KGBC | Copy CMP Client |
KGF4 | Maintain overhead dependencies |
KGI2 | Act. Overhead: Int.Order Ind.Pro |
KGI4 | Actual Overhead:Int.Ord. Coll. Proc. |
KGO2 | Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Ind.Pro. |
KGO4 | Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Col.Pro. |
KGP2 | Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro. |
KGP4 | Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Col.Pro. |
KGST | Control Tables: Consistency Check |
KGT5 | Overhead: Field catalog |
KIMS | R/2 - R/3 - Link: IMS Systems |
KIS6 | Segment Adjustment: Overview |
KIS6N | Segment Adjustment: Overview |
KISR | Execute Actual Segment Adjustment |
KJCCSJ3BI01 | Customizing for Estimation Procedure |
KJH1 | Create WBS Element Groups |
KJH2 | Change WBS Element Groups |
KJH3 | Display WBS Element Groups |
KK01 | Create Statistical Figure |
KK02 | Change Statistical Figure |
KK03 | Display Statistical Key Figures |
KK03DEL | Delete Statistical Key Figures |
KK04 | Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Report |
KK05 | Create Cond. Table (Price Overhead) |
KK06 | Change Cond.Table (Price Overhead) |
KK07 | Display Cond.Table (Price Overhead) |
KK11 | Create Condition |
KK12 | Change Condition |
KK13 | Display Condition |
KK14 | Create Condition with Reference |
KK16 | CO-COC Plng: Change Costs/ActyInput |
KK17 | CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInput |
KK46 | CO-COC Plng: Change Stat. Key Fig. |
KK47 | CO-COC Plng: Display Stat. Key Fig. |
KK65 | COC Create Planng Layt Cost/ActInput |
KK66 | COC Change Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInput |
KK67 | COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInpt |
KK87 | Actual settmt: prodn cost collector |
KK88 | Actual Settlement: Cost Objects |
KK89 | Actual Settlement: Cost Objects |
KK95 | COC Create Planning Layout Stat. KF |
KK96 | COC Change Planning Layout Stat. KF |
KK97 | COC Display Planning Layout Stat. KF |
KKA0 | Maintain Cutoff Period |
KKA0P | Maintain Cutoff Period |
KKA1 | Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc. |
KKA1P | Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc. |
KKA2 | Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc. |
KKA2P | Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc. |
KKA3 | Sales Document Item Results Analysis |
KKA3P | Sales Document Item Results Analysis |
KKA4 | Create Res. Analysis Data for Order |
KKA5 | Create RA Data for WBS Element |
KKA6 | Create RA Data for Sales Order |
KKA7 | Delete Results Anal. Data for Order |
KKA7P | Delete Results Anal. Data for Order |
KKA8 | Delete RA Data for WBS Element |
KKA8P | Delete RA Data for WBS Element |
KKA9 | Delete RA Data for Sales Order |
KKA9P | Delete RA Data for Sales Order |
KKAA | Sales Document Line Items Res.Anal. |
KKAB | Run Selected Reports |
KKAC | Sales Order Hierarchy Display |
KKAD | Order List for Make-to-Order |
KKAE | Results Analysis: Display Worklist |
KKAF | Results Analysis: Delete Worklist |
KKAG | WIP: Display Worklist |
KKAH | Sales Order Selection |
KKAI | Actual Results Analysis: Orders |
KKAIP | Planned Results Analysis: Orders |
KKAJ | Actual Results Analysis: WBS Elem. |
KKAJP | Plan Results Analysis: WBS Elements |
KKAK | Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordrs |
KKAKP | Plan Results Analysis: Sales Orders |
KKAL | Results Analysis: Display Log |
KKAM | Make-to-order |
KKAN | Results Analysis: Delete Log |
KKAO | WIP Calc.: Collective Processing |
KKAQ | Display WIP - Collective Processing |
KKAS | WIP Calc. for Product Cost Coll. |
KKAT | WIP Display for Product Cost Coll. |
KKAV | WIP Calculation for Cost Object Hier |
KKAW | WIP Display Cost Object Hierarchy |
KKAX | WIP Calculation for Order |
KKAY | WIP Display for Order |
KKB0 | Control Parameters for Info System |
KKB0N | Control Parameters for Info System |
KKB1 | Costing Items for Sales Document |
KKB2 | Costing Items for Cost Object |
KKB3 | Costing Items for WBS Elements |
KKB4 | Itemization for Base Planning Obj. |
KKB5 | Costing Items for Material |
KKB6 | Configure Report Trees |
KKBB | Report Call CM |
KKBB_ORD_46C | Target/Actual Comparison for Orders |
KKBC | Main Tree for CO-PC Info System |
