FR01 | Change original commitments |
FR02 | Display original commitments |
FR04 | Change original payments |
FR05 | Display original payments |
FR07 | Change Release for Commitment Bdgt |
FR08 | Display Release Commitments |
FR10 | Change Release for Payment Bdgt |
FR11 | Display Release Payments |
FR15 | Change Supplement Commitments |
FR16 | Display Supplement Commitments |
FR19 | Change Supplement Payments |
FR20 | Display Supplement Payments |
FR23 | Change Return Commitments |
FR24 | Display Return Commitments |
FR27 | Change Return Payments |
FR28 | Display Return Payments |
FR50 | Enter Original Budget |
FR51 | Enter Release |
FR52 | Enter Supplement |
FR53 | Enter Return |
FR54 | Distribute Original Budget |
FR55 | Distribute Release |
FR56 | Distribute Supplement |
FR57 | Distribute Return |
FR58 | Post |
FR59 | Change document |
FR60 | Display Document |
FR61 | Park Original Budget |
FR62 | Park Release |
FR63 | Park Supplement |
FR64 | Park Return |
FR65 | Park Original Budget Distribution |
FR66 | Park Release Distribution |
FR67 | Park Supplement Distribution |
FR68 | Park Return Distribution |
FR69 | Park Transfer |
FR70 | Post Parked Document |
FR71 | Cancel Parked Document |
FR72 | Display Parked Document |
FR73 | Change Parked Document |
FR81 | Loc.Auth.: Budget Reduction |
FR86 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Residual Budget |
FR87 | Distribute Budget Types with Release |
FR88 | FM: Loc.Auth.: Mass Release |
FR89 | Reverse Document |
FR90 | Loc.auth: Distribute budget types |
FR91 | Loc.Auth.: Transfer with auto. rel. |
FR92 | Reconstruction of Release Groups |
FRACTIV | Activate Subdivision |
FRC0 | Display Profit Center -> FM AcctAss. |
FRC1 | Maintain Cost Element -> FM Act Asgt |
FRC2 | Display Cost Element -> FM Acct Asgt |
FRC3 | Maintain Cost Center -> FM Act Asgmt |
FRC4 | Display Cost Center -> FM Acct Asgmt |
FRC5 | Maintain Order -> FM Acct Assgmnt |
FRC6 | Display Order -> FM Acct Assgmnt |
FRC7 | Maintain WBS Element -> FM Act Asgmt |
FRC8 | Display WBS Element -> FM Acct Asgmt |
FRC9 | Maintain Profit Center -> FM ActAsgt |
FRCA | Settlement calendar |
FRCISUB1 | Process Substring1 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB1_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring1 Group |
FRCISUB2 | Process Substring2 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB2_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring2 Group |
FRCISUB3 | Process Substring3 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB3_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring3 Group |
FRCISUB4 | Process Substring4 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB4_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring4 Group |
FRCISUB5 | Process Substring5 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB5_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring5 Group |
FRD1 | Maintain G/L Account -> Commt Item |
FRD2 | Display G/L Account -> Commt Item |
FRE01 | Initial transmission of Data to F&R |
FRE02 | Transfer changed data to F&R |
FRE03 | Transfer Time Series Data |
FRE04 | Transfer Open Orders to F&R |
FRE05 | Transfer changed sal. price to F&R |
FRE10 | Transfer Reference Site to F&R |
FRE11 | Initial DIF occurrence transmission |
FRE12 | Delta DIF occurrence transmission |
FRE13 | Delete for DIF occurrence |
FRE14 | Transfer of reference assignm data |
FRE15 | Deletion of reference data |
FRE20 | Update procurement cycles |
FRE21 | Upd. assignment of initial buy check |
FRE22 | Upd. assignment of central PO cal. |
