures |
OVCF | Control Reporting - Info Blocks |
OVCG | Mtn Action Box for Follow-Up Act. |
OVCH | Version Change: Listing |
OVCI | C SD Set Workflow Action box |
OVCK | C SD Tab. TVKK Activity Types |
OVCM | RVCust:TVKK:Planning:Sales Act. Type |
OVCN | C RV Tab. TVKK "NoRng for sls.activ. |
OVCO | C RV Tab. TVKK (SalesAct <--> STGRP) |
OVCP | C SD Tab. TVCPK Activity Copying Con |
OVCS | C SD Tab. TVKK Activity Types |
OVCT | C RV Tab. TKSF "CAS: Statistics grp |
OVCU | C RV Tab. TKSFK "CAS: Statistics seq |
OVCW | C RV View V_TVKO_COM "Competit/TVKO |
OVD0 | /nse38/Spec.Features EDL-LS-EDI |
OVD1 | /nse38/Special Billing Features |
OVD2 | Define reference conditions |
OVD3 | Define tolerances for self-billing |
OVD4 | SD Self-Billing: General Parameter |
OVD5 | SD Self-Billing: EDI Partner |
OVD6 | SD Self-Billing: Tolerance Groups |
OVD7 | SD Self-Billing:Sold-To Party Params |
OVD8 | SD Self-Billing: Tolerances Definitn |
OVDSP | Customize Subsequent Deliv. Split |
OVE1 | Commodity Code / Import code no. |
OVE2 | C SD Table T615 Customs offices |
OVE3 | C SD Table T618 Mode of Transport |
OVE4 | C SD Table T605 "Business type" |
OVE5 | C RV Table T605Z "Prop. for bus.type |
OVE6 | C RV Table T616 "Exp/Import Proced. |
OVE7 | C SD Table T616Z "BusTransTypeProp. |
OVE8 | C SD Table TVFM "MatPrGrp-Imp/Exp |
OVE9 | Completion check |
OVELO00 | Global VMS parameters |
OVELO1 | Define Actions |
OVELO11 | Define Action Controls |
OVELO12 | Define Vehicle Status |
OVELO13 | Define Availability |
OVELO14 | Define Vehicle Usage |
OVELO18 | Define Vehicle Search Areas |
OVELO19 | Define VMS Roles |
OVELO2 | Define No. Range for Int.Veh. No. |
OVELO20 | Define Vehicle Categories |
OVELO21 | Assign Vehicle Categories |
OVELO27 | Access Auth. During Vehicle Search |
OVELO29 | Define Search Views |
OVELO3 | Define No. Range for Act. Ctrl Det. |
OVELO30 | Calculation sheet profile |
OVELO4 | Define Addnl Data for Vehicle |
OVELO5 | Define External Status |
OVELO6 | Define Technical Data for Actions |
OVELO7 | Assign Own Dialog Messages |
OVELO8 | Define No.Range f, Config Chg Determ |
OVELOL | Define Vehicle Location |
OVELOM01 | Maintain Condition Tables |
OVELOM04 | Define Field Catalog for Messages |
OVELOM11 | Define Access Sequences |
OVELOM21 | Define Message Types |
OVELOM31 | Define Message Determ. Procedures |
OVELOM41 | Assign Msge Determ. Schema to Plant |
OVELOTREX | Define Columns for TREX Download |
OVELOVSRINIT | Initialize Category Rule Maintenance |
OVEP | Rev. recognition: Ind. Item Categ. |
OVF0 | C SD Table T134G Business Areas |
OVF1 | C SD Table TVTA Business Areas |
OVF2 | C SD Table TVTA Business Areas |
OVF3 | C_RV_Tab. VAUK "Cost Centers" |
OVF4 | C SD Matchcodes Billing Documents |
OVF6 | VAUK Dunning Areas |
OVFD | Forms of payment guarantee |
OVFE | Payment guarantee procedure |
OVFF | Control for payment guarantee proced |
OVFG | Customer payment guarantee procedure |
OVFH | Document payment guarantee procedure |
OVFI | Assign doc. payment guarantee proced |
OVFJ | Determine payment guarantee proced. |
OVFK | C SD Table VFK Billing Documents |
OVFL | Assign credit contrl area/sales area |
OVFS | C SD Table VFS |
OVFU | C SD Table VFSP |
OVG1 | Redetermine subtotal |
OVH1 | C RV Tab. THIT Hierarchy Type |
OVH2 | C SD Tab. THIZU AcctGrpAssignment |
