J&00 | IS-M: Views/Clusters for Cond.Tech |
J&S0 | IS-M: Create Output |
J&S1 | IS-M: Create Output w/Reference |
J&S2 | IS-M: Change Output |
J&S3 | IS-M: Display Output |
J-01 | Update Maintenance for MDIS |
J-02 | Std Analyses Std Settings MDIS |
J-03 | Media Info System: Mtn.Requirements |
J-04 | Media Info System: Maintain Formulas |
J-05 | MDIS: Overview of Field Catalogs |
J-20 | MDIS: Update Settings |
J-31 | IS-M: Access Std Analyses for MDIS |
J-33 | IS-M: Var.Std Analyses - User MDIS |
J-34 | IS-M: Perform Eval.of Info System |
J-35 | IS-M: Create Eval.of Info System |
J-36 | IS-M: Change Eval.of Info System |
J-37 | IS-M: Display Eval.of Info System |
J-38 | IS-M: Create Evaluation Structure |
J-39 | IS-M: Change Evaluation Structure |
J-40 | IS-M: Display Evaluation Structure |
J-50 | IS-M: Exception Analysis MDIS |
J-61 | IS-M: Create Selection Version MDIS |
J-62 | IS-M: Change Selection Version MDIS |
J-63 | IS-M: Display selection version MDIS |
J-64 | IS-M: Sel.Vers.: Schedule Job MDIS |
J-6A | IS-M: Selection Version Tree MDIS |
J-6B | IS-M: User-Spec.Sel.Vers.Tree MDIS |
J-A1 | IS-M/SD: Customer Anal. - Selection |
J-A4 | IS-M/SD: Sales Off.Anal. - Selection |
J-A7 | IS-M/SD: Product Anal. - Selection |
J-AA | IS-M/SD: Plant/Ctry Anal. -Selection |
J-AD | IS-M/SD: Sales Agent Anal. - Sel. |
J-AG | IS-M/SD: Promotion Anal. - Selection |
J-AJ | IS-M/SD: AR Cat.Analysis - Selection |
J-AM | IS-M/SD: Carrier Route Anal.-Sel. |
J-C1 | IS-M/SD: Std Settgs f.Customer Anal. |
J-C2 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Sales Off.Anal. |
J-C3 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Product Analysis |
J-C4 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Plant/Ctry Anal. |
J-C5 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.for Sales Ag.Anal. |
J-C6 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.for Prom.Analysis |
J-C7 | IS-M/SD: AR Category Statistics |
J-C8 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Carr.Route Anal |
J-F1 | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data f.Sales Ord. |
J-F2 | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for CorrOrd. |
J-F3 | IS-M/SD: Update LIS Delivery Data |
J-F4 | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for Billing |
J-FA | IS-M/SD: LIS Upd.Simul.f.Sales Order |
J-FB | IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.Corr.Order |
J-FC | IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.for Delivery |
J-FD | IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.for Billing |
J-FL | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for Delivery |
J-FU | IS-M/SD: Indicator Delivery Updated |
J-IX | IS-M/SD: Initialize Gen.LIS Data |
J-K1 | IS-M/AM: Business Partner Analysis |
J-K2 | IS-M/AM: Order Simulation |
J-K3 | IS-M/AM: Restructure Order Update |
J-K5 | IS-M/AM: Analyse BU, Cont.Component |
J-K6 | IS-M/AM: Maintain TJHMC1 |
J-K7 | IS-M/AM: Maintain TJHMC3 |
J-K8 | IS-M: Order Sales Agent Assignment |
J-K9 | IS-M/AM: LIS Restructure Billing |
