Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcodes MD to MZ

MD00 MRP : external procurement
MD01 MRP Run
MD02 MRP - Single-item, Multi-level -
MD03 MRP-Individual Planning-Single Level
MD04 Display Stock/Requirements Situation
MD05 Individual Display Of MRP List
MD06 Collective Display Of MRP List
MD07 Current Material Overview
MD08 Reorg. MRP Lists
MD09 Pegging
MD11 Create Planned Order
MD12 Change Planned Order
MD13 Display Planned Order
MD14 Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord.
MD15 Collective Conversion Of Plnd Ordrs.
MD16 Collective Display of Planned Orders
MD17 Collective Requirements Display
MD19 Firm Planned Orders
MD20 Create Planning File Entry
MD21 Display Planning File Entry
MD25 Create Planning Calendar
MD26 Change Planning Calendar
MD27 Display Planning Calendar
MD41 MPS - Single-item, Multi-level -
MD42 MPS - Single-item, Single-level -
MD43 MPS - Single-item, Interactive -
MD44 MPS Evaluation
MD45 MRP List Evaluation
MD46 Eval. MRP lists of MRP controller
MD47 Product Group Planning Evaluation
MD48 Cross-Plant Evaluation
MD4C Multilevel Order Report
MD50 Sales order planning
MD51 Individual project planning
MD61 Create Planned Indep. Requirements
MD62 Change Planned Indep. Requirements
MD63 Display Planned Indep. Requirements
MD64 Create Planned Indep.Requirements
MD65 Change Standard Indep.Requirements
MD66 Display Standard Indep.Requirements
MD67 Staggered Split
MD70 Copy Total Forecast
MD71 Copy Reference Changes
MD72 Evaluation; Charac.Plnng Techniques
MD73 Display Total Indep. Requirements
MD74 Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts
MD75 Reorganization: Delete Indep.Reqmts
MD76 Reorg: Delete Indep.Reqmts History
MD79 PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer
MD81 Create Customer Indep. Requirements
MD82 Change customer indep. requirement
MD83 Display Customer Indep. Requirements
MD85 List Customer Indep. Requirements
MD90 Maintain Number Range for MRP
MD91 Maintain No. Range for Planned Order
MD92 Maint.No.Range for Reserv/Dep.Reqmt
MD93 Maintain Number Range: MDSM
MD94 Number range maint.: Total reqs
MDAB Planning File - Set Up BATCH
MDAC Execute Action for Planned Order
MDBA BAPI planned order processing
MDBS MPS - total planning run
MDBT MRP Run In Batch
MDC7 Start MD07 by using report
MDDISPONENT MRP Controller Workflow
MDF_ATTRSET Maintain Set Types and Attributes
MDHI Master Data and Hierarchy
MDL1 Create Production Lot
MDL2 Change Production Lot
MDL3 Display Production Lot
MDLD Print MRP List
MDM1 Mail To Vendor
MDM2 Mail to Vendor
MDM3 Mail to Customer
MDM4 Mail to MRP Controller
MDM5 Workflow: Mail to MRP Controller
MDMC Send Customers (MDM)
MDMGX MDM Generic Extraction Framework
MDMGXC0 Transaction for MDMGXC0
MDMGXC1 Transaction for MDMGXC1
MDMGXC2 Transaction for MDMGXC2
MDMGXMOBJ Maintain Object Types
MDMV Send Vendors (MDM)
MDM_CLNT_EXTR Local Extraction
MDM_FSBP_TEST Tests MDM Scenarios for FSBP
MDP0 Independent Requirements
MDP1 Create combination structure
MDP2 Change combination structure
MDP3 Display combination structure
MDP4 Maintain combinations
MDP6 Modeling
MDPH Planning Profile
MDPP Demand Management
MDPV Planning variant: Initial screen
MDRD1 Determine Delivery Relationship
MDRD2 Change Delivery Relationship
MDRD3 Display Delivery Relationship
MDRD4 Delete Delivery Relationship
MDRE Checking Plnng File In BCKGRND Mode
MDRP Distribution Resource Planning
MDSA Display Serial Numbers
MDSP Change BOM Explosion Numbers
MDS_LINKS Get the Mapped Cust/Vend/BP
MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT Synchronization Cockpit
MDS_PPO2 MiniPlatform: Edit PPO Orders
MDUM Convert Planned Orders into PReqs
MDUP Maintain Project New Key Assignment
MDUS Assign New Key to WBS Elements
MDVP Collective Availability Check PAUF
MDW1 Access MRP control program
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME03 Display Source List
ME04 Changes to Source List
ME05 Generate Source List
ME06 Analyze Source List
ME07 Reorganize Source List
ME08 Send Source List
ME0M Source List for Material
ME11 Create Purchasing Info Record
ME12 Change Purchasing Info Record
ME13 Display Purchasing Info Record
ME14 Changes to Purchasing Info Record
ME15 Flag Purch. Info Rec. for Deletion
ME16 Purchasing Info Recs. for Deletion
ME17 Archive Info Records
ME18 Send Purchasing Info Record
ME1A Archived Purchasing Info Records
ME1B Redetermine Info Record Price
ME1E Quotation Price History
ME1L Info Records per Vendor
ME1M Info Records per Material
ME1P Purchase Order Price History
ME1W Info Records per Material Group
ME1X Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Vendor
ME1Y Buyer's Negotiat. Sheet for Material
ME21 Create Purchase Order
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22 Change Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23 Display Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME24 Maintain Purchase Order Supplement
ME25 Create PO with Source Determination
ME26 Display PO Supplement (IR)
ME27 Create Stock Transport Order
ME28 Release Purchase Order
ME29N Release purchase order
ME2A Monitor Confirmations
ME2B POs by Requirement Tracking Number
ME2C Purchase Orders by Material Group
ME2J Purchase Orders for Project
ME2K Purch. Orders by Account Assignment
ME2L Purchase Orders by Vendor
ME2M Purchase Orders by Material
ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number
ME2O SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor)
ME2S Services per Purchase Order
ME2V Goods Receipt Forecast
ME2W Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant
ME308 Send Contracts with Conditions
ME31 Create Outline Agreement
ME31K Create Contract
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
ME32 Change Outline Agreement
ME32K Change Contract
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
ME33 Display Outline Agreement
ME33K Display Contract
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
ME34 Maintain Outl. Agreement Supplement
ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement
ME34L Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement
ME35 Release Outline Agreement
ME35K Release Contract
ME35L Release Scheduling Agreement
ME36 Display Agreement Supplement (IR)
ME37 Create Transport Scheduling Agmt.