OVH3 | C RV Tab. THIOZ Org.assignments |
OVH4 | C RV Hierarchie Pricing |
OVHU01 | Define customizing HU check profile |
OVHU2 | Customizing for Pack. Transn Profile |
OVHU4 | Customizing HU Picking Profile |
OVK1 | C SD Table V_TST "Tax Catg./Country" |
OVK2 | C SD Table T005S "Regions" |
OVK3 | C SD Table TSKD "Cust.Tax Indicator" |
OVK4 | C SD Table TSKM "Mat.Tax Indicator" |
OVK5 | V Table VKM Material Acct Grp |
OVK6 | C SD Table T001W Plants/Countries |
OVK7 | C SD Table T459 "Reqt/PlanOrd.Type" |
OVK8 | C SD Tab. TVKT Customer Acct Grp |
OVK9 | Tax Records for Each Country |
OVKA | SD Tab. T686C "Responsibility |
OVKB | Tax Record Conditions VK11 |
OVKC | Tax Record Conditions VK12 |
OVKD | Tax Record Conditions VK13 |
OVKE | Tax Record Conditions VK14 |
OVKF | C SD Table T005E Ctry/Region/County |
OVKG | C SD Table T005G Ctry/Region/City |
OVKH | C SD Table TVAK Sales Document Types |
OVKI | C RV Table V_TVKV "DocPricingProcdr" |
OVKJ | C RV Table V_TVAK_PR "Order > Procd |
OVKK | C RV Table T683V "ProcedrDeterminatn |
OVKL | C RV Table TVAP "Assign Billing Itm |
OVKM | C RV Table TVCPA 'Flow Order' |
OVKN | C RV Table V_TVCPF "Flow Bill Doc |
OVKO | C RV Table TVAP_PR "Item Pricing |
OVKP | SD Table TVKD "Customer detrm procdr |
OVL1 | C SD Tab. VRO Transportat.Planning |
OVL2 | Shipping Point Determination |
OVL3 | Picking Location Determination |
OVL5 | Maintain Transit Time |
OVL6 | C_RV_Tab. VUVS "Status Group Dely" |
OVL7 | Assigning Shipping Point/Ctry/Zone |
OVLA | C SD Tab T173 Shipping Types |
OVLD | SD Table VKN Trans.connection points |
OVLE | SD Table VTR Mode of Transport |
OVLG | C SD Tab. TVLG Weight Grp/Delivery |
OVLH | SD Table VRO Routes |
OVLK | C SD Tab TVLK Delivery Header |
OVLL | C SD Tab T630L Loading Times |
OVLM | C RV Tab. TROLZ "Route determ." |
OVLN | C SD Tab TVLSP Delivery Blocking |
OVLO | C SD Table TVLK Route Control |
OVLP | C SD View 142 Picking by Item |
OVLQ | C SD Table TVLK "Picking Control" |
OVLS | C SD Tab TVLS Delivery Block Reasons |
OVLT | C SD Table TVST "Picking Lists" |
OVLU | c_rv_tab. vro "Transit time" |
OVLV | C SD Tab T630R Shipping Times |
OVLW | C SD Tab.T644 |
OVLX | C SD Tab TVLSP Delivery Blocks |
OVLY | C SD Table Scheduling Control |
OVLZ | Scheduling by Shipping Point |
OVM1 | Controllable Error Messages Shipping |
OVM2 | I Messages in Mult. Processing Log |
OVNA | C SD Table T685B |
OVNB | C SD Tab. TVST Shipping Point Info |
OVNC | C SD Tab. TNAPR Layouts |
OVND | C SD Tab TNAPN Output/Part.Function |
OVNE | C SD Tab. TVKO Sales Org.Information |
OVNF | C SD Table T685B |
OVNG | C SD Tab. TVAK Assign Ouput |
OVNI | C SD Tab. TVLK Assign Output |
OVNJ | C SD Tab. TVFK Assign Output |
OVNK | C SD Table 077D Higher-level Output |
OVNL | C SD Table T685B |
OVNM | C SD Background job messages |
OVNN | C SD Output Variants |
OVNO | C SD Table TVKO Form for Sales Off. |
OVP0 | Pr. point gr. -> Organization/MatGrp |
OVP1 | Create price point group |
OVP2 | Create pricing group |
OVP3 | Change price point group |
OVP4 | Display price point group |
OVP5 | Assignment to VKALS/LIFEL |
OVP6 | Create list variant |
OVP7 | Pricing group -> Organization |
OVP8 | Assignment: fields -> list variant |
OVP9 | Assignment: Texts -> List field |
OVPS | Document Mgmt Customizing |
OVR0 | SD Table 171 Sales Regions |
OVR1 | SD Table ZONE Transportation Zones |
