O000 | C RM-MAT Menu - Classification |
O005 | C CL Characteristic Default Settings |
O020 | Record Layout for BTCI (Classes) |
O021 | Class Data Transfer |
O023 | Display Class Maintenance Data File |
O024 | Transfer Class Data: Direct Input |
O02F | Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec. |
O02G | Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec. |
O02K | Maintain Period Indicator |
O035 | Country version delivery sys created |
O037 | HR Customizing User Parameters |
O03C | Assign Target Fields to Mess. Dest. |
O041 | Cust. Chars: Char. Statuses |
O042 | Cust. Chars: Char. Groups |
O043 | Cust. Classes: Class Groups |
O044 | Cust. Chars: Template Characters |
O045 | Cust. Characteristics: Templates |
O04C | PI: Message Control Purchasing |
O050 | Customizing: General Info System |
O052 | Set up Clients |
O053 | Customizing Request Management |
O05C | PI: Messages Control C5 |
O06C | Define Process Manufacturing Cockpit |
O06S | Define Process Manufacturing Cockpit |
O07C | Obsolete transaction |
O08C | Release Char. Grp for Proc. Messages |
O09C | Release Char. Group for Proc. Instr. |
O0SC | Requirement Request- Req./Confirmat. |
O10C | Assig. Ctrl Rec. Dest./Proc. Instr. |
O11C | Maint. Acct.Assgnmt.Types for Order |
O12A | Maintain Object Types |
O12C | Assign Charact. / Proc. Instr. Cat. |
O13C | MessCat./Dest./Chars./Target Fields |
O15C | Overview Var.: PI Sheet Selection |
O1CL | Maintain Class Types |
O20C | ProcMgmt: Copy Settings betw. Plants |
O21C | PP-PI: Where-Used List for Charact. |
O22C | Copy SAP Messages (Standard) |
O22C_VHUMI | Copy Message Cats Mat.Ident./Reconc. |
O23C | Client Copy of PP-PI Characteristics |
O23C_VHUMI | Copy Material Ident. Characteristics |
O24C | Copy SAP Messages (Generic) |
O25C | Create Charac. with PP-PI Attributes |
O25X | Create Charac. with PP-PI Attributes |
O26C | Change Charac. with PP-PI Attributes |
O26X | Change Charac. with PP-PI Attributes |
O27C | Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribute |
O27X | Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribute |
O285 | Master Recipe/QM Data |
O28C | Copy SAP Messages (Central) |
O29C | Copy SAP Messages (Decentralized) |
O2CL | Profile for User Settings |
O300 | IS-Oil Administration infosystem |
O301 | Tab:buffering allowed+optional Index |
O302 | Consistency check no. range object |
O303 | Install. component dependency check |
O3A1 | Create Exchange Agreement |
O3A2 | Maintain Exchange Agreement |
O3A3 | Display Exchange Agreement |
O3A4 | Create Netting Document |
O3A5 | Maintain Netting Document |
O3A6 | Display Netting Document |
O3A7 | Exchange Material Movements |
O3A8 | Reset Netting Document Header |
O3A9 | Netting Statement |
O3AA | Archive Exchange Balance Records |
O3AB | Exchange Abstract |
O3AC | Cancel Enjoy LIA |
O3AD | Display Enjoy LIA |
O3AI | Create Enjoy LIA |
O3AL | Execute Detail Exg Transaction Rep. |
O3AQ | List Selection Qty.Schedules |
O3AR | QS Partner Entitlement/Obligation |
O3AU | Create LIA Transaction |
O3AX | Exchanges operations |
O3AY | Exchanges master data |
O3A_PRP | Assign price reference plants |
O3B0 | Delete Netting Document |
O3B1 | Exchanges Create Exg Stmnt Print Req |
O3B2 | Exchanges Mtn. Exg Stmnt Print Req |
O3B3 | Exchanges Disp. Exg Stmnt Print Req |
O3B4 | Exchanges Del. Exg Stmnt Print Req |
O3B7 | Create Netting Document |
O3B8 | Change Netting Document |
O3B9 | Display Netting Document |
O3BU | Display LIA transaction |
O3C1 | Create Oil Conversion Defaults |
O3C2 | Change Oil Conversion Defaults |
O3D0 | API Check Results Report |
O3D1 | Inst. Test for API C-code Rout. |
O3D2 | QCI:Test RFC Server Prog./Call exter |
O3DEFAULTS | New Defaulttransaction |
O3G5 | Report Ship-to/Sold-to |
O3G6 | Report Ship-to/Sold-to |
O3GV | Loading Master Record |
O3I0 | Customer Price List |
O3I1 | Appl./Customiz. Customer Price List |
O3I2 | Define Price Information for Quote |
O3I3 | Integrity Check for Quotation Table |
O3I4 | Maintain Gross/Net Rule Defaults |
O3I5 | Define Price Information for Quote |
O3I7 | Create Repository Formula |
O3I8 | Change Repository Formula |
O3I9 | Display Repository Formula |
O3INT | Special interest table |
O3JDCM | Document change management |
O3O_ARCC | OLM container archiving |
O3O_ARCF | OLM object flow archiving |
O3O_ARCH | OLM container history archiving |
O3O_ARCR | OLM returns archiving |
O3O_ARCV | OLM Voyage archiving |
O3O_C101 | Create container |
O3O_C102 | Change container |
O3O_C103 | Display container |
O3O_C104 | Display container change documents |
O3O_C107 | Delete container |
O3O_CT01 | Maintain container materials |
O3O_CT03 | Display transport container |
O3O_CT05 | List containers |
O3O_CT06 | Display container history |
O3O_CT07 | List shipments for container |
O3O_CTL02 | Maintain container location |
O3O_CTL03 | Display container location |
O3O_C_ACT | Maintain supply activities |
O3O_C_MAIN | Maintain system parameters |
O3O_C_OBJTY | Maintain document flow object types |
O3O_C_SBSDC | Subsequent posting rules for returns |
O3O_C_SPDRV | Maintain supply process derivation |
O3O_C_SPPNR | Maintain no ranges for auto packing |
O3O_C_SPROC | Maintain supply processes |
O3O_GRCD | Goods receipt cross-docking |
O3O_GRLG | Display goods receipt message log |
O3O_GRSD | Goods receipt subsequent delivery |
O3O_HD01 | PM Orders by held status |
O3O_HD02 | PM Components by held status |
O3O_HD03 | Requisitions by held status |
O3O_IMG | IMG Offshore Logistics |
O3O_IMG_SYSTEM | IMG Offshore Logistics - System |
O3O_MT01 | Material tracking - PM Order |
O3O_MT02 | Material tracking - purchase reqn. |
O3O_MT03 | Material tracking - transport reqn. |
O3O_MT04 | Material tracking - goods receipt |
O3O_MT05 | Material tracking - returns |
O3O_MT06 | Material tracking - Project |
O3O_MT07 | Material tracking - WBS element |
O3O_MT08 | Material tracking - delivery |
O3O_MT09 | Material tracking - purchase order |
O3O_MT10 | Material tracking - transport order |
O3O_MT11 | Material tracking - PS Network |
O3O_MT12 | Material tracking - Services |
O3O_MTXX | Test navigation function |
O3O_MX01 | Tracking extracts |
O3O_PACK01 | Assign containers to loading areas |
O3O_PACK02 | Assign containers to shipments |
O3O_PACK03 | Pack deliveries into loading areas |
O3O_PACK04 | Pack deliveries into shipments |
O3O_PACK05 | Move ld area containers to shipments |
O3O_PACK06 | Move containers between ld areas |
O3O_PACK07 | Move containers between shipments |
O3O_RN03 | Display mobilization log |
O3O_RT01 | Create returns document |
O3O_RT02 | Change returns document |