J-L1 | IS-M: LIS Billing Simulation Update |
J-M1 | Media information system |
J-M2 | Media information system |
J/43 | Create cond.table for comm.settlemt |
J/44 | Change cond.table for comm.settlemt |
J/45 | Display cond.table for comm.settlemt |
J/63 | Create cond.table for HDel.settlemt |
J/64 | Change cond.table for HDel.settlemt |
J/65 | Display cond.table for HDel.settlemt |
J/72 | IS-M: Output processing from NAST |
J/73 | Message Overview |
J/H1 | Create pricing report COA scale |
J/H2 | Change pricing report COA scale |
J/H3 | Display pricing report COA scale |
J/H4 | Execute pricing report COA scale |
J/H5 | Create Condition List Prices JA |
J/H6 | Change Condition List Prices JA |
J/H7 | Display Condition List Prices |
J/H8 | IS-M: Execute Condition List JA |
J/LA | Create Condition List |
J/LB | Change Condition List |
J/LC | Display Condition List |
J/LD | Execute Condition List |
J/LE | IS-M/SD: Create Pr.Report- Post.Chrg |
J/LF | IS-M: Change Pr.Report f.Post.Sett |
J/LG | IS-M/SD: Display Pr.Rept f.Post.Chgs |
J/LH | IS-M: Pr.Report for Postal Charges |
J/P0 | Create cond.table for postal settlmt |
J/P1 | Change cond.table f.postal settlemt |
J/P2 | Display cond.table f.postal settlemt |
J1A3 | MM goods issue revaluation |
J1A5 | MM Warehouse stock report (Arg.) |
J1A6 | Modify Official Document Number |
J1A7 | Average cost valuation |
J1AB | Number range maintenance: J_1AOFFDOC |
J1AH | Creating Way Bills |
J1AI | Asset Revaluation (Inflation) |
J1AJ | Print Way Bill Document |
J1AP | Nummernkreispflege: J_1APRNTCH |
J1APAC01 | Create/Change Print Authoriz. Code |
J1APAC02 | Display Print Authoriz. Code |
J1AQ | Display Index definition |
J1AR | Display Index Data |
J1AS | Display Composite Index |
J1AX | Market price determination program |
J1AZ | MM index adjustment program |
J1B1 | Create Nota Fiscal (Writer) |
J1B1N | Create Nota Fiscal (Writer) - Enjoy |
J1B2 | Change Nota Fiscal |
J1B2N | Change Nota Fiscal - Enjoy |
J1B3 | Display Nota Fiscal |
J1B3N | Display Nota Fiscal - Enjoy |
J1BBST | Balance Sheet Transfer Loans: Brazil |
J1BBSTNEW | Balance Sheet Transfer Loans (New) |
J1BE | Nota Fiscal Document Number Range |
J1BF | Create Entries for Output Type |
J1BG | Change Entries for Output Type |
J1BH | Display Entries for Output Type |
J1BI | Nota Fiscal Number Range |
J1BICLTAX | Intercompany loan tax calculation |
J1BI_NFE | Nota Fiscal Number Range |
J1BJ | Maintain Output Processing Programs |
J1BK | Maintain Access Sequences (N.Fiscal) |
J1BL | Maintain Output types (N.Fiscal) |
J1BM | Maintain Procedures (N.Fiscal) |
J1BNFE | Monitor for Electronic Nota Fiscal |
J1BO | Output CondTable/Create Nota Fiscal |
J1BP | Output CondTable/Change Nota Fiscal |
J1BQ | Output CondTable/Display Nota Fiscal |
J1BR | Conditions: V_T681F for B NF |
J1BTAX | Tax Manager's Workplace |
J1BTRMFME | Month End Tax Calculation for Funds |
J1BTRMFSAL | Tax Calculation on the Sale of Funds |
J1BTRMFTS | Sale Transaction Creation for Funds |