OVR2 | c_rv_Tab. T016 "Sectors" |
OVR3 | C SD Tab. Customer Calendar |
OVR4 | C SD Tab. Billing Schedules |
OVR5 | C SD Tab. TBRC Industry Code (Cust.) |
OVR6 | C SD Tab. TVGF Legal Status (Cust.) |
OVRA | C SD Tab. TVSD Customer Stats Grps |
OVRB | Statistical Currency per Sales Org. |
OVRC | C SD Variants for Orders on Hand |
OVRD | C SD Background Jobs f. Ord. on Hand |
OVRE | C SD Top Cust/Mat Variants |
OVRF | C SD Table TVSM Material Stats Grps |
OVRG | C SD Background Jobs f. Top Cust/Mat |
OVRH | C RV TAB TVAK "Sales Document Types" |
OVRI | C RV Tab. TVAP "Sales Doc.Item Cat." |
OVRK | C RV Tab. TVLK "Delivery Types" |
OVRL | C RV Tab. TVLP "Delivery Item Categ" |
OVRM | C SD Tab. TVFK BillingDoc: DocTypes |
OVRN | C RV Tab. TVSF "SD:Stats" |
OVRO | C RV Tab. TVSFK "Updates" |
OVRP | C RV Tab. TVSFP "Updates" |
OVRQ | C SD Table TVSU "Substit.Reason" |
OVRT | Customizing: Routes |
OVRX | SD Cust.Tble TBPROC:Business Trans. |
OVRZ | C TV_Table TVST Assign Transprt Zone |
OVS0 | C SD Matchcodes Product Proposals |
OVS1 | SD Matchcodes Materials |
OVS2 | C SD Matchcodes Customers |
OVS3 | C SD matchcode for contact person |
OVS4 | C SD Matchcodes Vendors |
OVS5 | C SD Matchcodes Sales Personnel |
OVS6 | C SD Table TKUKL "Customer Classif." |
OVS7 | C SD Tab.TKUPA "PartnerGrp/Customer" |
OVS8 | Maintain Weight Groups |
OVS9 | C SD Table T151 "Customer Groups" |
OVSA | C SD Table T130W "Plant Fld Selec." |
OVSB | C SD Tab.T176 "Purchase Order Types" |
OVSC | C SD Table TVWA "GoodsReceivingHrs." |
OVSD | C SD Tab.TPRIO "Delivery Priorities" |
OVSF | C SD Table TVSB "Shipping Cond." |
OVSG | C SD Table TINC "Incoterms" |
OVSH | C SD Table TVBO Rebate Groups |
OVSI | C SD View V_T189 "Price List Categ." |
OVSJ | C SD Table T178 "Mat.Cond.Group" |
OVSK | C SD Table TVPR Commission Groups |
OVSL | Pricing groups for customers |
OVSM | C SD Table TVAV Buying Habits |
OVSN | C SD Table TPFK |
OVSO | C SD Table T137 "Mat.Indust.Fld Sel" |
OVSP | C SD MS Material Types |
OVSQ | C SD Table TSAB Departments |
OVSR | C SD Table TVPV Decision Authority |
OVST | C SD Table TVLG Weight Groups |
OVSU | C SD Table TUMS "Material Status" |
OVSV | C RV Customizing Product Hierarchy |
OVSW | C SD Table TVBR Call Frequency |
OVSX | C SD Table TLGR |
OVSY | C SD Table TGR |
OVSZ | C SD Table Field Sel.Mat.Field Grp. |
OVT0 | C SD Table 077D "Accnt Grp Customer" |
OVT1 | C SD Table 142 Storage conditions |
OVT2 | SD Table 143 |
OVT3 | C SD Table 023 "Material Groups" |
OVT4 | C SD Valuation Classes Materials |
OVT5 | C SD Table 077K Vendor Account Grp |
OVT6 | View V_TVRL |
OVTH | C SD Table T079V "Screen Selection" |
OVTL | C RV Del. item cats: Transp. relev. |
OVTP | C SD Table TVFK Billing Procedure |
OVTR | C SD Delivery Type: Transport.Relev. |
OVTS | C SD Reason for Shipment Block |
OVTVT_CA | Maintain Planning for Fwdg Agents |
OVTY | Transport categories |
OVU0 | Condition Type: Optimize Access |
OVU1 | Optimize Access: Revenue Acct Detrmn |
OVU2 | Condition Type: Optimize Access |
OVU3 | Condition Type: Optimize Access |
OVUR | Revenue Realization: Unbilled Rec. |
OVV0 | C SD Tab. TVCPA Order Copying Rule |
OVV1 | C SD Tab.VCPL Delivery Copying Rules |
OVV2 | C SD Tab.TVCPF Billing copying rules |
OVV3 | C SD Table TVFS Billing Block |
OVV4 | C SD Tab. TVFSP Billing Block Reason |
