JL1D | IS-M: Transfer EE Comm.Settlement |
JL1E | IS-M: Transfer SC Comm.Settlement |
JL1F | IS-M: Transfer EE HDel.Settlement |
JL1G | IS-M: Transfer SC Home Del.Sett. |
JL2A | IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.EE Commiss. |
JL2B | IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.SC Commiss. |
JL2C | IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.EE Home Del. |
JL2D | IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.SC Home Del. |
JL3A | IS-M: Tfer Comm.Sett.to Seq.File |
JL3B | IS-M: Tfer SC Commiss.to Seq.File |
JL3C | IS-M: Tfer Deliv.Sett.to Seq.File |
JL3D | IS-M: Transfer Del.SC to Seq.File |
JL60 | IS-M: Create EE Comm.Settlement |
JL61 | IS-M: Change EE Comm.Settlement |
JL62 | IS-M: Display Comm.Settlement EE |
JL63 | IS-M: Reverse Comm. Settlement EE |
JL64 | IS-M: Coll.Run for Comm.Sett EE |
JL65 | IS-M: Create Comm.Settlement SC |
JL66 | IS-M: Change Comm.Settlement SC |
JL67 | IS-M: Display Comm.Settlement SC |
JL68 | IS-M: Reverse Comm. Settlement SC |
JL69 | IS-M: Coll.Run for Comm.Sett.SC |
JL70 | IS-M/SD: Create HDel.Settlement EE |
JL71 | IS-M: Change HDel.Settlement EE |
JL72 | IS-M: Display HDel.Settlement EE |
JL73 | IS-M: Reverse HDel. Settlement EE |
JL74 | IS-M: Coll.Run for HDel.Sett EE |
JL75 | IS-M: Create HDel.Settlement SC |
JL76 | IS-M: Change HDel.Settlement SC |
JL77 | IS-M: Display HDel.Settlement SC |
JL78 | IS-M: Reverse Deliv. Settlement SC |
JL79 | IS-M: Coll.HDel.Settlement Run(SC) |
JL80 | IS-M/SD: Display Collective Runs |
JL81 | IS-M: Disp.Coll.Proc.EE Comm.Sett. |
JL82 | Display Coll.Commission Sett Run- SC |
JL83 | IS-M: Disp.Coll.HDel.Sett.Run - EE |
JL84 | IS-M: Disp.Coll.HDel.Sett.Run - SC |
JLAA | IS-M: Exceps f.Transfer to HR/RP |
JLAB | IS-M: Monitor Missing BP Substits |
JLAC | IS-M: Transfer Lost Times to HR |
JLAD | IS-M: Monitor Missing Absences |
JLAK | Document by Billing Condition Types |
JLAP | IS-M/SD: Settlement Transfers |
JLC0 | IS-M: Maintain Acct Det.Data (J0) |
JLC1 | IS-M: Maintain Acct Det.Data (J1) |
JLC2 | IS-M: Maintain Acc.Assgt Data (J2) |
JLCB | Master Data on Payment Terms |
JLCD | Master Data on Payment Terms for SC |
JLCE | IS-M: Settlement Data for SComp. |
JLCF | IS-M: Default Sett. Data for PA |
JLCG | Master Data Contract Arr. Ext. Carr. |
JLCH | Master Data Contract Arr. Ext. SC |
JLCK | IS-M: Maintain Account Det.Data |
JLI3 | IS-M: Transfer Del.Sett to RP |
JLI4 | Tfer Del.Billing to Human Resources |
JLI5 | IS-M: Tfer Comm.Sett - Human Res |
JLL1 | Create Pricing Report |
JLL2 | Change Pricing Report |
JLL3 | Display Pricing Report |
JLL4 | Execute Condition List |
JLLA | Create Pricing Report |
JLLB | Change Pricing Report |
JLLC | Display Pricing Report |
JLLD | Execute Condition List |
JLM1 | IS-M: Home Del.Service Settlement |
JLM2 | IS-M: Serv.Settlement for Comm. |
JLM3 | IS-M: Serv.Settlement for Comm. |
JLP0 | IS-M: Postal Circulation of Edition |
JLP1 | IS-M: Determine Postal Circulation |
JLPA | IS-M: Postal Charge Forecast for PDI |
JLPB | IS-M: Post.Charges for Labeled PP |
JLPC | IS-M: Postal Charges for RCP |
JLPD | IS-M: Overv of Goods Arr.Lists PDI |
JLPE | IS-M: Postal Charge Stats for PDI |
JLPF | IS-M: Postal Charges - Labeled PP |
JLPG | IS-M: Postal Charge Stats f.RCP |
JLPH | IS-M: Overall Postal Charge Stats |
JLSDHDSETTLEMENT | Interface for HDel. Settlemt Update |
JLT1 | IS-M/SD: Transfer EE HDel.Sett.to FI |
JLT2 | IS-M/SD: Transfer SC HDel.Sett to FI |
JLT3 | IS-M/SD: Transfer EE Comm.Sett.to FI |
