OK01 | Controlling Area: Components/StKFs |
OK02 | Maintain Status Profiles |
OK03 | Display Status Profiles |
OK11 | Number Ranges for Cost Plg/Budgeting |
OK12 | Reset "Budgeted" Status |
OK13 | Maintain Reconcil. Ledger Nr. Ranges |
OK14 | Maintain Budget Manager |
OK15 | Maintain authorization group version |
OK16 | Planner Profiles: Maint. Auth.Group |
OK17 | Reconciliation Ledger: Acct Determ. |
OK18 | Maintain Authorization Groups |
OK19 | RW/RP Reports Reconc. Ledger Archive |
OK29 | Maintain SMP profile/variant |
OK30 | Software Maintenance Process |
OK31 | Execute SMP profile/variant |
OK32 | SMP order due list |
OK34 | Define push-material |
OK36 | SMP Log |
OK60 | Maintain Number Range: IRW_PFLEGE |
OK70 | Number Range Maintenance: EF_GROUPNB |
OK91 | Maintain Number Range: BP_BPDK |
OKA1 | Display Cost Center Types |
OKA2 | Maintain Cost Center Categories |
OKA4 | Maintain Attribute Groups |
OKA5 | Display Attribute Groups |
OKA6 | Maintain Cost Element Attributes |
OKA7 | Display Cost Element Attributes |
OKA8 | Change Primary Posting Price Var. |
OKA9 | Display Primary Posting Price Var. |
OKB1 | Transfer G/L Acct: Display Defaults |
OKB2 | Transfer G/L Acct: Maintain Defaults |
OKB3 | Batch Input for Cost Elements |
OKB6 | Generate Cost Center Acctg. Reports |
OKB9 | Change Automatic Account Assignment |
OKB9N | CO Account Determination |
OKB9NR | CO-Account Determination: Rule Maint |
OKBA | Transfer FI Documents to CO |
OKBB | Transfer MM Documents to CO |
OKBC | Transfer SD Documents to CO |
OKBD | Change Function Areas |
OKBF | Import Planning Layouts |
OKBG | Post Down Payments |
OKBI | Define CO Line Item Summarization |
OKC0 | View maint. TKCF Text read table |
OKC1 | Display CO Transactions |
OKC3 | Delete transaction data |
OKC4 | Delete Cost Centers |
OKC5 | Delete cost elements |
OKC6 | Delete Activity Types |
OKC7 | Define Validation |
OKC8 | Change Currency Translations |
OKC9 | Define Substitution |
OKCA | RKC Maintaining data area |
OKCB | Time dimension of characteristics |
OKCC | Maintain Sender Structures |
OKCD | Transfer parameters |
OKCDBC | Maintain sender structure package |
OKCDBD | Create sender structure package |
OKCDS | SAP-EIS: Data Slice Statistics |
OKCE | SAP-EIS: Set up data collection rep. |
OKCF | Maintain value types |
OKCG | CO-BPC Maintain Transfer Rules |
OKCH | Create key figure groups TKCKU |
OKCI | Display Characteristic Values |
OKCJ | Change Characteristic Values |
OKCK | Generate Master Data Maint. Modules |
OKCL | Sort into report portfolio T242E |
OKCM | |
OKCP | Reorganize EIS field catalog |
OKCS | SAP-EIS character. display TKCF |
OKCSL | Process Data Slices |
OKCSLA | Assignment of data slices to tables |
OKCSLD | Data Slices |
OKCSLG | Data slice option groups |
OKCSLU | Data Slices: User Assignment |
OKCX | Change "All Currencies" Indicator |
OKCY | Number range record no. in EIS/BP |
OKD1 | Export CO-CCA Reports |
OKD3 | Import CO-CCA Reports |
OKD6 | Import Individual Reports |
OKE1 | Display logical databank CRK |
OKE10 | Transport Organization Customizing |
OKE2 | Display logical databank CEK |
OKE3 | Display logical databank CIK |
OKE4 | Display logical databank CPK |
OKE5 | Transport Organization Customizing |
OKE6 | Transport Mater Data Settings |
OKE7 | Transport Planning Settings |
OKE8 | Transport Actual Posting Settings |
OKE9 | Transport Tool Settings |
OKEA | Maintain Cost Center Matchcode IDs |
OKEB | Display Cost Center Matchcode IDs |
OKEC | Maintain Cost Element Matchcode IDs |
OKED | Display Cost Element Matchcode IDs |
OKEE | Maintain Activity Type Matchcode IDs |
OKEF | Display Activity Type Matchcode IDs |
OKEG | Change Time-Based Fields/Cost Ctrs |
OKEH | Display Time-Based Fields/Cost Ctrs |
OKEI | Maintain Time-Based Fields/Act.Types |
OKEJ | Display Time-Based Fields/Act.Types |
OKEK | Maintain Time-Based Fields/CElems |
OKEL | Display Time-Based Fields/CElems |
OKEM | Display logical databank SAK |
OKEN | Display Standard Hierarchy |
OKENN | Display Standard Hierarchy |
OKENNX | Display stand.hierarchy: UO active |
OKEO | Change Standard Hierarchy |
OKEON | Change Standard Hierarchy |
OKEONX | Change standard hierarchy: UO active |
OKEP | Down Payment: Maintain Default CElem |
OKEQ | Maintain Versions (General) |
OKEQN | General Version Maintenance |
OKER | Define Component/Switching Structure |
OKES | Maintain Splitting Structure |
OKET | Maintain Price Calculation Settings |
OKET1 | Maintain settings: plan reconciliatn |
OKET2 | Maintain settings: target=actl IAA |
OKEU | Change Source Structure |
OKEV | Maintain Versions (CO Area) |
OKEV1 | Change Valuation in Version 0 |
OKEVN | Version Maintenance in CO Area |
OKEW | Splitting: Assignment KOSTL -> SCNAM |
OKEX | Transport Planning Layouts |
OKEY | Display Time-Dependent Field/Process |
OKEZ | Change Time-Dependent Field/Process |
OKF1 | Change Budget Planning Profile |
OKG1 | Results Analysis Keys |
OKG2 | Results Analysis Versions |
OKG3 | Customizing Valuation Methods |
OKG4 | Update for Results Analysis |
OKG5 | Customizing Assignment |
OKG6 | No. Ranges Results Analysis CO Doc. |
OKG8 | Posting Rules for Res. Analysis Data |
OKG9 | Results Analysis Versions for WIP |
OKGA | Update for WIP Calculation |
OKGB | Customizing Assignment |
OKGC | Customizing: WIP Valuation |
OKGD | Customizing: WIP Valuation |
OKGG | Customizing: SD |
OKGK | Maintain Capitalization Percentages |
OKGL | Versions for capitalization val.calc |
OKI0 | Determine activity number: entry |
OKI1 | Activity numbers for activity types |
OKI2 | Activity numbers for cost elements |
OKI3 | Activity numbers for stat. key fig. |
OKIP | Costing variants: Simulation costing |
OKIQ | Costing types simulation costing |
OKIR | Movement variants simulation costing |
OKK4 | Valuation Variants for Prod. Costing |
OKK5 | Qty Structure Control for Costing |
OKK6 | Scheduling for Costing |
OKK7 | Price Factors for Costing Relevancy |
OKK9 | Indicator for Relevancy to Costing |
OKKA | Maintain Controlling Area |
OKKB | Selection Screen Maintenance |