FRE23 | upd. repl. block. after cust. change |
FRE24 | Logistical Rounding Delta |
FRE25 | Processing Methods Delta |
FRE27 | Transfer structured Materials to F&R |
FRE30 | Maintenance of Table FRE_MD_PRODUCT |
FRE31 | Maintenance of Interface Tables MD4 |
FRE32 | Calculate planned delivery time |
FRE33 | Deletion of consumption data |
FRE34 | Maintenance of Table FRE_OP_PO_KEY |
FRE80 | No. Range Maintnce: FRE_PROCYC |
FRE81 | No. Range Maintnce: FRE_DIFREF |
FRE_UI | User Interface for F&R Messages |
FRFCSUB1 | Process Substring1 Fund Center |
FRFCSUB1_SET | Create Funds Center Substring1 Group |
FRFCSUB2 | Process Substring2 Fund Center |
FRFCSUB2_SET | Create Funds Center Substring2 Group |
FRFCSUB3 | Process Substring3 Fund Center |
FRFCSUB3_SET | Create Funds Center Substring3 Group |
FRFDSUB1 | Process Substring1 Fund |
FRFDSUB1_SET | Create Fund Substring1 Group |
FRFDSUB2 | Process Substring2 Fund |
FRFDSUB2_SET | Create Fund Substring2 Group |
FRFNSUB1 | Process Substring1 Functional Area |
FRFNSUB1_SET | Create Func. Area Substring1 Group |
FRFNSUB2 | Process Substring2 Functional Area |
FRFNSUB2_SET | Create Func. Area Substring2 Group |
FRFNSUB3 | Process Substring3 Functional Area |
FRFNSUB3_SET | Create Func. Area Substring3 Group |
FRFT | Rapid Entry with Repetitive Code |
FRFT2 | Repetitive fast entry form |
FRFT_B | Repetitive Codes: Payment to Banks |
FRFT_TR | Repetitives: Payment Treasury Partnr |
FRH1 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Budget Release |
FRH2 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Local Block |
FRH5 | No longer used |
FRH6 | Create Release Group Profile |
FRH7 | Transfer of Residl Bdgts from CoverP |
FRHU2 | Random creation of HUs |
FRML02 | Edit Formula |
FRML03 | Display Formula |
FRML04 | Formula Information System |
FRMLC01 | Customizing: Formula Level Assignmt |
FRMLC02 | Customiz.: Formula Conversion Assig. |
FRMLC03 | Custom.: Check Function/Level Assig. |
FRMLC04 | Custom.: General Environment Param. |
FRMLC05 | Customizing: Composition Display |
FRMLC06 | Customizing for Units of Measurement |
FRMLC07 | Customiz.: Substance Types per View |
FRMLC08 | Customizing Status |
FRMLC13 | Specify Field Attributes |
FRMLC30 | Customizing Formula Tables Layout |
FRMLC35 | Customizing for Key Figures |
FRMLC43 | Set/Activate Customizing Views |
FRMLC47 | Customizing Assignmt ChkMod./ F.Lev. |
FRMLC49 | Roles for Events |
FRMLC50 | Roles for Events (Explosion) |
FRMLC51 | Customizing Component for Event |
FRMLC52 | Set Parameters for Formula View |
FRMLC53 | Parameters for Explosion Scope |
FRMLC60 | Customizing User Exits OPEN / CLOSE |
FRMN | Credit Management |
FRSTRID | Define Subdivision |
FRSUBDIV | Define Substrings |
FS00 | G/L acct master record maintenance |
FS00001 | Create Business Partner |
FS00002 | Change Business Partner |
FS00003 | Display Business Partner |
FS00101 | Create Business Partner Customer |
FS00102 | Change Business Partner Customer |
FS00103 | Display Business Partner Customer |
FS01 | Create Master Record |
FS02 | Change Master Record |
FS02CORE | Maintain G/L account |
FS03 | Display Master Record |
FS04 | G/L Account Changes (Centrally) |
FS05 | Block Master Record |
FS06 | Mark Master Record for Deletion |
FS10 | G/L Account Balance |
FS10N | Balance Display |
FS10NA | Display Balances |
FS15 | Copy G/L account changes: Send |
FS16 | Copy G/L account changes: Receive |
FSAA | Display Address for Bal.Confirmatns |
FSAP | Addresses for Balance Confirmations |
FSAV | Balance Confirmations: Reply View |
FSBP_TC_CUST_CHECK | Check Consistency of Customizing |
