Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sap Tcodes F-01 to F9A*

F-01 Enter Sample Document
F-02 Enter G/L Account Posting
F-03 Clear G/L Account
F-04 Post with Clearing
F-05 Post Foreign Currency Valuation
F-06 Post Incoming Payments
F-07 Post Outgoing Payments
F-18 Payment with Printout
F-19 Reverse Statistical Posting
F-20 Reverse Bill Liability
F-21 Enter Transfer Posting
F-22 Enter Customer Invoice
F-23 Return Bill of Exchange Pmt Request
F-25 Reverse Check/Bill of Exch.
F-26 Incoming Payments Fast Entry
F-27 Enter Customer Credit Memo
F-28 Post Incoming Payments
F-29 Post Customer Down Payment
F-30 Post with Clearing
F-31 Post Outgoing Payments
F-32 Clear Customer
F-33 Post Bill of Exchange Usage
F-34 Post Collection
F-35 Post Forfaiting
F-36 Bill of Exchange Payment
F-37 Customer Down Payment Request
F-38 Enter Statistical Posting
F-39 Clear Customer Down Payment
F-40 Bill of Exchange Payment
F-41 Enter Vendor Credit Memo
F-42 Enter Transfer Posting
F-43 Enter Vendor Invoice
F-44 Clear Vendor
F-46 Reverse Refinancing Acceptance
F-47 Down Payment Request
F-48 Post Vendor Down Payment
F-49 Customer Noted Item
F-51 Post with Clearing
F-52 Post Incoming Payments
F-53 Post Outgoing Payments
F-54 Clear Vendor Down Payment
F-55 Enter Statistical Posting
F-56 Reverse Statistical Posting
F-57 Vendor Noted Item
F-58 Payment with Printout
F-59 Payment Request
F-60 Maintain Table: Posting Periods
F-62 Maintain Table: Exchange Rates
F-63 Park Vendor Invoice
F-64 Park Customer Invoice
F-65 Preliminary Posting
F-66 Park Vendor Credit Memo
F-67 Park Customer Credit Memo
F-90 Acquisition from purchase w. vendor
F-91 Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct
F-92 Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer
F.01 ABAP Report: Financial Statements
F.02 Compact Journal
F.03 Reconciliation
F.04 G/L: Create Foreign Trade Report
F.05 Foreign Currency Valuation
F.06 Foreign Currency Valuation:G/L Assts
F.07 G/L: Balance Carryforward
F.08 G/L: Account Balances
F.09 G/L: Account List
F.0A G/L: FTR Report on Disk
F.0B G/L: Create Z2 to Z4
F.10 G/L: Chart of Accounts
F.11 G/L: General Ledger from Doc.File
F.12 Adv.Retrn for Tax on Sales/Purchases
F.13 Automatic Clearing without Currency
F.14 ABAP/4 Report: Recurring Entries
F.15 ABAP/4 Report: List Recurr.Entries
F.16 ABAP/4 Report: G/L Bal.Carryforward
F.17 ABAP/4 Report: Cust.Bal.Confirmation
F.18 ABAP/4 Report: Vend.Bal.Confirmation
F.19 G/L: Goods/Invoice Received Clearing
F.1A Customer/Vendor Statistics
F.1B Head Office and Branch Index
F.20 A/R: Account List
F.21 A/R: Open Items
F.22 A/R: Open Item Sorted List
F.23 A/R: Account Balances
F.24 A/R: Interest for Days Overdue
F.25 Bill of Exchange List
F.26 A/R: Balance Interest Calculation
F.27 Periodic Account Statements
F.28 Customers: Reset Credit Limit
F.29 A/R: Set Up Info System 1
F.2A A/R Overdue Int.: Post (Without OI)
F.2B A/R Overdue Int.: Post (with OI)
F.2C arr.: w/o postings
F.2D Customrs: FI-SD comparison
F.2E Reconciliation Btwn Affiliated Comps
F.2F Management Acct Group Reconciliation
F.2G Create Account Group Reconcil. G/L
F.2I Document Assignment User Settings
F.2K Manage Templates for Notifications
F.30 A/R: Evaluate Info System
F.31 Credit Management - Overview
F.32 Credit Management - Missing Data
F.33 Credit Management - Brief Overview
F.34 Credit Management - Mass Change
F.35 Credit Master Sheet
F.36 Adv.Ret.on Sls/Pur.Form Printout(DE)
F.37 Adv.rept.tx sls/purch.form print (BE
F.38 Transfer Posting of Deferred Tax
F.39 C FI Maint. table T042Z (BillExcTyp)
F.40 A/P: Account List
F.41 A/P: Open Items
F.42 A/P: Account Balances
F.44 A/P: Balance Interest Calculation
F.45 A/P: Set Up Info System 1
F.46 A/P: Evaluate Info System
F.47 Vendors: calc.of interest on arrears
F.48 Vendors: FI-MM comparison
F.4A arr.: Post (w/o OI)
F.4B arr.: Post(with OI)
F.4C arr.: w/o postings
F.50 G/L: Profitability Segment Adjustmnt
F.51 G/L: Open Items
F.52 G/L: Acct Bal.Interest Calculation
F.53 G/L: Account Assignment Manual
F.54 G/L: Structured Account Balances
F.56 Delete Recurring Entry Documents
F.57 G/L: Delete Sample Documents
F.58 OI Bal.Audit Trail: fr.Document File
F.59 Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Create Extract
F.5A Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Eval.Extract
F.5B Accum.OI Aud.Trail: Create Extract
F.5C Accum.OI Audit Trail: Display Extr.
