MD00 | MRP : external procurement |
MD01 | MRP Run |
MD02 | MRP - Single-item, Multi-level - |
MD03 | MRP-Individual Planning-Single Level |
MD04 | Display Stock/Requirements Situation |
MD05 | Individual Display Of MRP List |
MD06 | Collective Display Of MRP List |
MD07 | Current Material Overview |
MD08 | Reorg. MRP Lists |
MD09 | Pegging |
MD11 | Create Planned Order |
MD12 | Change Planned Order |
MD13 | Display Planned Order |
MD14 | Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord. |
MD15 | Collective Conversion Of Plnd Ordrs. |
MD16 | Collective Display of Planned Orders |
MD17 | Collective Requirements Display |
MD19 | Firm Planned Orders |
MD20 | Create Planning File Entry |
MD21 | Display Planning File Entry |
MD25 | Create Planning Calendar |
MD26 | Change Planning Calendar |
MD27 | Display Planning Calendar |
MD40 | MPS |
MD41 | MPS - Single-item, Multi-level - |
MD42 | MPS - Single-item, Single-level - |
MD43 | MPS - Single-item, Interactive - |
MD44 | MPS Evaluation |
MD45 | MRP List Evaluation |
MD46 | Eval. MRP lists of MRP controller |
MD47 | Product Group Planning Evaluation |
MD48 | Cross-Plant Evaluation |
MD4C | Multilevel Order Report |
MD50 | Sales order planning |
MD51 | Individual project planning |
MD61 | Create Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD62 | Change Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD63 | Display Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD64 | Create Planned Indep.Requirements |
MD65 | Change Standard Indep.Requirements |
MD66 | Display Standard Indep.Requirements |
MD67 | Staggered Split |
MD70 | Copy Total Forecast |
MD71 | Copy Reference Changes |
MD72 | Evaluation; Charac.Plnng Techniques |
MD73 | Display Total Indep. Requirements |
MD74 | Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts |
MD75 | Reorganization: Delete Indep.Reqmts |
MD76 | Reorg: Delete Indep.Reqmts History |
MD79 | PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer |
MD81 | Create Customer Indep. Requirements |
MD82 | Change customer indep. requirement |
MD83 | Display Customer Indep. Requirements |
MD85 | List Customer Indep. Requirements |
MD90 | Maintain Number Range for MRP |
MD91 | Maintain No. Range for Planned Order |
MD92 | Maint.No.Range for Reserv/Dep.Reqmt |
MD93 | Maintain Number Range: MDSM |
MD94 | Number range maint.: Total reqs |
MDAB | Planning File - Set Up BATCH |
MDAC | Execute Action for Planned Order |
MDBA | BAPI planned order processing |
MDBS | MPS - total planning run |
MDBT | MRP Run In Batch |
MDC7 | Start MD07 by using report |
MDDISPONENT | MRP Controller Workflow |
MDF_ATTRSET | Maintain Set Types and Attributes |
MDHI | Master Data and Hierarchy |
MDL1 | Create Production Lot |
MDL2 | Change Production Lot |
MDL3 | Display Production Lot |
MDLD | Print MRP List |
MDM1 | Mail To Vendor |
MDM2 | Mail to Vendor |
MDM3 | Mail to Customer |
MDM4 | Mail to MRP Controller |
MDM5 | Workflow: Mail to MRP Controller |
MDMC | Send Customers (MDM) |
MDMGX | MDM Generic Extraction Framework |
MDMGXC0 | Transaction for MDMGXC0 |
MDMGXC1 | Transaction for MDMGXC1 |
MDMGXC2 | Transaction for MDMGXC2 |
MDMGXMOBJ | Maintain Object Types |
MDMV | Send Vendors (MDM) |
MDM_CLNT_EXTR | Local Extraction |
MDM_FSBP_TEST | Tests MDM Scenarios for FSBP |
MDP0 | Independent Requirements |
MDP1 | Create combination structure |
MDP2 | Change combination structure |
MDP3 | Display combination structure |
MDP4 | Maintain combinations |
MDP6 | Modeling |
MDPH | Planning Profile |
MDPP | Demand Management |
MDPV | Planning variant: Initial screen |
MDRD1 | Determine Delivery Relationship |
MDRD2 | Change Delivery Relationship |
MDRD3 | Display Delivery Relationship |
MDRD4 | Delete Delivery Relationship |
MDRE | Checking Plnng File In BCKGRND Mode |
MDRP | Distribution Resource Planning |
MDSA | Display Serial Numbers |
MDSP | Change BOM Explosion Numbers |
MDS_LINKS | Get the Mapped Cust/Vend/BP |
MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT | Synchronization Cockpit |
MDS_PPO2 | MiniPlatform: Edit PPO Orders |
MDUM | Convert Planned Orders into PReqs |
MDUP | Maintain Project New Key Assignment |
MDUS | Assign New Key to WBS Elements |
MDVP | Collective Availability Check PAUF |
MDW1 | Access MRP control program |
MDXTEST | MDX Test Panel |
ME00 | |
ME01 | Maintain Source List |
ME03 | Display Source List |
ME04 | Changes to Source List |
ME05 | Generate Source List |
ME06 | Analyze Source List |
ME07 | Reorganize Source List |
ME08 | Send Source List |
ME0M | Source List for Material |
ME11 | Create Purchasing Info Record |
ME12 | Change Purchasing Info Record |
ME13 | Display Purchasing Info Record |
ME14 | Changes to Purchasing Info Record |
ME15 | Flag Purch. Info Rec. for Deletion |
ME16 | Purchasing Info Recs. for Deletion |
ME17 | Archive Info Records |
ME18 | Send Purchasing Info Record |
ME1A | Archived Purchasing Info Records |
ME1B | Redetermine Info Record Price |
ME1E | Quotation Price History |
ME1L | Info Records per Vendor |
ME1M | Info Records per Material |
ME1P | Purchase Order Price History |
ME1W | Info Records per Material Group |