OVV5 | C SD Tab. TVSA Collect.Doc.Parameter |
OVV6 | C SD Tab. TVSA Collect.Doc.Parameter |
OVV7 | C SD Table VSA |
OVV8 | VSA |
OVV9 | C SD Table VSA |
OVVA | C SD Table VSA |
OVVM | Group for Freight List |
OVVR | Group for Invoice Lists |
OVVX | Collective Document Types for SD |
OVWA | Condition Maintenance Goods Issue |
OVX1 | C RV Tab. VBUR "Sales offices |
OVX2 | Business area->Plant/Division |
OVX3 | Company code -> Sales organization |
OVX3N | Company code -> Sales organization |
OVX4 | C RV Tab. VKGR "Sales group |
OVX5 | C RV Tab. VKO "Sales org. |
OVX6 | Plants->Sales org./distr.channel |
OVX6N | Plants->Sales org./distr.channel |
OVX7 | Loading points |
OVX8 | Check Report Organization Sales |
OVX8N | Check Report Organization Sales |
OVXA | Division -> Sales organization |
OVXAN | Division -> Sales organization |
OVXB | Divisions |
OVXC | Shipping point -> Plant |
OVXD | Shipping Points |
OVXG | Define sales areas |
OVXGN | Define sales areas |
OVXI | Distribution channels |
OVXJ | Sales group -> Sales office |
OVXJN | Sales group -> Sales office |
OVXK | Distrib.channels->Sales organiz. |
OVXKN | Distrib.channels->Sales organiz. |
OVXM | Sales office -> Sales area |
OVXMN | Sales office -> Sales area |
OVXN | C RV Tab. VKN |
OVXT | Transportation planning points |
OVXZ | C SD Table NLS "Nielsen ID |
OVZ0 | SD Cust.AvCh/Req forEach Sched.Line |
OVZ1 | C SD Tab. TMVFP Avail.check criteria |
OVZ2 | C SD Tab. MVF Avail. check control |
OVZ3 | C SD Tab. TMVFU Avail.check criteria |
OVZ4 | C SD Factory Calendar |
OVZ6 | C SD Maintain User Profile V_SD_All |
OVZ7 | C SD Tab TVLS Deliveries: Blocking |
OVZ8 | Avail.Check Procedure by SchLineCat. |
OVZ9 | SD Cust. Control Availability Check |
OVZA | C SD Number Ranges/Product Proposals |
OVZB | C SD Number Ranges/Material Master |
OVZC | C SD Number Ranges/Customer Master |
OVZD | C SD Inactive !!! NR contact persons |
OVZE | C SD Number Ranges/Vendors |
OVZF | C SD Number Ranges/Sales Personnel |
OVZG | SD Customers: Requirements Classes |
OVZH | SD Customizing: Requirements Types |
OVZI | SD Cust: Assignment Req/Transaction |
OVZJ | Default Values for Availability |
OVZK | Procedure per Delivery Item Category |
OW00 | Default values for fields in views |
OW01 | Ref. plant per distribution chain |
OW12 | Maintain V_WEWU for 01/02 |
OW16 | V_WEWU maintenance for 01/06 |
OW21 | V_WEWU maintenance for 02/01 |
OW22 | V_WEWU maintenance for 02/02 |
OW31 | V_WEWU maintenance for 3/01 |
OW33 | V_WEWU maintenance for 03/03 |
OW41 | V_WEWU maintenance for 04/01 |
OW53 | Maintain V_WEWU for 05/03 |
OW54 | Maintain V_WEWU for 05/04 |
OW55 | V_WEWU maintenance for 05/05 |
OW63 | Maintain V_WEWU for 06/03 |
OW64 | Maintain V_WEWU for 06/04 |
OW65 | V_WEWU maintenance for 06/05 |
OWA1 | Configuration: Generate Foll.Docs AT |
OWB1 | Trading contract: Status, groups |
OWB10 | Number range maintenance: WB2B |
OWB2 | Trading contract: Item categories |
OWB3 | Trading contract: Purchasing group |
OWB4 | Trading contract: Sales group |
OWB5 | Trading contract:Trad. contract type |
OWB6 | Trading Contract: Purchasing Group |
OWB7 | Trading contract: AppStatGroupApplSt |
OWB8 | Trading contract: Incompleteness |
OWB9 | Trading Contract: Incident.Cost Type |
OWBA | Trading Contract: Inc. Costs Sales |
OWBB | Trading Contract: Incid. Costs Applc |