FSBP_TC_SHOW | Display Total Commitment |
FSBP_TC_STATUS | Change Status of Total Commitment |
FSCD | Change Document List |
FSCDEXPIRY1 | Create Expiry Notes |
FSCPAR01 | FI-CA: Bal. Int. Calc. Archiving |
FSCPBAC | Acct Balance Interest Notification |
FSCPBAH | Balance Interest Calculation History |
FSCPI1 | Balance Interest Calculation Run |
FSCQAR01A | FI-CA Bal. Int. Cal. Arch. Runtime |
FSCQAR01B | Activate AS for Bal. Int. Cal. Arch. |
FSCQS000 | Acct Determ. for Receivables Accts |
FSCQS001 | Acct Determination: Revenue Accounts |
FSCQS082 | Specifs for Bal. Int. Calculation |
FSCQS100 | Payment Media ID for Appl. Forms |
FSCQS400 | Specs for Bal. Int. Calc. Reset |
FSE2 | Change Financial Statement Version |
FSE3 | Display Financial Statement Version |
FSE5N | Maintain Planning |
FSE6N | Display Planning |
FSE7 | Maint.Fin.Statemnt Forgn Lang.Texts |
FSE8 | Display Forgn Lang Fin.Statmnt Texts |
FSE9 | Automatic Financial Statement Form |
FSEPA_M1 | SEPA: Create Mandate |
FSEPA_M2 | SEPA: Change Mandate |
FSEPA_M3 | SEPA: Display Mandate |
FSEPA_M3_LUW | SEPA: Display Mandate (in new LUW) |
FSEPA_M4 | SEPA: List Mandates |
FSF1 | Financial Calendar |
FSH01 | Flight Scheduling : Master Data |
FSH01N | Flight Scheduling : Master Data |
FSH02 | Flight Scheduling : Detail Data |
FSH02N | Flight Scheduling : Detail Data |
FSI0 | Execute report |
FSI1 | Create Report |
FSI2 | Change Report |
FSI3 | Display Report |
FSI4 | Create Form |
FSI5 | Change Form |
FSI6 | Display Form |
FSIB | Background processing |
FSIC | Maintain Currency Translation Type |
FSIG | Balance Sheet Reports Criteria Group |
FSIK | Maintain Key Figures |
FSIM | Report Monitor |
FSIO | Transport reports |
FSIP | Transport forms |
FSIQ | Import reports from client 000 |
FSIR | Import forms from client 000 |
FSIT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. |
FSIV | Maintain Global Variable |
FSIX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
FSIY | Reorganize report data |
FSIZ | Reorganize forms |
FSK2 | Maintain Sample Rules |
FSK2_OLD | Maintain Sample Rules |
FSL_EVALUNR | Number Range Maintenance: SL_EVALU |
FSL_VALU_NR | Number Range Maint.: SL Valuation |
FSM1 | Create Sample Account |
FSM2 | Change Sample Account |
FSM3 | Display Sample Account |
FSM4 | Sample Account Changes |
FSM5 | Delete Sample Account |
FSMN | |
FSO2 | Change Finan.Statement Vers. (old) |
FSO3 | Display Finan.Statement Vers. (Old) |
FSP0 | G/L acct master record in chrt/accts |
FSP1 | Create Master Record in Chart/Accts |
FSP2 | Change Master Record in Chart/Accts |
FSP3 | Display Master Record in Chart/Accts |
FSP4 | G/L Account Changes in Chart/Accts |
FSP5 | Block Master Record in Chart/Accts |
FSP6 | Mark Mast.Rec.for Chart/Accts |
FSRD | Loans Regulatory Reporting CH |
FSRG | Money Mkt Regulatory Reporting CH |
FSRW | Securities Regulatory Reporting CH |
FSS0 | G/L account master record in co code |
FSS1 | Create Master Record in Company Code |
FSS2 | Change Master Record in Company Code |
FSS3 | Display Master Record in Comp.Code |
FSS4 | G/L Account Changes in Company Code |
FSSA | Display Bal.Confirmatns Sel.Criteria |
FSSP | Change Bal.Confirmatns Sel.Criteria |
FST2 | Maintain Account Name |
FST3 | Display Account Name |
FS_BUT021 | Data Transfer to but021_fs |
FT10002 | Create Treasury partner |
FT10003 | Create Treasury partner |
FTB01001 | Create Principal Loan Partner |
FTB01002 | Change Principal Loan Partner |
FTB01003 | Display Principal Loan Partner |
FTB01501 | Create Issuer |
FTB01502 | Change issuer |
FTB01503 | Display issuer |
