F-01 | Enter Sample Document |
F-02 | Enter G/L Account Posting |
F-03 | Clear G/L Account |
F-04 | Post with Clearing |
F-05 | Post Foreign Currency Valuation |
F-06 | Post Incoming Payments |
F-07 | Post Outgoing Payments |
F-18 | Payment with Printout |
F-19 | Reverse Statistical Posting |
F-20 | Reverse Bill Liability |
F-21 | Enter Transfer Posting |
F-22 | Enter Customer Invoice |
F-23 | Return Bill of Exchange Pmt Request |
F-25 | Reverse Check/Bill of Exch. |
F-26 | Incoming Payments Fast Entry |
F-27 | Enter Customer Credit Memo |
F-28 | Post Incoming Payments |
F-29 | Post Customer Down Payment |
F-30 | Post with Clearing |
F-31 | Post Outgoing Payments |
F-32 | Clear Customer |
F-33 | Post Bill of Exchange Usage |
F-34 | Post Collection |
F-35 | Post Forfaiting |
F-36 | Bill of Exchange Payment |
F-37 | Customer Down Payment Request |
F-38 | Enter Statistical Posting |
F-39 | Clear Customer Down Payment |
F-40 | Bill of Exchange Payment |
F-41 | Enter Vendor Credit Memo |
F-42 | Enter Transfer Posting |
F-43 | Enter Vendor Invoice |
F-44 | Clear Vendor |
F-46 | Reverse Refinancing Acceptance |
F-47 | Down Payment Request |
F-48 | Post Vendor Down Payment |
F-49 | Customer Noted Item |
F-51 | Post with Clearing |
F-52 | Post Incoming Payments |
F-53 | Post Outgoing Payments |
F-54 | Clear Vendor Down Payment |
F-55 | Enter Statistical Posting |
F-56 | Reverse Statistical Posting |
F-57 | Vendor Noted Item |
F-58 | Payment with Printout |
F-59 | Payment Request |
F-60 | Maintain Table: Posting Periods |
F-62 | Maintain Table: Exchange Rates |
F-63 | Park Vendor Invoice |
F-64 | Park Customer Invoice |
F-65 | Preliminary Posting |
F-66 | Park Vendor Credit Memo |
F-67 | Park Customer Credit Memo |
F-90 | Acquisition from purchase w. vendor |
F-91 | Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct |
F-92 | Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer |
F.01 | ABAP Report: Financial Statements |
F.02 | Compact Journal |
F.03 | Reconciliation |
F.04 | G/L: Create Foreign Trade Report |
F.05 | Foreign Currency Valuation |
F.06 | Foreign Currency Valuation:G/L Assts |
F.07 | G/L: Balance Carryforward |
F.08 | G/L: Account Balances |
F.09 | G/L: Account List |
F.0A | G/L: FTR Report on Disk |
F.0B | G/L: Create Z2 to Z4 |
F.10 | G/L: Chart of Accounts |
F.11 | G/L: General Ledger from Doc.File |
F.12 | Adv.Retrn for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
F.13 | Automatic Clearing without Currency |
F.14 | ABAP/4 Report: Recurring Entries |
F.15 | ABAP/4 Report: List Recurr.Entries |
F.16 | ABAP/4 Report: G/L Bal.Carryforward |
F.17 | ABAP/4 Report: Cust.Bal.Confirmation |
F.18 | ABAP/4 Report: Vend.Bal.Confirmation |
F.19 | G/L: Goods/Invoice Received Clearing |
F.1A | Customer/Vendor Statistics |
F.1B | Head Office and Branch Index |
F.20 | A/R: Account List |
F.21 | A/R: Open Items |
F.22 | A/R: Open Item Sorted List |
F.23 | A/R: Account Balances |
F.24 | A/R: Interest for Days Overdue |
F.25 | Bill of Exchange List |
F.26 | A/R: Balance Interest Calculation |
F.27 | Periodic Account Statements |
F.28 | Customers: Reset Credit Limit |
F.29 | A/R: Set Up Info System 1 |
F.2A | A/R Overdue Int.: Post (Without OI) |
F.2B | A/R Overdue Int.: Post (with OI) |
F.2C | Calc.cust.int.on arr.: w/o postings |
F.2D | Customrs: FI-SD mast.data comparison |
F.2E | Reconciliation Btwn Affiliated Comps |
F.2F | Management Acct Group Reconciliation |
F.2G | Create Account Group Reconcil. G/L |
F.2I | Document Assignment User Settings |
F.2K | Manage Templates for Notifications |
F.30 | A/R: Evaluate Info System |
F.31 | Credit Management - Overview |
F.32 | Credit Management - Missing Data |
F.33 | Credit Management - Brief Overview |
F.34 | Credit Management - Mass Change |
F.35 | Credit Master Sheet |
F.36 | Adv.Ret.on Sls/Pur.Form Printout(DE) |
F.37 | Adv.rept.tx sls/purch.form print (BE |
F.38 | Transfer Posting of Deferred Tax |
F.39 | C FI Maint. table T042Z (BillExcTyp) |
F.40 | A/P: Account List |
F.41 | A/P: Open Items |
F.42 | A/P: Account Balances |
F.44 | A/P: Balance Interest Calculation |
F.45 | A/P: Set Up Info System 1 |
F.46 | A/P: Evaluate Info System |
F.47 | Vendors: calc.of interest on arrears |
F.48 | Vendors: FI-MM mast.data comparison |
F.4A | Calc.vend.int.on arr.: Post (w/o OI) |
F.4B | Calc.vend.int.on arr.: Post(with OI) |
F.4C | Calc.vend.int.on arr.: w/o postings |
F.50 | G/L: Profitability Segment Adjustmnt |
F.51 | G/L: Open Items |
