Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcodes From KG to KZ

KGBC Copy CMP Client
KGF4 Maintain overhead dependencies
KGI2 Act. Overhead:  Int.Order   Ind.Pro
KGI4 Actual Overhead:Int.Ord. Coll. Proc.
KGO2 Overhead Commt: Int.Orders  Ind.Pro.
KGO4 Overhead Commt: Int.Orders  Col.Pro.
KGP2 Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders  Ind.Pro.
KGP4 Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders  Col.Pro.
KGST Control Tables: Consistency Check
KGT5 Overhead: Field catalog
KIMS R/2 - R/3 - Link: IMS Systems
KIS6 Segment Adjustment: Overview
KIS6N Segment Adjustment: Overview
KISR Execute Actual Segment Adjustment
KJCCSJ3BI01 Customizing for Estimation Procedure
KJH1 Create WBS Element Groups
KJH2 Change WBS Element Groups
KJH3 Display WBS Element Groups
KK01 Create Statistical Figure
KK02 Change Statistical Figure
KK03 Display Statistical Key Figures
KK03DEL Delete Statistical Key Figures
KK04 Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Report
KK05 Create Cond. Table (Price Overhead)
KK06 Change Cond.Table (Price Overhead)
KK07 Display Cond.Table (Price Overhead)
KK11 Create Condition
KK12 Change Condition
KK13 Display Condition
KK14 Create Condition with Reference
KK16 CO-COC Plng: Change Costs/ActyInput
KK17 CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInput
KK46 CO-COC Plng: Change Stat. Key Fig.
KK47 CO-COC Plng: Display Stat. Key Fig.
KK65 COC Create Planng Layt Cost/ActInput
KK66 COC Change Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInput
KK67 COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInpt
KK87 Actual settmt: prodn cost collector
KK88 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects
KK89 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects
KK95 COC Create Planning Layout Stat. KF
KK96 COC Change Planning Layout Stat. KF
KK97 COC Display Planning Layout Stat. KF
KKA0 Maintain Cutoff Period
KKA0P Maintain Cutoff Period
KKA1 Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc.
KKA1P Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc.
KKA2 Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.
KKA2P Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.
KKA3 Sales Document Item Results Analysis
KKA3P Sales Document Item Results Analysis
KKA4 Create Res. Analysis Data for Order
KKA5 Create RA Data for WBS Element
KKA6 Create RA Data for Sales Order
KKA7 Delete Results Anal. Data for Order
KKA7P Delete Results Anal. Data for Order
KKA8 Delete RA Data for WBS Element
KKA8P Delete RA Data for WBS Element
KKA9 Delete RA Data for Sales Order
KKA9P Delete RA Data for Sales Order
KKAA Sales Document Line Items Res.Anal.
KKAB Run Selected Reports
KKAC Sales Order Hierarchy Display
KKAD Order List for Make-to-Order
KKAE Results Analysis: Display Worklist
KKAF Results Analysis: Delete Worklist
KKAG WIP: Display Worklist
KKAH Sales Order Selection
KKAI Actual Results Analysis: Orders
KKAIP Planned Results Analysis: Orders
KKAJ Actual Results Analysis: WBS Elem.
KKAJP Plan Results Analysis: WBS Elements
KKAK Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordrs
KKAKP Plan Results Analysis: Sales Orders
KKAL Results Analysis: Display Log
KKAM Make-to-order
KKAN Results Analysis: Delete Log
KKAO WIP Calc.: Collective Processing
KKAQ Display WIP - Collective Processing
KKAS WIP Calc. for Product Cost Coll.
KKAT WIP Display for Product Cost Coll.
KKAV WIP Calculation for Cost Object Hier
KKAW WIP Display Cost Object Hierarchy
KKAX WIP Calculation for Order
KKAY WIP Display for Order
KKB0 Control Parameters for Info System
KKB0N Control Parameters for Info System
KKB1 Costing Items for Sales Document
KKB2 Costing Items for Cost Object
KKB3 Costing Items for WBS Elements
KKB4 Itemization for Base Planning Obj.