JLT4 | IS-M/SD: Transfer SC Comm.Sett.to FI |
JLTA | IS-M/SD: Access EE HDel.Sett.Transf. |
JLTB | IS-M/SD: Access SC HDel.Sett.Transf. |
JLTC | IS-M/SD: Access EE Comm.Sett.Transf. |
JLTD | IS-M/SD: Access SC Comm.Sett.Transf. |
JLTS | Settlements Not Yet Transferred |
JLTT | Assign Coll.Processing to Transfer |
JLU1 | Commission Due Dates |
JLW7 | IS-M: Create Cond.Tab.-EAD HDel. |
JLW8 | IS-M: Change Cond.Table-EAD HDel. |
JLW9 | IS-M: Disp.Cond.Table for HDeliv. |
JLX7 | IS-M: Create Cond.Tab.f.ExpAccDet. |
JLX8 | IS-M: Change Cond.Tab.f.ExpAcDet. |
JLX9 | IS-M: Disp.Cond.Table f.ExpAccDet. |
JM01 | IS-M: Create Material |
JM02 | IS-M: Change Material |
JM03 | IS-M: Display Material |
JN01 | IS-M: Create Research |
JN02 | IS-M: Change Research |
JN03 | IS-PSD: Display Research |
JN04 | IS-M: Create Bank Returns Research |
JN05 | IS-M: Change Bank Returns Research |
JN06 | IS-M: Display Bank Rtns Research |
JN30 | Condition Master Data |
JND0 | IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Order) |
JND1 | IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Billing) |
JND2 | IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Settlement) |
JND3 | IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Dist.ErrH.) |
JND4 | IS-M: Reorg.Output Contr.(Research) |
JND5 | IS-M: Outpt Control Reorg.(Add.Chge) |
JNS0 | IS-M: Sales Output |
JNS1 | IS-M: Billing Output |
JNS2 | IS-M: Settlement Output |
JNS3 | IS-M: Complaint Output |
JNS4 | IS-M: Resubmission Output |
JNS5 | IS-M: Address Change Output |
JNS6 | IS-M: Dist.Error Message Output |
JNS7 | IS-M: Bank Returns Output |
JNS8 | IS-M: Research Output |
JNS9 | IS-M/SD: Monitoring Output |
JNSB | Fast Entry of Bank Returns |
JP02 | Change Title Master |
JP03 | Display Title Master |
JP20 | Media Product Master Browser |
JP20NEU | Media Product Master Browser |
JP21 | Create Media Product Family |
JP22 | Change Media Product Family |
JP23 | Display Media Product Family |
JP24 | Create Media Product |
JP25 | Change Media Product |
JP26 | Display Media Product |
JP27 | Create Media Issue |
JP28 | Change Media Issue |
JP29 | Display Media Issue |
JP30 | Move Media Issue Publication Date |
JP31 | Log: Move Publ. Date of Media Issue |
JPBDCCR | Create OR Data Collector |
JPBDCDL | Reset OR Data Collector |
JPC1 | Create Media Prod.Mast.from WBS Elmt |
JPC3 | Log Media Prod.Mast.from WBS Element |
JPC4 | Create Media Prod.Mast.from App.Req. |
JPC6 | Log Media Prod.Mast.from App.Req. |
JPECPFE | Define Formula Element |
JPECPPK | Define Pricing Key |
JPECPVT | Define Valuation Templates |
JPMDG1 | Define Master Data Template |
JPMDG2 | Maintain Generation Profile |
JPMDG3 | Generate Media Product Master Recs |
JPMDG4 | Log Media Product Master Rec.Gen. |
JPMG0 | Edit Issue Sequence |
JPMG1 | Display Issue Sequence |
JPMG2 | Create Issues in an Issue Sequence |
JPMG3 | Display Generation Log |
JPMG4 | Use of Media Issue in Issue Sequence |
JPMG5 | Preassign Issue Sequences |
JPMG6 | Create Issues in Several Issue Seqs |
JPMG7 | Preassign Issue Sequences: Log |
JPMGD2 | Maintain Generation Profile |
JPMPMIG | Media Product Migration |
JPMPMIG1 | IS-M: Med.Prod.Migration: Check Data |
JPMPMIG2 | IS-M: Med.Prod.Migration: JFREVVA |
JPMPMIG3 | IS-M: Complete Media Prod.Migration |
JPMPMIG_PROT | Logs of Media Product Migration |
JPMPMIG_PROT1 | Logs of Completion of Media Prod.Mig |
JPMPMIG_PROT2 | Logs of Checks on Media Prod.Migr. |
JPMPMIG_PROT3 | JFREVVA Conversion Logs (Migration) |
JPS1 | Create Ad Insert |
JPS2 | Change Ad Insert |
