Q000 | Quality management |
QA00 | Quality inspection |
QA01 | Create Inspection Lot |
QA01A | Create Inspection Lot |
QA02 | Change Inspection Lot |
QA02A | Change Inspection Lot |
QA03 | Display inspection lot |
QA05 | Job planning: Periodic inspection |
QA06 | Job overview: Periodic inspection |
QA07 | Trigger for recurring inspection |
QA07L | Deadline Monitoring Log |
QA08 | Collective Processing of Insp. Setup |
QA09 | No. range maintenance for insp.lots |
QA10 | Trigger automatic usage decision |
QA10L | Log for Automatic Usage Decision |
QA11 | Record usage decision |
QA12 | Change usage decision with history |
QA13 | Display usage decision |
QA14 | Change UD without history |
QA16 | Collective UD for accepted lots |
QA17 | Job planning for auto usage decision |
QA18 | Job overview for auto usage decision |
QA19 | Automatic usage decision |
QA22 | Change inspection point quantities |
QA23 | Display insp.point quantities |
QA32 | Change data for inspection lot |
QA32WP | QA32 -Call from Workplace/MiniApp |
QA33 | Display data for inspection lot |
QA40 | Auto. Usage Decision for Production |
QA40L | Log for Automatic Usage Decision |
QA41 | Scheduling UD for Production Lots |
QA42 | Job planning: UD prod. insp.lots |
QA51 | Scheduling Source Inspections |
QA52 | Source inspections: Job overview |
QAC1 | Change insp. lot actual quantity |
QAC2 | Transfer stock to insp. lot |
QAC3 | Reset sample |
QAER | Display archive objects |
QAS1 | Download Insp. Specs. (Obsolete) |
QAS2 | Download Basic Data (Obsolete) |
QAS3 | Upload Results (Obsolete) |
QAS4 | Upload UD (Obsolete) |
QC01 | Create certificate profile |
QC02 | Change certificate profile |
QC03 | Display certificate profile |
QC06 | Immediate delete of cert. profiles |
QC11 | Create cert. profile assignment |
QC12 | Change cert. profile assignment |
QC13 | Display cert. profile assignment |
QC14 | Create cert.prof.assign.w/copy model |
QC15 | Create cert. profile assignment |
QC16 | Change cert. profile assignment |
QC17 | Display cert. profile assignment |
QC18 | Create cert.prof.assign.w/copy model |
QC20 | Certificates for Deliveries |
QC21 | Quality certificate for the insp.lot |
QC22 | Quality Certificate for Batch |
QC31 | Archive display: Delivery item |
QC32 | Archive display: Inspection lot |
QC40 | Internet Certificate for Delivery |
QC40A | Internet Certificate for Delivery |
QC42 | Batch certificate on WWW |
QC51 | Create certificate in procurement |
QC52 | Change certificate in procurement |
QC53 | Display certificate in procurement |
QC55 | Worklist: Certificates - Procurement |
QCC0 | QM: Direct Access to IMG |
QCC1 | Direct Access to IMG: Notification |
QCC2 | IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Notification |
QCC3 | IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Inspection |
QCC4 | IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Planning |
QCC5 | IMG Direct Selection: QM Bus. Add-In |
QCCC | QM standard settings complete |
QCCF | QM standard forms |
QCCK | QM standard settings: Catalogs |
QCCM | QM std. settings: Qual. notifs. |
QCCN | QM standard number ranges |
QCCP | QM std. settings: Quality planning |
QCCS | QM sampling schemes |
QCCT | QM standard texts |
QCCU | QM standard settings: Environment |
QCCW | QM std. settings: Quality inspection |
QCCY | Transport QM tolerance key |
QCCZ | QM std. settings: Qual. certificates |
QCC_STABI | Copy Stability Study Customizing |
QCC_STABI_NK | Copy Stability Study Number Ranges |
QCE2 | Edit Communication Support |
QCE3 | Display Communication Support |
QCHECK | Check Query |
QCMS | Certificate for Inspection Lot w. MS |
QCYF | QM standard forms (general) |
QCYT | QM standard texts (general) |
QD21 | Mark completed notifications |
QD22 | Archiving Notifications: Archive |
QD24 | Archiving Notifications: Delete |
QD25 | Archiving Notifications: Admin. |
QD33 | Delete quality level |
QD34 | Delete quality level planning |
QD35 | Delete job overview for Q-levels |
QDA1 | Edit sampling type |
QDA3 | Display sampling type |
QDB1 | Maintain allowed relationships |
QDB3 | Display allowed relationships |
QDH1 | Q-level evaluation: Change data |
QDH2 | Q-level evaluation: Display data |
QDL1 | Create quality level |
QDL2 | Change quality level |
QDL3 | Display quality level |
QDM1 | Edit valuation mode |
QDM3 | Display valuation mode |
QDP1 | Create sampling scheme |
QDP2 | Change sampling scheme |
QDP3 | Display sampling scheme |
QDR1 | Create dynamic modification rule |
QDR2 | Change dynamic modification rule |