OKKC | Maintain Sel. Screens for Order-Rel. |
OKKD | Maintain Sel. Screens Intern. Orders |
OKKE | Valuation Variants: Base Plan Obj. |
OKKI | Costing Types for Product Costing |
OKKK | Maintain Costing Tables |
OKKL | Transfer of Cstg Table Entries: 2.1D |
OKKM | Transfer Control |
OKKN | Costing Variants for Product Costing |
OKKO | Costing Variants Base Planning Obj |
OKKP | Maintain Controlling Area |
OKKP1 | Controlling Area: ALE Settings |
OKKP2 | Controlling Area: ALE Settings |
OKKR | Costing Variants for Internal Orders |
OKKS | Set Controlling Area |
OKKT | Costing Variants for Projects |
OKKW | Valuation Variants for Projects |
OKKX | Valuation Variant f. Internal Orders |
OKKY | Maintain Selection Screens for MTO |
OKKZ | Maintain Selec. Screens Process Mfg |
OKL1 | Report Tree for CO-OPA |
OKL2 | Report Tree: Order-Related Prod. |
OKL3 | Report Tree: Sales-Order-Rel. Prod. |
OKL4 | Report Tree: Repetitive Mfg |
OKL5 | Report Tree: Unit Costing |
OKL8 | Report Tree: Product Costing |
OKLB | Maintain ABC Report Tree |
OKLF | Report Tree: Cost Objects |
OKLH | Report Tree: Engineer-to-Order |
OKLI | Report Tree: Process Manufacturing |
OKLS | Maintain CCA Report Tree |
OKM0 | Display IMG Structure |
OKM1 | IMG Controlling: General |
OKM2 | IMG Controlling: General |
OKMI | Import models Cost Center Accounting |
OKN0 | Control of CO-PC Information System |
OKN2 | Control Info Sys Prod Cost by Order |
OKN3 | Control Info Sys Prod Cost Sales Ord |
OKN4 | Control Info Sys Prod Cost by Period |
OKN8 | Control Info Sys Prod Cost Planning |
OKNF | Control Info Sys Intangible Goods |
OKO1 | Maintain Order Matchcode IDs |
OKO2 | Display Order Matchcode IDs |
OKO3 | Maintain Hier.Std.Cost Elem.Layout |
OKO5 | Delete CO Orders |
OKO6 | Maintain Allocation Structure |
OKO7 | Maintain Settlement Profiles |
OKO8 | Maintain Processing Groups |
OKO9 | Maintain Settlemen Exchng. Rate Type |
OKOA | Init. Screen-Customizing Settlement |
OKOB | CO Orders: Budgeting profiles |
OKOD | Convert Avlability Cntrl Tol.Limits |
OKOG | Maintain overhead key |
OKOH | Maintain Cost Element Group |
OKOI | Maintain Capitalization Percentages |
OKOJ | Results Analysis Key for Cap.Value |
OKOL | Int.Orders: Maintain Screen Variants |
OKOR | Selection Rules for Internal Orders |
OKOS | Struct.Planning Profiles - CO Orders |
OKOT | Transport Settlement Tables |
OKOU | Substitution Rules - Internal Orders |
OKOV | Select. Variants for Internal Orders |
OKOZ | Maintain Overhead Tables |
OKP1 | Maintain Period Lock |
OKP2 | Display Period Lock |
OKP6 | Costing Variant for PM Order |
OKP7 | Costing Types for PM Order |
OKP8 | Valuation Variants for PM Order |
OKPLACTRL | Transfer Plan Data from Foreign Sys. |
OKPLAMDT | CCA Planning in Manager's Desktop |
OKQ0 | Classification Data (Summarization) |
OKQ1 | Classification Data for Obj. Records |
OKQ2 | Define Reference Characteristics |
OKQ3 | Define Reference Character. (Orders) |
OKQ4 | Define Reference Chars (Projects) |
OKQ5 | Maintain Hierarchy Struct. (General) |
OKQ6 | Maintain Characteristic Structure |
OKR0 | Report List for Sales Orders |
OKR1 | Report List for Internal Orders |
OKR2 | Report List for Repetitive Mfg |
OKR3 | Report List for Make-to-Order |
OKR4 | Report List for Process Mfg |
OKR5 | Report List for Unit Costing |
OKR6 | Change Report List for Cost Centers |
OKR7 | Report List for Projects |
OKR8 | Report List for Product Costing |
OKRA | Summarization Hierarchy for Orders |
OKRC | Report List for Run Schedule Headers |
OKRD | Report List for PPC |
OKRH | Table Maintenance for Report List |
OKRI | Table Maintenance for Report Layouts |
OKRK | Report Layouts for Sales Orders |
OKRL | Report Layouts for Internal Orders |
OKRM | Report Layouts for Repetitive Mfg |
OKRN | Report Layouts for Make-to-Order |
OKRO | Report Layouts for Process Mfg |
OKRP | Report Layouts for Unit Costing |
OKRS | Change Report Layouts for Cost Ctrs |
OKRT | Report Layouts for Projects |
OKRU | Report Layouts for Product Costing |
OKRV | Report Layouts for Run Sched Headers |
OKRW | Report Layouts for PPC |
OKRZ | Hierarchy ID for Process Mfg |
OKS0 | Generate Reports for Sales Orders |
OKS1 | Generate Reports for Int.Ord.: Batch |
OKS2 | Generate Reports for Repetitive Mfg |
OKS3 | Generate Reports for Make-to-Order |
OKS4 | Generate Reports for Process Mfg |
OKS5 | Generate Reports for Unit Costing |
OKS6 | Generate Reports for Cost Ctr: Batch |
OKS7 | Generate Reports for Projects |
OKS8 | Generate Reports for Product Costing |
OKS9 | Generate Reports for Run Schedules |
OKSA | Generate Reports for Internal Orders |
OKSB | Import Reports for Repetitive Mfg |
OKSC | Export Reports for Make-to-Order |
OKSD | Import Reports for Make-to-Order |
OKSE | Export Reports for Process Mfg |
OKSF | Import Reports for Process Mfg |
OKSH | Export Reports for Unit Costing |
OKSI | Import Reports for Unit Costing |
OKSJ | Export Reports for Product Costing |
OKSK | Maintain Cost Element Group: Orders |
OKSL | Import Reports for Product Costing |
OKSM | Export Reports for Run Schedules |
OKSN | Import Reports for Run Schedules |
OKSO | Export Reports for Sales Orders |
OKSP | Import Reports for Production Ctrl |
OKSQ | Export Reports for Projects |
OKSR | Import Reports for Projects |
OKSS | Generate Reports for Run Schedules |
OKST | Report Layouts for Summ. Objects |
OKSU | Maintain Cost Element Group |
OKSV | Maintain Cost Component Structure |
OKT0 | EC-PCA: Import Reports |
OKT4 | Define Report Writer Languages |
OKT5 | Cost Comp. Groups for Repetitive Mfg |
OKT6 | Cost Comp. Grps for Product Costing |
OKT7 | Report List: General Cost Objects |
OKT8 | Cost Elem. Groups: General Cost Obj |
OKT9 | Generate General Cost Object Reports |
OKTA | General Cost Object Reports |
OKTB | Report List for Process Mfg |
OKTC | Cost Element Groups for Process Mfg |
OKTD | Generate Reports for Process Mfg |
OKTE | Import Reports for Process Mfg |
OKTG | Generate text module |
OKTH | Report List for Orders, Eng.-to-Ord |
OKTI | Cst Elem Grps for Orders, Eng-to-Ord |