O3O_RT03 | Display returns document |
O3O_RT04 | Display changes for returns document |
O3O_RT05 | Returns worklist - update |
O3O_RT06 | Returns worklist - display |
O3O_SC01 | Convert transport requisitions |
O3O_SC02 | Convert transport requisitions |
O3O_SC03 | Display tr.req. conversion log |
O3O_SC04 | Identify isolated stock |
O3O_SR02 | Shipment receipt |
O3O_SR03 | Shipment receipt cancellation |
O3O_SR10 | Shipment summary |
O3O_SR11 | Shipment container list |
O3O_SR12 | Shipment container type summary |
O3O_SR13 | Shipment detail report |
O3O_SR14 | Shipment output |
O3O_SR15 | Deck Utilization Report |
O3O_SR20 | Batch stock list |
O3O_SR21 | Material movements by batch |
O3O_VG01 | Create Voyage |
O3O_VG02 | Change Voyage |
O3O_VG03 | Display Voyage |
O3O_VG04 | Display voyage change documents |
O3O_VG05 | List voyages |
O3O_VL10B | OLM Purchase Orders Due for Delivery |
O3O_VL10D | OLM Purch. Order Items due for Dlv |
O3O_VL10F | OLM PurchOrd Sched Lines due for Dlv |
O3O_VL10X | OLM VL10 for excluded items |
O3QCITEST | QCI TEST Calculations |
O3RA1 | Display application log |
O3RA2 | Delete application log |
O3RAM1 | Maintain material handling groups |
O3RAM3 | Display material handling groups |
O3RAPL1 | Location Based Collective output |
O3RAPR1 | Create Print document |
O3RAPR2 | Change Print program |
O3RAPR3 | Display Print document |
O3RAPRC1 | Create Output: SSR output document |
O3RAPRC2 | Change Output: SSR output document |
O3RAPRC3 | Display Output: SSR output document |
O3RA_ARCHIVING | SSR - Archiving customizing |
O3RA_ARCH_OBJ | SSR - Archiving customizing |
O3RA_EXECUTE_PROCESS | SSR - Process execution |
O3RB12 | Change LAA Managers |
O3RB13 | Display LAA Managers |
O3RB16 | Show User address |
O3RCF000 | Fuels processing |
O3RCMM01 | SSR Meters - Maintenance |
O3RCMM02 | SSR Meters - Detail report |
O3RCMM03 | SSR Meters - Errors (background pr.) |
O3RCMM03S | SSR Meters - Errors (background pr.) |
O3RCMM04 | SSR Meters - Errors maintenance |
O3RCMM05 | SSR Meters - Clearing |
O3RCMM06 | SSR Meters - Rebuild aggregated data |
O3RCMM07 | SSR Meters - End day process |
O3RCMM07I | SSR Meters - End day process (init.) |
O3RCMM07R | SSR Meters - End day process (rest.) |
O3RCMM08 | SSR Meters - Month Quantities |
O3RCMM09 | SSR Meters - Invoice quantites |
O3RCMM10 | SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings |
O3RCMM11 | SSR Meters - Delete quantity reading |
O3RCMMX4 | SSR Meters - App. log Errors maint. |
O3RCMV01 | Material movem. based on meter read. |
O3RCMV02 | Material movem. based on dip reading |
O3RCPC02 | SSR - Profile maintenance (material) |
O3RCPR00 | SSR Pricing - Maintain column values |
O3RCPR01 | SSR Pricing - Group update |
O3RCPR02 | SSR Pricing - Group reverse |
O3RCPR03 | SSR Pricing - Group log archive |
O3RCPR04 | SSR Pricing - Price check |
O3RCPR06 | SSR Pricing - Network-Group report |
O3RCPR2D | SSR Pricing - Price maintenance |
O3RCPR2D_D | SSR Pricing - Price Deletion |
O3RCPR2D_RS | SSR Pricing - Price maintenance |
O3RCPR50 | SSR - Price history for location |
O3RCPR51 | SSR - Network prices at special time |
O3RCPR52 | SSR - Price changes |
O3RCPR53 | SSR - Netw. average prices by loc. |
O3RCPR54 | SSR - Price changes dealer delay |
O3RCPR55 | SSR - Netw. average prices by date |
O3RCPRCM | SSR Pricing - Price cluster maint. |
O3RCPRCN | SSR Pricing - Branch cluster maint. |
O3RCSM01 | SSR Stocks - Maintenance |
O3RCSM02 | SSR Stocks - Stock corrections |
O3RCSM03 | SSR Stocks - Errors (background pr.) |
O3RCSM04 | SSR Stocks - Errors maintenance |
O3RCSM05 | SSR Stocks - Clearing |
O3RCSM06 | SSR Stocks - Review stocks |
O3RCSM07 | SSR Stocks - End day process |
O3RCSM07I | SSR Dips - End day process (init.) |
O3RCSM07R | SSR Dips - End day process (rest.) |
O3RCSM08 | SSR Stocks - List |
O3RCSMX2 | SSR Stocks - Stock corrections (D) |
O3RCSMX4 | SSR Stocks - App. log Errors maint. |
O3RC_CLUSTER_DEF | SSR Pricing - Location cluster def. |
O3RC_CLUSTER_DIFF | SSR Pricing: Cluster diff. maint. |
O3RC_COMP_DIFF | SSR Pricing: Competitor diff. maint. |
O3RC_END_DAY_PROCESS | SSR - End process execution |
O3RC_GROUP_DIFF | SSR Pricing: Group diff. maint. |
O3RC_LIST_DIFF | SSR Pricing - Differences list |
O3RECH1 | Create CH Settlement/Transmission |
O3RECH2 | change settlement/transmission |
O3RECH3 | Display Settlement/Transmission |
O3RECH4 | Assign Customer to Clearing house |
O3RECH5 | Payment Card Processing Daily Report |
O3RECOMPL | SSR Complaint process |
O3RECON1 | Payment card reconciliation |
O3RECON2 | Reverse Paymt Card Reconciliation |
O3RECON3 | Display Paymt Card Reconciliation |
O3REDTF00 | Execute the DTF report |
O3REDTF01 | DTF Create |
O3REDTF02 | DTF Change |
O3REDTF03 | DTF Display |
O3REDTF04 | SSR Payment cards: Mass correction |
O3RE_RECON | Payment Card Reconciliation |
O3RH01 | Transaction for Comp price Watch |
O3RH31 | Display of Location master data |
O3RH41 | SSR IAC: meter reading |
O3RH51 | SSR IAC: dip reading |
O3RH_CHLM | Process change pointers for location |
O3RH_CHPR | Process change pointers for prices |
O3RH_WSGM | SSR STWB: Navigation menu IAC |
O3RI01 | Service Station Partner Invoicing |
O3RI02 | Location partner daily report |
O3RI03 | Reverse periodic invoices |
O3UBL01_WORKPLACE | Balancing Workplace |
O3UCA_DOIXREF | DOI to MP/WC Cross Reference |
O3UCA_GPSS | Gas Plant Sliding Scale |
O3UCA_MKGRPL | List processing for Marketing Groups |
O3UCA_OSP | Owner Selective Processing Options |
O3UCA_PRL | Percent Return to Producer |
O3UCA_PSP | Plant Selective Processing Options |
O3UCA_TRNCT | MP/WC Transporter Contract XRef |
O3UCI_ARVAR | Receivable and Price Variance |
O3UCI_CDEX | CDEX Workplace |
O3UCI_MASS | Processing Checks in Mass |
O3UCI_PDX | Purchaser to Property/DOI Xref |
O3UCI_PPD | PRA Payment Posting Desktop |
O3UCI_PRDX | CDEX Comapny Product Cross Reference |
O3UCI_REMX | CDEX Remitter Cross Reference |
O3UCI_SUSP | Suspended Line Items messages |
O3UCM_BA | Integrated Business Associate |
O3UCM_CONTRACT | PRA Contract Maintenance |