OWBC | Trading Contract: Incid. Costs Purch |
OWBD | Trading contract: Locked fields |
OWBE | Customizing Release Trading Contract |
OWBEXPCUST | Customizing GT Expenses |
OWBF | Customizing Copy Control |
OWBG | Customizing Assign Exp. TC Type |
OWBH | Condition Groups Sales |
OWBI | Trading Contract: Open Status/Delive |
OWBJ | Trading Contract: Open Status/Delive |
OWBK | Trading Contract: Profit Simulation |
OWBL | Trading Contract: Profit Simulation2 |
OWBM | Trading Contract: Profit Simulation2 |
OWBN | Trading Contract: Profit Simulation2 |
OWBO | Trading Contract: Open PO/delivery |
OWBP | Trading Contract: Profit Simulation |
OWB_EXP_1 | Trading Contract: Incident.Cost Type |
OWB_EXP_10 | Grouping of Expense Classes |
OWB_EXP_2 | Expenses: Class |
OWB_EXP_3 | Expenses: Customer/Vendor |
OWB_EXP_4 | Expenses: Vendor Billing Doc. |
OWB_EXP_5 | Trading Contract: Posting Types |
OWB_EXP_6 | Expenses: VBD Type DetMeth |
OWB_EXP_7 | Expenses: Assign Classes |
OWB_EXP_8 | Expenses: Accounting Types |
OWB_EXP_9 | Grouping of Expense Classes |
OWCBM | Condtn Contract: Cond. Group Purch. |
OWCBV | Condtn Contract: Cond. Group Sales |
OWCB_CC10 | Number Range Maintenance: WCB_CC |
OWD1 | Maintain rounding profiles |
OWEA | Output Determination, Mat. Maint. |
OWEB | Delete Label Messages (GR) |
OWEF | Labeling: Field Catalog |
OWEK | Labeling: Conditions |
OWEN | Labeling: Message Types |
OWEP | Labeling: Partner Functions |
OWES | Labeling: Output Determ. Procedures |
OWET | Labeling: Condition Table |
OWEV | Labeling: Processing Program |
OWEZ | Labeling: Access Sequences |
OWIA | Purchasing: Opt. PO-Based Load-Bldg. |
OWKW | Group for Picking Wave |
OWM1 | Competitor: Price Entry |
OWNA1 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA2 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA3 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA4 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA5 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWS0 | Batch Management |
OWS1 | Assortment List: Sales Conditions |
OWS2 | POS Outbound: Sales Conditions |
OWS3 | POS Outbound: Sales Conditions |
OWTEST | Test |
OWTY | Customizing Warranty Processing |
OWTYA01 | Account Determination: Create Table |
OWTYA02 | Account Determination: Change Table |
OWTYA03 | Account Determination: Display Table |
OWTYA04 | Field Catalog for Warranties |
OWTYA11 | Access sequences |
OWTYA21 | Condition Types |
OWTYA31 | Calculation Schema |
OWTYA41 | Account Determination |
OWTYAP | Action Profile |
OWTYBT | Pushbutton Profile |
OWTYCU | WTY Tabstrip Customizing |
OWTYM01 | Condition Table: Create (Messages) |
OWTYM02 | CondTab: Change (Messages) |
OWTYM03 | CondTab: Display (Messages) |
OWTYM04 | Field Catalog for Warranties |
OWTYM11 | Access sequences |
OWTYM21 | Condition Types |
OWTYM31 | Calculation Schema |
OWTYMR | Reference Objects/Equipment for WTY |
OWTYP01 | Create Condition Table (SD Price) |
OWTYP02 | Change Condition Table (Sales pr.) |
OWTYP03 | Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.) |
OWTYP04 | Field Catalog for Warranties |
OWTYP11 | Access sequences |
OWTYP21 | Condition Types |
OWTYP31 | Calculation Schema |
OWTYP41 | Condition Exclusion Group |
OWTYP42 | Condition Type for Exlusion Group |
OWTYP43 | Cond. Exclusion Procedure Assignment |
