Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcode List Starting with I

I009                   Location/AccAsst No. Range (ILOA)   
I18N                   Internationalization                
IA01                   Create Equipment Task List          
IA02                   Change Equipment Task List          
IA03                   Display Equipment Task List         
IA04                   Display PM/SM Task List (A,E,T)     
IA05                   Create general task list            
IA06                   Change General Maintenance Task List
IA07                   Display General Task List           
IA08                   Change PM Task Lists                
IA09                   Display Task Lists                  
IA10                   Display Task Lists (Multilevel)     
IA11                   Create FunctLoc Task List           
IA12                   Change FunctLoc Task List           
IA13                   Display FunctLoc Task List          
IA15                   Task List Original Change Docs      
IA16                   Cost Maintenance Task Lists         
IA17                   Print Maintenance Task Lists        
IA18                   Display Task Lists by Class Search  
IA19                   Change Task Lists by Class Search   
IA21                   Evaluate Task List Change Documents 
IA24                   Archiving of PM Task Lists          
IA25                   Deletion of PM Task Lists           
IAC_FLIGHT             Flight Example Program              
IAOCPRA                Log Entries for Cockpit (cProjects) 
IAOCPRB                Marking of Errors Manually          
IAOCPRC                Delete and Clean Up                 
IAOM0                  Business Scenario Translator        
IAOM1                  Maintain Controlling Scenario       
IAOM2                  Maintain Controlling Integration    
IAOM3                  Bus. Scen. Grp Acct. Assgt Manager  
IAOM4                  Business Scenario Extension         
IAOMA                  Log for Account Assignment Manager  
IAOMA_DB               Acc.Assgn.Man. Log w.Test Run Debug.
IAOMB                  Delete Acc. Assignment Manager Log  
IAOMC                  Object Link Analysis Acct Management
IAOMD                  Logbook Parameters                  
IAOME                  Check and Correct Contr.Type Determ.
IAOMF                  Acct Assgmt Manager Logbook Analysis
IAOMG                  Display Master Data Extension       
IAOM_BEMOT             Settlement:Activate Accntng Indicat.
IAOM_SOURCE            CRM Assgnmnt of Settlement Receiver 
IB01                   Create Equipment BOM                
IB02                   Change Equipment BOM                
IB03                   Display Equipment BOM               
IB05                   Change Equipment BOM Group          
IB06                   Display Equipment BOM Group         
IB07                   Assign Equipment BOM to Plant       
IB08                   Change Equipment BOM - Plant Alloc. 
IB09                   Display Equipment BOM Plant Alloc.  
IB11                   Create Functional Location BOM      
IB12                   Change Functional Location BOM      
IB13                   Display Functional Location BOM     
IB15                   Change FunctLocation BOM Group      
IB16                   Display FunctLocation BOM Group     
IB17                   Create FunctLoc. BOM Plant Assignmnt
IB18                   Change FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.   
IB19                   Display FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.  
IB51                   Create IBase                        
IB52                   Change IBase                        
IB53                   Display IBase                       
IB54                   Change Two Installed Bases          
IB55                   Display Two Installations           
IB56                   Expand IBase                        
IB61                   Create Installed Base with Reference
IB80                   Change Documents for Equipment BOM  
IB81                   FunctLocation BOM Change Documents  
IB90                   Equipment BOM Number Ranges         
IB91                   FunctLocation BOM Number Ranges     
IBANMD                 Generate IBAN                       
IBI2                   Plant Maintenance Batch Input       
IBIP                   PM: Batch Input Utility             
IBIPA                  Transaction for BAL of IBIP         
IBNR                   Processing IBNR Reserves            
IBR01                  Enter Broker Report                 
IBR02                  Broker Collections Acct Bal. Display
IBR03                  Broker Desktop                      
IBR04                  Clarify Broker Report               
IBR05                  Display Broker Report History       
IBR06                  Display Customers For Broker        
IBR07                  Search/List Broker Report Items     
IBR08                  Broker Report New Reconciliation Key
IBR09                  Broker Report Reversal              
IBR10                  Number Range Maintenance: BRO_STMH  
IBR23                  Broker Report Clearing Account      
IBR24                  Interim Account Broker Report       
IBR25                  Default Values Broker Report        
IBR27                  Broker Summary Posting Default Vals 
IBR28                  Configure Clarification Codes       
IBR30                  Activities for Clarification Codes  
IBR31                  Broker Hierarchy Selection          
IBR32                  Assign Item Cat/Broker Report Cat   
IBR33                  Clarif. Account for Clarif. Code    
IBR34                  Broker Report Selection Categories  
IBR35                  Customizing: Broker Report Grouping 
IBR36                  Customizing: Account Det. Tolerance 
IBR37                  Customizing: Prfx Reconciliation Key
IBR40                  Create Broker Account Statement     
IBR50                  Create Broker Report                
IBR51                  Broker Report Transfer              
IBR52                  Broker Report Transfer Error Proc.  
IBR53                  Broker Report Transfer - File Change
IBR54                  Broker Report Transfer - File Gen.  
IBR55                  BrokRepTransfer - Cust. Struct. Gen.
IBR60                  Request Broker Report               
IBR70                  Create Broker Dunning Status        
IBR75                  Dunning Status History              
IBR80                  Auto. Broker Report Postprocessing  
IBR81                  Specs for Auto. Brok. Rep. Postproc.
IBR85                  Post Broker Report After Inc. Payt  
IBR90                  Create Broker Balance               
IBRBAPITEST            Test Transaction BAPIs Broker Coll. 
IBRO                   Broker Collections Area Menu        
IBSPI_RFCDEST          RFC Destination  IBS-PI Functions   
IBSSI_RFCDEST          RFC Destination for IBS Functions   
IB_COM_CUST_01         IBase: Customizing IBase Category   
IC37                   SM37 for Incremental Conversion Jobs
ICKF                   Customer-Specific Key Figures       
ICLAPPTOPC             File from Appl.Server to Frontend   
ICLARCH                Archive Claim Data                  
ICLBP101               Create Retailer                     
ICLBP102               Change Retailer                     
ICLBP103               Display Retailer                    
ICLBP11                Create Repair Shop                  
ICLBP12                Change Repair Shop                  
ICLBP13                Display Repair Shop                 
ICLBP21                Create Auto Rental                  
ICLBP22                Change Auto Rental                  
ICLBP23                Display Auto Rental                 
ICLBP31                Create Appraiser                    
ICLBP32                Change Appraiser                    
ICLBP33                Display Appraiser                   
ICLBP51                Create Towing Service               
ICLBP52                Change Towing Service               
ICLBP53                Display Towing Service              
ICLBPS1                FS-CM: Find Policyholder            
ICLBPSRCHGEN           Generate Business Partner Search    
ICLCCSRCHGEN           Generate Claim Bundle Search        
ICLCDC01               Create Claim (Expert Mode)          
ICLCDC02               Change Claim (Expert Mode)          
ICLCDC03               Display Claim (Expert Mode)         
ICLCDCN1               Initial Screen Claims Data Capture  
ICLCDINFO              ISCD Information on a Payment       
ICLCHECKNO             Delivers Free Check Numbers for User
ICLCLOSE               Close Claim (Dark)                  
ICLCLSRCHGEN           Generate Claim Search               
ICLCUST003             ICL: CDC: Customizing Int.Claim Type
ICLCUST1               ICL: CDC: Customizing Claim Type    
ICLCUST2               ICL: CDC: Customizing Subclaim Type 
ICLCUST3               ICL: CDC: Roles                     
ICLCUST4               ICL: CDC: Cause of Loss             
ICLCUST5               ICL CDC:Assign Claim Type/Loss Cause
ICLCUST50              Reserve Types                       
ICLCUST51              Reserve Categories                  
ICLCUST52              Reserve Change Reasons              
ICLCUST53              Assignm. Subclaim Type-Reserve Type 
ICLCUST54              Benefit Types                       
ICLCUST55              Assignm. Subclaim Type-Benefit Type 
ICLCUST57              Reserve Types                       
ICLCUST58              Reserve Types                       
ICLCUST59              Reserve Types                       
ICLCUST60              Reserve Types                       
ICLCVERM003            Configure Internal Claim Type       
ICLCVERM160            Define Benefit Type Tree            
ICLCVERM320            Define Policy Products              
ICLC_NR                Number Range Maintenance: ICL_CLAIM 
ICLDIAGIMPORT          Import Diagnoses                    
ICLE1                  BDT-Event: Applications             
ICLE10                 BDT-Event: Matchcode                
ICLE100                BDT-Event: Fld Grouping (Activity)  
ICLE101                BDT-Event: Fld Gouping (Role Cat.)  