F.52 | G/L: Acct Bal.Interest Calculation |
F.53 | G/L: Account Assignment Manual |
F.54 | G/L: Structured Account Balances |
F.56 | Delete Recurring Entry Documents |
F.57 | G/L: Delete Sample Documents |
F.58 | OI Bal.Audit Trail: fr.Document File |
F.59 | Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Create Extract |
F.5A | Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Eval.Extract |
F.5B | Accum.OI Aud.Trail: Create Extract |
F.5C | Accum.OI Audit Trail: Display Extr. |
F.5D | G/L: Update Bal. Sheet Adjustment |
F.5E | G/L: Post Balance Sheet Adjustment |
F.5F | G/L: Balance Sheet Adjustment Log |
F.5G | G/L: Subseq.Adjustment(BA/PC) Sp.ErA |
F.5I | G/L: Adv.Rep.f.Tx on Sls/Purch.w.Jur |
F.61 | Correspondence: Print Requests |
F.62 | Correspondence: Print Int.Documents |
F.63 | Correspondence: Delete Requests |
F.64 | Correspondence: Maintain Requests |
F.65 | Correspondence: Print Letters (Cust) |
F.66 | Correspondence: Print Letters (Vend) |
F.70 | Bill/Exchange Pmnt Request Dunning |
F.71 | DME with Disk: B/Excha. Presentation |
F.75 | Extended Bill/Exchange Information |
F.77 | C FI Maintain Table T045D |
F.78 | C FI Maintain Table T045B |
F.79 | C FI Maintain Table T045G |
F.80 | Mass Reversal of Documents |
F.81 | Reverse Posting for Accr./Defer.Docs |
F.90 | C FI Maintain Table T045F |
F.91 | C FI Maintain Table T045L |
F.92 | C FI Maintain T012K (Bill/Exch.) |
F.93 | Maintain Bill Liability and Rem.Risk |
F.97 | General Ledger: Report Selection |
F.98 | Vendors: Report Selection |
F.99 | Customers: Report Selection |
F/LA | Create Pricing Report |
F/LB | Change pricing reports |
F/LC | Display pricing reports |
F/LD | Execute pricing reports |
F00 | SAPoffice: Short Message |
F000 | Accounting |
F010 | ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change |
F01N | Debit Position LO Single Reversal |
F01O | Vacancy RU single reversal |
F01P | Accruals/deferrals single reversal |
F01Q | Debit position MC single reversal |
F01R | MC settlement single reversal |
F01S | Reversal of Periodic Postings |
F01T | Reverse General Contract Accr./Def. |
F04N | Vendor Foreign Currency Valuation |
F05N | Customer Foreign Currency Valuation |
F06N | Foreign Currency Val. (G/L Accounts) |
F101 | ABAP/4 Reporting: Balance Sheet Adj. |
F103 | ABAP/4 Reporting: Trnsfr Receivables |
F104 | ABAP/4 Reporting: Receivables Prov. |
F107 | FI Valuation Run |
F110 | Parameters for Automatic Payment |
F110S | Automatic Scheduling of Payment Prog |
F111 | Parameters for Payment of PRequest |
F11CS | Config.TR Display Payment Program |
F11CU | Config.TR Maintain Payment Program |
F13E | Automatic Clearing With Currency |
F15 | F15 Interface |
F150 | Dunning Run |
F48A | Document Archiving |
F53A | Archiving of G/L Accounts |
F53V | Management of G/L Account Archives |
F56A | Customer Archiving |
F58A | Archiving of Vendors |
F61A | Bank archiving |
F64A | Transaction Figure Archiving |
F66A | Archiving of Bank Data Storage |
F8+0 | Display FI Main Role Definition |
F8+1 | Maintain FI Main Role Definition |
F8+2 | Display FI Amount Groups |
F8+3 | Maintain FI Amount Groups |
F8+4 | Maintain Account Assignment Groups |
F8+5 | Maintain General Role Definition |
F801 | Create Payment Request |
F802 | Change Payment Request |
F803 | Display Payment Request |
F804 | Changes to Payment Requests |
F805 | Delete Payment Request |
F806 | Create Payment Request |
F807 | Change Posted Payment Request |
F808 | Post Payment Request |
F809 | Post exchange rate differences |
F810 | Number Ranges Payment Request |
F811 | Create Collective Payment Request |
F812 | Change Collective Payment Request |
F813 | Delete Collective Payment Request |
F814 | Reverse Collective Payment Request |
F815 | Display Collective Payment Request |
F816 | Reset Reversal Coll. Payt Request |
F817 | Release Collective Payment Request |
F820 | Coll. Payment Request Number Ranges |
F821 | Default Doc. Type for Request Type |
F822 | Set Automatic Payment Block |
F823 | Revenue Type/Object Class Assignment |
F824 | Print Request |
F831 | Create Recovery Request |
F832 | Change Recovery Request |
F833 | Display Recovery Request |
F835 | Delete Recovery Request |
F836 | Create Recovery Request |
F837 | Change Posted Recovery Request |
F838 | Account Grp/Revenue Type Assignment |
F839 | Number Range Maintenance: PSOOB |
F840 | Display Object |
F841 | Change Object |
F842 | Create Object |
F843 | Object Classes |
F844 | Define Summary Keys |
F845 | Close Posting Day |