J1BTRMSTAX | Swap Tax Calulation |
J1B_LB01 | Modelo 1 |
J1B_LB02 | Modelo 2 |
J1B_LB03 | Modelo 3 |
J1B_LB07 | Physical Inventory Overview |
J1B_LB07N | Modelo 7 new |
J1B_LB08 | Modelo 8 |
J1B_LB12 | Modelo 12 |
J1B_LBIS | Registro ISS |
J1B_LFA1 | Arquivo Magnético/Convênio ICMS |
J1B_LFB1 | IN68: Master Data, Files, and Tables |
J1B_LFB10 | IN68- Accounting-Related File 1.2 |
J1B_LFB2 | IN68: Cadastros |
J1B_LFB3 | IN68: Nota Fiscal Files |
J1B_LFB4 | IN68: Tabelas |
J1B_LFB5 | IN68: FI Files |
J1B_LFB6 | IN68: MM Files |
J1B_LFB6B | IN68: Files - Material Inventory |
J1B_LFB7 | IN68 |
J1B_LFB8 | IN68: Files - Asset Accounting |
J1B_LFB9 | IN68 - Vendor/Customer Data |
J1B_LFC1 | IN86 Einstieg |
J1B_LFC10 | Kunden- und Lieferantenstammdaten |
J1B_LFC11 | Zusätzliche Tabellen |
J1B_LFC12 | Außenhandelsdaten |
J1B_LFC2 | IN86: Finanzbuchhaltungsbelege |
J1B_LFC3 | Sachkontenstamm Verkehrszahlen |
J1B_LFC4 | Einkaufs- und Verkaufsprozesse |
J1B_LFC5 | Nota Fiscal bezogene Dateien |
J1B_LFC6 | Materialbewegungen |
J1B_LFC7 | Materialbestände |
J1B_LFC8 | Stücklisten |
J1B_LFC9 | Anlagenbuchhaltung |
J1B_LFD1 | IN359-Magnetic file on Notas Fiscais |
J1B_LFZF | Issued Notas Fiscais |
J1I0 | Customizing wizard |
J1I2 | Sales Tax Register |
J1I3 | Modvat utilzation in batch |
J1I5 | Register creation for RG23 and RG1 |
J1I57AE | New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE |
J1I6 | Modvat forecast |
J1I7 | Query Excise invoices |
J1I8 | TDS Challan Update |
J1I9 | Number ranges for excise invoice |
J1IA | Excise Invoice Details |
J1IA101 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA102 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA103 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA104 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA301 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IA302 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IA303 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IA304 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IANX18 | Pro Forma of Running Bond Account |
J1IANX19 | Export of Excisable Goods |
J1IARE_AGE | Aging Analysis for ARE Documents |
J1IB | Excise Verification And Posting |
J1IBN01 | Create Excise Bond |
J1IBN02 | Change Excise Bond |
J1IBN03 | Display Excise Bond |
J1IBN04 | Cancel Excise Bond |
J1IBN05 | Close Excise Bond |
J1IBONSUM | Bond Summary Report |
J1IC194C | Annual Return under section 194c |
J1IC194D | Annual Return under section 194d |
J1IC194I | Annual Return under section 194i |
J1IC194J | Annual Return under section 194J |
J1ICANCINV | Cancel Invoice |
J1ICCAN | Certificate cancel (Classical) |
J1ICCERT | Certificate Print -Regular Vendors |
J1ICOTV | Certificate Print-One time vendors |
J1ICREP | Certificate Reprint(Classical) |
J1ID | Rate maint & amend open po's/so's |
J1IDEPOTSTOCK1 | Depot stock with balances |
J1IDEPOT_VAL | Depot Balance stock duty |
J1IDOCFLOW | Excise document flow |
J1IDUELIST | Billing document due list for modvat |