ME38 Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule
ME39 Display Sched. Agmt. Schedule (TEST)
ME3A Transm. Release Documentation Record
ME3B Outl. Agreements per Requirement No.
ME3C Outline Agreements by Material Group
ME3J Outline Agreements per Project
ME3K Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignment
ME3L Outline Agreements per Vendor
ME3M Outline Agreements by Material
ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No.
ME3P Recalculate Contract Price
ME3R Recalculate Sched. Agreement Price
ME3S Service List for Contract
ME41 Create Request For Quotation
ME42 Change Request For Quotation
ME43 Display Request For Quotation
ME44 Maintain RFQ Supplement
ME45 Release RFQ
ME47 Create Quotation
ME48 Display Quotation
ME49 Price Comparison List
ME4B RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number
ME4C RFQs by Material Group
ME4L RFQs by Vendor
ME4M RFQs by Material
ME4N RFQs by RFQ Number
ME4S RFQs by Collective Number
ME51 Create Purchase Requisition
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
ME52 Change Purchase Requisition
ME52N Change Purchase Requisition
ME52NB Buyer Approval: Purchase Requisition
ME53 Display Purchase Requisition
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
ME54 Release Purchase Requisition
ME54N Release Purchase Requisition
ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.
ME56 Assign Source to Purch. Requisition
ME57 Assign and Process Requisitions
ME58 Ordering: Assigned Requisitions
ME59 Automatic Generation of POs
ME59N Automatic generation of POs
ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display
ME5F Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition
ME5J Purchase Requisitions for Project
ME5K Requisitions by Account Assignment
ME5R Archived Purchase Requisitions
ME5W Resubmission of Purch. Requisitions
ME60 Screenpainter Test
ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME62 Display Vendor Evaluation
ME63 Evaluation of Automatic Subcriteria
ME64 Evaluation Comparison
ME65 Evaluation Lists
ME69 List non confirmed WEB releases
ME6A Changes to Vendor Evaluation
ME6B Display Vendor Evaln. for Material
ME6C Vendors Without Evaluation
ME6D Vendors Not Evaluated Since...
ME6E Evaluation Records Without Weighting
ME6F Print
ME6G Vendor Evaluation in the Background
ME6H Standard Analysis: Vendor Evaluation
ME6Z Transport Vendor Evaluation Tables
ME80 Purchasing Reporting
ME80A Purchasing Reporting: RFQs
ME80AN General Analyses (A)
ME80F Purchasing Reporting: POs
ME80FN General Analyses (F)
ME80R Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts.
ME80RN General Analyses (L,K)
ME81 Analysis of Order Values
ME81N Analysis of Order Values
ME82 Archived Purchasing Documents
ME84 Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases
ME84A Individual Display of SA Release
ME85 Renumber Schedule Lines
ME86 Aggregate Schedule Lines
ME87 Summarize PO History
ME88 Set Agr. Cum. Qty./Reconcil. Date
ME89 Release of Stopped SA Releases
ME91 Purchasing Docs.: Urging/Reminding
ME91A Urge Submission of Quotations
ME91E Sch. Agmt. Schedules: Urging/Remind.
ME91F Purchase Orders: Urging/Reminders
ME92 Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME92F Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME92K Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME92L Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME97 Archive Purchase Requisitions
ME98 Archive Purchasing Documents
ME99 Messages from Purchase Orders
ME9A Message Output: RFQs
ME9E Message Output: Sch. Agmt. Schedules
ME9F Message Output: Purchase Orders
ME9K Message Output: Contracts
ME9L Message Output: Sched. Agreements
MEAN Delivery Addresses
MEB0 Reversal of Settlement Runs
MEB1 Create Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)
MEB2 Change Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)
MEB3 Displ. Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)
MEB4 Settlement re Vendor Rebate Arrs.