FTB01511 | Create Counterparty |
FTB01512 | Change Counterparty |
FTB01513 | Display Counterparty |
FTB01521 | Create Depository Bank |
FTB01522 | Create Depository Bank |
FTB01523 | Create Depository Bank |
FTB01531 | Create Paying Bank |
FTB01532 | Create Paying Bank |
FTB01533 | Create Paying Bank |
FTB01541 | Create Beneficiary |
FTB01542 | Create Beneficiary |
FTB01543 | Create Beneficiary |
FTB02001 | Create Guarantor |
FTB02002 | Display Guarantor |
FTB02003 | Display Guarantor |
FTB02021 | Create Different Settler |
FTB02022 | Display Different Settler |
FTB02023 | Display Different Settler |
FTBP1 | Create business partner |
FTBP2 | Create business partner |
FTBP3 | Create business partner |
FTEX | Exp.bill.doc.analysis |
FTGR | Import Gds Receipt Analysis |
FTIM | Import Order Analysis |
FTLC_TBSCOP | SAPscript: Standard Texts |
FTR01 | Maintain Number Ranges |
FTR02 | Bill of Exchange List |
FTR03 | Bill of Exchange Transactions |
FTR04 | Reversal of Bill Transactions |
FTR05 | Printout of Transaction Records |
FTR06 | Inflation Adj. of Monetary Items |
FTRCL | Closing of Expense Accounts |
FTRSL | G/L Account Balances |
FTRSLK | Expense Account Balances |
FTRUE | Cost of Sales Statement |
FTR_00 | Collective Processing |
FTR_ALERT | Financial Transaction: Alert Monitor |
FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST00 | Min. retent. period FTR CoCd depend. |
FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST01 | Min.ret.period FTR per product type |
FTR_ARCH_W | Fin. transaction: Create archive |
FTR_BAPI | BAPI Test Program |
FTR_CREATE | Create a Transaction (TR-TM) |
FTR_C_MENU | Transaction: Task Menu |
FTR_DEALPOS | Dealer Position |
FTR_DISPLAY | Transaction Display |
FTR_EDIT | Process a Treasury Transaction |
FTR_OPEN_TRTM_INIT | Update: Open TRTM Components |
FTR_SHOW | Display Treasury Tables |
FTR_XI_MAP_FXLEG | Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data |
FTR_XI_MAP_FXOPTION | Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data |
FTR_XI_MAP_FXSWAP | Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data |
FTR_XI_MAP_GEN | Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data |
FTUS | Foreign Trade: Maintain User Data |
FTW0 | Tax data retention and reporting |
FTW1A | Extract Data |
FTWA | Extract data |
FTWB | Retrieve archived data |
FTWC | Merge extracts |
FTWCF | Field catalog |
FTWCS | Segment catalog |
FTWD | Verify data extract checksums |
FTWE | Verify control totals (FI documents) |
FTWE1 | Verify all FI control totals |
FTWF | Data extract browser |
FTWH | Data view queries |
FTWI | Create background job |
FTWJ | Clear data retrieved from archives |
FTWK | Delete extracts |
FTWL | Display extract log |
FTWM | Rebuild data extract |
FTWN | Display view query log |
FTWP | Settings for data extraction |
FTWQ | Configure data file data segments |
FTWR | File size worksheet |
FTWS | Transport configuration and logs |
FTWW | List segment information |
FTWX | Data file view authority groups |
FTWY | Maintain data file view |
FTWYR | DART: Maintain Segment Relationships |
FTXA | Display Tax Code |
FTXP | Maintain Tax Code |
FT_PULL_FILES | Upload Customs Data |
FV02 | Reverse Correction Items |
FV08 | Reverse input tax treatment run |
FV11 | Create condition |
FV12 | Change condition |
FV13 | Display condition |
FV50 | Park G/L Account Items |
FV50L | Park G/L Acct Doc. for Ledger Group |
FV53 | Display Parked G/L Account Document |
FV60 | Park Incoming Invoices |
FV63 | Displayed Parked Vendor Document |
FV65 | Park Incoming Invoices |