ME1X | Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Vendor |
ME1Y | Buyer's Negotiat. Sheet for Material |
ME21 | Create Purchase Order |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME22 | Change Purchase Order |
ME22N | Change Purchase Order |
ME23 | Display Purchase Order |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
ME24 | Maintain Purchase Order Supplement |
ME25 | Create PO with Source Determination |
ME26 | Display PO Supplement (IR) |
ME27 | Create Stock Transport Order |
ME28 | Release Purchase Order |
ME29N | Release purchase order |
ME2A | Monitor Confirmations |
ME2B | POs by Requirement Tracking Number |
ME2C | Purchase Orders by Material Group |
ME2J | Purchase Orders for Project |
ME2K | Purch. Orders by Account Assignment |
ME2L | Purchase Orders by Vendor |
ME2M | Purchase Orders by Material |
ME2N | Purchase Orders by PO Number |
ME2O | SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor) |
ME2S | Services per Purchase Order |
ME2V | Goods Receipt Forecast |
ME2W | Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant |
ME308 | Send Contracts with Conditions |
ME31 | Create Outline Agreement |
ME31K | Create Contract |
ME31L | Create Scheduling Agreement |
ME32 | Change Outline Agreement |
ME32K | Change Contract |
ME32L | Change Scheduling Agreement |
ME33 | Display Outline Agreement |
ME33K | Display Contract |
ME33L | Display Scheduling Agreement |
ME34 | Maintain Outl. Agreement Supplement |
ME34K | Maintain Contract Supplement |
ME34L | Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement |
ME35 | Release Outline Agreement |
ME35K | Release Contract |
ME35L | Release Scheduling Agreement |
ME36 | Display Agreement Supplement (IR) |
ME37 | Create Transport Scheduling Agmt. |
ME38 | Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule |
ME39 | Display Sched. Agmt. Schedule (TEST) |
ME3A | Transm. Release Documentation Record |
ME3B | Outl. Agreements per Requirement No. |
ME3C | Outline Agreements by Material Group |
ME3J | Outline Agreements per Project |
ME3K | Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignment |
ME3L | Outline Agreements per Vendor |
ME3M | Outline Agreements by Material |
ME3N | Outline Agreements by Agreement No. |
ME3P | Recalculate Contract Price |
ME3R | Recalculate Sched. Agreement Price |
ME3S | Service List for Contract |
ME41 | Create Request For Quotation |
ME42 | Change Request For Quotation |
ME43 | Display Request For Quotation |
ME44 | Maintain RFQ Supplement |
ME45 | Release RFQ |
ME47 | Create Quotation |
ME48 | Display Quotation |
ME49 | Price Comparison List |
ME4B | RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number |
ME4C | RFQs by Material Group |
ME4L | RFQs by Vendor |
ME4M | RFQs by Material |
ME4N | RFQs by RFQ Number |
ME4S | RFQs by Collective Number |
ME51 | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME51N | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME52 | Change Purchase Requisition |
ME52N | Change Purchase Requisition |
ME52NB | Buyer Approval: Purchase Requisition |
ME53 | Display Purchase Requisition |
ME53N | Display Purchase Requisition |
ME54 | Release Purchase Requisition |
ME54N | Release Purchase Requisition |
ME55 | Collective Release of Purchase Reqs. |
ME56 | Assign Source to Purch. Requisition |
ME57 | Assign and Process Requisitions |
ME58 | Ordering: Assigned Requisitions |
ME59 | Automatic Generation of POs |
ME59N | Automatic generation of POs |
ME5A | Purchase Requisitions: List Display |
ME5F | Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition |
ME5J | Purchase Requisitions for Project |
ME5K | Requisitions by Account Assignment |
ME5R | Archived Purchase Requisitions |
ME5W | Resubmission of Purch. Requisitions |
ME60 | Screenpainter Test |
ME61 | Maintain Vendor Evaluation |
ME62 | Display Vendor Evaluation |
ME63 | Evaluation of Automatic Subcriteria |
ME64 | Evaluation Comparison |
ME65 | Evaluation Lists |
ME69 | List non confirmed WEB releases |
ME6A | Changes to Vendor Evaluation |
ME6B | Display Vendor Evaln. for Material |
ME6C | Vendors Without Evaluation |
ME6D | Vendors Not Evaluated Since... |
ME6E | Evaluation Records Without Weighting |
ME6F | |
ME6G | Vendor Evaluation in the Background |
ME6H | Standard Analysis: Vendor Evaluation |
ME6Z | Transport Vendor Evaluation Tables |
ME80 | Purchasing Reporting |
ME80A | Purchasing Reporting: RFQs |
ME80AN | General Analyses (A) |
ME80F | Purchasing Reporting: POs |
ME80FN | General Analyses (F) |
ME80R | Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts. |
ME80RN | General Analyses (L,K) |
ME81 | Analysis of Order Values |
ME81N | Analysis of Order Values |
ME82 | Archived Purchasing Documents |
ME84 | Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases |
ME84A | Individual Display of SA Release |
ME85 | Renumber Schedule Lines |
ME86 | Aggregate Schedule Lines |
ME87 | Summarize PO History |
ME88 | Set Agr. Cum. Qty./Reconcil. Date |
ME89 | Release of Stopped SA Releases |
ME91 | Purchasing Docs.: Urging/Reminding |
ME91A | Urge Submission of Quotations |
ME91E | Sch. Agmt. Schedules: Urging/Remind. |
