Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sap Tcodes from O0 to O9


O000 C RM-MAT Menu - Classification
O005 C CL Characteristic Default Settings
O020 Record Layout for BTCI (Classes)
O021 Class Data Transfer
O023 Display Class Maintenance Data File
O024 Transfer Class Data: Direct Input
O02F Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec.
O02G Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec.
O02K Maintain Period Indicator
O035 Country version delivery sys created
O037 HR Customizing User Parameters
O03C Assign Target Fields to Mess. Dest.
O041 Cust. Chars: Char. Statuses
O042 Cust. Chars: Char. Groups
O043 Cust. Classes: Class Groups
O044 Cust. Chars: Template Characters
O045 Cust. Characteristics: Templates
O04C PI: Message Control Purchasing
O050 Customizing: General Info System
O052 Set up Clients
O053 Customizing Request Management
O05C PI: Messages Control C5
O06C Define Process Manufacturing Cockpit
O06S Define Process Manufacturing Cockpit
O07C Obsolete transaction
O08C Release Char. Grp for Proc. Messages
O09C Release Char. Group for Proc. Instr.
O0SC Requirement Request- Req./Confirmat.
O10C Assig. Ctrl Rec. Dest./Proc. Instr.
O11C Maint. Acct.Assgnmt.Types for Order
O12A Maintain Object Types
O12C Assign Charact. / Proc. Instr. Cat.
O13C MessCat./Dest./Chars./Target Fields
O15C Overview Var.: PI Sheet Selection
O1CL Maintain Class Types
O20C ProcMgmt: Copy Settings betw. Plants
O21C PP-PI: Where-Used List for Charact.
O22C Copy SAP Messages (Standard)
O22C_VHUMI Copy Message Cats Mat.Ident./Reconc.
O23C Client Copy of PP-PI Characteristics
O23C_VHUMI Copy Material Ident. Characteristics
O24C Copy SAP Messages (Generic)
O25C Create Charac. with PP-PI Attributes
O25X Create Charac. with PP-PI Attributes
O26C Change Charac. with PP-PI Attributes
O26X Change Charac. with PP-PI Attributes
O27C Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribute
O27X Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribute
O285 Master Recipe/QM Data
O28C Copy SAP Messages (Central)
O29C Copy SAP Messages (Decentralized)
O2CL Profile for User Settings
O300 IS-Oil Administration infosystem
O301 Tab:buffering allowed+optional Index
O302 Consistency check no. range object
O303 Install. component dependency check
O3A1 Create Exchange Agreement
O3A2 Maintain Exchange Agreement
O3A3 Display Exchange Agreement
O3A4 Create Netting Document
O3A5 Maintain Netting Document
O3A6 Display Netting Document
O3A7 Exchange Material Movements
O3A8 Reset Netting Document Header
O3A9 Netting Statement
O3AA Archive Exchange Balance Records
O3AB Exchange Abstract
O3AC Cancel Enjoy LIA
O3AD Display Enjoy LIA
O3AI Create Enjoy LIA
O3AL Execute Detail Exg Transaction Rep.
O3AQ List Selection Qty.Schedules
O3AR QS Partner Entitlement/Obligation
O3AU Create LIA Transaction
O3AX Exchanges operations
O3AY Exchanges master data
O3A_PRP Assign price reference plants
O3B0 Delete Netting Document
O3B1 Exchanges Create Exg Stmnt Print Req
O3B2 Exchanges Mtn. Exg Stmnt Print Req
O3B3 Exchanges Disp. Exg Stmnt Print Req
O3B4 Exchanges Del. Exg Stmnt Print Req
O3B7 Create Netting Document
O3B8 Change Netting Document
O3B9 Display Netting Document
O3BU Display LIA transaction
O3C1 Create Oil Conversion Defaults
O3C2 Change Oil Conversion Defaults
O3D0 API Check Results Report
O3D1 Inst. Test for API C-code Rout.
O3D2 QCI:Test RFC Server Prog./Call exter
O3DEFAULTS New Defaulttransaction
O3G5 Report Ship-to/Sold-to
O3G6 Report Ship-to/Sold-to
O3GV Loading Master Record
O3I0 Customer Price List
O3I1 Appl./Customiz. Customer Price List
O3I2 Define Price Information for Quote
O3I3 Integrity Check for Quotation Table
O3I4 Maintain Gross/Net Rule Defaults
O3I5 Define Price Information for Quote
O3I7 Create Repository Formula
O3I8 Change Repository Formula
O3I9 Display Repository Formula
O3INT Special interest table
O3JDCM Document change management
O3O_ARCC OLM container archiving
O3O_ARCF OLM object flow archiving
O3O_ARCH OLM container history archiving
O3O_ARCR OLM returns archiving
O3O_ARCV OLM Voyage archiving
O3O_C101 Create container
O3O_C102 Change container
O3O_C103 Display container
O3O_C104 Display container change documents
O3O_C107 Delete container
O3O_CT01 Maintain container materials
O3O_CT03 Display transport container
O3O_CT05 List containers
O3O_CT06 Display container history
O3O_CT07 List shipments for container
O3O_CTL02 Maintain container location
O3O_CTL03 Display container location
O3O_C_ACT Maintain supply activities
O3O_C_MAIN Maintain system parameters
O3O_C_OBJTY Maintain document flow object types
O3O_C_SBSDC Subsequent posting rules for returns
O3O_C_SPDRV Maintain supply process derivation
O3O_C_SPPNR Maintain no ranges for auto packing
O3O_C_SPROC Maintain supply processes
O3O_GRCD Goods receipt cross-docking
O3O_GRLG Display goods receipt message log
O3O_GRSD Goods receipt subsequent delivery
O3O_HD01 PM Orders by held status
O3O_HD02 PM Components by held status
O3O_HD03 Requisitions by held status
O3O_IMG IMG Offshore Logistics
O3O_IMG_SYSTEM IMG Offshore Logistics - System
O3O_MT01 Material tracking - PM Order
O3O_MT02 Material tracking - purchase reqn.