FV70 | Enter Outgoing Invoices |
FV73 | Display Parked Customer Document |
FV75 | Park Outgoing Credit Notes |
FVBTEP | BTE Process Text Module for RE |
FVCP | Copy Program for Form Variants |
FVD_CORR_DOCFINDER | FS CML - Document Finder |
FVD_CORR_HISTORY | Display Correspondence History |
FVD_CORR_PRINT_LOG | Appl. Log for Correspond. Print Run |
FVD_CORR_PRINT_START | Start Correspondence Print Run |
FVE3 | Foreign Exchange Valuation |
FVE4 | Quotation Currency Conversion |
FVE7 | Reverse Forex Valuation |
FVI5 | Electronic rent collection |
FVIESR | RE: Import POR data (Switzerland) |
FVIQ | Legacy data transfer of compos.rates |
FVIR | Legcy Data Trnsfr:Reset Option Rates |
FVOE | Edit Transfer Table. Opt.Rates |
FVOI | Create Transfer Table Opt.Rates |
FVOP | Transfer Opt.Rates to Prod.System |
FVVC | Transfer input tax correct.values |
FVVD | Lgcy Data Reset Inp.Tax.Correct.Val. |
FVVE | Data Transfer Input Tax Correction |
FVVOZ | Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object |
FVZA | Inflow/outflow list report |
FW | FW.. reserved for VV-Securities |
FW-1 | Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_ANLA |
FW-2 | Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_BEKI |
FW-3 | Number range maint.: FVVW_ORDER |
FW-4 | Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_PNNR |
FW-5 | Number range maintenance: FVVW_KMNR |
FW-6 | Number range maintenance: FVVW_KMNR |
FW-7 | Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_PODOC |
FW-8 | Number range maintenance: FVVW_KOBJ |
FW17 | Maintain security price |
FW18 | Display security price |
FW20 | Create sec.acct |
FW21 | Display securities account |
FW22 | Create CoCd Position Indicators |
FW22A | Create Sec. Acct Position Indicators |
FW23 | Change CoCd Position Indicators |
FW23A | Change Sec. Acct Position Indicators |
FW24 | Display CoCd Position Indicators |
FW24A | Display Sec.Acct Position Indicators |
FW26 | Change sec.acct |
FW27 | Maintain index |
FW28 | Maintain index status |
FW29 | Maintain Index Type |
FW43 | Customizing Currency Swap Accounts |
FW44 | Customizing portfolio items |
FW45 | Customizing lock flags |
FW46 | Customizing holding share |
FW47 | Customizing tax rates |
FW48 | Customizing dealers |
FW49 | Customizing reservation reasons |
FW51 | Customizing valuation principles |
FW52 | Customizing valuation classes |
FW53 | Customizing valuation in CoCd |
FW54 | Customizing typ |
FW55 | Customizing: |
FW56 | Customizing user-specific loan key |
FW57 | Customizing user-specific loan key |
FW59 | Customizing secondary index |
FW60 | Customizing sec.class relation.types |
FW61 | Customizing valuation principles |
FW62 | Customizing valuation principles |
FW63 | Customizing rate type |
FW84 | Customizing security type |
FW85 | Customizing funds type |
FWAA | Execute Amortization |
FWAB | Securities accruals/deferrals |
FWACR | Reverse Amortization |
FWAR | Securities accr/defer. reset |
FWAS | Reverse accrual/deferral |
FWBA | BAV Transfer/Securities Init. Screen |
FWBC | BAV Info. - Securities Init. Screen |
FWBJ | Posting journal |
FWBK | Balance sheet transfer |
FWBS | Manual Posting |
FWCP | Calculate Position |
FWDG | Class information |
FWDP | Securities account list |
FWDS | Reverse Securities Account Transfer |
FWDU | Securities Transfer |
FWER | Exercise Security Rights |
FWER_DRAWING | Drawable Bonds: Mass Processing |
FWER_STORNO_NEU | Reversal Rights |
FWIW | Securities information |
FWK0 | Edit corporate action |
FWKB | Post corporate action |
FWKS | Reverse corporate action |
FWLL | Proportion of Equity and Voting Rept |