MEB5 List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements
MEB6 Busn. Vol. Data, Vendor Rebate Arrs.
MEB7 Extend Vendor Rebate Arrangements
MEB8 Det. Statement, Vendor Rebate Arrs.
MEB9 Stat. Statement, Vendor Rebate Arrs.
MEBA Comp. Suppl. BV, Vendor Rebate Arr.
MEBB Check Open Docs., Vendor Reb. Arrs.
MEBC Check Customizing: Subsequent Sett.
MEBE Workflow Sett. re Vendor Reb. Arrs.
MEBF Updating of External Busn. Volumes
MEBG Chg. Curr. (Euro), Vend. Reb. Arrs.
MEBH Generate Work Items (Man. Extension)
MEBI Message, Subs.Settlem. - Settlem.Run
MEBJ Recompile Income, Vendor Reb. Arrs.
MEBK Message., Subs. Settlem.- Arrangment
MEBM List of settlement runs for arrngmts
MEBOR Work Center Conversion
MEBR Archive Rebate Arrangements
MEBS Stmnt. Sett. Docs., Vend. Reb. Arrs.
MEBT Test Data: External Business Volumes
MEBV Extend Rebate Arrangements (Dialog)
MECCM Send Purchasing Data to Catalog
MECCP_ME2K For Requisition Account Assignment
MEDL Price Change: Contract
MEER Mass Act: Create Electronic Bill
MEI1 Automatic Purchasing Document Change
MEI2 Automatic Document Change
MEI3 Recompilation of Document Index
MEI4 Compile Worklist for Document Index
MEI5 Delete Worklist for Document Index
MEI6 Delete purchasing document index
MEI7 Change sales prices in purch. orders
MEI8 Recomp. doc. index settlement req.
MEI9 Recomp. doc. index vendor bill. doc.
MEIA New Structure Doc.Ind. Cust. Sett.
MEIS Data Selection: Arrivals
MEK1 Create Conditions (Purchasing)
MEK2 Change Conditions (Purchasing)
MEK3 Display Conditions (Purchasing)
MEK31 Condition Maintenance: Change
MEK32 Condition Maintenance: Change
MEK33 Condition Maintenance: Change
MEK4 Create Conditions (Purchasing)
MEKA Conditions: General Overview
MEKB Conditions by Contract
MEKC Conditions by Info Record
MEKD Conditions for Material Group
MEKE Conditions for Vendor
MEKF Conditions for Material Type
MEKG Conditions for Condition Group
MEKH Market Price
MEKI Conditions for Incoterms
MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party
MEKK Conditions for Vendor Sub-Range
MEKL Price Change: Scheduling Agreements
MEKLE Currency Change: Sched. Agreements
MEKP Price Change: Info Records
MEKPE Currency Change: Info Records
MEKR Price Change: Contracts
MEKRE Currency Change: Contracts
MEKX Transport Condition Types Purchasing
MEKY Trnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. (Pur.)
MEKZ Trnsp. Calculation Schemas (Purch.)
MEL0 Service Entry Sheet
MELB Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.
MEM1 Replacement for Purchase Order Item
MEMASSCONTRACT Mass Changing of Contracts
MEMASSIN Mass-Changing of Purch. Info Records
MEMASSPO Mass Change of Purchase Orders
MEMASSRQ Mass-Changing of Purch. Requisitions
MEMASSSA Mass Changing of Sched. Agreements
MEMON_CUST Activating monitoring for RC-monitor
MEMPADELIM Maintain Delimiters for Message
MENU_MIGRATION Menu Migration into New Hierarchy
MEPA Order Price Simulation/Price Info
MEPB Price Info/Vendor Negotiations
MEPO Purchase Order
MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
MEQ4 Changes to Quota Arrangement
MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement
MEQ7 Reorganize Quota Arrangement
MEQ8 Monitor Quota Arrangements
MEQB Revise Quota Arrangement
MEQM Quota Arrangement for Material
MER4 Settlement re Customer Rebate Arrs.
MER5 List of Customer Rebate Arrangements
MER6 Busn. Vols., Cust. Reb. Arrangements
MER7 Extension of Cust. Reb. Arrangements
MER8 Det. Statement: Cust. Rebate Arrs.
MER9 Statement: Customer Reb. Arr. Stats.
MERA Comp. Suppl. BV, Cust. Rebate Arrs.
MERB Check re Open Docs. Cust. Reb. Arr.
MERE Workflow: Sett. Cust. Rebate Arrs.
MEREP_BWAFDEL delivery of BWAFMAPP entries
MEREP_DISP_DQ display  download data
MEREP_DISP_UQ display  upload data
MEREP_EX_REPLIC Execute Replicator
MEREP_GEN_ALL Transaction to generate all
MEREP_LOG Activity Log
MEREP_MBL deletion of obsolete mobile ids
MEREP_MIG Migration
MEREP_MON Mobile Monitor
MEREP_PD Profile Dialog
MEREP_REPAIR Repair critical tables in MI
MERF Updating of External Busn. Volumes
MERG Change Curr. (Euro) Cust. Reb. Arrs.