KKBC_BPR | Analyze Business Process |
KKBC_HOE | Analyze Summarization Object |
KKBC_KST | Analyze Cost Center |
KKBC_KTR | Analyze Cost Object |
KKBC_KUN | Analyze Sales Order |
KKBC_MAT | Analyze Material Cost Estimate |
KKBC_ORD | Analyze Order |
KKBC_ORD_INT | Analyze Internal Order |
KKBC_PKO | Analyze Product Cost Collector |
KKBD | Order Selection Without Variances |
KKBE | Order Selection with Variances |
KKBF | Order Selection (Classification) |
KKBG | Generate Report Group |
KKBH | Planning report: Cost objects |
KKBI | Import/Generate FI/CO Report Groups |
KKBO | Report Tree |
KKBU | Cost Object: Planning Overview |
KKBZ | Display Hierarchy List |
KKB_RLISE | Report List (Single-Level) |
KKB_RLISH | Report List (Hierarchical-Sequent.) |
KKB_RLISP | Report List (Data Check Only) |
KKC1 | Create Cost Object |
KKC2 | Change Cost Object |
KKC3 | Display Cost Object |
KKC4 | Create Cost Object Planning |
KKC5 | Change Cost Object Planning |
KKC6 | Display Cost Object Planning |
KKC7 | Create Product Group |
KKC8 | Change Product Group |
KKC9 | Display Product Group |
KKCA | Cost Objects: Variance Line Items |
KKCP | Cost Object Line Items - Plan |
KKCS | Cost Objects: Line Items - Actual |
KKCV | Var. Cost Obj. Line Items Config. |
KKDV | CO-PC: Summarization level maint. |
KKE1 | Add Base Planning Object |
KKE2 | Change Base Planning Object |
KKE3 | Display Base Planning Object |
KKE4 | List Base Planning Objects |
KKE5 | Delete Test Data for Base Object |
KKE6 | Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj |
KKE7 | Report Tree Base Planning Object |
KKE8 | Archive Base Planning Objects |
KKEB | Revaluate Base Planning Objects |
KKEC | Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est |
KKED | BOM for Base Planning Objects |
KKF1 | Create CO Production Order |
KKF2 | Change CO Production Order |
KKF3 | Display CO Production Order |
KKF4 | Change CO-FA Plan Values |
KKF5 | Display CO-FA Plan Values |
KKF6 | Create Production Cost Collector |
KKF6M | Create Multiple Product Cost Coll. |
KKF6N | Maintain Product Cost Collector |
KKF7 | Change Production Cost Collector |
KKF8 | List Production Cost Collector |
KKF9 | Find CO Orders |
KKFB | RS Header: Line Items Variance |
KKG0 | Display Cutoff Period |
KKG0P | Display Cutoff Period |
KKG1 | Create Cost of Sales: Order |
KKG2 | Create Cost of Sales: Project |
KKG3 | Create Cost of Sales: Sales Order |
KKH1 | Create Cost Object Group |
KKH2 | Change Cost Object Group |
KKH3 | Display Cost Object Group |
KKML0 | Run Drilldown Report |
KKML1 | Create Drilldown Report |
KKML2 | Change Drilldown Report |
KKML3 | Display Drilldown Report |
KKML4 | Create Form |
KKML5 | Change Form |
KKML6 | Display Form |
KKML7 | Maintain Key Figures |
KKML8 | Background Processing of Reports |
KKMLH | Transport of Reports |
KKMLI | Transport of Forms |
KKMLJ | Client Copy of Reports |
KKMLK | Client Copy of Forms |
KKMLM | Test Monitor Object Record Reports |
KKMLN | Reorganization of Report Data |
KKMLO | Reorganization of Reports |
KKMLP | Reorganization of Forms |
KKMLV | Maintain Global Variable |
KKMN | Product costing application area |
KKN1 | Actual Reval.: Cost.Obj. Ind.Pro. |
KKN2 | Actual Reval.: Cost Obj. Col.Pro. |
KKO0 | Run Drilldown Report |
KKO1 | Create Drilldown Report |
KKO2 | Change Drilldown Report |
KKO3 | Display Drilldown Report |
KKO4 | Create Form |
KKO5 | Change Form |
KKO6 | Display Form |
KKO7 | Maintain Key Figures |
KKO8 | Background Processing of Reports |
KKOB | Basic Functions of Cost Object Contr |
KKOG | Characteristic Groups for Costing |
KKOH | Transport of Reports |
KKOI | Transport of Forms |
KKOJ | Client Copy of Reports |
KKOK | Client Copy of Forms |
KKOM | Test Monitor Object Record Reports |
KKON | Reorganization of Report Data |
KKOO | Reorganization of Reports |
KKOP | Reorganize Forms |
KKOR | Report Selection |
KKOT | Split Report |
KKOV | Maintain Global Variable |
KKOW | Maintain Currency Translation Type |
KKP1 | Create Hierarchy Master Record |
KKP2 | Change Hierarchy Master Record |
KKP3 | Display Hierarchy Master Record |
KKP4 | Display Cost Object Hierarchy |
KKP5 | Cost ObjHier: Indiv. Proc. Variances |