FWMY | Securities management |
FWO0 | Display Flows from Oper. Valn Area |
FWO1 | Create order |
FWO2 | Change order |
FWO3 | Display order |
FWO4 | Create order execution |
FWO5 | Change order execution |
FWO6 | Display order execution |
FWO7 | Create order settlement |
FWO8 | Change order settlement |
FWO9 | Display order settlement |
FWOA | Execute order |
FWOB | Settle order execution |
FWOC | Settle order |
FWOE | Reverse Posting |
FWOEZ | Reverse Debit Position |
FWOF | Change transaction |
FWOG | Display transaction |
FWOH | Settle transaction |
FWOI | Display posted order settlement |
FWOK | Display reversed settlement |
FWOP | Update Flows from Oper. Valn Area |
FWOS | Reverse order settlement |
FWPA | Period-end closing |
FWPA_EMERGENCY | Old Period-End Closing - Emergencies |
FWPL | Display Last Period-End Closing |
FWPR | Reset Period-End Closing |
FWR1 | Customizing Acct Assignm. Refer.(Mod |
FWSB | Rate/price valn |
FWSO | Automatic debit position |
FWSS | Reverse Rate/Price Valuation |
FWSU | Reverse Balance Sheet Transfer |
FWTU | Securities Deadline Monitoring |
FWUP | Update Planned Records |
FWZA | TR Securities: Account Determination |
FWZB | Treasury: Acct Deter. SEC Transact. |
FWZE | Manual debit position |
FWZZ | Class Master Data |
FXI0 | Execute Report |
FXI1 | Create Report |
FXI2 | Change Report |
FXI3 | Display Report |
FXI4 | Create Form |
FXI5 | Change Form |
FXI6 | Display Form |
FXIB | Background Processing |
FXIC | Maintain Currency Translation Type |
FXIK | Maintain Key Figures |
FXIM | Report Monitor |
FXIO | Transport Reports |
FXIP | Transport Forms |
FXIQ | Import Reports from Client 000 |
FXIR | Import Forms from Client 000 |
FXIT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. |
FXIV | Maintain Global Variable |
FXIX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
FXIY | Reorganize Report Data |
FXIZ | Reorganize Forms |
FXMN | Call Additional Components (FDMN) |
FXXX | Processes for witholding tax code |
FY01 | FI Transport T060* in Client <> 000 |
FY02 | EB: Transfer acct assignment + T028D |
FY03 | EB: Transfer acct stmt (T028H/I) |
FY04 | EB: Transfer checks recd (T028H/I) |
FYMN | Call Additional Components (IMG) |
FZ-1 | Number Range Maintenance: FVV_DEBIT |
FZ-2 | Number Range Maintenance: FVV_PARTNR |
FZ-3 | Number Range Maintenance: FVV_VORG |
FZ-4 | No.range maintenance:FVV_ADRNR |
FZ-5 | Number Range Maintenance: FVV_OBJNR |
FZ-6 | No.range maintenance:FVV_PARTID |
FZ-7 | Customizing contract.prty relationsh |
FZ-8 | Customizing cntrct.prty rel.-App.4 |
FZ-9 | Customizing |
FZ02 | BAV Data ANL, AEN, ANZ |
FZ03 | BAV Data ANL, AEN, ANZ Real Estate |
FZ05 | BP customizing: Loan default values |
FZ06 | BP customizing: REst. default values |
FZ10 | Loans: Circular R5/97 |
FZ11 | Securities: Circular R5/97 |
FZ12 | Circular R5/95 Real Estate |
FZ12_BADI | Circular R5/95 Real Estate |
FZ13 | Money Market: Circular R5/97 |
FZ14 | Access PRF-0 for Eq.-Linked Life.Ins |
FZ15 | Customizing Release Object Text |
FZ16 | Customizing Release Status Text |
FZ17 | Customizing Release Object Hierarchy |
FZ18 | Customizing Release Status Parameter |
FZ19 | Customizing Release Object Active ID |
FZ20 | Customizing Number Components |
FZ21 | Customizing Number Components Text |
FZ23 | Customizing BAV group 101/201/600 |
FZ30 | Customizing restraint on disposal |
FZ31 | v-tzv04 |
FZ32 | Cust. Stock Indicator BAV (Display) |
FZ33 | Customizing tax office stock indic. |
FZ34 | Cust. Stock Indicator BAV (Change) |
FZ35 | Customizing Stock ID Valuation Areas |
FZ37 | Customizing conversion extern.roles |