O3UCM_T8JV | PRA Joint Venture Master Data |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT | Generic Table Maintenance |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_003 | Reclassification of Production Codes |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_004 | Material and Product Code Proc XRef |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_005 | Material Sum - Gas Plant Comp Alloc |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_006 | SPF NGL Component Allocation Basis |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_007 | SPF Wet Gas Equivalent |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_008 | Sliding Scale Methods - Dim / Materl |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_009 | PRA Partner Table from JV |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_010 | Volumetric SKF |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_011 | Setup Code and Generic Values Dated |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_012 | Reg Rpt: MP/State Assigned ID XRef |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_013 | State Agency & PRA Material XRef |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_014 | PRA JVA Companies |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_017 | Roy Rpt: Code Maintenance |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_018 | Parameters for TX Migration |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_019 | Zero Rejects for Wyoming Royalty |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_020 | MMS-2014 Date Effective Edits |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_021 | Agency/PRA Product Code XRef |
O3UCP_CO2_RMV0 | CO2 Removal Fee Processing |
O3UCP_MKT_CST0 | Contract Marketing Costs |
O3UCP_TAR_RMB0 | Tax and Royalty Reimbursement |
O3UCW_BANK | Bank Details for Payment Processing |
O3UCW_BA_EXEMPTION | BA exempt from state NRIT Withholdin |
O3UCW_EXCEPTION | Exception list from Payment run |
O3UCW_PAYMENT_RUN | PRA Payment Processing |
O3UCW_TAX | Owner Taxes Withheld Report |
O3UGT_EDITOR | Upstream Graphics Editor |
O3UGT_ICON_DOWNLOAD | Download Upstream Graphics Bitmaps |
O3UGT_ICON_MAINT | Bitmap/Flashform Maintenance |
O3UGT_ICON_UPLOAD | Upload Upstream Graphics Bitmaps |
O3UHS_CM1 | Common Table Entries - Create |
O3UHS_CM2 | Common Table Entries - Change |
O3UHS_CM3 | Common Table Entries - Display |
O3UHS_CM4 | Common Table Entries - Delete |
O3UH_1099 | 1099 Report |
O3UH_ACCEPTED_JE | Posted Journal Entries Reports |
O3UH_ACCT_CLOSE | Accounting Period Close |
O3UH_AD_VAL | Ad Valorem |
O3UH_ARJE | A/R Journal Entry Generation |
O3UH_ARWOC | A/R Write Off Cents Report |
O3UH_AR_UP | Accounts Receivable Update |
O3UH_CC | Check Clearing |
O3UH_CR_NA | Create Negative Amounts |
O3UH_ES | Escheat Processing |
O3UH_FLASH_DOWNLOAD | Download Reporting Flashforms |
O3UH_FLASH_UPLOAD | Upload Reporting Flashforms |
O3UH_FT | Funds Transfer |
O3UH_JEPOST | JE Posting |
O3UH_JEPURGE_ANN | JE Annual Purge |
O3UH_JEPURGE_OFF | JE Offset Purge |
O3UH_LOAD_JEINTF | Load JEINTF rec for Batch type 40&41 |
O3UH_NA_IN | Negative Amount Invoice |
O3UH_NA_PU | Negative Amount Purge |
O3UH_NP_SU | Negative Payment Suspense Report |
O3UH_OUT_CDEX | Outbound CDEX |
O3UH_REJECTED_JE | Rejected Journal Entries Report |
O3UH_REPEX | Report Execution |
O3UH_RV | Revenue Report Viewer |
O3UH_TC | Treasury Check |
O3UH_TP_WO | Taxes Payable Write Off |
O3UH_VC_CP | Void/Cleared Check Purge |
O3UH_VMC | Process Void/Manual Checks |
O3UI7 | Create Repository Formula |
O3UI8 | Change Repository Formula |
O3UI9 | Display Repository Formula |
O3UOW_CHECKIN_JOBS | View Check In and Check Out Jobs |
O3UOW_COT | Chain of Title |
O3UOW_DOC | Change Owner List Processing |
O3UOW_OR0 | Owner Transfer/Maintenance |
O3UOW_OTX | Owner Transfer Execution Report |
O3UOW_OW9 | DOI Tract by Owner List Processing |
O3UOW_PP | Production Payment |
O3UOW_SUMM_BAL | Outstanding summary balance |
O3UOW_UT9 | DOI Tract by Tract List Processing |
O3UOW_UTP0 | Unit to Tract Participation |
O3UOW_UV9 | Unit Venture List Processing |
O3UPC_AVGRP | Availability Groupijng |
O3UPC_SPADJ | Sales Point Adjustment |
O3UPR_DNST9 | Display DN Status |
O3UPR_MPALF | Display MP Allocation Factor |
O3UPR_RWC | Regulatory Reallocated WC |
O3UPR_SKF | SKF Submission |
O3UPR_WCALF | Display Well/WC Allocation Factor |
O3UPR_WCDPS | WC Daily Pressures |
O3UP_ADMIN_WORKBENCH | PDM Administrators' Workbench |
O3UREP_MASTER | Regulatory Reporting Master Data |
O3UREP_MMS_2014 | MMS-2014 Workplace |
O3UREP_MMS_2014_FORM | MMS 2014 Printable Form |
O3UREP_MMS_MRTHIST | MMS Level Historic Royalty Trans Rep |
O3UREP_MMS_MRTPEND | MMS Level Pending Royalty Trans Rep |
O3UREP_MMS_RECOUP | MMS Indian Recoupable Report |
O3UREP_MMS_REJECTS | MMS Extraction Rejects Report |
O3UREP_MMS_RTHIST | Historic Extract Report |
O3UREP_OPERATOR | Regulatory Reporting Setup |
O3UREP_ROY_BASEDATA | Royalty base data maintenance |
O3UREP_ROY_MASTER | Master Maint. for Royalty Reporting |
O3UREP_ROY_MDQ | Master Data Query |
O3UREP_ROY_REPORTING | Royalty Reporting |
O3URV_COMB | Combined Run Report |
O3URV_DOC | Valuation Document Worklist |
O3URV_SRPT | Valuation Selection Report |
O3URV_SS0 | Settlement Statement |
O3URV_SST0 | Settlement Stmnt/DOI Cross-Reference |
O3UT2_FDN9 | Display FDN records |
O3UT2_IM0 | Interface Monitor |
O3UVL_GSP0 | Gas Statement Profile |
O3UVL_GST9 | Gas Statement Report List Processing |
O3UVL_MTA | Marketing Cost Tax Allowance |
O3UVL_OSP0 | Oil Statement Profile |
O3UVL_OST9 | Oil Statement Report List Processing |
O3UVL_RPA0 | Royalty Processing Allowance |
O3UVL_RTI | Run Tickets |
O3UVL_SS0 | Settlement Statement |
O3UVL_STR0 | State Tax Rates |
O3UVL_TCD0 | Tax Calculation Data - Doc Concept |
O3UVL_TCL0 | Tax Classification |
O3UVL_TCL9 | Tax Classification List Processing |
O3UVL_TPA0 | Tax Processing Allowance |
O3UVL_TTX0 | Tier Tax Maintenance |
O3UX1_MIGR_FINAL | Finalize tax reporting migration |
O3UX1_MIGR_TRN | Migrate tax transaction data |
O3UX1_TAXREP_MAIN | Tax Reporting Main |
O3UX1_TAXREP_MSTR | Tax reporting master maintenance |
O3UX1_TAX_ADJ | Tax adjusments transaction |
O3UX2_MSTR_QUERY | master data query |
O3U_APIG | API Gravity Scale Adjustments |
O3U_BA | Create Business Associate |
O3U_BA1 | Create Business Associate |
O3U_BA2 | Change Business Associate |
O3U_BA3 | Display Business Associate |
O3U_BG1 | Create Bearer Group |
O3U_BG2 | Change Bearer Group |
O3U_BG3 | Display Bearer Group |
O3U_BG6 | Delete Bearer Group |
O3U_BG9 | Burden Group: List Processing |
O3U_BLTMPL | CT Vol by MP Build Template |
O3U_CA011 | Create Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA012 | Change Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA013 | Display Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA016 | Delete Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA021 | Create Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA022 | Change Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA023 | Display Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA026 | Delete Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA029 | Allocation Cross Reference List Proc |
