Saturday, July 5, 2008

SAP Tcodes FA to FC

FA39 Call up report with report variant
FAA_GENMAP Generate Mapping Methods
FAGL21 Create General Ledger Rollup
FAGL22 Change General Ledger Rollup
FAGL23 Display General Ledger Rollup
FAGL24 Delete General Ledger Rollup
FAGL25 Execute General Ledger Rollup
FAGL3KEH General Ledger: Default Profit Ctr
FAGLB03 Display Balances
FAGLB03A Display Balances
FAGLBW01 Generate Gen. Ledger Extract Struct.
FAGLBW03 Assign Gen. Ledger DataSource/Ledger
FAGLCOFIFLUP Repost CO->FI from Worklist
FAGLCOFIIMG Customizing for CO->FI Update
FAGLCOFILOGDISP Display Application Log
FAGLCOFITRACEADMIN Administr. of Trace for OnlineUpdate
FAGLCOFITRACEDEL Deletion of Trace Data for Update
FAGLCOFITRACEOFF Deactivate Trace for Online Update
FAGLCOFITRACEON Activate Trace for Online Update
FAGLCOFITRACESHOW Display Trace for Online Update
FAGLCOFITRNSFRCODOCS Transfer CO Doc. into Ext.Accounting
FAGLCOFIWRKLSTTRACE Display Worklist and Trace Data
FAGLCORC CO - FI Reconciliation
FAGLF03 Reconciliation
FAGLF101 Sorted List/Regrouping
FAGLGA11 General Ledger: Create Act. Assessmt
FAGLGA12 General Ledger: Change Act. Assessmt
FAGLGA13 Gen. Ledger: Display Act. Assessment
FAGLGA14 Gen. Ledger: Delete Act. Assessment
FAGLGA15 Gen. Ledger: Execute Act. Assessment
FAGLGA16 Gen. Ledger: Act. Assessmt Overview
FAGLGA27 Gen. Ledger: Create Plan Assessment
FAGLGA28 Gen. Ledger: Change Plan Assessment
FAGLGA29 Gen. Ledger: Display Plan Assessment
FAGLGA2A Gen. Ledger: Delete Plan Assessment
FAGLGA2B Gen. Ledger: Execute Plan Assessment
FAGLGA2C Gen. Ledger: Plan Assessmt Overview
FAGLGA31 Gen. Ledger: Create Act.Distribution
FAGLGA32 Gen. Ledger: Change Act.Distribution
FAGLGA33 Gen. Ledger:Display Act.Distribution
FAGLGA34 Gen. Ledger: Delete Act.Distribution
FAGLGA35 Gen. Ledger:Execute Act.Distribution
FAGLGA36 Gen. Ledger: Act. Distrib. Overview
FAGLGA47 Gen. Ledger:Create Plan Distribution
FAGLGA48 Gen. Ledger:Change Plan Distribution
FAGLGA49 Gen. Ledger:Display PlanDistribution
FAGLGA4A Gen. Ledger:Delete Plan Distribution
FAGLGA4B Gen. Ledger:Execute PlanDistribution
FAGLGA4C Gen. Ledger: Plan Distrib. Overview
FAGLGCLE Activation of Plan Line Items
FAGLGP52 Copy Model Plan
FAGLGVTR G/L: Balance Carried Forward
FAGLL03 G/L Account Line Items (New)
FAGLPLC Gen. Ledger: Change Planning Layout
FAGLPLD Gen. Ledger: Display Planning Layout
FAGLPLI Gen. Ledger: Create Planning Layout
FAGLPLSET Gen. Ledger: Set Planner Profile
FAGLSKF Post Statistical Key Figures(Actual)
FAGLSKF1 Post Statistical Key Figures (Plan)
FAGLSKF3 Stat. Key Figures: Period Evaluation
FAGLSKF4 Stat. Key Figures: Document Display
FAGLSKF5 Stat. Key Figures: Document Reversal
FAGLSKF6 Stat. Key Figs: Post CO Subsequently
FAGLSKF7 Stat. Key Figs: Post FI Subsequently
FAGLSKF8 Stat. Key Figs:Post PCA Subsequently
FAGLSL25 Execute General Ledger Rollup
FAGL_ACTIVATION Activation of New G/L Accounting
FAGL_ACTIV_SPLIT_CC Activation of Document Splitter
FAGL_BELNR Number Range Maint. for Source Doc.
