JB02 | Bank Single Transaction Costing |
JB04 | Bank Risk Management |
JB05 | IS-B: Bank regulatory reporting |
JB06 | Bank RM Configuration Menu |
JB07 | IS-B: Settings menu - bank reg.rep. |
JB08 | Bank STC Configuration Menu |
JB09 | Maintain Bank Products |
JB0A | Maintain Sender Programs |
JB0B | Maintain Financial Conditions |
JB0C | Maintain Product Type |
JB0J | Treasury Master Data |
JB0K | Costing Call |
JB0K_VT_OLD | IS-B: Costing Call VT (Old) |
JB0N | Display Bank Products |
JB0O | Copy Company Code |
JB0P | Display and Delete Logs |
JB0R | Backdating |
JB0R_VT_OLD | IS-B: Back-Dated Transaction:VT(Old) |
JB0U | Maintain Product Variants |
JB0V | Display Product Variants |
JB0W | Change Transaction Differentiation |
JB0X | Display Transaction Differentiation |
JB12 | Limit Management |
JB121 | Definition |
JB16 | Costing Rule List |
JB18 | Display Req./Opt.Control |
JB19 | Asset/Liability Management |
JB1C | Display Product Type |
JB1E | Display Financial Conditions Types |
JB1F | Maintain Bank Product Assign. |
JB1G | Display Bank Product Assignmnt |
JB1K | Update costing |
JB20 | Maturity Pattern |
JB21 | Maturity Pattern - Volume Assignment |
JB22 | Calculate Core Deposits |
JB2X | Securities |
JB3M | List of curr. supported field names |
JB3P | Maintain variant groups |
JB3Q | Maintain Variants |
JB3R | Schedule variant group |
JB3S | Define variant group |
JB41 | Create SD Condition |
JB42 | Change SD Condition |
JB43 | Display SD Condition |
JB46 | Maintain Costing Sheet |
JB47 | Maintain SD Condition Types |
JB48 | Maintain Access Sequence |
JB49 | Create SD Condition Table |
JB4A | Change SD Condition Table |
JB4B | Display SD Condition Table |
JB4C | Create SD Condition using Template |
JB4L | Create List of Conditions |
JB4N | Change List of Conditions |
JB4O | Display List of Conditions |
JB4Q | Execute List of Conditions |
JB4X | Money market |
JB5X | Forex |
JB68 | Interpolate yield curves |
JB69 | Maintain Int. Rates for Yield Curves |
JB69T | TimeOFday dep. IR's for Zcurves pf1 |
JB6X | Derivatives |
JB72 | Display int.rates for ref.int.rate |
JB72T | IR's for timeOFday dep. ref. int. |
JB73 | Display int. rates for date |
JB73T | TimeOFday dep. IR's for date |
JB81 | Maintain account |
JB88 | Maintain Output Fields |
JB91 | Maintain Aggregation |
JB92 | Display Aggregation Value Fields |
JB99 | Test Menu ONLINE Integration |
JBA1 | Maintain Base Portfolio |
JBA2 | Maintain Cash Flow Type |
JBA3 | Maintain balance type |
JBA4 | Maintain Maturity Scenario |
JBA5 | Maintain summarization rule |
JBA6 | Assign Summarization Rule to CF Type |
JBA7 | Assign Summ. Rule to Balance Type |
JBA8 | Maintain RM-FIMA Costing Rule |
JBA9 | Assign RM-FIMA to Cash Flow Type |
JBAA | Assign RM-FIMA to Balance Type. |
JBAB | Maintain Settings for Maturity Scen. |
JBAC | Maintain Risk Hierarchy |
JBAD | Risk hierarchy node |
JBAE | RM Maintain Risk Factors |
JBAF | Maintain Characteristics for View |
JBAI | Load saved Dataset |
JBAJ | Risk hierarchy node |
JBAL | Overview of Analysis Structures |
JBAN | Update Field Catalog |
JBAO | Allocate Index to Securities ID |
JBAP | Create Maintain Analysis Structures |
JBAS | Save Dataset |
JBAT | Report Selection |
JBAX | Delete Saved Dataset |
JBAY | Maintain Beta Factor Type |
JBAZ | Maintain Beta Factors |
JBA_US_MD_NIPL | ALM - Master Data Maint. |
JBB0 | Create Position Object |
JBB1 | Change Position |
JBB2 | Display Position |
JBB3 | IS-B. Edit Position Values |
JBB4 | Display Position Values |
JBB5 | Edit characteristics |