JPS3 | Display Ad Insert |
JPSEPRODCOMP | Series Product Hierarchy |
JPTSTARTER | Assign Basic Edition to Media Prod. |
JPTSTARTERPRICE | Assign Basic Edition to Media Prod. |
JR01 | IS-M/SD: Create Truck Route |
JR01E | IS-M/SD: Create Truck Route |
JR02 | IS-M/SD: Change Truck Route |
JR02E | IS-M/SD: Change Truck Route |
JR03 | IS-M/SD: Display Truck Route |
JR03E | IS-M/SD: Display Truck Route |
JR04 | IS-M: Create Truck Route Contract |
JR05 | IS-M: Change Truck Route Contract |
JR06 | IS-M: Display Truck Route Contract |
JR07 | IS-M: Create Loading/Unloading Point |
JR08 | IS-M: Change Loading/Unloading Point |
JR09 | IS-M: Display Loading/Unloading Pt |
JR10 | IS-M: Mass Rec.of Daily Truck Routes |
JR11 | IS-M: Create Daily Truck Route |
JR12 | IS-M/SD: Change Daily Truck Route |
JR13 | IS-M: Display Daily Truck Route |
JR14 | IS-M: Auto.Gen.of Daily Truck Routes |
JR15 | IS-M: Edit Gen.Trigs for Truck Rtes |
JR16 | IS-M: Display Gen.Trigs f.Truck Rtes |
JR17 | IS-M: Manual Gen.of Daily Truck Rtes |
JR18 | IS-M: Maintain Unloading Via.Sets |
JR20 | IS-M: Display Unloading Via.Sets |
JR24 | Copy Generation Triggers for Routes |
JR25 | IS-M: Maint.Unl.Via.Set (Del.Round) |
JR26 | IS-M:Summ.Unl.VSet maint.- spec.days |
JR27 | IS-M:Display Unl.Via.Set (Del.Round) |
JR28 | IS-M: Maintain Unloading Via.Set |
JR29 | IS-M: Maint.Unl.VSets for Spec.Days |
JR30 | IS-M: Access Unload.VSet Display |
JR32 | IS-M/SD: Edit Unloading Rule |
JR33 | IS-M: Display Unloading Rule |
JR34 | IS-M: Unloading Point Sequence |
JR36 | Display Unloading Rules |
JR40 | IS-M/SD: Replace Unloading Points |
JR50 | IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Create |
JR51 | IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Delete |
JR52 | IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Reload |
JR53 | IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Reload |
JR54 | IS-M: Delivery Archiving - Create |
JR55 | IS-M: Delivery Archiving - Delete |
JR56 | IS-M: Delivery Archiving - Reload |
JR57 | IS-M: Admin of Delivery Archive |
JR58 | IS-M: Daily Truck Route Arch.-Create |
JR59 | IS-M: Daily Truck Route Arch.-Delete |
JR60 | IS-M: Dly Truck Route Arch. - Reload |
JR61 | IS-M: Daily Truck Route Arch.-Manage |
JRPRESHIP | IS-M: Log. Del. Type for Preshipping |
JS01 | IS-M: Create Geographical Units |
JS02 | IS-M: Change Geographical Units |
JS03 | IS-M: Display Geographical Units |
JS04 | IS-M: Edit Geographical Hierarchy |
JS05 | IS-M: Display Geographical Hierarchy |
JS06 | IS-M: Edit Carrier Route-Geo.Assgmts |
JS07 | IS-M: Display Carr.Route-Geo.Assgmts |
JS08 | IS-M: Edit Truck Route Assignments |
JS09 | IS-M: Display Truck Route Assgmts |
JS10 | IS-M: Create Postal Code |
JS11 | IS-M: Change Postal Code |
JS12 | IS-M: Display Postal Code Data |
JS13 | IS-M: Create Cities |
JS14 | IS-M: Change Cities |
JS15 | IS-M: Display Cities |
JS16 | IS-M: Create Streets |
JS17 | IS-M: Change Streets |
JS18 | IS-M: Display Streets |
JS19 | IS-M: Create P.O.Box Racks |
JS20 | IS-M: Change P.O.Box Racks |
JS21 | IS-M: Display P.O.Box Racks |
JS22 | IS-M: Edit Truck Route-Edit.Assgmt |
JS24 | IS-M: Display Truck Rte-Publ./Edit. |
JS26 | IS-M: Edit Distr.-Distr.Assignment |
JS27 | IS-M: Display Distr.-Distr.Assgmt |
JS28 | IS-M: Edit Geo.-Post Assignment |
JS29 | IS-M: Display Geo.-Post Assignment |
JS30 | IS-M: Edit Org.Structure-Geo.Unit |
JS31 | IS-M: Display Org Struc.-Geo.Unit |
JS32 | IS-M: Edit Org. Hierarchy |
JS33 | IS-M: Display Org.Hierarchy |
JS34 | IS-M: Edit Unloading Point Seq. |