F.5D G/L: Update Bal. Sheet Adjustment
F.5E G/L: Post Balance Sheet Adjustment
F.5F G/L: Balance Sheet Adjustment Log
F.5G G/L: Subseq.Adjustment(BA/PC) Sp.ErA
F.5I G/L: Adv.Rep.f.Tx on Sls/Purch.w.Jur
F.61 Correspondence: Print Requests
F.62 Correspondence: Print Int.Documents
F.63 Correspondence: Delete Requests
F.64 Correspondence: Maintain Requests
F.65 Correspondence: Print Letters (Cust)
F.66 Correspondence: Print Letters (Vend)
F.70 Bill/Exchange Pmnt Request Dunning
F.71 DME with Disk: B/Excha. Presentation
F.75 Extended Bill/Exchange Information
F.77 C FI Maintain Table T045D
F.78 C FI Maintain Table T045B
F.79 C FI Maintain Table T045G
F.80 Mass Reversal of Documents
F.81 Reverse Posting for Accr./Defer.Docs
F.90 C FI Maintain Table T045F
F.91 C FI Maintain Table T045L
F.92 C FI Maintain T012K (Bill/Exch.)
F.93 Maintain Bill Liability and Rem.Risk
F.97 General Ledger: Report Selection
F.98 Vendors: Report Selection
F.99 Customers: Report Selection
F/LA Create Pricing Report
F/LB Change pricing reports
F/LC Display pricing reports
F/LD Execute pricing reports
F00 SAPoffice: Short Message
F000 Accounting
F010 ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change
F01N Debit Position LO Single Reversal
F01O Vacancy RU single reversal
F01P Accruals/deferrals single reversal
F01Q Debit position MC single reversal
F01R MC settlement single reversal
F01S Reversal of Periodic Postings
F01T Reverse General Contract Accr./Def.
F04N Vendor Foreign Currency Valuation
F05N Customer Foreign Currency Valuation
F06N Foreign Currency Val. (G/L Accounts)
F101 ABAP/4 Reporting: Balance Sheet Adj.
F103 ABAP/4 Reporting: Trnsfr Receivables
F104 ABAP/4 Reporting: Receivables Prov.
F107 FI Valuation Run
F110 Parameters for Automatic Payment
F110S Automatic Scheduling of Payment Prog
F111 Parameters for Payment of PRequest
F11CS Config.TR Display Payment Program
F11CU Config.TR Maintain Payment Program
F13E Automatic Clearing With Currency
F15 F15 Interface
F150 Dunning Run
F48A Document Archiving
F53A Archiving of G/L Accounts
F53V Management of G/L Account Archives
F56A Customer Archiving
F58A Archiving of Vendors
F61A Bank archiving
F64A Transaction Figure Archiving
F66A Archiving of Bank Data Storage
F8+0 Display FI Main Role Definition
F8+1 Maintain FI Main Role Definition
F8+2 Display FI Amount Groups
F8+3 Maintain FI Amount Groups
F8+4 Maintain Account Assignment Groups
F8+5 Maintain General Role Definition
F801 Create Payment Request
F802 Change Payment Request
F803 Display Payment Request
F804 Changes to Payment Requests
F805 Delete Payment Request
F806 Create Payment Request
F807 Change Posted Payment Request
F808 Post Payment Request
F809 Post exchange rate differences
F810 Number Ranges Payment Request
F811 Create Collective Payment Request
F812 Change Collective Payment Request
F813 Delete Collective Payment Request
F814 Reverse Collective Payment Request
F815 Display Collective Payment Request
F816 Reset Reversal Coll. Payt Request
F817 Release Collective Payment Request
F820 Coll. Payment Request Number Ranges
F821 Default Doc. Type for Request Type
F822 Set Automatic Payment Block
F823 Revenue Type/Object Class Assignment
F824 Print Request
F831 Create Recovery Request
F832 Change Recovery Request
F833 Display Recovery Request
F835 Delete Recovery Request
F836 Create Recovery Request
F837 Change Posted Recovery Request
F838 Account Grp/Revenue Type Assignment
F839 Number Range Maintenance: PSOOB
F840 Display Object
F841 Change Object
F842 Create Object
F843 Object Classes
F844 Define Summary Keys
F845 Close Posting Day
F846 Target and Actual Daily Closg Bals
F847 Define Permitted Posting Days
F848 Define Posting Day
F849 Group Responsibility
F850 G/L Account Determination (FM)
F851 Fiscal Year Identification (FM)
F852 Assign Fiscal Year Identification FM
F853 Posting Variants (FM)
F854 Assign Company Code Groups (FM)
F855 Acct Determination Characteristcs FM
F856 Posting Key According to D/C, etc.