JBB6 | Edit Value Fields |
JBBA | Position Generation - Securities |
JBBB | Position Determ.-Stock Ex.Der. |
JBBD | Forex Position Determination |
JBBE | Valuation Setting |
JBBEW | Maintain Position Changes |
JBBEWE1 | Valuation Setting |
JBBG | Position Groups |
JBBG1 | Define Position Groups |
JBBM | Positions |
JBBPU | Reorg.of Field Cat.for BP Conversion |
JBBW | Customize Valuation in Company Code |
JBC0 | Sample Customizing - Organization |
JBC1 | Sample Customizing - Basis Data |
JBC2 | Sample Customizing - Treasury |
JBC3 | Sample Customizing - Basis |
JBC4 | Sample Customizing - Money Market |
JBC5 | Sample Customizing - Forex |
JBC6 | Sample Customizing - Derivatives |
JBC7 | Sample Customizing - Securities |
JBC8 | Sample Customizing - Loans |
JBC9 | Sample Customizing - Accounts |
JBCA | Sample Customizing - Services |
JBCAPAACT | BCA: FO Integration of Prof. Anal. |
JBCB | Sample Customizing-Non-Int.Positions |
JBCBCA | Customizing BCA Accts Non-Critical |
JBCC | Delta Customizing - Derivatives |
JBCD | Delta Customizing - Loans |
JBCDLI | Display Condition Lists |
JBCDLITY | Display List Types for Cond. Lists |
JBCDPERTY | Assign Cond. Types to List Types |
JBCE | Delta Customizing - Securites |
JBCF | Maintain Condition Type |
JBCFTRANSAKTION | Maint. Trans. Cash Flow Transaction |
JBCG | Sample Customizing - Process Costs |
JBCH | Delta Customizing - Accounts |
JBCI | Delta Customizing - Loans |
JBCJ | Delta Customizing - Derivatives |
JBCK | Delta Customizing: ABC 4.02 |
JBCL | Delta Cust.: Basic Data 4.02 |
JBCM | Delta Cust.: Loans 4.02 |
JBCN | Delta Cust.: Money Market 4.02 |
JBCO | Sample Customizing: Volumen Costing |
JBCP | Customizing: Vol. Cost. Not Critical |
JBCQ | Customizing: Var.Trans. Not Critical |
JBCR | Goto currency redemption |
JBCS | Flow Type |
JBCT | Customize Flow Type |
JBCTVT_NEBP | Assign New Bank Products |
JBCTVT_NEBPVR | Assign Bank Product Variant |
JBDAC_DEL | Deletion of Account Master Data |
JBDBALCOST | Volume Cost. Costing Rule Derivation |
JBDCD | Delete Change Pointers |
JBDCPNUM | No. Range Maint.: Object JBD_CPID |
JBDCR | Change Relevance |
JBDDRBCA1 | BCA: Maintain Derivation Strategy |
JBDDRBCA2 | BCA: Maintain Rule Entries |
JBDDRDERIV1 | Derivatives: Maintain Deriv. Strat. |
JBDDRDERIV2 | Derivatives: Maintain Rule Entries |
JBDDRFGDT1 | Gen. Trans: Maintain Deriv. Strat. |
JBDDRFGDT2 | Gen. Trans: Maint. Rule Entries |
JBDDRFX1 | Forex: Maintain Derivation Strategy |
JBDDRFX2 | Forex: Maintain Rule Entries |
JBDDRLOAN1 | Loans: Maintain Derivation Strategy |
JBDDRLOAN2 | Loans: Maintian Rule Entries |
JBDDRMM1 | Money Market:Maintain Deriv.Strategy |
JBDDRMM2 | Money Market: Maintain Rule Entries |
JBDDRORD1 | Order: Derivation Strategy |
JBDDRORD2 | Order: Maintian Rule Entries |
JBDDRSTX1 | Positions: Maintain Deriv. Strategy |
JBDDRSTX2 | Positions: Maintain Rule Entries |
JBDDRVT1 | Variable Transaction: Deriv. Strat. |
JBDDRVT2 | Var. Trans: Maintain Rule Entries |
JBDEA | Export Settings |
JBDEM | Overview of Change Pointers |
JBDER | Export Relevance |
JBDERH | Main Setting for Export Relevance |
JBDEX | Start Export |
JBDFOAC_DEL | Deletion of Accnt Financial Objects |
JBDFOLN_DEL | Deletion of Loan Financial Objects |
JBDFOSV_DEL | Deletion of FO for Services |
JBDFOVT_DEL | Deletion of Financial Objects of VT |
JBDFTP | FTP Update in PC Accounting |
JBDIL02 | Initial Load: Security Class Data |
JBDIL03 | Initial Load: Security Order |
JBDIL04 | Initial Load: Listed Derivatives |
JBDIL05 | Initial Load: Loans |