O3U_CA031 | Create CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA032 | Change CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA033 | Display CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA036 | Delete CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA039 | CA Manual Entry List Proc |
O3U_CA042 | Change DN Volume Allocation |
O3U_CA043 | Display DN Volume Allocation |
O3U_CA052 | Change Contract Volume by MP |
O3U_CA053 | Display Contract Volume by MP |
O3U_CA059 | Contract Volume by MP List Processin |
O3U_CA061 | Revised Owner Availability List |
O3U_CA062 | Revised Owner Availability - Change |
O3U_CA063 | Revised Owner Availabilty - Display |
O3U_CA069 | Revised Owner Availability List Proc |
O3U_CA071 | Create SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA072 | Change SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA073 | Display SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA076 | Delete SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA079 | List Processing for SPF |
O3U_CA09 | Allocated Volumes Inquiry |
O3U_CA10 | Entitled Volumes Inquiry |
O3U_CA11 | Contract Volumes by WC Inquiry |
O3U_CHA1 | Create Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA2 | Change Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA3 | Display Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA6 | Delete Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA9 | Chemical Analysis List |
O3U_CPAM1 | Create Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CPAM2 | Change Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CPAM3 | Display Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CPAM6 | Delete Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CTYP1 | Create Component Typification |
O3U_CTYP2 | Change Component Typification |
O3U_CTYP3 | Display Component Typification |
O3U_CTYP6 | Delete Component Typification |
O3U_DI1 | Base DOI Maintenance Create |
O3U_DI2 | Base DOI Maintenance Change |
O3U_DI3 | Base DOI Maintenance Display |
O3U_DI6 | Base DOI Maintenance Delete |
O3U_DI9 | Base DOI List Processing |
O3U_DMG1 | Create DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DMG2 | Change DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DMG3 | Display DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DMG6 | Delete DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DN1 | Create Delivery Network |
O3U_DN11 | Create Delivery Network-call from UG |
O3U_DN2 | Update Delivery Network |
O3U_DN3 | Display Delivery Network |
O3U_DND1 | Create Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DND11 | Create DN Dated - call from UG |
O3U_DND2 | Change Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DND3 | Dialog Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DND6 | Delete Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DNH1 | Delivery network group create |
O3U_DNH2 | Delivery network group change |
O3U_DNH3 | Delivery network group show |
O3U_DNND1 | Create Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND2 | Change Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND3 | Display Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND6 | Delete Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND9 | DNND Report |
O3U_DO2 | DOI Owner Maintenance Change |
O3U_DO3 | DOI Owner Maintenance Display |
O3U_DOL1 | List process for DOI Interest |
O3U_DOL2 | Owner Interest List processing |
O3U_DP1 | DOI Accounting - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP2 | DOI Accounting Change - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP3 | DOI Accounting Display - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP6 | DOI Accounting Delete - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP9 | DOI Accounting List Processing |
O3U_FLD1 | Field Identification Create |
O3U_FLD2 | Field Identification Change |
O3U_FLD3 | Field Identification Display |
O3U_FLD6 | Field Identification Delete |
O3U_FRML1 | Create Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_FRML2 | Change Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_FRML3 | Display Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_FRML6 | Delete Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_GAS1 | Create API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_GAS2 | Change API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_GAS3 | Display API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_GAS6 | Delete API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_JV1 | Create Joint Venture |
O3U_JV2 | Change Joint Venture |
O3U_JV3 | Display Joint Venture |
O3U_JV9 | JV List Processing |
O3U_LWGOR1 | Create Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_LWGOR2 | Change Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_LWGOR3 | Display Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_LWGOR6 | Delete Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_MAIN | Main Menu |
O3U_MCCT | Maintain container categories |
O3U_MDE1 | Mass Data Entry MP Volumes |
O3U_MEASUREMENT | Measurement system (temporary me |
O3U_MECF | Maintain calculation functions |
O3U_MECL | Maintain measurement classes |
O3U_MEDOCC | List measurement document changes |
O3U_MEDOCL | List measurement documents |
O3U_MEMC | Maintain measurement calculations |
O3U_MEMT | Maintain measurement types |
O3U_MEMTNR | Meas.doc. number range assignment |
O3U_MENU | Production Application Menu |
O3U_MERT | Maintain reading types |
O3U_MESC | Measurement sources |
O3U_MEUMG | Maintain unit of meaure groups |
O3U_MKT1 | Create Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MKT2 | Change Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MKT3 | Display Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MKT6 | Delete Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MP1 | Create Measurement Point |
O3U_MP11 | Create MP - call from UG |
O3U_MP2 | Change Measurement Point |
O3U_MP21 | Change MP - call from UG |
O3U_MP3 | Display Measurement Point |
O3U_MPAP1 | Create MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP2 | Change MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP3 | Display MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP6 | Delete MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP9 | List Processing MP Alloc Profile |
O3U_MPD1 | Measurement Point Dated Create |
O3U_MPD11 | MP Dated Create - call from UG |
O3U_MPD2 | Measurement Point Dated Change |
O3U_MPD21 | MP Dated Change - call from UG |
O3U_MPD3 | Measurement Point Dated Browse |