F857 Accounts to be Proposed: Requests
F858 Number Range Maintenance: LOTNO
F859 Assign Request Cat. to Number Range
F860 Revenue Types
F861 Revenue Types/Company Code
F862 Revenue Types/Commitment Items
F863 Functions
F864 Processor
F865 Main and Secondary Revenue Types
F866 Activate Check Digits (Cust./Vend.)
F867 Deduction reasons
F868 Define Regions
F869 Where-used list
F870 Posting a Parked Request
F871 Create Payment Request (Local Auth.)
F872 Change Payment Request
F873 Display Payment Request
F874 Release Payment Request
F875 Delete Payment Request
F879 Create Payment Deduction Request
F880 Reverse Deferral
F881 Create Acceptance Request
F882 Change Acceptance Request
F883 Display Acceptance Request
F884 Release Acceptance Request
F885 Delete Acceptance Request
F886 Defer Acceptance Request
F887 Waive Acceptance Order Temporarily
F888 Waive Acceptance Request
F889 Create Acceptance Deduction Request
F890 Reverse Temporary Waiver
F891 Create Clearing Request
F892 Change Clearing Request
F893 Display Clearing Request
F894 Release Clearing Request
F895 Delete Clearing Request
F896 Create Blanket Remainder Clean Up
F899 Bundle Requests
F899R Bundle FI Documents to Request
F8B1 C FI Maintain Table TBKBC
F8B2 C FI Maintain Table TBKCB
F8B3 C FI Maintain Table TBKCR
F8B4 C FI Maintain Table TBKDC
F8B5 C FI Maintain Table TBKLA
F8B6 C FI Maintain Table TBKPD
F8B6N C FI Maintain Table TBKPV
F8B7 C FI Maintain Table TBKSP
F8B8 C FI Maintain Table TBKSR
F8B9 C FI Maintain Tables TBKRL, TBKRLT
F8BA C FI Maintain Append to Table BNKA
F8BB C FI Maintain Include to Table T012K
F8BC C FI Maintain Table TBKFK
F8BD C FI Maintain Table TBKZW
F8BE FI Table Maintenance TBKS, TBKST
F8BF C FI Maintain Table T042Y
F8BG Maintain Global Data for F111
F8BH Inconsistencies T042I and T042Y
F8BI C FI Maintain Table T012-VPAST
F8BI1 Create Variant for RFBIBLK0
F8BJ Maintain Clearing Accts (Rec.Bank)
F8BK Maintain ALE-Compatible Pmnt Methods
F8BL C FI Maintain Table TBKWT
F8BM Maintain numb.range: Payment request
F8BN Corr.Acctg Documents Payment Block
F8BO Payment request archiving
F8BR Levels for Payment Requests
F8BS Detail display of payment requests
F8BT Display Payment Requests
F8BU Create payment runs automatically
F8BV Reversal of Bank-to-Bank Transfers
F8BW Reset Cleared Items: Payt Requests
F8BX Online Payment
F8BZ F111 Customizing
F8M1 Calculate Penalty Surcharge
F8O0 Delete Assignment Cust./Obj/Rev.Type
F8O1 Master Data Objects: Delete Data
F8O2 Control Different Functions
F8O3 Assignment Rounding Units CoCd Var.