ME91F | Purchase Orders: Urging/Reminders |
ME92 | Monitor Order Acknowledgment |
ME92F | Monitor Order Acknowledgment |
ME92K | Monitor Order Acknowledgment |
ME92L | Monitor Order Acknowledgment |
ME97 | Archive Purchase Requisitions |
ME98 | Archive Purchasing Documents |
ME99 | Messages from Purchase Orders |
ME9A | Message Output: RFQs |
ME9E | Message Output: Sch. Agmt. Schedules |
ME9F | Message Output: Purchase Orders |
ME9K | Message Output: Contracts |
ME9L | Message Output: Sched. Agreements |
MEAN | Delivery Addresses |
MEB0 | Reversal of Settlement Runs |
MEB1 | Create Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.) |
MEB2 | Change Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.) |
MEB3 | Displ. Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.) |
MEB4 | Settlement re Vendor Rebate Arrs. |
MEB5 | List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements |
MEB6 | Busn. Vol. Data, Vendor Rebate Arrs. |
MEB7 | Extend Vendor Rebate Arrangements |
MEB8 | Det. Statement, Vendor Rebate Arrs. |
MEB9 | Stat. Statement, Vendor Rebate Arrs. |
MEBA | Comp. Suppl. BV, Vendor Rebate Arr. |
MEBB | Check Open Docs., Vendor Reb. Arrs. |
MEBC | Check Customizing: Subsequent Sett. |
MEBE | Workflow Sett. re Vendor Reb. Arrs. |
MEBF | Updating of External Busn. Volumes |
MEBG | Chg. Curr. (Euro), Vend. Reb. Arrs. |
MEBH | Generate Work Items (Man. Extension) |
MEBI | Message, Subs.Settlem. - Settlem.Run |
MEBJ | Recompile Income, Vendor Reb. Arrs. |
MEBK | Message., Subs. Settlem.- Arrangment |
MEBM | List of settlement runs for arrngmts |
MEBOR | Work Center Conversion |
MEBR | Archive Rebate Arrangements |
MEBS | Stmnt. Sett. Docs., Vend. Reb. Arrs. |
MEBT | Test Data: External Business Volumes |
MEBV | Extend Rebate Arrangements (Dialog) |
MECCM | Send Purchasing Data to Catalog |
MECCP_ME2K | For Requisition Account Assignment |
MEDL | Price Change: Contract |
MEER | Mass Act: Create Electronic Bill |
MEI1 | Automatic Purchasing Document Change |
MEI2 | Automatic Document Change |
MEI3 | Recompilation of Document Index |
MEI4 | Compile Worklist for Document Index |
MEI5 | Delete Worklist for Document Index |
MEI6 | Delete purchasing document index |
MEI7 | Change sales prices in purch. orders |
MEI8 | Recomp. doc. index settlement req. |
MEI9 | Recomp. doc. index vendor bill. doc. |
MEIA | New Structure Doc.Ind. Cust. Sett. |
MEIS | Data Selection: Arrivals |
MEK1 | Create Conditions (Purchasing) |
MEK2 | Change Conditions (Purchasing) |
MEK3 | Display Conditions (Purchasing) |
MEK31 | Condition Maintenance: Change |
MEK32 | Condition Maintenance: Change |
MEK33 | Condition Maintenance: Change |
MEK4 | Create Conditions (Purchasing) |
MEKA | Conditions: General Overview |
MEKB | Conditions by Contract |
MEKC | Conditions by Info Record |
MEKD | Conditions for Material Group |
MEKE | Conditions for Vendor |
MEKF | Conditions for Material Type |
MEKG | Conditions for Condition Group |
MEKH | Market Price |
MEKI | Conditions for Incoterms |
MEKJ | Conditions for Invoicing Party |
MEKK | Conditions for Vendor Sub-Range |
MEKL | Price Change: Scheduling Agreements |
MEKLE | Currency Change: Sched. Agreements |
MEKP | Price Change: Info Records |
MEKPE | Currency Change: Info Records |
MEKR | Price Change: Contracts |
MEKRE | Currency Change: Contracts |
MEKX | Transport Condition Types Purchasing |
MEKY | Trnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. (Pur.) |
MEKZ | Trnsp. Calculation Schemas (Purch.) |
MEL0 | Service Entry Sheet |
MELB | Purch. Transactions by Tracking No. |
MEM1 | Replacement for Purchase Order Item |
MEMASSCONTRACT | Mass Changing of Contracts |
MEMASSIN | Mass-Changing of Purch. Info Records |
MEMASSPO | Mass Change of Purchase Orders |
MEMASSRQ | Mass-Changing of Purch. Requisitions |
MEMASSSA | Mass Changing of Sched. Agreements |
MEMON_CUST | Activating monitoring for RC-monitor |
MEMPADELIM | Maintain Delimiters for Message |
MENU_MIGRATION | Menu Migration into New Hierarchy |
MEPA | Order Price Simulation/Price Info |
MEPB | Price Info/Vendor Negotiations |
MEPO | Purchase Order |
MEQ1 | Maintain Quota Arrangement |
MEQ3 | Display Quota Arrangement |
MEQ4 | Changes to Quota Arrangement |
MEQ6 | Analyze Quota Arrangement |
MEQ7 | Reorganize Quota Arrangement |
MEQ8 | Monitor Quota Arrangements |
MEQB | Revise Quota Arrangement |
MEQM | Quota Arrangement for Material |
MER4 | Settlement re Customer Rebate Arrs. |
MER5 | List of Customer Rebate Arrangements |
MER6 | Busn. Vols., Cust. Reb. Arrangements |
MER7 | Extension of Cust. Reb. Arrangements |
MER8 | Det. Statement: Cust. Rebate Arrs. |
MER9 | Statement: Customer Reb. Arr. Stats. |
MERA | Comp. Suppl. BV, Cust. Rebate Arrs. |
MERB | Check re Open Docs. Cust. Reb. Arr. |
MERE | Workflow: Sett. Cust. Rebate Arrs. |
MEREP_BWAFDEL | delivery of BWAFMAPP entries |
MEREP_DISP_DQ | display download data |
MEREP_DISP_UQ | display upload data |
MEREP_EX_REPLIC | Execute Replicator |
MEREP_GEN_ALL | Transaction to generate all |
MEREP_LOG | Activity Log |
MEREP_MBL | deletion of obsolete mobile ids |
MEREP_MIG | Migration |
MEREP_MON | Mobile Monitor |