O3U_MPD6 | Measurement Point Dated Delete |
O3U_MPFUS1 | Create MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPFUS2 | Change MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPFUS3 | Display MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPFUS6 | Delete MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPH1 | Measurement point group create |
O3U_MPH2 | Measurement point group change |
O3U_MPH3 | Measurement point group show |
O3U_MPVL1 | Create Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL2 | Change Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL3 | Display Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL6 | Delete Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL9 | Measurement Point Volumes List |
O3U_MSP1 | Create MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MSP2 | Change MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MSP3 | Display MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MSP6 | Delete MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MWG1 | Create WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG2 | Change WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG3 | Display WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG6 | Delete WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG9 | MP/WC Measurements |
O3U_MWHV1 | Create MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWHV2 | Change MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWHV3 | Display MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWHV6 | Delete MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWT1 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Create |
O3U_MWT2 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Change |
O3U_MWT3 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Display |
O3U_MWT6 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Delete |
O3U_MWT9 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref List |
O3U_OMPMRA | M.Pt. Meas.Reading assignment |
O3U_OMPMTD | M.Pt. meas.type derivation |
O3U_PAM1 | Create Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PAM2 | Change Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PAM3 | Display Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PAM6 | Delete Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PC011 | Create Capacity |
O3U_PC012 | Change Capacity |
O3U_PC013 | Display Capacity |
O3U_PC016 | Delete Capacity |
O3U_PC019 | Capacity List Processing |
O3U_PC022 | Availability - Change |
O3U_PC023 | Availability - Display |
O3U_PC029 | Availability List Processing |
O3U_PC032 | Multiple Sales Sourcing - Change |
O3U_PC033 | Multiple Sales Sourcing - Display |
O3U_PC039 | Multiple Sales Sourcing List Process |
O3U_PC042 | Change Transporter Rankings |
O3U_PC043 | Display Transporter Ranking |
O3U_PC051 | Create Daily Availability |
O3U_PC052 | Daily Availability - Change |
O3U_PC053 | Daily Availability - Display |
O3U_PC059 | Daily Availability List Processing |
O3U_PC06 | Availability Exceptions Report |
O3U_PC06A | Call Validation Routine |
O3U_PC07 | Submit Nomination Changes |
O3U_PC08 | Review Nomination Changes |
O3U_PC09 | Availability by Owner |
O3U_PC10 | CA Interface |
O3U_PF1 | Platform Maintenance Create |
O3U_PF2 | Platform Maintenance Change |
O3U_PF3 | Platform Maintenance Display |
O3U_PF6 | Platform Maintenance Delete |
O3U_PP2 | Price maintenance |
O3U_PP3 | Price maintenance |
O3U_PPN02 | Valuation PPN Selection |
O3U_PPNM01 | Manual PPN: Create |
O3U_PPNM02 | Manual PPN: Change |
O3U_PPNM03 | Manual PPN: Display |
O3U_RES1 | Create Reservoir |
O3U_RES2 | Change Reservoir |
O3U_RES3 | Display Reservoir |
O3U_RES6 | Delete Reservoir |
O3U_RETMPL | CT Vol by MP Refresh Template |
O3U_RMAT1 | Create WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_RMAT2 | Change WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_RMAT3 | Display WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_RMAT6 | Delete WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_ROLLMP | Capacity Roll - Measurement Point |
O3U_ROLLWC | Capacity Roll - Well Completion |
O3U_RQST | VA/CA Allocation Request |
O3U_RVT02 | Set deletion flag for Val. rejects |
O3U_SCM2 | Maintain Gravity Scale Defintion |
O3U_SCM3 | Display Gravity Scale Defintion |
O3U_SS1 | Create Supply Source |
O3U_SS2 | Change Supply Source |
O3U_SS3 | Display Supply Source |
O3U_SS6 | Delete Supply Source |
O3U_TCM1 | DN/WC Create Theo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM2 | DN/WC Change Theo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM3 | DN/WC Display Theo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM6 | DN/WC Delete Thoo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM9 | DN/WC Theo Calc Meth List Proc |
O3U_TOV1 | Create Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV2 | Change Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV3 | Display Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV6 | Delete Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV9 | MP/WC Theo Override List Processing |
O3U_VAFR1 | Create VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VAFR2 | Change VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VAFR3 | Display VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VAFR6 | Delete VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VCR1 | Create Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR2 | Change Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR3 | Display Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR6 | Delete Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR9 | VCR List Processing |
O3U_VLFR1 | Create Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR2 | Change Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR3 | Display Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR6 | Delete Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR9 | Valuation Formula list processing |
O3U_VPPN9 | Production PPN Dialog |
O3U_WC1 | Create Well Completion |
O3U_WC11 | Create Well Completion- call from UG |
O3U_WC2 | Change Well Completion |
O3U_WC21 | Change Well Completion- call from UG |
O3U_WC3 | Display Well Completion |
O3U_WCCO1 | WC contamination Override Create |
O3U_WCCO2 | WC contamination Override Change |
O3U_WCCO3 | WC contamination Override Display |
O3U_WCCO6 | WC contamination Override Delete |
O3U_WCD1 | Create Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD11 | Create WC Dated - call from UG |