FAGL_BELNR_LD Doc. Types for Source Docs in Ledger
FAGL_CHECK_ACCOUNT Check G/L Accounts for Doc.Splitting
FAGL_CHECK_DOC_TYPE Check Doc. Types for Doc. Splitting
FAGL_CHECK_LINETYPE Check Bus. Transaction for Documents
FAGL_CO_PLAN Transfer CO Plan Documents in ERP GL
FAGL_DEL Delete Transaction Data from Ledger
FAGL_DOCNR Number Range Maint. for Doc. Number
FAGL_DOCNR_LD Doc. Types for New G/L Doc. Numbers
FAGL_FC_TRANS Currency Translation of Balances
FAGL_FC_VAL Foreign Currency Valuation
FAGL_FLEXGL_IMG IMG for New General Ledger
FAGL_GINS G/L installation
FAGL_MIG_ADJUST Log of Document-Specific Adjustments
FAGL_MIG_CRESPLIT Process Open Items for Doc.Splitting
FAGL_MIG_CRESUM Generate Bal.Carryforward:Open Items
FAGL_MIG_FICHAN Subsequent Posting: FI Docs (Update)
FAGL_MIG_FICHAT Subseq. Posting: FI Docs (Selection)
FAGL_MIG_FINISH Complete Migration
FAGL_MIG_OPFILL Worklist for Open Items
FAGL_MIG_REPORT_SUM Generated Entries: Totals Table
FAGL_MIG_REPOST Subsequent Posting in Migration
FAGL_MIG_REPOST_OP Transfer Open Items to New GL
FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_ALL Reset Migration Completely
FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_OP Reset Migration for Open Items
FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_RP Reset Migration for Documents
FAGL_MIG_RPFILL Worklist for Migration Documents
FAGL_MIG_SELECT Determine Migration Objects
FAGL_MIG_SHOW_SPL Display Document Splitting Result
FAGL_MIG_SIM_SPL Simulation of Document Splitting
FAGL_MIG_SPLIT Subsequently Post Split Information
FAGL_MIG_STATUS Analysis: Migration Status
FAGL_OBH1 C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Company Code
FAGL_OBH2 C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Fiscal Year
FAGL_PL_LC Number Range Maint. for Plan Docs
FAGL_SCENARIO Scenario Maintenance in New G/L
FAGL_SCENARIO_ASS Scenario Assignment in New G/L
FAGL_SCENARIO_ASSIGN Scenario Assignment for Ledger
FAGL_TRGT_LDGR Assgnmnt:Acctg Principle to Ldgr Grp
FAGL_UPL_CF G/L: Upload of Balance Carryforward
FAGL_VAL_LOG Analysis: Validation Log
FAIB01 Rule Administration
FAIB02 Build Intermediate Layers
FAIB03 Balance Sheet Valuation
FAIB04 Market Prices
FAIB05 Balance Sheet Values by Account
FAIB06 Display Intermediate Layers
FAIB07 Display Current Rules
FAIC03 Substitution of Account Assignments
FAIP04 GR/IR Clearing
FAIP05 Calculation of Actual Overhead
FAIP06 WIP Clearing
FAIP07 Target Cost Calculation
FAIR01 Inventory Accounting: Line Items
FAIR02 Inventory Accounting: Line Items
FAIR03 Inventory Accounting: Document Displ
FAIR04 Inventory Accounting: Document Displ
FAIR05 Reconciliation Inv. Ledger - G/L
FAIR06 Plan/Tgt/Actual Comparison - Orders
FAIR07 Overview: Valuated Inventory
FAIV01 Price Release