F8O4 Document Type/Request Type Assgt
F8O5 Automatic Approval/Posting Control
F8O7 Prepare Archiving of Temp. Waiver
F8O8 Define Workflow Variant AO
F8O9 Assign Workflow Variant
F8P0 Spplt Dnng Proc. Assgt to Dnng Area
F8P1 Change Dnng Proc. Asst to Dnng Area
F8P2 Dunning Block in Customer Line Items
F8P3 Delete Assignment Cust./Rev.Type
F8P4 Delete Customer Execution Data
F8P5 Delete Subldgr Account Preprocessing
F8P6 Assign SL acct to SL prep. program
F8Q1 Create Recurring Payment Request
F8Q2 Create Recurring Acceptance Request
F8Q3 Change Standing Request
F8Q4 Display Standing Request
F8Q5 Release Standing Request
F8Q6 Delete Standing Request
F8Q7 Post Standing Request
F8Q8 Create Posting Documents
F8Q9 Requests from Down Payments
F8R1 Additional Setting Dunn.Procd.for FM
F8R2 Assgmt Dnng Procedure/Dunning Area
F8R3 Display Addtl Sttng Dnnn Prd. FM
F8REL Release of Payment Requests
F8REV Cancellation of Payment Requests
F8V1 Export execution data
F8XX Payment Request No. Ranges KI3-F8BM
F902 Current Settings BCA
F90ABKST Archiving Bank Statements
F90ACFBAL Archiving Balance Carry Forwards
F90AINCAL Archiving Account Balancing Details
F90AITEM Archiving Payment Items
F90AORDER Archiving Payment Orders
F90APECAL Archiving Account Balancing Data
F90ASTORD Archiving Standing Orders
F90ATOTAL Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures
F90_PAR_NUMRG_GENER Set Up Number Range Intervals
F90_PAR_REALLOCATE Program to Create Interval Table
F91LTC Call Fixed-Term Deposits
F92LTC Collection of Fixed-Term Deposits
F93LTC Postprocessing Fixed-Term Deposits
F94LTC Restart Fixed-Term Deposits
F95LTC Pre-notification of Maturity
F960 Application Log Cash Concentration
F961 Application Log FI Transfer
F962 Application Log Balance Sheet Prep.
F963 Appl. log prep.(backdated)
F970 Account Balances
F970_VAL Balance List on Key Date
F971 Account Locks
F972 Overdraft List
F973 Display reconcil. balance list 1
F974 Display reconcil. balance list 2
F975 Compensation statememt daily status
F976 Overview Interest Accrual/Deferral
F977 Correction parked payment items
F978 Reconcil. List: FI Documents
F97A Overview of BCA Reconciliation Keys
F97A1 Reconciliation key detail display
F97AT Audit trail
F97C Internal Reference Accts
F97CURR Acct List for Currency Changeover
F97CX External Reference Accts
F97E Recon. to reconciliation key
F97G Statement FI Document/BCA Posting
F97I Reconciliation BCA /SAP FI Balances
F97J Appl. log prep.(backdated)
F980 Interest Acc/Def Individ. Statement
F982 Edit general conditions
F983 Display General Conditions
F984 Release General Conditions
F984_DR Release Deleted Conditions
F985 Edit Interest Conditions
F986 Display Interest Conditions
F987 Release Interest Conditions
F988 Edit Charge Conditions
F989 Display Charge Conditions
F98A Release Charge Conditions
F98B Edit Value Date Conditions
F98C Display Value Date Donditions
F98D Release Value Date Conditions
F98E Edit Condition Assignment
F98F Display Condition Assignment
F98G Release Condition Assignment
F98R Retroactive Condition Change
F98RK Retroactive Condition Change
F98TM Application Log for Term Control
F98TMAT Application log: mature report
F98TMCOLL Application log: collection report
F98TMPRE Application Log for Pre-notification
F98X Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment
F98Y Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment
F98Z Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment
F991 Mass Acct. Balancing (Int./Charges)
F992 Application Log Account Balancing
F992EX Application Log Acct Balancing EDT
F993 Accrual/Deferral for General Ledger
F994 Application Log Accrual/Deferral
F995 Restart Account Balancing
F996 Single Acct. Balancing (Int./Charge)
F997 Early Mass Account Balancing
F997S Early Individual Account Balancing
F999 Interest scale
F99C Restart Interest Acc./Def.
F99D Preparation Early Account Balancing
F99E Closing: Settled Accounts
F99F Single Acct. Closing: Restart
F99G Check Account Balancing Ext. Data
F99R Create Basic Setting - Conditions
F99S Change Basic Setting Conditions
F99X Display Basic Setting Conditions
F9A0 BCA: Block Checks
F9A1 Create Check
F9A10 Edit Lock
F9A11 Delete Check
F9A12 Creat Check Stack
F9A13 Request Check Stack (Customer)
F9A16 BCA: Delete Stack Creation
F9A18 BCA: Request Checks from Location
F9A19 BCA: Release Check Stack
F9A20 Display Check Stack
F9A21 BCA: Block Check Stack
F9A23 Lift Block
F9A25 BCA: Location Maintenance Pos. Mgmt
F9A26 BCA: Stack Location Settings
F9A4 BCA: Request Check
F9A5 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_ACC_EX
F9A50 Change Check Status
F9A7 BCA: Revoke Check Block
F9A8 Check Locks
F9A9 BCA: Display Checks
F9AUTH Maintain Authorization Groups
F9B1 BCA: Posting cut-off paym. transact.