J1IE | Number range maintenance: J_1ITDSNO |
J1IEX | Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IEX_BO | Outgoing Excise Invoices for Exports |
J1IEX_C | Capture Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IEX_P | Post Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IEX_SFAC | Incoming Exc Inv Field Selection |
J1IF | Subcontracting |
J1IF01 | Subcontracting Challan : Create |
J1IF11 | Subcontracting Challan : Change |
J1IF12 | Subcontracting Challans : Display |
J1IF13 | Challan Complete/Reverse/Recredit |
J1IFQ | Challan : Reconcile Quantity |
J1IFR | Subcontracting Challan Listing |
J1IG | RG23D register receipt at depot |
J1IGA | Additional Excise Entry at Depot |
J1IGAD | Additional Excise at Depot Display |
J1IGR | List of GR's without gate pass |
J1IH | Create Excise JV |
J1IHBK | Copy House Bank ID from Invoice |
J1IIEXCP | Sales Excise Invoice Exceptions |
J1IIN | Outgoing Excise Invoice |
J1IJ | Excise invoice selec. at depot sale |
J1IK | Selection of Excise Invoice - Common |
J1IL | India Localization |
J1ILIC01 | License : Capture |
J1ILIC02 | License : Change |
J1ILIC03 | License : Display |
J1ILIC04 | License : Cancel |
J1ILIC05 | License : Close |
J1ILICSUM | Deemed Export License Summary |
J1IM | Maintain Excise Number Range |
J1IME2W | Open Orders- PO & Scheduling Agrmnt |
J1IME3M | Open Orders- Contract |
J1IN | India Version Tax Deduction at Sourc |
J1INAR | Annual Returns |
J1INBANK | Bank challan updation |
J1INC | Tax Deduction at Source: Classic |
J1INCAL | Customizing for calendar Id |
J1INCANC | Certificate Cancellation |
J1INCC | Print Customer WH Tax Certificates |
J1INCERT | Print Vendor WH Tax Certificates |
J1INCHLC | Challan Number Updation - Customers |
J1INCHLN | Challan Number Updation |
J1INCRT | Customizing for Certificate Printing |
J1INCT | Num.Range for EWT Certificate India |
J1INCTNO | Certificate Numbers |
J1INCUS | Customizing for Customer Certificate |
J1INCUST | Enter WH Tax Cert. from Customer |
J1INDUE | Customizing for Payment Due Dates |
J1INHC | Health check for migration to EWT |
J1INJV | Enter Journal Voucher |
J1INMIG | Data Migration Tool to EWT |
J1INMIS | Withholding Tax Information System |
J1INO | Customizing Table for Challan no ran |
J1INPP | Update Business Place in FI document |
J1INPR | Provisions for Taxes on Services |
J1INQEFILE | Quarterly E-returns (India) |
J1INREP | Reprint Vendor WH Tax Certificates |
J1INREV | Challan reversals |
J1INSUR | Surcharge Table for EWT India |
J1INSUR1 | Surcharge Table for EWT INDIA |
J1INUM | Number Group for Internal Challan No |
J1INUMBER | Number range for Internal Challan. |
J1INUT | Utilise Withholding Tax on Provision |
J1IO | Retrospective price amendments |
J1IP | Excise invoice print |
J1IQ | Year-End IT Depreciation Report |
J1IR | Data Download |
J1IREJECTION | Post rejected invoices |
J1IS | Excise invoice for other movements |
J1ITDUE | Payment Due date customising |
J1IU | Forms capture |
J1IUN | Forms tracking |
J1IV | Excise post & print for others mvmts |