OKTJ | Generate Rpts for Orders, Eng-to-Ord |
OKTK | Import Reports for Orders,Eng-to-Ord |
OKTO | Call Summariz. Hierarchy for Orders |
OKTP | Call Summar. Hierarchy for Projects |
OKTZ | Cost Comp. Str (View Cluster Maint.) |
OKU0 | Maintain variants RKCSUB00 |
OKU1 | Maintain compound characteristics |
OKU2 | EC-EIS/EC-BP: Hierarchy maintenance |
OKU4 | Translation tool |
OKU5 | Print settings for WinWord |
OKU7 | Variables: CO-PA list element |
OKU9 | Variable list elements |
OKUA | SAP-EIS Basic key figure aggr. TKCF |
OKUB | Key figure display TKCF |
OKUC | Maintain key figure subgrps TKCF |
OKUD | Calculated key fig. display TKCK |
OKUE | Database statistics |
OKUF | Maintain calc. key fig. subgrp TKCK |
OKUH | Reorganization of data transfer |
OKUI | Display data structure |
OKUK | Consistency test SAP-EIS |
OKUL | Constants T242C |
OKUM | Aspect summarization |
OKUO | C FI Fiscal Year Variants |
OKUP | Copy aspect from another client |
OKUQ | Deactivate aspect in this client |
OKUS | Exchange rates |
OKUT | Exchange rate types |
OKUU | Reorganize forms |
OKUW | Generate aspect summarization |
OKUY | Display aspect (with environment) |
OKUZ | Define aspect archiving |
OKV0 | Variance Keys for Cost Centers |
OKV1 | Variance Keys for Orders |
OKV2 | Variance Keys for Cost Objects |
OKV5 | Maintain Tgt Cost Vers for Cost Ctrs |
OKV6 | Target Cost Versions for Orders |
OKV7 | Target Cost Versions for Cost Objs |
OKVF | Change Variance Vrnts for Cost Ctr |
OKVG | Variance Variants for Orders |
OKVH | Variance Variants for Cost Objects |
OKVK | Maintain Variance Tables |
OKVO | Call Summariz. Hierarchy for Orders |
OKVW | Default Values for Varian. Key/Plant |
OKVZ | Change Variance Key in Mat. Master |
OKW2 | Maintain View V_CBAR_PP |
OKWA | ABC Report List |
OKWB | Change Report Layout Bus. Processes |
OKWC | Generate ABC Reports |
OKWT | Transport Planning Layouts |
OKX0 | Maint.sender str.for mast.data hier. |
OKX1 | Maintain Transfer Rules |
OKX3 | Where-used list |
OKX4 | Maintain Sender Str. for Master Data |
OKX5 | Sender Structure Comments |
OKX6 | Sender structures |
OKX7 | sender str. comments on trans. data |
OKX8 | Display Hierarchy Directory |
OKX9 | Maintain Hierarchy Directory |
OKXB | Transport Tool |
OKXC | Reorg.view maintenance (master data) |
OKXE | Enter aspect in control tables |
OKXF | Delete aspect from control tables |
OKXG | Import tool |
OKXO | SAP-EIS: Object Hier.Collector |
OKXO1 | CO transport collector: grouping |
OKXR | Report Tree |
OKXU | Function modules for doc.connection |
OKY0 | Val. Variants Sales Order/Prod. Cost |
OKY1 | Sales Order: Unit Costing |
OKY2 | Costing Variants CO Production Order |
OKY3 | Costing Variants: Cost Objects |
OKY4 | Costing Variants for Primary Costs |
OKY5 | Valuation Variants for CO Prod.Order |
OKY6 | Costing Variants: Cost Objects |
OKY7 | Val. Variants Sales Order/Unit Cstg |
OKY8 | Val. Variants Detail Plan Cost Ctr |
OKY9 | Costing Variants (Sales Order) |
OKYA | Costing Types (Sales Order) |
OKYB | Partner Versions |
OKYC | Reference Cost Estimates |
OKYD | Costing Versions |
OKYE | Costing Types (Sales Order) |
OKYF | Costing Variants Network Component |
OKYG | Cstg Variants Network Costs Activity |
OKYH | Costing Variants: Seiban |
OKYI | Costing Variants Message |
OKYJ | Valuation Variants Message |
OKYK | Costing Types: Seiban |
OKYL | Valn. Variants Network Component |
OKYM | Valn. Variants Network Costs Actvy |
OKYN | Valuation Variants: Seiban |
OKYO | Assignment of Delivery Costs |
OKYP | Costing Types Base Planning Object |
OKYQ | Costing Variants: Service Line |
OKYR | Valuation Variants: Service Line |
OKYS | Costing Variants: Service Line |
OKYT | Valuation Variant: Service Line |
OKYU | Valn. Variants Appropriation Request |
OKYV | Cross-Company Costing |
OKYW | Cost Comp. Split Multiple Currencies |
OKYY | Costing Variants (Brackets) |
OKYZ | Cstg Variants Appropriation Request |
OKZ1 | Costing Origins |
OKZ2 | Maintain Overhead Groups |
OKZ3 | Default Values Cost Obj Controlling |
OKZ4 | Routing Control Key |
OKZ5 | Cost Object Category: Process Mfg |
OKZ6 | Cost Object Profile: Process Mfg |
OKZ7 | General Cost Object Categories |
OKZ8 | General Cost Object Profiles |
OKZA | Base Planning Object Group |
OKZZ | Message Management (Release) |
OL01 | Display / change LDK34 (bins) |
OL02 | Display / change RLPLA (bins) |
OL03 | Display / change LDK33 (stock) |
OL04 | Display / change RLBES (stock) |
OL05 | Display / change LDK30 (mat.whse) |
OL06 | Display / change LDK31 (mat.type) |
OL07 | Data transfer stor.bins LDK34->RLPLA |
OL08 | Data transfer stor.bins RLPLA->B.I. |
OL09 | Data transfer stor.bins LDK34->LAGP |
OL10 | Test storage bin data transfer |
OL11 | Data transfer stock LDK33->RLBES |
OL12 | Data transfer stock RLBES-> B.I. |
OL13 | Data tranfer stock LDK33->LQUA |
OL14 | Test stock data transfer |
OL15 | Data transfer material whse no.view |
OL16 | Test mat.master data transfer (MLGN) |
OL17 | Data transfer material storage type |
OL18 | Test mat.master data transfer (MLGT) |
OL19 | Generate Distribution Model |
OL20 | Consistency Check (Centr.Processing) |
OL21 | Consistency Check (Decentr.Process.) |
OL22 | Check LE /HU Number Assignment |
OLDPS | Process Sheet: Layout Management |
OLE | OLE demo transaction |
OLESPD | Split Profile (Subseq. Dlv. Split) |
OLI0 | C Plant Maintenance Master Data |
OLI1 | INVCO Stat. Setup: Material Movemts |
OLI1BW | INVCO Stat. Setup: Material Movemts |
OLI2 | INVCO Stat. Setup: Stocks |
OLI2BW | INVCO Stat. Setup: Stor. Loc. Stocks |
OLI3 | PURCHIS Statistical Setup |
OLI3BW | Reorg.PURCHIS BW Extract Structures |
OLI4 | SFIS Statistical Setup |
OLI4BW | Reorg. PPIS Extract Structures |
OLI5 | PMIS Statistical Setup |
OLI6 | Periodic stock qty - Storage locatn |
OLI6BW | Recompilation Appl. 06 (Inv. Ver.) |
OLI7 | SIS Statistical Setup: Orders |
OLI7BW | Reorg. of VIS Extr. Struct.: Order |
OLI8 | Set Up SIS for Deliveries |
OLI8BW | Reorg. VIS Extr. Str.: Delivery |
OLI9 | SIS Statistical Setup: Billing Docs |