FAIV02 Change material prices
FAIV03 Display Material Prices
FAIV04 Price Comparison
FAIV05 Display History for Material Prices
FAIV06 Debit/Credit Material
FAIWQ1 Worklist
FAKA Config.: Show Display Format
FAKP Config.: Maintain Display Format
FAR1 S FI-ARI Maint. table T061A
FARA S FI-ARI Maint. table T061P/Q
FARB C FI-ARI Maint. table T061R
FAREA_MODE Setting: Determination of Funct.Area
FARI AR Interface: Third-party applicatns
FARY Table T061S
FARZ Table T061V
FB00 Accounting Editing Options
FB01 Post Document
FB01L General Posting for Ledger Group
FB02 Change Document
FB03 Display Document
FB03L Document Display : G/L View
FB03Z Display Document/Payment Usage
FB04 Document Changes
FB05 Post with Clearing
FB05_OLD Post with clearing
FB07 Control Totals
FB08 Reverse Document
FB09 Change Line Items
FB09D Display Line Items
FB10 Invoice/Credit Fast Entry
FB11 Post Held Document
FB12 Correspondence Request
FB13 Release for Payments
FB15 Assign Items
FB16 Assign Items
FB16EA Assign Items
FB17 Open Item Assignmnt: Check from List
FB18 Maintain Standard Mail Texts
FB1D Clear Customer
FB1K Clear Vendor
FB1S Clear G/L Account
FB21 Enter Statistical Posting
FB22 Reverse Statistical Posting
FB2E Reconciliation btwn affiliated comps
FB31 Enter Noted Item
FB41 Post Tax Payable
FB50 G/L Acct Pstg: Single Screen Trans.
FB50L Enter G/L Account Doc for Ledger Grp
FB60 Enter Incoming Invoices
FB65 Enter Incoming Credit Memos
FB70 Enter Outgoing Invoices
FB75 Enter Outgoing Credit Memos
FB99 Check if Documents can be Archived
FBA1 Customer Down Payment Request
FBA2 Post Customer Down Payment
FBA3 Clear Customer Down Payment
FBA6 Vendor Down Payment Request
FBA7 Post Vendor Down Payment
FBA7_OLD Post Vendor Down Payment
FBA8 Clear Vendor Down Payment
FBA8_OLD Clear Vendor Down Payment
FBB1 Post Foreign Currency Valn
FBBA Display Acct Determination Config.
FBBCX Post Document with Currency Exchange
FBBP Maintain Acct Determination Config.
FBBRVO Vendor Operation
FBCB Balance Carryfwd for Ledger Group
FBCJ Cash Journal
FBCJ3 Display Cash Journal
FBCJC1 Cash Journal Document Number Range
FBCJC3 C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_PRINT
FBD1 Enter Recurring Entry
FBD2 Change Recurring Entry
FBD3 Display Recurring Entry
FBD4 Display Recurring Entry Changes
FBD5 Realize Recurring Entry
FBD9 Enter Recurring Entry
FBDF Menu Banque de France
FBE1 Create Payment Advice
FBE2 Change Payment Advice
FBE3 Display Payment Advice
FBE6 Delete Payment Advice
FBE7 Add to Payment Advice Account
FBF1 C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind.
FBF2 Financial Transactions
FBF3 Control Report
FBF4 Download Documents
FBF5 Reports Minus Vendor Accounts
FBF6 Document Changes
FBF7 C80 Reports Minus Sp.G/L Ind.