FZ41 | Customizing Internal Partner Role |
FZ42 | Customizing customer applicatn type |
FZ43 | Customizing Address Type |
FZ44 | Customizing Object Type |
FZ45 | Customizing Partner Install. Param. |
FZ46 | Customizing Partner Forms of Address |
FZ47 | Customizing Partner Letter Addr.Frms |
FZ48 | Customizing Partner Relationships |
FZ49 | Customizing Partner Reference Relat. |
FZ50 | Customizing Legal Form |
FZ51 | Customizing Finan.Acctng Asset Group |
FZ52 | Customizing Reasons for Reversal |
FZ53 | Customizing PRF- Number |
FZ54 | Customizing PRF - Subsection |
FZ55 | Customizing Insurance Branch |
FZ56 | Customizing Balance Sheet Indicator |
FZ57 | Customizing BAV 4/77 |
FZ58 | Customizing Acct Assignm. Refer.- DD |
FZ59 | Customizing BAV Group 101 (Secur.) |
FZ5A | AWV statement Z5 and Z5a page 1 |
FZ60 | Customizing BAV Group 101 (Loans) |
FZ61 | Customizing BAV Group 101 (Real Est) |
FZ62 | Customizing BAV Group 102 |
FZ63 | Customizing BAV Group 102 (Secur.) |
FZ64 | Customizing BAV Group 102 (Real Est) |
FZ65 | Customizing PRF-Number |
FZ66 | Customizing PRF number (Real est.) |
FZ67 | Customizing Sub-section (Securit.) |
FZ68 | Customizing Sub-section (Real Est.) |
FZ69 | Customizing BAV Group 501 (Loans) |
FZ70 | Customizing BAV Group 501 (Secur.) |
FZ71 | Customizing BAV Group 501 (Real Est) |
FZ72 | Customizing PRF number relationship |
FZ73 | Customizing Sub-section Relationship |
FZ74 | Customizing BAV Group 501 Relatnship |
FZ75 | Customizing BAV Group 201 (Loans) |
FZ76 | Customizing BAV Group 201 (Secur.) |
FZ77 | Customizing BAV Group 201 (Real Est) |
FZ78 | Customizing BAV Group R11/76 (Loans) |
FZ79 | Customizing BAV Group 11/76 (Secur.) |
FZ80 | Customizing BAV Grp R11/76 (RealEst) |
FZ81 | Customizing BAV Group R2/87 (Loans) |
FZ82 | Customizing BAV Group R2/87 (Secur.) |
FZ83 | Customizing BAV Grp R2/87 (Real Est) |
FZ84 | Cust. Stat.reporting asset type |
FZ85 | Customizing Asset Type DV3/DV8 (Sec) |
FZ86 | Cust. Asset Type DV3/DV8 (Real Est) |
FZ87 | Customizing acct assignment ref. DW |
FZ88 | Customizing acct assignment ref.- DI |
FZ89 | Customizing SCB Asset Group |
FZ91 | Customer input per product type |
FZ92 | Customizing default-ProdTyp/CoCd(DW) |
FZ93 | Customizing Default-ProdTyp/CoCd(DI) |
FZ94 | Customizing Default Value PART (DD) |
FZ95 | Customizing Default Value PART (DW) |
FZ96 | Customizing Default Value PART (DI) |
FZ97 | Customizing Search + Replace Strings |
FZ98 | Customizing Par. 18 GBA |
FZ99 | Customizing Int. Item |
FZA0 | Customizing Int. Indicator 1 |
FZA1 | Customizing Int. Indicator 2 |
FZA2 | Customizing Int. Indicator 3 |
FZA3 | Customizing Int. Indicator 4 |
FZA4 | Customizing Int. Indicator 5 |
FZA5 | Customizing Int. Indicator 6 |
FZA6 | Customizing Int. Indicator 7 |
FZA7 | Customizing Int. Indicator 8 |
FZA8 | Customizing Int. Indicator 9 |
FZA9 | Customizing Int. Indicator 10 |
FZAB | Cust. appl./role categ./dunn.param. |
FZB0 | Customizing Int. Indicator 11 |
FZB4 | List of trustees |
FZB5 | Statements |
FZB6 | Control Parameters for BAV Statement |
FZB7 | Statements |
FZB8 | BAV-Lists Securities Control |
FZB9 | Control prem.reserve fund lists DA |
FZBA | Transact. types relationship tab.-DD |
FZBB | Transact.types relationship tab.-DW |
FZBC | Transact types relationship tab. -DI |
FZBD | Alloc. prog. transaction types - DD |
FZBE | Alloc. prog. transaction types - DW |
FZBG | Ratio Table for For.Exch Rate Conver |
FZBH | Exchange Rate Calculation Indicator |
FZBI | BAV Reporting - Real Estate |
FZBK | Debit form type FVV/DD |