ICLE102                BDT-Event: Authorization Type       
ICLE103                BDT-Event: Field Groups (Authoriz.) 
ICLE104                BDT-Event: Screen Configuration     
ICLE11                 BDT-Event: Assign ScrnFld-> DBFld   
ICLE12                 BDT-Event: Field Grouping           
ICLE13                 BDT-Event: Role Categories          
ICLE14                 BDT-Event: Role Category Grouping   
ICLE15                 BDT-Event: Application Transactions 
ICLE16                 BDT-Event: Tables                   
ICLE18                 BDT-Event: Activities               
ICLE2                  BDT-Event: Field Groups             
ICLE23                 BDT ICLE: Data Sets                 
ICLE3                  BDT-Event: Views                    
ICLE4                  BDT-Event: Sections                 
ICLE5                  BDT-Event: Screens                  
ICLE6                  BDT-Event: Screen Sequences         
ICLE7                  BDT-Event: Events                   
ICLE8                  BDT-Event: Standard GUI Functions   
ICLE9                  BDT-Event: Additional GUI Functions 
ICLEACCEVT             Search for Accident Event           
ICLEACCEVT01           Accident Event: Create              
ICLEACCEVT02           Accident Event: Change              
ICLEACCEVT03           Accident Event: Display             
ICLEBLKINV01           Collective Invoice: Create          
ICLEBLKINV02           Collective Invoice: Change          
ICLEBLKINV03           Collective Invoice: Display         
ICLEBLKSBR01           Coll.Subrogation: Create            
ICLEBLKSBR02           Coll.Subrogation: Change            
ICLEBLKSBR03           Coll.Subrogation: Display           
ICLECMCMT              Claim Control Maintenance           
ICLECU1                ICL Event Custom.: Claim Bundle Type
ICLECU2                ICL Event Custom.: Clm BundleSubtype
ICLEEXPERT             Claim Bundle Search                 
ICLEEXPERT_OLD         Initial Screen Claim Handler        
ICLET01                Claim Bundle: Create                
ICLET02                Claim Bundle: Change                
ICLET03                Claim Bundle: Display               
ICLEUSR                Maintain User Settings              
ICLEVCT                Claim Bundle Cust.: Screen Config.  
ICLEWM                 Claim Bundle Work Menu              
ICLEWM104              BDT-FNOL: Screen Configuration      
ICLEWM20               BDT ICLE: BDT Search Help           
ICLEXPERT              Claim Search                        
ICLEXPERT_OLD          Claim Search                        
ICLE_EVENT             BP Events                           
ICLE_EVENTS            BP Events                           
ICLE_NR                Number Range Maintenance: ICL_EVENT 
ICLE_TOUCH_MASS        Mass Processing for Claim Bundle    
ICLFNOL01              Create Notice of Loss               
ICLFNOL03              View Notice of Loss                 
ICLFNOL2CLAIM          Convert Notice of Loss to Claim     
ICLFNOLSAP1            Notice of Loss from SAP User        
ICLFNOLSAP3            Display Notice of Loss from SAP User
ICLIBNR01              Calculation of Suppl. Reserves      
ICLIBNR840             Reserve Group / Indicatives         
ICLIBNR841             Reserve Group / Indicatives         
ICLIBNR843             Reserve Group Cluster               
ICLIBNR848             Reserve Group / Indicatives         
ICLIBNR849             Reserve Group / Indicatives         
ICLIBNR850             Selection Screen Reserve Allocation 
ICLIBNR851             Selection Screen Reserve Allocation 
ICLIBNR852             Loss/Expense Ratio                  
ICLIBNR860             ResGrp -> Version                   
ICLIBNR861             Define Reserve Group                
ICLIBNR861_HEALTH      Define Reserve Group                
ICLIBNR862             Reserve Group Category              
ICLIBNR863             Define Reserve Group                
ICLIBNR865             Expense Calculation Rule            
ICLIBNR867             Reserve Group Cluster               
ICLIBNR867_HEALTH      Reserve Group Cluster               
ICLIBNR867_X           Reserve Group Cluster               
ICLIBNR869             Define Versions for Res.Gp Cluster  
ICLIBNR873             Edit Process Sequence               
ICLIBNRCLASS           Calculation of Suppl. Reserves      
ICLIBNRCOMP            Comparison of Two IBNR Versions     
ICLIBNRDIRECT          Selection: Direct IBNR Reserving    
ICLIBNREDITRESULT      IBNR Determination of Reserves      
ICLIBNREDITSTATISTIC   IBNR Determination of Reserves      
ICLIBNRLE              Calculation of Suppl. Reserves      
ICLIBNRPROCESS         IBNR Determination of Reserves      
ICLIBNRPROCESSHEALTH   IBNR Determination of Reserves      
ICLIBNRRESLOT          IBNR Determination of Reserves      
ICLIMG                 Go Directly to FS-CM IMG            
ICLINS01               Create Insurer                      
ICLINS02               Change Insurer                      
ICLINS03               Display Insurer                     
ICLINVMASS01           Invoice Mass Entry                  
ICLINVNOT01            Single Entry of Invoice             
ICLINVSG01             Invoice Mass Entry                  
ICLMYCLAIMS            Claim Handler: My Claims            
ICLNOT01               Create Claim (Notification Mode)    
ICLNOT02               Change Claim (Notification Mode)    
ICLNOT03               Display Claim (Notification Mode)   
ICLNOTE1               Create Note (Overview Mode)         
ICLNT01                ICL FNOL: Create                    
ICLNT02                ICL FNOL: Change                    
ICLNT03                ICL FNOL: Display                   
ICLNWM                 FS-CM: First Notice of Loss: Dialog 
ICLN_NR                Number Range Maintenance: ICL_NOTICE
ICLOPENACT             Claim Handler: Pending Tasks        
ICLOVER03              Display Claim (Overview Mode)       
ICLPARTWCDI            Transaction for partwc DI           
ICLPAY01               Create Payment (Overview Mode)      
ICLPAY03               Approve Payment (Overview Mode)     
ICLPAYAUTH             Display of Payment Authorizations   
ICLPCTOAPP             File from Frontend to Appl. Server  
ICLPICUPLOAD           Upload and Save Picture Files       
ICLPOLDISP             Display All Policies in ICLCLAIM    
ICLQCL01               Create Quick Claim                  
ICLQCL02               Change Quick Claim                  
ICLQCL03               Display Quick Claim                 
ICLREASSIGN            Reassign Payment (Overview Mode)    
ICLRES02               Change Reserve (Overview Mode)      
ICLRIDATA              Report Data to RI                   
ICLRPDMNT              Repetitive Payment                  
ICLR_NR                Number Range Maintenance: ICL_RESLOT
ICLSALV01              Create Salvage (Overview Mode)      
ICLSCEXPERT            Benefits Catalog Search             
ICLSCT01               Create Catalog Item                 
ICLSCT02               Change Catalog Item                 
ICLSCT03               Display Catalog Item                
ICLSCWM                FS-CM Task Level Menu Benefit Catelg
ICLSCWM1               BDT ICLB: Applications              
ICLSCWM10              BDT ICLB: Matchcodes                
ICLSCWM100             BDT ICLB: Fld Modif. per Activ.Cat. 