JBDIL07 | Initial Load: Forex Transactions |
JBDIL08 | Initial Load: Business Partner |
JBDIL09DETR | Initial Load: Listed Der. Positions |
JBDIL09FX | Initial Load: Forex Positions |
JBDIL09SETR | Initial Load: Security Order Positns |
JBDIL11 | Initial Load: Position Change |
JBDIL12 | Initial Load: Fixed-Term Deposit |
JBDIL13 | Initial Load: Commercial Paper |
JBDIL14 | Initial Load: FRA |
JBDIL15 | Initial Load: Swap |
JBDIL16 | Initial Load: Variable Transactions |
JBDIL18 | Initial Load: Generic Transactions |
JBDIL19 | Initial Load: Facilities |
JBDIL20 | Initial Load: Collateral |
JBDIL21 | Initial Load: Security Prices |
JBDIL22 | Initial Load: Exchange Rates |
JBDIL23 | Initial Load: Interest Rates |
JBDIL24 | Initial Load: Indexes |
JBDIL25 | Initial Load: Limits |
JBDIL30 | Initial Load: BP Relationship |
JBDIL31 | Initial Load: Security Volatilities |
JBDIL32 | Initial Load: Index Volatility |
JBDIL33 | Initial Load: Currency Volatility |
JBDIL34 | Initial Load: Interest Volatility |
JBDK | Customize Exchange Rate Type |
JBDLN_DEL | Deletion of Loan Master Data |
JBDM | IS-B: Loans |
JBDO | Financial Object |
JBDO_VT_OLD | Old Initial Screen in FO f. VT (Old) |
JBDRDARL | Bank Product from Loan |
JBDRVATR | Bank Product from Variable Trans. |
JBDSV_DEL | Deletion of Services |
JBDVT_DEL | Deletion of Master Data of Var.Trans |
JBD_AFX_ACT | No. Range Maintenance Object:AFX_ACT |
JBD_AFX_CUST_DEPLOY | Use Global Control |
JBD_COLL_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object COLL_ARCH |
JBD_DEL_PROT | Display of Deletion Logs |
JBD_FCTY_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object FCTY_ARCH |
JBD_FOBJ_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object FOBJ_ARCH |
JBD_FOCF_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object FOCF_ARCH |
JBD_GAP_ARCH_CUS | Customizing for Object GPAN_ARCH |
JBD_GETR_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object GETR_ARCH |
JBD_GTVS_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object GTVS_ARCH |
JBD_LOAN_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object LOAN_ARCH |
JBD_VTBA_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object VTBA_ARCH |
JBD_VTMD_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object VTMD_ARCH |
JBD_VTTO_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object VTTO_ARCH |
JBD_VT_OLD_CUST | Customizing: Variable Trans. (Old) |
JBFR | Customize Function per Register |
JBFS | Maintain Due Date Scenario |
JBG0 | CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern |
JBG0O | CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern |
JBGK | Maintain Yield Curve Types |
JBHTL | Translate Characteristic Hierarchies |
JBHTR | Transport Characteristic Hierarchies |
JBI1 | PA transfer structure CO |
JBIR | Goto reference interest rates |
JBIRM | Goto ref. int. rate maintenance |
JBIRMTD | Goto time-dependent int. rate. maint |
JBJJ | Display Assgmt of Bal.Type>Cost.Rule |
JBJK | Change Assgmt of Bal.Type>Cost.Rule |
JBK1 | Preliminary Costing: Create Form |
JBK2 | Preliminary Costing: Change form |
JBK3 | Preliminary Costing: Display Form |
JBKA | SAP Banking: Costing Sheet Analysis |
JBKR | Customize Account Assignment Ref. |
JBKW | Actual Process Allocation: Fin. Obj. |
JBL7 | Current Settings Market Risk |
JBLDC | Var. Transaction Ledger Dimensions |
JBLF | Determine Log Number |
JBLM | Block Size for EDT |
JBLS | Bank Profit.Analysis - Curr.Settings |
JBLZ | Maturity band |
JBLZB1 | Maturity band |
JBLZB2 | Maturity band |
JBM0 | Maintain Eval.Types (Addition) |