O3O_MT03 Material tracking - transport reqn.
O3O_MT04 Material tracking - goods receipt
O3O_MT05 Material tracking - returns
O3O_MT06 Material tracking - Project
O3O_MT07 Material tracking - WBS element
O3O_MT08 Material tracking - delivery
O3O_MT09 Material tracking - purchase order
O3O_MT10 Material tracking - transport order
O3O_MT11 Material tracking - PS Network
O3O_MT12 Material tracking - Services
O3O_MTXX Test navigation function
O3O_MX01 Tracking extracts
O3O_PACK01 Assign containers to loading areas
O3O_PACK02 Assign containers to shipments
O3O_PACK03 Pack deliveries into loading areas
O3O_PACK04 Pack deliveries into shipments
O3O_PACK05 Move ld area containers to shipments
O3O_PACK06 Move containers between ld areas
O3O_PACK07 Move containers between shipments
O3O_RN03 Display mobilization log
O3O_RT01 Create returns document
O3O_RT02 Change returns document
O3O_RT03 Display returns document
O3O_RT04 Display changes for returns document
O3O_RT05 Returns worklist - update
O3O_RT06 Returns worklist - display
O3O_SC01 Convert transport requisitions
O3O_SC02 Convert transport requisitions
O3O_SC03 Display tr.req. conversion log
O3O_SC04 Identify isolated stock
O3O_SR02 Shipment receipt
O3O_SR03 Shipment receipt cancellation
O3O_SR10 Shipment summary
O3O_SR11 Shipment container list
O3O_SR12 Shipment container type summary
O3O_SR13 Shipment detail report
O3O_SR14 Shipment output
O3O_SR15 Deck Utilization Report
O3O_SR20 Batch stock list
O3O_SR21 Material movements by batch
O3O_VG01 Create Voyage
O3O_VG02 Change Voyage
O3O_VG03 Display Voyage
O3O_VG04 Display voyage change documents
O3O_VG05 List voyages
O3O_VL10B OLM Purchase Orders Due for Delivery
O3O_VL10D OLM Purch. Order Items due for Dlv
O3O_VL10F OLM PurchOrd Sched Lines due for Dlv
O3O_VL10X OLM VL10 for excluded items
O3RA1 Display application log
O3RA2 Delete application log
O3RAM1 Maintain material handling groups
O3RAM3 Display material handling groups
O3RAPL1 Location Based Collective output
O3RAPR1 Create Print document
O3RAPR2 Change Print program
O3RAPR3 Display Print document
O3RAPRC1 Create Output: SSR output document
O3RAPRC2 Change Output: SSR output document
O3RAPRC3 Display Output: SSR output document
O3RA_ARCHIVING SSR - Archiving customizing
O3RA_ARCH_OBJ SSR - Archiving customizing
O3RA_EXECUTE_PROCESS SSR - Process execution
O3RB12 Change LAA Managers
O3RB13 Display LAA Managers
O3RB16 Show User address
O3RCF000 Fuels processing
O3RCMM01 SSR Meters - Maintenance
O3RCMM02 SSR Meters - Detail report
O3RCMM03 SSR Meters - Errors (background pr.)
O3RCMM03S SSR Meters - Errors (background pr.)
O3RCMM04 SSR Meters - Errors maintenance
O3RCMM05 SSR Meters - Clearing
O3RCMM06 SSR Meters - Rebuild aggregated data
O3RCMM07 SSR Meters - End day process
O3RCMM07I SSR Meters - End day process (init.)
O3RCMM07R SSR Meters - End day process (rest.)
O3RCMM08 SSR Meters - Month Quantities
O3RCMM09 SSR Meters - Invoice quantites
O3RCMM10 SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings
O3RCMM11 SSR Meters - Delete quantity reading
O3RCMMX4 SSR Meters - App. log Errors maint.
O3RCMV01 Material movem. based on meter read.
O3RCMV02 Material movem. based on dip reading
O3RCPC02 SSR - Profile maintenance (material)
O3RCPR00 SSR Pricing - Maintain column values
O3RCPR01 SSR Pricing - Group update
O3RCPR02 SSR Pricing - Group reverse
O3RCPR03 SSR Pricing - Group log archive
O3RCPR04 SSR Pricing - Price check
O3RCPR06 SSR Pricing - Network-Group report
O3RCPR2D SSR Pricing - Price maintenance
O3RCPR2D_D SSR Pricing - Price Deletion
O3RCPR2D_RS SSR Pricing - Price maintenance
O3RCPR50 SSR - Price history for location
O3RCPR51 SSR - Network prices at special time
O3RCPR52 SSR - Price changes
O3RCPR53 SSR - Netw. average prices by loc.
O3RCPR54 SSR - Price changes dealer delay
O3RCPR55 SSR - Netw. average prices by date
O3RCPRCM SSR Pricing - Price cluster maint.
O3RCPRCN SSR Pricing - Branch cluster maint.
O3RCSM01 SSR Stocks - Maintenance
O3RCSM02 SSR Stocks - Stock corrections
O3RCSM03 SSR Stocks - Errors (background pr.)
O3RCSM04 SSR Stocks - Errors maintenance
O3RCSM05 SSR Stocks - Clearing
O3RCSM06 SSR Stocks - Review stocks
O3RCSM07 SSR Stocks - End day process
O3RCSM07I SSR Dips - End day process (init.)
O3RCSM07R SSR Dips - End day process (rest.)
O3RCSM08 SSR Stocks - List
O3RCSMX2 SSR Stocks - Stock corrections (D)
O3RCSMX4 SSR Stocks - App. log Errors maint.
O3RC_CLUSTER_DEF SSR Pricing - Location cluster def.
O3RC_CLUSTER_DIFF SSR Pricing: Cluster diff. maint.
O3RC_COMP_DIFF SSR Pricing: Competitor diff. maint.