KKB5 Costing Items for Material
KKB6 Configure Report Trees
KKBB Report Call CM
KKBB_ORD_46C Target/Actual Comparison for Orders
KKBC Main Tree for CO-PC Info System
KKBC_BPR Analyze Business Process
KKBC_HOE Analyze Summarization Object
KKBC_KST Analyze Cost Center
KKBC_KTR Analyze Cost Object
KKBC_KUN Analyze Sales Order
KKBC_MAT Analyze Material Cost Estimate
KKBC_ORD Analyze Order
KKBC_ORD_INT Analyze Internal Order
KKBC_PKO Analyze Product Cost Collector
KKBD Order Selection Without Variances
KKBE Order Selection with Variances
KKBF Order Selection (Classification)
KKBG Generate Report Group
KKBH Planning report: Cost objects
KKBI Import/Generate FI/CO Report Groups
KKBO Report Tree
KKBU Cost Object: Planning Overview
KKBZ Display Hierarchy List
KKB_RLISE Report List (Single-Level)
KKB_RLISH Report List (Hierarchical-Sequent.)
KKB_RLISP Report List (Data Check Only)
KKC1 Create Cost Object
KKC2 Change Cost Object
KKC3 Display Cost Object
KKC4 Create Cost Object Planning
KKC5 Change Cost Object Planning
KKC6 Display Cost Object Planning
KKC7 Create Product Group
KKC8 Change Product Group
KKC9 Display Product Group
KKCA Cost Objects: Variance Line Items
KKCP Cost Object Line Items - Plan
KKCS Cost Objects: Line Items - Actual
KKCV Var. Cost Obj. Line Items Config.
KKDV CO-PC: Summarization level maint.
KKE1 Add Base Planning Object
KKE2 Change Base Planning Object
KKE3 Display Base Planning Object
KKE4 List Base Planning Objects
KKE5 Delete Test Data for Base Object
KKE6 Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj
KKE7 Report Tree Base Planning Object
KKE8 Archive Base Planning Objects
KKEB Revaluate Base Planning Objects
KKEC Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est
KKED BOM for Base Planning Objects
KKF1 Create CO Production Order
KKF2 Change CO Production Order
KKF3 Display CO Production Order
KKF4 Change CO-FA Plan Values
KKF5 Display CO-FA Plan Values
KKF6 Create Production Cost Collector
KKF6M Create Multiple Product Cost Coll.
KKF6N Maintain Product Cost Collector
KKF7 Change Production Cost Collector
KKF8 List Production Cost Collector
KKF9 Find CO Orders
KKFB RS Header: Line Items Variance
KKG0 Display Cutoff Period
KKG0P Display Cutoff Period
KKG1 Create Cost of Sales: Order
KKG2 Create Cost of Sales: Project
KKG3 Create Cost of Sales: Sales Order
KKH1 Create Cost Object Group
KKH2 Change Cost Object Group
KKH3 Display Cost Object Group
KKML0 Run Drilldown Report
KKML1 Create Drilldown Report
KKML2 Change Drilldown Report
KKML3 Display Drilldown Report
KKML4 Create Form
KKML5 Change Form
KKML6 Display Form
KKML7 Maintain Key Figures
KKML8 Background Processing of Reports
KKMLH Transport of Reports
KKMLI Transport of Forms
KKMLJ Client Copy of Reports
KKMLK Client Copy of Forms
KKMLM Test Monitor Object Record Reports
KKMLN Reorganization of Report Data
KKMLO Reorganization of Reports
KKMLP Reorganization of Forms
KKMLV Maintain Global Variable
KKMN Product costing application area
KKN1 Actual Reval.:  Cost.Obj.   Ind.Pro.
KKN2 Actual Reval.:  Cost Obj.   Col.Pro.