FBF8 C84 Reports
FBFT Customizing BDF
FBIC001 Check Assignment of Accounts
FBIC002 Automatically Assign Accounts
FBIC003 Create Additional Fields
FBIC004 Activate Transaction Data Tables
FBIC005 Create Additional Fields
FBIC006 Create Additional Fields
FBIC008 Companies to be Reconciled
FBIC009 Companies to be Reconciled
FBIC010 Reconciliation Process Attributes
FBIC011 Auxiliary Programs
FBIC012 Reconciliation: Delete Data
FBIC013 Reconciliation: Recalculate Totals
FBIC014 Reconciliation: Delete Data
FBIC015 Reconciliation: Recalculate Totals
FBIC016 Reconciliation: Documents
FBIC017 Reconciliation: Totals Records
FBIC018 Reconciliation: Totals Records
FBIC019 Reconciliation: Documents
FBIC020 Reconciliation: Status
FBIC021 Reconciliation: Status
FBIC022 Reconciliation: Status
FBIC023 Reconciliation: Delete Data
FBIC024 Reconciliation: Recalculate Totals
FBIC025 Reconciliation: Documents
FBIC026 Reconciliation: Totals Records
FBIC027 Activate Process Tables
FBIC028 Activate Process Tables
FBIC029 Activate Process Tables
FBIC030 Activate Process Tables
FBIC031 Activate Process Tables
FBIC032 Companies to be Reconciled
FBICA1 GL Open Items: Document Assignment
FBICA2 GL Accounts: Document Assignment
FBICA3 GL Open Items: Document Assignment
FBICIMG Cross-System IC Reconciliation
FBICIMG3 Cross-System IC Reconciliation
FBICR1 GL Open Items: Reconcile Documents
FBICR2 GL Accounts: Reconcile Documents
FBICR3 GL Open Items: Reconcile Documents
FBICS1 GL Open Items: Select Documents
FBICS2 GL Accounts: Select Documents
FBICS3 Customer/Vendor: Select Documents
FBIC_SNRO_DOC Number range maintenance: FBICRC_DOC
FBKA Display Accounting Configuration
FBKF FBKP/Carry Out Function (Internal)
FBKP Maintain Accounting Configuration
FBL1 Display Vendor Line Items
FBL1N Vendor Line Items
FBL2 Change Vendor Line Items
FBL2N Vendor Line Items
FBL3 Display G/L Account Line Items
FBL3N G/L Account Line Items
FBL4 Change G/L Account Line Items
FBL4N G/L Account Line Items
FBL5 Display Customer Line Items
FBL5N Customer Line Items
FBL6 Change Customer Line Items
FBL6N Customer Line Items
FBM1 Enter Sample Document
FBM2 Change Sample Document
FBM3 Display Sample Document
FBM4 Display Sample Document Changes
FBMA Display Dunning Procedure
FBME Banks
FBMP Maintain Dunning Procedure
FBN1 Accounting Document Number Ranges
FBN2 Number Range Maintenance: FI_PYORD
FBO1 Mass act: Create Boleto from OI
FBO1C Boleto: Mass cancellation
FBO1S Boleto: Single Boleto from OI
FBOL2 Create Boleto DME File
FBOL3 Display boleto
FBOLBANK Boleto: Bank selection by percentage
FBOLCODE Boleto: Instruction code and keys
FBOLINST Boleto: Instruction code/keys
FBOLNR Number range maintenance: FKK_BOLETO
FBOLXT Number range maintenance: FKK_BOLXT
FBP1 Enter Payment Request
FBPM Payment medium program of PMW
FBPM1 Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
FBPM2 Status Report
FBR1 Post with Reference Document
FBR2 Post Document
FBRA Reset Cleared Items
FBRC Reset Cleared Items (Payment Cards)
FBRC001 Maintain Message Templates
FBRC002 Maintain Placeholders
FBRC003 Set Up Reconciliation Display
FBRC004 Define Sets
FBRC005 Define Rules for Document Assignment
FBRC006 Define Possible Status for Documents
FBRC007 Reconciliation Process Attributes
FBRC008 Maintain Field Catalogs
FBRC009 Set Up Display Categories
FBRC010 Contact Database Maintenance
FBRC011 Application ID Maintenance
FBS1 Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.
