Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tocdes from LA top LZ

LAS0 Sequencing
LAS2 Change Sequence Schedule
LAS3 Display Sequence Schedule
LAST_SHORTDUMP Display Last Short Dump
LAUNCH_CRW Start of Crystal Report Designer
LB01 Create Transfer Requirement
LB02 Change transfer requirement
LB03 Display Transfer Requirement
LB10 TRs for Storage Type
LB11 TRs for Material
LB12 TRs and Posting Change for Mat.Doc.
LB13 TRs for Requirement
LBK1 Logbook Application
LBW0 Interface LIS Information Structures
LBW1 Update Activation LIS/BW
LBW2 Version Copier LIS/BW
LBWE LO Data Ext.: Customizing Cockpit
LBWF Log for Logistics Extract. Structure
LBWG Delete Newly Reorg. BW Data
LBWQ Logistics Queue Overview
LBWR Reconstruct Extraction Queue
LC10 liveCache Assistant
LC11 Creating the liveCache connection
LCA01 Read LCA Object Tracing
LCA02 LCA Object Tracing
LCA03 Standard liveCache Test
LCA04 Display the Current LCA Version
LCA13 liveCache and LCA Objects Analysis
LCO1 Set Up Warehouse Co/Material Docs.
LCO2 Set Up Warehouse Co/Transport Orders
LCRCHECK Test LCR Connection
LCRSERVADDR Maintain Landscape Directory Server
LD00 Line Design
LD01 Repost Communication Document
LD02 Reposting multiple comm.records
LD03 Display Communication Document
LD04 Evaluation of Communication Doc.
LD05 Check LDK01 Records (internal call)
LD06 Check LDK02 Records
LD07 Check LDK03 Records
LD08 Check LDK04 Records (internal call)
LD09 Check LDK05 records
LD10 Clear decentralized inventory diff.
LD11 Clear differences in R/2
LDA2 Change Takt Time
LDA3 Display Takt Time
LDAP LDAP Customizing and Test
LDAPMAP Maintain LDAP Attribute Assignment
LDB1 Create Line Hierarchy
LDB2 Change Line Hierarchy
LDB3 Display Line Hierarchy
LDD1 Create Line Balance
LDD2 Change Line Balance
LDD3 Display Line Balance
LDE1 Work Instruction for Routing
LDE2 Work Instruction for Line Hier.
LDGRP Definition of Ledger Groups (FI-SL)
LEAN Request long-term VendDecl. (vendor)
LECI Register Means of Transport/Visitor
LECIFORM Form Maintenance at Check-in
LECIW Register Means of Transport/Visitor
LECMOFF Deactivate Change Management
LEER Create long-term VenDecl. (customer)
LEMA Dun long-term vendor decl. (vendor)
LEPA Activate Determination Log
LEPD Deletion of INDX Records
LEPS Display Determination Log
LH01 Assign Pick-HU to TO
LH03 Assign Pick-HU to TO Display
LI01 Create System Inventory Record
LI01N Create System Inventory Record
LI02 Change System Inventory Record
LI02N Change System Inventory Record
LI03 Display System Inventory Record
LI03N Display System Inventory Record
LI04 Print System Inventory Record
LI05 Inventory History for Storage Bin
LI06 Block stor.types for annual invent.