KKO0 Run Drilldown Report
KKO1 Create Drilldown Report
KKO2 Change Drilldown Report
KKO3 Display Drilldown Report
KKO4 Create Form
KKO5 Change Form
KKO6 Display Form
KKO7 Maintain Key Figures
KKO8 Background Processing of Reports
KKOB Basic Functions of Cost Object Contr
KKOG Characteristic Groups for Costing
KKOH Transport of Reports
KKOI Transport of Forms
KKOJ Client Copy of Reports
KKOK Client Copy of Forms
KKOM Test Monitor Object Record Reports
KKON Reorganization of Report Data
KKOO Reorganization of Reports
KKOP Reorganize Forms
KKOR Report Selection
KKOT Split Report
KKOV Maintain Global Variable
KKOW Maintain Currency Translation Type
KKP1 Create Hierarchy Master Record
KKP2 Change Hierarchy Master Record
KKP3 Display Hierarchy Master Record
KKP4 Display Cost Object Hierarchy
KKP5 Cost ObjHier: Indiv. Proc. Variances
KKP6 Cost Object: Analysis
KKPA Create Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPAN Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPB Change Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPBN Change Cost Est. w/o Quantity Struct
KKPC Display Cost Est w/o Qty Structure
KKPCN Display Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPD Order List for Process Manufacturing
KKPDN Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KKPE Report Selection for Process Mfg
KKPG Graph. Cost Object Hierarchy Maint.
KKPH Collective Entry
KKPHIE Cost Object Hierarchy
KKPJ Actual OHead: Cost Obj Collec Proc.
KKPK Collective Entry
KKPM Process costing menu
KKPN Material Assignment
KKPQ Create Cost Object Archive
KKPT Cost Obj Hier: Coll. Proc. Variances
KKPU User's List of Reports
KKPV Delete Transaction Data
KKPX Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.
KKPY Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.
KKPZ Actual Overhead: Cost Obj   Individ.
KKR0 CO Summarization: Hierarchy Maintena
KKR1 CO Summarization: Summ. Object Types
KKR2 CO Summarization: Summ. Characterist
KKRA Order Summarization
KKRC Summarization: CO Object
KKRO Data Collection: Product Drilldown
KKRP Project Summarization
KKRS Summarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC)
KKRV Data Collection Product Drilldown
KKRZ Summarization: Process Mfg (COC)
KKS1 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS1N Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS2 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (I)
KKS3 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (C)
KKS4 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (I)
KKS5 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (C)
KKS6 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (I)
KKS7 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (C)
KKS8 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (I)
KKSB Start Selected Reports
KKSD Order List for Order-Related Prod.
KKSM Product Cost Ctrllg: Make-to-Stock
KKSP Variances - Engineer-to-Order (C)
KKSQ Variances - Engineer-to-Order (I)
KKSR Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (C)
KKSS Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (I)
KKST Variances - Cost by Sales Order (C)
KKSU Variances - Cost by Sales Order (I)
KKSV Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (C)
KKSW Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (I)
KKV1 View Maint. Sel. Production Orders
KL01 Create Activity Type
KL02 Change Activity Type
KL02CORE Maintain Activity Types
KL03 Display Activity Type
KL03CORE Display Activity Types
KL04 Delete Activity Type
KL05 Activity type: Display changes
KL13 Activity Types: Master Data Report
KL14 Delete Activity Types
KL20 Templ. Alloc. Struct. CCTR/Acty Type
KLABL Derivation of the Default Risk Rule
KLABL_ACP Deriv. of DRR for Class Pos.Sec.Acct
KLABL_BCA Derivation of DRR for BCA
KLABL_DE Derivation of DRR for Derivative
KLABL_FAZ Derivation of DRR for Facilities
KLABL_FX Derivation of DRR for Foreign Exch.
KLABL_LO Derivation of DRR for Loan
KLABL_MM Derivation of DRR for Money Market
KLABL_RC Derivation of DRR for Risk Object
KLABL_VT Derivation of DRR for Var. Trans.
