FA39 | Call up report with report variant |
FAA_GENMAP | Generate Mapping Methods |
FAGL21 | Create General Ledger Rollup |
FAGL22 | Change General Ledger Rollup |
FAGL23 | Display General Ledger Rollup |
FAGL24 | Delete General Ledger Rollup |
FAGL25 | Execute General Ledger Rollup |
FAGL3KEH | General Ledger: Default Profit Ctr |
FAGLB03 | Display Balances |
FAGLB03A | Display Balances |
FAGLBW01 | Generate Gen. Ledger Extract Struct. |
FAGLBW03 | Assign Gen. Ledger DataSource/Ledger |
FAGLCOFIFLUP | Repost CO->FI from Worklist |
FAGLCOFIIMG | Customizing for CO->FI Update |
FAGLCOFILOGDISP | Display Application Log |
FAGLCOFITRACEADMIN | Administr. of Trace for OnlineUpdate |
FAGLCOFITRACEDEL | Deletion of Trace Data for Update |
FAGLCOFITRACEOFF | Deactivate Trace for Online Update |
FAGLCOFITRACEON | Activate Trace for Online Update |
FAGLCOFITRACESHOW | Display Trace for Online Update |
FAGLCOFITRNSFRCODOCS | Transfer CO Doc. into Ext.Accounting |
FAGLCOFIWRKLSTTRACE | Display Worklist and Trace Data |
FAGLCORC | CO - FI Reconciliation |
FAGLF03 | Reconciliation |
FAGLF101 | Sorted List/Regrouping |
FAGLGA11 | General Ledger: Create Act. Assessmt |
FAGLGA12 | General Ledger: Change Act. Assessmt |
FAGLGA13 | Gen. Ledger: Display Act. Assessment |
FAGLGA14 | Gen. Ledger: Delete Act. Assessment |
FAGLGA15 | Gen. Ledger: Execute Act. Assessment |
FAGLGA16 | Gen. Ledger: Act. Assessmt Overview |
FAGLGA27 | Gen. Ledger: Create Plan Assessment |
FAGLGA28 | Gen. Ledger: Change Plan Assessment |
FAGLGA29 | Gen. Ledger: Display Plan Assessment |
FAGLGA2A | Gen. Ledger: Delete Plan Assessment |
FAGLGA2B | Gen. Ledger: Execute Plan Assessment |
FAGLGA2C | Gen. Ledger: Plan Assessmt Overview |
FAGLGA31 | Gen. Ledger: Create Act.Distribution |
FAGLGA32 | Gen. Ledger: Change Act.Distribution |
FAGLGA33 | Gen. Ledger:Display Act.Distribution |
FAGLGA34 | Gen. Ledger: Delete Act.Distribution |
FAGLGA35 | Gen. Ledger:Execute Act.Distribution |
FAGLGA36 | Gen. Ledger: Act. Distrib. Overview |
FAGLGA47 | Gen. Ledger:Create Plan Distribution |
FAGLGA48 | Gen. Ledger:Change Plan Distribution |
FAGLGA49 | Gen. Ledger:Display PlanDistribution |
FAGLGA4A | Gen. Ledger:Delete Plan Distribution |
FAGLGA4B | Gen. Ledger:Execute PlanDistribution |
FAGLGA4C | Gen. Ledger: Plan Distrib. Overview |
FAGLGCLE | Activation of Plan Line Items |
FAGLGP52 | Copy Model Plan |
FAGLGVTR | G/L: Balance Carried Forward |
FAGLL03 | G/L Account Line Items (New) |
FAGLPLC | Gen. Ledger: Change Planning Layout |
FAGLPLD | Gen. Ledger: Display Planning Layout |
FAGLPLI | Gen. Ledger: Create Planning Layout |
FAGLPLSET | Gen. Ledger: Set Planner Profile |
FAGLSKF | Post Statistical Key Figures(Actual) |
FAGLSKF1 | Post Statistical Key Figures (Plan) |
FAGLSKF3 | Stat. Key Figures: Period Evaluation |
FAGLSKF4 | Stat. Key Figures: Document Display |
FAGLSKF5 | Stat. Key Figures: Document Reversal |
FAGLSKF6 | Stat. Key Figs: Post CO Subsequently |
FAGLSKF7 | Stat. Key Figs: Post FI Subsequently |
FAGLSKF8 | Stat. Key Figs:Post PCA Subsequently |
FAGLSL25 | Execute General Ledger Rollup |
FAGL_ACTIVATION | Activation of New G/L Accounting |
FAGL_ACTIV_SPLIT_CC | Activation of Document Splitter |
FAGL_BELNR | Number Range Maint. for Source Doc. |
FAGL_BELNR_LD | Doc. Types for Source Docs in Ledger |
FAGL_CHECK_ACCOUNT | Check G/L Accounts for Doc.Splitting |
FAGL_CHECK_DOC_TYPE | Check Doc. Types for Doc. Splitting |
FAGL_CHECK_LINETYPE | Check Bus. Transaction for Documents |
FAGL_CO_PLAN | Transfer CO Plan Documents in ERP GL |
FAGL_DEL | Delete Transaction Data from Ledger |
FAGL_DOCNR | Number Range Maint. for Doc. Number |
FAGL_DOCNR_LD | Doc. Types for New G/L Doc. Numbers |
FAGL_FC_TRANS | Currency Translation of Balances |
FAGL_FC_VAL | Foreign Currency Valuation |
FAGL_FLEXGL_IMG | IMG for New General Ledger |
FAGL_GINS | G/L installation |
FAGL_MIG_ACTIVATE | Start Migration |
FAGL_MIG_ADJUST | Log of Document-Specific Adjustments |
FAGL_MIG_CRESPLIT | Process Open Items for Doc.Splitting |
FAGL_MIG_CRESUM | Generate Bal.Carryforward:Open Items |