F846 | Target and Actual Daily Closg Bals |
F847 | Define Permitted Posting Days |
F848 | Define Posting Day |
F849 | Group Responsibility |
F850 | G/L Account Determination (FM) |
F851 | Fiscal Year Identification (FM) |
F852 | Assign Fiscal Year Identification FM |
F853 | Posting Variants (FM) |
F854 | Assign Company Code Groups (FM) |
F855 | Acct Determination Characteristcs FM |
F856 | Posting Key According to D/C, etc. |
F857 | Accounts to be Proposed: Requests |
F858 | Number Range Maintenance: LOTNO |
F859 | Assign Request Cat. to Number Range |
F860 | Revenue Types |
F861 | Revenue Types/Company Code |
F862 | Revenue Types/Commitment Items |
F863 | Functions |
F864 | Processor |
F865 | Main and Secondary Revenue Types |
F866 | Activate Check Digits (Cust./Vend.) |
F867 | Deduction reasons |
F868 | Define Regions |
F869 | Where-used list |
F870 | Posting a Parked Request |
F871 | Create Payment Request (Local Auth.) |
F872 | Change Payment Request |
F873 | Display Payment Request |
F874 | Release Payment Request |
F875 | Delete Payment Request |
F879 | Create Payment Deduction Request |
F880 | Reverse Deferral |
F881 | Create Acceptance Request |
F882 | Change Acceptance Request |
F883 | Display Acceptance Request |
F884 | Release Acceptance Request |
F885 | Delete Acceptance Request |
F886 | Defer Acceptance Request |
F887 | Waive Acceptance Order Temporarily |
F888 | Waive Acceptance Request |
F889 | Create Acceptance Deduction Request |
F890 | Reverse Temporary Waiver |
F891 | Create Clearing Request |
F892 | Change Clearing Request |
F893 | Display Clearing Request |
F894 | Release Clearing Request |
F895 | Delete Clearing Request |
F896 | Create Blanket Remainder Clean Up |
F899 | Bundle Requests |
F899R | Bundle FI Documents to Request |
F8B1 | C FI Maintain Table TBKBC |
F8B2 | C FI Maintain Table TBKCB |
F8B3 | C FI Maintain Table TBKCR |
F8B4 | C FI Maintain Table TBKDC |
F8B5 | C FI Maintain Table TBKLA |
F8B6 | C FI Maintain Table TBKPD |
F8B6N | C FI Maintain Table TBKPV |
F8B7 | C FI Maintain Table TBKSP |
F8B8 | C FI Maintain Table TBKSR |
F8B9 | C FI Maintain Tables TBKRL, TBKRLT |
F8BA | C FI Maintain Append to Table BNKA |
F8BB | C FI Maintain Include to Table T012K |
F8BC | C FI Maintain Table TBKFK |
F8BD | C FI Maintain Table TBKZW |
F8BE | FI Table Maintenance TBKS, TBKST |
F8BF | C FI Maintain Table T042Y |
F8BG | Maintain Global Data for F111 |
F8BH | Inconsistencies T042I and T042Y |
F8BI | C FI Maintain Table T012-VPAST |
F8BI1 | Create Variant for RFBIBLK0 |
F8BJ | Maintain Clearing Accts (Rec.Bank) |
F8BK | Maintain ALE-Compatible Pmnt Methods |
F8BL | C FI Maintain Table TBKWT |
F8BM | Maintain numb.range: Payment request |
F8BN | Corr.Acctg Documents Payment Block |
F8BO | Payment request archiving |
F8BR | Levels for Payment Requests |
F8BS | Detail display of payment requests |
F8BT | Display Payment Requests |
F8BU | Create payment runs automatically |
F8BV | Reversal of Bank-to-Bank Transfers |
F8BW | Reset Cleared Items: Payt Requests |
F8BX | Online Payment |
F8BZ | F111 Customizing |
F8M1 | Calculate Penalty Surcharge |
F8O0 | Delete Assignment Cust./Obj/Rev.Type |
F8O1 | Master Data Objects: Delete Data |
F8O2 | Control Different Functions |
F8O3 | Assignment Rounding Units CoCd Var. |
F8O4 | Document Type/Request Type Assgt |
F8O5 | Automatic Approval/Posting Control |
F8O7 | Prepare Archiving of Temp. Waiver |
F8O8 | Define Workflow Variant AO |
F8O9 | Assign Workflow Variant |
F8P0 | Spplt Dnng Proc. Assgt to Dnng Area |
F8P1 | Change Dnng Proc. Asst to Dnng Area |
F8P2 | Dunning Block in Customer Line Items |
F8P3 | Delete Assignment Cust./Rev.Type |
F8P4 | Delete Customer Execution Data |
F8P5 | Delete Subldgr Account Preprocessing |
F8P6 | Assign SL acct to SL prep. program |
F8Q1 | Create Recurring Payment Request |
F8Q2 | Create Recurring Acceptance Request |
F8Q3 | Change Standing Request |
F8Q4 | Display Standing Request |
F8Q5 | Release Standing Request |
F8Q6 | Delete Standing Request |
F8Q7 | Post Standing Request |
F8Q8 | Create Posting Documents |
F8Q9 | Requests from Down Payments |
F8R1 | Additional Setting Dunn.Procd.for FM |
F8R2 | Assgmt Dnng Procedure/Dunning Area |
F8R3 | Display Addtl Sttng Dnnn Prd. FM |
F8REL | Release of Payment Requests |
F8REV | Cancellation of Payment Requests |
F8V1 | Export execution data |
F8XX | Payment Request No. Ranges KI3-F8BM |
F902 | Current Settings BCA |
F90ABKST | Archiving Bank Statements |