FBTA Display Text Determin.Configuration
FBTP Maintain Text Determin.Configuration
FBU2 Change Intercompany Document
FBU3 Display Intercompany Document
FBU8 Reverse Cross-Company Code Document
FBV0 Post Parked Document
FBV1 Park Document
FBV2 Change Parked Document
FBV3 Display Parked Document
FBV4 Change Parked Document (Header)
FBV5 Document Changes of Parked Documents
FBV6 Parked Document $
FBVB Post Parked Document
FBW1 Enter Bill of Exchange Pmnt Request
FBW2 Post Bill of Pmt Request
FBW3 Post Bill of Exchange Usage
FBW4 Reverse Bill Liability
FBW5 Customer Check/Bill of Exchange
FBW6 Vendor Check/Bill of Exchange
FBW7 Bank file to file system (for FBWD)
FBW8 File to Bank (for Transaction FBWD)
FBW9 C FI Maintain Table T045DTA
FBWA C FI Maintain Table T046a
FBWAPI0 FI Internet: Vendor Line Items
FBWAPI0EA FI Internet: Vendor Line Items
FBWARI0 FI Internet: Customer Line Items
FBWARI0EA FI Internet: Customer Line Items
FBWD Returned Bills of Exchange Payable
FBWD2 Parameter Transaction for FBWD
FBWE Bill/Exch.Presentatn - International
FBWO Discounting of Orbian Credits
FBWO1 Maintenance View: Orbian Links
FBWQ C FI Maintain Table T045T
FBWR C FI Maintain Table T045W
FBWS C FI Maintain Table T046s
FBZ0 Display/Edit Payment Proposal
FBZ1 Post Incoming Payments
FBZ2 Post Outgoing Payments
FBZ3 Incoming Payments Fast Entry
FBZ4 Payment with Printout
FBZ5 Print Check for Payment Document
FBZ8 Display Payment Run
FBZA Display Pmnt Program Configuration
FBZA_OLD Display Pmnt Program Configuration
FBZG Failed Customer Payments
FBZP Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration
FBZP_OLD Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration
FC038 Compare Test Groups
FC039 Comparison by Selection Criteria
FC10 Financial Statements Comparison
FC11 Data Extract for FI Transfer
FC80 Document C80
FC82 Document C82
FCAA Check Archiving
FCBOL Boleto: mass cancellation
FCC1 Payment Cards: Settlement
FCC2 Payment Cards: Repeat Settlement
FCC3 Payment Cards: Delete Logs
FCC4 Payment Cards: Display Logs
FCCR Payment Card Evaluations
FCH1 Display Check Information
FCH2 Display Payment Document Checks
FCH3 Void Checks
FCH4 Renumber Checks
FCH5 Create Check Information
FCH6 Change Check Information/Cash Check
FCH7 Reprint Check
FCH8 Reverse Check Payment
FCH9 Void Issued Check
FCHA Check archiving
FCHB Check retrieval
FCHD Delete Payment Run Check Information
FCHE Delete Voided Checks
FCHF Delete Manual Checks
FCHG Delete cashing/extract data
FCHI Check Lots
FCHK Check Tracing Initial Menu
FCHN Check Register
FCHR Online Cashed Checks
FCHT Change Check/Payment Assignment
FCHU Create Reference for Check
FCHV C FI Maintain Table TVOID
FCHX Check Extract - Creation
FCIWCU00 Generate DataSources
FCKR International cashed checks
FCMM C FI Preparations for consolidation
FCMN FI Initial Consolidation Menu
FCOACTIV Activate Failure Cost Processing
FCOACTIV_REM Activate Failure Cost Processing
FCOACTIV_SFC Activate Failure Cost Processing
FCODOC Display Failure Cost Documents
FCOEX Start Additional Expense Posting
FCOMENU Menu Tree for Failure Costs
FCOM_ALERT_CBL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_CBV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_CCL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_CCV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_CDL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_CDV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_CL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_CV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_IBV Investment Program Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_IMV Investment Program Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OBL Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OBV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OCL Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OCV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OL Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OYV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_OZV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_PBL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_PBV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_PCL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_PCV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_PDL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.