O3RC_END_DAY_PROCESS SSR - End process execution
O3RC_GROUP_DIFF SSR Pricing: Group diff. maint.
O3RC_LIST_DIFF SSR Pricing - Differences list
O3RECH1 Create CH Settlement/Transmission
O3RECH2 change settlement/transmission
O3RECH3 Display Settlement/Transmission
O3RECH4 Assign Customer to Clearing house
O3RECH5 Payment Card Processing Daily Report
O3RECOMPL SSR Complaint process
O3RECON1 Payment card reconciliation
O3RECON2 Reverse Paymt Card Reconciliation
O3RECON3 Display Paymt Card Reconciliation
O3REDTF00 Execute the DTF report
O3REDTF01 DTF Create
O3REDTF02 DTF Change
O3REDTF03 DTF Display
O3REDTF04 SSR Payment cards: Mass correction
O3RE_RECON Payment Card Reconciliation
O3RH01 Transaction for Comp price Watch
O3RH31 Display of Location master data
O3RH41 SSR IAC: meter reading
O3RH51 SSR IAC: dip reading
O3RH_CHLM Process change pointers for location
O3RH_CHPR Process change pointers for prices
O3RH_WSGM SSR STWB: Navigation menu IAC
O3RI01 Service Station Partner Invoicing
O3RI02 Location partner daily report
O3RI03 Reverse periodic invoices
O3UBL01_WORKPLACE Balancing Workplace
O3UCA_DOIXREF DOI to MP/WC Cross Reference
O3UCA_GPSS Gas Plant Sliding Scale
O3UCA_MKGRPL List processing for Marketing Groups
O3UCA_OSP Owner Selective Processing Options
O3UCA_PRL Percent Return to Producer
O3UCA_PSP Plant Selective Processing Options
O3UCA_TRNCT MP/WC Transporter Contract XRef
O3UCI_ARVAR Receivable and Price Variance
O3UCI_MASS Processing Checks in Mass
O3UCI_PDX Purchaser to Property/DOI Xref
O3UCI_PPD PRA Payment Posting Desktop
O3UCI_PRDX CDEX Comapny Product Cross Reference
O3UCI_REMX CDEX Remitter Cross Reference
O3UCI_SUSP Suspended Line Items messages
O3UCM_BA Integrated Business Associate
O3UCM_CONTRACT PRA Contract Maintenance
O3UCM_T8JV PRA Joint Venture Master Data
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT Generic Table Maintenance
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_003 Reclassification of Production Codes
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_004 Material and Product Code Proc XRef
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_005 Material Sum - Gas Plant Comp Alloc
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_006 SPF NGL Component Allocation Basis
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_007 SPF Wet Gas Equivalent
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_008 Sliding Scale Methods - Dim / Materl
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_009 PRA Partner Table from JV
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_010 Volumetric SKF
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_011 Setup Code and Generic Values Dated
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_012 Reg Rpt:  MP/State Assigned ID XRef
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_013 State Agency & PRA Material XRef
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_017 Roy Rpt:  Code Maintenance
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_018 Parameters for TX Migration
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_019 Zero Rejects for Wyoming Royalty
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_020 MMS-2014 Date Effective Edits
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_021 Agency/PRA Product Code XRef
O3UCP_CO2_RMV0 CO2 Removal Fee Processing
O3UCP_MKT_CST0 Contract Marketing Costs
O3UCP_TAR_RMB0 Tax and Royalty Reimbursement
O3UCW_BANK Bank Details for Payment Processing
O3UCW_BA_EXEMPTION BA exempt from state NRIT Withholdin
O3UCW_EXCEPTION Exception list from Payment run
O3UCW_PAYMENT_RUN PRA Payment Processing
O3UCW_TAX Owner Taxes Withheld Report
O3UGT_EDITOR Upstream Graphics Editor
O3UGT_ICON_DOWNLOAD Download Upstream Graphics Bitmaps
O3UGT_ICON_MAINT Bitmap/Flashform Maintenance
O3UGT_ICON_UPLOAD Upload Upstream Graphics Bitmaps
O3UHS_CM1 Common Table Entries - Create
O3UHS_CM2 Common Table Entries - Change
O3UHS_CM3 Common Table Entries - Display
O3UHS_CM4 Common Table Entries - Delete
O3UH_1099 1099 Report
O3UH_ACCEPTED_JE Posted Journal Entries Reports
O3UH_ACCT_CLOSE Accounting Period Close
O3UH_AD_VAL Ad Valorem
O3UH_ARJE A/R Journal Entry Generation
O3UH_ARWOC A/R Write Off Cents Report
O3UH_AR_UP Accounts Receivable Update
O3UH_CC Check Clearing
O3UH_CR_NA Create Negative Amounts
O3UH_ES Escheat Processing
O3UH_FLASH_DOWNLOAD Download Reporting Flashforms
O3UH_FLASH_UPLOAD Upload Reporting Flashforms
O3UH_FT Funds Transfer
O3UH_LOAD_JEINTF Load JEINTF rec for Batch type 40&41
O3UH_NA_IN Negative Amount Invoice
O3UH_NA_PU Negative Amount Purge
O3UH_NP_SU Negative Payment Suspense Report