JS35 | IS-M: Display Unloading Pt Seq. |
JS40 | Check Run for Change Number |
JS41 | Release Change Number |
JS41ALOG | IS-M: Change Number Log |
JS42 | Analyze Change Number |
JS43 | IS-M: Create Gen.Change Number |
JS44 | IS-M: Modify Change Number |
JS45 | Display Change Number |
JS46 | IS-M: Find Change Number |
JS47 | IS-M: Create Daily Change Number |
JS48 | IS-M: Delete Change Number |
JS49 | IS-M: Postpone Date of Change Number |
JS50 | IS-M: Display Round Sequence |
JS51 | IS-M: Edit Round Sequence |
JS54 | IS-M: UPt Sequence, Reorganization |
JS55 | Analysis of Orders on Change Number |
JS70 | IS-M: Update addresses |
JS71 | Refresh Structures |
JS72 | Status of Postal Change Service |
JSA1 | Geo.Units in Carrier Routes |
JSA2 | Postal Units in Carrier Route |
JSA3 | Organizational Units in Carr.Routes |
JSA4 | Carrier Routes in Geo.Units |
JSA5 | Postal Units in Geo.Units |
JSA6 | Unloading Points in Geo.Units |
JSA7 | Org.Structure for Geo.Units |
JSA8 | Postal Units in Carrier Routes |
JSA9 | Postal unit for geographical units |
JSAA | Postal Unit for Org.Structure |
JSAB | Postal Unit for Addresses |
JSAC | Org.Structure for Carrier Routes |
JSAD | Org.Structure for Addresses |
JSAE | Unloading Points in Carrier Route |
JSAF | Editions Viable for Home Delivery |
JSAG | IS-M: Display Truck Rtes in Car.Rte |
JSAH | IS-M: Display Daily Truck Routes |
JSB1 | Split Entire Postal File |
JSB2 | IS-M: Postal Transfer DMun.Key |
JSB3 | IS-M: Transfer City Data |
JSB4 | IS-M: Transfer City District Data |
JSB5 | IS-M: Transfer Postal Code Data |
JSB6 | IS-M: Transfer Data on Streets |
JSB7 | IS-M: Transfer Data on P.O.Boxes |
JSB8 | IS-M: Convert Phonetic Search |
JSB9 | IS-M: Copy Ext.Street Directory |
JSE0 | Update Postal Data - Germany |
JSE01 | Refresh Postal Code-City Assignments |
JSE02 | Evaluate City References |
JSE03 | Evaluate Street References |
JSE1 | Transfer Cities, Postal Codes - USA |
JSE10 | Transfer Streets - Italy |
JSE11 | Transfer Postal Data (NL) |
JSE2 | Transfer Streets, P.O.Boxes - USA |
JSE4 | Set Origin Ind.for Street in City |
JSE7 | Update Cities, Postal Codes - USA |
JSE8 | Update Streets - USA |
JSE9 | Transfer Cities - Italy |
JSGEOGEO | IS-M/SD: Create Geo-Geo Assignments |
JSGEOPOST | IS-M/SD: Create Geo-Geo Assignments |
JSM1 | IS-M: Organizational structure |
JUC016 | BP Conversion Industries T016 TB023 |
JUC05 | BP Conv. Occupations TJG05 TB028 |
JUC37 | BP Conversion Grouping TJG37 TB001 |
JUC39 | BP Conversion Role Categs TJG39 TBZ0 |
JUC41 | BP Conversion Origin TJG41 TB005 |
JUC43 | BP Conversion FOAs TJG43 TSAD3 |
JUC45 | BP Conv.Marital Status TJG45 TB027 |
JUC535N1 | BP Conv.Academic Title TJ535NU TSAD2 |
JUC535N2 | BP Conv.Prefixes TJ535NU TSAD4 |
JUC535N3 | BP Conv.Name Affixes TJ535NU TSAD5 |
JUCC1 | Init. SAP BP Customizing |
JUCC2 | Customizing Conversion |
JUCDCM | Customer and Vendor Conversion |
JUCDCMLOG | Logs of Customer/Vendor Conversion |
JUCM1 | Change BP Control for Migration |
JUCM2 | Change BP Control After Migration |
JUCMO | Migration Overview |
JUCP1 | Conversion of IS-M Partner to SAP BP |
JUCP7 | Display Conversion Logs |
JUCVGF | BP Conv. Legal Entity TVGF TB032 |
JUPART | Conversion IS-M BP to SAP BP |
JV01 | IS-M: Create Carrier Route |
JV02 | IS-M: Change Carrier Route |
JV03 | IS-M: Display Carrier Route |
JV04 | Create Delivery Round-BP Assignment |
JV06 | Display Carr.Route-Bus.Partner Assgt |
JV10 | IS-M: Edit Delivery Viability Set |
JV12 | Display Delivery Viability Set |