MERH Generate Work Items (Man. Extension)
MERJ Recomp. of Income, Cust. Reb. Arrs.
MERS Stmnt. Sett. Docs. Cust. Reb. Arrs.
METAL Transaction Starter Purchasing
MEU0 Assign User to User Group
MEU2 Perform Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate
MEU3 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate
MEU4 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate
MEU5 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate
MEW0 Procurement Transaction
MEW1 Create Requirement Request
MEW10 Service Entry in Web
MEW2 Status Display: Requirement Requests
MEW3 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.
MEW5 Collective Release of Purchase Order
MEW6 Assign Purchase Orders WEB
MEW7 Release of Service Entry Sheets
MEW8 Release of Service Entry Sheet
MEWP Web based PO
MEWS Service Entry (Component)
ME_RTRACE Client Trace Settings
ME_SWP_ALERT Display MRP Alerts (Web)
ME_SWP_CO Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)
ME_SWP_IV Display Settlement Status (Web)
ME_SWP_PDI Display Purchase Document Info (Web)
ME_SWP_PH Display Purchasing History (Web)
ME_SWP_SRI Display Schedule Releases (Web)
ME_WIZARD ME:  Registration and Generation
MF00 Run Schedules
MF02 Change Run Schedule Header
MF03 Display Run Schedule Header
MF12 Display Document Log (With ALV)
MF20 REM Cost Controlling
MF22 Versions: Overview
MF23 Linking Versions Graphically
MF26 Display Reporting Point Quantity
MF27 Update Stats for Planned Quantities
MF30 Create PrelimCostEst - ProdCostColl.
MF36 C RM-MAT MD Create Planning IDs
MF37 C RM-MAT MD Linking Versions
MF3A Document Archiving
MF3D Delete Archived Document
MF3E Evaluate Archived Document
MF3M Manage Archived Documents
MF3R Reload Archived Document
MF41 Reverse Backflush (With ALV)
MF42 Collective Backflush
MF42N New Collective Entry
MF45 Reprocessing Components: Rep.Manuf.
MF46 Collective Reprocessing, Backflush
MF47 Open Reprocessing Records / Pr.Line
MF4R Resetting Reporting Points
MF50 Planning Table - Change
MF51 Print Production Quantities
MF52 Planning Table - Display
MF53 Maintaining Variants-Production List
MF57 Planning Table - By MRP Lists
MF60 Pull List
MF63 Staging Situation
MF65 Stock Transfer for Reservation
MF68 Log for Pull List
MF70 Aggregate Collective Backflush
MFBF Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg
MFHU Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg
MFI2 Actual Overhead: Run Schedule Header
MFN1 Actual Reval.:  PrCstCol.   Ind.Pro.
MFN2 Actual Reval.:  PrCstCol.   Col.Pro.
MFP1 REM: Plan HUs - General
MFP11 REM: Plan HUs Without Order
MFP12 REM: Plan HUs for Order
MFP13 Rep. Manuf.: Plan HUs for Delivery
MFP14 Rep. Man.: Plan HUs for Purch. Order
MFP2 REM: Pack HUs - General
MFP21 REM: Pack HUs Without Order
MFP22 REM: Pack HUs for Order
MFP23 Rep. Manuf.: Pack HUs for Delivery
MFP24 Rep. Man.: Pack HUs for Purch. Order
MFPP1 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Plan
MFPP2 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Pack
MFPR Process Inspection Lot for Versions
MFS0 LFP: Change Master Plan
MGMT Device Configuration
MGMT_ADMIN Device Configuration
MGMT_AUTHORITY Edit Authorizations
MGMT_CUSTOMIZING Screen Control for Device Config.
MGMT_DEV_IDTXT Assign Text to Device ID
MGMT_PARA Assign Configuration Parameters
MGMT_PARA_COND Parameter Conditions
MGMT_PARA_PATT Set Device Configuration Parameters
MGMT_PARA_PROP Get Parameter Properties
MGMT_SERVICE Assign Agents to Monitoring Function
MGMT_TYPES Device Configuration - Types
MGVEXTOBJ Maintain Mass Maintenance Objects
MGV_CORRECT Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure
MGV_MAPALE Mapping externa/internal number  ALE
MGV_OMSL Maintain TMCNV for long material no.
MGW0 Create Components for Set Material
MGW1 Display Components for Set Material
MGW2 Create Components for Display Matl
MGW3 Display Components for Display Matl
MGW4 Create Components for Prepack Matl
MGW5 Display Components for Prepack Matl
MGW6 Create Components for Full Product
MGW7 Display Components for Full Product
MGW8 Change Components for Set Material
MGW9 Change Components for Display Matl
MGWA Change Components for Prepack
MGWB Change Components for Full Product
MI00 Physical Inventory
MI01 Create Physical Inventory Document
MI02 Change Physical Inventory Document
MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document
MI04 Enter Inventory Count with Document
MI05 Change Inventory Count
MI06 Display Inventory Count
MI07 Process List of Differences
MI08 Create List of Differences with Doc.