MEREP_PD | Profile Dialog |
MEREP_PURGE | Purge Tool |
MEREP_REPAIR | Repair critical tables in MI |
MERF | Updating of External Busn. Volumes |
MERG | Change Curr. (Euro) Cust. Reb. Arrs. |
MERH | Generate Work Items (Man. Extension) |
MERJ | Recomp. of Income, Cust. Reb. Arrs. |
MERS | Stmnt. Sett. Docs. Cust. Reb. Arrs. |
METAL | Transaction Starter Purchasing |
MEU0 | Assign User to User Group |
MEU2 | Perform Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate |
MEU3 | Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate |
MEU4 | Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate |
MEU5 | Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate |
MEW0 | Procurement Transaction |
MEW1 | Create Requirement Request |
MEW10 | Service Entry in Web |
MEW2 | Status Display: Requirement Requests |
MEW3 | Collective Release of Purchase Reqs. |
MEW5 | Collective Release of Purchase Order |
MEW6 | Assign Purchase Orders WEB |
MEW7 | Release of Service Entry Sheets |
MEW8 | Release of Service Entry Sheet |
MEWP | Web based PO |
MEWS | Service Entry (Component) |
ME_RTRACE | Client Trace Settings |
ME_SWP_ALERT | Display MRP Alerts (Web) |
ME_SWP_CO | Display Purchasing Pricing (Web) |
ME_SWP_IV | Display Settlement Status (Web) |
ME_SWP_PDI | Display Purchase Document Info (Web) |
ME_SWP_PH | Display Purchasing History (Web) |
ME_SWP_SRI | Display Schedule Releases (Web) |
ME_WIZARD | ME: Registration and Generation |
MF00 | Run Schedules |
MF02 | Change Run Schedule Header |
MF03 | Display Run Schedule Header |
MF12 | Display Document Log (With ALV) |
MF20 | REM Cost Controlling |
MF22 | Versions: Overview |
MF23 | Linking Versions Graphically |
MF26 | Display Reporting Point Quantity |
MF27 | Update Stats for Planned Quantities |
MF30 | Create PrelimCostEst - ProdCostColl. |
MF36 | C RM-MAT MD Create Planning IDs |
MF37 | C RM-MAT MD Linking Versions |
MF3A | Document Archiving |
MF3D | Delete Archived Document |
MF3E | Evaluate Archived Document |
MF3M | Manage Archived Documents |
MF3R | Reload Archived Document |
MF41 | Reverse Backflush (With ALV) |
MF42 | Collective Backflush |
MF42N | New Collective Entry |
MF45 | Reprocessing Components: Rep.Manuf. |
MF46 | Collective Reprocessing, Backflush |
MF47 | Open Reprocessing Records / Pr.Line |
MF4R | Resetting Reporting Points |
MF50 | Planning Table - Change |
MF51 | Print Production Quantities |
MF52 | Planning Table - Display |
MF53 | Maintaining Variants-Production List |
MF57 | Planning Table - By MRP Lists |
MF60 | Pull List |
MF63 | Staging Situation |
MF65 | Stock Transfer for Reservation |
MF68 | Log for Pull List |
MF70 | Aggregate Collective Backflush |
MFBF | Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg |
MFHU | Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg |
MFI2 | Actual Overhead: Run Schedule Header |
MFN1 | Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Ind.Pro. |
MFN2 | Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Col.Pro. |
MFP1 | REM: Plan HUs - General |
MFP11 | REM: Plan HUs Without Order |
MFP12 | REM: Plan HUs for Order |
MFP13 | Rep. Manuf.: Plan HUs for Delivery |
MFP14 | Rep. Man.: Plan HUs for Purch. Order |
MFP2 | REM: Pack HUs - General |
MFP21 | REM: Pack HUs Without Order |
MFP22 | REM: Pack HUs for Order |
MFP23 | Rep. Manuf.: Pack HUs for Delivery |
MFP24 | Rep. Man.: Pack HUs for Purch. Order |
MFPP1 | PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Plan |
MFPP2 | PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Pack |
MFPR | Process Inspection Lot for Versions |
MFS0 | LFP: Change Master Plan |
MGMT | Device Configuration |
MGMT_ADMIN | Device Configuration |
MGMT_AUTHORITY | Edit Authorizations |
MGMT_CUSTOMIZING | Screen Control for Device Config. |
MGMT_DEV_IDTXT | Assign Text to Device ID |
MGMT_PARA | Assign Configuration Parameters |
MGMT_PARA_COND | Parameter Conditions |
MGMT_PARA_PATT | Set Device Configuration Parameters |
MGMT_PARA_PROP | Get Parameter Properties |
MGMT_SERVICE | Assign Agents to Monitoring Function |
MGMT_TYPES | Device Configuration - Types |
MGVEXTOBJ | Maintain Mass Maintenance Objects |
MGV_CORRECT | Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure |
MGV_MAPALE | Mapping externa/internal number ALE |
MGV_OMSL | Maintain TMCNV for long material no. |
MGW0 | Create Components for Set Material |
MGW1 | Display Components for Set Material |
MGW2 | Create Components for Display Matl |
MGW3 | Display Components for Display Matl |
MGW4 | Create Components for Prepack Matl |
MGW5 | Display Components for Prepack Matl |
MGW6 | Create Components for Full Product |
MGW7 | Display Components for Full Product |
MGW8 | Change Components for Set Material |
MGW9 | Change Components for Display Matl |
MGWA | Change Components for Prepack |
MGWB | Change Components for Full Product |
MI00 | Physical Inventory |
MI01 | Create Physical Inventory Document |
MI02 | Change Physical Inventory Document |
MI03 | Display Physical Inventory Document |
MI04 | Enter Inventory Count with Document |
MI05 | Change Inventory Count |
MI06 | Display Inventory Count |
MI07 | Process List of Differences |