FZBL | Form Line Items FVV/DD |
FZBM | Darwin Real Estate Objects FVV |
FZBN | BAV Control of Cost Elements |
FZBO | Classification of Contracting Party |
FZBP | Contracting Party/Class Relatnships |
FZBR | Cust. trns types per post.appl.-DD |
FZBU | Customizing Status Transfer |
FZBV | Selection for status transfers - DD |
FZBW | Selection for status transfers - DW |
FZBX | Customizing status definit. D:D,W,I |
FZBY | Selection for status transfers - DI |
FZBZ | BAV Stat.reporting PRF-12 |
FZC4 | Maintain Ratings |
FZC5 | Maintain Legal Entity |
FZC6 | Maintain Product Types-DW ( |
FZC7 | Maintain Product Types-DW(CoCd data) |
FZC8 | Maintain Changes in Net Assets |
FZC9 | Maintain Valuation Types |
FZCA | Maintain Ownership Share |
FZCB | Flow types relationship keys |
FZCC | Maintain VV Status Definition |
FZCD | Maintain Int. Status Delivery Matrix |
FZCE | Maintain Condition Type (DW) |
FZCF | Maintain Condition Type (DD) |
FZCG | Maintain Condition Group (DW) |
FZCH | Maintain Condition Group (DD) |
FZCJ | Maintain Product Types-DD ( |
FZCK | Maintain Product Types-DD(CoCd Data) |
FZCN | Status Definitions |
FZCO | Customizing Status Transfer |
FZCP | Selection for Status Definitions -DD |
FZCQ | Selection for Status Definitions -DW |
FZCR | Selection for Status Definitions- DI |
FZCS | Transaction type - DD |
FZCT | Transaction type - DW |
FZCU | Customizing Initial Transaction |
FZCV | Transaction type - DI |
FZCX | Special Indicator for Loans |
FZCY | Determine Special Interest |
FZD4 | VV Plausibility Checks |
FZFD | Assign planning levels |
FZID | Number Range Maintenance: FVVZ_IDENT |
FZKB | Clear Trivial Amnts for Cons. Loans |
FZKL | Account Clearing Loans |
FZLR | VV Returned debit memos |
FZM4 | Treasury Mgmt information system |
FZMN | Treasury Management basic functions |
FZNB | Payment Postprocessing |
FZP0 | |
FZP1 | Create Natural Person |
FZP2 | Create Legal Person |
FZP3 | Change Partner |
FZP4 | Display Partner |
FZP5 | Choose Partner |
FZP6 | Create Legal Person |
FZPA | Create Partner in Role |
FZPB | Change Partner in Role |
FZPC | Display Partner in Role |
FZPD | Edit bus.partner in role |
FZPE | Change customer (hidden) |
FZPF | Partner payment details |
FZR1 | Create Rating Agency |
FZR2 | Change Rating Agency |
FZR3 | Display Rating Agency |
FZUA | Auto. Process Unscheduled Repayment |
FZVS | Maintain dispatch type |
FZW0 | Resubmission of Application Area |
FZW1 | Create Messages / MAILS |
FZW2 | Change Messages / MAIL |
FZW3 | Display Messages / MAIL |
FZW4 | Delete Messages / MAIL |
FZW5 | Maintain Text Objects: Table TTXOB |
FZW6 | Maintain Text IDs: Table TTXID |
FZW7 | Dates Overview |
FZW9 | Display monitoring table |
FZXR | Flow types per posting application |
FZZB | Cust.: Sort criteria selection |
FZZC | Customizing: Sort criteria values |
FZZD | Customizing: Planned item-search |
FZZE | Custzomizing: IPD-transaction types |
F_71 | DME with Disk: B/Excha. Presentation |
F_72 | Mass Bill/Exch.Liability Maintenance |
F_75 | Extended Bill/Exchange Information |
F_76 | Extended Bill of Exchange List (ALV) |
F_77 | C FI Maintain Table T045D |
F_79 | C FI Maintain Table T045G |
F_90 | C FI Maintain Table T045F |
F_CO_01 | Report RFSUMB00 Colombia |
F_IT_01 | Report RFSUMB00 Italy |
F_PT_01 | Report RFSUMB00 Portugal |
F_RO_01 | Report RFSUMB00 Romania |
F_SK_01 | Report RFSUMB00 Slovakia |
F_TIBAN_WO_ACCNO | Maint. View TIBAN_WO_ACCNO (Modif.) |
F_TR_01 | Report RFSUMB00 Turkey |
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sap Tcodes FR to F_
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