F90ACFBAL | Archiving Balance Carry Forwards |
F90AINCAL | Archiving Account Balancing Details |
F90AITEM | Archiving Payment Items |
F90AORDER | Archiving Payment Orders |
F90APECAL | Archiving Account Balancing Data |
F90ASTORD | Archiving Standing Orders |
F90ATOTAL | Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures |
F90_PAR_NUMRG_GENER | Set Up Number Range Intervals |
F90_PAR_REALLOCATE | Program to Create Interval Table |
F91LTC | Call Fixed-Term Deposits |
F92LTC | Collection of Fixed-Term Deposits |
F93LTC | Postprocessing Fixed-Term Deposits |
F94LTC | Restart Fixed-Term Deposits |
F95LTC | Pre-notification of Maturity |
F960 | Application Log Cash Concentration |
F961 | Application Log FI Transfer |
F962 | Application Log Balance Sheet Prep. |
F963 | Appl. log bal.sh. prep.(backdated) |
F970 | Account Balances |
F970_VAL | Balance List on Key Date |
F971 | Account Locks |
F972 | Overdraft List |
F973 | Display reconcil. balance list 1 |
F974 | Display reconcil. balance list 2 |
F975 | Compensation statememt daily status |
F976 | Overview Interest Accrual/Deferral |
F977 | Correction parked payment items |
F978 | Reconcil. List: FI Documents |
F97A | Overview of BCA Reconciliation Keys |
F97A1 | Reconciliation key detail display |
F97AT | Audit trail |
F97C | Internal Reference Accts |
F97CURR | Acct List for Currency Changeover |
F97CX | External Reference Accts |
F97E | Recon. to reconciliation key |
F97G | Statement FI Document/BCA Posting |
F97I | Reconciliation BCA /SAP FI Balances |
F97J | Appl. log bal.sh. prep.(backdated) |
F980 | Interest Acc/Def Individ. Statement |
F982 | Edit general conditions |
F983 | Display General Conditions |
F984 | Release General Conditions |
F984_DR | Release Deleted Conditions |
F985 | Edit Interest Conditions |
F986 | Display Interest Conditions |
F987 | Release Interest Conditions |
F988 | Edit Charge Conditions |
F989 | Display Charge Conditions |
F98A | Release Charge Conditions |
F98B | Edit Value Date Conditions |
F98C | Display Value Date Donditions |
F98D | Release Value Date Conditions |
F98E | Edit Condition Assignment |
F98F | Display Condition Assignment |
F98G | Release Condition Assignment |
F98R | Retroactive Condition Change |
F98RK | Retroactive Condition Change |
F98TM | Application Log for Term Control |
F98TMAT | Application log: mature report |
F98TMCOLL | Application log: collection report |
F98TMPRE | Application Log for Pre-notification |
F98X | Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment |
F98Y | Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment |
F98Z | Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment |
F991 | Mass Acct. Balancing (Int./Charges) |
F992 | Application Log Account Balancing |
F992EX | Application Log Acct Balancing EDT |
F993 | Accrual/Deferral for General Ledger |
F994 | Application Log Accrual/Deferral |
F995 | Restart Account Balancing |
F996 | Single Acct. Balancing (Int./Charge) |
F997 | Early Mass Account Balancing |
F997S | Early Individual Account Balancing |
F999 | Interest scale |
F99C | Restart Interest Acc./Def. |
F99D | Preparation Early Account Balancing |
F99E | Closing: Settled Accounts |
F99F | Single Acct. Closing: Restart |
F99G | Check Account Balancing Ext. Data |
F99R | Create Basic Setting - Conditions |
F99S | Change Basic Setting Conditions |
F99X | Display Basic Setting Conditions |
F9A0 | BCA: Block Checks |
F9A1 | Create Check |
F9A10 | Edit Lock |
F9A11 | Delete Check |
F9A12 | Creat Check Stack |
F9A13 | Request Check Stack (Customer) |
F9A16 | BCA: Delete Stack Creation |
F9A18 | BCA: Request Checks from Location |
F9A19 | BCA: Release Check Stack |
F9A20 | Display Check Stack |
F9A21 | BCA: Block Check Stack |
F9A23 | Lift Block |
F9A25 | BCA: Location Maintenance Pos. Mgmt |
F9A26 | BCA: Stack Location Settings |
F9A4 | BCA: Request Check |
F9A5 | Number Range Maintenance: BCA_ACC_EX |
F9A50 | Change Check Status |
F9A7 | BCA: Revoke Check Block |
F9A8 | Check Locks |
F9A9 | BCA: Display Checks |
F9AUTH | Maintain Authorization Groups |
F9B1 | BCA: Posting cut-off paym. transact. |
F9B2 | Posting Cut-Off Pay. Trans. Batch |
F9B3 | User Log Currency Changeover |
F9B4 | BCA: Report Currency Conversion |
F9BA | BCA: Authorization Group Items |
F9BB | BCA: Authorization Group Order |
F9BENCH0 | Benchmark Payment Transactions |
F9BENCH1 | Benchmark Account Balancing |
F9BENCH10 | Benchmark Payt Transactions Online |
F9BENCH2 | Benchmark Bank Statement |