OWTYP51 | Document Type Maintenance |
OWTYP61 | Maintain Cond. Types per Claim Type |
OWTYSC | Customizing for WTYSC |
OWTYSC01 | Maintain view types |
OWTYSC02 | Maintain document types |
OWTYSCCU | Warranty workbench Layout |
OWTYSC_PROF | Maintain Profile |
OWV0 | Customizing Pricing |
OWV1 | Maintain pricing document type |
OWV2 | Cond. types for doc index ext.supply |
OWV3 | Allowed pricing levels |
OWV4 | Cond. Types for Doc Indx Int.Supply |
OWV5 | Determination procedure (Purchasing) |
OWV6 | Determination procedure (Sales) |
OWV7 | Price point groups |
OWV8 | Texts for list fields |
OWV9 | Pricing strategy |
OWVA | Cond. types for doc indx int.supply |
OWVKP1 | Selection Variant |
OX01 | Company Code -> Purchasing Org. |
OX02 | Customizing: Company Code Setup |
OX03 | Customizing: Business Area Setup |
OX06 | Controlling Area: Basic Data |
OX08 | Define Purchasing Organization |
OX09 | Customize storage locations |
OX10 | Customize plant |
OX14 | C MM-IV Valuation area - val. level |
OX15 | Define internal trading partner |
OX16 | Assignment co.code->Internl.trad.ptr |
OX17 | Plants -> Purchasing organization |
OX18 | Assignment Plants -> Company Code |
OX19 | Controlling Area: Assgn. to CCode |
OXA1 | List: Service Master Records |
OXA2 | Field Sel. Service Indiv. Processing |
OXA3 | Field Sel. Service List Processing |
OXK1 | Coding Block: Maintain Subscreens |
OXK2 | Display Coding Block Subscreens |
OXK3 | Coding Block: Maintain CustomerField |
OXK4 | Coding Block: Display CustomerField |
OXT4 | Extension Scenario Maintenance |
OXT5 | Task Type Maintenance |
OXT6 | Task Sequence Maintenance |
OXT7 | Knowledge Database Maintenance |
OXT8 | Postprocessing Maintenance |
OXTEXT | Task Type Maintenance |
OXTTASK | Task Type Maintenance |
OXW1 | Object to be Generated: WEB Purch. |
OXW2 | Catalogs per Mat. Group: WEB Purch. |
OY01 | Customize: set up countries |
OY03 | Define currencies |
OY04 | C Decimal Places for Currencies |
OY05 | Factory calendar |
OY07 | C Configure Countries (T005 - Basis) |
OY09 | Countries: Mobile Phone Properties |
OY17 | Countries - field checks |
OY18 | Table history |
OY19 | Customizing Cross-System Viewer |
OY20 | Authorizations Customizing |
OY21 | User profiles Customizing |
OY24 | Client maintenance |
OY25 | CS BC: Set Up Client |
OY27 | Create super user Customizing |
OY28 | Deactivate SAP* Customizing |
OY29 | Technical Writer |
OY30 | Technical writer |
OYC1 | C SAPcomm: Server location T164O |
OYC2 | C SAPcomm: Server selection T164P |
OYC3 | C SAPcomm: exceptions T164U |
OYC4 | C T005K country dialling code |
OYC5 | C SAPcomm: Server assignment T164C |
OYC6 | C SAPcomm: Inbox distributor T164Y |
OYEA | IDoc administration |
OYEB | Event coupling for IDoc inbound |
OYEC | Delete codes for process technology |
OYED | Conversion EDIS -> EDIR |
OYM1 | C Report Recipient |
OYM2 | C Reporting Country Indicator |
OYM3 | C Country Indicator Assignment Rules |
OYS1 | Maintain Number Range: EDIPORT |
OYSM | Number Range tRFC Port |
OYSN | Number Range IDoc |
OYSO | Number Range R/2 Mailbag |
OYSP | Process codes <-> standard tasks |
OYSQ | Number range for R/2-R/3 linkage |
OZCMLST | Cusmtomizing MiniApp Milestones |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes from OV to OZ
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