LI11 Enter Inventory Count
LI11N Enter Inventory Count
LI12 Change inventory count
LI12N Change inventory count
LI13 Display Inventory Count
LI13N Display Inventory Count
LI14 Start Inventory Recount
LI15 Evaluation of quant inventory
LI16 Cancel Physical Inventory Doc. Item
LI20 Clear Inventory Differences WM
LI21 Clear Inventory Differences in MM-IM
LICC Cycle Counting per Quant
LICENSE_ADMIN License Administration Workbench
LICENSE_ATTRIBUTES Maintain License Attributes of Roles
LISH LIS Standard Analyses: Hierarchies
LISK LIS: Data Collection in R/2
LISTCUBE List viewer for InfoCubes
LISTSCHEMA Show InfoCube schema
LK01 Create consumer
LK02 Change consumer
LK03 Display consumer
LL01 Warehouse Activity Monitor
LLDEL Delete application logs
LM00 Logon RF
LM01 Dynamic Menu
LM02 Select by SU -Put Away
LM03 Put Away - by TO
LM04 Put Away -System Guided
LM05 Picking by TO ID
LM06 Picking - by Delivery ID
LM07 Picking - System Guided
LM09 Put Away by Delivery ID
LM11 Posting Changes
LM12 Material Inquiry
LM13 Put Away Clustered
LM18 Handling Unit Inquiry
LM19 Handling Unit - Pack
LM22 Handling Unit - Unpack
LM24 Packing HU by Delivery
LM25 Unpack HU by Delivery
LM26 Picking by Delivery - W/O sel scree
LM27 Put Away by Delivery - W/O sel scree
LM30 Load Control - Load by Shipment
LM31 Load Control - Load by Delivery
LM32 Load Control - System Guide Load
LM33 Load Control - UnLd by Shipment.
LM34 Load Control - UnLd by Delivery
LM35 Load Control - Detail by Shipping Un
LM36 Load Control - Detail by Delivery
LM37 Load Control - Detail by Shipment
LM45 Pick and Pack
LM46 Pick and Pack by Delivery
LM47 nested handling units
LM50 Count Inventory By System Guided
LM51 Count Inventory By User Selection
LM55 Print Storage Bin Labels
LM56 Select by SU - Interleaving
LM57 System Guided Putaway - Interleaving
LM58 Sys. guided dynamic inventory count
LM59 User initiated dynamic invent. count
LM60 User guided dynamic invent. count
LM61 Goods Issue by Delivery
LM62 Goods Issue by MS area
LM63 Goods Issue by Shipment
LM64 Goods Issue by ALL
LM65 Goods Issue by Group
LM66 Goods Issue by HU
LM71 Goods Receipt by Delivery
LM72 Goods Receipt by MS area
LM73 Goods Receipt by Shipment
LM74 Goods Receipt by ALL
LM76 Goods Receipt by HU
LM77 Queue Assignment
LM80 Serial number capture
LMFO_GEN_PD FO Integration - Log Display
LMFO_LO_MUPD FO Integr. Loan - Mass Data (Limit)
LMFO_POS_MUPD FO-Int. Cl. Pos. Sec. Act - Mass Lim
LMFO_TRTM_MUPD FO-Int. Cl. Pos. Sec. Act - Mass Lim
LMIBKKA BCA Account: FO Integr. act./inact.
LMIFGDT Risk Object: FO Integr. act./inact.
LMIJBVT Var. Trans.: FO Integr. act./inact.
LMIKLFZ Facility: Activate/Deactivate FO Int
LN01 Number Ranges for Transfer Requirem.
LN02 Number Ranges for Transfer Orders
LN03 Number Ranges for Quants
LN04 Number Ranges for Posting Changes
LN05 Number ranges physical inventory
LN06 Number Ranges for Group Number
LN07 Number Ranges for WM Communic.Rec.