FAGL_MIG_FICHAN | Subsequent Posting: FI Docs (Update) |
FAGL_MIG_FICHAT | Subseq. Posting: FI Docs (Selection) |
FAGL_MIG_FINISH | Complete Migration |
FAGL_MIG_OPFILL | Worklist for Open Items |
FAGL_MIG_REPORT_SUM | Generated Entries: Totals Table |
FAGL_MIG_REPOST | Subsequent Posting in Migration |
FAGL_MIG_REPOST_OP | Transfer Open Items to New GL |
FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_ALL | Reset Migration Completely |
FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_OP | Reset Migration for Open Items |
FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_RP | Reset Migration for Documents |
FAGL_MIG_RPFILL | Worklist for Migration Documents |
FAGL_MIG_SELECT | Determine Migration Objects |
FAGL_MIG_SHOW_SPL | Display Document Splitting Result |
FAGL_MIG_SIM_SPL | Simulation of Document Splitting |
FAGL_MIG_SPLIT | Subsequently Post Split Information |
FAGL_MIG_STATUS | Analysis: Migration Status |
FAGL_OBH1 | C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Company Code |
FAGL_OBH2 | C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Fiscal Year |
FAGL_PL_LC | Number Range Maint. for Plan Docs |
FAGL_SCENARIO | Scenario Maintenance in New G/L |
FAGL_SCENARIO_ASS | Scenario Assignment in New G/L |
FAGL_SCENARIO_ASSIGN | Scenario Assignment for Ledger |
FAGL_TRGT_LDGR | Assgnmnt:Acctg Principle to Ldgr Grp |
FAGL_UPL_CF | G/L: Upload of Balance Carryforward |
FAGL_VAL_LOG | Analysis: Validation Log |
FAIB01 | Rule Administration |
FAIB02 | Build Intermediate Layers |
FAIB03 | Balance Sheet Valuation |
FAIB04 | Market Prices |
FAIB05 | Balance Sheet Values by Account |
FAIB06 | Display Intermediate Layers |
FAIB07 | Display Current Rules |
FAIC03 | Substitution of Account Assignments |
FAIP04 | GR/IR Clearing |
FAIP05 | Calculation of Actual Overhead |
FAIP06 | WIP Clearing |
FAIP07 | Target Cost Calculation |
FAIR01 | Inventory Accounting: Line Items |
FAIR02 | Inventory Accounting: Line Items |
FAIR03 | Inventory Accounting: Document Displ |
FAIR04 | Inventory Accounting: Document Displ |
FAIR05 | Reconciliation Inv. Ledger - G/L |
FAIR06 | Plan/Tgt/Actual Comparison - Orders |
FAIR07 | Overview: Valuated Inventory |
FAIV01 | Price Release |
FAIV02 | Change material prices |
FAIV03 | Display Material Prices |
FAIV04 | Price Comparison |
FAIV05 | Display History for Material Prices |
FAIV06 | Debit/Credit Material |
FAIWQ1 | Worklist |
FAKA | Config.: Show Display Format |
FAKP | Config.: Maintain Display Format |
FAR1 | S FI-ARI Maint. table T061A |
FARA | S FI-ARI Maint. table T061P/Q |
FARB | C FI-ARI Maint. table T061R |
FAREA_MODE | Setting: Determination of Funct.Area |
FARI | AR Interface: Third-party applicatns |
FARY | Table T061S |
FARZ | Table T061V |
FB00 | Accounting Editing Options |
FB01 | Post Document |
FB01L | General Posting for Ledger Group |
FB02 | Change Document |
FB03 | Display Document |
FB03L | Document Display : G/L View |
FB03Z | Display Document/Payment Usage |
FB04 | Document Changes |
FB05 | Post with Clearing |
FB05_OLD | Post with clearing |
FB07 | Control Totals |
FB08 | Reverse Document |
FB09 | Change Line Items |
FB09D | Display Line Items |
FB10 | Invoice/Credit Fast Entry |
FB11 | Post Held Document |
FB12 | Correspondence Request |
FB13 | Release for Payments |
FB15 | Assign Items |
FB16 | Assign Items |
FB16EA | Assign Items |
FB17 | Open Item Assignmnt: Check from List |
FB18 | Maintain Standard Mail Texts |
FB1D | Clear Customer |
FB1K | Clear Vendor |
FB1S | Clear G/L Account |
FB21 | Enter Statistical Posting |
FB22 | Reverse Statistical Posting |
FB2E | Reconciliation btwn affiliated comps |
FB31 | Enter Noted Item |
FB41 | Post Tax Payable |
FB50 | G/L Acct Pstg: Single Screen Trans. |
FB50L | Enter G/L Account Doc for Ledger Grp |
FB60 | Enter Incoming Invoices |
FB65 | Enter Incoming Credit Memos |
FB70 | Enter Outgoing Invoices |
FB75 | Enter Outgoing Credit Memos |
FB99 | Check if Documents can be Archived |
FBA1 | Customer Down Payment Request |
FBA2 | Post Customer Down Payment |