JV13 | IS-M: Maintain BP Deliv.Via.Sets |
JV15 | IS-M: Display BP Delivery Via.Sets |
JV17 | IS-M: Deliveries/Unloading VSets |
JV18 | Delta Betw.Postal and ZEBU Data |
JV19 | Check Result |
JV21 | IS-M: Maintain Cont.Packing Rule |
JV23 | IS-M: Display Cont.Packing Rule |
JV24 | IS-M: Create Variants |
JV26 | IS-M: Display Variants |
JV27 | IS-M: Edit Shipping Schedule |
JV28 | IS-M: Container/Postal Pack Numberg |
JV29 | IS-M: Display Shipping Schedule |
JV2SD01 | Synchronize Unloading Pts to SAP BP |
JV2SD02 | Create Contract Items for LES |
JV2SD03 | Synch. Drop-Offs for Purch. Qty Plan |
JV30 | IS-M: Bundling |
JV31 | IS-M: Container Packing |
JV34 | IS-M: Import Changes into ZEBU |
JV37 | IS-M: Set Order Deadline |
JV38 | IS-M: Init.Transfer of ZEBU Data |
JV40 | IS-M: List Shipping Problem Messages |
JV41 | IS-M: Create Shipping Prob.Message |
JV42 | IS-M: Change Shipping Prob.Message |
JV43 | IS-M: Display Shipping Prob.Message |
JV44 | IS-M: Evaluate Shipping Prob.Message |
JV45 | Postprocess Shipping Chars f.Deliv. |
JV46 | Display Shipping Chars f.Delivery |
JV47 | Edit Settlement Data f.Deliveries |
JV48 | Display Settlement Data f.Deliveries |
JV50 | IS-M: Edit ZEBU File |
JV51 | IS-M: Display ZEBU File |
JV55 | Create agent district |
JV56 | Change agent district |
JV57 | Display agent district |
JV59 | IS-M: Update Daily Delivery Stats |
JV60 | IS-M: Shipping Preparation for TMC |
JV61 | IS-M: Edit Planning Trigger |
JV62 | IS-M: Display Planning Trigger |
JV63 | IS-M: Copy Trigger Interval |
JV64 | IS-M: Completeness Check f.Planng |
JV65 | IS-M: Regen.Planng f.CircPlanning |
JV66 | Start Coll.Netchange Run Manually |
JV67 | IS-M: Shipping Prep.f.Insertion |
JV68 | IS-M: Shipping Prep.f.Distribution |
JV69 | Display Planning Trigger List |
JV72 | IS-M: Maintain ShDoc.Destinations |
JV73 | IS-M: Display ShDoc.Destinations |
JV74 | IS-M: Maintain ShDoc.Type Usage |
JV75 | IS-M: Display ShDoc.Type Usage |
JV76 | IS-M: Edit Shipp.Doc.Control Data |
JV80 | IS-M: Maint.ShDoc.Dest.Search Seq. |
JV84 | IS-M: Create Shipping Documents |
JV85 | IS-M: Shipping Document Printing |
JV86 | IS-M: Carrier List |
JV90 | IS-M: Edit Order Deadline |
JV91 | IS-M: Display Order Deadline |
JV92 | IS-M: ShipList f.Labeled Per.Post |
JV93 | IS-M: Shipp.List f.Red.Charge.Pkge |
JV94 | IS-M: Check Del.Round-BP Assignment |
JV99 | Edit ZEBU Manual |
JVA0 | IS-M/SD: Goods Arr.List -Period.Post |
JVA1 | IS-M: Move Goods Arrival List No. |
JVA2 | IS-M: Ship.List f.Periodical Post |
JVA3 | IS-M: Plant Data for Del.Record |
JVA4 | IS-M: Alt.Init.Sales Date f.Del.Rec |
JVA5 | IS-M: Start Report for Del.Record |
JVA6 | IS-M: Goods Arrival List for RCP |
JVA7 | IS-M: Copy Trigger in Past |
JVB1 | Display Planned Circ.for Carr.Route |
JVB2 | Edit Planned Circ.for Carrier Route |
JVC1 | Number Range Maintenance: ISP_GP_ERS |
JVFM | IS-M: Maintain Driver Notification |
JVG1 | Display Planned Circ.for Geo.Unit |
JVG2 | Edit Planned Circ.for Geo.Unit |
JVLA | IS-M: Deliveries for Order |
JVLF | IS-M: Sales, Current Settings |
JVM4 | IS-M: Distribution |
JVM5 | IS-M: Shipping Schedule |
JVM6 | IS-M: Shipping Preparation |
JVM7 | IS-M: Shipping |
JVNC | Execute Netchange Order by Order |
JVP1 | IS-M: Prod.Sequence (Prod.Data) |
JVP2 | IS-M: Production Procedure |
JVP3 | IS-M: Procedure Det.for Prod.Proced. |
JVP4 | IS-M: Subs.Proced.for Prod.Data |
JVP5 | IS-M: Elements of Prod.Grouping |
JVP6 | IS-M: Create Production Data |
JVP9 | IS-M: Production Paper Usage |
JVPC | IS-M: Production Group |