OLI9BW | Reorg. VIS Extr. Str.: Invoices |
OLIA | C Maintenance Processing |
OLIABW | Setup: BW agency business |
OLIB | PURCHIS: StatUpdate Header Doc Level |
OLID | SIS: Stat. Setup - Sales Activities |
OLIE | Statistical Setup - TIS: Shipments |
OLIF | SFIS: Setup-Repetitive Manufacturing |
OLIFBW | Reorg. Rep. Manuf. Extr. Structs |
OLIG | Reconstruct: Global Trade BW |
OLIGBW | Reconstruct GT: External TC |
OLIH | MRP Data Procurement for BW |
OLIIBW | Reorg. of PM Info System for BW |
OLIKBW | Setup GTM: Position Management |
OLILBW | Setup GTM: Position Mngmt w. Network |
OLIM | Periodic stock qty - Plant |
OLIP | C Plant Maintenance Planning |
OLIQ | Reorganization of QM info system |
OLIQBW | QM Infosystem Reorganization for BW |
OLISBW | Reorg. of CS Info System for BW |
OLIX | Stat. Setup: Copy/Delete Versions |
OLIZ | INVCO Setup: Invoice Verification |
OLIZBW | INVCO Setup: Invoice Verification |
OLMB | IMG Inventory Management |
OLMD | Customizing For MRP |
OLME | IMG View: Purchasing |
OLML | IMG structure Warehouse Management |
OLMR | IMG Invoice Verification |
OLMRLIST | Maintain List Variant |
OLMRVERDLIST | Maintain Aggregation Variant |
OLMS | C RM-MAT Master Data Menu |
OLMSRV | Customizing MM-SRV |
OLMW | IMG Valuation/Acct Assgt |
OLPA | SOP Configuration |
OLPE | Sales order value |
OLPF | Customizing Production Order |
OLPK | Customizing for capacity planning |
OLPM | Set Up: Plant Maintenance IS |
OLPR | Customizing for Project System |
OLPS | Customizing basic data |
OLQB | QM Customizing in Procurement |
OLR3_CJ20N | OLR3 Direct Entry: Project Builder |
OLR3_ME2XN | Display Purchasing Document |
OLS1 | Customizing for Rebates |
OLVD | C SD Shipping Menu |
OLVF | C SD Billing Menu |
OLVS | C SD Menu for Master Data |
OLZSN | Leading Zeroes Customizing |
OM00 | Customizing KANBAN |
OM01 | MRP at client level |
OM0A | Storage Mode for MRP Lists |
OM0C | Requirements Grouping |
OM0D | Period Profile for Safety Time |
OM0E | Define Scope of Planning |
OM0F | Convert MDVM/MDVL for MRP Areas |
OM0H | MRP User Settings U444B |
OM0I | Declaration Selection Rule |
OM0J | Declaration Display Filter |
OM0K | Define Navigation Profile |
OM0L | Texts for Exception Groups |
OM0M | Define MRP Views |
OM0N | Activate Parallel Reading of SRL |
OM11 | Control Key; In-House Production |
OM12 | Control Key; External Procurement |
OM13 | Control Profile: Stock Transfer |
OM14 | No.Range Maintenance: PKHD |
OM15 | Maintain Status Short Text - Kanban |
OM16 | Maintain Kanban Status Sequences |
OM17 | Define Actions for Status Switching |
OM18 | Number Range Maintenance: PKKEY |
OM19 | Kanban Calculation Profile |
OM1R | Maint. Periodic Invoicing Plan Types |
OM20 | Adjust Control Cycle |
OM22 | Field Selection Control Cycle Data |
OM23 | Display of Kanbans |
OM24 | Quick Info for Kanbans |
OM25 | Alternative Error Handling KANBAN |
OM27 | Automatic Deletion of Kanbans |
OM28 | LE: Storage Location Control |
OM2R | Maint. partial invoicing plan types |
OM3R | Maintain Date IDs |
OM4R | Maint. Date Cat. for Invoicing Plan |
OM5R | Default Date Category for Inv. Plan |
OM6R | Maintain Dates |
OM7R | Rule Table for Date Determination |
OM8R | Invoicing Plan: Blocking Reasons |
OM9R | Purch. Order: Reasons for Rejection |
OMA0 | Conditions: V_T681F for H ME |
OMA1 | Create Cond. Table: Batches in MM |
OMA2 | Change Cond.Table: Batches in MM |
OMA3 | Display Cond. Table: Batches in MM |
OMA4 | Field catalog V_T681f free goods (M) |
OMA5 | Field catalog V_T681 free goods (SD) |
OMA6 | Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion D |
OMA7 | Condition Table: Add Index |
OMA8 | Condition table: Change Index |
OMAB | Definition Initial Status Batch |
OMAC | Definition Initial Status Batch |
OMAD | Number Ranges for Batch Numbers |
OMAE | Number ranges of strategy records |
OMAG | View Maintenance |
OMB0 | List of document types |
OMB1 | Dynamic Availability Check |
OMB2 | Create SLoc. Automatically (GI) |
OMB3 | Create SLoc. Automatically (GR) |
OMB4 | Maintain Print Indicator (GI) |
OMB5 | Maintain Print Indicator (GR) |
OMB6 | Change Manual Account Assgt. |
OMB7 | Test Data: Init.Entry of Stock Balcs |
OMB8 | Test Data: Reservations Transfer |
OMB9 | Change Document Lives |
OMBA | Number Assgmt. for Accounting Docs. |
OMBB | Batch Where-Used List |
OMBC | Set Missing Parts Check |
OMBD | Business Area from MM View |
OMBF | Control BTCI Sessions for Goods Mvmt |
OMBG | Set Stock Balance Display |
OMBH | Phys. Inventory Settings in Plant |
OMBI | Suggest Items Preselected GR |
OMBJ | Suggest Items Preselected GI |
OMBK | Suggest Items Preselected: Reservtn |
OMBM | Control BTCI Sessions for Reserv. |
OMBN | Defaults for Reservation |
OMBP | Freeze Book Inventory Balance |
OMBR | General Print Settings |
OMBS | Reasons for Movements |
OMBT | No. Ranges: Mat. Doc./Phys.Inventory |
OMBU | Allocate Layout Sets to Reports |
OMBV | Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv. |
OMBW | Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement |
OMBX | Stock Balance Display |
OMBZ | Rev. GR Despite Invoice |
OMC0 | Tolerance Limits for Goods Receipt |
OMC1 | Goods Receipt/Issue Slip Number |
OMC2 | Number Assignment for Reservations |
OMC3 | Suggest Items Preselected: Phys.Inv. |
OMC4 | BTCI Data Transfer: Inventory Count |
OMC6 | Test Data Transfer: Phys. Inventory |
OMC7 | BTCI Data Transfer: Inv.Count + Diff |
OMC8 | BTCI Data Tranfer: Inv. Doc./Count |
OMC9 | BTCI Data Tfr.: Inv.Doc./Count/Diff. |
OMCB | Service Lists |
OMCC | Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt |
OMCD | Suggest "Del. Completed" Indicator |
OMCDB | Activate Documentary Batch |
OMCE | Define Batch Level |
OMCF | Print Label |
OMCG | Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM |
OMCH | Set Manual Account Assignment (GR) |
OMCI | Scope of List: Service Lists |
OMCJ | Screen Layout: Goods Receipt |
OMCK | Inventory Sampling Profile |
OMCL | Inventory Sampling: St. Mgmt Levels |
OMCM | Dynamic Availability Check: GR |