FBA3 | Clear Customer Down Payment |
FBA6 | Vendor Down Payment Request |
FBA7 | Post Vendor Down Payment |
FBA7_OLD | Post Vendor Down Payment |
FBA8 | Clear Vendor Down Payment |
FBA8_OLD | Clear Vendor Down Payment |
FBB1 | Post Foreign Currency Valn |
FBBA | Display Acct Determination Config. |
FBBCX | Post Document with Currency Exchange |
FBBP | Maintain Acct Determination Config. |
FBBRVO | Vendor Operation |
FBCB | Balance Carryfwd for Ledger Group |
FBCJ | Cash Journal |
FBCJ3 | Display Cash Journal |
FBCJC0 | C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_C_JOURNALS |
FBCJC1 | Cash Journal Document Number Range |
FBCJC3 | C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_PRINT |
FBD1 | Enter Recurring Entry |
FBD2 | Change Recurring Entry |
FBD3 | Display Recurring Entry |
FBD4 | Display Recurring Entry Changes |
FBD5 | Realize Recurring Entry |
FBD9 | Enter Recurring Entry |
FBDF | Menu Banque de France |
FBE1 | Create Payment Advice |
FBE2 | Change Payment Advice |
FBE3 | Display Payment Advice |
FBE6 | Delete Payment Advice |
FBE7 | Add to Payment Advice Account |
FBF1 | C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind. |
FBF2 | Financial Transactions |
FBF3 | Control Report |
FBF4 | Download Documents |
FBF5 | Reports Minus Vendor Accounts |
FBF6 | Document Changes |
FBF7 | C80 Reports Minus Sp.G/L Ind. |
FBF8 | C84 Reports |
FBFT | Customizing BDF |
FBIC001 | Check Assignment of Accounts |
FBIC002 | Automatically Assign Accounts |
FBIC003 | Create Additional Fields |
FBIC004 | Activate Transaction Data Tables |
FBIC005 | Create Additional Fields |
FBIC006 | Create Additional Fields |
FBIC008 | Companies to be Reconciled |
FBIC009 | Companies to be Reconciled |
FBIC010 | Reconciliation Process Attributes |
FBIC011 | Auxiliary Programs |
FBIC012 | Reconciliation: Delete Data |
FBIC013 | Reconciliation: Recalculate Totals |
FBIC014 | Reconciliation: Delete Data |
FBIC015 | Reconciliation: Recalculate Totals |
FBIC016 | Reconciliation: Documents |
FBIC017 | Reconciliation: Totals Records |
FBIC018 | Reconciliation: Totals Records |
FBIC019 | Reconciliation: Documents |
FBIC020 | Reconciliation: Status |
FBIC021 | Reconciliation: Status |
FBIC022 | Reconciliation: Status |
FBIC023 | Reconciliation: Delete Data |
FBIC024 | Reconciliation: Recalculate Totals |
FBIC025 | Reconciliation: Documents |
FBIC026 | Reconciliation: Totals Records |
FBIC027 | Activate Process Tables |
FBIC028 | Activate Process Tables |
FBIC029 | Activate Process Tables |
FBIC030 | Activate Process Tables |
FBIC031 | Activate Process Tables |
FBIC032 | Companies to be Reconciled |
FBICA1 | GL Open Items: Document Assignment |
FBICA2 | GL Accounts: Document Assignment |
FBICA3 | GL Open Items: Document Assignment |
FBICIMG | Cross-System IC Reconciliation |
FBICIMG3 | Cross-System IC Reconciliation |
FBICR1 | GL Open Items: Reconcile Documents |
FBICR2 | GL Accounts: Reconcile Documents |
FBICR3 | GL Open Items: Reconcile Documents |
FBICRC_SNRO | No. Range Maintnce: FBICRC_REF |
FBICS1 | GL Open Items: Select Documents |
FBICS2 | GL Accounts: Select Documents |
FBICS3 | Customer/Vendor: Select Documents |
FBIC_SNRO_DOC | Number range maintenance: FBICRC_DOC |
FBKA | Display Accounting Configuration |
FBKF | FBKP/Carry Out Function (Internal) |
FBKP | Maintain Accounting Configuration |
FBL1 | Display Vendor Line Items |
FBL1N | Vendor Line Items |
FBL2 | Change Vendor Line Items |
FBL2N | Vendor Line Items |
FBL3 | Display G/L Account Line Items |
FBL3N | G/L Account Line Items |
FBL4 | Change G/L Account Line Items |
FBL4N | G/L Account Line Items |
FBL5 | Display Customer Line Items |
FBL5N | Customer Line Items |
FBL6 | Change Customer Line Items |
FBL6N | Customer Line Items |
FBM1 | Enter Sample Document |
FBM2 | Change Sample Document |
FBM3 | Display Sample Document |
FBM4 | Display Sample Document Changes |
FBMA | Display Dunning Procedure |
FBME | Banks |
FBMP | Maintain Dunning Procedure |
FBN1 | Accounting Document Number Ranges |
FBN2 | Number Range Maintenance: FI_PYORD |