O3U_WCD2 | Change Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD21 | Change Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD3 | Display Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD6 | Delete Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCDC1 | Create WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDC2 | Change WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDC3 | Display WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDC6 | Delete WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDT1 | Create WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT2 | Change WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT3 | Display WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT6 | Delete WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT9 | Well Completion Downtime report |
O3U_WCDVL1 | create wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL2 | Change wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL3 | Display wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL6 | Delete wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL9 | Well Completion Volumes List |
O3U_WL1 | Well Identification Create |
O3U_WL11 | Well Id Create - call from UG |
O3U_WL2 | Well Identification Change |
O3U_WL3 | Well Identification Display |
O3U_WL6 | Well Identification Display |
O3U_WLH1 | Well completion group create |
O3U_WLH2 | Well completion group create |
O3U_WLH3 | Well completion group create |
O3U_WLTS1 | Create Well Test |
O3U_WLTS2 | Well Test Change |
O3U_WLTS3 | Well Test display |
O3U_WLTS6 | Well Test delete |
O3U_WLTS9 | Well Test Report |
O3_DIPWL | Silo Mgmt.: Worklist entries |
O400 | Location Management (IS-Oil MRN) |
O401 | Create Location Master Record |
O402 | Change PBL Master Record |
O403 | Display PBL Master Record |
O404 | Display Business Location Changes |
O405 | List of Contracts |
O407 | Change Business Location Type |
O408 | Close Business Location |
O40A | Archiving - Archive Business Loc. |
O40D | Archiving - Delete Business Loc. |
O40R | Archiving - Reload Business Loc. |
O40V | Archiving - Manage BL. archive |
O41LB | Location balancing |
O460 | BLIS: Location Analysis - Selection |
O461 | BLIS: Location Incoming Orders - Sel |
O462 | BLIS: Location Returns - Selection |
O463 | BLIS: Location Invoice Sales - Sel |
O464 | BLIS: Location Credit Memos - Sel. |
O4AA | TD Maintain Compartment Group Index |
O4AB | TD Display Compartment Group Index |
O4AC | TD Assign Ind. to Compartment Group |
O4AD | TD Display Compartment Group Index |
O4AN | TD Maintain Product Group Index |
O4AO | TD Display Product Group Index |
O4AP | TD Assign Ind. to Product Group |
O4AQ | TD Display Indicators Product Group |
O4AR | TD archiving - rack meters |
O4AS | TD archiving - shipments |
O4AT | TD archiving - transport units |
O4AU | TD archiving - vehicle meters |
O4AV | TD archiving - vehicles |
O4AW | TD archiving - drivers |
O4AX | Display archived shipments on screen |
O4B1 | Start shipment worklist |
O4B2 | Batch mass processing of shipments |
O4B4 | Shipment change history |
O4B5 | Vehicle change |
O4B7 | Report for Definition of Batch Run |
O4B8 | TD mass processing: display logs |
O4B9 | TD mass processing: display logs |
O4BA | TD Maintain Customer Group Index |
O4BB | TD Display Customer Group Index |
O4BC | TD Assign Ind. to Customer Group |
O4BD | TD Display Indicators Customer Group |
O4BER | Number range maintenance: OIJ_BER |
O4BT | TD Maintain Vehicle Group Index |
O4BU | TD Display Vehicle Group Index |
O4BV | TD Assign Ind to Vehicle Group |
O4BW | TD Display Indicators Vehicle Group |
O4C1 | TD Create Transport Unit |
O4C2 | TD Change Transport Units |
O4C3 | TD Display Transport Units |
O4C4 | TD Delete Transport Unit |
O4C6 | Distribute Transport Units |
O4D1 | TD Create Driver |
O4D2 | TD Change Driver |
O4D3 | TD Display Driver |
O4D4 | TD Delete Driver |
O4D6 | Distribute Drivers |
O4F1 | TD Create Shipment |
O4F2 | TD Change Shipment |
O4F3 | TD Display Shipment |
O4F4 | TD Delete Shipment |
O4F6 | Distribute Shipments |
O4G1 | Loading confirmation |
O4G2 | Loading Confirmation - Display |
O4H1 | Delivery Confirmation |
O4H2 | Delivery Confirmation - Display |
O4H5 | Cancel material document from shpmt. |
O4I1 | Text Maintenance |
O4J3 | Two Step Transfer Tracking Report |
O4K1 | Create license master data |
O4K2 | Change license master data |
O4K3 | Display license master data |
O4K4 | Quantity License Tracking Report |
O4K5 | Excise Duty Rate Maintenance |
O4K6 | Group update for external rates tab. |
O4K9 | ED license change documents |
O4KB | Revaluation activ check report 1/2 |
O4KC | Revaluation activ check report 2/2 |
O4KD | Excise Duty Valuation record 1/3 |
O4KE | Excise Duty Valuation record 2/3 |
O4KF | Excise Duty Stock values 1/3 |
O4KG | Excise Duty Stock values 2/3 |
O4KH | Excise Duty Stock values 3/3 |
O4KI | Excise Duty Valuation record 3/3 |
O4KT | Excise Duty Revaluation |
O4K_J1B_08 | Maintain Incoming Taxation Table |
O4K_J1B_10 | Maintain Refinery Taxation Table |
O4K_J1B_11 | Maintain Printing Exceptions ICMS |
O4K_J1B_12 | Maintain Acquisition Price Table |
O4K_J1B_13 | Maintain Controlled Price |
O4K_J1B_16 | Complement ICMS rules inside calc. |
O4K_J1B_20 | Maintain Post. exp. for ICMS compl. |
O4K_J1B_23 | Nota Fiscal for gains/losses |
O4K_J1B_28 | Maintain PMPF price table |
O4K_LICENSE | License Master Data |
O4L1 | TD-F Doc Item Quantity-Create/Change |
O4L3 | TD-F Doc Item Quantity - Display |
O4L4 | TD-F Maint. miss. fields for shp.c. |
O4L6 | TD Create shipment cost worklist |
O4L7 | TD Collective run in background |
O4L8 | Selec.var. coll. run shipment costs |
O4LB_OI | Loc Bal opening inventory calc |
O4M1 | TD Create Vehicle Meters |
O4M2 | TD Change Vehicle Meters |
O4M3 | TD Display Vehicle Meters |
O4M4 | TD Delete Vehicle Meters |
O4M5 | Vehicle Meter Reconciliation |
O4M6 | Distribute Compartment Meter |
O4N0 | Bulk Replenishment (IS-Oil BDRP) |
O4N2 | Maintain General Meter |
O4N3 | Display General Meter |
O4N8 | Maintain plant site control parms |
O4N9 | Maintain SOC type data |
O4NA | Assign Storage Objects |
O4NC | Create Nomination |
O4NCN | Create Nomination |
O4ND | Display Assigned Storage Objects |
O4NI | Enter customer stock data |
O4NJ | Customer stock overview |
O4NM | Maintain Nomination |
O4NR | OIL-TSW Recover Nomination |
O4NS | Display Nomination |
O4NSN | Display Nomination |
O4NV | Change Nomination |
O4NVN | Change Nomination |
O4N_DIP_OC | Opening closing test calculator |
O4O1 | Create output: Bulk Tran. Scheduling |
O4O2 | Change Output:Bulk Tran. Scheduling |
O4O3 | Display Output:Bulk Tran. Scheduling |
O4O4 | Create output: Bulk Tran. Loading |