O3UH_REJECTED_JE Rejected Journal Entries Report
O3UH_REPEX Report Execution
O3UH_RV Revenue Report Viewer
O3UH_TC Treasury Check
O3UH_TP_WO Taxes Payable Write Off
O3UH_VC_CP Void/Cleared Check Purge
O3UH_VMC Process Void/Manual Checks
O3UI7 Create Repository Formula
O3UI8 Change Repository Formula
O3UI9 Display Repository Formula
O3UOW_CHECKIN_JOBS View Check In and Check Out Jobs
O3UOW_COT Chain of Title
O3UOW_DOC Change Owner List Processing
O3UOW_OR0 Owner Transfer/Maintenance
O3UOW_OTX Owner Transfer Execution Report
O3UOW_OW9 DOI Tract by Owner List Processing
O3UOW_PP Production Payment
O3UOW_SUMM_BAL Outstanding summary balance
O3UOW_UT9 DOI Tract by Tract List Processing
O3UOW_UTP0 Unit to Tract Participation
O3UOW_UV9 Unit Venture List Processing
O3UPC_AVGRP Availability Groupijng
O3UPC_SPADJ Sales Point Adjustment
O3UPR_DNST9 Display DN Status
O3UPR_MPALF Display MP Allocation Factor
O3UPR_RWC Regulatory Reallocated WC
O3UPR_SKF SKF Submission
O3UPR_WCALF Display Well/WC Allocation Factor
O3UPR_WCDPS WC Daily Pressures
O3UP_ADMIN_WORKBENCH PDM Administrators' Workbench
O3UREP_MASTER Regulatory Reporting Master Data
O3UREP_MMS_2014 MMS-2014 Workplace
O3UREP_MMS_2014_FORM MMS 2014 Printable Form
O3UREP_MMS_MRTHIST MMS Level Historic Royalty Trans Rep
O3UREP_MMS_MRTPEND MMS Level Pending Royalty Trans Rep
O3UREP_MMS_RECOUP MMS Indian Recoupable Report
O3UREP_MMS_REJECTS MMS Extraction Rejects Report
O3UREP_MMS_RTHIST Historic Extract Report
O3UREP_OPERATOR Regulatory Reporting Setup
O3UREP_ROY_BASEDATA Royalty base data maintenance
O3UREP_ROY_MASTER Master Maint. for Royalty Reporting
O3UREP_ROY_MDQ Master Data Query
O3UREP_ROY_REPORTING Royalty Reporting
O3URV_COMB Combined Run Report
O3URV_DOC Valuation Document Worklist
O3URV_SRPT Valuation Selection Report
O3URV_SS0 Settlement Statement
O3URV_SST0 Settlement Stmnt/DOI Cross-Reference
O3UT2_FDN9 Display FDN records
O3UT2_IM0 Interface Monitor
O3UVL_GSP0 Gas Statement Profile
O3UVL_GST9 Gas Statement Report List Processing
O3UVL_MTA Marketing Cost Tax Allowance
O3UVL_OSP0 Oil Statement Profile
O3UVL_OST9 Oil Statement Report List Processing
O3UVL_RPA0 Royalty Processing Allowance
O3UVL_RTI Run Tickets
O3UVL_SS0 Settlement Statement
O3UVL_STR0 State Tax Rates
O3UVL_TCD0 Tax Calculation Data - Doc Concept
O3UVL_TCL0 Tax Classification
O3UVL_TCL9 Tax Classification List Processing
O3UVL_TPA0 Tax Processing Allowance
O3UVL_TTX0 Tier Tax Maintenance
O3UX1_MIGR_FINAL Finalize tax reporting migration
O3UX1_MIGR_TRN Migrate tax transaction data
O3UX1_TAXREP_MAIN Tax Reporting Main
O3UX1_TAXREP_MSTR Tax reporting master maintenance
O3UX1_TAX_ADJ Tax adjusments transaction
O3UX2_MSTR_QUERY master data query
O3U_APIG API Gravity Scale Adjustments
O3U_BA Create Business Associate
O3U_BA1 Create Business Associate
O3U_BA2 Change Business Associate
O3U_BA3 Display Business Associate
O3U_BG1 Create Bearer Group
O3U_BG2 Change Bearer Group
O3U_BG3 Display Bearer Group
O3U_BG6 Delete Bearer Group
O3U_BG9 Burden Group: List Processing
O3U_BLTMPL CT Vol by MP Build Template
O3U_CA011 Create Marketing Group Assignment
O3U_CA012 Change Marketing Group Assignment
O3U_CA013 Display Marketing Group Assignment
O3U_CA016 Delete Marketing Group Assignment
O3U_CA021 Create Allocation Cross Reference
O3U_CA022 Change Allocation Cross Reference
O3U_CA023 Display Allocation Cross Reference
O3U_CA026 Delete Allocation Cross Reference
O3U_CA029 Allocation Cross Reference List Proc
O3U_CA031 Create CA Manual Entry
O3U_CA032 Change CA Manual Entry
O3U_CA033 Display CA Manual Entry
O3U_CA036 Delete CA Manual Entry
O3U_CA039 CA Manual Entry List Proc
O3U_CA042 Change DN Volume Allocation
O3U_CA043 Display DN Volume Allocation
O3U_CA052 Change Contract Volume by MP
O3U_CA053 Display Contract Volume by MP
O3U_CA059 Contract Volume by MP List Processin
O3U_CA061 Revised Owner Availability List
O3U_CA062 Revised Owner Availability - Change
O3U_CA063 Revised Owner Availabilty - Display
O3U_CA069 Revised Owner Availability List Proc
O3U_CA071 Create SPF Statement Volumes
O3U_CA072 Change SPF Statement Volumes
O3U_CA073 Display SPF Statement Volumes
O3U_CA076 Delete SPF Statement Volumes
O3U_CA079 List Processing for SPF
O3U_CA09 Allocated Volumes Inquiry
O3U_CA10 Entitled Volumes Inquiry
O3U_CA11 Contract Volumes by WC Inquiry
O3U_CHA1 Create Chemical Analysis
O3U_CHA2 Change Chemical Analysis
O3U_CHA3 Display Chemical Analysis
O3U_CHA6 Delete Chemical Analysis
O3U_CHA9 Chemical Analysis List
O3U_CPAM1 Create Custom Plant Allocation Mth
O3U_CPAM2 Change Custom Plant Allocation Mth
O3U_CPAM3 Display Custom Plant Allocation Mth
O3U_CPAM6 Delete Custom Plant Allocation Mth