FBO1 | Mass act: Create Boleto from OI |
FBO1C | Boleto: Mass cancellation |
FBO1S | Boleto: Single Boleto from OI |
FBOL2 | Create Boleto DME File |
FBOL3 | Display boleto |
FBOLBANK | Boleto: Bank selection by percentage |
FBOLCODE | Boleto: Instruction code and keys |
FBOLINST | Boleto: Instruction code/keys |
FBOLNR | Number range maintenance: FKK_BOLETO |
FBOLXT | Number range maintenance: FKK_BOLXT |
FBP1 | Enter Payment Request |
FBPM | Payment medium program of PMW |
FBPM1 | Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium |
FBPM2 | Status Report |
FBR1 | Post with Reference Document |
FBR2 | Post Document |
FBRA | Reset Cleared Items |
FBRC | Reset Cleared Items (Payment Cards) |
FBRC001 | Maintain Message Templates |
FBRC002 | Maintain Placeholders |
FBRC003 | Set Up Reconciliation Display |
FBRC004 | Define Sets |
FBRC005 | Define Rules for Document Assignment |
FBRC006 | Define Possible Status for Documents |
FBRC007 | Reconciliation Process Attributes |
FBRC008 | Maintain Field Catalogs |
FBRC009 | Set Up Display Categories |
FBRC010 | Contact Database Maintenance |
FBRC011 | Application ID Maintenance |
FBS1 | Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc. |
FBTA | Display Text Determin.Configuration |
FBTP | Maintain Text Determin.Configuration |
FBU2 | Change Intercompany Document |
FBU3 | Display Intercompany Document |
FBU8 | Reverse Cross-Company Code Document |
FBV0 | Post Parked Document |
FBV1 | Park Document |
FBV2 | Change Parked Document |
FBV3 | Display Parked Document |
FBV4 | Change Parked Document (Header) |
FBV5 | Document Changes of Parked Documents |
FBV6 | Parked Document $ |
FBVB | Post Parked Document |
FBW1 | Enter Bill of Exchange Pmnt Request |
FBW2 | Post Bill of Exch.acc.to Pmt Request |
FBW3 | Post Bill of Exchange Usage |
FBW4 | Reverse Bill Liability |
FBW5 | Customer Check/Bill of Exchange |
FBW6 | Vendor Check/Bill of Exchange |
FBW7 | Bank file to file system (for FBWD) |
FBW8 | File to Bank (for Transaction FBWD) |
FBW9 | C FI Maintain Table T045DTA |
FBWA | C FI Maintain Table T046a |
FBWAPI0 | FI Internet: Vendor Line Items |
FBWAPI0EA | FI Internet: Vendor Line Items |
FBWARI0 | FI Internet: Customer Line Items |
FBWARI0EA | FI Internet: Customer Line Items |
FBWD | Returned Bills of Exchange Payable |
FBWD2 | Parameter Transaction for FBWD |
FBWE | Bill/Exch.Presentatn - International |
FBWO | Discounting of Orbian Credits |
FBWO1 | Maintenance View: Orbian Links |
FBWQ | C FI Maintain Table T045T |
FBWR | C FI Maintain Table T045W |
FBWS | C FI Maintain Table T046s |
FBZ0 | Display/Edit Payment Proposal |
FBZ1 | Post Incoming Payments |
FBZ2 | Post Outgoing Payments |
FBZ3 | Incoming Payments Fast Entry |
FBZ4 | Payment with Printout |
FBZ5 | Print Check for Payment Document |
FBZ8 | Display Payment Run |
FBZA | Display Pmnt Program Configuration |
FBZA_OLD | Display Pmnt Program Configuration |
FBZG | Failed Customer Payments |
FBZP | Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration |
FBZP_OLD | Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration |
FC038 | Compare Test Groups |
FC039 | Comparison by Selection Criteria |
FC10 | Financial Statements Comparison |
FC11 | Data Extract for FI Transfer |
FC80 | Document C80 |
FC82 | Document C82 |
FCAA | Check Archiving |
FCBOL | Boleto: mass cancellation |
FCC1 | Payment Cards: Settlement |
FCC2 | Payment Cards: Repeat Settlement |
FCC3 | Payment Cards: Delete Logs |
FCC4 | Payment Cards: Display Logs |
FCCR | Payment Card Evaluations |
FCH1 | Display Check Information |
FCH2 | Display Payment Document Checks |
FCH3 | Void Checks |
FCH4 | Renumber Checks |
FCH5 | Create Check Information |
FCH6 | Change Check Information/Cash Check |
FCH7 | Reprint Check |
FCH8 | Reverse Check Payment |
FCH9 | Void Issued Check |
FCHA | Check archiving |
FCHB | Check retrieval |
FCHD | Delete Payment Run Check Information |
FCHE | Delete Voided Checks |
FCHF | Delete Manual Checks |
FCHG | Delete cashing/extract data |
FCHI | Check Lots |
FCHK | Check Tracing Initial Menu |