F9B2 Posting Cut-Off Pay. Trans. Batch
F9B3 User Log Currency Changeover
F9B4 BCA: Report Currency Conversion
F9BA BCA: Authorization Group Items
F9BB BCA: Authorization Group Order
F9BENCH0 Benchmark Payment Transactions
F9BENCH1 Benchmark Account Balancing
F9BENCH10 Benchmark Payt Transactions Online
F9BENCH2 Benchmark Bank Statement
F9BENCHG1 Generate Settings
F9BENCHG2 Generate Pay. Trans. Master Data
F9BENCHG3 Generate Acct. Balanc. Master Data
F9BENCHG4 Generated Postings for Balancing
F9BENCHG4Q Generate Trans.Figures for Balancing
F9BENCHG5 Generate Postings for Online Entry
F9BENCHM0 Monitor Benchmark: Paym. Transaction
F9BENCHM1 Monitor Benchmark: Posted Data
F9BENCHU0 Benchmark: Delete Blocked Items
F9BENCHU1 Benchmark: Reset Account Balancing
F9BENCHU3 Benchmark: Change BKKM2 for Restart
F9BENCHU4 Benchmark: Collect Statistics
F9BENCHU5 Reset Benchmark
F9BENCHV0 Maintain Number Range Parameters
F9BENCHV1 Maintain Global Benchmark Parameters
F9BTEINFO BCA: BTE Info System (P&S)
F9C% Job Distribution on Server
F9C& Interval Size / Balanc. Parall. Mode
F9C( Change Trans.Type Category Assignmt.
F9C) Display Trans.Type Categ. Assignmt.
F9C+ Bank State. Dispatch Type Mainten.
F9C0 Current Account Groupings
F9C0_PAR_DETAIL Par.Process. Item Postings: Detail
F9C0_PAR_MODE Par.Process. Item Postings: General
F9C1 BCA: Blocking Reasons for Checks
F9C10 Maintain Business Transaction Code
F9C11 Maintain Reports End of Day Process.
F9C12 Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc.
F9C2 Position Types Maintenance
F9C3 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_PAORN
F9C4 Authorization types
F9C6 BCA: Field Modification Account Type
F9C7 BCA: Field Modification Activity
F9C9 Condition Groups Per Account Type
F9C= Create Transaction Type Category
F9C? Change Transaction Type Category
F9CA Account Status Enhancements
F9CAA Create Transaction Type Category 2
F9CAB Change Transaction Type Category 2
F9CAC Display Transaction Type Category 2
F9CAD Create Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt
F9CAE Change Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt
F9CAF Display Trans. Type Category 2Assgmt
F9CAPPLREL Relationships Betw. Applic. Types
F9CARCPERIODS Retention Periods
F9CB Old:Allowed Acct.Types per Bank Area
F9CC1 Authorizations for Field Groups
F9CC2 Screen Configuration
F9CCHGRCV Recipient in A-Sentence
F9CD Crete Cond.Cat.<->Diff. Type
F9CE Display Cond.Cat.<-> Diff.Type
F9CF Change Cond Type<->Diff Type
F9CG Create Bank Condition Categories
F9CH Change Bank Condition Categories
F9CI Display Bank Condition Categories
F9CICC Change Compensation Methods
F9CICD Change Compensation Methods
F9CJ Create Differentiation Types
F9CK Change Differentiation Types
F9CL Display Differentiation Types
F9CM Create Condition Group
F9CN Change Condition Groups
F9CO Display Condition Groups
F9COGR1 Create Condition Group
F9COGR2 Edit Condition Group
F9COGR3 Display Condition Group
F9COL1 Correction of SubFinPayt Balance
F9CORRDISPMAP Corresp: Bank Stat Dispatch Mapping
F9CORRMIGRATE Migrate BKK45 Entries
F9CP Create Limit Categories
F9CPP Settings for Parallel Processing
F9CQ Change Limit Categories
F9CR Display Limit Categories
F9CS Create reference limits
F9CSA BCA Ref. Interest Rate Maintenance
F9CSO00 SO: Field Modification Activity
F9CSO01 SO: Field Modification Trans. Type
F9CSO02 SO: Authorization Types
F9CSO03 SO: Authorizations for Field Groups
F9CSO04 SO Cust: Screen Configuration
F9CSO1 SO Control: Applications
F9CSO2 SO Control: Field Groups
F9CSO3 SO Control: Views
F9CSO4 SO Control: Sections
F9CSO5 SO Control: Screens
F9CSO6 SO Control: Screen Sequence
F9CSO7 SO Control: Events
F9CSO8 SO Control: CUA Standard Functions
F9CSO9 SO Control: CUA Additional Functions
F9CSOB SO Ctrl: Assig. ScrnFld->DBfld
F9CSOC SO Control: Field Modificat.Criteria
F9CSOD SO Control: Products
F9CSOE SO Control: Product Group
F9CSOF SO Control: Applic. Transactions
F9CSOH SO Control: Tables
F9CSOI SO Control: Activities
F9CSOJ SO Control: FM per Activity