O3U_CTYP1 Create Component Typification
O3U_CTYP2 Change Component Typification
O3U_CTYP3 Display Component Typification
O3U_CTYP6 Delete Component Typification
O3U_DI1 Base DOI Maintenance Create
O3U_DI2 Base DOI Maintenance Change
O3U_DI3 Base DOI Maintenance Display
O3U_DI6 Base DOI Maintenance Delete
O3U_DI9 Base DOI List Processing
O3U_DMG1 Create DN Measurement Group
O3U_DMG2 Change DN Measurement Group
O3U_DMG3 Display DN Measurement Group
O3U_DMG6 Delete DN Measurement Group
O3U_DN1 Create Delivery Network
O3U_DN11 Create Delivery Network-call from UG
O3U_DN2 Update Delivery Network
O3U_DN3 Display Delivery Network
O3U_DND1 Create Delivery Network Dated
O3U_DND11 Create DN Dated - call from UG
O3U_DND2 Change Delivery Network Dated
O3U_DND3 Dialog Delivery Network Dated
O3U_DND6 Delete Delivery Network Dated
O3U_DNH1 Delivery network group create
O3U_DNH2 Delivery network group change
O3U_DNH3 Delivery network group show
O3U_DNND1 Create Delivery Netwok Link
O3U_DNND2 Change Delivery Netwok Link
O3U_DNND3 Display Delivery Netwok Link
O3U_DNND6 Delete Delivery Netwok Link
O3U_DO2 DOI Owner Maintenance Change
O3U_DO3 DOI Owner Maintenance Display
O3U_DOL1 List process for DOI Interest
O3U_DOL2 Owner Interest List processing
O3U_DP1 DOI Accounting - Doc Concept
O3U_DP2 DOI Accounting Change - Doc Concept
O3U_DP3 DOI Accounting Display - Doc Concept
O3U_DP6 DOI Accounting Delete - Doc Concept
O3U_DP9 DOI Accounting List Processing
O3U_FLD1 Field  Identification Create
O3U_FLD2 Field  Identification Change
O3U_FLD3 Field  Identification Display
O3U_FLD6 Field  Identification Delete
O3U_FRML1 Create Formula Id Maintenance
O3U_FRML2 Change Formula Id Maintenance
O3U_FRML3 Display Formula Id Maintenance
O3U_FRML6 Delete Formula Id Maintenance
O3U_GAS1 Create API Gravity Adjustment Scale
O3U_GAS2 Change API Gravity Adjustment Scale
O3U_GAS3 Display API Gravity Adjustment Scale
O3U_GAS6 Delete API Gravity Adjustment Scale
O3U_JV1 Create Joint Venture
O3U_JV2 Change Joint Venture
O3U_JV3 Display Joint Venture
O3U_JV9 JV List Processing
O3U_LWGOR1 Create Lease Wide GOR
O3U_LWGOR2 Change Lease Wide GOR
O3U_LWGOR3 Display Lease Wide GOR
O3U_LWGOR6 Delete Lease Wide GOR
O3U_MAIN Main Menu
O3U_MCCT Maintain container categories
O3U_MDE1 Mass Data Entry MP Volumes
O3U_MEASUREMENT Measurement system (temporary me
O3U_MECF Maintain calculation functions
O3U_MECL Maintain measurement classes
O3U_MEDOCC List measurement document changes
O3U_MEDOCL List measurement documents
O3U_MEMC Maintain measurement calculations
O3U_MEMT Maintain measurement types
O3U_MEMTNR Meas.doc. number range assignment
O3U_MENU Production Application Menu
O3U_MERT Maintain reading types
O3U_MESC Measurement sources
O3U_MEUMG Maintain unit of meaure groups
O3U_MKT1 Create Internal Marketing Rates
O3U_MKT2 Change Internal Marketing Rates
O3U_MKT3 Display Internal Marketing Rates
O3U_MKT6 Delete Internal Marketing Rates
O3U_MP1 Create Measurement Point
O3U_MP11 Create MP - call from UG
O3U_MP2 Change Measurement Point
O3U_MP21 Change MP - call from UG
O3U_MP3 Display Measurement Point
O3U_MPAP1 Create MP Allocation Profile
O3U_MPAP2 Change MP Allocation Profile
O3U_MPAP3 Display MP Allocation Profile
O3U_MPAP6 Delete MP Allocation Profile
O3U_MPAP9 List Processing MP Alloc Profile
O3U_MPD1 Measurement Point Dated Create
O3U_MPD11 MP Dated Create - call from UG
O3U_MPD2 Measurement Point Dated Change
O3U_MPD21 MP Dated Change - call from UG
O3U_MPD3 Measurement Point Dated Browse
O3U_MPD6 Measurement Point Dated Delete
O3U_MPFUS1 Create MP Fuel Usage
O3U_MPFUS2 Change MP Fuel Usage
O3U_MPFUS3 Display MP Fuel Usage
O3U_MPFUS6 Delete MP Fuel Usage
O3U_MPH1 Measurement point group create
O3U_MPH2 Measurement point group change
O3U_MPH3 Measurement point group show
O3U_MPVL1 Create Measurement Point Volumes
O3U_MPVL2 Change Measurement Point Volumes
O3U_MPVL3 Display Measurement Point Volumes
O3U_MPVL6 Delete Measurement Point Volumes
O3U_MPVL9 Measurement Point Volumes List
O3U_MSP1 Create MP Meter Specifications
O3U_MSP2 Change MP Meter Specifications
O3U_MSP3 Display MP Meter Specifications
O3U_MSP6 Delete MP Meter Specifications
O3U_MWG1 Create WC & MP Measurments
O3U_MWG2 Change WC & MP Measurments
O3U_MWG3 Display WC & MP Measurments
O3U_MWG6 Delete WC & MP Measurments
O3U_MWG9 MP/WC Measurements
O3U_MWHV1 Create MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.
O3U_MWHV2 Change MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.
O3U_MWHV3 Display MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.
O3U_MWHV6 Delete MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.