ICLSCWM102             BDT ICLB: Authorization Types       
ICLSCWM103             BDT ICLB: Fld Grp for Authorization 
ICLSCWM104             BDT ICLB: Screen Configuration      
ICLSCWM11              BDT ICLB: Assignment Scrn->DB Field 
ICLSCWM12              BDT ICLB: Field Modificatn Criteria 
ICLSCWM15              BDT ICLB: Application Transactions  
ICLSCWM16              BDT ICLB: Tables                    
ICLSCWM18              BDT ICLB: Activities                
ICLSCWM2               BDT ICLB: Field Groups              
ICLSCWM20              BDT Search                          
ICLSCWM23              BDT ICLB: Data Sets                 
ICLSCWM3               BDT ICLB: Views                     
ICLSCWM4               BDT ICLB: Sections                  
ICLSCWM5               BDT ICLB: Screens                   
ICLSCWM6               BDT ICLB: Screen Sequences          
ICLSCWM7               BDT ICLB: Events                    
ICLSCWM8               BDT ICLB: GUI Standard Functions    
ICLSCWM9               BDT ICLB: GUI Additional Functions  
ICLSUP800              ResGrp -> Version                   
ICLSUP801              Reserve Group / Indicatives         
ICLSUP802              Reserve Group / Method              
ICLSUP803              Create/Change Method                
ICLSUP804              Calculation of Suppl. Reserves      
ICLSUP805              Create/Change Application Method    
ICLSUP806              Reserve Group -> Application Method 
ICLSUP807              Application Suppl. Reserves         
ICLSUP808              Comparison of Two Res. Calculations 
ICLSUP809              Calculation of Suppl. Reserves      
ICLSUP814              ResGrp -> Version                   
ICLSUP820              Product Group                       
ICLSUP821              Line of Insurance                   
ICLSUP822              Suppl. Reserves: Coverage           
ICLSUP823              Statutory State                     
ICLSUP824              Regional Office                     
ICLSUP825              Company Code                        
ICLSUP826              Company Code                        
ICLSUP827              Company Code                        
ICLSUP860              ResGrp -> Version                   
ICLSUPPL01             Define Evaluation Criteria          
ICLSUPPL02             Select Evaluation Criteria          
ICLTOUCH               ICLTOUCH                            
ICLUL_NR               Number Range Maintenance: ICL_ULAEDB
ICLUSR                 Maintain User Settings              
ICLVCT                 Claim Customizing:Scrn Configuration
ICLVEHCATALOGUPLOAD    Catalog Import for Damage Category  
ICLWC01                Create Catalog Item                 
ICLWC02                Change Catalog Item                 
ICLWC03                Display Catalog Item                
ICLWM                  Work Menu FS-CM                     
ICLWM1                 BDT ICL: Applications               
ICLWM10                BDT-FNOL: Matchcodes                
ICLWM100               BDT-FNOL: Fld Grouping (Activity)   
ICLWM101               BDT-FNOL: Field Grouping (Role)     
ICLWM102               BDT-FNOL: Authorization             
ICLWM103               BDT-FNOL: Field Groups (Authoriz.)  
ICLWM104               BDT-FNOL: Screen Configuration      
ICLWM107               Where-Used List: Views              
ICLWM11                BDT FNOL: Assign.ScreenFld->DBField 
ICLWM12                BDT-FNOL: Field Grouping Criteria   
ICLWM13                BDT-FNOL: Roles                     
ICLWM14                BDT-FNOL: Role Categories           
ICLWM15                BDT ICL: Application Transactions   
ICLWM16                BDT-FNOL: Tables                    
ICLWM18                BDT-FNOL: Activities                
ICLWM2                 BDT ICL: Field Groups               
ICLWM20                BDT ICL: BDT Search Help            
ICLWM22                Where-Used List                     
ICLWM23                BDT ICL: Data Sets                  
ICLWM3                 BDT ICL: Views                      
ICLWM4                 BDT ICL: Section                    
ICLWM5                 BDT ICL: Screens                    
ICLWM6                 BDT ICL: Screen Sequences           
ICLWM7                 BDT-FNOL: Events                    
ICLWM8                 BDT-FNOL: Standard GUI Functions    
ICLWM9                 BDT-FNOL: Additional GUI Functions  
ICLWWW01               Create Claim (WWW Mode)             
ICLWWW02               Display Claim (WWW Mode)            
ICLWWW03               Change Claim (WWW Mode)             
ICLWWW09               Display Claim Status (Customer View)
ICL_BAPI_SMOD_EDIT     Create/Change CI Incl. f.AcctAssgnmt
ICL_BPCALL             Call Business Partner               
ICL_BRF_AC             Definition of BRF Actions           
ICL_BRF_EV             Definition of BRF Events            
ICL_BRF_EX             Definition of BRF Expressions       
ICL_BRF_RL             Definition of BRF Expressions       
ICL_BRF_RL_SHOW        Display All ICL Rule Lines          
ICL_BRF_RS             Definition of Rule Sets             
ICL_CAT2               BBP for Claim                       
ICL_CHEAT_SHEET        Display Claim Memo Pad              
ICL_CMC_EV_CR          FS-CM: BTE (Publish & Subscribe)    
ICL_CMC_PR_CR          FS-CM: BTE (Process Interfaces)     
ICL_COPY_RULES         Copy Rules for New Maintenance      
ICL_EVENTS             BP Events                           
ICL_IBNR_NR            Number Range Maintenance: ICL_IBNR  
ICL_ICLBDT1            FS-CM: Data Set -> Claim Subobj.Cat.
ICL_ICLBDT2            FS-CM: Assgnmnt BDT ScrnFlds -> Int.