OMCN | Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv. |
OMCO | Set Cycle Counting |
OMCP | Dynamic Availability Check: GI |
OMCQ | Settings for System Messages |
OMCR | Inventory Sampling: St.Mgmt Lvl: WM |
OMCS | Activate Batch Status Management |
OMCT | Batch Definition |
OMCU | Batch Status Management in Plant |
OMCV | Classify Batches |
OMCW | Strategy Types: Batch Determin.MM |
OMCX | Access Seq. Batch Determination MM |
OMCY | Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM |
OMCZ | Activate batch number allocation |
OMD0 | C RM-MAT MRP Controllers |
OMD1 | C RM-MAT MD Mat.type/MRP procedure |
OMD2 | C RM-MAT MD Weighting Groups |
OMD3 | C RM-MAT MD Exception Message T458A |
OMD5 | C MM MRP Element Description T457 |
OMD6 | C RM-MAT MD Rqmts Plng Active T001W |
OMD7 | C RM-MAT MD Schedul.Parameters T399D |
OMD8 | C RM-MAT MD Control Parameters T438M |
OMD9 | C RM-MAT MD Spec.Procurmt.Key T460A |
OMDA | C RM-MAT MD Period Split T449A |
OMDB | Marking Material for MRP Termination |
OMDC | C RM-MAT MD Planned Orders T436A |
OMDD | C RM-MAT MD Planned Ord. Types T460C |
OMDE | C RM-MAT MD Lot Sizes T439A |
OMDF | C RM-MAT MD StgeCosts Lot Size T439L |
OMDG | C RM-MAT MD Ord.ForecastRequmt T439P |
OMDH | C RM-MAT MD Plnned Order Types T460D |
OMDI | C RM-MAT MD Lot Size Texts |
OMDJ | C RM.MAT MD Corr.Factors for Forcast |
OMDK | C RM-MAT MD Error Allocation |
OMDL | C MM-MRP User Maintenance |
OMDN | C MM-MRP No.RangeInterval - PurReq. |
OMDO | Create Planning File |
OMDP | Check Consistency for Planning File |
OMDQ | C RM-MAT MRP Types T438A |
OMDR | C MD Run Time Statistics |
OMDS | C MD Number of Planned Orders |
OMDT | C MM-MRP External Procurement |
OMDU | C MD Activate MRP |
OMDV | C MD Convert Planning Run |
OMDW | C MD Rescheduling |
OMDX | C MD Planning Horizon |
OMDY | C MD Planning Run Abend |
OMDZ | C MD MRP Creation Indicator |
OME1 | C MM-PUR Purchasing Value Keys |
OME2 | C MM-PUR Terms of Payment |
OME4 | C MM-PUR Purchasing Groups |
OME5 | C MM-PUR Activate Plant: Source List |
OME9 | C MM-PUR Acct. Assignment Categories |
OMEC | Copying Control Maintenance |
OMEE | C MM-PUR Reorganization RFQ |
OMEH | C MM-PUR User Maintenance |
OMEI | C MM-PUR User Profiles |
OMEL | C MM-PUR Certificate Categories |
OMEN | C MM-PUR Reorg. Sched. Agrmnt Time |
OMEO | C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Info Record |
OMEP | C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Source List |
OMEQ | C MM-PUR Quota Arrangement Rules |
OMES | C MM-PUR Comments on Quotation |
OMESCJ | Activate chargeable info records |
OMET | Settings for Function Authorizations |
OMEV | Determine Consgt. Valuation Prices |
OMEW | C MM-PUR Requisition Processing Time |
OMEX | C MM-PUR Reorganization: Requisition |
OMEY | C MM-PUR Reorganization PO |
OMEZ | C MM-PUR Reorg. Contract Time |
OMF0 | C MM-PUR Activate Cond. for Plant |
OMFH | C MM-PUR Find Calc. Schema - Rebate |
OMFI | Settings for Default Values |
OMFJ | C MM-PUR Rec. Layout for Batch Input |
OMFK | C MM-PUR Field Selection: Vendor |
OMFL | C MM-PUR Transfer of Info Rec. Data |
OMFM | C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Purch. Org. |
OMFN | C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Vendor |
OMFO | C MM-PUR Find Calculation Schema |
OMFP | C MM-PUR Schema Group <-> Pur. Org. |
OMFQ | C MM-PUR Scope of List: Conditions |
OMFR | C MM-PUR Mkt. Price Schema: P. Org. |
OMFS | CC-MM-PUR Chge.-Notice-Relev. Fields |
OMFT | Message Determination Requirements |
OMFZ | C MM-PUR: Stock Transfer Schema |
OMG0 | CS MM-PUR Item Cat./Acc. Assgt. Cat. |
OMG1 | C MM-PUR Commodity Code |
OMG2 | C MM-PUR Customs Offices |
OMG3 | C MM-PUR Modes of Transport |
OMG4 | C MM-PUR Business Transaction Type |
OMG5 | C MM-PUR Default Busn. Trans. Type |
OMG6 | C MM-PUR Import Procedures |
OMG7 | C MM-PUR Authorizations |
OMG8 | C MM-PUR Conditions/Sequence |
OMG9 | C MM-PUR Assignment Conditions/TCode |
OMGA | C MM-PUR Texts: Creditor (Central) |
OMGB | C MM-PUR Texts: Creditor (Purch.) |
OMGC | C MM-PUR Weighting Keys |
OMGEN | Generate Organizational Units |
OMGENP | Generate Organizational Units |
OMGF | C MM-PUR Output Device: Messages |
OMGG | Settings for Message Determination |
OMGH | C MM-PUR: Transaction/Event Keys |
OMGI | C MM-PUR Main Criteria |
OMGM | Settings for Subcontracting |
OMGQCK | Release Procedure Checks |
OMGQ_CHAR | Charact. Maint.: Release Procedure |
OMGSCK | Release Procedure Checks |
OMGT | Import Data |
OMGU | C MM-PUR Scope of Ranking Lists |
OMGV | Intrastat |
OMGX | MM-PUR Form for Buyer's Neg. Sheet |
OMGY | MM-PUR Buyer's Neg. Sheet Routines |
OMH0 | Interface to Activity Allocation |
OMH6 | Number Ranges for Purch. Documents |
OMH7 | Number Ranges for Purch. Requisition |
OMH8 | Number Ranges for Service Package |
OMH9 | Number Ranges for Entry Sheet |
OMHA | Cr. Vol. Rebate Cond. Table (Purch.) |
OMHB | Change Volume Rebate Table: Purch. |
OMHC | Cond. Table: Display Rebate (Purch.) |
OMHD | Arrangement Type: Purchasing |
OMHE | Overview of Condition Type Groups |
OMHF | Assign Cond. Type Group - Cond. Type |
OMHG | Assign Arrangement Type - Cond. type |
OMHH | Purchasing Selections |
OMHI | Conditions: View Seq. F, M, Rebate |
OMHJ | Purchasing: Condition Index |
OMHK | Batch Input, Purchase Requisitions |
OMHL | C MM-PUR Matchcode Info Record |
OMHM | C MM-PUR Matchcode Requisition |
OMHN | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purch. Document |
OMHO | C MM-PUR Matchcode Source List |
OMHP | Updating of Order Price History |
OMHS | Display Info Record Transfer File |
OMHT | Display Requisition Transfer File |
OMHU | Example File: Batch Input Info Rec. |
OMHV | Example File, Batch Input Requisn. |
OMHX | Plant for company code (sbq. sttlmt) |
OMI0 | Error List for Intrastat Declaration |
OMI1 | C MD Safety Stock |
OMI2 | C MM-MRP Number Ranges: Mat. plg. |
OMI3 | C MM-MRP No. Ranges for Pld Ords |
OMI4 | C MD Lot Sizes |
OMI5 | C MD Item Numbers |
OMI7 | C MM-MRP No. Ranges for Pld Ords |
OMI8 | Plant Parameters |
OMI9 | PP MRP C Direct Procurement |