JVPE | IS-M: Create Production Data |
JVPH0 | IS-M/SD: Maintain Geo.Usage Type |
JVPH1 | IS-M/SD: Display Geo.Usage Type |
JVPH10 | Initialize Ordering Schedule: Phases |
JVPH2 | Edit Phase Model |
JVPH3 | Display Phase Model |
JVPH4 | Edit Phase Shipping Dates |
JVPH5 | Display Phase Shipping Dates |
JVPH8 | IS-M/SD: Monitor Phase Shipping |
JVPH9 | IS-M/SD: Create Phase Shippg Orders |
JVRULE_COP | IS-M: Maintain Packing Rule f.Copies |
JVRV | IS-M: Deliveries for Backdated Subs. |
JVSD01 | IS-M/SD: Edit Media Issue Mix |
JVSD04 | IS-M: Generate Media Issue Mixes |
JVSD05 | IS-M/SD: Create Media Issue Mixes |
JVSD06 | IS-M/SD: Change Media Issue Mixes |
JVSD07 | IS-M/SD: Display Media Issue Mixes |
JVSD08 | Assign Inserts to Contracts |
JVSD10 | Initialize Delivery Quantities |
JVSD11 | Update Delivery Quantities |
JVSD12 | Interactive Insert Planning |
JVSD13 | Copy Insert Booking |
JVSD14 | Business Partner Insert Groups |
JVSD15 | Edit Quantities for Deliv.Priorities |
JVSD2MSD | Transfer SD Orders to IS-M/SD |
JVSDAD01 | Ad Inserts from AI Orders |
JVSDCUST05 | SAP BP Insert Groups |
JVSDCUST06 | Insert Groups |
JVSDGEO1 | Ambiguity Check |
JVSDHD0 | ISM: Maint. HDel.Schedule for Mat. |
JVSDHD1 | ISM: Display HDel. Schedule for Mat. |
JVSDHD3 | Edit Ref. Edition for SD Home Del. |
JVSDHD4 | Display Ref.Edition for SD Home Del. |
JVSDHD_COLLECT | ISM: HDel.Planning: Select SD Orders |
JVSDHD_HEADER_DELETE | ISM: HDel.Planning: Delete Header |
JVSDHD_RELEASE | ISM: HDel.Planning: Home Del. Data |
JVSDHD_RELEASE_DEL | ISM: HDel.Planning: Delete HDel.Data |
JVSDHD_VDAT_SHIFT | ISM: HDel.Planning: Move Shippg Date |
JVSDHSHIFT | IS-M: Move Horizon |
JVSDMIXLOG | IS-M: Mix Creation Logs |
JVSDPG | Define Packaging Characteristics |
JVSDPL01 | Weekday-Dependent Plant Determ. |
JVSDPR0 | Packaging Rules for Media Issues |
JVSDPR0I | Packaging Rule for Media Issue |
JVSDPR0M | Packaging Rule Material |
JVSDPR1 | Packaging Rules for Media |
JVSDPR1I | Packaging Rule for Media Issue |
JVSDPR1M | Packaging Rule Material |
JVSDPR2 | Copy Packaging Rules |
JVSDPR3 | Edit Media Issue for Packing Char. |
JVSO1 | Create Shipping Order |
JVSO10 | Display Edition and Ref.Edition |
JVSO11 | Monitor Shipping Order |
JVSO12 | Full Import Assistant |
JVSO13 | Delta Import Assistant |
JVSO14 | Ship. Order Archiving: Write Archive |
JVSO15 | Sh. Order Archiving: Delete Archive |
JVSO16 | Sh. Order Archiving: Reload Archive |
JVSO17 | Ship. Ord. Archiving: Manage Archive |
JVSO2 | Change Shipping Order |
JVSO3 | Display Shipping Order |
JVSO4 | Delete Shipping Order |
JVSO5 | Generate Deliveries for Shipp.Orders |
JVSO6 | Delete Deliveries for Shipping Order |
JVSO7 | Check Shipping Date for Shipp.Order |
JVSO8 | Error List for Shipping Orders |
JVSO9 | Edit Edition and Reference Edition |
JVSOCOMPL1 | IS-M/SD: Create Ship.Order Complaint |
JVSOCOMPL1_PRESET | IS-M/SD: Create Issue Compl.(Def.) |
JVSOCOMPL2 | IS-M/SD: Change Ship.Order Complaint |
JVSOCOMPL3 | IS-M/SD: Display Ship.Order Complt |
JVSOCOMPL_EXPORT | Export File for Shipp. Order Compl. |
JVSOCOMPL_IMPORT | Import File: Import Ship.Ord.Compl. |
JVSOCOMPL_LIST | Shipping Order Complaint Overview |
JVTMCP_EXCL_STRU | IS-M: TMCP Exclusion CRte/GUnit |
JVTMCP_GEN | IS-M: TMCP: Generate Shipping Orders |
JVTMCP_GEN_PROT | IS-M: TMCP: Log of Shipp. Order Gen. |
JVTMCP_PLANNING | IS-M: TMCP: Planning for Ship.Orders |
JVTMC_HH | Maintain Household Parameters |
JVTT | Joint Venture Test Tool |
JVU1 | IS-M: Drop-Off Overview |