KLAU Change Allocation Assessment Ledger
KLAV Change Alloc. Distribution Ledger
KLCCTOEU Log Admin for Facilities+Collateral
KLCOCUMIG Initial Loading Assignmt Crcy->Cntry
KLEH Display Logs
KLEXT Display Active External Transactions
KLFZ0001 Facilities Control: Application
KLFZ0002 Facilities Control: Field Groups
KLFZ0003 Facilities Control: Views
KLFZ0004 Facilities Control: Sections
KLFZ0005 Facilities Control: Screens
KLFZ0006 Facilities Control: Screen Sequence
KLFZ0007 Facilities Control: Time
KLFZ0008 Fac. Cntrl: GUI Standard Functions
KLFZ0009 Fac. Cntrl: CUA Additional Functions
KLFZ0010 Facilities Control: Matchcode
KLFZ0011 Fac. Cntrl: Assign Scrn fld->DBfield
KLFZ0013 Facilities Control: Role Categories
KLFZ0014 Facilities Ctrl: Role cat. groupings
KLFZ0015 Facilities Ctrl: Application trans.
KLFZ0016 Facilities Control: Tables
KLFZ0018 Facilities Control: Activities
KLFZ0019 Fac. Cntrl: FldModif./Activity(Cntl)
KLFZ01 Facilities: Create
KLFZ02 Facilities: Change
KLFZ03 Facilities: Display
KLFZCCTOEU Currency Conversion for Facility
KLFZDT01 Detail Reporting for Facilities
KLFZDT02 Detail Reporting for Facilities
KLFZMD01 Facilities: Master Data Reporting
KLFZMD03 Facilities: Master Data Reporting
KLGPUPDLR Mass Processing of Financial Objects
KLH1 Create Activity Type Group
KLH2 Change Activity Type Group
KLH3 Display Activity Type Group
KLLE Overview: Exceeded Limits
KLLE_DELETE Deletion of Exceeded Limits
KLMAP Assign Accounts to Business Partner
KLMASSPRT Display Logs
KLMASSUPD Mass Processing of Financial Objects
KLMASSUPD_VT_OLD Mass Processing of Financial Objects
KLMAXLIMIT Change Limit for Product/Trans. Type
KLNACHT Attributable Amount Determination
KLNACHT1 Old: Postprocess Data Pool Trans.
KLNACHT2 Postprocessing of Mass Data
KLNAEG01 STChk for Datapool Transactions
KLNK Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL
KLNR Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL
KLONL Online Check
KLSDC1 Single Transaction Check: New
KLSDC2 Single Transaction Check: Change
KLSDC3 Single Transaction Check: Deactivate
KLSDC4 Display Transactions
KLSDCPDEF Define STC Products
KLSDCPROTS STC Log Generation: Control
KLSI01 Create Collateral Provision
KLSI01_CFM Create Collateral Provision
KLSI02 Change Collateral Provision
KLSI02_CFM Change Collateral Provision
KLSI03 Display Collateral Provision
KLSI03_CFM Display Collateral
KLSICCTOEU Currency Changeover for Collateral
KLT1 Credit Limit: Global Settings
KLTEV01 Credit Limit: Global Settings
KL_ARR_RC Assign Risk Object
KM1V Cost Center Selection Variants
KM3V Select. Variants for Bus. Processes
KM5V Selection Variants: Cost Elements
KM7V Activity Type Selection Variants
KNMA Target=Actual-IAA: cost centers
KO01 Create Internal Order
KO02 Change Order
KO03 Display Internal Order
KO04 Order Manager
KO08 Data Transfer for Order Master Data
KO09 Sender Structures for Trans. Data
KO12 Change Order Plan (Overall, Year)
KO12N Overall Planning for Orders: Change
KO13 Display Order Plan (Overall, Year)
KO13N Overall Planning for Orders: Display
KO14 Copy Planing for Internal Orders
KO14N Set planner profile
KO14_OLD Copy Order Plan Version (old)