ICL_LOT2GL             Call ICL_CF_LOT2GL                  
ICL_MAINTAIN_TICL130   Maintenance of Table TICL130        
ICL_PAYMENTS2CD        Post Payments to Coll./Disbursements
ICL_PAYMENT_REPORT     Evaluation of Documents/Payments    
ICL_PI_NR_BENTREE      Number Range Maintenance: ICL_BENTRE
ICL_PI_NR_BENTYPE      Number Range Maintenance: ICL_BENTYP
ICL_PI_NR_COVTYPE      Number Range Maintenance: ICL_COVTYP
ICL_PI_NR_POLPROD      Number Range Maintenance: ICL_POLPRO
ICL_RBP_MASS_CHANGE    Mass Change Performer Assignment    
ICL_SET_USER_GROUP     Assign Claim Handler Group          
ICL_STRU_ACC_EDIT      Create/Change CI Incl. f.AcctAssgnmt
ICL_STRU_IUACC_EDIT    CI Incl. f. IBNR/ULAE Acct Assgnmnt 
ICL_STRU_ULACC_EDIT    Create/Change CI Incl. f.AcctAssgnmt
ICL_TEXTMOD_MAINTAIN   Manage Text Modules                 
ICL_TOUCH_MASS         ICL_TOUCH_MASS                      
ICL_ULAE2LOT           Call ICL_CF_ULAE2LOT                
ICL_ULAEPEREDIT        Edit Reserve Parts Manually         
ICL_ULAERESALLOCATE    Distribution of ULAE Reserves       
ICL_ULAERESEDIT        Edit CF Factors Manually            
ICL_ULAERESUPLOAD      Read Input Data from Appl. Server   
ICL_WCOMP_RULES        Overview - Workers Comp Rules       
ICM1COND               Change Condit.Maint. of Remuneration
ICM1CONDB              Change Condit.Maint. of Valuation   
ICM1CONDC              Create Condit.Maint. of Liability   
ICM2COND               Change Condit.Maint. of Remuneration
ICM2CONDB              Change Condit.Maint. of Valuation   
ICM2CONDC              Change Condit.Maint. of Liability   
ICM3COND               Display Condit.Maint. of Remunerat. 
ICM3CONDB              Display Condit.Maint. of Liability  
ICM3CONDC              Display Condit.Maint. of Liability  
ICNV                   Incremental Conversion              
ICON                   Display Icons                       
IC_LTX                 IC integration                      
IC_LTXE                IC integration                      
IDBK                   Maintain Books                      
IDCP                   Printout on Prenumbered Forms       
IDDH                   Used Prenumbered Forms Report       
IDLB                   Maintain Document Lots and Books    
IDOC                   IDoc: Repair and check programs     
IDPH1                  Currency Diffs for Partial Payments 
IDVD                   Void Unused Prenumbered Forms       
IDX1                   Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter    
IDX2                   Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter  
IDX5                   IDoc Adapter - Monitoring           
IDXP                   Monitor for Message Packages        
IDXPW                  IDoc Package Wizard                 
IE01                   Create Equipment                    
IE01_ISU_C             Create Equipment                    
IE02                   Change Equipment                    
IE03                   Display Equipment                   
IE05                   Change Equipment                    
IE06                   Change Equipment                    
IE07                   Equipment List (Multi-level)        
IE08                   Create Equipment                    
IE10                   Multiple Equipment Entry            
IE20                   Replacement Equipment Search        
IE25                   Create Production Resource/Tool     
IE31                   Create Fleet Object                 
IE36                   Display Vehicles                    
IE37                   Change Vehicles                     
IE4N                   Equipment Installation and Dismant. 
IE4NCGP                Maintain General Settings for IE4N  
IE4NORG                User-Group-Specific Settings        
IE4NUSR                User-Specific Settings              
IECS                   Technical Objects                   
IEQCM1                 Change of Equipment History         
IF00                   Production Resources/Tools          
IFCU                   Consumption Transaction             
IGN1                   Create Policyholder                 
IGN2                   Change Policyholder                 
IGN3                   Display Policyholder                
IGN_SEARCH_APPLIC01    Create Search Application           
IGN_SEARCH_APPLIC02    Change Search Application           
IGN_SEARCH_APPLIC03    Display Search Application          
IGN_SEARCH_CONCAT02    Change Logical Operators            
IGN_SEARCH_CONCAT03    Display Logical Operators           
IGN_SEARCH_MAINTAIN    Maintain Search                     
IGN_SEARCH_TEST        Test Search                         
IGN_SEARCH_TYPE02      Change Search Categories            
IGN_SEARCH_TYPE03      Display Search Categories           
IH01                   Functional Location Structure       
IH02                   Reference Location Structure        
IH03                   Equipment Structure                 
IH04                   Equipment Structure                 
IH05                   Material Structure                  
IH06                   Display Functional Location         
IH07                   Display Reference Location          
IH08                   Display Equipment                   
IH09                   Display Material                    
IH10                   Display Equipment                   
IH11                   Display Functional Location         
IH12                   FunctLocation Structure             
IH18                   Ref. Location List (Multi-Level)    
IH20                   Where-Used List Time                
IH22                   Where-Used List Time Interval       
IHB0101                Account Holder In-House Cash: Create
IHB0102                Account Holder In-House Cash: Change
IHB0103                Account Holder In-House Cash:Display
IHC0                   Payment Order Browser               
IHC01                  Cross-Bank Area Orders              
IHC02                  Reverse Additional POs from Currency
IHC1ED                 Create External Payment Order       
IHC1EP                 Create External Payment Order       
IHC1ID                 Create Internal Payment Order       
IHC1IP                 Create Internal Payment Order       
IHC2                   Change Payment Order                
IHC3                   Display Payment Order               
IHCCM0                 Setup IHC Financial Status          
IHCCM1                 Transfer IHC Financial Status to CM 
IHCCM2                 IHC Financial Status Online         
IHCCM3                 Consistency Check for Customizing   
IHCFX                  FX netting with In House Cash       
IHCLOGBASTA            Logs for Account Statement Postings 
IHCLOGRVS              Display Logs for IHC Reversals      
IHCN1                  Number Range Maintenance: IHC_LOG   
IHCN3                  Number Range Maintenance: IHC_NRO_PN
IHCRT                  IHC: Set of Rules Def. for Route Det
IHCRVS                 Reversal of IHC Payment Orders      
IHCWTKA                Reversal of Crcy Conv.-Pymt Orders  
IHC_AUTH               Amount Group in IHC                 
IHC_INB_CUST           Customizing IHC IDoc Incoming       
IHC_MAIN_CUST          Customizing IHC Clearing            
IHC_PI_INB_CUST        Customizing IHC Inbound IDOC        
IHC_REFERENCE          Display Reference Document          
IHC_WORKFLOW           IHC Workflow Customizing            
IK01                   Create Measuring Point              
IK01R                  Create Reference Measuring Point    
IK02                   Change Measuring Point              
IK02R                  Change Reference Measuring Point    
IK03                   Display Measuring Point             
IK03R                  Display Reference Measuring Point   
IK04                   Create Measuring Points for Object  
IK04R                  Create Ref. Measuring Points for Obj
IK05                   Change Measuring Points for Object  
IK05R                  Change Ref. Measuring Points for Obj
IK06                   Display Measuring Points for Object 
IK06R                  Display Ref Measuring Points for Obj
IK07                   Display Measuring Points            
IK07R                  Display Reference Measuring Point   
IK08                   Change Measuring Points             
IK08R                  Change Reference Measuring Point    
IK09                   Maintain Number Range for Table IMPT
IK10R                  Transfer Data from Ref Measuring Pnt
IK11                   Create Measurement Document         
IK12                   Change Measurement Document         
IK13                   Display Measurement Document        
IK14                   Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
IK15                   Take Up Measurement Reading Transfer
IK16                   Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
IK17                   Display Measurement Documents       
IK18                   Change Measurement Documents        
IK19                   Maintain Number Range for Table IMRG
IK21                   Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
IK22                   Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
IK31                   Create MeasReading Entry List       
IK32                   Change MeasReading Entry List       
IK33                   Display MeasReading entry list      
IK34                   Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
IK41                   Display MeasDocs From Archive       
IK51                   MeasReading Transfer Structure      
IK52                   MeasReading Transfer History        
IK71                   Create Meas. Document in Internet   
IKA1                   IKA                                 
IKKW                   Valuation Variant Generic Object    
IKKZ                   Costing Variant Generic Object      
IL01                   Create Functional Location          
IL02                   Change Functional Location          
IL03                   Display Functional Location         
IL04                   Create FunctLocation: List Entry    
IL05                   Change Functional Location          
IL06                   Data Transfer From FunctLocation    
IL07                   Funct. Location List (Multi-Level)  
IL08                   Create Functional Location          
IL09                   User Profile for Labeling           
IL10                   Reusability of Historical Labels    
IL11                   Create Reference Location           
IL12                   Change Reference Location           
IL13                   Display Reference Location          
IL14                   Create RefLocation: List Entry      
IL15                   Change Reference Location           
IL16                   Data Transfer from RefLocation      
IL17                   Take up Data Transfer               
IL18                   Data Transfer From Equipment        
IL20                   Change Functional Location          
IM00                   Investment programs                 
IM01                   Create Investment Program           
IM02                   Change Investment Program           
IM03                   Display Investment Program          
IM05                   Reassign Measures/Approp.Requests   
IM11                   Create Investment Program Position  
IM12                   Change Investment Program Position  
IM13                   Display Inv. Program Position       
IM20                   Ongoing settings for inv. program   
IM22                   Change Investment Program Structure 
IM23                   Display Investment Program Structure
IM24                   Create Investment Program           
IM25                   Create Investment Program           
IM27                   IM: Open new approval year          
IM27_CLOSE             IM: Close old approval year         
IM27_REPEAT            IM: Open New Approv. Yr- Repeat Run 
IM28                   Copy investment program             
IM30                   Change Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos.  