QDR3 | Display dynamic modification rule |
QDR6 | Disp. where-used list-dyn. mod. rule |
QDR7 | Replace dynamic mod. rule used |
QDV1 | Create sampling procedure |
QDV2 | Change sampling procedure |
QDV3 | Display sampling procedure |
QDV6 | Uses: Sampling procedures |
QDV7 | Replace sampling procedure used |
QE00 | Quality Planning |
QE01 | Record characteristic results |
QE02 | Change characteristic results |
QE03 | Display characteristic results |
QE04 | Record sample results |
QE05 | Change sample results |
QE06 | Display sample results |
QE09 | Indiv.display of charac.result |
QE09WP | Call QE09 from Workplace |
QE11 | Record results for inspection point |
QE12 | Change results for inspection point |
QE13 | Display results for inspection point |
QE14 | Record results for delivery note |
QE15 | Change results for delivery note |
QE16 | Display results for delivery note |
QE17 | Record results for equipment |
QE18 | Change results for equipment |
QE19 | Display results for equipment |
QE20 | Record results for funct. location |
QE21 | Change results for funct. location |
QE22 | Display results for funct. location |
QE23 | Record results for phys. sample |
QE24 | Change results for phys. sample |
QE25 | Display results for phys. sample |
QE29 | No. Range Maint.: Conf. No. for Char |
QE51 | Results recording worklist |
QE51N | Results Recording Worklist |
QE52 | Worklist: Results for phys. sample |
QE53 | Worklist: Record results for equip. |
QE54 | Worklist: Results for funct. loctns |
QE71 | Tabular res. recording for insp. pts |
QE72 | Tabular Results Rec. for Insp. Lots |
QE73 | Tabular res. recording for characs. |
QEH1 | Worklist for Mobile Results Rec. |
QEI1 | Displaying QM Interfaces Appl. Log |
QEI2 | Deleting QM Interfaces Appl. Log |
QEW01 | Results Recording on Web |
QEW01V | Variant Maint.: Recording on Web |
QF01 | Record defect data |
QF02 | Change defect data |
QF03 | Display defect data |
QF11 | Record defects for inspection lot |
QF21 | Record defects for operation |
QF31 | Record defects for characteristic |
QF4 | Available queries |
QF41_WD | Record Defects for Char./Insp. Point |
QG09 | Maint. num. range Q control charts |
QGA1 | Display quality score time line |
QGA2 | Display inspection results |
QGA3 | Print inspection results |
QGA4 | General QM Evaluations |
QGC1 | Qual. control charts for insp. lots |
QGC2 | Control charts for task list charac. |
QGC3 | Control charts for master insp. char |
QGD1 | Test Equipment Usage List |
QGD2 | Test Equipment Tracking |
QGP1 | Results history for task list charac |
QGP2 | Results History for Task List Charac |
QI01 | Create quality info. - purchasing |
QI02 | Change qual.information - purchasing |
QI03 | Display quality info. - purchasing |
QI04 | Job planning for QM procurement keys |
QI05 | Mass maintenance QM procurement keys |
QI06 | QM Releases: Mass maintenance |
QI07 | Incoming insp. and open pur. orders |
QI08 | Job overview of QM procurement keys |
QISR | Internal Service Request |
QISR1 | Internal Service Request - Forms |
QISRCONF | ISR Wizard Initial Screen |
QISRLIST | ISR Wizard: List of Scenarios |
QISRSCENARIO | Customizing Szenario |
QISRTRANSPORT | ISR Customizing Transport |
QISRW | Internal Service Request on the Web |
QISR_BCK | ISR: Popup for Editing in the Portal |
QISR_PCR60 | vc_scenario for Message type 60(PCR) |
QISR_SM29 | ISR Customizing: Table Transfer |
QISR_SR12_START | Suggestion System |
QI_DISPLAY_PLAN | Display Task List |
QK01 | Assign QM order to material |
QK02 | Display assigned QM orders |
QK03 | Maintain Specs for Order Type |
QK04 | Create QM order |
QK05 | Confirmed activities for insp. lot |
QL11 | Mat: Distribute Inspection Setup-ALE |
QL21 | Master Inspection Characs (ALE) |
QL31 | Distribute Inspection Methods (ALE) |
QL41 | Distribute Code Groups (ALE) |
QM00 | Quality Notifications |
QM01 | Create quality notification |
QM02 | Change quality notification |
QM03 | Display quality notification |
QM10 | Change list of quality notifications |
QM10WP | QM10 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp |
QM11 | Display List of Qual. Notifications |
QM12 | Change list of tasks |
QM13 | Display list of tasks |
QM13WP | QM13 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp |
QM14 | Change list of items |
QM15 | Display list of items |
QM16 | Change activity list |
QM17 | Display activity list |
QM19 | List of Q Notifications, Multi-Level |
QM50 | Time line display Q notifications |
QMW1 | Create quality notification (WWW) |