KO15 Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan
KO1ECP Internal Orders: Easy Cost Planning
KO22 Change Order Budget
KO23 Display Order Budget
KO24 Change Order Supplement
KO25 Display Order Supplement
KO26 Change Order Return
KO27 Display Order Return
KO2A Change budget document
KO2B Display budget document
KO30 Activate Orders Availability Control
KO31 Reconstruct Order Availability Cntrl
KO32 Deactivate Order Availability Cntrl
KO88 Actual Settlement: Order
KO8A Act.-setlmt: Order retmt. from IM
KO8B Display Settlement Document
KO8G Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders
KO8N No. Ranges for Settlement Document
KO9E Plan Settlement: Internal Order
KO9G Plan Settlement: Internal Orders
KOA1 Send Internal Order
KOAA Archive Settlement Documents
KOAB Order Types: Budget Profile
KOAI Order Types: Default Int. Planning
KOAK Order Types: Classification
KOAL Order Types: Settlement Profile
KOAM Order Types: Model Order
KOAO Order Types: Commitment Update
KOAP Order Types: Plan Profile
KOAR Archive CO Orders
KOB1 Orders: Actual Line Items
KOB2 Orders: Commitment Line Items
KOB3 Orders: Variance Line Items
KOB4 Orders: Budget Line Items
KOB5 Orders: Maint. Line Item Settlement
KOB6 Orders: Settlement Line Items
KOB7 Orders: Line Item Settlement Retirem
KOB8 Orders: WIP/Results Anal. Line Items
KOBP Orders: Plan Line Items
KOC2 Run Selected Reports
KOC4 Cost Analysis
KOCF Carry Forward Order Commitments
KOCM Conversion Classification: AUFK
KOCO Budget Carryforward for Orders
KOH1 Create Order Group
KOH2 Change Order Group
KOH3 Display Order Group
KOH9 Change Order Group
KOK2 Collective Proc. Internal Orders
KOK3 Collective Disp. Internal Orders
KOK4 Aut. Collect. Proc. Internal Orders
KOK5 Master Data List Internal Orders
KOK6 Collect. Printing of Internal Orders
KOL1 Order List (Master Data)
KOM1 Create CO model order
KOM2 Change CO Model Order
KOM3 Display CO model order
KOMM Customizing pick list
KON1 Actual Reval.:  Int.Orders  Ind.Pro.
KON2 Actual Reval.:  Int.Orders  Col.Pro.
KONK Maintain Order Number Ranges
KOP1 Create Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP2 Change Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP3 Display Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOP4 Delete Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOPA1 Overall Plan., Orders: Create layout
KOPA2 Overall Plan., Orders: Change Layout
KOPA3 Overall Plan., Orders: Displ. Layout
KOPU Execute Orders for Plan Revaluation
KOR2 _
KORI Job Selection
KORJ Job Selection (Output)
KOSL Incompleteness FT Data BOM
KOSRLIST Collective Displ.: Settlement Rules
KOSRLIST_OR Internal Orders: Coll. Displ. SettRu
KOSRLIST_PP Prod. Orders: Coll. Displ. SettRules
KOSRLIST_PR Projects/Nets: Coll. Displ.SettRules
KOSRLIST_RE Real Estate: Coll. Displ. Sett.Rules
KOSRLIST_VB Sales Doc.: Coll. Displ. Sett. Rules
KOT2 Maintain Order Types - All Categs.
KOT2_FUNCAREA Functional Area Order Types (CO)
KOT2_OPA Order types for internal orders
KOT2_OPA_STSMA Order Types for Internal Orders
KOT2_PAUF Check Order Type-Manufacturing Ord.
KOT2_PKOSA Check Order Type-Prod.Cst Collector
KOT2_TP Maintain Order Types - All Categs.