FCOM_ALERT_PDV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.
FCOM_ALERT_PL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_PML Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_PMV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_PV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio
FCOM_ALERT_RBV Projects Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_RCV Projects Rule Evaluation
FCOM_ALERT_RMV Projects Rule Evaluation
FCOM_EQM_COST Equipment Monitor Rule Evaluation
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CCL Deletion of Line Item CCL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CDL Deletion of Line Item CCL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CL Delete Line Items CL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OBL Deletion of Line Item OCL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OCL Deletion of Line Item OCL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OL Delete Line Items OL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PCL Deletion of Line Item PCL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PDL Deletion of Line Item PCL
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PL Delete Line Items PL
FCOM_RULE_CBL Rule for Cost Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_CBV Rule for Cost Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_CCL Rule for Cost Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_CCV Rule for Cost Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_CDL Rule for Cost Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_CDV Rule for Cost Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_CL Rule for Cost Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_CV Rule for Cost Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_IBV Rule for Investment Prog. Variances
FCOM_RULE_IMV Rule for Investment Prog. Variances
FCOM_RULE_OA Rules for Equipment Monitor
FCOM_RULE_OBL Rule for Internal Order Line Items
FCOM_RULE_OBV Rule for Internal Order Variances
FCOM_RULE_OCL Rule for Internal Order Line Items
FCOM_RULE_OCV Rule for Internal Order Variances
FCOM_RULE_OL Rule for Internal Order Line Items
FCOM_RULE_OV Rule for Internal Order Variances
FCOM_RULE_OYV Rule for Annual Order Budget
FCOM_RULE_OZV Rule for Annual Order Budget
FCOM_RULE_PBL Rule for Profit Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_PBV Rule for Profit Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_PCL Rule for Profit Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_PCV Rule for Profit Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_PDL Rule for Profit Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_PDV Rule for Profit Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_PL Rule for Profit Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_PML Rule for Profit Center Line Items
FCOM_RULE_PMV Rule for Profit Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_PV Rule for Profit Center Variances
FCOM_RULE_RBV Rule for Project Variances
FCOM_RULE_RCV Rule for Project Variances
FCOM_RULE_RMV Rule for Project Variances
FCOM_RULE_USER_CBL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_CBV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_CCL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_CCV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_CDL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_CDV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_CL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_CV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_IBV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_IMV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OBL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OBV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OCL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OCV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OYV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_OZV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PBL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PBV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PCL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PCV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PDL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PDV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PL Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PML Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PMV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_PV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_RBV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_RCV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_RULE_USER_RMV Display Rule for a User
FCOM_SNI_BUA Settings for Hierarchy Display
FCOREP_EXCESS Additional Expense in FCO
FCOREP_NOTIF Quality Notification in FCO
FCOREP_RESPCC Responsible Cost Center
FCOREP_REW Rework in Failure Cost Processing
FCOREP_REWCO Rework Costs in Failure Cost Proc.
FCOREP_SCRAP Scrap Costs in Failure Cost Proc.
FCOSETTINGS Settings in Failure Cost Processing
FCOST Start Failure Cost Processing
FCOVALU Valuation of Failure Cost Documents
FCRD Credit Cards
FCV1 Create A/R Summary
FCV2 Delete A/R Summary
FCV3 Early Warning List
FC_BW_BEX Business Explorer Analyzer
FC_BW_RSA1 Administrator Workbench
FC_BW_RSZDELETE Delete BW Query Objects
FC_BW_RSZV Maintain BW Variables

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