F9BENCHG1 | Generate Settings |
F9BENCHG2 | Generate Pay. Trans. Master Data |
F9BENCHG3 | Generate Acct. Balanc. Master Data |
F9BENCHG4 | Generated Postings for Balancing |
F9BENCHG4Q | Generate Trans.Figures for Balancing |
F9BENCHG5 | Generate Postings for Online Entry |
F9BENCHM0 | Monitor Benchmark: Paym. Transaction |
F9BENCHM1 | Monitor Benchmark: Posted Data |
F9BENCHU0 | Benchmark: Delete Blocked Items |
F9BENCHU1 | Benchmark: Reset Account Balancing |
F9BENCHU3 | Benchmark: Change BKKM2 for Restart |
F9BENCHU4 | Benchmark: Collect Statistics |
F9BENCHU5 | Reset Benchmark |
F9BENCHV0 | Maintain Number Range Parameters |
F9BENCHV1 | Maintain Global Benchmark Parameters |
F9BTEINFO | BCA: BTE Info System (P&S) |
F9C% | Job Distribution on Server |
F9C& | Interval Size / Balanc. Parall. Mode |
F9C( | Change Trans.Type Category Assignmt. |
F9C) | Display Trans.Type Categ. Assignmt. |
F9C+ | Bank State. Dispatch Type Mainten. |
F9C0 | Current Account Groupings |
F9C0_PAR_DETAIL | Par.Process. Item Postings: Detail |
F9C0_PAR_MODE | Par.Process. Item Postings: General |
F9C1 | BCA: Blocking Reasons for Checks |
F9C10 | Maintain Business Transaction Code |
F9C11 | Maintain Reports End of Day Process. |
F9C12 | Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc. |
F9C2 | Position Types Maintenance |
F9C3 | Number Range Maintenance: BCA_PAORN |
F9C4 | Authorization types |
F9C6 | BCA: Field Modification Account Type |
F9C7 | BCA: Field Modification Activity |
F9C9 | Condition Groups Per Account Type |
F9C= | Create Transaction Type Category |
F9C? | Change Transaction Type Category |
F9CA | Account Status Enhancements |
F9CAA | Create Transaction Type Category 2 |
F9CAB | Change Transaction Type Category 2 |
F9CAC | Display Transaction Type Category 2 |
F9CAD | Create Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt |
F9CAE | Change Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt |
F9CAF | Display Trans. Type Category 2Assgmt |
F9CAPPLREL | Relationships Betw. Applic. Types |
F9CARCPERIODS | Retention Periods |
F9CB | Old:Allowed Acct.Types per Bank Area |
F9CC1 | Authorizations for Field Groups |
F9CC2 | Screen Configuration |
F9CCHGRCV | Recipient in A-Sentence |
F9CD | Crete Cond.Cat.<->Diff. Type |
F9CE | Display Cond.Cat.<-> Diff.Type |
F9CF | Change Cond Type<->Diff Type |
F9CG | Create Bank Condition Categories |
F9CH | Change Bank Condition Categories |
F9CI | Display Bank Condition Categories |
F9CICC | Change Compensation Methods |
F9CICD | Change Compensation Methods |
F9CJ | Create Differentiation Types |
F9CK | Change Differentiation Types |
F9CL | Display Differentiation Types |
F9CM | Create Condition Group |
F9CN | Change Condition Groups |
F9CO | Display Condition Groups |
F9COGR1 | Create Condition Group |
F9COGR2 | Edit Condition Group |
F9COGR3 | Display Condition Group |
F9COL1 | Correction of SubFinPayt Balance |
F9CORRDISPMAP | Corresp: Bank Stat Dispatch Mapping |
F9CORRMIGRATE | Migrate BKK45 Entries |
F9CP | Create Limit Categories |
F9CPP | Settings for Parallel Processing |
F9CQ | Change Limit Categories |
F9CR | Display Limit Categories |
F9CS | Create reference limits |
F9CSA | BCA Ref. Interest Rate Maintenance |
F9CSO00 | SO: Field Modification Activity |
F9CSO01 | SO: Field Modification Trans. Type |
F9CSO02 | SO: Authorization Types |
F9CSO03 | SO: Authorizations for Field Groups |
F9CSO04 | SO Cust: Screen Configuration |
F9CSO1 | SO Control: Applications |
F9CSO2 | SO Control: Field Groups |
F9CSO3 | SO Control: Views |
F9CSO4 | SO Control: Sections |
F9CSO5 | SO Control: Screens |
F9CSO6 | SO Control: Screen Sequence |
F9CSO7 | SO Control: Events |
F9CSO8 | SO Control: CUA Standard Functions |
F9CSO9 | SO Control: CUA Additional Functions |
F9CSOB | SO Ctrl: Assig. ScrnFld->DBfld |
F9CSOC | SO Control: Field Modificat.Criteria |
F9CSOD | SO Control: Products |
F9CSOE | SO Control: Product Group |
F9CSOF | SO Control: Applic. Transactions |
F9CSOH | SO Control: Tables |
F9CSOI | SO Control: Activities |
F9CSOJ | SO Control: FM per Activity |
F9CT | Change reference limits |
F9CTRNSTYP | Maintain Transaction Types |
F9CTXTKEY | BCA: Maintain Text Key |
F9CU | Display reference limits |
F9CV | Principle of Dual Control Limits |
F9CX | Field Control - Conditions |
F9CZ | BCA: Guarant. Amounts for Posit.Type |
F9C[ | Authorization Types for Condiitons |
F9C] | Position: Authorization Types |
F9C` | Display Transaction Type Category |