KOT3 Display Order Types
KOT3_OPA Order types for internal orders
KOTZ Costing Items for Order
KOV2 Maintain Transaction Grps for Orders
KOV3 Display Transaction Grps for Orders
KOW1 Create Periodic Reposting
KOW1N Create Periodic Reposting
KOW2 Change Periodic Reposting
KOW2N Change Periodic Reposting
KOW3 Display Periodic Reposting
KOW3N Display Periodic Reposting
KOW4 Delete Periodic Reposting
KOW4N Delete Periodic Reposting
KOWEB_CREATE_OR Create Order Master Data (Web)
KOWEB_EDIT_OR Edit Order Master Data (Web)
KP04 Set Planner Profile
KP06 Change CElem/Activity Input Planning
KP07 Display Planning CElem/Act. Input
KP16 Change Plan Data for Primary Costs
KP17 Display Plan Data for Primary Costs
KP26 Change Plan Data for Activity Types
KP27 Display Plan Data for Activity Types
KP34 CO Maintain Planner Profile
KP34BP Maintain CO Planner Profiles
KP34ER Maintain CO Planner Profiles
KP34PC Maintain CO Planner Profiles
KP34PS Maintain CO Planner Profiles
KP35 Display CO Planner Profile
KP36 Change Secondary Cost Plan Data
KP37 Display Secondary Costs Plan Data
KP46 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP47 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP56 Change Revenue Plan Data
KP57 Display Revenue Plan Data
KP65 Create Cost Planning Layout
KP66 Change Cost Planning Layout
KP67 Display Cost Planning Layout
KP75 Create Activity Type Planning Layout
KP76 Change Activity Type Planning Layout
KP77 Display Activ. Type Planning Layout
KP80 Maintain Distribution Keys
KP81 Create Distribution Key
KP82 Change Distribution Key
KP83 Display Distribution Key
KP84 Delete Distribution Key
KP85 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP86 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP87 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP90 Delete Planned Costs
KP90NI Delete Planned Costs
KP91 Delete Planned Costs
KP91NI Delete Planning Data
KP95 Revaluate Manual Planning
KP96 Activate L. Items and Int. Planning
KP97 Copy Planning for Cost Centers
KP98 Copy Actual to Plan for Cost Centers
KP9R Copy CO Resource Prices
KP9S Revaluate CO Resource Prices
KPA6 Change Primary Cost Element Planning
KPA7 Display Primary Cost Elem. Planning
KPAS Actl. Templ.-Alloc.: CCTR/Acty Type
KPB6 Change Activity Type Plan Data
KPB7 Display Activity Type Plan Data
KPC6 Change Activity Input Planning
KPC7 Display activity input planning
KPD6 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPD7 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPE6 Change Revenue Element Planning
KPE7 Display Revenue Element Planning
KPEP Log: Flexible Excel Upload
KPEU Flexible Upload for Excel Planning
KPF6 Change CElem/Activity Input Planning
KPF7 Display CElem./Acty Input Planning
KPG1 Create Planning Parameters
KPG2 Change Planning Parameters
KPG3 Display Planning Parameters
KPG4 Delete Planning Parameters
KPG5 Create Cost Planning Layout
KPG6 Change Cost Planning Layout
KPG7 Display Cost Planning Layout
KPH0 Maintain Distribution Keys
KPH1 Create Distribution Key
KPH2 Change Distribution Key
KPH3 Display Distribution Key
KPH4 Delete Distribution Key
KPH5 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPH6 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPH7 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPHR Transfer HR Costs to CO
KPI6 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPI7 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KPPS Allocation Templ. Plan: CCtr/ATyp
KPR1 Callup View Maintenance With COArea
KPR2 Maintain Resources Master Record
KPR3 Display Resource Master Record
KPR4 Maintain CO Resource Price Types
KPR5 Display CO Resource Price Types
KPR6 Maintain CO Resource Prices
KPR7 Maintain CO Resource Prices
KPR8 CO Res.: Maintain Valuation Variants
KPR9 CO Res.: Display Valuation Variants
KPRA CO Resources: Maint. Price Strategy
KPRB CO Resources: Display Price Strategy
KPRC Maintain Costing Sheet for CO Res.