KKP6 | Cost Object: Analysis |
KKPA | Create Cost Est w/o Qty Structure |
KKPAN | Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure |
KKPB | Change Cost Est w/o Qty Structure |
KKPBN | Change Cost Est. w/o Quantity Struct |
KKPC | Display Cost Est w/o Qty Structure |
KKPCN | Display Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure |
KKPD | Order List for Process Manufacturing |
KKPDN | Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure |
KKPE | Report Selection for Process Mfg |
KKPG | Graph. Cost Object Hierarchy Maint. |
KKPH | Collective Entry |
KKPHIE | Cost Object Hierarchy |
KKPJ | Actual OHead: Cost Obj Collec Proc. |
KKPK | Collective Entry |
KKPM | Process costing menu |
KKPN | Material Assignment |
KKPQ | Create Cost Object Archive |
KKPT | Cost Obj Hier: Coll. Proc. Variances |
KKPU | User's List of Reports |
KKPV | Delete Transaction Data |
KKPX | Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj. |
KKPY | Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj. |
KKPZ | Actual Overhead: Cost Obj Individ. |
KKR0 | CO Summarization: Hierarchy Maintena |
KKR1 | CO Summarization: Summ. Object Types |
KKR2 | CO Summarization: Summ. Characterist |
KKRA | Order Summarization |
KKRC | Summarization: CO Object |
KKRO | Data Collection: Product Drilldown |
KKRP | Project Summarization |
KKRS | Summarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC) |
KKRV | Data Collection Product Drilldown |
KKRZ | Summarization: Process Mfg (COC) |
KKS1 | Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C) |
KKS1N | Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C) |
KKS2 | Variances - Product Cost by Lot (I) |
KKS3 | Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (C) |
KKS4 | Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (I) |
KKS5 | Variances - Product Cost by Per. (C) |
KKS6 | Variances - Product Cost by Per. (I) |
KKS7 | Scrap - Product Cost by Period (C) |
KKS8 | Scrap - Product Cost by Period (I) |
KKSB | Start Selected Reports |
KKSD | Order List for Order-Related Prod. |
KKSM | Product Cost Ctrllg: Make-to-Stock |
KKSP | Variances - Engineer-to-Order (C) |
KKSQ | Variances - Engineer-to-Order (I) |
KKSR | Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (C) |
KKSS | Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (I) |
KKST | Variances - Cost by Sales Order (C) |
KKSU | Variances - Cost by Sales Order (I) |
KKSV | Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (C) |
KKSW | Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (I) |
KKV1 | View Maint. Sel. Production Orders |
KL01 | Create Activity Type |
KL02 | Change Activity Type |
KL02CORE | Maintain Activity Types |
KL03 | Display Activity Type |
KL03CORE | Display Activity Types |
KL04 | Delete Activity Type |
KL05 | Activity type: Display changes |
KL13 | Activity Types: Master Data Report |
KL14 | Delete Activity Types |
KL20 | Templ. Alloc. Struct. CCTR/Acty Type |
KLABL | Derivation of the Default Risk Rule |
KLABL_ACP | Deriv. of DRR for Class Pos.Sec.Acct |
KLABL_BCA | Derivation of DRR for BCA |
KLABL_DE | Derivation of DRR for Derivative |
KLABL_FAZ | Derivation of DRR for Facilities |
KLABL_FX | Derivation of DRR for Foreign Exch. |
KLABL_LO | Derivation of DRR for Loan |
KLABL_MM | Derivation of DRR for Money Market |
KLABL_RC | Derivation of DRR for Risk Object |
KLABL_VT | Derivation of DRR for Var. Trans. |
KLAU | Change Allocation Assessment Ledger |
KLAV | Change Alloc. Distribution Ledger |
KLCCTOEU | Log Admin for Facilities+Collateral |
KLCOCUMIG | Initial Loading Assignmt Crcy->Cntry |
KLEH | Display Logs |
KLEXT | Display Active External Transactions |
KLFZ0001 | Facilities Control: Application |
KLFZ0002 | Facilities Control: Field Groups |
KLFZ0003 | Facilities Control: Views |
KLFZ0004 | Facilities Control: Sections |
KLFZ0005 | Facilities Control: Screens |
KLFZ0006 | Facilities Control: Screen Sequence |
KLFZ0007 | Facilities Control: Time |
KLFZ0008 | Fac. Cntrl: GUI Standard Functions |
KLFZ0009 | Fac. Cntrl: CUA Additional Functions |
KLFZ0010 | Facilities Control: Matchcode |
KLFZ0011 | Fac. Cntrl: Assign Scrn fld->DBfield |
KLFZ0013 | Facilities Control: Role Categories |