F9CT Change reference limits
F9CTRNSTYP Maintain Transaction Types
F9CTXTKEY BCA: Maintain Text Key
F9CU Display reference limits
F9CV Principle of Dual Control Limits
F9CX Field Control - Conditions
F9CZ BCA: Guarant. Amounts for Posit.Type
F9C[ Authorization Types for Condiitons
F9C] Position: Authorization Types
F9C` Display Transaction Type Category
F9C{ Authorization Types Payment Items
F9C} Authorization Types Payment Orders
F9D1 Messages
F9DDCC Currency Conversion Dir. Debit Order
F9FOLLOWUP Account Resubmission
F9G1 Create acct holder
F9G2 Change acct holder
F9G3 Display Account Holder
F9G4 Create Authorized Drawer
F9G5 Change Authorized Drawer
F9G6 Display Authorized Drawer
F9G7 Create Account Holder
F9G8 Change Account Holder
F9G9 Display Account Holder
F9GA Create Bank Statement Recipient
F9GB Change Bank Statement Recipient
F9GC Dispaly Bank Statement Recipient
F9GL Display All BP Roles
F9H0 Account Hierarchy Change History
F9H1 Create Account Hierarchy
F9H2 Change Account Hierarchy
F9H3 Display Account Hierarchy
F9H4 Cash Concentration: Single Run
F9H5 Cash Concentration: Restart
F9H6 Cash Concentration: Mass Run
F9H7 Number Range Maintenance: BKK_HYRAR
F9HA GL Variants
F9HB General Ledger Transaction
F9HC General Ledger Group
F9HC4 GL Acct Assgmt, Indiv.Value Adjustmt
F9HC5 GL Acct Assgmt, Indiv.Value Adjustmt
F9HD GL Transfer Posting Group
F9HE GL Acct. Assignment, CA Posted
F9HEWB1 Create Individual Value Adjustment
F9HEWB2 Change Individual Value Adjustment
F9HEWB3 Display Individual Value Adjustment
F9HEWB4 Post Loss on Receivables
F9HG Assignment Trans.Type-GL Transaction
F9HH GL Account Assignment, Parked
F9HI Transfer BCA - GL
F9HIST_KOND_INDIV History of Individual Conditions
F9HIST_KOND_STAND History of Standard Conditions
F9HIST_KOND_ZUORD History of Condition Assignment
F9HJ GL Acct. Assignment, Int. Acc./Def.
F9HL Bal.Sheet Prep. BCA - GL
F9HLDAUTH BCA: Authorization Amts for Holds
F9HLDREL Release Holds requiring Dual Control
F9HO GL Control for Legacy Data
F9HRVA Post Individual Value Adjustment
F9HRVA_MT Indiv. Val. Adjst. Proposal List
F9H_GLCUST Check General Ledger Customizing
F9H_GLDATA Comparison of FI Data with BCA
F9H_GL_OLD GL Control for Legacy Data
F9I1 Create Payment Order - External
F9I1PLAN Create Planned Order Externally
F9I2 Create Payment Order - Internal
F9I2PLAN Create Planned Order Internally
F9I3 Display Payment Order
F9I3PLAN Display Planned Order
F9I4 Create Payment Item
F9I7 Display Payment Item
F9I8 Postprocess Payment Item
F9I9 Edit Payment Order (General)
F9I9PLAN General Processing of Planned Order
F9IA Release Payment Order
F9IAPLAN Release Planned Payment Order
F9IB Release Payment Item
F9IC Create Payment Order Former Account
F9ID BCA: CpD Editing of Payment Item
F9IE Create Payment Item Former Account
F9IF BCA: CpD Display of Payment Item
F9IG Reverse Payment Item
F9IH BCA: Maintain Trans. Type Offsett.Ps
F9II Return Payment Item
F9IJ Edit Payment Item
F9IK Create Return Payment Order
F9IL Create Planned Item
F9IM Delete Planned Item
F9IN Display Planned Items
F9INDCOND Release Individual Conditions
F9INDCONDDELREL Release Individual Conditions
F9INDCONDDISP Display Individual Conditions
F9INDIV Display Individual conditions
F9IO Post Planned item
F9IP Planned items
F9IQPLAN Delete Planned Order
F9ITAUTH BCA: Amount Authorization for Item
F9IUPLAN Post Planned Orders
F9IVPLAN Planned Orders - Application Log
F9J0 Display Application Log
F9J1 Reconcile with Legacy System
F9K1 Create Account
F9K2 Change account
F9K3 Display Account
F9KAC Release Account Closure
F9KD Account Closure
F9KE Application Log Account Closure
F9KG Release Limits
F9KGDEL Delete Limits
F9KGDISP Limit Overview
F9KH Release Currency Changeovers
F9KHDEL Delete Currency Changeovers
F9KMOC Change business partner
F9KOVRDISP Tolerated Overdraft: Display
F9KOVRN Tolerated Overdraft: Notification
F9KOVRR Tolerated Overdraft: New Run
F9KY Close Account
F9L! Display Assignm- Bank Area-Cond.Area
F9L( Change Function-Trans.Type Assignm.
F9L) Display Function-Trans.Type Assign.