J1IW | Excise Invoice without PO |
J1IX | Excise Invoice Verification WO PO |
J1IY | Maintain W.taxcode and Section . |
J1IZ | Maintain W. Tax Section info. |
J1S! | IS-M: CH/F: VAT Payment Types |
J1S$ | IS-M: CH: WEMF-Spec. Cat.Processing |
J1S( | IS-M: CH: PTT Settlement Check |
J1S) | IS-M: CH: Daily WEMF Update |
J1S+ | IS-M: CH/L: Item Cat.f.PTT Settlemt |
J1S/ | IS-M: CH: Weight Groups for Post Tax |
J1S0 | IS-M: Interm.Dataset for Postal Upgr |
J1S1 | IS-M: CH/S: Basic Postal Codes |
J1S2 | IS-M: CH/S: Preposition Code |
J1S4 | Create Operating System Files |
J1S5 | IS-M: CH/S: Conversion Processing |
J1S6 | IS-M: CH/F: Maintain Dunning Levels |
J1S7 | IS-M: CH/S: Customer-Spec.Streets |
J1S8 | IS-M: CH/J: Retail Return Assignmts |
J1S9 | IS-M: CH/V: Max.Weight for Postman |
J1S: | IS-M: CH/V: PCode-Prod.Seq.Assignmt |
J1S< | IS-M: CH/V: Manual ZEBU CH Version |
J1S= | IS-M: CH: Spec.Category Default |
J1S? | IS-M: CH/F: Monthly Sales Tax List |
J1SA | IS-M: CH/V: Maint.PCd-ProdSeq.Assgt |
J1SAVER | IS-M: Print Postal Dispatch List |
J1SB | IS-M: CH/V: Displ.PCd-ProdSeq.Assgt |
J1SC | IS-M: CH/V: Maintain ZEBU Data |
J1SD | IS-M: CH/V: Display ZEBU Data |
J1SE | IS-M: CH/F: Format POR Data |
J1SF | IS-M: CH/F: POR Billing Doc.Release |
J1SG | IS-M: CH/F: LSV Billing Doc.Release |
J1SI | IS-M: CH/F: Dunning Run |
J1SJ | IS-M: CH/S: Prepare PCode Data |
J1SK | IS-M: CH/V: Display Prod.Sequence |
J1SL | IS-M: CH/S: DMK Dummy Entry CH |
J1SM | IS-M: CH/S: Change PCode Data |
J1SN | IS-M: CH/S: Prepare Carrier Data |
J1SNB | Data Transfer: Carriers |
J1SNO | Data Transfer: City |
J1SNP | Data Transfer: Postal Code |
J1SNS | Data Transfer: Streets |
J1SO | IS-M: CH/V: Display Prod.Sequence |
J1SP | IS-M: CH/S: Change Street Data |
J1SPTAX00 | IS-M: CH: Edition Data Postal Tax |
J1SPTAX01 | IS-M: Postal Charge Forecast CH |
J1SPTAX02 | IS-M: Postal Charge Reporting CH |
J1SPTAXL | IS-M: CH: Country Grp. f.Postal Tax |
J1SPTAXREPAUL | IS-MSD-CH/S: Postal Charge Rept List |
J1SPTAXZ | IS-M: CH: Ctry Grp.Asgt for Post Tax |
J1SPUP | Maintenance View J_1SVPUPBESTAND |
J1SQ | IS-M: CH/S: Change Carrier Data |
J1SR | IS-M: CH/V: ZEBU Setup Part 1 |
J1SS | IS-M: CH/V: ZEBU Setup Part 2 |
J1SSUP | Maintenance View J_1SVSUPBESTAND |
J1ST | IS-M: CH/V: Check Program ZEBU CH |
J1SU | IS-M: CH/V: Copy ZEBU Variant |
J1SV | IS-M: CH/S: Postal Charge Reporting |
J1SW | Number Plan for PPacking and Sacking |
J1SX | IS-M: CH/S: Num.Range.Maint.J_1S_ORT |
J1SY | IS-M: CH/V: Foreign PPack Addresses |
J1SZ | IS-M: CH: CH Specifications |
J1S[ | IS-M: CH: Monthly WEMF Update |
J1S] | IS-M: CH: Annual WEMF Update |
J2I0 | Asset Installation |
J2I5 | Extract |
J2I6 | Print Utility |
J2I7 | CIN: SAPScript reporting customizing |
J2I8 | Avail.of subs credit for Cap Goods |
J2I9 | New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE |
J2IB | Service tax challan |
J2IC | Service tax returns |
J2ID | Archive TDS documents |
J2IE | View Archived TDS documents |
J2IER1 | Monthly er1 report |