O4O5 | Change Output:Bulk Tran. Loading |
O4O6 | Display Output:Bulk Tran. Loading |
O4O7 | Create output: Bulk Tran. Del. Conf. |
O4O8 | Change Output:Bulk Tran. Del. Conf. |
O4O9 | Display Output:Bulk Tran. Del. Conf. |
O4OA | Modify Output Det. - Scheduling |
O4OB | Modify Output Det.-Sch. (Detailed) |
O4OC | Modify Output Det. - Loading |
O4OD | Modify Output Det.-Del. Confirmation |
O4OE | TD Output from deliveries |
O4P0 | Terminal Automation Interface |
O4P1 | Create LID Master Data |
O4P2 | Change LID Master Data |
O4P3 | Display LID Master Data |
O4P4 | Delete Load ID |
O4P5 | Display released LID's |
O4P7 | Release LIDs |
O4P8 | Revise LIDs |
O4P9 | Transport Planning System Interface |
O4PDCC | Change DCP data |
O4PDCL | List DCP history |
O4PDCR | Delete DCP status entries |
O4PDCT | Delivery Confirmation Frontend |
O4PH | Display Load information |
O4PI | Show LID-Details |
O4PJ | Display LID to SD-Document |
O4PK | Load data pickup |
O4PL | Transfer Location Master Data to TPS |
O4PM | Call Flowlogic Control |
O4PMN | TPI History Information |
O4PN | Skip shipment inbound process |
O4PO | Change order and plant |
O4PP | Shipment planning |
O4PQ | Distribute orders |
O4PR | Selection without LID Type |
O4PS | Load data shipment |
O4PTPIR | Delete TPI status entries |
O4PV | Driver Vehicle Assignment |
O4PW | IDOC via Changepointer for OILDVA |
O4PX | Shipment Planning Workbench |
O4PZ | Display / Delete log table entries |
O4R1 | TD Create Rack Meter |
O4R2 | TD Change Rack Meter |
O4R3 | TD Display Rack Meter |
O4R4 | TD Delete Rack Meter |
O4R5 | Rack Meter Reconciliation |
O4R6 | Distribute Rack Meter |
O4RP1 | Create release profile |
O4RP2 | Change release profile |
O4RP3 | Display release profile |
O4S0 | Transport and Distribution |
O4S1 | TD Master Data |
O4T0 | IS-OIL TSW (Trader's & Scheduler's W |
O4T3WP | 3 way pegging |
O4T3WPD | 3 way pegging (display) |
O4T5 | Create records in cond table - NOM |
O4T5_TKT | Create records in cond table - TKT |
O4T6 | Change records in cond table - NOM |
O4T6_TKT | Change records in cond table - TKT |
O4T7 | Display records in cond table - NOM |
O4T7_TKT | Display records in cond table - TKT |
O4T8 | Display of archived nominations |
O4TAPN | Automatically process nominations |
O4TB | Stock Projection Worksheet |
O4TBB | Stock Projection Worksheet |
O4TB_CT | Change What-if type |
O4TB_CV | Copy What-if Version |
O4TB_PHYS | To update physical inventory figures |
O4TB_RDALV | Stock Projection Worksheet |
O4TC | Generate Stock Projection |
O4TCB | Generate Stock Projection for batch |
O4TCN | Generate Stock Projection New |
O4TD | Generate worklist entries |
O4TDG | OIL TSW: Maintain deal groups |
O4TDL | OIL-TSW Delete Location |
O4TE | OIL-TSW: Enter movement ticket |
O4TEN | Ticket create new |
O4TENCORR | Correct ticket |
O4TENCRPT | Terminate invalid ticket |
O4TENREV | Reverse Ticket |
O4TE_CORRECT | OIL-TSW: Correct ticket actualizatio |
O4TE_REVERSE | OIL-TSW: Reverse ticket actualizatio |
O4TF | OIL-TSW: Change ticket |
O4TFN | Change ticket |
O4TG | OIL-TSW: Display Ticket |
O4TGN | Display Ticket |
O4TG_ALV | OIL-TSW: Display Ticket ALV |
O4TH | OIL-TSW: Delete movement ticket |
O4THN | Delete Ticket |
O4TI | TSW archiving - Tickets |
O4TJ | Display archived tickets |
O4TK | TSW archiving - Nomination |
O4TL | TSW Delete Transport System |
O4TLB_CP | Loc Bal copy schedules |
O4TM | OIL-TSW: Safety stock calc. engine |
O4TM_BPB | Berth Planning Board |
O4TN | OIL-TSW: Planning engine |
O4TO | Worklist |
O4TO_LIST | Worklist |
O4TP | Partner Role Parser |
O4TQ | OIL-TSW Create Partner Role |
O4TR | OIL-TSW Change Partner Role |
O4TS | OIL-TSW Display Partner Role |
O4TSCD | Display Transport System Changes |
O4TSW_PD | Production data |
O4TT | Create Transport System |
O4TU | Change Transport System |
O4TV | Display Transport System |
O4TW | OIL-TSW Create Location |
O4TX | OIL-TSW Change Location |
O4TX_LIST | Maintain location / material list |
O4TX_TREE | Drill-down planning locations |
O4TY | OIL-TSW Display Location |
O4TZ | OIL-TSW : Recover Tickets |
O4T_EDIACC | Assign EDI account numbers to vendor |
O4V1 | TD Create Vehicle |
O4V2 | TD Change Vehicle |
O4V3 | TD Display Vehicle |
O4V4 | TD Delete Vehicle |
O4V5 | Vehicle Reconciliation (LOV-PTL) |
O4V6 | Distribute Vehicles |
O4W1 | WWWInterface to rapid confirmation |
O4_SILO_ANA_CREATE | Create tank analysis data |
O4_TIGER | Tank Management |
O501 | General functionality switch(On/Off) |
O502 | Customize message control |
O503 | Parameter admin. (set value) |
O505 | Customize message control |
O50BW01 | BW init. UoM group / mass changes |
O541 | Number Range Maintenance: OIA01 |
O542 | Number Range Maintenance: OIA10H |
O544 | Maintain Exchange Stmnt. Customizing |
O545 | Customzing for Exchange Statement |
O547 | Reconciliation OIA07 |
O548 | Reconcile Movb. Netting balance |
O54E | Maintain Exchange Accounting |
O54L | Set Price Ref. Plant Flag |
O54N | Set reversal movement type indicator |
O54R | Maintain IS-OIL User Exits |
O54U | Number Range Maintenance: OIA08 |
O54X | Create Netting Selection Crit. |
O54Y | Maintain Netting Selection Crit. |
O54Z | Display Netting Selection Crit. |
O581 | OIB02 Conversion Mode |
O588 | Conversion group maintenance |
O5A4 | Intransit store location determ |
O5AA | Number range maintenance: OIG_TU |
O5AB | Number range maintenance: OIG_DRIVER |
O5AC | Number range maintenance: OIG_VEHMET |
O5AD | Number range maintenance: OIG_VEH |
O5AE | Number range maintenance: OIG_S |
O5AF | Number range maintenance: OIG_RACMET |
O5AM | In-transit batch/handling type |
O5AW | Number range maintenance: OIG_MASSPR |
O5AX | TD Customized Message Handling |
O5AY | Define intransit storage location |
O5BAP4 | Set up application log |
O5BAPR1 | Number range maintenance: OIRA_PRDOC |
O5BAPR2 | Number range maintenance: OIRA_PRIDX |
O5BAPRDE1 | SSR Output Det. - Field catalog |
O5BAPRDE2 | Cond.table - SSR Group output |
O5BAPRDE3 | Maintain Condition Type - SSR Gr.Out |
O5BAPRDE4 | Access Sequence (SSR Group Output) |
O5BAPRDE5 | SSR Group Output Det.Procedure |
O5BAPRDE6 | Output Det. Procedure - SSR Gr.Outp. |
O5BAPRDE7 | Cond.table - SSR Group output |
O5BAPRDE8 | Cond.table - SSR Group output |
O5BC08 | SSR Pricing - Create LV/Cond. |
O5BC09 | SSR Pricing - Disp/Change LV/Cond. |
O5BC19_COPY | SSR Pricing - Copy error check cust. |
O5BC19_LIST | SSR Pricing - List error check cust. |
O5BCNRRG | Number range maintenance: OIRC_PRUPD |
O5BCPRCH | Number range maintenance: OIRC_PRCHG |
O5BEAD1 | V_T681F: SSR CH Object-Allowed flds |
O5BEAD11 | Cond.proc. for SSR CH Object |