MI08 | Create List of Differences with Doc. |
MI09 | Enter Inventory Count w/o Document |
MI10 | Create List of Differences w/o Doc. |
MI11 | Recount Physical Inventory Document |
MI12 | Display changes |
MI20 | Print List of Differences |
MI21 | Print physical inventory document |
MI22 | Display Phys. Inv. Docs. f. Material |
MI23 | Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material |
MI24 | Physical Inventory List |
MI31 | Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc. |
MI32 | Batch Input: Block Material |
MI33 | Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance |
MI34 | Batch Input: Enter Count |
MI35 | Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance |
MI37 | Batch Input: Post Differences |
MI38 | Batch Input: Count and Differences |
MI39 | Batch Input: Document and Count |
MI40 | Batch Input: Doc., Count and Diff. |
MI9A | Analyze archived phy. inv. docs |
MIAD | Delete Phys. Inv. Documents |
MIAL | Inventory Documents: Read Archive |
MIAR | Archive Phys. Inv. Documents |
MIAV | Manage Phys. Inv. Doc. Archive |
MIBC | ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting |
MICN | Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng |
MIDO | Physical Inventory Overview |
MIE1 | Batch Input: Phys.Inv.Doc. Sales Ord |
MIGO | Goods Movement |
MIGO_GI | Goods Movement |
MIGO_GO | Goods Movement |
MIGO_GR | Goods Movement |
MIGO_GS | Subseq. Adjust. of Material Provided |
MIGO_TR | Transfer Posting |
MIGR1 | KW: Conversion of enh./rel. (global) |
MIGR2 | KW: Conver. of Enh/Rel/Origin (sel.) |
MIGR_TEST | Test Menu for Migration |
MIK1 | Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons. |
MILES | Infrastructure Navigator |
MILL_00 | IS Mill Products |
MILL_CUT | Cutting Stck Trans. and Confirmation |
MILL_CUT_CO | Cutting Confirmation |
MILL_CUT_LBA | Confirmation DNP Processing |
MILL_CUT_TR | Cutting Stock Transfer |
MILL_OC | Create Order Combination |
MILL_OMI4 | MRP Lot-Sizing Procedures |
MIM1 | Batch Input: Create Ph.Inv.Docs RTP |
MIMD | Tansfer PDC Physical Inventory Data |
MINING_IBM | Communictn with Data Mining Software |
MIO1 | Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.:Stck w.Subc |
MIQ1 | Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock |
MIR4 | Call MIRO - Change Status |
MIR5 | Display List of Invoice Documents |
MIR6 | Invoice Overview |
MIR7 | Park Invoice |
MIRA | Fast Invoice Entry |
MIRCMR | Material Reconciliation |
MIRO | Enter Incoming Invoice |
MIRO_WORKFLOW | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MIRU_WORKFLOW_FREIG | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MIRU_WORKFLOW_VERV | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MIS1 | Create Sample-Based Phys. Inv. - ERP |
MIS2 | Change Inventory Sampling |
MIS3 | Display Inventory Sampling |
MIS4 | Create Inventory Sampling - R/2 |
MIS5 | Create Inventory Sampling - Other |
MISS | Extract: Check Solution Paths |
MIV1 | Batch I.:PhInDoc Cust. |
MIW1 | Batch I.;PhInDoc f. Consigt at Cust. |
MI_ALBACK | Back Up CCMS Alerts for MI |
MI_ALMON | Alert Monitor for MI Alerts |
MI_CLOGMON | Client Log Analysis |
MI_CONFIG_CLIENTS | Configuration of MI Client |
MI_MCD | MI:Process Mobile Component |
MI_MSD | MI:Process Mobile Component |
MI_SYNEWS | MI SystemNews |
MK01 | Create vendor (Purchasing) |
MK02 | Change vendor (Purchasing) |
MK03 | Display vendor (Purchasing) |
MK04 | Change Vendor (Purchasing) |
MK05 | Block Vendor (Purchasing) |
MK06 | Mark vendor for deletion (purch.) |
MK12 | Change vendor (Purchasing), planned |
MK14 | Planned vendor change (Purchasing) |
MK18 | Activate planned vendor changes (Pu) |
MK19 | Display vendor (purchasing), future |
MKH1 | Maintain vendor hierarchy |
MKH1N | Display/Maintain Vendor Hierarchy |
MKH2 | Display vendor hierarchy |
MKH2N | Display Vendor Hierarchy |
MKH3 | Activate vendor master (online) |
MKH4 | Activate vendors (batch input) |
MKK | Mass Contract Invoicing |
MKOP | Call Up Material Master-Copier |
MKVG | Settlement and Condition Groups |
MKVZ | List of Vendors: Purchasing |
MKVZE | Currency Change: Vendor Master Rec. |
ML01 | Create Standard Service Catalog |
ML02 | Maintain Standard Service Catalog |
ML03 | Display Standard Service Catalog |
ML05 | Purchasing Object for Service |
ML10 | Create Model Service Specifications |
ML100 | Calculate Taxes at Service Level |
ML11 | Change Model Service Specifications |
ML12 | Display Model Service Specifications |
ML15 | List of Model Service Specifications |
ML20 | Create Conditions |
ML30 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML31 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML32 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML33 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML34 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML35 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML36 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML37 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML38 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML39 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML40 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML41 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML42 | Create Service Conditions |