QP01 | Create |
QP02 | Change |
QP03 | Display |
QP05 | Print inspection plan |
QP06 | List: Missing/unusable insp. plans |
QP07 | List: Missing/Unusable GR InspPlans |
QP08 | Print task lists for material |
QP11 | Create reference operation set |
QP12 | Change reference operation set |
QP13 | Display reference operation set |
QP48 | Number Ranges for Physical Samples |
QP49 | Number range for phys. samp. drawing |
QP60 | Time-related development of plans |
QP61 | Display change documents insp.plan |
QP62 | Change documents ref.operation sets |
QPIQS8 | QM MiniApp Selection Variant |
QPIQS9 | QM MiniApp Selection Variant |
QPNQ | Number ranges for inspection plans |
QPQA32 | QM MiniApp Selection Variant |
QPQGC1 | QM MiniApp Selection Variant |
QPQM10 | QM MiniApp Selection Variant |
QPQM13 | QM MiniApp Selection Variant |
QPR1 | Create physical sample |
QPR2 | Change Sample |
QPR3 | Display physical sample |
QPR4 | Confirm physical sample drawing |
QPR5 | Manual inspection lots for physSamps |
QPR6 | Create new phys.-samp. drawing w.ref |
QPR7 | Storage Data Maintenance |
QPV2 | Maintain sample drawing procedure |
QPV3 | Display sample drawing procedure |
QS21 | Create master insp. characteristic |
QS22 | Create master insp. charac. version |
QS23 | Change master insp. charac. version |
QS24 | Display master insp. charac. version |
QS25 | Delete master insp. charac. version |
QS26 | Display characteristic use |
QS27 | Replace master insp. characteristic |
QS28 | Display insp. charac. list |
QS29 | Maintain characteristic number range |
QS31 | Create inspection method |
QS32 | Create inspection method version |
QS33 | Change inspection method version |
QS34 | Display inspection method version |
QS35 | Delete inspection method version |
QS36 | Display inspection method use |
QS37 | Central replacement of methods |
QS38 | Display inspection method list |
QS39 | Maintain method number range |
QS41 | Maintain catalog |
QS42 | Display catalog |
QS43 | Maintain catalog |
QS44 | Maintain catalog |
QS45 | Display catalog |
QS46 | Display code group use |
QS47 | Central replacement of code groups |
QS48 | Usage indicator - code groups |
QS49 | Display code groups and codes |
QS4A | Display catalog |
QS51 | Edit Selected Sets |
QS52 | Display selected set index |
QS53 | Maintain individual selected set |
QS54 | Maintain selected set |
QS55 | Display selected set |
QS58 | Usage indicator - selected sets |
QS59 | Display selected sets |
QS61 | Maintain material specification |
QS62 | Display material specification |
QS63 | Maintain material spec: Planning |
QS64 | Display material spec: For key date |
QS65 | Activate material specification |
QS66 | Plan activation of material spec. |
QS67 | Job overview: Activate mat. spec. |
QSFF | Customizing Template |
QSR5 | Archive inspection plans |
QSR6 | Delete routings |
QST01 | Create Stability Study |
QST03 | Display Stability History |
QST04 | Display Inspection Plans |
QST05 | Graphical Scheduling Overview |
QST06 | Scheduling Overview (StabilityStudy) |
QST07 | Change Testing Schedule Items |
QST08 | Display Testing Schedule Items |
QST09 | Maintain Planning Building Block |
QST10 | Display Planning Module |
QSUB | Define subsystems |
QT00 | Test Equipment Management |
QT01 | Test equipment management |
QTSA | Product Allocations: Send Quantities |
QTSP | Product Allocations:Send Customizing |
QUERY_BP_FSBPBILDER | BP: Screen Customizing for Query |
QV01 | Create quality assurance agreement |
QV02 | Change quality assurance agreement |
QV03 | Display quality assurance agreement |
QV04 | Find Quality Assurance Agreement |
QV11 | Create technical delivery terms |
QV12 | Change technical delivery terms |
QV13 | Display technical delivery terms |
QV14 | Search technical terms of delivery |
QV21 | Create QA agreement (DocType Q03) |
QV22 | Change Q-agreement (doc. type Q03) |
QV23 | Display Q-agreement (doc. type Q03) |
QV24 | Find Q-agreement (doc. type Q03) |
QV31 | Create Q-spec. (doc.type Q04) |
QV32 | Change Q-specification (docType Q04) |
QV33 | Displ. Q-specification (docType Q04) |
QV34 | Find Q-specification (doc. type Q04) |
QV51 | Create control for QM in SD |
QV52 | Change control for QM in SD |
QV53 | Display control for QM in SD |
QVM1 | Inspection lots without completion |
QVM2 | Inspection lots with open quantities |
QVM3 | Lots without usage decision |
QZ00 | Quality Certificates |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes from Q0 to QZ
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