KLFZ0014 | Facilities Ctrl: Role cat. groupings |
KLFZ0015 | Facilities Ctrl: Application trans. |
KLFZ0016 | Facilities Control: Tables |
KLFZ0018 | Facilities Control: Activities |
KLFZ0019 | Fac. Cntrl: FldModif./Activity(Cntl) |
KLFZ01 | Facilities: Create |
KLFZ02 | Facilities: Change |
KLFZ03 | Facilities: Display |
KLFZCCTOEU | Currency Conversion for Facility |
KLFZDT01 | Detail Reporting for Facilities |
KLFZDT02 | Detail Reporting for Facilities |
KLFZMD01 | Facilities: Master Data Reporting |
KLFZMD03 | Facilities: Master Data Reporting |
KLGPUPDLR | Mass Processing of Financial Objects |
KLH1 | Create Activity Type Group |
KLH2 | Change Activity Type Group |
KLH3 | Display Activity Type Group |
KLLE | Overview: Exceeded Limits |
KLLE_DELETE | Deletion of Exceeded Limits |
KLMAP | Assign Accounts to Business Partner |
KLMASSPRT | Display Logs |
KLMASSUPD | Mass Processing of Financial Objects |
KLMASSUPD_VT_OLD | Mass Processing of Financial Objects |
KLMAXLIMIT | Change Limit for Product/Trans. Type |
KLNACHT | Attributable Amount Determination |
KLNACHT1 | Old: Postprocess Data Pool Trans. |
KLNACHT2 | Postprocessing of Mass Data |
KLNAEG01 | STChk for Datapool Transactions |
KLNK | Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL |
KLNR | Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL |
KLONL | Online Check |
KLSDC1 | Single Transaction Check: New |
KLSDC2 | Single Transaction Check: Change |
KLSDC3 | Single Transaction Check: Deactivate |
KLSDC4 | Display Transactions |
KLSDCPDEF | Define STC Products |
KLSDCPROTS | STC Log Generation: Control |
KLSI01 | Create Collateral Provision |
KLSI01_CFM | Create Collateral Provision |
KLSI02 | Change Collateral Provision |
KLSI02_CFM | Change Collateral Provision |
KLSI03 | Display Collateral Provision |
KLSI03_CFM | Display Collateral |
KLSICCTOEU | Currency Changeover for Collateral |
KLT1 | Credit Limit: Global Settings |
KLTEV01 | Credit Limit: Global Settings |
KL_ARR_RC | Assign Risk Object |
KM1V | Cost Center Selection Variants |
KM3V | Select. Variants for Bus. Processes |
KM5V | Selection Variants: Cost Elements |
KM7V | Activity Type Selection Variants |
KNMA | Target=Actual-IAA: cost centers |
KO01 | Create Internal Order |
KO02 | Change Order |
KO03 | Display Internal Order |
KO04 | Order Manager |
KO08 | Data Transfer for Order Master Data |
KO09 | Sender Structures for Trans. Data |
KO12 | Change Order Plan (Overall, Year) |
KO12N | Overall Planning for Orders: Change |
KO13 | Display Order Plan (Overall, Year) |
KO13N | Overall Planning for Orders: Display |
KO14 | Copy Planing for Internal Orders |
KO14N | Set planner profile |
KO14_OLD | Copy Order Plan Version (old) |
KO15 | Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan |
KO1ECP | Internal Orders: Easy Cost Planning |
KO22 | Change Order Budget |
KO23 | Display Order Budget |
KO24 | Change Order Supplement |
KO25 | Display Order Supplement |
KO26 | Change Order Return |
KO27 | Display Order Return |
KO2A | Change budget document |
KO2B | Display budget document |
KO30 | Activate Orders Availability Control |
KO31 | Reconstruct Order Availability Cntrl |
KO32 | Deactivate Order Availability Cntrl |
KO88 | Actual Settlement: Order |
KO8A | Act.-setlmt: Order retmt. from IM |
KO8B | Display Settlement Document |
KO8G | Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders |
KO8N | No. Ranges for Settlement Document |
KO9E | Plan Settlement: Internal Order |
KO9G | Plan Settlement: Internal Orders |
KOA1 | Send Internal Order |
KOAA | Archive Settlement Documents |
KOAB | Order Types: Budget Profile |
KOAI | Order Types: Default Int. Planning |
KOAK | Order Types: Classification |
KOAL | Order Types: Settlement Profile |
KOAM | Order Types: Model Order |
KOAO | Order Types: Commitment Update |
KOAP | Order Types: Plan Profile |
KOAR | Archive CO Orders |
KOB1 | Orders: Actual Line Items |
KOB2 | Orders: Commitment Line Items |
KOB3 | Orders: Variance Line Items |
KOB4 | Orders: Budget Line Items |
KOB5 | Orders: Maint. Line Item Settlement |
KOB6 | Orders: Settlement Line Items |
KOB7 | Orders: Line Item Settlement Retirem |
KOB8 | Orders: WIP/Results Anal. Line Items |