OMIA | C MRP Range of Coverage Profile |
OMIB | C MRP Start Times - Background Jobs |
OMIC | MatMasterCust.:Batch Job Start Times |
OMID | Maintain Number Range: Indep.Reqmts |
OMIE | Maintain Number Range: Reqmts Plan |
OMIG | MRP Group per Material Type |
OMIH | Check. rule for updating backorders |
OMII | Missing Parts Controller |
OMIJ | C MRP Rounding Profiles |
OMIK | Control of CO Integration |
OMIL | Sel. Receipt Elements for Coverage |
OMILL_CUT | Customizing for Cutting Processing |
OMILL_MMCL | Maintain Selection Profile |
OMILL_SE_ATNAM | Customizing Fast Entry |
OMILL_SE_POSTYP | Customize Global Item Category |
OMILL_T160M | Mill Products Message Control |
OMILL_T160M_SD | Sales Order Versions |
OMILL_VS | Sales Order Versions |
OMILL_WF_SD | Customizing Workflow MILL_SD |
OMIM | Maximum MRP Period |
OMIN | Firming Scheduling Agreements |
OMIO | Screen Seq. MRP List ; Ext.Header |
OMIP | Reference Plant for MRP Master Data |
OMIQ | Destinations Parallel MRP |
OMIR | Storage Location MRP |
OMIS | Convert Planned Order -> Prod. Order |
OMIT | Start Date in the Past |
OMIU | Action Code - Planned Order Control |
OMIV | Action Control - Planned Order |
OMIW | BOM Explosion |
OMIX | Text: User Exit Planning Run |
OMIY | Plng File Entries for Goods Mvmts |
OMIZ | MRP area |
OMJ1 | Allow Negative Stocks |
OMJ2 | Maintain Phys.Inv.Tolrnce->Employee |
OMJ3 | Printer Determination Plant/SLoc. |
OMJ4 | Printer Determ: Plant/SLoc./User Grp |
OMJ5 | Exp.Date at Plant Level and Mvmt Lvl |
OMJ6 | Maintain No. Range for GR/GI Slips |
OMJ7 | Plant/Val.Area - Divis. -> Busin.Ar. |
OMJ8 | Create Stor. Loc. Automatically |
OMJ9 | Change Manual Account Assgt. |
OMJA | Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement |
OMJC | Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt |
OMJD | Set Missing Parts Check |
OMJE | Exp.Date at Plant Level and Mvmt Lvl |
OMJH | Maintain Dataset for Phys. Inventory |
OMJI | Set Material Block |
OMJJ | Customizing: New Movement Types |
OMJK | Number Ranges for Reservations |
OMJL | Maintain Print Indicator (autom.MvT) |
OMJM | Comprn plnt/val.area - divis.->BusAr |
OMJN | General field selection: goods mvmnt |
OMJO | Convert MKOP into Consgt. Info Recs. |
OMJP | Batch Input: Consignment Info Recs. |
OMJQ | Deletion Flag: Consg. Price Segments |
OMJR | Printer Determin.: Message Type/User |
OMJS | Check expiration date at goods issue |
OMJU | Gen. field selection, physical inv. |
OMJV | Subsequent Calculation of Value |
OMJW | Create Purchase Order Automatically |
OMJX | GR Field Selection From Procurement |
OMJY | GR Field Selec. Fr. Procment (Table) |
OMK0 | Link to PP interface |
OMK1 | Batch search method for Whse Mgmt |
OMK2 | Customer exits for strategies |
OMK3 | Conditions: field catalog (WM) |
OMK4 | CondTable: Create (Batches, WM) |
OMK5 | CondTable: Change (Batches, WM) |
OMK6 | CondTable: Display (Batches, WM) |
OMK7 | Batch WM..... (will be deleted) |
OMK8 | Services: Exclusion Indicator |
OMKA | Conditions: V_T681F for A V |
OMKB | Conditions: Rebate - Allowed Fields |
OMKC | C MM PUR Price Marking |
OMKD | C MM PUR Supply Regions |
OMKE | C MM-PUR: Optimize Access |
OMKF | C MM-PUR: Exlusion Indicators |
OMKG | C MM-PUR: Limits |
OMKH | C MM-PUR Reg. Vend. Source of Supply |
OMKI | C MM-PUR Default Purchasing Org. |
OMKJ | C MM-PUR P.Org. Cross-CoCode Release |
OMKK | C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Material |
OMKL | C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Acc. Assgt. |
OMKM | C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Plant |
OMKN | C MM-PUR Assign Tax Inds. to Plant |
OMKO | C MM-PUR Assign Tax Inds. to A. Ass. |
OMKR | Search Types: Optimize Access WM |
OMKT | Strategy Types: Batch Determin.WM |
OMKU | Access: Maintain Batch Determin.WM |
OMKV | Batch Determination: Proced.for WM |
OMKW | Stock removal strategy "SLED" |
OMKX | Automatic Transfer Orders |
OMKY | Link to External System via ALE |
OMKZ | Automatic Transfer Orders |
OML1 | Overview of Criticl Whse Monitor Obj |
OML2 | Var. Report RLLL01SE: TOs |
OML3 | Var. Report RLLL02SE: TR Items |
OML4 | Var. Report RLLL03SE: Post.Chge Doc. |
OML5 | Var. Report RLLL04SE: Deliveries |
OML6 | Var. Report RLLL05SE: Negative Stock |
OML7 | Var. Report RLLL06SE: Interim Stock |
OML8 | Var. Report RLLL07SE: Stock Product. |
OML9 | Customizing MOB Interface |
OMLA | Putaway Near Picking Bin |
OMLB | MObj.01: Critical TOs |
OMLC | MObj.02: Critical TRs |
OMLD | MObj.03: Critical Post. Chge Notices |
OMLE | M.Obj.04: Critical Deliveries |
OMLF | M.Obj.05: Negative Stocks |
OMLG | M.Obj.06: Stocks Interim Stor.Bins |
OMLH | M.Obj.07: Critical Stocks in Prod. |
OMLI | Report Variant: Single Entry ActData |
OMLJ | Movement Types for Whse Management |
OMLK | Default Values for Inventory |
OMLL | WM Movement Type: Clear Invent.Diff. |
OMLM | Definition Empty Bin Index |
OMLN | Warehouse Control Link |
OMLO | Sectioning of Storage Bins |
OMLP | Plan Jobs for Whse Activity Monitor |
OMLQ | Stock Removal Strategy FIFO |
OMLR | WM Interface to Inventory Management |
OMLS | Stock Removal Strategy LIFO |
OMLT | Stock Removal Strat. Partial Qty |
OMLU | Stock Placement Strategy Empty Bin |
OMLV | Print Control for Whse Management |
OMLW | Number Ranges for Whse Management |
OMLX | Confirmation |
OMLY | Storage Type Search |
OMLZ | Storage Section Search |
OMM1 | Storage Bin Type Search |
OMM2 | Haz.Material Stock Placement |
OMM3 | Stock Placement Strat.for Pallets |
OMM4 | Putaway Strategy for Bulk Storage |
OMM5 | Storage Type Definition |
OMM6 | Storage Type Definition |
OMM7 | Storage Type Maintenance |
OMM8 | Stock Removal Strat. Stringent FIFO |
OMM9 | Stock Removal Strat. Large/Small |
OMMA | Print Assignment per Storage Type |
OMMB | Inventory No.Ranges for Whse Mgmt |
OMMC | Printer Assignment per WM Mov.Type |
OMMD | Confirmation Ctrl per Storage Type |
OMME | Confirmation Ctrl per Movement Type |
OMMF | Number Ranges per Warehouse |
OMMG | Number ranges physical inventory |
OMMH | Type Search per Movement |