IM31                   Display Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos. 
IM32                   Change Budget of Inv. Prog. Position
IM33                   Display Budget of Inv.Prog.Position 
IM34                   Determining Default Plan Value IM   
IM35                   Change Plan on Inv. Program Position
IM36                   Display plan on prog. position      
IM38                   Change return on program position   
IM39                   Display return on program position  
IM40                   Change supplement on operative objs 
IM41                   Display suppmt on operative objects 
IM42                   Change budget operative objects     
IM43                   Display budget operative objects    
IM44                   Determining Default Budget Value IM 
IM48                   Change return on operative objects  
IM49                   Display return on operative objects 
IM52                   Process budget distribution         
IM53                   Display budget distribution         
IM54                   Investment Program Reorganization   
IM64                   Transfer from Old Investment Program
IMA0                   Appropriation Requests              
IMA1                   Create appropriation request        
IMA11                  Individual Processing               
IMA12                  Individual Processing (Planner)     
IMA13                  Individual Processing (Web Trans.)  
IMA1N                  Create Appropriation Request        
IMA2                   Change appropriation request        
IMA20                  Ongoing settings for app. request   
IMA2N                  Change Appropriation Request        
IMA3                   Display appropriation request       
IMA3N                  Display Appropriation Request       
IMA4                   Delete appropriation request        
IMA4N                  Delete Appropriation Request        
IMA6                   Copy version assignmt to measure    
IMAI                   CI Management Info System           
IMAM                   Mass maintenance of approp.requests 
IMAMB                  Automatic Mass Change               
IMAMP                  Blanket Change to Plan Values       
IMAN                   Number range maintenance: IMAK      
IMAP                   Change plan for appropriation req.  
IMAPL                  Overview Planning (Planner)         
IMAPL2                 Overview Planning                   
IMAPL3                 Overview Planning (Easy Web)        
IMAQ                   Display plan for appropriation req. 
IMAR                   Plan investment portion of app.req. 
IMAS                   Display plan: Appropriation request 
IMAV                   Change plan revenues                
IMAW                   Display plan revenues               
IMB0                   IM Summariz: Replicate hierarchy    
IMB1                   IM Summariz: Replicate curr. values 
IMB2                   IM Summariz: Replicate entities     
IMB3                   IM Summariz: Current values in file 
IMB4                   IM Summariz: Entities in file       
IMB5                   IM Summariz: Values from file       
IMB6                   IM Summariz: Entities from file     
IMB7                   IM Summarization: Copy values       
IMB8                   IM Summariz: Summarized val. in file
IMBC                   IM Summariz: Settings in file       
IMBD                   IM Summariz: Delete values/hierarchy
IMBE                   IM Summarization: Delete entities   
IMBM                   IM Summarization: Monitor           
IMBPUP                 Plan/Budget Rollup                  
IMC0                   IM Summarization: Execute Report    
IMC1                   IM Summarization: Create report     
IMC2                   IM Summarization: Change report     
IMC3                   IM Summarization: Display report    
IMC4                   IM Summarization: Create form       
IMC5                   IM Summarization: Change form       
IMC6                   IM Summarization: Create form       
IMC8                   IM Summarization: Client copy report
IMC9                   IM Summarization: Client copy form  
IMCAOV                 Budget Carryfwd for Inv.Programs    
IMCB                   IM Summarization: Background report 
IMCBR3                 Mass Budget Release for Projects    
IMCC                   IM Summarization: Curr. transl. type
IMCCP1                 Copy Plan -> Budget (Inv.Prog)      
IMCCP2                 Transfer App.Req. Plan -> Meas. Plan
IMCCP3                 Copy Plan -> Budget (Projects)      
IMCCP4                 Copy Plan -> Budget (Orders)        
IMCCV1                 Copy Plan Vers. -> PlanVers(InvProg)
IMCDISPATCH            Forward IMC Event                   
IMCG                   Summariz. IM: Gen. User-Def. Char.  
IMCK                   IM Summariz: Calculated key figures 
IMCM                   IM Summariz: Test monitor f. reports
IMCO                   IM Summarization: Transport reports 
IMCOC1                 Consistency Check (Inv.Prog.)       
IMCOC3                 Consistency Check (Projects)        
IMCOC4                 Consistency Check (Orders)          
IMCP                   IM Summarization: Transport forms   
IMCRC1                 Currency Reacalculation (Inv.Prog.) 
IMCRC2                 Currency Recalculation (App.Req.)   
IMCRC3                 Currency Recalculation (Projects)   
IMCRC4                 Currency Recalculation (Orders)     
IMCT                   IM Summar: Translation of drilldowns
IMCTST                 IMC Test Monitor                    
IMCTX                  Intermode Communication             
IMCU                   Config. menu Investment Management  
IMCV                   IM Summarization: Global variables  
IMCX                   IM Summarization: Reorg. reports    
IMCY                   IM Summarization: Reorg. report data
IMCZ                   IM Summarization: Reorg. forms      
IMD0                   App.req: Execute report             
IMD1                   App.req: Create report              
IMD2                   App.req: Change report              
IMD3                   App.req: Display report             
IMD4                   App.req: Create form                
IMD5                   App.req: Change form                
IMD6                   App.req: Display form               
IMD8                   App.req: Client copy report         
IMD9                   App.req: Client copy form           
IMDB                   App.req: Execute report in backgrnd 
IMDC                   App. req: Currency translation key  
IMDG                   Generate User-Defined Characteristic
IMDK                   App.req: Calculated key figures     
IMDM                   App.req: Test monitor report        
IMDO                   App. req: Transport reports         
IMDP                   App. req: Transport forms           
IMDT                   App. req: Translate drilldown       
IMDV                   App. req: Global variables          
IMDX                   App. req: Reorganization reports    
IMDY                   App. req: Reorganization report data
IMDZ                   App. req: Reorganization of forms   
IME0                   Execute Inv. Program Report         
IME1                   Create cap.inv.program report       
IME2                   Change cap.inv.program report       
IME3                   Display cap.inv.prog. report        
IME4                   Create layout set for inv.prog. rep.