J2IF | Display document flow |
J2IN | New RT-12 Report |
J2IR23D | Register RG23D |
J2IRAP1 | Print RG23A Part1 |
J2IRAP2 | Print RG23A Part2 |
J2IRCP1 | Register RG23C part1 |
J2IRCP2 | Register RG23C Part2 |
J2IRG1 | Register RG1 |
J2IRPLA | Register PLA |
J2IU | Fortnightly Utilization |
J2IUN | Monthly utilization |
J3G# | Field Selection - Operator's Report |
J3G$ | Create PBE Document |
J3G& | Field Selection Equi. Insurance Data |
J3G( | Create Tax/Insurance Data |
J3G) | Change Tax/Insurance Data |
J3G. | Transaction Calls for Joint Ventures |
J3G/ | Display Tax/Insurance Data |
J3G1 | Create Owner/Administrator |
J3G2 | Change Owner/Administrator |
J3G3 | Display Owner/Administrator |
J3G= | Analysis - CO Object Determination |
J3G? | ETM Function Calls |
J3GARCH | ETM Archiving Number |
J3GF | Maintain User Fields for ETM |
J3GH | Create Shipping Documents |
J3GI | Change Shipping Documents |
J3GJ | Display Shipping Documents |
J3GK | Shipping Docs - Change EndUsagePerd |
J3GK01 | Create Catalog Record |
J3GK02 | Change Catalog Record |
J3GK03 | Display Catalog Record |
J3GLIAL | Catalogs - List of Characteristics |
J3GN | Postproc. Input Sales Orders |
J3GO | Number Assignment for ETM Documents |
J3GORV | ETM No. Range Interval SD Documents |
J3GORVL | ETM Settlement Run Number |
J3GP | Define No. Range f. PriceLstDtrmntn |
J3GPAKET1 | Create Package |
J3GPAKET10 | List of Packages |
J3GPAKET15 | Manage Equipment in Packages |
J3GPAKET16 | Manage Material in Packages |
J3GPAKET2 | Change Package |
J3GPAKET3 | Display Package |
J3GSL01 | Create Catalog BOM |
J3GSL02 | Change Catalog BOM |
J3GSL03 | Display Catalog BOM |
J3GSTL | Number Range Object BOMs |
J3GU | Stock List for Equipment |
J3GW | Stock List for Material |
J3GWKAT | Display Catalog Entries |
J3GZ | Create SD Orders Job Split (INPUT) |
J3G] | Screen Modification - Shipping Doc. |
J3G` | Overview of Stock with History |
J3G{ | Create PBE Document |
J3G | |
J3G} | Display PBE Document |
J3RALFAO1 | Advance Report |
J3RALFFMCHECK | Check New Version of Inventory Card |
J3RALFGEN | Russian Legal Form Generator |
J3RALFINV1 | Inventory of Fixed Assets |
J3RALFINV11 | Prepaid Expense Inventory |
J3RALFINV18 | Collation Statement |
J3RALFINV19 | Difference List for Stock |
J3RALFINV1A | Inventory of Intangible Assets |
J3RALFINV3 | Physical Inventory List |
J3RALFOS1 | Capitalization Act of Fixed Assets |
J3RALFOS14 | Record for Acceptance of Equipment |
J3RALFOS1A | Capitalization Act of Buildings |
J3RALFOS1B | Capitalization Act of Asset Groups |
J3RALFOS2 | Waybill for Asset Internal Transfer |
J3RALFOS3 | Acceptance Act of Modernized Assets |
J3RALFOS4 | Deactivation Act of Fixed Assets |
J3RALFOS4A | Deactivation Act of Vehicles |
J3RALFOS4B | Deactivation Act of Asset Groups |
J3RALFOS6 | Fixed Assets Inventory Card |
J3RALFOS6A | Inventory Card for Asset Groups |
J3RALFOS6B | Inventory Book for Fixed Assets |
J3RALFPTAXCALC | Property Tax Calculation |
J3RALFPTAXDECL | Property Tax Return |