JVU2 | IS-M: Key Date Comparison: Drop-Off |
JVU3 | IS-M: Circ.of Carriers and Inserts |
JVU4 | IS-M: Carr.Circulation f.ShipDate |
JVU5 | IS-M: Check Draw Against Del.Qty |
JVU6 | IS-M: Production Stats for Bundles |
JVU7 | IS-M: Shipping Overview |
JVV1 | IS-M: Generate Issue Splits |
JVV2 | IS-M: Gen.Delivery for Ad Insert TMC |
JVV3 | IS-M: Gen.Delivery for AI Distrib. |
JVV4 | Edit Deliveries for AI Distribution |
JVV5 | Display Delivery for AI Distribution |
JVV6 | Edit Deliveries for Ad Insert TMC |
JVV7 | Display Delivery for Ad Insert TMC |
JVV8 | Assign Issue Splits to Deliveries |
JVV9 | Display Issue Splits in Deliveries |
JVVA | IS-M: Generate Issue Splits |
JVVB | IS-M: Qty Comp.SD/AM AI Insertion |
JVVR | IS-M: Qty comp.SD/AM Ad Insert TMC |
JVVV | IS-M: Qty Comp.SD/AM AI Distribution |
JVX1 | IS-M: Display Sales Offices |
JVZAEM0 | IS-M: Generate Std Deliv.Exception |
JVZM | IS-M: Maintain Carrier Notification |
JW25 | IS-M/SD: Create Sales Promotion |
JW26 | IS-M/SD: Change Sales Promotion |
JW27 | IS-M/SD: Display Sales Promotion |
JW34 | IS-M/SD: Create Campaign Framework |
JW35 | IS-M/SD: Change Campaign Framework |
JW36 | IS-M/SD: Display Campaign Framework |
JWM1 | IS-M: Promotion Master Data |
JWU1 | IS-M/SD: Std Letter for Sales Prom. |
JWU10 | Standard Letter By Classification |
JWU2 | Print Labels for Free Gifts |
JWU3 | IS-M/SD: Orders for Gift |
JWU4 | IS-M/SD:Sales Activities in Geo.Unit |
JWU5 | Sales Activities for Bus.Partner |
JWU6 | IS-M/SD: Compare Sales Activities |
JWU7 | IS-M/SD: Shipped/Reserved Gifts |
JWU8 | IS-M: Update Sales Promotions |
JWW1 | IS-M/SD: Create Sales Activity |
JWW2 | IS-M/SD: Change Sales Activity |
JWW3 | IS-M/SD: Display Sales Activity |
JX01 | Maintain Types of Geo.Units |
JX02 | Maint.Hierarchy Type in Geo.Unit |
JX57 | SM30 Maintenance of IS-M Acct Group |
JX67 | SM30 Maintenance of Stats Groupings |
JX72 | SM30 Maint. Counter Restart DTrsfer |
JX74 | SM30 Maint.Search Seq.f.Std Packing |
JX75 | SM30 Maint.Search Seq.f.Std Packing |
JX82 | SM30: Edit Advertising Media |
JX83 | SM30 Maint.: Display Advertisg Media |
JXA8 | SM30 Display Edition Rept Grping 2 |
JXAD | IS-M: Maintain Odd Bundle Group |
JXAE | IS-M: Display Edit-OddBdleGrp.Assgmt |
JXAJ | SM30 Maint.of Stats Grp f.Sales Doc. |
JXAK | SM30 Maint.of Update Grp Header |
JXAL | SM30 Maint.of Update Grp for Item |
JXAM | SM30 Maint.of UpdGrp for Delivery |
JXAN | Sm30 Maint.of Stats Grp per Ord.Type |
JXAO | SM30 Maint.Stats Grp per OType/I.Ass |
JXAP | SM30 Maint.Stats Grp per Billg Type |
JXAQ | SM30 Maint.UpdGrp f.Del.-Ord.Assgmt |
JXBD | IS-M/SD: Maintain Odd Bundle Group |
JXBDSD | IS-M: Maintain Comm.Odd Bundle Group |
JXBE | IS-M: Maint.Edit.-Odd Bdle Grp Asgt |
JXBESD | IS-M: Maint.Edit.-Odd Bdle Grp Asgt |
JXG8 | Assign ctry grping to shipping sch. |
JXG9 | Country Grouping for Shipping Sched. |
JXVA | IS-M: Display Post.Packing Rule Det. |
JXVB | IS-M: Edit Post.Packing Rule Determ. |
JXVZ | IS-M: Consist.Check for Purch.Org. |
JY10 | IS-M: Formulas and Requirements |
JY20 | Condition Master Data |
JY81 | IS-M: Test - TOA01 |
JYA1 | IS-M: Create Deliv.Sett Archive |
JYA2 | IS-M: Delete Deliv.Sett Archive |
JYA3 | IS-M: Reload Del.Sett Archive |
JYA4 | IS-M: Create Deliv.Sett Archive |
JYA5 | IS-M: Display Home Del.Sett Archive |
JYA6 | IS-M: Display Comm.Sett Archive |
JYA9 | Number Range Maintenance: ISP_ABUEB |
JYB1 | IS-M: Create Billing Archive |
JYB2 | IS-M: Delete Billing Archive |
JYB3 | IS-M: Reload Del.Sett Archive |
JYB4 | IS-M: Mgmt of Billing Archive |