O3U_MWT1 MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Create
O3U_MWT2 MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Change
O3U_MWT3 MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Display
O3U_MWT6 MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Delete
O3U_MWT9 MP/WC to Transporter Xref  List
O3U_OMPMRA M.Pt. Meas.Reading assignment
O3U_OMPMTD M.Pt. meas.type derivation
O3U_PAM1 Create Plant Allocation Methods
O3U_PAM2 Change Plant Allocation Methods
O3U_PAM3 Display Plant Allocation Methods
O3U_PAM6 Delete Plant Allocation Methods
O3U_PC011 Create Capacity
O3U_PC012 Change Capacity
O3U_PC013 Display Capacity
O3U_PC016 Delete Capacity
O3U_PC019 Capacity List Processing
O3U_PC022 Availability - Change
O3U_PC023 Availability - Display
O3U_PC029 Availability List Processing
O3U_PC032 Multiple Sales Sourcing - Change
O3U_PC033 Multiple Sales Sourcing - Display
O3U_PC039 Multiple Sales Sourcing List Process
O3U_PC042 Change Transporter Rankings
O3U_PC043 Display Transporter Ranking
O3U_PC051 Create Daily Availability
O3U_PC052 Daily Availability - Change
O3U_PC053 Daily Availability - Display
O3U_PC059 Daily Availability List Processing
O3U_PC06 Availability Exceptions Report
O3U_PC06A Call Validation Routine
O3U_PC07 Submit Nomination Changes
O3U_PC08 Review Nomination Changes
O3U_PC09 Availability by Owner
O3U_PC10 CA Interface
O3U_PF1 Platform Maintenance Create
O3U_PF2 Platform Maintenance Change
O3U_PF3 Platform Maintenance Display
O3U_PF6 Platform Maintenance Delete
O3U_PP2 Price maintenance
O3U_PP3 Price maintenance
O3U_PPN02 Valuation PPN Selection
O3U_PPNM01 Manual PPN: Create
O3U_PPNM02 Manual PPN: Change
O3U_PPNM03 Manual PPN: Display
O3U_RES1 Create Reservoir
O3U_RES2 Change Reservoir
O3U_RES3 Display Reservoir
O3U_RES6 Delete Reservoir
O3U_RETMPL CT Vol by MP Refresh Template
O3U_RMAT1 Create WC/MP Reproduced  Materials
O3U_RMAT2 Change WC/MP Reproduced Materials
O3U_RMAT3 Display WC/MP Reproduced Materials
O3U_RMAT6 Delete  WC/MP Reproduced Materials
O3U_ROLLMP Capacity Roll - Measurement Point
O3U_ROLLWC Capacity Roll - Well Completion
O3U_RQST VA/CA Allocation Request
O3U_RVT02 Set deletion flag for Val. rejects
O3U_SCM2 Maintain Gravity Scale Defintion
O3U_SCM3 Display Gravity Scale Defintion
O3U_SS1 Create Supply Source
O3U_SS2 Change Supply Source
O3U_SS3 Display Supply Source
O3U_SS6 Delete Supply Source
O3U_TCM1 DN/WC Create Theo Calc Meth
O3U_TCM2 DN/WC Change Theo Calc Meth
O3U_TCM3 DN/WC Display Theo Calc Meth
O3U_TCM6 DN/WC Delete Thoo Calc Meth
O3U_TCM9 DN/WC Theo Calc Meth List Proc
O3U_TOV1 Create Allocation Basis for MP/WC
O3U_TOV2 Change Allocation Basis for MP/WC
O3U_TOV3 Display Allocation Basis for MP/WC
O3U_TOV6 Delete Allocation Basis for MP/WC
O3U_TOV9 MP/WC Theo Override List Processing
O3U_VAFR1 Create VA Formula Rules
O3U_VAFR2 Change VA Formula Rules
O3U_VAFR3 Display VA Formula Rules
O3U_VAFR6 Delete VA Formula Rules
O3U_VCR1 Create Valuation Cross Reference
O3U_VCR2 Change Valuation Cross Reference
O3U_VCR3 Display Valuation Cross Reference
O3U_VCR6 Delete Valuation Cross Reference
O3U_VCR9 VCR List Processing
O3U_VLFR1 Create Valuation Formula
O3U_VLFR2 Change Valuation Formula
O3U_VLFR3 Display Valuation Formula
O3U_VLFR6 Delete Valuation Formula
O3U_VLFR9 Valuation Formula  list processing
O3U_VPPN9 Production PPN Dialog
O3U_WC1 Create Well Completion
O3U_WC11 Create Well Completion- call from UG
O3U_WC2 Change Well Completion
O3U_WC21 Change Well Completion- call from UG
O3U_WC3 Display Well Completion
O3U_WCCO1 WC contamination Override Create
O3U_WCCO2 WC contamination Override Change
O3U_WCCO3 WC contamination Override Display
O3U_WCCO6 WC contamination Override Delete
O3U_WCD1 Create Well Completion Dated
O3U_WCD11 Create WC Dated - call from UG
O3U_WCD2 Change Well Completion Dated
O3U_WCD21 Change Well Completion Dated
O3U_WCD3 Display Well Completion Dated
O3U_WCD6 Delete Well Completion Dated
O3U_WCDC1 Create WC Downhole Commingled
O3U_WCDC2 Change WC Downhole Commingled
O3U_WCDC3 Display WC Downhole Commingled
O3U_WCDC6 Delete WC Downhole Commingled
O3U_WCDT1 Create WC Downtime
O3U_WCDT2 Change WC Downtime
O3U_WCDT3 Display WC Downtime
O3U_WCDT6 Delete WC Downtime
O3U_WCDT9 Well Completion Downtime report
O3U_WCDVL1 create wc volumes
O3U_WCDVL2 Change wc volumes
O3U_WCDVL3 Display wc volumes
O3U_WCDVL6 Delete wc volumes
O3U_WCDVL9 Well Completion Volumes List
O3U_WL1 Well Identification Create
O3U_WL11 Well Id Create - call from UG
O3U_WL2 Well Identification Change
O3U_WL3 Well Identification Display
O3U_WL6 Well Identification Display
O3U_WLH1 Well completion group create
O3U_WLH2 Well completion group create
O3U_WLH3 Well completion group create
O3U_WLTS1 Create Well Test
O3U_WLTS2 Well Test Change
O3U_WLTS3 Well Test display
O3U_WLTS6 Well Test delete
O3U_WLTS9 Well Test Report
O3_DIPWL Silo Mgmt.: Worklist entries
O400 Location Management (IS-Oil MRN)
O401 Create Location Master Record
O402 Change PBL Master Record
O403 Display PBL Master Record
O404 Display Business Location Changes
O405 List of Contracts
O407 Change Business Location Type
O408 Close Business Location
O40A Archiving - Archive Business Loc.