J3RALFTORG10 | Bill of Lading |
J3RALFTTAXCALC | Transport Tax Calculation |
J3RALFTTAXDECL | Transport Tax Return |
J3RCALD | Automatic Clearing, FI-AR (Russia) |
J3RCALK | Automatic Clearing, FI-AP (Russia) |
J3RCREV | Clear Reversed Invoices (Russia) |
J3RFAB08 | FI-AA reversal documet posting |
J3RFASD | Customer Balance Notification |
J3RFASK | Vendor Balance Notification |
J3RFBAL01 | Balance Sheet Analysis (Russia) |
J3RFBALANCE | Balance Sheet Key Figures (Russia) |
J3RFBS5 | Balance Sheet Supplement N5 (FI-AA) |
J3RFCASH15 | Cash Journal Reports (Russia) |
J3RFDEPRBONUS | Depreciation Bonus Calculation |
J3RFDSLD | Customer Turnover Balance Sheet |
J3RFF2 | P&L Statement, Main Section (Russia) |
J3RFF2RS | P&L Statement, Explanations (Russia) |
J3RFF3 | Changes in Equity, Main Section |
J3RFF3RZ | Changes in Equity, Reserves |
J3RFF3S1 | Changes in Equity, Explanations |
J3RFF3S2 | Changes in Equity, Explanations |
J3RFF4 | Cash Flow Statement (Russia) |
J3RFF4V | Define Cash Flow Statement Versions |
J3RFFCHA | Changes in Equity, Explanations |
J3RFINVTARG | Redetermination of Invoices (Russia) |
J3RFKSLD | Vendor Turnover Balance Sheet |
J3RFLVMOBVED | Stock Overview (Russia) |
J3RFNKSPIR | Verification of Costs (Russia) |
J3RFNKSREGISTR | Asset Registration (Russia) |
J3RFNKSSTARTUP | Verification of Invoices (Russia) |
J3RFNKSTAX | Validation of Goods Issues (Russia) |
J3RFOS6 | Asset Inventory Cards (Russia) |
J3RFPCR | Vendor Payment Analysis (Russia) |
J3RFPDE | Customer Payment Analysis (Russia) |
J3RFPROPTAX | Property Tax Report (Russia) |
J3RFPURB | Purchase Ledger (Russia) |
J3RFREGINVD | Customer Invoice Journal (Russia) |
J3RFREGINVK | Vendor Invoice Journal (Russia) |
J3RFREVAL | Fixed Asset Revaluation for Russia |
J3RFREVSTOR | FixedAssetRevaluation ReversePosting |
J3RFSELB | Sales Ledger (Russia) |
J3RFT53A | Form T-53A |
J3RFTAXAMTEST | Tax Depreciation Report (Russia) |
J3RFTAXFINREZLIST | Gains and Losses (Russia) |
J3RFUM26 | Secondary Events (Russia) |
J3RFZDBPDF | Print Payment Orders (Russia) |
J3RFZKRPDF | Print Payment Orders (Russia) |
J3RF_AN_BALAN | Balance report for anlysis Russia |
J3RF_BALANCE | Balance report for Russia |
J3RF_F2 | Profit and loss report Russia (F.2) |
J3RF_F2RS | Decoding for some profits and losses |
J3RF_F3 | Capital flow |
J3RF_F3RZ | Reserve |
J3RF_F3S1 | References (net wealth) |
J3RF_F3S2 | References (was received) |
J3RF_FCHA | Net wealth calculation |
J3RKACT | Interpretation algorithms |
J3RKAID | Account priorities |
J3RKAVI | Register of Amounts Posted (Russia) |
J3RKBOOL | Rule Maintenance |
J3RKGLK | General Ledger Report (Russia) |
J3RKKRD | Determine Offsetting Accounts |
J3RKKRL | Account Balances, LC (Russia) |
J3RKKRN | Prohibited correspondences customiz. |
J3RKKRS | Automatic Account Determination |
J3RKKVL | Accounts Balances, FC (Russia) |
J3RKNID | Unprocessed Accounting Documents |
J3RKOBS | Account Balance Comparison (Russia) |
J3RKOBX | Account Balance Comparison (Russia) |