JBM1 | Maintain Eval Types - Value Fields |
JBM10 | Euro Reversal: Variable Transaction |
JBM2 | Maint. Transact. Disbursements |
JBM3 | SAP Banking: EURO Log Administration |
JBM4 | SAP Banking: EURO Conversion Lo/FT |
JBM5 | EURO Conversion: Current Accounts |
JBM6 | EURO Conv.: Current Accnts (Reverse) |
JBM7 | EURO Conversion Security |
JBM8 | EURO Conversion Security (Cancel) |
JBM9 | Euro Conversion: Variable Transact. |
JBMK | Required/Optional Fields |
JBMS | Set filter for messages |
JBMT | Multitasking Maintenance |
JBMT1 | Evaluation Categories in SEM |
JBMT2 | Parallel Processing Settings |
JBMU | Display Required/Optional Fields |
JBMVT | Business Partner Configuration Menu |
JBMVTWORK | Business Partner Configuration Menu |
JBMVTWORK2 | Business Partner Configuration Menu |
JBPB | Define Period Block |
JBPD | Update Character. for Process Costs |
JBPERIOD | Period values |
JBPF | Customize Portfolio Data |
JBPH | Portfolio hierarchy |
JBP_CUS_DIST_DER1 | Derivation Strategy DIS1 (Distrib.) |
JBP_DIST_TRO | Distribution (Treasury Offset) |
JBR0 | Maintain Market Data Shifts |
JBR0_OLD | Maintain Market Data Shifts |
JBR1 | Check Selected Settings |
JBR10 | RM: Maintain External Key Figures |
JBR10EXT | External Key Figures for FO |
JBR10S | RM: Display External Key Figures |
JBR10U | RM: Maintain External Key Figures |
JBR2 | Display Saved Data |
JBR3 | Assign Flow Type to Cash Flow Indic. |
JBR4 | Delete Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBR4E | Deactivate Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBR5 | Update Portfolio Hierarchy |
JBR6 | Delete View |
JBR7 | Display Maturity Band |
JBR8 | Adjust Portfolio Hierarchy |
JBR9 | Report for Aggr. Base Portfolio Data |
JBRA | Assign Product Type -> Eval. Type |
JBRALMART | Maintain ALM Valuation Type |
JBRB1 | Summarization Rule - Default Setting |
JBRB2 | Summarization Rule - Spec. Settings |
JBRBP | Reorganize Base Portfolios |
JBRBPC | Bond Price Calculator |
JBRCPAACT | GT: FO Integration for PA |
JBRCT | RM: Transport of Char. Values |
JBRCU | Edit Characteristic Values |
JBRCV | Maintenance of Characteristic Values |
JBRDELSVGP | Deletion of Gap Results |
JBRDG | Generate Program for Char.Derivation |
JBRDR | Settings for Char. Derivation |
JBRDV | Maintain Derivation of Rule Entries |
JBRE | Customize Register |
JBREVAL | Maintain Evaluation Type |
JBRF0 | Collective Processing of FOs |
JBRF0_VT_OLD | Collective Processing of FOs |
JBRFG | Edit field groups |
JBRG0 | Default Settings for Gap Analysis |
JBRG1 | Spec. Eval. Control for Gap Analysis |
JBRGE | Generate Program Env.for A.Structure |
JBRGV | Reorganize Maintenance Modules |
JBRI | Risk Management: Grid Analysis |
JBRIN | Initialize view |
JBRJ | Risk Mgmt: Sensitivity Analysis |
JBRK | Display Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBRKA | Display Portfolio Hierarchy (old) |
JBRLZB | Maintain Maturity Band |
JBRM | Valuation Rules - Evaluation Type |
JBRMP0 | Logs for Financial Object |
JBRMP1 | Logs for Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBRN | Restructuring per View |
JBRNR | Number Range Administration |
JBRN_VT_OLD | Restructuring per View |
JBROZ | RM Gap Calc. of TP using Costing |
JBROZPROT | Log of TP Determination |
JBRP | Customize Report Functions |
JBRP0 | Update Portfolio Hierarchy (Experts) |
JBRPLANV | Maintenance of Planning Variables |
JBRQ | Valuation Rules |
JBRR | Maintain Risk Hierarchy |
JBRT | ALM Simulation |
JBRTOBJ | ALM Single Value Analysis |
JBRTOBJ_CFM | ALM Single Value Analysis for TRM |