KOBP | Orders: Plan Line Items |
KOC2 | Run Selected Reports |
KOC4 | Cost Analysis |
KOCF | Carry Forward Order Commitments |
KOCM | Conversion Classification: AUFK |
KOCO | Budget Carryforward for Orders |
KOH1 | Create Order Group |
KOH2 | Change Order Group |
KOH3 | Display Order Group |
KOH9 | Change Order Group |
KOK2 | Collective Proc. Internal Orders |
KOK3 | Collective Disp. Internal Orders |
KOK4 | Aut. Collect. Proc. Internal Orders |
KOK5 | Master Data List Internal Orders |
KOK6 | Collect. Printing of Internal Orders |
KOL1 | Order List (Master Data) |
KOM1 | Create CO model order |
KOM2 | Change CO Model Order |
KOM3 | Display CO model order |
KOMM | Customizing pick list |
KON1 | Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro. |
KON2 | Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Col.Pro. |
KONK | Maintain Order Number Ranges |
KOP1 | Create Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOP2 | Change Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOP3 | Display Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOP4 | Delete Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOPA1 | Overall Plan., Orders: Create layout |
KOPA2 | Overall Plan., Orders: Change Layout |
KOPA3 | Overall Plan., Orders: Displ. Layout |
KOPU | Execute Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOR2 | _ |
KORI | Job Selection |
KORJ | Job Selection (Output) |
KOSL | Incompleteness FT Data BOM |
KOSRLIST | Collective Displ.: Settlement Rules |
KOSRLIST_OR | Internal Orders: Coll. Displ. SettRu |
KOSRLIST_PP | Prod. Orders: Coll. Displ. SettRules |
KOSRLIST_PR | Projects/Nets: Coll. Displ.SettRules |
KOSRLIST_RE | Real Estate: Coll. Displ. Sett.Rules |
KOSRLIST_VB | Sales Doc.: Coll. Displ. Sett. Rules |
KOT2 | Maintain Order Types - All Categs. |
KOT2_FUNCAREA | Functional Area Order Types (CO) |
KOT2_OPA | Order types for internal orders |
KOT2_OPA_STSMA | Order Types for Internal Orders |
KOT2_PAUF | Check Order Type-Manufacturing Ord. |
KOT2_PKOSA | Check Order Type-Prod.Cst Collector |
KOT2_TP | Maintain Order Types - All Categs. |
KOT3 | Display Order Types |
KOT3_OPA | Order types for internal orders |
KOTZ | Costing Items for Order |
KOV2 | Maintain Transaction Grps for Orders |
KOV3 | Display Transaction Grps for Orders |
KOW1 | Create Periodic Reposting |
KOW1N | Create Periodic Reposting |
KOW2 | Change Periodic Reposting |
KOW2N | Change Periodic Reposting |
KOW3 | Display Periodic Reposting |
KOW3N | Display Periodic Reposting |
KOW4 | Delete Periodic Reposting |
KOW4N | Delete Periodic Reposting |
KOWEB_CREATE_OR | Create Order Master Data (Web) |
KOWEB_EDIT_OR | Edit Order Master Data (Web) |
KP04 | Set Planner Profile |
KP06 | Change CElem/Activity Input Planning |
KP07 | Display Planning CElem/Act. Input |
KP16 | Change Plan Data for Primary Costs |
KP17 | Display Plan Data for Primary Costs |
KP26 | Change Plan Data for Activity Types |
KP27 | Display Plan Data for Activity Types |
KP34 | CO Maintain Planner Profile |
KP34BP | Maintain CO Planner Profiles |
KP34ER | Maintain CO Planner Profiles |
KP34PC | Maintain CO Planner Profiles |
KP34PS | Maintain CO Planner Profiles |
KP35 | Display CO Planner Profile |
KP36 | Change Secondary Cost Plan Data |
KP37 | Display Secondary Costs Plan Data |
KP46 | Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KP47 | Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KP56 | Change Revenue Plan Data |
KP57 | Display Revenue Plan Data |
KP65 | Create Cost Planning Layout |
KP66 | Change Cost Planning Layout |
KP67 | Display Cost Planning Layout |
KP75 | Create Activity Type Planning Layout |
KP76 | Change Activity Type Planning Layout |
KP77 | Display Activ. Type Planning Layout |
KP80 | Maintain Distribution Keys |
KP81 | Create Distribution Key |
KP82 | Change Distribution Key |
KP83 | Display Distribution Key |
KP84 | Delete Distribution Key |
KP85 | Create Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KP86 | Change Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KP87 | Display Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KP90 | Delete Planned Costs |
KP90NI | Delete Planned Costs |