OMMI | Section Check per Storage Type |
OMMJ | Storage Unit Check per Storage Type |
OMMK | Putaway Strategies |
OMML | Hazardous Materials Storage Type |
OMMM | Storage Type Maintenance |
OMMN | Stringent FIFO Storage Type |
OMMO | Consistency Check for MM-WM Tables |
OMMP | Decentralized Warehouse Management |
OMMQ | Pre-allocated stock |
OMMR | Group numbers |
OMMS | Reference Number Documents |
OMMT | Reference Number Documents 2 |
OMMU | Link to Decentralized Unit |
OMMV | Accumulation Decentralized |
OMMW | Error Recovery Decentralized |
OMMX | Printer Determination |
OMMY | Print Code |
OMMZ | Spool Parameters for WM Print Ctrl |
OMN0 | Control of Transaction Codes (MM-WM) |
OMN1 | Print Reference Number |
OMN2 | Stor.Type Control, Block Storage |
OMN3 | Storage Classes Allowed |
OMN4 | Storage Section Search |
OMN5 | Storage Units Allowed |
OMN6 | Storage Bin Type Search |
OMN7 | Storage Type Search |
OMN8 | Difference Indicators |
OMN9 | Block Sectioning |
OMNA | Assignment for Bin Sectioning |
OMNB | Assignment PF Status |
OMNC | Control of Subsequent Screen |
OMND | Field Selection for Whse Mgmt |
OMNE | Control of Transactions in MM-WM |
OMNF | Requirement Types for Whse Mgmt |
OMNG | Queues Warehouse Management System |
OMNH | APPC Interface per Warehouse Number |
OMNI | Print Program per Warehouse Number |
OMNJ | Link to Warehouse Control Unit |
OMNK | Inventory Control per Storage Type |
OMNL | Warehouse Number Maint./Inventory |
OMNM | Define Mail Recipient |
OMNN | Conversion Exit SU Number |
OMNO | Define Mail Recipient |
OMNQ | Special Movement Indicators |
OMNR | TO Print Control with SU Management |
OMNS | Print Code for TOs with SU Mgmt |
OMNT | Printer Pool for SU Management |
OMNU | Print Control with SU Management |
OMNV | Number Range Intervals for Whse Mgmt |
OMNW | System Parameters for Dec.Whse Mgmt |
OMNX | Bulk Storage Indicators |
OMNY | Access Strategy for Stor.Type Search |
OMNZ | Parameters for Activity in WM |
OMO! | Std Analyses: Std Settings, LO |
OMO$ | QMIS: Std Settings, Gen.Std Analyses |
OMO, | Std Analyses: Delete Sel. Version |
OMO0 | Self-Def.Anal.: Std.Settings PP-IS |
OMO1 | Update Maintenance: SIS |
OMO2 | Update Maintenance: PURCHIS |
OMO3 | Update Maintenance: External Data |
OMO6 | Maintain Applications |
OMO9 | Update Maintenance: INVCO |
OMO= | PMIS: Default Settings,Gnl.Std.Anal. |
OMOA | LIS: Create Application |
OMOB | LIS: Change Application |
OMOC | LIS: Display Application |
OMOD | Update Maintenance: SFIS |
OMOE | Generate and Initialize LIL |
OMOF | Update Maintenance: User-Defined App |
OMOG | Maintain Update Groups |
OMOH | Var.Std Analyses: Standard Settings |
OMOJ | Var.Std Analyses: SIS Std Settings |
OMOK | Var.Std Analyses: Ext. Std Settings |
OMOL | Var.Std Analyses: PURCHIS Std Set. |
OMON | Var.Std Analyses: INVCO Std Settings |
OMOR | Update Maintenance: QMIS |
OMOS | Update Maintenance: PMIS |
OMOT | Updating maintainence: TIS |
OMOU | Var. Std Analyses: TIS Std Settings |
OMOY | Maintain Updating: Warehouse Mgmt |
OMOZ | Update Maintenance: Logistics Genrl |
OMP0 | Customizing: Demand Mngmt (Menu) |
OMP1 | Customizing: Requirements Types |
OMP2 | Customizing: Versions |
OMP3 | Customizing: Vers. per Reqmts Class |
OMP4 | Customizing: Indep. Reqmts History |
OMP5 | Customizing: Refer.Type (Dep.Reqmts) |
OMP6 | Customizing: Consuming Indep. Reqmts |
OMP8 | Customizing: Reorganizing Indep.Req. |
OMP9 | Customizing: Fixing Indep. Reqmts |
OMPA | Customizing: Version per Ref. Type |
OMPC | Customizing:PlgInd/Cons.Indep.Reqmts |
OMPD | Customizing:Indep.Reqmts Init.Screen |
OMPE | Takeover Structure |
OMPG | Maintain Consumption Mode |
OMPH | Period Split |
OMPI | Configuration |
OMPJ | Reqmts Type Message Control |
OMPL | Direct Input |
OMPL1 | Specify system messages |
OMPM | Create Example File |
OMPN | C MM-PUR Purchasing Manuf. Part No. |
OMPO | Maintain Requirements Classes |
OMPP | Internal Number Assignment |
OMPS | Maintain Period Split |
OMQ1 | Transfer of Purchase Orders |
OMQ2 | Transfer of Purchase Order History |
OMQ3 | Transfer of PO Texts |
OMQ4 | Create PO Transfer File |
OMQ5 | Edit PO Transfer File |
OMQ6 | Create PO Text Transfer File |
OMQA | C MM-PUR: Take-Back Agreement |
OMQK | Fine-Tuned Control: RFQ |
OMQL | C MM-PUR: Supply Region for Plant |
OMQM | C MM-PUR Matchcode: Entry Sheet |
OMQN | Fine-Tuned Control: Purchase Order |
OMQO | Fine-Tuned Control: Outl. Agreement |
OMQP | Fine-Tuned Ctr.: Sch. Agmt. Schedule |
OMQQ | Fine-Tuned Control: Service Entry |
OMQR | Assign Schema to RFQ |
OMQS | Assign Schema to Purchase Order |
OMQT | Assign Schema to Outline Agreement |
OMQU | Assign Schema to Sch. Agmt. Schedule |
OMQV | Assign Schema to Service Entry Sheet |
OMQW | Entry Aids w/o Material Master |
OMQX | Default Asset Class for Mat. Group |
OMR0 | C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu.) |
OMR0H | C MM-IV Automatic Account Assignmnts |
OMR14 | Define Variant Name |
OMR2 | C RM-MAT MR Default Incoming Invoice |
OMR3 | C MM-IV Default Account Maintenance |
OMR4 | MM-IV Doc.Type/NK Incoming Invoice |
OMR5 | MM-IV Doc.Type/NR Acct Maintenance |
OMR6 | Tolerance limits: Inv.Verification |
OMR8 | C RM-MAT MR PO Supplement |
OMR9 | C RM-MAT MR Payment Block Reasons |
OMRA | C MM-IV Val.Cat./Subs.Debit/Credit |
OMRAB | Maintain Settlement Profile |
OMRB | C MR Tolerance Groups |
OMRBW | Maintain movement type parameters |
OMRC | C MR Alloc. User/Tolerance Group |
OMRDC | Configure Duplicate Invoice Check |
OMRE | Purchasing Document Lists Config. |
OMRER_WORKFLOW | Workflow for Eval.Receipt.Settlement |
OMRF | C MM_IV Activate Stochastic Block |
OMRG | C MM-IV Stochastic Block Values |
OMRH | C MM-IV Activate Item Amount Check |
OMRI | C MM-IV Item Amount Check Parameters |
OMRK | Mail to Purchasing |
OMRL | Tax Version |
OMRM | C MM-IV Customer-Specific Messages |
OMRMA | Screen Selection Initial Screen |
OMRMB | Screen Selection Header Data Screen |
OMRN | C MM-IV Carry Forward Price Change |
OMRO | G/L Account Auth. in Requisition |