O40D Archiving - Delete Business Loc.
O40R Archiving - Reload Business Loc.
O40V Archiving - Manage BL. archive
O41LB Location balancing
O460 BLIS: Location Analysis - Selection
O461 BLIS: Location Incoming Orders - Sel
O462 BLIS: Location Returns - Selection
O463 BLIS: Location Invoice Sales - Sel
O464 BLIS: Location Credit Memos - Sel.
O4AA TD Maintain Compartment Group Index
O4AB TD Display Compartment Group Index
O4AC TD Assign Ind. to Compartment Group
O4AD TD Display Compartment Group Index
O4AN TD Maintain Product Group Index
O4AO TD Display Product Group Index
O4AP TD Assign Ind. to Product Group
O4AQ TD Display Indicators Product Group
O4AR TD archiving - rack meters
O4AS TD archiving - shipments
O4AT TD archiving - transport units
O4AU TD archiving - vehicle meters
O4AV TD archiving - vehicles
O4AW TD archiving - drivers
O4AX Display archived shipments on screen
O4B1 Start shipment worklist
O4B2 Batch mass processing of shipments
O4B4 Shipment change history
O4B5 Vehicle change
O4B7 Report for Definition of Batch Run
O4B8 TD mass processing: display logs
O4B9 TD mass processing: display logs
O4BA TD Maintain Customer Group Index
O4BB TD Display Customer Group Index
O4BC TD Assign Ind. to Customer Group
O4BD TD Display Indicators Customer Group
O4BER Number range maintenance: OIJ_BER
O4BT TD Maintain Vehicle Group Index
O4BU TD Display Vehicle Group Index
O4BV TD Assign Ind to Vehicle Group
O4BW TD Display Indicators Vehicle Group
O4C1 TD Create Transport Unit
O4C2 TD Change Transport Units
O4C3 TD Display Transport Units
O4C4 TD Delete Transport Unit
O4C6 Distribute Transport Units
O4D1 TD Create Driver
O4D2 TD Change Driver
O4D3 TD Display Driver
O4D4 TD Delete Driver
O4D6 Distribute Drivers
O4F1 TD Create Shipment
O4F2 TD Change Shipment
O4F3 TD Display Shipment
O4F4 TD Delete Shipment
O4F6 Distribute Shipments
O4G1 Loading confirmation
O4G2 Loading Confirmation - Display
O4H1 Delivery Confirmation
O4H2 Delivery Confirmation - Display
O4H5 Cancel material document from shpmt.
O4I1 Text Maintenance
O4J3 Two Step Transfer Tracking Report
O4K1 Create license master data
O4K2 Change license master data
O4K3 Display license master data
O4K4 Quantity License Tracking Report
O4K5 Excise Duty Rate Maintenance
O4K6 Group update for external rates tab.
O4K9 ED license change documents
O4KB Revaluation activ check report 1/2
O4KC Revaluation activ check report 2/2
O4KD Excise Duty Valuation record  1/3
O4KE Excise Duty Valuation record  2/3
O4KF Excise Duty Stock values 1/3
O4KG Excise Duty Stock values 2/3
O4KH Excise Duty Stock values 3/3
O4KI Excise Duty Valuation record  3/3
O4KT Excise Duty Revaluation
O4K_J1B_08 Maintain Incoming Taxation Table
O4K_J1B_10 Maintain Refinery Taxation Table
O4K_J1B_11 Maintain Printing Exceptions ICMS
O4K_J1B_12 Maintain Acquisition Price Table
O4K_J1B_13 Maintain Controlled Price
O4K_J1B_16 Complement ICMS rules inside calc.
O4K_J1B_20 Maintain Post. exp. for ICMS compl.
O4K_J1B_23 Nota Fiscal for gains/losses
O4K_J1B_28 Maintain PMPF price table
O4K_LICENSE License Master Data
O4L1 TD-F Doc Item Quantity-Create/Change
O4L3 TD-F Doc Item Quantity - Display
O4L4 TD-F Maint. miss. fields for shp.c.
O4L6 TD Create shipment cost worklist
O4L7 TD Collective run in background
O4L8 Selec.var. coll. run shipment costs
O4LB_OI Loc Bal opening inventory calc
O4M1 TD Create Vehicle Meters
O4M2 TD Change Vehicle Meters
O4M3 TD Display Vehicle Meters
O4M4 TD Delete Vehicle Meters
O4M5 Vehicle Meter Reconciliation
O4M6 Distribute Compartment Meter
O4N0 Bulk Replenishment (IS-Oil BDRP)
O4N2 Maintain General Meter
O4N3 Display General Meter
O4N8 Maintain plant site control parms
O4N9 Maintain SOC type data
O4NA Assign Storage Objects
O4NC Create Nomination
O4NCN Create Nomination
O4ND Display Assigned Storage Objects
O4NI Enter customer stock data
O4NJ Customer stock overview
O4NM Maintain Nomination
O4NR OIL-TSW Recover Nomination
O4NS Display Nomination
O4NSN Display Nomination
O4NV Change Nomination
O4NVN Change Nomination
O4N_DIP_OC Opening closing test calculator
O4O1 Create output: Bulk Tran. Scheduling
O4O2 Change Output:Bulk Tran. Scheduling
O4O3 Display Output:Bulk Tran. Scheduling
O4O4 Create output: Bulk Tran. Loading
O4O5 Change Output:Bulk Tran. Loading
O4O6 Display Output:Bulk Tran. Loading
O4O7 Create output: Bulk Tran. Del. Conf.