LN08 Number range maintenance: LVS_LENUM
LN09 Number Range Maintenance: LVS_LBELN
LNRMS Number range maintenance: TRM_MSGSEQ
LNRRQ Number range maintenance: TRM_REQEST
LNRRS Number range maintenance: TRM_RSRC
LNRTK Number range maintenance: TRM_TASK
LOCA Locator Demo
LOCA_APPL Locator Applications
LOCA_CUST Locator Customizing
LP00 Mobile Presentation
LP10 Direct picking for PO
LP11 WM staging of crate parts
LP11W WM Staging for Crate Parts (IAC)
LP12 Staging release order parts (WM-PP)
LP21 WM replenishment for fixed bins
LP22 Replenishm. Planning for Fixed Bins
LP24 WM Replenishment for Random Whse
LPCONFIG Maintain Logical Ports
LPD_CUST Launchpad Customizing
LPD_CUST_BUA_PLA Customizing for Role BUA / PLA
LPD_CUST_BUA_REP Customizing fo Role BUA /REP
LPD_CUST_PARAM Start Parametrized Launchpad
LPIN Info: Material Stock WM-PP
LPINW Info Transaction (IAC)
LPK1 Create Control Cycle for WM
LPK2 Change Control Cycle for WM
LPK3 Display Control Cycle for WM
LPK4 Create Contr.Cycles for Rel.Ord.Part
LPRO Material Forecast Menu
LPSC RF Screen Conversion Tool
LPVAS VAS Management
LPYRD Yard Management
LQ01 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt
LQ02 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt
LRF1 RF Monitor, Active
LRF2 RF Monitor, Passive
LRFMD Maintain RF user master data
LROUT Creation or adjustement of routes
LRSW Resource element maintenance  wizard
LS01 Create Warehouse Master Record
LS01N Create Warehouse Master Record
LS02 Change Warehouse Master Record
LS02N Change Warehouse Master Record
LS03 Display Warehouse Master Record
LS03N Display Warehouse Master Record
LS04 Display Empty Storage Bins
LS05 Generate Storage Bins
LS06 Block Storage Bins
LS07 Block Quants
LS08 Block Storage Bins by Aisle
LS09 Display Material Data for Stor.Type
LS10 Generate Storage Bins
LS11 Change several stor.bins simultan.
LS12 Block stor.type
LS22 Change Quants
LS23 Display Quants
LS24 Display Quants for Material
LS25 Display Quants per Storage Bin
LS26 Warehouse stocks per material
LS27 Display quants for storage unit
LS28 Display storage units / bin
LS32 Change storage unit
LS33 Display storage unit
LS41 List of control cycles for WIP loc.
LS51 Create Batch Search Strategy - WM
LS52 Change Batch Search Strategie - WM
LS53 Display Batch Search Strategy - WM
LSET_BIN_COORDINATES Maintain Storage Bins by selection
LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench
LSOTACITEM Item Statistics
LSO_ACTIVATE SAP Learning Solution On/Off
LSO_ETCHANGE Reset Access Counter
LSO_EVAL_ADMIN Administrator: Appraisal Document
LSO_EVAL_CATALOG Evaluation Catalog
LSO_EVAL_CHANGE Edit Appraisal Document
LSO_EVAL_CREATE Create Appraisal
LSO_EVAL_PREPARE Prepare Appraisal
LSO_EVAL_SEARCH Find Appraisal
LSO_FLUP Follow Up Participation w/o Date
LSO_OORT Create Resource Type
LSO_PADBOOK Database Conversion SAP LSO600
LSO_PP40 Manual Output
LSO_PSV1 Dynamic Participation Menu
LSO_PSV2 Dynamic Course Menu
LSO_PSV3 Dynamic Information Menu
LSO_PSV5 Info: Participation
LSO_PSV6 Information: Courses
LSO_PSV7 Reporting: Resources
LSO_PSV8 Create Participant
LSO_PSV9 Change / Display Participant
LSO_PSVI User-Defined Settings
LSO_PSVO Change / Display Training Provider
LSO_PSVP Dynamic Planning Menu
LSO_PSVQ Create Training Provider
LSO_PSVR Dynamic Resource Menu
LSO_PSVT Dynamic Tool Menu
LSO_PUBLISHER Display Publisher Database
LSO_PV00 Book Participation
LSO_PV01 Rebook Participation
LSO_PV02 Prebook Participation
LSO_PV03 Replace Participation