MI09 Enter Inventory Count w/o Document
MI10 Create List of Differences w/o Doc.
MI11 Recount Physical Inventory Document
MI12 Display changes
MI20 Print List of Differences
MI21 Print physical inventory document
MI22 Display Phys. Inv. Docs. f. Material
MI23 Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material
MI24 Physical Inventory List
MI31 Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
MI32 Batch Input: Block Material
MI33 Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
MI34 Batch Input: Enter Count
MI35 Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance
MI37 Batch Input: Post Differences
MI38 Batch Input: Count and Differences
MI39 Batch Input: Document and Count
MI40 Batch Input: Doc., Count and Diff.
MI9A Analyze archived phy. inv. docs
MIAD Delete Phys. Inv. Documents
MIAL Inventory Documents: Read Archive
MIAR Archive Phys. Inv. Documents
MIAV Manage Phys. Inv. Doc. Archive
MIBC ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting
MICN Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
MIDO Physical Inventory Overview
MIE1 Batch Input: Phys.Inv.Doc. Sales Ord
MIGO Goods Movement
MIGO_GI Goods Movement
MIGO_GO Goods Movement
MIGO_GR Goods Movement
MIGO_GS Subseq. Adjust. of Material Provided
MIGO_TR Transfer Posting
MIGR1 KW: Conversion of enh./rel. (global)
MIGR2 KW: Conver. of Enh/Rel/Origin (sel.)
MIGR_TEST Test Menu for Migration
MIK1 Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
MILES Infrastructure Navigator
MILL_00 IS Mill Products
MILL_CUT Cutting Stck Trans. and Confirmation
MILL_CUT_CO Cutting Confirmation
MILL_CUT_LBA Confirmation DNP Processing
MILL_CUT_TR Cutting Stock Transfer
MILL_OC Create Order Combination
MILL_OMI4 MRP Lot-Sizing Procedures
MIM1 Batch Input: Create Ph.Inv.Docs RTP
MIMD Tansfer PDC Physical Inventory Data
MINING_IBM Communictn with Data Mining Software
MIO1 Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.:Stck w.Subc
MIQ1 Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock
MIR4 Call MIRO - Change Status
MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents
MIR6 Invoice Overview
MIR7 Park Invoice
MIRA Fast Invoice Entry
MIRCMR Material Reconciliation
MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice
MIRO_WORKFLOW Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow
MIRU_WORKFLOW_FREIG Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow
MIRU_WORKFLOW_VERV Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow
MIS1 Create Sample-Based Phys. Inv. - ERP
MIS2 Change Inventory Sampling
MIS3 Display Inventory Sampling
MIS4 Create Inventory Sampling - R/2
MIS5 Create Inventory Sampling - Other
MISS Extract: Check Solution Paths
MIV1 Batch I.:PhInDoc Cust.
MIW1 Batch I.;PhInDoc f. Consigt at Cust.
MI_ALBACK Back Up CCMS Alerts for MI
MI_ALMON Alert Monitor for MI Alerts
MI_CLOGMON Client Log Analysis
MI_CONFIG_CLIENTS Configuration of MI Client
MI_MCD MI:Process Mobile Component
MI_MSD MI:Process Mobile Component
MK01 Create vendor (Purchasing)
MK02 Change vendor (Purchasing)
MK03 Display vendor (Purchasing)
MK04 Change Vendor (Purchasing)
MK05 Block Vendor (Purchasing)
MK06 Mark vendor for deletion (purch.)
MK12 Change vendor (Purchasing), planned
MK14 Planned vendor change (Purchasing)
MK18 Activate planned vendor changes (Pu)
MK19 Display vendor (purchasing), future
MKH1 Maintain vendor hierarchy
MKH1N Display/Maintain Vendor Hierarchy
MKH2 Display vendor hierarchy
MKH2N Display Vendor Hierarchy
MKH3 Activate vendor master (online)
MKH4 Activate vendors (batch input)
MKK Mass Contract Invoicing
MKOP Call Up Material Master-Copier
MKVG Settlement and Condition Groups
MKVZ List of Vendors: Purchasing
MKVZE Currency Change: Vendor Master Rec.
ML01 Create Standard Service Catalog
ML02 Maintain Standard Service Catalog
ML03 Display Standard Service Catalog
ML05 Purchasing Object for Service
ML10 Create Model Service Specifications
ML100 Calculate Taxes at Service Level
ML11 Change Model Service Specifications
ML12 Display Model Service Specifications
ML15 List of Model Service Specifications
ML20 Create Conditions
ML30 Create Vendor Conditions
ML31 Change Vendor Conditions
ML32 Display Vendor Conditions
ML33 Create Vendor Conditions
ML34 Change Vendor Conditions
ML35 Display Vendor Conditions
ML36 Create Vendor Conditions
ML37 Change Vendor Conditions
ML38 Display Vendor Conditions
ML39 Create Vendor Conditions
ML40 Change Vendor Conditions
ML41 Display Vendor Conditions
ML42 Create Service Conditions
ML43 Change Vendor Conditions
ML44 Display Vendor Conditions
ML45 Display Service Conditions
ML46 Change Service Conditions
ML47 Display Service Conditions
ML48 Create Conditions
ML49 Change Conditions
ML50 Display Conditions
ML51 Create Conditions
ML52 Change Conditions
ML53 Create Conditions
ML60CK Release Procedure Checks
ML81 Maintain Service Entry Sheet
ML81N Service Entry Sheet
ML82 Display Service Entry Sheet
ML83 Message Processing: Service Entry
ML84 List of Service Entry Sheets
ML85 Collective Release of Entry Sheets
ML86 Import Service Data
ML87 Export Service Data
ML89 Definition of Formulas
ML90 Field Selection for Services
ML91 Stand. Values f. Ext.Services Mgmt.