KP91 | Delete Planned Costs |
KP91NI | Delete Planning Data |
KP95 | Revaluate Manual Planning |
KP96 | Activate L. Items and Int. Planning |
KP97 | Copy Planning for Cost Centers |
KP98 | Copy Actual to Plan for Cost Centers |
KP9R | Copy CO Resource Prices |
KP9S | Revaluate CO Resource Prices |
KPA6 | Change Primary Cost Element Planning |
KPA7 | Display Primary Cost Elem. Planning |
KPAS | Actl. Templ.-Alloc.: CCTR/Acty Type |
KPB6 | Change Activity Type Plan Data |
KPB7 | Display Activity Type Plan Data |
KPC6 | Change Activity Input Planning |
KPC7 | Display activity input planning |
KPD6 | Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPD7 | Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPE6 | Change Revenue Element Planning |
KPE7 | Display Revenue Element Planning |
KPEP | Log: Flexible Excel Upload |
KPEU | Flexible Upload for Excel Planning |
KPF6 | Change CElem/Activity Input Planning |
KPF7 | Display CElem./Acty Input Planning |
KPG1 | Create Planning Parameters |
KPG2 | Change Planning Parameters |
KPG3 | Display Planning Parameters |
KPG4 | Delete Planning Parameters |
KPG5 | Create Cost Planning Layout |
KPG6 | Change Cost Planning Layout |
KPG7 | Display Cost Planning Layout |
KPH0 | Maintain Distribution Keys |
KPH1 | Create Distribution Key |
KPH2 | Change Distribution Key |
KPH3 | Display Distribution Key |
KPH4 | Delete Distribution Key |
KPH5 | Create Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KPH6 | Change Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KPH7 | Display Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KPHR | Transfer HR Costs to CO |
KPI6 | Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPI7 | Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPPS | Allocation Templ. Plan: CCtr/ATyp |
KPR1 | Callup View Maintenance With COArea |
KPR2 | Maintain Resources Master Record |
KPR3 | Display Resource Master Record |
KPR4 | Maintain CO Resource Price Types |
KPR5 | Display CO Resource Price Types |
KPR6 | Maintain CO Resource Prices |
KPR7 | Maintain CO Resource Prices |
KPR8 | CO Res.: Maintain Valuation Variants |
KPR9 | CO Res.: Display Valuation Variants |
KPRA | CO Resources: Maint. Price Strategy |
KPRB | CO Resources: Display Price Strategy |
KPRC | Maintain Costing Sheet for CO Res. |
KPRD | Display Costing Sheet for CO Res. |
KPRF | Settings Cost Obj Contr Process Mfg |
KPRI | Define Price Tables |
KPRK | Define Access Sequences |
KPRN | Copy Resource Planning |
KPRO | KPRO Administration |
KPRW | Evaluate resources used |
KPRZ | Depend.Planning: Recalculation |
KPSI | CO-CCA Plan Reconciliation |
KPSR | Execute Plan Segment Reversal |
KPT6 | Execute Formula Planning |
KPU1 | Create Plan Revaluation |
KPU2 | Change Plan Revaluation |
KPU3 | Display Plan Revaluation |
KPU4 | Delete Plan Revaluation |
KPUB | Revaluate Plan in Background |
KPY1 | Create Planning Parameters |
KPY2 | Change Planning Parameters |
KPY3 | Display Planning Parameters |
KPY4 | Delete Planning Parameters |
KPZ2 | Change Cost Center Budget |
KPZ3 | Display Cost Center Budget |
KR01 | Create Summarization |
KR02 | Change Summarization |
KR03 | Display Summarization |
KR04 | Delete Summarization |
KR05 | Execute Summarization |
KRMI | Run Sched. Header: Line Items Actual |
KS01 | Create cost center |
KS02 | Change cost center |
KS02CORE | Maintain Cost Centers |
KS03 | Display Cost Center |
KS03CORE | Display Cost Centers |
KS04 | Delete cost center |
KS05 | Cost Center: Display Changes |
KS07 | Execute rough entry of cost center |
KS08 | Execute list editing of cost center |
KS12 | Change Cost Centers |
KS13 | Cost Centers: Master Data Report |
KS14 | Delete Cost Centers |
KS30 | Cost Centers: Change Management |
KSA3 | Actual Accrual for Cost Centers |
KSA4 | Execute actual accrual |
KSA8 | Plan Accrual for Cost Centers |
KSA9 | Execute Plan Accrual |
KSAG | Maintain condition tables |
KSAH | Display condition tables |
KSAI | Accrual Calc.: Maintain Actual Data |
KSAJ | Accrual Calc.: Maintain Tgt=Act Cred |
KSAP | Accrual Calc.: Maintain Plan Data |
KSAQ | Maintain surcharge conditions |
KSAR | Display Overhead Conditions |
KSAZ | Accrual: Maintain Overhead Structure |