KPRD Display Costing Sheet for CO Res.
KPRF Settings Cost Obj Contr Process Mfg
KPRI Define Price Tables
KPRK Define Access Sequences
KPRN Copy Resource Planning
KPRO KPRO Administration
KPRW Evaluate resources used
KPRZ Depend.Planning: Recalculation
KPSI CO-CCA Plan Reconciliation
KPSR Execute Plan Segment Reversal
KPT6 Execute Formula Planning
KPU1 Create Plan Revaluation
KPU2 Change Plan Revaluation
KPU3 Display Plan Revaluation
KPU4 Delete Plan Revaluation
KPUB Revaluate Plan in Background
KPY1 Create Planning Parameters
KPY2 Change Planning Parameters
KPY3 Display Planning Parameters
KPY4 Delete Planning Parameters
KPZ2 Change Cost Center Budget
KPZ3 Display Cost Center Budget
KR01 Create Summarization
KR02 Change Summarization
KR03 Display Summarization
KR04 Delete Summarization
KR05 Execute Summarization
KRMI Run Sched. Header: Line Items Actual
KS01 Create cost center
KS02 Change cost center
KS02CORE Maintain Cost Centers
KS03 Display Cost Center
KS03CORE Display Cost Centers
KS04 Delete cost center
KS05 Cost Center: Display Changes
KS07 Execute rough entry of cost center
KS08 Execute list editing of cost center
KS12 Change Cost Centers
KS13 Cost Centers: Master Data Report
KS14 Delete Cost Centers
KS30 Cost Centers: Change Management
KSA3 Actual Accrual for Cost Centers
KSA4 Execute actual accrual
KSA8 Plan Accrual for Cost Centers
KSA9 Execute Plan Accrual
KSAG Maintain condition tables
KSAH Display condition tables
KSAI Accrual Calc.: Maintain Actual Data
KSAJ Accrual Calc.: Maintain Tgt=Act Cred
KSAP Accrual Calc.: Maintain Plan Data
KSAQ Maintain surcharge conditions
KSAR Display Overhead Conditions
KSAZ Accrual: Maintain Overhead Structure
KSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line Items
KSB2 Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items
KSB5 Controlling Documents: Actual
KSB9 Planning Report: Cost Centers
KSBB Run Selected Reports
KSBL Cost centers: Planning overview
KSBP Cost Centers: Plan Line Items
KSBT Cost centers: Activity prices
KSC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC1N Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2N Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3N Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4N Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC5 Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC6 Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC6N Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC7N Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC8N Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSC9N Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSCAN Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSCB Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSCC Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCCN Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCF Carry Forward Cost Center Commitment
KSCK Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments
KSCP Find Processes in Cycles / Segments
KSCYC3 Display Cycle/Segment Objects
KSES CO: Alloc. Structure for Assessment
KSEX Allocations: Extracts
KSFX Predistribute fixed costs: cctr
KSH1 Create Cost Center Group
KSH2 Change Cost Center Group
KSH3 Display Cost Center Group
KSI4 Actual Overhead: Cost Centers
KSII Actual Price Determination: CCtrs
KSMN Actual Menu
KSO9 Commitment Overhead: Cost Centers
KSOV Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA,ABC)
KSP4 Plan Overhead: Cost Centers
KSPI Iterative Plan Price Calculation
KSPP Transfer Planning From Logistics
KSPU Execute Plan Revaluation
KSR1_ORC Strategies for Internal Orders
KSR1_ORI Maintenance Order Strategies
KSR1_PRN WBS Element Strategies
KSR1_VBP Strategies for sales order item
KSR2_NPH Strategy Sequences for WBS Elements
KSR2_ORC Strategy Sequences: Internal Orders
KSR2_ORI Strategy Sequences for PM-Orders
KSR2_PRN Strategy Sequences for WBS Elements
KSR2_VBP Strat. sequences f. sales order item
KSR3_ORC Strategy Seq. - Order Cat.: Internal
KSR3_ORI Strategy Sequence - Ordtyp PM-Orders
KSR4 User-Defined Strategies
KSRT Allocations: Runtime Analysis
KSS1 Variance Calculation: Cost Centers
KSS2 Actual Cost Splitting: Cost Centers
KSS3 Calculate Target Costs
KSS4 Split Plan Costs
KSU1 Create Actual Assessment
KSU1N Create Actual Assessment
KSU2 Change Actual Assessment
KSU2N Change Actual Assessment
KSU3 Display Actual Assessment
KSU3N Display Actual Assessment
KSU4 Delete Actual Assessment
KSU4N Delete Actual Assessment
KSU5 Execute Actual Assessment