IME5                   Change layout set for inv.prog. rep.
IME6                   Display layout set for inv.prog.rep.
IME8                   Client transport-inv. prog.reports  
IME9                   Client transport of forms           
IMEB                   Background processing of reports    
IMEC                   Maint. of currcy.conv. type inv.prg.
IMEG                   Generate User-Defined Characteristic
IMEK                   Maintain ratios                     
IMEM                   Test monitor - inv. prog. reports   
IMEO                   Transport inv. prog. reports        
IMEO1                  Create Inv.Program in Enterprise Org
IMEO2                  Change Inv.Program in Enterp. Org.  
IMEO3                  Display Inv.Program in Enterp. Org. 
IMEO_GEN               Generate Inv.Program frm Ent.Organiz
IMEP                   Transport forms for inv. program    
IMEQ                   Import inv.prog. rep. frm client 000
IMER                   Import forms from client 000        
IMET                   Transl. tool - Dr.-down rep. inv.prg
IMEU                   Euro conversion: IM postproces.prog.
IMEV                   Maintain global variables           
IMEX                   Reorganize invest. program reports  
IMEY                   Reorganize inv. prog. report data   
IMEZ                   Reorganize forms for
IMI0                   CI Management Info System           
IMIG                   Incremental Migration               
IMKBUD                 Original Budget = Current Budget    
IML1                   Define Long Text Templates          
IML1W                  Define Long Text Templates - Word   
IMLX                   Define Long Text Templates          
IMLXW                  Define Long Text Templates - Word   
IMP                    Start of Mass Processing            
IMPBA3                 Plan/Budget Adjustment (Projects)   
IMPBA4                 Plan/Budget Adjustment (Orders)     
IMP_CUST               Maintenance Mass Processng Customzng
IMP_MANAGER            IMP: Manager                        
IMR1                   Values for Capital Investment Prog. 
IMR3                   Delete Whole Capital Investment Prg.
IMR4                   App.Req. w/o Distrib., w/o Variants 
IMR5                   App.Req. w/ Distrib., w/o Variants  
IMR6                   App.Req. w/o Distrib., w/ Variants  
IMR7                   App. Request w/ Distrib. w/ Variants
IMR8                   Non-Assigned Measures/App.Req.      
IMR9                   Check of Inheritance in Inv.Program 
IMR_PREINV             Recalculate preinv. analysis figures
IMSL                   Set language for text               
IMV1                   Changes to Investment Programs      
IMV2                   Changes to CI Program Positions     
IM_ARCR                Archiving of Approp. Requests       
IM_ARDE                Delete Archived App. Requests       
IM_ARMA                Admin. of App. Request Archives     
IM_LKZS                Set Deletion Indicator              
IN01                   Create object link                  
IN02                   Change object link                  
IN03                   Display object link                 
IN04                   Create FunctLoc Object Link         
IN05                   Change FunctLoc Object Link         
IN06                   Display FunctLoc Object Link        
IN07                   Create Object Link for Equipment    
IN08                   Change Object Link for Equipment    
IN09                   Display Object Link for Equipment   
IN15                   Change FunctLoc Object Network      
IN16                   Display Object Network for FunctLoc 
IN18                   Change Object Network for Equipment 
IN19                   Display Object Network for Equipment
IN20                   Object link number ranges           
INEX                   Initial Data Entry of ExtractINSTSET
INOT                   Create SM/PM Notification IDoc      
INSO                   Area Menu for Insurance in BDT      
INSO0001               BDT Control: Applications           
INSO0002               BDT Control: Field Groups           
INSO0003               BDT Control: Views                  
INSO0004               BDT Control: Sections               
INSO0005               BDT Control: Screens                
INSO0006               BDT Control: Screen Sequences       
INSO0007               BDT Control: Times                  
INSO0008               BDT Control: CUA Standard Funct.    
INSO0009               BDT Control: CUA Addit. Funct.      
INSO0011               BDT Control: Assign ScrnFld->DB Fld 
INSO0012               BDT Control: Field modif. criteria  
INSO0013               BDT Control: Role Categories        
INSO0014               BDT Control: Role Categories Grpg   
INSO0015               BDT Control: Application Transaction
INSO0016               BDT Control: Tables                 
INSO0017               BDT Control: External Applications  
INSO0018               BDT Control: Field Modif. Activities
INSO0019               BDT Ctrl: Field Mod. IO Categories  
INSO0020               BDT Control: Authorization Types    
INSO0021               BDT Control: Ass. DI Field->DB Field
INSOARCH               FS-CD: Insurance Object Archive     
INSOCHANGE             Change Insurance Object             
INSOCREATE             Create Insurance Object             
INSODISP               Display Insurance Object            
INSONR                 Number Range Maint.: INSOBJECT      
INSOSN                 Cust: Field Groups for Authorization
INTERV                 Installn Interval for Backlog Set   
INT_BAPI               BAPI Browser                        
INVADV01               Payment Advice Note Dialog          
INVDOC01               Bill Dialog                         
INVMASSPROC            Mass Act: Bill/Paym.Adv.Note Proc.  