F9C{ | Authorization Types Payment Items |
F9C} | Authorization Types Payment Orders |
F9D1 | Messages |
F9DDCC | Currency Conversion Dir. Debit Order |
F9FOLLOWUP | Account Resubmission |
F9G1 | Create acct holder |
F9G2 | Change acct holder |
F9G3 | Display Account Holder |
F9G4 | Create Authorized Drawer |
F9G5 | Change Authorized Drawer |
F9G6 | Display Authorized Drawer |
F9G7 | Create Account Holder |
F9G8 | Change Account Holder |
F9G9 | Display Account Holder |
F9GA | Create Bank Statement Recipient |
F9GB | Change Bank Statement Recipient |
F9GC | Dispaly Bank Statement Recipient |
F9GL | Display All BP Roles |
F9H0 | Account Hierarchy Change History |
F9H1 | Create Account Hierarchy |
F9H2 | Change Account Hierarchy |
F9H3 | Display Account Hierarchy |
F9H4 | Cash Concentration: Single Run |
F9H5 | Cash Concentration: Restart |
F9H6 | Cash Concentration: Mass Run |
F9H7 | Number Range Maintenance: BKK_HYRAR |
F9HA | GL Variants |
F9HB | General Ledger Transaction |
F9HC | General Ledger Group |
F9HC4 | GL Acct Assgmt, Indiv.Value Adjustmt |
F9HC5 | GL Acct Assgmt, Indiv.Value Adjustmt |
F9HD | GL Transfer Posting Group |
F9HE | GL Acct. Assignment, CA Posted |
F9HEWB1 | Create Individual Value Adjustment |
F9HEWB2 | Change Individual Value Adjustment |
F9HEWB3 | Display Individual Value Adjustment |
F9HEWB4 | Post Loss on Receivables |
F9HG | Assignment Trans.Type-GL Transaction |
F9HH | GL Account Assignment, Parked |
F9HI | Transfer BCA - GL |
F9HIST_KOND_INDIV | History of Individual Conditions |
F9HIST_KOND_STAND | History of Standard Conditions |
F9HIST_KOND_ZUORD | History of Condition Assignment |
F9HJ | GL Acct. Assignment, Int. Acc./Def. |
F9HL | Bal.Sheet Prep. BCA - GL |
F9HLDAUTH | BCA: Authorization Amts for Holds |
F9HLDREL | Release Holds requiring Dual Control |
F9HO | GL Control for Legacy Data |
F9HRVA | Post Individual Value Adjustment |
F9HRVA_MT | Indiv. Val. Adjst. Proposal List |
F9H_GLCUST | Check General Ledger Customizing |
F9H_GLDATA | Comparison of FI Data with BCA |
F9H_GL_OLD | GL Control for Legacy Data |
F9I1 | Create Payment Order - External |
F9I1PLAN | Create Planned Order Externally |
F9I2 | Create Payment Order - Internal |
F9I2PLAN | Create Planned Order Internally |
F9I3 | Display Payment Order |
F9I3PLAN | Display Planned Order |
F9I4 | Create Payment Item |
F9I7 | Display Payment Item |
F9I8 | Postprocess Payment Item |
F9I9 | Edit Payment Order (General) |
F9I9PLAN | General Processing of Planned Order |
F9IA | Release Payment Order |
F9IAPLAN | Release Planned Payment Order |
F9IB | Release Payment Item |
F9IC | Create Payment Order Former Account |
F9ID | BCA: CpD Editing of Payment Item |
F9IE | Create Payment Item Former Account |
F9IF | BCA: CpD Display of Payment Item |
F9IG | Reverse Payment Item |
F9IH | BCA: Maintain Trans. Type Offsett.Ps |
F9II | Return Payment Item |
F9IJ | Edit Payment Item |
F9IK | Create Return Payment Order |
F9IL | Create Planned Item |
F9IM | Delete Planned Item |
F9IN | Display Planned Items |
F9INDCOND | Release Individual Conditions |
F9INDCONDDELREL | Release Individual Conditions |
F9INDCONDDISP | Display Individual Conditions |
F9INDIV | Display Individual conditions |
F9IO | Post Planned item |
F9IP | Planned items |
F9IQPLAN | Delete Planned Order |
F9ITAUTH | BCA: Amount Authorization for Item |
F9IUPLAN | Post Planned Orders |
F9IVPLAN | Planned Orders - Application Log |
F9J0 | Display Application Log |
F9J1 | Reconcile with Legacy System |
F9K1 | Create Account |
F9K2 | Change account |
F9K3 | Display Account |
F9KAC | Release Account Closure |
F9KD | Account Closure |
F9KE | Application Log Account Closure |
F9KG | Release Limits |
F9KGDEL | Delete Limits |
F9KGDISP | Limit Overview |
F9KH | Release Currency Changeovers |
F9KHDEL | Delete Currency Changeovers |
F9KMOC | Change business partner |
F9KOVRDISP | Tolerated Overdraft: Display |
F9KOVRN | Tolerated Overdraft: Notification |
F9KOVRR | Tolerated Overdraft: New Run |
F9KY | Close Account |
F9L! | Display Assignm- Bank Area-Cond.Area |
F9L( | Change Function-Trans.Type Assignm. |
F9L) | Display Function-Trans.Type Assign. |
F9L+ | Display Condition Area Settings |
F9L, | Master Data Settings |
F9L. | Customizing: IMG Bank Customer Accts |
F9L0 | Settings for Additional Development |
F9L1 | Create Posting Category Assignment |
F9L2 | Change Posting Category Assignment |
F9L3 | Display Posting Category Assignment |
F9L4 | Posting Date for Closing in Dialog |