KSU6 Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU6N Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU7 Create Plan Assessment
KSU7N Create Plan Assessment
KSU8 Change Plan Assessment
KSU8N Change Plan Assessment
KSU9 Display Plan Assessment
KSU9N Display Plan Assessment
KSUA Delete Plan Assessment
KSUAN Delete Plan Assessment
KSUB Execute Plan Assessment
KSUC Plan Assessment: Overview
KSUCN Plan Assessment: Overview
KSV1 Create Actual Distribution
KSV1N Create Actual Distribution
KSV2 Change Actual Distribution
KSV2N Change Actual Distribution
KSV3 Display Actual Distribution
KSV3N Display Actual Distribution
KSV4 Delete Actual Distribution
KSV4N Delete Actual Distribution
KSV5 Execute Actual Distribution
KSV6 Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV6N Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV7 Create Plan Distribution
KSV7N Create Plan Distribution
KSV8 Change Plan Distribution
KSV8N Change Plan Distribution
KSV9 Display Plan Distribution
KSV9N Display Plan Distribution
KSVA Delete Plan Distribution
KSVAN Delete Plan Distribution
KSVB Execute Plan Distribution
KSVC Plan Distribution: Overview
KSVCN Plan Distribution: Overview
KSW1 Create Periodic Reposting
KSW1N Create Periodic Reposting
KSW2 Change Periodic Reposting
KSW2N Change Periodic Reposting
KSW3 Display Periodic Reposting
KSW3N Display Periodic Reposting
KSW4 Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW4N Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW5 Execute Actual Periodic Reposting
KSW6 Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW6N Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW7 Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW7N Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8 Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8N Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9 Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9N Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWA Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWAN Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWB Execute Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWC Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWCN Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWUSL Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA
KTPF View Maint.: Find Template
KVA0 Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF
KVA1 Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA2 Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA3 Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF
KVA4 Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figure
KVA5 Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure
KVA6 Copy Assignment CCtr/KF
KVB0 Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF
KVB1 Display Plan Assignment Process/KF
KVB2 Change Actual Assignment Process/KF
KVB3 Display Actual Assignment Process/KF
KVB4 PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVB5 PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures
KVB6 Copy Assignment Processes/KF
KVBI Sales Documents: Line Items Actual
KVBO Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items
KVC0 Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF
KVC1 Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF
KVC2 Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF
KVC3 Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF
KVC4 KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVC5 KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures
KVC6 Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig.
KVD0 Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD1 Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD2 Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD3 Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF
KVD4 LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures
KVD5 LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures
KVD6 Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure
KW3P WWW: Internal Price List
KWSTAT KW Statistics Functions
KXH1 Create Group (Hierarchical)
KXH2 Change Group (Hierarchical)
KXH3 Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical)
KZA1 Select Overhead
KZB2 Maintain Calculation Base
KZB4 Calculation Base Cost Ctr/Activ.Type
KZE2 Maintain Credit
KZM2 Maintain quantity-based overhead
KZO2 Maintain Basis of Output Quantity
KZS2 Maintain Costing Sheet
KZZ2 Maintain Percentage Overhead

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