INVMON                 Inbound Bill Monitoring             
INVRETPER              Define Retention Period             
INVSARA01              Archiving: Bill Documents           
INVSARA02              Archiving: Transfer Lines           
INVSARJ01              Activate ArchInfStruct. for Bill Doc
INVSARJ02              Activate ArchInfStruct f. TrnsfrLine
INV_DISPLAY_MAT        Display Material Master/Price Analys
IOBJWM                 ICL: CDC: Dialog                    
IOCI_FCON2             OCI:Convert HTML Field Values       
IOCI_FCONV             OCI: Convert HTML - SAP Field       
IOCI_FUNCM             OCI: Conversion Functions           
IOCI_ORGU              OCI: Assign Catalogs to Order Type  
IORD                   Create SM/PM Order IDoc             
IP00                   Maintenance Planning Menu           
IP01                   Create Maintenance Plan             
IP02                   Change Maintenance Plan             
IP03                   Display Maintenance Plan            
IP04                   Create Maintenance Item             
IP05                   Change Maintenance Item             
IP06                   Display Maintenance Item            
IP10                   Schedule Maintenance Plan           
IP11                   Maintain Maintenance Strategies     
IP11Z                  Maintain Cycle Set                  
IP12                   Display Maintenance Strategies      
IP12Z                  Display Cycle Set                   
IP13                   Package Order                       
IP14                   Where-Used List by Strategy         
IP15                   Change Maintenance Plan             
IP16                   Display Maintenance Plan            
IP17                   Change Maintenance Item             
IP18                   Display Maintenance Item            
IP19                   Maintenance scheduling overview     
IP20                   Maintenance plan number assignment  
IP21                   Maintenance item number assignment  
IP22                   Maintain number range: OBJK_NR      
IP24                   Scheduling overview list form       
IP25                   Set deletion flag for maint. plans  
IP30                   MaintSchedule Date Monitoring       
IP31                   Maintenance Plan Cost Display       
IP40                   Add Service Plan for Purchasing     
IP41                   Add single plan                     
IP42                   Add strategy-controlled plan        
IP43                   Add multiple counter plan           
IP50                   Create ref. for maint. contract item
IP51                   Maintenance contract item lists     
IP62                   Material Where-Used List: Task Lists
IPCS                   Maintenance Planning                
IPM2                   Change Permit                       
IPM3                   Display Permit                      
IPMACT                 Calculate and Post Accruals         
IPMADCONT01            Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01
IPMADMETASGL           Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules
IPMARCHPREP            Preparation of the Archiving Run    
IPMCARRYFORWARD        Balance Carryforward                
IPMCRMITEM             Display CRM Contract Data           
IPMD                   Maintain/Display Permits            
IPMDSITEMS             Reporting Accrual Objects IPM       
IPMDSPARAMS            Reporting ACE Object Parameter IPM  
IPMFIRECON             Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation  
IPMFISCYEAR            Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE       
IPMIMG                 IMG for CRM Accruals                
IPMOACT                Calculate and Post Provisions       
IPMOADCONT01           Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01
IPMOADMETASGL          Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules
IPMOARCHPREP           Preparation of the Archiving Run    
IPMOCARRYFORWARD       Provisions OR: Balance Carryforward 
IPMODSITEMS            Reporting: Accrual Objects: IPMO    
IPMODSPARAMS           Reporting: ACE Object Parameter IPMO
IPMOFIRECON            Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation  
IPMOPSDOCITEMS         Display Posting Line Items IPMO     
IPMOPSITEMS            Display Posting Totals Values IPMO  
IPMOREVERS             Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs   
IPMOTRANSFER           Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting 
IPMOTREE03             Display / Change OR Accruals        
IPMPSDOCITEMS          Display Line Items in IPM           
IPMPSITEMS             Display Totals Values in IPM        
IPMREVERS              Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs   
IPMTRANSFER            Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting 
IPMTREE01              Create IPM Accruals                 
IPMTREE03              Display/Change IPM Accruals         
IPM_CR_REPOST_PAYM     TransfPstng of Pymnts After Revision
IQ01                   Create Material Serial Number       
IQ02                   Change Material Serial Number       
IQ03                   Display Material Serial Number      
IQ04                   Create Material Serial Number       
IQ08                   Change Material Serial Number       
IQ09                   Display Material Serial Number      
IQM1                   Create cond. records qual.notificatn
IQM2                   Change cond.records qual.notificatn 
IQM3                   Display cond.records qual.notificatn
IQM_CM_CONFIG          IQM Information Consistency         
IQS1                   Create Notification - Extended View 
IQS12                  Process Task                        
IQS12_EWT              Process Task                        
IQS13                  Display Task                        
IQS13_EWT              Display Task                        
IQS2                   Change Notification - Extended View 
IQS21                  Create Notif. - Simplified View     
IQS21_EWT              Creating Notifications              
IQS21_W                Creating Notifications from ISR     
IQS22                  Process Notif. - Simplified View    
IQS22_EWT              Notification Processing             
IQS23                  Display Notif. - Simplified View    
IQS23_EWT              Display Notification                
IQS3                   Display Notification - Extended View
IQS8                   Worklist: Notifications (General)   
IQS8WP                 IQS8 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp  
IQS8_EWT               Notification Worklist               
IQS9                   Worklist: Tasks (General)           
IQS9WP                 IQS9 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp  
IQS9_EWT               Tasks Worklist                      
IQSP                   Split software license              
IR00                   PM Resource Planning Menu           
IR01                   Create Work Center                  
IR02                   Change Work Center                  
IR03                   Display Work Center                 
IRF2                   Optimal Rotable Float: Initial scree
IRF4                   ORF: Maintain Ess. Code Table       
IRF5                   ORF: Batch Processing               
IRF6                   Batch Processing Report             
IRFC1                  Profiles for Single Item Calculation
IRFC2                  Profiles for Batch Processing       
IS00                   Number range maintenance: ISMP      
IS01                   Solution DB - Create/Display/Change 
IS02                   Text Indexing for Solution Database 
IS03                   Number range maintenance: ISOL      
ISAESCR86EKES          Aggregate Vendor Confirmations      
ISAESCRME84MD07        Start MD07 via Report               
ISAUTO_MRNB            Automotive Revaluation              
ISAUTO_OMRM            ERS Customer-Specific Notifications 
ISAUTO_SICASN1         Create Inbound Delivery (Web)       
ISAUTO_SICASN2         Update Inbound Delivery (Web)       
ISAUTO_SICASN3         Display Inbound Delivery (Web)      
ISAUTO_SICASN4         Tracking Inbound Delivery (Web)     
ISAUTO_SICBC           Communication settings for SWP (Web)
ISAUTO_SICCO           Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)    
ISAUTO_SICDDL1         Delivery due list                   
ISAUTO_SICENG          Engineering Information (Web)       
ISAUTO_SICIV           Display Settlement Status (Web)     
ISAUTO_SICJIT          Display Sequenced JIT Calls (Web)   
ISAUTO_SICPDI          Display Purchase Document Info (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPH           Disp. Inbound Delivery History (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPI           Display Packing Instructions (Web)  
ISAUTO_SICRL           Packaging accounts / postings (Web) 
ISAUTO_SICRLRD         RL: Postings for Ref. Document (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRPM          Display APO-Matrix (Web)            
ISAUTO_SICSR           Display Schedule Releases (Web)     
ISA_CAT_REPLICATION    ISA: Product catalog replication    
ISA_CAT_REPL_DELETE    ISA: Delete replicated indices      
ISA_ERSLIST            ERS Collective Settlement List      
ISA_ESCR_QDP           Quantity Difference Profile         
ISA_SICALERT           Display MRP Alerts (Web)            
ISA_SICKANBAN          KANBAN                              
ISBROK_ACTBAL          Broker Balance Display              
ISCA                   Define Symptom Type                 
ISCB                   Define Solution Type                
ISCC                   Define Symptom Categories           
ISCD                   Define Solution Categories          
ISCDTOOL12             Internal: Payt Plan Simulation Test 
ISCDTOOL13             Internal: Payt Plan Tables Display  
ISCE                   Define Application Areas            
ISCF                   Define Validation Categories        
ISCG                   Define BO Types for Symptoms        
ISE0                   Funds Management                    
ISIPI_CP               Consignment processing (Web)        
ISIPI_CS               Display current schedules (Web)     
ISIPI_ESP              External Service Provider Service   
ISIPI_OEPM             Ordering packaging material (Web)   
ISIPI_POD              Proof of Delivery                   
ISIPI_PUL              Display current pickup sheets (WEB) 
ISIPI_SM               Supplier Address maintenance        
ISIPI_SUMJIT           Display Summarised JIT calls(web)   
ISIPI_TRACK            Inbound shipment tracking (Web)     
ISISMN                 Insurance Applications              
ISIT_PR                Testing Printing of SWP             
ISI_BCI                Message inbound via BC and SWP      
ISI_BCO                Message outbound via SWP and BC     
ISI_POD                Analysis of the POD View Flag       
ISI_PR                 Maintain settings for SWP printing  
ISJP_CR                Invoice Summary Processing          
ISJP_MD                Master Data for Invoice Summary     
ISJP_PR                Invoice Summary Printing            
ISJP_SNRO              Number Range for Invoice Summary    
ISJP_STR               Invoice Summary Status Report       
ISMCA00                Account Assgt for Main Transaction  
ISMCA01                Account Assgt for Sub-Transaction   
ISMCA03                Derive Transaction from IS-M        
ISMCA04                Derive Document Type from IS-M      
ISMCA05                Derive Document Type from IS-M      
ISMCA06                Derive Document Type from IS-M      
ISMCA07                Derive Document Type from IS-M      
ISMCA08                Control Incoming Payment for Subs   
ISMCA10                Default Settgs for IS-M Acct Display
ISMCA700               Record Doc. Type for Revenue Accrual
ISNR                   Number range maintenance: ISDB      
ISP4                   Text                                
ISSR_DSUMB             Transfer Stat. Rep. Data            
ISSR_GEN_TOPINCL       Transaction to generate top include 
IST01                  Generate Phone Number Reconnect File
ISTCA00                Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts
ISTCA01                Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts
ISTCA10                IS-T Account Display: Specifications
ISTCA31                Cash Desk: Specifications           
ISTCA32                Cash Desk: Specifications           
ISTCA40                Data for IS-T collective bill       
ISTCAFHIST             Disconnec.and Reconnec.File History 
ISTCAXT900             Mass Generate Tel. No. Reconn. File 
ISTCAXT910             Generate Reconnection File          
ISTCA_T100             Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID    
ISTMFCA                IS-U Contract Accounts R/P          
ISTMMF1                IS-T Business Master Data           
ISTMNET                IS-T Network Manag.                 