O5BEAD13 | Credit card accounts |
O5BEAD16 | SSR Clearing House Determination |
O5BEAD2 | SSR CH Det. : Create tab. |
O5BEAD3 | SSR CH Det. : Change tab. |
O5BEAD4 | SSR CH Det. : Display tab. |
O5BEAD5 | SSR CH Object det: Acc. seq.- Create |
O5BEAD8 | Condition types: SSR CH Object |
O5BENR | Number range maintenance: OIREDTF |
O5BENR01 | SSR DTF 'DUMMY' No. Range |
O5BENRRECON | Number range maintenance: OIRERECON1 |
O5BENRRECON2 | Number range maintenance: OIRERECON2 |
O5BEPC4 | Generate DTF Objects |
O5BESNR | Number range maintenance: OIRESETLNR |
O5BESTAT1 | Update Maintenance: IS-Oil |
O5BH03 | Generate CH Sttlmnt Msg Structure |
O5BH04 | Number range maintenance: OIRH_CHSMG |
O5BINR03 | Number range maintenance: OIRALINKNR |
O5F5 | Maintain Form and Average Exits |
O5F9 | Number Range Maintenance: RepForm-ID |
O5K_J1B_27 | Global plant business settings |
O5N7 | Customized Messages for BDRP |
O5NX | Maintain time windows for Ref. set |
O5O_CTNUM | Number range maintenance: OIO_CNTNR |
O5O_PKGNR | Number range maintenance: OIO_EXIDV |
O5O_RTNUM | Number range maintenance: OIO_RTDOC |
O5O_VGNUM | Number range maintenance: OIO_VOYAGE |
O5PC | Number range maintenance: OIK_LID |
O5PL | TPI Customized Message Handling |
O5R7 | Number Range Maintenance: OIF_PBL |
O5S1 | Output - Cond.Table - Scheduling. |
O5S2 | Conditions: Possible fields schedul. |
O5S3 | Maintain Condition Type - Scheduling |
O5S4 | Access Sequence (Bulk Scheduling) |
O5S5 | Bulk Scheduling Output Det.Procedure |
O5S7 | Output Det. Procedure - Scheduling |
O5SA | Output - Cond.Table - Change TD Load |
O5SB | Conditions: Possible fields loading |
O5SC | Maintain Condition Type - Loading |
O5SD | Access Sequence (Bulk Tran.-Loading) |
O5SE | Bulk Loading Output Det. Procedure |
O5SG | Output Det. Procedure - Loading |
O5SJ | Output - Cond.Table - Del. Confirm. |
O5SK | Conditions: Possible Fields Del.Conf |
O5SL | Maintain Condition Type-Del. Confirm |
O5SM | Access Sequence (Bulk Scheduling) |
O5SN | Bulk Scheduling Output Det.Procedure |
O5SP | Output det.procedure del confirm. |
O5T1 | Number range maintenance: OIJ_WL |
O5T4 | Number range maintenance: OIJ_TS |
O5T7 | Maintain condition tables - NOM |
O5T7_TKT | Maintain condition tables - Ticket |
O5T8 | Update fields in field catalog - NOM |
O5T8_TKT | Update fields in field catalog - TKT |
O5T9 | Maintain Condition Type - NOM |
O5T9_TKT | Maintain Condition Type - TKT |
O5TA | Maintain access sequence - NOM |
O5TA_TKT | Maintain access sequence - TKT |
O5TB | Maintain output det procedure - NOM |
O5TB_TKT | Maintain output det procedure - TKT |
O5TC | Assign output det procedure - NOM |
O5TE | Assign forms and programs - NOM |
O5TE_TKT | Assign forms and programs - TKT |
O5TG | Maintain TSW Planning Calendar |
O5TNR_NOM_COMM | Number range maintenance: OIJ_NOMCOM |
O5TNR_NOM_VERS | Number range maintenance: OIJ_VERS |
O5TNR_OIJ_NOM | No. Range Maintnce: OIJNOM |
O5TNR_OIJ_PEG | Number range maintenance: OIJ_PEG |
O5TNR_OIJ_SIM | Number range maintenance: OIJ_SIM |
O5TPEGT | Define Pegging type |
O5UCM_SN_NR | PRA Number Range Maintenance |
O5UCM_TT | Common Table Maintenance |
O5UCW_CHECK_NUMBERS | Configure Check Numbers in Check Lot |
O5UH_JE03 | Accounting Category |
O5UOW_ORQDOCN | No. Range Maintnce: OIUOW_RQDC |
O5UP_SET_MONTHS | Set Data Retention Periods |
O5UREP_BACKUP1 | Number range maintenance: OIUREPSYS |
O5UREP_COMMON | Regulatory Reporting Setup |
O5UREP_MMS_TRANS_VAR | MMS-2014: Transport Suppl Rpt Vars |
O5U_MEDOCN | Measurement document number ranges |
O5V1 | Number range maintenance: OIJ_EL_TKT |
O5W10 | Storage location/license number |
O5W11 | Config.excise duty account determ. |
O5W12 | ED consumpt.posting/Activ.movement |
O5W13 | Activ.ED postings per movement type |
O5WV | Number range maintenance: OIH01 |
O5WW | Number range maintenance: OIH30 |
O5WX | Number Range Maint.: Tax Revaluation |
O5ZZ | C FI Table T030 EXD |
O5_SILO02 | Silo M. Cust.: Tank storage location |
O7E1 | Payment advice note entry screens. |
O7E3 | Acnt assignment model entry screens |
O7E4 | Preliminary posting entry screens |
O7E5 | Vendor inv./cr.mem. entry screens |
O7E6 | G/L item fast entry screens |
O7F1 | Clearing field selection conditions |
O7F2 | Clearing field selection search |
O7F3 | Clearing Field Selection Sort |
O7F4 | Item Display Field Sel.Conditions |
O7F5 | Item Display Field Selection Search |
O7F6 | Item Display Field Selection Sort |
O7F7 | Item Display Field Selection Total |
O7F8 | Item Display Field Sel.Addit.Fields |
O7F9 | Paymnt Adv.Notes Field Selction Flds |
O7FA | Pyt Adv.Notes Field Sel.Ext.Sel.Fld |
O7FB | Auto.Pymt Fld Sel.Sort Payment |
O7FC | Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Payment |
O7FD | Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Sort Payment |
O7FE | Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Line Item |
O7L0 | FI IMG Link |
O7L1 | FI IMG Link: Check Document |
O7L2 | Check Parked Documents |
O7L3 | Check Correspondence |
O7L4 | Check Withholding Tax |
O7L5 | Settings for Displaying Payments |
O7L6 | Settings for Displaying Line Items |
O7L7 | Settings for Processing Open Items |
O7L8 | Check Workflow Basis Settings |
O7L9 | Settings for Payment Release |
O7R1 | Item Display Totals Variants |
O7R2 | Item Display Master Record Info. |
O7R3 | Item Display Special Fields |
O7S1 | Pyt Medium Correspondence Sort Varnt |
O7S2 | Pyt Medium Line Items Sort Variant |
O7S3 | Credit Management Sort Variants |
O7S4 | General Correspondence Sort Variants |
O7S5 | Correspondence Int.Docs Sort Variant |
O7S6 | Line Item Corresp.Sort Variant |
O7S7 | Item Display Sort Variants |
O7V1 | Document Display Default Line Layout |
O7V2 | Item Display Default Line Layout |
O7V3 | Clearing Default Line Layout |
O7V4 | Automatic Paymnt Default Line Layout |
O7V5 | Auto.Pyt Line Item Dflt Line Layout |
O7V6 | Paymt Adv.Notes Default Line Layout |
O7V7 | Credit Management Dflt Line Layout |
O7Z1 | Document Display Line Layout |
O7Z2 | Document Posting Line Layout |
O7Z3 | Document Display Line Layout |
O7Z4 | Clearing Line Layout |
O7Z4D | Clearing Line Layout |
O7Z4K | Clearing Line Layout |
O7Z4S | Clearing Line Layout |
O7Z5 | Auto.Payment Line Layout |
O7Z6 | Auto.Pyt Line Item Line Layout |
O7Z7 | Payment Adv.Notes Line Layout |
O7Z8 | External Documents Line Layout |
O7Z9 | Credit Management Line Layout |
O851 | Update settings |
O984 | Customizing doc converter program |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sap Tcodes from O0 to O9
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