J3RKPAC | Account priorities |
J3RKPAI | Priorities for pairs of accounts |
J3RKSORT | Sorting rules |
J3RKSPLIT | Splitting rules |
J3RPBU18DP | Posting tax differences to GL |
J3RPBU18DT | Transfer tax differences to FI-SL |
J3RPBU18RA | Rates and accounts for PBU18 setting |
J3RSEXPORT | Create Secondary Events for Exports |
J3RTAX21 | VAT Return (Russia) |
J3RTAXAE | Assign Tax Hierarchy to CC/ledger |
J3RTAXAS | Assign Tax Hierarchy to CC |
J3RTAXCD | Tax chain definition |
J3RTAXCE | Execute tax chain |
J3RTAXCS | Create FI-SL settings |
J3RTAXDC | Profit Tax Reporting (Russia) |
J3RTAXDD | Provision for Doubtful Receivables |
J3RTAXDE | FI-SL selective deletion utility |
J3RTAXDP | Electronic Tax Format Maintenance |
J3RTAXDR | Tax declaration rows |
J3RTAXGR | Maintain FI-SL activity groups |
J3RTAXHR | Tax Hierarchy Maintanance |
J3RTAXID | Tax hierarchy assignment ID |
J3RTAXIN | Table group install.for tax account. |
J3RTAXJR | Tax journal |
J3RTAXLA | List accounts used in hierarchy |
J3RTAXRL | Hierarchy rollup creation |
J3RTAXST | Selective field transfer parameters |
J3RTAXTB | Maintain table links |
J3RTAXTEST | Print Sample VAT Returns (Russia) |
J3RTAXTR | Tax hierarchy transport |
J3RTAXUC | Maintain unclassified objects |
J3RTAXUL | Unclassified transactions listing |
J3RTUPD | Transport Tax Recalculation (Russia) |
J3RTVEH | Transport Tax Report (Russia) |
J4G1 | Check Settlement Data for Recipient |
J4G2 | CEM - Master Data |
J4GA | ETM: Create Conditn Table (PrcList) |
J4GB | ETM: Change Conditn Table (PrcList) |
J4GC | ETM: Display Conditn Table (PrcList) |
J4GD | ETM: Create Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GE | ETM: Change Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GF | ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GG | Records Released from Settlmnt Cal. |
J4GH | Enter Settlement Calendar |
J4GI | Release Settlement Calendar |
J4GJ | Create PBE Calendar |
J4GK | Fill PBE Reports |
J4GL | Current Stock for Equipment |
J4GM | Current Stock for Material |
J4GN | Post PBE Reports |
J4GO | Location Stock |
J4GON | Location Stock (ALV) |
J4GP | Enter Settlement Calendar |
J4GQ | Document List for PBE |
J4GT | ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GV | Archive Lists |
J4GW | Movements Between Locations |
J4GWN | Movements Between Locations List |
J4GX | Hour Evaluation for PBE |
J4GY | Display PBE Document |
J4GZ | Equipment and Tools Management (ETM) |
J6NA | Livelink DocuLink: Administration |
J6NP | Livelink DocuLink: Customizing |
J6NY | Livelink DocuLink |
J6NZ | Call DocuLink (internal TC) |
J8A3 | Archiving from File system |
J8A7 | Customizing IXOS-DesktopLink |
J8A8 | IXOS-DesktopLink via SAP SHORTCUT |
J8AF | Forms Management |
J8AM | Archive from Filesystem |
J8AN | Customizing converter maintenance |
J8AO | Customizing Target Format |
JARC | IS-M: Archiving Development |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tocdes From J to JA
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