ML92 Entry Sheets for Service
ML93 Purchasing Object for Service
ML94 External Services Mgmt.: Direct Call
ML95 List Display: Contracts for Service
ML96 Purchase Requisitions for Service
ML97 Recompile Index
ML98 Std. EKORG Values f. Ext. Srv. Mgmt.
ML99 Formula Variable IDs
MLCCSPD Cost Components for Price
MLRP Periodic Invoicing Plans
MLS5 Import Standard Service Type
MLS6 Report for Standard Service Catalog
MLV1 Conditions: Services
MLV2 Create Total Price (PRS)
MLV3 Create Total Price (PRS)
MLV4 Create Total Price (PRS)
MLV5 Change Currency (Contracts)
MLV6 Create Other
MM01 Create Material &
MM02 Change Material &
MM03 Display Material &
MM04 Display Material Change Documents
MM06 Flag Material for Deletion
MM11 Schedule Creation of Material &
MM12 Schedule Changing of Material &
MM13 Activate Planned Changes
MM14 Display Planned Changes
MM15 Display Changes (Migration)
MM16 Schedule Material for Deletion
MM17 Mass Maintenance: Indus. Matl Master
MM18 Activate Planned Changes
MM19 Display Material & at Key Date
MM41 Create Material &
MM42 Change Material &
MM43 Display Material &
MM44 Display Change Documents
MM46 Mass Maintenance: Retail Matl Master
MM50 List Extendable Materials
MM60 Materials List
MM70 Sel. Materials Flagged for Deletion
MM71 Reorganize Materials
MM72 Display Archive of Materials
MM73 Special Stocks: Preparation
MM74 Archive Special Stocks
MM75 Display Archive of Special Stocks
MM90 Analyze ALE Appl. Log for MatMaster
MM91 Delete ALE Appl. Log for Matl Master
MMAM Change Material Type
MMB1 Create Semifinished Product &
MMBE Stock Overview
MMBE_OLD Stock Overview
MMCL Stock Overview by Characteristic
MMD1 Create MRP Profile
MMD2 Change MRP Profile
MMD3 Display MRP Profile
MMD6 Delete MRP Profile
MMD7 Display MRP Profile Usage
MMDE Delete All Materials
MMF1 Create Finished Product &
MMG1 Create Returnable Packaging &
MMH1 Create Trading Goods &
MMI1 Create Operating Supplies &
MMK1 Create Configurable Material &
MML1 Create Empties &
MMLS Logistic Switch (Not Released)
MMM1 Create Message: Material Master
MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material &
MMNR Define Material Master Number Ranges
MMP1 Create Maintenance Assembly &
MMPI Initialize Period
MMPURUIPRCREQ Create PO from Requisition
MMPV Close Periods
MMR1 Create Raw Material &
MMRV Allow Posting to Previous Period
MMS1 Create Service &
MMSC Enter Storage Locations Collectively
MMSC_MASS Maintain Storage Locations Coll.
MMU1 Create Non-Valuated Material &
MMV1 Create Packaging &
MMVD Change Decentr. for Decentr.Shipping
MMVH Create Centrally: Decentral.Shipping
MMVV Change Centr. for Decentr. Shipping
MMW1 Create Competitor Product &
MMZ1 Create Material, General (Old MM01)
MMZ2 Change Material (Old MM02)
MMZ3 Display Material (Old MM03)
MN01 Create Message: RFQ
MN02 Change Message: RFQ
MN03 Display Message: RFQ
MN04 Create Message: PO
MN05 Change Message: PO
MN06 Display Message: PO
MN07 Create Message: Outline Agreement
MN08 Change Message: Outline Agreement
MN09 Display Message: Outline Agreement
MN10 Create Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule
MN11 Change Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule
MN12 Displ. Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule
MN13 Create Message: Service Entry Sheet
MN14 Change Message: Service Entry Sheet
MN15 Display Message: Service Entry Sheet
MN21 Create Condition: Inventory Mgmt
MN22 Change Condition: Inventory Mgmt
MN23 Display Condition: Inventory Mgmt
MN24 Create Message: Shipping Notif.
MN25 Change Message: Shipping Notif.
MN26 Display Message: Shipping Notif.