F9L5 | Create Transaction Type Categories |
F9L6 | Change Transaction Type Categories |
F9L7 | Display Transaction Type Categories |
F9L8 | Create Medium Categories |
F9L9 | Change Medium Categories |
F9L= | Create Condition Area Settings |
F9L? | Change Condition Area Settings |
F9LA | Display Medium Categories |
F9LB | Create Item Counters |
F9LBDT | Development in BDT Environment |
F9LC | Change Item Counters |
F9LD | Display Item Counters |
F9LE | Create Transaction-Category Assignm. |
F9LF | Change Transaction-Category Assignm. |
F9LG | Dsiplay Transaction-Category Assign. |
F9LH | Create Medium-Category Assignment |
F9LI | Change Medium-Category Assignment |
F9LJ | Display Medium-Category Assignment |
F9LK | Create Item Counter Determination |
F9LL | Change Item Counter Determination |
F9LM | Display Item Counter Determination |
F9LN | Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment |
F9LO | Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment |
F9LP | Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment |
F9LQ | Create Dispatch Expense Counter |
F9LR | Change Dispatch Expense Counter |
F9LS | Display Dispatch Expense Counter |
F9LT | Country Setting for IBAN |
F9LTC | Fixing Fixed-Term Deposits |
F9LU | Payment Notes for Returns |
F9LV | Bank Area-Independent Settings, Text |
F9LW | Create Trivial Amount |
F9LX | Change Trivial Amount |
F9LY | Display Trivial Amount |
F9LZ | Create Bk.Area-Cond.Area Assignment |
F9M01 | S Table: Field Status Maintenance |
F9M02 | Table: Function Variant Maintenance |
F9M03 | Assign Function Variants |
F9M04 | Field Groups per Object |
F9M05 | Field Status per Activity |
F9M06 | Field Status per Document Type |
F9M1 | Bank Customer Accounts: Settings |
F9M2 | Business Partner: Settings |
F9M3 | Relationships: Settings |
F9M4 | Settings Payment Transactions |
F9M5 | Condition Settings |
F9MA | Check Digit Procedure |
F9MAA | Default Value Transaction Type |
F9MAB | Default Media |
F9MAC | Default Payment Methods |
F9MAD | Alternative Currency Key |
F9MARCH | Archiving: Period Maintenance |
F9MB | Bank Area |
F9MBC | Currency changeover |
F9MBD | Currency changeover |
F9MBENCH | Performance BCA |
F9MBP | Permitted Products per Bank Area |
F9MC | Assignment of Check Digit Procedure |
F9MD | Parameters for Modulo Procedure |
F9ME | Assignm. Check Dig.Proced.->Bank Key |
F9MEMPOBJM | Table Mainten. Obj.Meth. Empl.Accts. |
F9MF | Bank Area: Accounts Payment Trans. |
F9MG | To Delete: Blocking Functions |
F9MH | Settings for Hierarchies (General) |
F9MHCC | Settings for Cash Concentration |
F9MI | Formats for Application of Funds |
F9MJ | Assignment Inverse Trans. Type |
F9MJUMP | Table Maintenance Jump |
F9MK | Notification of Returns |
F9ML | Open BCA Events |
F9MM | Assignm. Medium/Pay.Meth. to Process |
F9MMETHOD | Table Maintenance Methods |
F9MN | Bank Customer Accounts |
F9MO | Bank Area-Independent Settings |
F9MOBJECT | Table Maintenance Objects |
F9MOBJMETH | Table Mainten. Obj.-Meth. Assignment |
F9MP | Media Maintenance |
F9MPAYM | External Payment Transactions |
F9MQ | Maintain functions |
F9MR | Transaction Types Maintenance |
F9MREPOBJM | Table Maint. Object Meth.Perio.Tasks |
F9MS | Function Groups Maintenance |
F9MT | Locking Reasons Maintenance |
F9MU | Acct.Type->Funct.Groups Maintenance |
F9MV | Document Type Maintenance |
F9MX | S Table: Field Status Maintenance |
F9MY | S Table: Transaction Maintenance |
F9MZ | S Table: Buttons to Hide Maintenance |
F9N1 | Create Bank Statements |
F9N10 | Overview End of Day Processing |
F9N11 | Start End-of-Day Processing |
F9N12 | Overview of Current Mass Runs |
F9N13 | Accts. Blocked by Single Balancing |
F9N14 | Duplicate Creation Bk.State. Restart |
F9N15 | Duplicate Creation Single Run |
F9N16 | Balance Notification Mass Run |
F9N17 | Balance Notification Single Run |
F9N18 | Restart Balance Notification |
F9N19 | Balance Notification Application Log |
F9N2 | Change Definition Posting Categories |
F9N3 | Application Log Bank Statement |
F9N4 | Restart - Bank Statement |
F9N6 | Posting Date for Balancing as Batch |
F9N7 | Bank Statement - Single Account |
F9N8 | List of Accounts in End of Day Proc. |
F9N9 | Bank Statement - Duplicate Creation |
F9NA | S Table: Funct. Variant Maintenance |
F9NARCH | Archiving Bank Statements |
F9NB | Text Symbol Maintenance |
F9NC | Processes in BCA |
F9NCHAIN | Start End-of-Day Processing |
F9ND | Assgmt Processes -> GL Processes |
F9NTC4 | Amount Notice: Mass Release |