OMRP | G/L Account Auth. in Purchase Order |
OMRQ | G/L Account Auth. in Contract |
OMRR | Transaction/Event Key Usage |
OMRS | Transaction/Event Key Usage |
OMRT | Transaction/Event Key Usage |
OMRU | Sender Texts, Form |
OMRV | Invoice Status Change |
OMRW | Treatment of Exch. Rate Differences |
OMRX | Vendor-Specific Tolerances |
OMRY | EDI Program Parameters |
OMRZ | Runtime Invoice Document Archiving |
OMS1 | Units of Measure Grouping |
OMS2 | Maintain Material Types |
OMS2OLD | C MM-BD Material Types |
OMS3 | Configure Industry Sectors |
OMS4 | C MM-BD Material Status |
OMS5 | C MM-BD Set Up Laboratory |
OMS6 | C MM-BD Storage Condition(s) |
OMS7 | C MM-BD Temperature Condition(s) |
OMS8 | C MM-BD Container Requirement(s) |
OMS9 | Configure Field/Screen Selection |
OMSA | C MM-BD T130W Plant-Specific |
OMSB | C MM-BD Special Stock Description |
OMSD | C MM-BD F. Sel. Spec. T148G |
OMSE | C MM-BD F. Sel. Reference T148W |
OMSF | C MM-BD Material Groups |
OMSFIX | Maintain Lock-Relevant Indicator |
OMSG | Account Groups: Vendor |
OMSH | C MM-BD Matchcode for Material |
OMSI | C MM-BD Matchcode for vendor |
OMSJ | C MM-BD Number Range for Vendor |
OMSK | C MM-BD Valuation Classes T025 |
OMSL | C MM-BD Maintain TMCNV |
OMSL2 | Maintain table TMCNV |
OMSL_DI | Maintenance Table TMCNV in DI |
OMSM | CS MM Set Up Administrative Data |
OMSP | C MM-BD Divisions |
OMSPCUST | Maintain:Ext No Range & Rev.Type |
OMSQ | C MM-BD Incoterms |
OMSR | C MM-BD Field Groups |
OMSS | C MM-BD Field Groups: Special Stocks |
OMST | C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT |
OMSU | C MM-BD Mat. Master Data Transfer |
OMSV | C MM-BD Vendor Data Transfer |
OMSW | C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT |
OMSX | TCODE/Field Selection: Vendor |
OMSY | C MM-BD Company Code for Matl Master |
OMT0 | C MM-BD Global Setting |
OMT1 | C MM-BD Consistency Check Updating |
OMT2 | Required Fields Control MM-BD ALE/DI |
OMT3 | Customizing for the Material Master |
OMT3B | Maintain Screen Sequences |
OMT3C | Copy Customer-Spec. Function Group |
OMT3E | Maintain Influencing Factors |
OMT3P | Maint. Status Determination Type |
OMT3R | Maintain Order of Screens |
OMT3U | Maintain User Settings |
OMT3Z | Assign Secondary Screens |
OMT4 | Customizing for EAN Messages |
OMT5 | Auth. Group MatMaster (Inactive) |
OMT6 | Maintain Basic Materials Allowed |
OMT8 | Transfer Material Master Data by DI |
OMTA | Output Program: RFQ |
OMTB | Output Program: Purchase Order |
OMTC | Output Program: Outline Agreement |
OMTD | Output Program: Delivery Schedule |
OMTE | Output Program: Service Entry Sheet |
OMTF | Output Partner: RFQ |
OMTG | Output Partner: Purchase Order |
OMTH | Output Partner: Outline Agreement |
OMTI | Output Partner: Delivery Schedule |
OMTJ | Output Partner: Service Entry |
OMTX | Define non-SAP system |
OMUP | Forecast Schedule: Transm. Profile |
OMV1 | Service Category |
OMV2 | Org. Status, Service Category |
OMW0 | C MM-IV Control Valuation |
OMW1 | C RM-MAT MW Price Control |
OMW2 | C Define LIFO Pools |
OMW3 | C Define LIFO Valuation Levels |
OMW4 | C LIFO/FIFO-Relevant Movements |
OMW5 | C Devaluation by range of coverage |
OMW5W | C Devaln by Rge of Coverage (Val.Ar) |
OMW6 | C Devaln by Slow/Non-Movement |
OMW6W | C Devaln by Slow/Non-Mvt (Val. Area) |
OMW7N | C Weighting Mat. Mvts (Mvt Rate) |
OMW7R | C Weighting: Consmpts (Rge Coverage) |
OMW8 | C Stock Weighting (Obsolete) |
OMW8N | C Stock Weighting (Mvt Rate) |
OMW8R | C Stock Weighting (Rge of Coverage) |
OMW9 | C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-u.Csts.Pr.Ch. |
OMWA | C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-up Csts.D/C |
OMWB | C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu.) |
OMWC | C MM-IV Split Material Valuation |
OMWD | C RM-MAT MB Grouping Valuation Area |
OMWE | C LIFO/FIFO Valuation Active? |
OMWEB | Maintain C Valuation Tracks |
OMWF | C MM-IV User Maintenance |
OMWG | C RM-MAT MW User Profiles |
OMWH | C Indicator for Materials LIFO Pools |
OMWI | C Movement Types: Lowest Value |
OMWJ | C Document Types: Lowest Value |
OMWK | C MM-IV Authorizations |
OMWL | C LIFO/FIFO Global Setting |
OMWM | C MM IV Control: Accnt Determination |
OMWN | MM-IM: Acct Group. Code for Mvt.Type |
OMWO | C MM-PUR: Purchase Account Mgmt |
OMWP | C LIFO/FIFO Methods |
OMWPS1 | C LIFO Pools: Splitting |
OMWPS2 | C LIFO Pools: Merging |
OMWPS3 | C LIFO: Reassign Material Layer |
OMWR | C LIFO Layer Versions |
OMWS | Activate Proportion/Product Unit |
OMWT | C FIFO Valuation Levels |
OMWU | C Constants for DB Commit |
OMWV | C Movement Types: Movement Rate |
OMWW | MM Account Determination Wizard |
OMWW2 | Old MM Account Determination Wizard |
OMWX | C Mvt Types: Excptns, Rge of Cov. |
OMWY | C Reduction: Sales Prices |
OMWZ | C LIFO/FIFO: Company Code Parameters |
OMX0 | Assign ML Movement Type Groups |
OMX1 | ML Activation in n Valuation Areas |
OMX2 | Define Material Ledger Type |
OMX3 | ML Assignment of Valuation Area |
OMX4 | Number Range Maintenence: ML-DOCU. |
OMX5 | Dyn. Price Release Plan. Pr. Change |
OMX6 | Texts for Currency Types/Valuations |
OMX7 | Definition ML Movement Type Groups |
OMX8 | Assign Material Update Structure |
OMX9 | Define Material Update Structure |
OMXA | Display Quantity Structure Type |
OMXB | Define Naming Rule |
OMXC | Rules for Name Formation |
OMXD | Maintain Naming Structure |
OMXE | Assign Naming Structure to Plant |
OMXF | Activate Actual Cst Component Split |
OMXL | Configure empties processing |
OMXW | Activate WIP at Actual Costs |
OMXX | Update Contr. Release Order Docu. MM |
OMX_NLINK_DISP | Assign Contr. Level to Process Cat. |
OMX_NRULE_DISP | Display Controlling Levels |
OMX_UMB_ACCOUNTS | Display Accounts for Account Key UMB |
OMY0 | Display Material Transfer File |
OMY1 | Create Input File from Material |
OMZE | C MM-PUR Reorg. Contract Extra |
OMZN | C MM-PUR Reorg. Sched. Agrmnt Extra |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes from OK to OM
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