MN27 Create message: rough goods receipt
MN28 Change message: rough goods receipt
MN29 Display message: rough goods receipt
MNKR Number range maintenance: W_EREIGNIS
MNTB Table Maintenance for PSO48
MNTF Table Maintenance for PSO49
MOALL Delete Agent Allocation
MOKA CAP: Calculation Restitution
MOKS CAP: Calculation Simulation
MP00 Material Forecast Menu
MP01 Maintain AMPL Records
MP02 Display AMPL Records
MP11 Create message for direct production
MP12 Change Message for direct production
MP13 Display message - direct production
MP30 Execute Material Forecast
MP31 Change Material Forecast
MP32 Display Material Forecast
MP33 Reprocess material forecast
MP38 Total Forecast Run
MP39 Print
MP80 Create Forecast Profile
MP81 Change Forecast Profile
MP82 Delete Forecast Profile
MP83 Display Forecast Profile
MP90 Maintain No. Range: Forecast Param.
MP91 Maintain No. Range: Forecast Values
MPAD Delete archived materials from AMPL
MPAMSGTEMPL Maintain Message Template
MPAR Archive final issue materials
MPAV Manage archive for maufacturer parts
MPBT Total Forecast In BATCH Mode
MPD Maintenance Program Definition
MPDR Print in BATCH Mode
MPD_MAP MPD: Data Mapping
MPE1 Create buyer
MPE2 Change buyer
MPE3 Display buyer
MPLT Test Appl. for Interface to iPPE WB
MPN01 MPN Conversion Reconcilation
MPND Field Synchronization, Interch.Parts
MPN_V_V2 MPN and SuS Rescheduling
MPOCCMONALERT Write Extracts for CC Monitor
MPOCCPOSALERT Write Extracts for Line Items
MPOILVALERT Write Extracts for IAA Monitor
MPOORDALERT Write Extracts for ORDMonitor
MPOORDPOSALERT Extracts of Critical Line Items ORD
MPO_ADMIN Administration of Rule Maintenance
MPO_APPREQ Services for Request Types
MPO_CCMONITOR_RRIF Start Report/Report Interface
MPO_CCMON_DOC_CALL Call Doc. Display for CCtr Monitor
MPO_ILV Rule Maintenance for IAA Monitor
MPO_LINE Rule: Unusual Postings  - Orders
MPO_MON Rule Maintenance for CCtr Monitor
MPO_ORD Rule Maintenance for Order Monitor
MPO_PERS_DATA_DELETE Delete User's Personalization Data
MPO_PERS_FILL_CC Fill for Personalization, Cost Ctrs
MPO_PERS_FILL_PC Fill for Personalization,Profit Ctrs
MPO_POS Rule Maint. for Unusual Postings
MPR1 Forecast Adopted from External Data
MPR2 Deletion of Forecast Data
MPSD_CA_CE_001 Maintain table for grouping reason
MR00 Invoice Verification
MR01 Process Incoming Invoice
MR02 Process Blocked Invoices
MR03 Display Inv. Verification Document
MR08 Cancel Invoice Document
MR11 GR/IR account maintenance
MR11SHOW Account Maint.Docu.Display-Reversal
MR11_OLD Old GR/IR account maintenance
MR21 Price Change
MR22 Material Debit/Credit
MR32 Change Material Layer (LIFO)
MR33 Display Material Layer (LIFO)
MR34 Change FIFO Data
MR35 Display FIFO Data
MR39 Display Documents (LIFO)
MR41 Park Invoice
MR42 Change Parked Invoice
MR43 Display Parked Invoice
MR44 Post Parked Document
MR51 Material Line Items
MR8M Cancel Invoice Document
MR90 Messages for Invoice Documents
MR91 Messages for Invoice Documents
MRA1 Archive Invoice Documents
MRA2 Delete Archived Invoice Documents
MRA3 Display Archived Invoice Documents
MRA4 Manage Invoice Document Archive
MRBE Valuation
MRBP Invoice Verification in Background
MRBR Release Blocked Invoices
MRBWNEU Recompilation
MRCHVW Batch mgmt with reconciliation
MRDC Automatic Delivery Cost Settlement
MRER Auto. ERS Automotive
MRF1 Execute FIFO Valuation
MRF2 Diplay Documents (FIFO)
MRF3 FIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract
MRF4 FIFO: Select Materials
MRF5 FIFO: Delete Valuation Data
MRHG Enter Credit Memo
MRHR Enter Invoice
MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan
MRKO Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabs.
MRL1 Perform LIFO Valuation: Single Matl
MRL2 Perform LIFO Valuation: Pools
MRL3 LIFO Lowest Value Comparison
MRL4 Display LIFO Valuation: Single Matl
MRL5 Display LIFO Valuation: Pools
MRL6 Select Materials
MRL7 Display Pool Formation
MRL8 Create Base Layer
MRL9 LIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract
MRLA Check Pool Formation
MRLB Delete Layer
MRLC Transfer Third-Party Data
MRLD Transfer Valuation Prices
MRLE Change Group Structure
MRLF Create Version as Copy
MRLG Aggregate Layer
MRLH Change LIFO/FIFO Valuation Level
MRLI Generate Pools
MRLJ LIFO Data Transfer
MRLK LIFO: Adjust Units of Measure
MRLL LIFO: Reassign Material Layer
MRM0 Logistics Invoice Verification
MRM1 Create Message: Invoice Verification
MRM2 Change Message: Invoice Verification
MRM3 Display Message: Inv. Verification
MRM4 Number Ranges, Invoice Verification
MRN0 Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices
MRN1 Deter. Lowest Value: Rge of Coverage
MRN1_TS Determine Lowest Value: Rge of Cov.