LSO_PV04 Cancel Participation
LSO_PV05 Book List: Participants/Courses
LSO_PV06 Prebook List: Participants
LSO_PV07 Book List: Participants
LSO_PV08 Book List: Courses
LSO_PV10 Create Course with Resources
LSO_PV11 Create Course Without Resources
LSO_PV12 Firmly Book/Cancel Course
LSO_PV14 Lock/Unlock Course
LSO_PV15 Follow Up Course
LSO_PV16 Prebook List: Course Types
LSO_PV17 Billing
LSO_PV18 Activity Allocation
LSO_PV19 Activity Allocation for Instructors
LSO_PV1A Change Course
LSO_PV1B Display Course
LSO_PV1C Cost Transfer Posting
LSO_PV1D Price Proposal
LSO_PV1M Materials Procurement
LSO_PV33 Create Appraisal
LSO_PVCT Master Data Catalog
LSO_PVDC Edit Curriculum Type
LSO_PVDCEL Curriculum Type Elements
LSO_PVEC Edit Curriculum
LSO_PVEC_CREATE Access: Create/Change Curriculum
LSO_PVK0 Correspondence History
LSO_PVSEARCH_ADM Administer Search Engine
LSO_RHABLAUF_OLD Course Schedule
LSO_RHRBEL00 Resource Reservation
LSO_RHREFDOC0 Reference Document Reporting
LSO_RHSEMI60 Course Information
LSO_RHSSREF0 Instructor Information
LSO_RHXBUCH0 Bookings per Participant
LSO_RHXCGRP0 Course Hierarchy
LSO_RHXERES0 Resource List per Course
LSO_RHXEVALV_OLD Course Appraisals
LSO_RHXKBED0 Course Demand
LSO_RHXKBRO0 Course Brochure
LSO_RHXKBRO1 Course Dates
LSO_RHXKBRO2 Course Prices
LSO_RHXKURS2 Participation Statistics
LSO_RHXKURS3 Participation and Sales Statistics
LSO_RHXKVOR0 Participation Prerequisites
LSO_RHXMARP0 Material Requirements per Course
LSO_RHXORES1 Resources Not Yet Assigned / Course
LSO_RHXORES2 Resources Not Yet Assigned/Res. Type
LSO_RHXQANF0 Prerequisites Matchup
LSO_RHXRBEL1 Graphical Resource Reservation
LSO_RHXRESO0 Resource Reservation Statistics
LSO_RHXSTOR0 Cancellations per Course
LSO_RHXSTOR1 Cancellations per Participant
LSO_RHXTEILA Attendance List
LSO_RHXTEILN Participant List
LSO_RHXTHIST Participant's Training History
LSO_RHXUMBU0 Participants for Rebooking
LSO_RHXVORM0 Prebookings per Course Type
LSO_RHXVORM1 Prebookings per Participant
LSO_SMM Stopmark Manager
LSO_TAC_ITEMSTAT Results Overview: Item Statistics
LSO_TAC_PART_RESULT Results Overview: Participant
LSO_TAC_TRAIN_RESULT Results Overview: Course
LSO_TP_C LS: Participation Document
LT01 Create Transfer Order
LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference
LT03 Create TO for Delivery
LT04 Create TO from TR
LT05 Process Posting Change Notice
LT06 Create TO for Material Document
LT07 Create TO for mixed storage unit
LT08 Manual Addition to Storage Unit
LT09 ID point function for storage units
LT0A Pre-plan storage units
LT0B Putaway Pre-Picked Handling Units
LT0C Removal of Pre-Picked HUs from Stock
LT0D Transfer of Existing Handling Units
LT0E Create Removal TO for 2-Step Picking
LT0F Create TO for Inbound Delivery
LT0G Return delivery to stock
LT0H Putaway/Stock Transfer of HUs
LT0I Removal of Handling Units from Stock
LT0J Put Away Handling Unit
LT0R Request replenishment manually
LT0S Create TO for multiple deliveries
LT10 Create Transfer Order from List
LT11 Confirm Transfer Order Item
LT12 Confirm transfer order
LT13 Confirm TO for storage unit
LT14 Confirm preplanned TO item
LT15 Cancelling transfer order
LT16 Cancelling TO for storage unit
LT17 Single Entry of Actual Data
LT1A Change Transfer Order
LT1B Confirm TO-Item Pick
LT1C Confirm TO-Item Transport
LT1D Confirm Transfer Order Pick
LT1E Confirm Transfer Order Transport
LT1F Confirm TO for SU Pick
LT1G Confirm TO for SU Transport
LT21 Display Transfer Order