F9L+ Display Condition Area Settings
F9L, Master Data Settings
F9L. Customizing: IMG Bank Customer Accts
F9L0 Settings for Additional Development
F9L1 Create Posting Category Assignment
F9L2 Change Posting Category Assignment
F9L3 Display Posting Category Assignment
F9L4 Posting Date for Closing in Dialog
F9L5 Create Transaction Type Categories
F9L6 Change Transaction Type Categories
F9L7 Display Transaction Type Categories
F9L8 Create Medium Categories
F9L9 Change Medium Categories
F9L= Create Condition Area Settings
F9L? Change Condition Area Settings
F9LA Display Medium Categories
F9LB Create Item Counters
F9LBDT Development in BDT Environment
F9LC Change Item Counters
F9LD Display Item Counters
F9LE Create Transaction-Category Assignm.
F9LF Change Transaction-Category Assignm.
F9LG Dsiplay Transaction-Category Assign.
F9LH Create Medium-Category Assignment
F9LI Change Medium-Category Assignment
F9LJ Display Medium-Category Assignment
F9LK Create Item Counter Determination
F9LL Change Item Counter Determination
F9LM Display Item Counter Determination
F9LN Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment
F9LO Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment
F9LP Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment
F9LQ Create Dispatch Expense Counter
F9LR Change Dispatch Expense Counter
F9LS Display Dispatch Expense Counter
F9LT Country Setting for IBAN
F9LTC Fixing Fixed-Term Deposits
F9LU Payment Notes for Returns
F9LV Bank Area-Independent Settings, Text
F9LW Create Trivial Amount
F9LX Change Trivial Amount
F9LY Display Trivial Amount
F9LZ Create Bk.Area-Cond.Area Assignment
F9M01 S Table: Field Status Maintenance
F9M02 Table: Function Variant Maintenance
F9M03 Assign Function Variants
F9M04 Field Groups per Object
F9M05 Field Status per Activity
F9M06 Field Status per Document Type
F9M1 Bank Customer Accounts: Settings
F9M2 Business Partner: Settings
F9M3 Relationships: Settings
F9M4 Settings Payment Transactions
F9M5 Condition Settings
F9MA Check Digit Procedure
F9MAA Default Value Transaction Type
F9MAB Default Media
F9MAC Default Payment Methods
F9MAD Alternative Currency Key
F9MARCH Archiving: Period Maintenance
F9MB Bank Area
F9MBC Currency changeover
F9MBD Currency changeover
F9MBENCH Performance BCA
F9MBP Permitted Products per Bank Area
F9MC Assignment of Check Digit Procedure
F9MD Parameters for Modulo Procedure
F9ME Assignm. Check Dig.Proced.->Bank Key
F9MEMPOBJM Table Mainten. Obj.Meth. Empl.Accts.
F9MF Bank Area: Accounts Payment Trans.
F9MG To Delete: Blocking Functions
F9MH Settings for Hierarchies (General)
F9MHCC Settings for Cash Concentration
F9MI Formats for Application of Funds
F9MJ Assignment Inverse Trans. Type
F9MJUMP Table Maintenance Jump
F9MK Notification of Returns
F9ML Open BCA Events
F9MM Assignm. Medium/Pay.Meth. to Process
F9MMETHOD Table Maintenance Methods
F9MN Bank Customer Accounts
F9MO Bank Area-Independent Settings
F9MOBJECT Table Maintenance Objects
F9MOBJMETH Table Mainten. Obj.-Meth. Assignment
F9MP Media Maintenance
F9MPAYM External Payment Transactions
F9MQ Maintain functions
F9MR Transaction Types Maintenance
F9MREPOBJM Table Maint. Object Meth.Perio.Tasks
F9MS Function Groups Maintenance
F9MT Locking Reasons Maintenance
F9MU Acct.Type->Funct.Groups Maintenance
F9MV Document Type Maintenance
F9MX S Table: Field Status Maintenance
F9MY S Table: Transaction Maintenance
F9MZ S Table: Buttons to Hide Maintenance
F9N1 Create Bank Statements
F9N10 Overview End of Day Processing
F9N11 Start End-of-Day Processing
F9N12 Overview of Current Mass Runs
F9N13 Accts. Blocked by Single Balancing
F9N14 Duplicate Creation Bk.State. Restart
F9N15 Duplicate Creation Single Run
F9N16 Balance Notification Mass Run
F9N17 Balance Notification Single Run
F9N18 Restart Balance Notification
F9N19 Balance Notification Application Log
F9N2 Change Definition Posting Categories
F9N3 Application Log Bank Statement
F9N4 Restart - Bank Statement
F9N6 Posting Date for Balancing as Batch
F9N7 Bank Statement - Single Account
F9N8 List of Accounts in End of Day Proc.