FCHN | Check Register |
FCHR | Online Cashed Checks |
FCHT | Change Check/Payment Assignment |
FCHU | Create Reference for Check |
FCHV | C FI Maintain Table TVOID |
FCHX | Check Extract - Creation |
FCIWCU00 | Generate DataSources |
FCKR | International cashed checks |
FCMM | C FI Preparations for consolidation |
FCMN | FI Initial Consolidation Menu |
FCOACTIV | Activate Failure Cost Processing |
FCOACTIV_REM | Activate Failure Cost Processing |
FCOACTIV_SFC | Activate Failure Cost Processing |
FCODOC | Display Failure Cost Documents |
FCOEX | Start Additional Expense Posting |
FCOMENU | Menu Tree for Failure Costs |
FCOM_ALERT_CBL | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_CBV | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_CCL | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_CCV | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_CDL | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_CDV | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_CL | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_CV | Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_IBV | Investment Program Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_IMV | Investment Program Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OBL | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OBV | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OCL | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OCV | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OL | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OV | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OYV | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_OZV | Order Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_PBL | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_PBV | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_PCL | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_PCV | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_PDL | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat. |
FCOM_ALERT_PDV | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat. |
FCOM_ALERT_PL | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_PML | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_PMV | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_PV | Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluatio |
FCOM_ALERT_RBV | Projects Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_RCV | Projects Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_ALERT_RMV | Projects Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_EQM_COST | Equipment Monitor Rule Evaluation |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CBL | Delete Line Items CL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CCL | Deletion of Line Item CCL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CDL | Deletion of Line Item CCL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CL | Delete Line Items CL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OBL | Deletion of Line Item OCL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OCL | Deletion of Line Item OCL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OL | Delete Line Items OL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PBL | Delete Line Items PL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PCL | Deletion of Line Item PCL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PDL | Deletion of Line Item PCL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PL | Delete Line Items PL |
FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PML | Delete Line Items PL |
FCOM_RULE_CBL | Rule for Cost Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_CBV | Rule for Cost Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_CCL | Rule for Cost Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_CCV | Rule for Cost Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_CDL | Rule for Cost Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_CDV | Rule for Cost Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_CL | Rule for Cost Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_CV | Rule for Cost Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_IBV | Rule for Investment Prog. Variances |