F9NTC5 | Correct Available Balance Series |
F9NTC_LOG_RELEASE | Application Log Notices |
F9O01 | Change stand. order |
F9O02 | Change stand. order |
F9O03 | Display Standing Order |
F9O43 | Release Standing Order |
F9O6 | Delete stand. order |
F9O61 | Confirm Standing Order Deletion |
F9OA | Standing Order: Display Applic. Log |
F9OF | Create Foreign Payment Order |
F9OFPLAN | Create Plannned Order - Foreign |
F9OG | Post Standing Order |
F9OGPAR | Post Standing Order Packages |
F9OH | Postprocess Payment Order |
F9OI | Reverse Payment Order |
F9PEXDE1 | Create EFT |
F9PEXDE4 | Application Log of Outgoing PT |
F9PEXDE5 | EFT File Overview of Incoming PT |
F9PINDE1 | Import EFT |
F9PINDE2 | Restart: Import EFT |
F9PINDE3 | Reversal Run for Incoming PT |
F9PINDE4 | Application Log for Incoming PT |
F9PINDE5 | EFT File Overview of Incoming PT |
F9POAUTH | BCA: Authorization Group Order |
F9POWFCU | Assign Workflow Tasks Acct Mgmt |
F9S1 | CA Control: Applications |
F9S18 | CA Control: Activities |
F9S19 | CA Control: Field Mod. per Activity |
F9S2 | CA Control: Field Groups |
F9S3 | CA Control: Views |
F9S4 | CA Control: Sections |
F9S5 | CA Control: Screens |
F9S6 | CA Control: Screen Sequences |
F9S7 | CA Control: Events |
F9S8 | CA Control: CUA Standard Functions |
F9S9 | CA Control: CUA Additional Functions |
F9SA | CA Control: Matchcode |
F9SB | CA Control: Assign. Scr.Field->DBFld |
F9SC | CA Control: Field Modific. Criteria |
F9SD | CA Control: Products |
F9SE | CA Control: Product Group |
F9SF | CA Control: Application Transactions |
F9SH | CA Control: Tables |
F9SI | PAIT Control: Field Groups |
F9SIMMINDEP | Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Independt |
F9SJ | Condition Control: Field Groups |
F9SK | Cond.Control: Assign.Sc.Fld.->DB Fld |
F9SL | Cond.Control: Assign. Table<->FuMod. |
F9SM | Position Control: Field Groups |
F9SN | PAIT Control: Scrn.Fld. <-> DB Field |
F9SO | Position Control: Scrn.Fld.->DB Fld. |
F9SOAUTH | BCA: Authorization Group Order |
F9SOCC | Standing Order Currency Changeover |
F9SP | Position Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod. |
F9SQ | PAIT Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod. |
F9SR | PAOR Control: Field Groups |
F9SS | PAOR Control: Scrn.Fld.<-> DB Field |
F9SS1 | Qualifier of Payment Notes |
F9SSNRKREIS | Number Range Maintenance: BKK_PYNOT |
F9ST | PAOR Control: Table <-> Func. Mod. |
F9SX | BCA Control: External Applications |
F9T0 | Archiving Payment Orders |
F9T1 | Delete payment orders |
F9T2 | Reloading Payment Orders |
F9T3 | Reading Payment Order Archives |
F9T4 | Managing Payment Order Archives |
F9T5 | Archiving Standing Orders |
F9T6 | Deleting Standing Orders |
F9T7 | Reloading Standing Orders |
F9T8 | Reading Standing Order Archives |
F9T9 | Administration Stand.Order Archives |
F9TA | Archiving Payment Items |
F9TB | Deleting Payment Items |
F9TC | Reloading Payment Items |
F9TD | Reading Payment Item Archives |
F9TE | Admin.of Payment Items Archives |
F9TF | Archiving Account Balancing Data |
F9TFASTENTRY1 | Create: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit |
F9TFASTENTRY2 | Change: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit |
F9TFASTENTRY3 | Display: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit |
F9TG | Deleting Account Balancing Data |
F9TH | Reloading Account Balancing Data |
F9TI | Reading Act. Balancing Data Archive |
F9TJ | Admin. of Acct.Bal.Data Archives |
F9TK | Archiving Acct.Bal.Detail Data |
F9TL | Deleting Acct.Bal.Detail Data |
F9TM | Reloading Acct. Bal. Detail Data |
F9TN | Reading Acct.Bal.Det.Data Archives |
F9TO | Admin. of Acct.Bal.Det.Dat. Archives |
F9TP | Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures |
F9TQ | Deleting Value Date Trans. Figures |
F9TR | Reloading Value Date Trans. Figures |
F9TRMMINDEP | Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Dependent |
F9TS | Reading Val.Date Trans.Figs.Archives |
F9TT | Admin.of Val.Dt.Trans. Figs.Archives |
F9TU | Archiving conditions |
F9TV | Deleting conditions |
F9TW | Reloading Conditions |
F9TX | Reading Condition Archives |
F9TY | Admin. of Condition Archives |
F9VS | Assignment of Interest Pen. TA Type |
F9VU | Assignment of Interest Pen. TA Type |
F9VW | Preparation of Currency Changeover |
F9Z1 | Changing Default Values |
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sap Tcodes F-01 to F9A*
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