KSB1 | Cost Centers: Actual Line Items |
KSB2 | Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items |
KSB5 | Controlling Documents: Actual |
KSB9 | Planning Report: Cost Centers |
KSBB | Run Selected Reports |
KSBL | Cost centers: Planning overview |
KSBP | Cost Centers: Plan Line Items |
KSBT | Cost centers: Activity prices |
KSC1 | Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC1N | Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC2 | Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC2N | Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC3 | Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC3N | Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC4 | Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC4N | Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC5 | Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC6 | Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KSC6N | Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KSC7 | Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC7N | Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC8 | Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC8N | Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC9 | Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan |
KSC9N | Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan |
KSCA | Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSCAN | Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSCB | Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSCC | Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview |
KSCCN | Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview |
KSCF | Carry Forward Cost Center Commitment |
KSCK | Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments |
KSCP | Find Processes in Cycles / Segments |
KSCYC3 | Display Cycle/Segment Objects |
KSES | CO: Alloc. Structure for Assessment |
KSEX | Allocations: Extracts |
KSFX | Predistribute fixed costs: cctr |
KSH1 | Create Cost Center Group |
KSH2 | Change Cost Center Group |
KSH3 | Display Cost Center Group |
KSI4 | Actual Overhead: Cost Centers |
KSII | Actual Price Determination: CCtrs |
KSMN | Actual Menu |
KSO9 | Commitment Overhead: Cost Centers |
KSOP | CO-OM-ABC: Transfer SOP/LTP |
KSOV | Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA,ABC) |
KSP4 | Plan Overhead: Cost Centers |
KSPI | Iterative Plan Price Calculation |
KSPP | Transfer Planning From Logistics |
KSPU | Execute Plan Revaluation |
KSR1_ORC | Strategies for Internal Orders |
KSR1_ORI | Maintenance Order Strategies |
KSR1_PRN | WBS Element Strategies |
KSR1_VBP | Strategies for sales order item |
KSR2_NPH | Strategy Sequences for WBS Elements |
KSR2_ORC | Strategy Sequences: Internal Orders |
KSR2_ORI | Strategy Sequences for PM-Orders |
KSR2_PRN | Strategy Sequences for WBS Elements |
KSR2_VBP | Strat. sequences f. sales order item |
KSR3_ORC | Strategy Seq. - Order Cat.: Internal |
KSR3_ORI | Strategy Sequence - Ordtyp PM-Orders |
KSR4 | User-Defined Strategies |
KSRT | Allocations: Runtime Analysis |
KSS1 | Variance Calculation: Cost Centers |
KSS2 | Actual Cost Splitting: Cost Centers |
KSS3 | Calculate Target Costs |
KSS4 | Split Plan Costs |
KSU1 | Create Actual Assessment |
KSU1N | Create Actual Assessment |
KSU2 | Change Actual Assessment |
KSU2N | Change Actual Assessment |
KSU3 | Display Actual Assessment |
KSU3N | Display Actual Assessment |
KSU4 | Delete Actual Assessment |
KSU4N | Delete Actual Assessment |
KSU5 | Execute Actual Assessment |
KSU6 | Actual Assessment: Overview |
KSU6N | Actual Assessment: Overview |
KSU7 | Create Plan Assessment |
KSU7N | Create Plan Assessment |
KSU8 | Change Plan Assessment |
KSU8N | Change Plan Assessment |
KSU9 | Display Plan Assessment |
KSU9N | Display Plan Assessment |
KSUA | Delete Plan Assessment |
KSUAN | Delete Plan Assessment |
KSUB | Execute Plan Assessment |
KSUC | Plan Assessment: Overview |
KSUCN | Plan Assessment: Overview |
KSV1 | Create Actual Distribution |
KSV1N | Create Actual Distribution |
KSV2 | Change Actual Distribution |
KSV2N | Change Actual Distribution |
KSV3 | Display Actual Distribution |
KSV3N | Display Actual Distribution |
KSV4 | Delete Actual Distribution |