F9N9 Bank Statement - Duplicate Creation
F9NA S Table: Funct. Variant Maintenance
F9NARCH Archiving Bank Statements
F9NB Text Symbol Maintenance
F9NC Processes in BCA
F9NCHAIN Start End-of-Day Processing
F9ND Assgmt Processes -> GL Processes
F9NTC4 Amount Notice: Mass Release
F9NTC5 Correct Available Balance Series
F9NTC_LOG_RELEASE Application Log Notices
F9O01 Change stand. order
F9O02 Change stand. order
F9O03 Display Standing Order
F9O43 Release Standing Order
F9O6 Delete stand. order
F9O61 Confirm Standing Order Deletion
F9OA Standing Order: Display Applic. Log
F9OF Create Foreign Payment Order
F9OFPLAN Create Plannned Order - Foreign
F9OG Post Standing Order
F9OGPAR Post Standing Order Packages
F9OH Postprocess Payment Order
F9OI Reverse Payment Order
F9PEXDE4 Application Log of Outgoing PT
F9PEXDE5 EFT File Overview of Incoming PT
F9PINDE2 Restart: Import EFT
F9PINDE3 Reversal Run for Incoming PT
F9PINDE4 Application Log for Incoming PT
F9PINDE5 EFT File Overview of Incoming PT
F9POAUTH BCA: Authorization Group Order
F9POWFCU Assign Workflow Tasks Acct Mgmt
F9S1 CA Control: Applications
F9S18 CA Control: Activities
F9S19 CA Control: Field Mod. per Activity
F9S2 CA Control: Field Groups
F9S3 CA Control: Views
F9S4 CA Control: Sections
F9S5 CA Control: Screens
F9S6 CA Control: Screen Sequences
F9S7 CA Control: Events
F9S8 CA Control: CUA Standard Functions
F9S9 CA Control: CUA Additional Functions
F9SA CA Control: Matchcode
F9SB CA Control: Assign. Scr.Field->DBFld
F9SC CA Control: Field Modific. Criteria
F9SD CA Control: Products
F9SE CA Control: Product Group
F9SF CA Control: Application Transactions
F9SH CA Control: Tables
F9SI PAIT Control: Field Groups
F9SIMMINDEP Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Independt
F9SJ Condition Control: Field Groups
F9SK Cond.Control: Assign.Sc.Fld.->DB Fld
F9SL Cond.Control: Assign. Table<->FuMod.
F9SM Position Control: Field Groups
F9SN PAIT Control: Scrn.Fld. <-> DB Field
F9SO Position Control: Scrn.Fld.->DB Fld.
F9SOAUTH BCA: Authorization Group Order
F9SOCC Standing Order Currency Changeover
F9SP Position Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.
F9SQ PAIT Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.
F9SR PAOR Control: Field Groups
F9SS PAOR Control: Scrn.Fld.<-> DB Field
F9SS1 Qualifier of Payment Notes
F9SSNRKREIS Number Range Maintenance: BKK_PYNOT
F9ST PAOR Control: Table <-> Func. Mod.
F9SX BCA Control: External Applications
F9T0 Archiving Payment Orders
F9T1 Delete payment orders
F9T2 Reloading Payment Orders
F9T3 Reading Payment Order Archives
F9T4 Managing Payment Order Archives
F9T5 Archiving Standing Orders
F9T6 Deleting Standing Orders
F9T7 Reloading Standing Orders
F9T8 Reading Standing Order Archives
F9T9 Administration Stand.Order Archives
F9TA Archiving Payment Items
F9TB Deleting Payment Items
F9TC Reloading Payment Items
F9TD Reading Payment Item Archives
F9TE Admin.of Payment Items Archives
F9TF Archiving Account Balancing Data
F9TFASTENTRY1 Create: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit
F9TFASTENTRY2 Change: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit
F9TFASTENTRY3 Display: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit
F9TG Deleting Account Balancing Data
F9TH Reloading Account Balancing Data
F9TI Reading Act. Balancing Data Archive
F9TJ Admin. of Acct.Bal.Data Archives
F9TK Archiving Acct.Bal.Detail Data
F9TL Deleting Acct.Bal.Detail Data
F9TM Reloading Acct. Bal. Detail Data
F9TN Reading Acct.Bal.Det.Data Archives
F9TO Admin. of Acct.Bal.Det.Dat. Archives
F9TP Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures
F9TQ Deleting Value Date Trans. Figures
F9TR Reloading Value Date Trans. Figures
F9TRMMINDEP Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Dependent
F9TS Reading Val.Date Trans.Figs.Archives
F9TT Admin.of Val.Dt.Trans. Figs.Archives
F9TU Archiving conditions
F9TV Deleting conditions
F9TW Reloading Conditions
F9TX Reading Condition Archives
F9TY Admin. of Condition Archives
F9VS Assignment of Interest Pen. TA Type
F9VU Assignment of Interest Pen. TA Type
F9VW Preparation of Currency Changeover
F9Z1 Changing Default Values

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