FCOM_RULE_IMV | Rule for Investment Prog. Variances |
FCOM_RULE_OA | Rules for Equipment Monitor |
FCOM_RULE_OBL | Rule for Internal Order Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_OBV | Rule for Internal Order Variances |
FCOM_RULE_OCL | Rule for Internal Order Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_OCV | Rule for Internal Order Variances |
FCOM_RULE_OL | Rule for Internal Order Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_OV | Rule for Internal Order Variances |
FCOM_RULE_OYV | Rule for Annual Order Budget |
FCOM_RULE_OZV | Rule for Annual Order Budget |
FCOM_RULE_PBL | Rule for Profit Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_PBV | Rule for Profit Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_PCL | Rule for Profit Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_PCV | Rule for Profit Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_PDL | Rule for Profit Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_PDV | Rule for Profit Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_PL | Rule for Profit Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_PML | Rule for Profit Center Line Items |
FCOM_RULE_PMV | Rule for Profit Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_PV | Rule for Profit Center Variances |
FCOM_RULE_RBV | Rule for Project Variances |
FCOM_RULE_RCV | Rule for Project Variances |
FCOM_RULE_RMV | Rule for Project Variances |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CBL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CBV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CCL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CCV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CDL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CDV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_CV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_IBV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_IMV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OBL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OBV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OCL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OCV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OYV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_OZV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PBL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PBV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PCL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PCV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PDL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PDV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PL | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PML | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PMV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_PV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_RBV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_RCV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_RULE_USER_RMV | Display Rule for a User |
FCOM_SNI_BUA | Settings for Hierarchy Display |
FCOREP_EXCESS | Additional Expense in FCO |
FCOREP_NOTIF | Quality Notification in FCO |
FCOREP_RESPCC | Responsible Cost Center |
FCOREP_REW | Rework in Failure Cost Processing |
FCOREP_REWCO | Rework Costs in Failure Cost Proc. |
FCOREP_SCRAP | Scrap Costs in Failure Cost Proc. |
FCOSETTINGS | Settings in Failure Cost Processing |
FCOST | Start Failure Cost Processing |
FCOVALU | Valuation of Failure Cost Documents |
FCRD | Credit Cards |
FCV1 | Create A/R Summary |
FCV2 | Delete A/R Summary |
FCV3 | Early Warning List |
FC_BW_BEX | Business Explorer Analyzer |
FC_BW_RSA1 | Administrator Workbench |
FC_BW_RSZDELETE | Delete BW Query Objects |
FC_BW_RSZV | Maintain BW Variables |
Saturday, July 5, 2008
SAP Tcodes FA to FC
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