ISTMREG                IS-T Regional Structure             
ISTMSRV                IS-T Customer Service               
ISTMTLS                IS-T Tools                          
ISTNBTDOC              Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTDOC 
ISTNBTELNR             Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTELNR
ISTUNLT930             Reconn./Disconn. Services Using XI  
IST_EBS_ARC            Link Documents with External Bills  
IST_EBS_ARC_E          Postprocessing Run: Link Bills      
IST_EBS_MRD            Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys. 
IST_EBS_MRD_E          Postprocessing Run: External Reversa
IST_EBS_POI            Create Additional Information       
IST_EBS_POI_E          Postprocessing Run: Additional Info.
IST_EBS_TOI            Transfer Documents from Billing Sys.
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA       Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics 
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA_E     Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs   
IST_EBS_TOI_E          Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs   
IST_EVAL               Evaluate Reconnection Proposals     
IST_TDATA_DELETE       Delete Terminated Telephone Nos     
ISUBDMARK              Configuration marker function       
ISUCC                  CIC customizing menu                
ISU_CRM_IL_REMOTE      Dummy for Remote IL Access          
ISU_PPM_JOB_NR         Number Range Maintenance: PPM_JOB_NR
ISU_SALES_ORDER        Create Order for Utility Products   
ISU_SALES_QUOTATION    Create Quotation for Utility Prods  
IT00                   Test IAC                            
IT01                   Maintain IDES path for Internet     
IT03                   Test IAC: internal development      
IT12                   Test IAC language-dependent         
IT13                   Test IAC: language-independ template
IT18                   Test IAC: start service via call TA 
IT19                   Test IAC: Call Trans Skip Screen    
IT50                   IAC Test Includes                   
IT5200                 ITS Test Transaction with S Message 
ITAGCYCALL             Call Agency Coll. with Activity     
ITAGCYCOINS            Agency Collections: Coins Shares    
ITAGCYCOMMCTRL         Agency Coll.: Commission Monitoring 
ITAGCYCOSTCTRL         Agency Collections: Cost Control    
ITAGCYCUST             IMG Activities for Agency Coll.     
ITAGCYSUBCOMMCLR       Agency Coll.: Clear Stat. Comm.     
ITAGCY_NO              Number Range Maintenance: BRO_CONTH 
ITMOBILE00             Test Transaction for Mobile Devices 
ITMOBILE01             Test Transaction for Mobile Devices 
ITMOBILE02             Test Transaction for Voice Input    
ITRBX                  Test IAC for sapjulep Rabaxes       
ITSR00                 ITSR Selection Report               
ITSR02                 FTRD Customizing Check Report       
ITS_DOCU               ITS SAP Script Documentation        
ITVAT_D                VAT report for Italy: detailed list 
ITVAT_M                Monthly VAT report for Italy        
ITVAT_Q                VAT quarterly report for Italy      
ITW5200                Wrapper for it5200                  
IUEEDPPLOTAALC2        Distribute Aggr. Paymnt from Billing
IUEEDPPLOTAALC3        Allocate Payment to Distr. Lot      
IUEEDPPLOTAALC4        Process Distribution Lot (Reset)    
IUEEDPPLOTAALC5        Process Distribution Lot            
IW12                   Document flow list                  
IW13                   Material Where-used List            
IW20                   Quality Notification No. Assignment 
IW21                   Create PM Notification - General    
IW22                   Change PM Notification              
IW23                   Display PM Notification             
IW24                   Create PM Malfunction Report        
IW25                   Create PM Activity Report           
IW26                   Create Maintenance Request          
IW27                   Set deletion flag f. PM notification
IW28                   Change Notifications                
IW29                   Display Notifications               
IW29WP                 IW29 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp  
IW30                   Notification List (Multi-Level)     
IW31                   Create Order                        
IW32                   CHANGE ORDER                        
IW33                   Display PM Order                    
IW34                   PM Order for PM Notification        
IW36                   Create PM Sub-Order                 
IW37                   Change Operations                   
IW37N                  Change Orders and Operations        
IW38                   Change PM Orders                    
IW39                   Display PM orders                   
IW39_PM_ORDER1         Detail Display for Mini-App PM_ORDER
IW39_PM_ORDER2         Variant Maint. for Mini-App PM_ORDER
IW39_WP                IW39 - Call from Workplace/Mini-App 
IW3D                   Print Order                         
IW3K                   Change order component list         
IW3L                   Display Order Component List        
IW3M                   List of Goods Movements for Order   
IW40                   Display Orders (Multi-Level)        
IW41                   Enter PM Order Confirmation         
IW42                   Overall Completion Confirmation     
IW43                   Display PM Order Confirmation       
IW44                   PM Order Collective Confirmation    
IW45                   Cancel PM Order Confirmation        
IW46                   Postprocessing of PDC Error Records 
IW47                   Confirmation List                   
IW48                   Confirmation using operation list   
IW49                   Display Operations                  
IW49N                  Display Orders and Operations       
IW51                   Create Service Notification-General 
IW52                   Change Service Notification         
IW53                   Display Service Notification        
IW54                   Create Service Notification-Malfn.  
IW55                   Create Activity Report              
IW56                   Create service request              
IW57                   Set Deletion Flag For Notification  
IW58                   Change Service Notifications        
IW59                   Display Service Notifications       
IW61                   Create Historical PM Order          
IW62                   Change Historical Order             
IW63                   Display Historical PM Order         
IW64                   Change Activities                   
IW65                   Display activities                  
IW66                   Change Tasks                        
IW67                   Display Tasks                       
IW68                   Change Notification Items           
IW69                   Display Notification Items          
IW70                   Orders Overall Network Scheduling   
IW72                   Change Service Order                
IW73                   Display Service Order               
IW74                   Change Contract for Serviceable Item
IW75                   Display Serviceable Item Contract   
IW81                   Create Refurbishment Order          
IW8W                   Goods Receipt f. Refurbishment Order
IWBK                   Material availability information   
IWR1                   Create / Change Revision            
IWR2                   Display Revision                    
IWWW                   Create Service Notification (WWW)   
I_GRAPH_MONITOR        Monitor for Jobs                    

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