KSV4N | Delete Actual Distribution |
KSV5 | Execute Actual Distribution |
KSV6 | Actual Distribution: Overview |
KSV6N | Actual Distribution: Overview |
KSV7 | Create Plan Distribution |
KSV7N | Create Plan Distribution |
KSV8 | Change Plan Distribution |
KSV8N | Change Plan Distribution |
KSV9 | Display Plan Distribution |
KSV9N | Display Plan Distribution |
KSVA | Delete Plan Distribution |
KSVAN | Delete Plan Distribution |
KSVB | Execute Plan Distribution |
KSVC | Plan Distribution: Overview |
KSVCN | Plan Distribution: Overview |
KSW1 | Create Periodic Reposting |
KSW1N | Create Periodic Reposting |
KSW2 | Change Periodic Reposting |
KSW2N | Change Periodic Reposting |
KSW3 | Display Periodic Reposting |
KSW3N | Display Periodic Reposting |
KSW4 | Delete Periodic Reposting |
KSW4N | Delete Periodic Reposting |
KSW5 | Execute Actual Periodic Reposting |
KSW6 | Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSW6N | Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSW7 | Create Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW7N | Create Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW8 | Change Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW8N | Change Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW9 | Display Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW9N | Display Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWA | Delete Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWAN | Delete Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWB | Execute Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWC | Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSWCN | Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSWUSL | Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA |
KTPF | View Maint.: Find Template |
KVA0 | Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF |
KVA1 | Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVA2 | Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVA3 | Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVA4 | Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figure |
KVA5 | Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure |
KVA6 | Copy Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVB0 | Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF |
KVB1 | Display Plan Assignment Process/KF |
KVB2 | Change Actual Assignment Process/KF |
KVB3 | Display Actual Assignment Process/KF |
KVB4 | PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures |
KVB5 | PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures |
KVB6 | Copy Assignment Processes/KF |
KVBI | Sales Documents: Line Items Actual |
KVBO | Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items |
KVC0 | Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC1 | Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC2 | Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC3 | Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC4 | KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures |
KVC5 | KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures |
KVC6 | Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig. |
KVD0 | Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD1 | Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD2 | Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD3 | Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD4 | LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures |
KVD5 | LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures |
KVD6 | Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure |
KW3P | WWW: Internal Price List |
KWSTAT | KW Statistics Functions |
KXH1 | Create Group (Hierarchical) |
KXH2 | Change Group (Hierarchical) |
KXH3 | Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical) |
KZA1 | Select Overhead |
KZB2 | Maintain Calculation Base |
KZB4 | Calculation Base Cost Ctr/Activ.Type |
KZE2 | Maintain Credit |
KZM2 | Maintain quantity-based overhead |
KZO2 | Maintain Basis of Output Quantity |
KZS2 | Maintain Costing Sheet |
KZZ2 | Maintain Percentage Overhead |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes From KG to KZ
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