JBRTUP | Update Saved Gap Results |
JBRTUPPROT | Information on Saved Gap Results |
JBRT_CFM | ALM Simulation for TRM |
JBRU | Single Value Analysis: Sensitivity |
JBRUD | Banking Reuse Library Display |
JBRUM | Banking Reuse Library Maintenance |
JBRW | Generate Portfolio Hierarchy |
JBRX | Single Value Analysis: NPV |
JBRY | Single Value Analysis: Hist. Sim. |
JBRZ | Maintain Derivation Strategy |
JBR_GPTP_ARCH_CUS | Customizing Object GPTP_ARCH |
JBSTCOND | Maintain Standard Conditions |
JBSV | Maintain Service |
JBSY | IS-B: Treasury Master Data |
JBT1 | Maintain Costing Rule |
JBTA | Costing Rule for Node Costing |
JBTLSVORMERK | Maintain LS Selection Table |
JBTLSVORMERKVERARB | Edit LS Selection Table |
JBTM | SAP R/3 Top Menu |
JBTZ | Maintain Cash Flow |
JBT_RECONC_LOAN_PAFO | Reconciliation: Fin. Obj. and Loans |
JBUB | Non-Int. Bearing Positions: Maintain |
JBV0 | Maintain Master Data of Volatilities |
JBV61 | Assign Ref. Int. Rates to Vol. Names |
JBV62 | Assign Currency Pair to Vol. Names |
JBV63 | Assign Sec.ID No. to Volatility Name |
JBV64 | Assign Index to Volatility Name |
JBVL | Volatilities |
JBVT | Activity Category Customizing |
JBVT0001 | VT Control: Application |
JBVT0002 | VT Control: Field Groups |
JBVT0003 | VT Control: Views |
JBVT0004 | VT Control: Sections |
JBVT0005 | VT Control: Screens |
JBVT0006 | VT Control: Screen Sequence |
JBVT0007 | VT Control: Business Trans. Events |
JBVT0008 | VT Control: CUA Standard Functions |
JBVT0009 | VT Control: CUA Additional Functions |
JBVT0010 | VT Control: Matchcode |
JBVT0011 | VT Control: Screen Fld -> DB Field |
JBVT0013 | VT Control: Role Categories |
JBVT0014 | VT Control: Role Category Groupings |
JBVT0015 | VT Control: Application Transactions |
JBVT0016 | VT Control: Tables |
JBVT0018 | VT Control: Activities |
JBVT0019 | VT Control: Field Mod. per Activity |
JBVTCH | Change Variable Transaction |
JBVTCR | Create Variable Transaction |
JBVTDEL | Delete Variable Transaction |
JBVTPAACT | Var. Trans.: FO Integ. Prof. Anal. |
JBVTSH | Display Variable Transaction |
JBW0 | Execute Report |
JBW0_MONITOR | Display Selection of Frozen Data |
JBW1 | Create Report |
JBW2 | Change Report |
JBW3 | Display Report |
JBW4 | Create Form |
JBW5 | Change Form |
JBW6 | Display Form |
JBW7 | Maintain authorization obj. present. |
JBW8 | Display authorization obj.presentatn |
JBWA | Access Report Tree |
JBWB | Maintain Batch Variants |
JBWC | Comments Management: Treasury |
JBWG | Characteristic Groups for RM |
JBWH | Maintain hierarchy |
JBWK | Maintain key figures |
JBWM | Test Monitor: RM Drilldown Reporting |
JBWO | Transport Reports |
JBWP | Transport forms |
JBWPORD | Securities Order Maint. Transaction |
JBWPORD_ANZ | Display Securities Order Directly |
JBWPR | RM: Display Interface Programs |
JBWQ | Import reports from client 000 |
JBWR | Import Forms from Client 000 |
JBWS | Display structure |
JBWT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. |
JBWU | Convert drilldown reports |
JBWV | Maintain Global Variable |
JBWW | Mainten.curr.conversion type TMR |
JBWX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
JBWY | Reorganize Report Data |
JBWZ | Reorganize Forms |
JBW_AM_COA_1 | IS-M: Determine BW Classificat.Again |
JBW_AM_COA_2 | IS-M: Unload Contracts from BW |
JBYC | Overview/Maintenance of Yield Curves |
JBZK | Assign Condition Types->Cond. Groups |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap tcodes starting with JB
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