LT22 Display Transfer Order / Stor. Type
LT23 Display Transfer Orders by Numbers
LT24 Display Transfer Order / Material
LT25 Display Transfer Order / Group
LT25A Display Transfer Order / Group
LT25N Confirm Transfer ORder / Group
LT26 Transfer orders for storage bin
LT27 Transfer order for storage unit
LT28 Display Transfer Order / Reference
LT31 Print TO Manually
LT32 Print transfer order for stor.unit
LT343XYZ Copy Storage Bin Definition Rules
LT343XYZA Maintain Bins by Definition Rule
LT41 Prepare TRs for Multiple Processing
LT42 Create TOs by Multiple Processing
LT43 Forming groups for deliveries
LT44 Release for Multiple Processing
LT45 Evaluation of reference numbers
LT51 Maintain Preallocated Stock
LT63 Control: Single Entry of Actual Data
LT64 Single Entry of Actual Data
LT72 Determine 2-step relevance
LT73 Display 2-step
LTRA TRM Alert Monitor
LTRCC TRM Customization Consistency Check
LTRL TRM Log Reports
LU01 Create Posting Change Notice
LU02 Change Posting Change Notice
LU03 Display Posting Change Notice
LU04 Selection of Posting Change Notices
LVASA VAS Alert Monitor
LVASDVC Maintain Presentation Devics for VAS
LVASEXIT Exit stock from Work Center
LVASNR Number range maintenance: LXVAS_VOID
LVAST01 Create VAS Template
LVAST02 Modify VAS Template
LVAST03 Display VAS Template
LVASUSR Define RF Users for VAS
LVASWC02 LXVAS work center operation - Update
LVASWC03 LXVAS work center operation - Displa
LVASWOR Create VAS Order w/o reference
LX01 List of Empty Storage Bins
LX02 Stock list
LX03 Bin Status Report
LX04 Capacity load utilization
LX05 Block Bins in Bl.Storage w.Time Lim.
LX06 Fire Department Inventory List
LX07 Check storage
LX08 Accident Regulations List
LX09 Overview of All Transf.Requirements
LX10 Activities per Storage Type
LX11 Document overview
LX12 Document Overview: Landscape Format
LX13 Analysis of differences
LX14 Matl mvmt frequency
LX15 Selection of Bins for Annual Invent.
LX16 Selection of Bins for Continuous Inv
LX17 List of Inventory Differences
LX18 Statistics of Inventory Differences
LX19 Inventory Data Takeover by Btch Inp.
LX20 Generate interim storage bins
LX21 Pick List for Several Transfer Ord.
LX22 Process Inventory from Overview
LX23 Stock comparison IM - WM
LX24 Display of hazardous mat.numbers
LX25 Inventory Status
LX26 Inventory in WM via cycle counting
LX27 Stock levels by shelf life
LX28 Relevant TO item for ext.system
LX29 Fixed bin supervision
LX30 Overview of WM messages ext.system
LX31 Analysis of print control tables
LX32 Archived transfer orders
LX33 Archived transfer requirements
LX34 Archived posting change notices
LX35 Archived system inventory records
LX36 Archived Inventory Histories
LX37 Linked objects
LX38 Check Report Customizing Strategy K
LX39 Evaluation Reference No. for 2-S.Pck
LX40 Material Situation Prod. Storage Bin
LX41 Bin Status Report WM/PP Interface
LX42 Evaluation PP Order from WM View
LX43 Consistency Check for Control Cycles
LX44 Inward and outward movements
LX45 Verification Field in Storage Bin
LX46 Transmission WM perform. data to HR
LX47 Analysis of Delayed Delivery Update
LXDCA Cross Docking Alert Monitor
LXDCK Cross-Docking Monitor
LXDNR Cross-Docking Decision Number Range
LXE_MASTER Translation Environment
LYACT Yard activities number ranges
LYCHP Check-in / Check-out transaction
LYLDP Load & unload transaction
LYRDA Yard Alert Monitor
LYRDM Yard Monitor
LYSCH Yard Scheduling Chart
LYVHC Yard Inventory

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