ML43 | Change Vendor Conditions |
ML44 | Display Vendor Conditions |
ML45 | Display Service Conditions |
ML46 | Change Service Conditions |
ML47 | Display Service Conditions |
ML48 | Create Conditions |
ML49 | Change Conditions |
ML50 | Display Conditions |
ML51 | Create Conditions |
ML52 | Change Conditions |
ML53 | Create Conditions |
ML60CK | Release Procedure Checks |
ML81 | Maintain Service Entry Sheet |
ML81N | Service Entry Sheet |
ML82 | Display Service Entry Sheet |
ML83 | Message Processing: Service Entry |
ML84 | List of Service Entry Sheets |
ML85 | Collective Release of Entry Sheets |
ML86 | Import Service Data |
ML87 | Export Service Data |
ML89 | Definition of Formulas |
ML90 | Field Selection for Services |
ML91 | Stand. Values f. Ext.Services Mgmt. |
ML92 | Entry Sheets for Service |
ML93 | Purchasing Object for Service |
ML94 | External Services Mgmt.: Direct Call |
ML95 | List Display: Contracts for Service |
ML96 | Purchase Requisitions for Service |
ML97 | Recompile Index |
ML98 | Std. EKORG Values f. Ext. Srv. Mgmt. |
ML99 | Formula Variable IDs |
MLCCSPD | Cost Components for Price |
MLRP | Periodic Invoicing Plans |
MLS5 | Import Standard Service Type |
MLS6 | Report for Standard Service Catalog |
MLV1 | Conditions: Services |
MLV2 | Create Total Price (PRS) |
MLV3 | Create Total Price (PRS) |
MLV4 | Create Total Price (PRS) |
MLV5 | Change Currency (Contracts) |
MLV6 | Create Other |
MM00 | |
MM01 | Create Material & |
MM02 | Change Material & |
MM03 | Display Material & |
MM04 | Display Material Change Documents |
MM06 | Flag Material for Deletion |
MM11 | Schedule Creation of Material & |
MM12 | Schedule Changing of Material & |
MM13 | Activate Planned Changes |
MM14 | Display Planned Changes |
MM15 | Display Changes (Migration) |
MM16 | Schedule Material for Deletion |
MM17 | Mass Maintenance: Indus. Matl Master |
MM18 | Activate Planned Changes |
MM19 | Display Material & at Key Date |
MM41 | Create Material & |
MM42 | Change Material & |
MM43 | Display Material & |
MM44 | Display Change Documents |
MM46 | Mass Maintenance: Retail Matl Master |
MM50 | List Extendable Materials |
MM60 | Materials List |
MM70 | Sel. Materials Flagged for Deletion |
MM71 | Reorganize Materials |
MM72 | Display Archive of Materials |
MM73 | Special Stocks: Preparation |
MM74 | Archive Special Stocks |
MM75 | Display Archive of Special Stocks |
MM90 | Analyze ALE Appl. Log for MatMaster |
MM91 | Delete ALE Appl. Log for Matl Master |
MMAM | Change Material Type |
MMB1 | Create Semifinished Product & |
MMBE | Stock Overview |
MMBE_OLD | Stock Overview |
MMCL | Stock Overview by Characteristic |
MMD1 | Create MRP Profile |
MMD2 | Change MRP Profile |
MMD3 | Display MRP Profile |
MMD6 | Delete MRP Profile |
MMD7 | Display MRP Profile Usage |
MMDE | Delete All Materials |
MMF1 | Create Finished Product & |
MMG1 | Create Returnable Packaging & |
MMH1 | Create Trading Goods & |
MMI1 | Create Operating Supplies & |
MMK1 | Create Configurable Material & |
MML1 | Create Empties & |
MMLS | Logistic Switch (Not Released) |
MMM1 | Create Message: Material Master |
MMN1 | Create Non-Stock Material & |
MMNR | Define Material Master Number Ranges |
MMP1 | Create Maintenance Assembly & |
MMPI | Initialize Period |
MMPURPAMEPO | Call MEPO from Portal |
MMPURPAMEREQ | Call MEREQ from Portal |
MMPURPAMIGO | Call MIGO from Portal |
MMPURPAMIRO | Call MIRO from Portal |
MMPURUIPRCREQ | Create PO from Requisition |
MMPV | Close Periods |
MMR1 | Create Raw Material & |
MMRV | Allow Posting to Previous Period |
MMS1 | Create Service & |
MMSC | Enter Storage Locations Collectively |
MMSC_MASS | Maintain Storage Locations Coll. |
MMU1 | Create Non-Valuated Material & |
MMV1 | Create Packaging & |
MMVD | Change Decentr. for Decentr.Shipping |
MMVH | Create Centrally: Decentral.Shipping |
MMVV | Change Centr. for Decentr. Shipping |
MMW1 | Create Competitor Product & |
MMZ1 | Create Material, General (Old MM01) |
MMZ2 | Change Material (Old MM02) |
MMZ3 | Display Material (Old MM03) |
MN01 | Create Message: RFQ |
MN02 | Change Message: RFQ |
MN03 | Display Message: RFQ |
MN04 | Create Message: PO |
MN05 | Change Message: PO |
MN06 | Display Message: PO |
MN07 | Create Message: Outline Agreement |
MN08 | Change Message: Outline Agreement |
MN09 | Display Message: Outline Agreement |
MN10 | Create Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule |
MN11 | Change Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule |
MN12 | Displ. Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule |
MN13 | Create Message: Service Entry Sheet |
MN14 | Change Message: Service Entry Sheet |
MN15 | Display Message: Service Entry Sheet |
MN21 | Create Condition: Inventory Mgmt |
MN22 | Change Condition: Inventory Mgmt |
MN23 | Display Condition: Inventory Mgmt |
MN24 | Create Message: Shipping Notif. |
MN25 | Change Message: Shipping Notif. |
MN26 | Display Message: Shipping Notif. |
MN27 | Create message: rough goods receipt |