MRN2 Determ. Lowest Value: Mvmt Rate
MRN3 Loss-Free Valuation
MRN8 Lowest Value: Price Variances
MRN9 Balance Sheet Values by Account
MRNB Revaluation
MRO2 Configuration: IV Lists
MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement
MRRS Evaluated Receipt Settlement
MRTRSC01 RMS-MRTRS : RFC Destination of GR
MRTRSC02 RMS-MRTRS : Master Recipe Generation
MRTRS_START RMS-MRTRS : Start MR Transformation
MRY0 Coll. Maint. of Phys. Inv. Prices
MRY1 Calculate Average Receipt Price
MRY2 Transfer Physical Inventory Prices
MRY3 Display Valuation Alternative
MRY4 Transfer ML Prices
MRY_SCMA Execute via Schedule Manager
MRY_SCMO Analyze via Schedule Manager
MRY_SLG1 Analyze Application Log
MR_BEWART Material Reconciliation
MR_FORM Reconciliation: Formula
MR_PARAM Reconciliation: Formula Parameter
MS00 Long-term planning
MS01 Long-Term Planning: Total Planning
MS02 Long-term plng: single-itm, mult-lvl
MS03 Long-term plng: singl-itm, singl-lvl
MS04 Planning Scenario: Stock/Reqmts List
MS05 Long-term planning: display MRP list
MS06 Long-term plnng: collective MRP list
MS07 Long-Term Plng: Material Overview
MS08 Reorg.MRP Lists for Long-Term Plnng
MS11 LTP: Create planned order
MS12 LTP: Change planned order
MS13 LTP: Display planned order
MS20 Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnng
MS21 Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnng
MS22 Set Up Plg File Entries for Scenario
MS23 Delete Plng File Entries of Scenario
MS29 Calculate Sim. Initial Stock
MS31 Create planning scenario
MS32 Change planning scenario
MS33 Display planning scenario
MS44 Flexible Evaluation Long-Term Plnng
MS47 Evaluation LTP for Product Group
MS50 Make-to-order planning (LTP)
MS51 Project planning (LTP)
MS64 Create Simulation Version
MS65 Requirements Situation
MS66 Copy Simulative Dependent Reqmts
MS70 Evaluation Plng Scenario for PURCHIS
MS71 Copy info structure version to LTP
MSAB LTP: set up plnng file entries BATCH
MSAC LTP: delete plnng file entries BATCH
MSBT Long-term plng:plng background job
MSC1 Create Batch
MSC1N Create Batch
MSC2 Change Batch
MSC2N Change Batch
MSC3 Display Batch
MSC3N Display Batch
MSC4 Display Batch Changes
MSC4N Display Change Documents for Batch
MSC5N Mass Processing for Batches
MSC6N Batch Worklist
MSC7 Start MS07 from Report
MSCUST Maintain Due Date Scenarios
MSE7 EKS Simulation: Material Selection
MSG_TEST Test Message
MSINA Maintain Backlog Entry in Extract
MSJ1 Mass Maintenance in the Background
MSK1 Create Vendor Consignment Goods
MSK2 Change Vendor Consignment Goods
MSK3 Display Vendor Consignment Goods
MSK4 Display Vdr Consignment Change Docs
MSK5 Vdr Consignment: Activate Fut. Price
MSL1 Display Mass Maintenance Logs
MSL2 Delete Mass Maintenance Logs
MSLD Print MRP List; Long-Term Planning
MSRV1 List for Service
MSRV2 Service List for Requisition
MSRV3 Service List for Purchase Order
MSRV4 Service List for RFQ
MSRV5 Service List for Contract
MSRV6 Service List for Entry Sheet
MSR_SELECT MSR: Maintain Selection Criteria
MST0 Mass changes
MSTRVAR Transport Variants
MSTRVAR_S Transport System Variants
MSW1 Reset Warnings (in the Foreground)
MSW2 Reset Warnings (in the Background)
MTBEC1 Customizing
MVD_CUST Cutosmizing: Material Versions LS1A
MWB1 Creating Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation
MWB2 Changing Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation
MWB3 Displaying Prop/Prod Unit Valuation
MWBC Consistency Chck f. Prop./Prod. Unit
MWBE Purchase order history corr. PUR
MWBK Actv. ingr. management corr. factor
MWBQ Purchase order history corr. QM
MWCH Change Procurement IAC
MY01 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY03 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY04 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY05 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY06 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY07 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY08 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY09 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY10 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY11 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY12 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MY13 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.
MYB3 Bus. Volume Comparison Type Purchas.
MYB4 Bus.Vol. Tolerance Group Purchasing
MYB5 User Settings, Subsequent Settlement
M_LA Purchasing: Condition List
M_LB Change Condition List
M_LC Display Condition List
M_LD Execute Condition List

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