JYB5 | Check Archivability of Billing Docs |
JYC1 | Maintain number range doc.conditions |
JYD1 | Maintain number range: ISP_DRER |
JYD2 | Maintain number range: ISP_VA |
JYD3 | Number range maintenance: ISP_VASYNC |
JYE1 | Create Archive for Commiss.Billing |
JYE2 | IS-M: Comm.Sett.Archive: Delete |
JYE3 | IS-M: Comm.Sett.Archive: Reload |
JYE4 | Comm.Sett.Archive: Administration |
JYF1 | Maintain number range: ISP_FSAMMG |
JYF2 | Maintain number range: ISP_FUEBL |
JYF3 | Maintain number range: ISP_FAKBL |
JYF5 | Number Range Maintenance: ISM_FICOL |
JYF6 | IS-M: Display Billing Archive |
JYG1 | Maintain number range: ISP_GP_NR |
JYG2 | Maintain number range: ISP_ADRNR |
JYG4 | Number range maintenance: ISP_BV |
JYG5 | Maintain number range: Logs |
JYI1 | IS-M/SD: Number Ranges for Circ.Book |
JYK1 | Maintain number range: ISP_BELEG |
JYK2 | Number Range Maint. for Research |
JYK4 | Maintain number range: ISP_PROSP |
JYKWWW | Number Range Maintenance: ISM_SESSNO |
JYL1 | Maintain number range: ISP_LSAMMG |
JYL2 | Maintain number range: ISP_ABRCHN |
JYL3 | Maintain number range: ISP_JKONV |
JYM1 | Maintain number range: ISP_MAT |
JYN2 | Number range maintenance: ISP_RECHDR |
JYPO | IS-M: Print Param.f.Outpt Control |
JYR1 | Maintain number range: ISP_ROUPVA |
JYR2 | Maintain number range: ISP_ROUTE |
JYR3 | Maintain number range: ISP_RVERT |
JYRA | Number Range Maintenance: ISP_ABLRGL |
JYRB | IS-M: Install Specific Report Tree |
JYRT | IS-M: Choose Report Tree |
JYRZ | Maintain report trees for pub.system |
JYS1 | IS-M: |
JYS2 | IS-M: Number Ranges for Geo.Units |
JYS3 | Maintain number range: ISP_GEOPST |
JYS4 | Maintain number range: ISP_LAUFLI |
JYSC | Number Range Maintenance: ISP_ORT |
JYSS | Maintain number range: ISP_STR |
JYV1 | IS-M: Num.Range Object - Drop-Off |
JYV2 | Maintain number range: ISP_NCAEND |
JYV3 | IS-M: Maint.Carrier Route No.Range |
JYV4 | IS-M: Num.Range Maint.for Post.Packs |
JYV5 | IS-M: Number Range for Containers |
JYV7 | Maintain number range: ISP_LFNGNR |
JYV8 | Maintain number range: ISP_JVTFV |
JYV9 | Maintain number range: ISP_BEABST |
JYVA | IS-M: Num.Range Ship.Schedule Var. |
JYVB | IS-M: Num.Range Shipping Schedule |
JYVC | Number range maintenance: ISP_PAKET |
JYVL | Maintain number range: ISP_LFBAR |
JYVS | Maintain Number Range: ISM_JVSOH |
JYW0 | IS-M: Currency Change |
JYW2 | Number Range Maintenance: ISM_PROMO |
JYWW | Maintain number range: ISP_WEKONR |
JYX1 | IS-M: Edit Order Deadline Status |
JZ06 | Maintain BU hierarchy |
JZ25 | Maintain settlement calendar - agent |
JZ26 | Maintain number range: ISP_FAKT |
JZ27 | Maintain agt det.proc. for media agt |
JZ30 | Number Range Maintenance: ISP_BELEIN |
JZ31 | Number range maintenance: ISP_INHAKO |
JZ33 | Maintain date combination (fixed) |
JZ34 | Number Range Maintenance: ISP_VERMV |
JZ38 | IS-M: Maintain Sales Agent Types |
JZ39 | Number range maintenance: ISP_PE |
JZ40 | Maintain number range: ISP_SAMMG |
JZ41 | Copy pricing procedure and cnd.types |
JZ43 | Maintain Date Combination (Flexible) |
JZ44 | Number Range Maintenance: ISP_EV |
J_03 | Cond.Table: Create (Sales Price) |
J_04 | Cond.Table: Change (Sales Price) |
J_05 | Cond.Table: Display (Sales Price) |
J_3RSEXP | Maintain Secondary Event Numbers |
J_CLBALTAX | Balance Sheet for Tax (Chile) |
J_CLBS | Balance sheet (Chile) |
J_CLML | Material Ledger (Chile) |
J_DEV2 | IS-M: Dev |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes from JL to J_
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