MN28 | Change message: rough goods receipt |
MN29 | Display message: rough goods receipt |
MNKR | Number range maintenance: W_EREIGNIS |
MNTB | Table Maintenance for PSO48 |
MNTF | Table Maintenance for PSO49 |
MOALL | Delete Agent Allocation |
MOKA | CAP: Calculation Restitution |
MOKS | CAP: Calculation Simulation |
MP00 | Material Forecast Menu |
MP01 | Maintain AMPL Records |
MP02 | Display AMPL Records |
MP11 | Create message for direct production |
MP12 | Change Message for direct production |
MP13 | Display message - direct production |
MP30 | Execute Material Forecast |
MP31 | Change Material Forecast |
MP32 | Display Material Forecast |
MP33 | Reprocess material forecast |
MP38 | Total Forecast Run |
MP39 | |
MP80 | Create Forecast Profile |
MP81 | Change Forecast Profile |
MP82 | Delete Forecast Profile |
MP83 | Display Forecast Profile |
MP90 | Maintain No. Range: Forecast Param. |
MP91 | Maintain No. Range: Forecast Values |
MPACONTACT | MPA with MEREP_CONTACT (sample app.) |
MPAD | Delete archived materials from AMPL |
MPAMSGTEMPL | Maintain Message Template |
MPAR | Archive final issue materials |
MPAV | Manage archive for maufacturer parts |
MPA_REPLY_CUST | MPA Reply Handling |
MPBT | Total Forecast In BATCH Mode |
MPD | Maintenance Program Definition |
MPDR | Print in BATCH Mode |
MPD_MAP | MPD: Data Mapping |
MPE1 | Create buyer |
MPE2 | Change buyer |
MPE3 | Display buyer |
MPLT | Test Appl. for Interface to iPPE WB |
MPN01 | MPN Conversion Reconcilation |
MPND | Field Synchronization, Interch.Parts |
MPN_V_V2 | MPN and SuS Rescheduling |
MPOCCMONALERT | Write Extracts for CC Monitor |
MPOCCPOSALERT | Write Extracts for Line Items |
MPOILVALERT | Write Extracts for IAA Monitor |
MPOORDALERT | Write Extracts for ORDMonitor |
MPOORDPOSALERT | Extracts of Critical Line Items ORD |
MPO_ADMIN | Administration of Rule Maintenance |
MPO_APPREQ | Services for Request Types |
MPO_CCMONITOR_RRIF | Start Report/Report Interface |
MPO_CCMON_DOC_CALL | Call Doc. Display for CCtr Monitor |
MPO_ILV | Rule Maintenance for IAA Monitor |
MPO_LINE | Rule: Unusual Postings - Orders |
MPO_MON | Rule Maintenance for CCtr Monitor |
MPO_ORD | Rule Maintenance for Order Monitor |
MPO_PERS_DATA_DELETE | Delete User's Personalization Data |
MPO_PERS_FILL_CC | Fill for Personalization, Cost Ctrs |
MPO_PERS_FILL_PC | Fill for Personalization,Profit Ctrs |
MPO_POS | Rule Maint. for Unusual Postings |
MPR1 | Forecast Adopted from External Data |
MPR2 | Deletion of Forecast Data |
MPSD_CA_CE_001 | Maintain table for grouping reason |
MR00 | Invoice Verification |
MR01 | Process Incoming Invoice |
MR02 | Process Blocked Invoices |
MR03 | Display Inv. Verification Document |
MR08 | Cancel Invoice Document |
MR11 | GR/IR account maintenance |
MR11SHOW | Account Maint.Docu.Display-Reversal |
MR11_OLD | Old GR/IR account maintenance |
MR21 | Price Change |
MR22 | Material Debit/Credit |
MR32 | Change Material Layer (LIFO) |
MR33 | Display Material Layer (LIFO) |
MR34 | Change FIFO Data |
MR35 | Display FIFO Data |
MR39 | Display Documents (LIFO) |
MR41 | Park Invoice |
MR42 | Change Parked Invoice |
MR43 | Display Parked Invoice |
MR44 | Post Parked Document |
MR51 | Material Line Items |
MR8M | Cancel Invoice Document |
MR90 | Messages for Invoice Documents |
MR91 | Messages for Invoice Documents |
MRA1 | Archive Invoice Documents |
MRA2 | Delete Archived Invoice Documents |
MRA3 | Display Archived Invoice Documents |
MRA4 | Manage Invoice Document Archive |
MRBE | Valuation |
MRBP | Invoice Verification in Background |
MRBR | Release Blocked Invoices |
MRBWNEU | Recompilation |
MRCHVW | Batch mgmt with reconciliation |
MRDC | Automatic Delivery Cost Settlement |
MRER | Auto. ERS Automotive |
MRF1 | Execute FIFO Valuation |
MRF2 | Diplay Documents (FIFO) |
MRF3 | FIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract |
MRF4 | FIFO: Select Materials |
MRF5 | FIFO: Delete Valuation Data |
MRHG | Enter Credit Memo |
MRHR | Enter Invoice |
MRIS | Settle Invoicing Plan |
MRKO | Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabs. |
MRL1 | Perform LIFO Valuation: Single Matl |
MRL2 | Perform LIFO Valuation: Pools |
MRL3 | LIFO Lowest Value Comparison |
MRL4 | Display LIFO Valuation: Single Matl |
MRL5 | Display LIFO Valuation: Pools |
MRL6 | Select Materials |
MRL7 | Display Pool Formation |
MRL8 | Create Base Layer |
MRL9 | LIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract |
MRLA | Check Pool Formation |
MRLB | Delete Layer |
MRLC | Transfer Third-Party Data |
MRLD | Transfer Valuation Prices |
MRLE | Change Group Structure |
MRLF | Create Version as Copy |
MRLG | Aggregate Layer |
MRLH | Change LIFO/FIFO Valuation Level |
MRLI | Generate Pools |
MRLJ | LIFO Data Transfer |
MRLK | LIFO: Adjust Units of Measure |
MRLL | LIFO: Reassign Material Layer |
MRM0 | Logistics Invoice Verification |
MRM1 | Create Message: Invoice Verification |
MRM2 | Change Message: Invoice Verification |
MRM3 | Display Message: Inv. Verification |
MRM4 | Number Ranges, Invoice Verification |
MRN0 | Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices |
MRN1 | Deter. Lowest Value: Rge of Coverage |
MRN1_TS | Determine Lowest Value: Rge of Cov. |
MRN2 | Determ. Lowest Value: Mvmt Rate |
MRN3 | Loss-Free Valuation |
MRN8 | Lowest Value: Price Variances |
MRN9 | Balance Sheet Values by Account |
MRNB | Revaluation |
MRO2 | Configuration: IV Lists |
MRRL | Evaluated Receipt Settlement |
MRRS | Evaluated Receipt Settlement |
MRTRSC01 | RMS-MRTRS : RFC Destination of GR |
MRTRSC02 | RMS-MRTRS : Master Recipe Generation |
MRTRS_START | RMS-MRTRS : Start MR Transformation |
MRY0 | Coll. Maint. of Phys. Inv. Prices |
MRY1 | Calculate Average Receipt Price |
MRY2 | Transfer Physical Inventory Prices |
MRY3 | Display Valuation Alternative |
MRY4 | Transfer ML Prices |
MRY_SCMA | Execute via Schedule Manager |
MRY_SCMO | Analyze via Schedule Manager |
MRY_SLG1 | Analyze Application Log |
MR_BEWART | Material Reconciliation |
MR_FORM | Reconciliation: Formula |
MR_PARAM | Reconciliation: Formula Parameter |
MS00 | Long-term planning |
MS01 | Long-Term Planning: Total Planning |
MS02 | Long-term plng: single-itm, mult-lvl |
MS03 | Long-term plng: singl-itm, singl-lvl |
MS04 | Planning Scenario: Stock/Reqmts List |
MS05 | Long-term planning: display MRP list |
MS06 | Long-term plnng: collective MRP list |
MS07 | Long-Term Plng: Material Overview |
MS08 | Reorg.MRP Lists for Long-Term Plnng |
MS11 | LTP: Create planned order |
MS12 | LTP: Change planned order |
MS13 | LTP: Display planned order |
MS20 | Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnng |
MS21 | Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnng |
MS22 | Set Up Plg File Entries for Scenario |
MS23 | Delete Plng File Entries of Scenario |
MS29 | Calculate Sim. Initial Stock |
MS31 | Create planning scenario |
MS32 | Change planning scenario |
MS33 | Display planning scenario |
MS44 | Flexible Evaluation Long-Term Plnng |
MS47 | Evaluation LTP for Product Group |
MS50 | Make-to-order planning (LTP) |
MS51 | Project planning (LTP) |
MS64 | Create Simulation Version |
MS65 | Requirements Situation |
MS66 | Copy Simulative Dependent Reqmts |
MS70 | Evaluation Plng Scenario for PURCHIS |
MS71 | Copy info structure version to LTP |
MSAB | LTP: set up plnng file entries BATCH |
MSAC | LTP: delete plnng file entries BATCH |
MSBT | Long-term plng:plng background job |
MSC1 | Create Batch |
MSC1N | Create Batch |
MSC2 | Change Batch |
MSC2N | Change Batch |
MSC3 | Display Batch |
MSC3N | Display Batch |
MSC4 | Display Batch Changes |
MSC4N | Display Change Documents for Batch |
MSC5N | Mass Processing for Batches |
MSC6N | Batch Worklist |
MSC7 | Start MS07 from Report |
MSCUST | Maintain Due Date Scenarios |
MSE7 | EKS Simulation: Material Selection |
MSG_TEST | Test Message |
MSINA | Maintain Backlog Entry in Extract |
MSJ1 | Mass Maintenance in the Background |
MSK1 | Create Vendor Consignment Goods |
MSK2 | Change Vendor Consignment Goods |
MSK3 | Display Vendor Consignment Goods |
MSK4 | Display Vdr Consignment Change Docs |
MSK5 | Vdr Consignment: Activate Fut. Price |
MSL1 | Display Mass Maintenance Logs |
MSL2 | Delete Mass Maintenance Logs |
MSLD | Print MRP List; Long-Term Planning |
MSRV1 | List for Service |
MSRV2 | Service List for Requisition |
MSRV3 | Service List for Purchase Order |
MSRV4 | Service List for RFQ |
MSRV5 | Service List for Contract |
MSRV6 | Service List for Entry Sheet |
MSR_SELECT | MSR: Maintain Selection Criteria |
MST0 | Mass changes |
MSTRVAR | Transport Variants |
MSTRVAR_S | Transport System Variants |
MSW1 | Reset Warnings (in the Foreground) |
MSW2 | Reset Warnings (in the Background) |
MTBEC1 | Customizing |
MUSS | _ |
MVD_CUST | Cutosmizing: Material Versions LS1A |
MWB1 | Creating Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation |
MWB2 | Changing Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation |
MWB3 | Displaying Prop/Prod Unit Valuation |
MWBC | Consistency Chck f. Prop./Prod. Unit |
MWBE | Purchase order history corr. PUR |
MWBK | Actv. ingr. management corr. factor |
MWBQ | Purchase order history corr. QM |
MWCH | Change Procurement IAC |
MY01 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY03 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY04 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY05 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY06 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY07 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY08 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY09 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY10 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY11 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY12 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MY13 | C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc. |
MYB3 | Bus. Volume Comparison Type Purchas. |
MYB4 | Bus.Vol. Tolerance Group Purchasing |
MYB5 | User Settings, Subsequent Settlement |
M_LA | Purchasing: Condition List |
M_LB | Change Condition List |
M_LC | Display Condition List |
M_LD | Execute Condition List |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes MD to MZ
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