O4O8 Change Output:Bulk Tran. Del. Conf.
O4O9 Display Output:Bulk Tran. Del. Conf.
O4OA Modify Output Det. - Scheduling
O4OB Modify Output Det.-Sch. (Detailed)
O4OC Modify Output Det. - Loading
O4OD Modify Output Det.-Del. Confirmation
O4OE TD Output from deliveries
O4P0 Terminal Automation Interface
O4P1 Create LID Master Data
O4P2 Change LID Master Data
O4P3 Display LID Master Data
O4P4 Delete Load ID
O4P5 Display released LID's
O4P7 Release LIDs
O4P8 Revise LIDs
O4P9 Transport Planning System Interface
O4PDCC Change DCP data
O4PDCL List DCP history
O4PDCR Delete DCP status entries
O4PDCT Delivery Confirmation Frontend
O4PH Display Load information
O4PI Show LID-Details
O4PJ Display LID to SD-Document
O4PK Load data pickup
O4PL Transfer Location Master Data to TPS
O4PM Call Flowlogic Control
O4PMN TPI History Information
O4PN Skip shipment inbound process
O4PO Change order and plant
O4PP Shipment planning
O4PQ Distribute orders
O4PR Selection without LID Type
O4PS Load data shipment
O4PTPIR Delete TPI status entries
O4PV Driver Vehicle Assignment
O4PW IDOC via Changepointer for OILDVA
O4PX Shipment Planning Workbench
O4PZ Display / Delete log table entries
O4R1 TD Create Rack Meter
O4R2 TD Change Rack Meter
O4R3 TD Display Rack Meter
O4R4 TD Delete Rack Meter
O4R5 Rack Meter Reconciliation
O4R6 Distribute Rack Meter
O4RP1 Create release profile
O4RP2 Change release profile
O4RP3 Display release profile
O4S0 Transport and Distribution
O4S1 TD Master Data
O4T0 IS-OIL TSW (Trader's & Scheduler's W
O4T3WP 3 way pegging
O4T3WPD 3 way pegging (display)
O4T5 Create records in cond table - NOM
O4T5_TKT Create records in cond table - TKT
O4T6 Change records in cond table - NOM
O4T6_TKT Change records in cond table - TKT
O4T7 Display records in cond table - NOM
O4T7_TKT Display records in cond table - TKT
O4T8 Display of archived nominations
O4TAPN Automatically process nominations
O4TB Stock Projection Worksheet
O4TBB Stock Projection Worksheet
O4TB_CT Change What-if type
O4TB_CV Copy What-if Version
O4TB_PHYS To update physical inventory figures
O4TB_RDALV Stock Projection Worksheet
O4TC Generate Stock Projection
O4TCB Generate Stock Projection for batch
O4TCN Generate Stock Projection New
O4TD Generate worklist entries
O4TDG OIL TSW: Maintain deal groups
O4TDL OIL-TSW Delete Location
O4TE OIL-TSW: Enter movement ticket
O4TEN Ticket create new
O4TENCORR Correct ticket
O4TENCRPT Terminate invalid ticket
O4TENREV Reverse Ticket
O4TE_CORRECT OIL-TSW: Correct ticket actualizatio
O4TE_REVERSE OIL-TSW: Reverse ticket actualizatio
O4TF OIL-TSW: Change ticket
O4TFN Change ticket
O4TG OIL-TSW: Display Ticket
O4TGN Display Ticket
O4TG_ALV OIL-TSW: Display Ticket ALV
O4TH OIL-TSW: Delete movement ticket
O4THN Delete Ticket
O4TI TSW archiving - Tickets
O4TJ Display archived tickets
O4TK TSW archiving - Nomination
O4TL TSW Delete Transport System
O4TLB_CP Loc Bal copy schedules
O4TM OIL-TSW: Safety stock calc. engine
O4TM_BPB Berth Planning Board
O4TN OIL-TSW: Planning engine
O4TO Worklist
O4TO_LIST Worklist
O4TP Partner Role Parser
O4TQ OIL-TSW Create Partner Role
O4TR OIL-TSW Change Partner Role
O4TS OIL-TSW Display Partner Role
O4TSCD Display Transport System Changes
O4TSW_PD Production data
O4TT Create Transport System
O4TU Change Transport System
O4TV Display Transport System
O4TW OIL-TSW Create Location
O4TX OIL-TSW Change Location
O4TX_LIST Maintain location / material list
O4TX_TREE Drill-down planning locations
O4TY OIL-TSW Display Location
O4TZ OIL-TSW : Recover Tickets
O4T_EDIACC Assign EDI account numbers to vendor
O4V1 TD Create Vehicle
O4V2 TD Change Vehicle
O4V3 TD Display Vehicle
O4V4 TD Delete Vehicle
O4V5 Vehicle Reconciliation (LOV-PTL)
O4V6 Distribute Vehicles
O4W1 WWWInterface to rapid confirmation
O4_SILO_ANA_CREATE Create tank analysis data
O4_TIGER Tank Management
O501 General functionality switch(On/Off)
O502 Customize message control
O503 Parameter admin. (set value)
O505 Customize message control
O50BW01 BW init. UoM group / mass changes
O541 Number Range Maintenance: OIA01
O542 Number Range Maintenance: OIA10H
O544 Maintain Exchange Stmnt. Customizing
O545 Customzing for Exchange Statement
O547 Reconciliation OIA07
O548 Reconcile Movb. Netting balance
O54E Maintain Exchange Accounting
O54L Set Price Ref. Plant Flag
O54N Set reversal movement type indicator
O54R Maintain IS-OIL User Exits
O54U Number Range Maintenance: OIA08
O54X Create Netting Selection Crit.
O54Y Maintain Netting Selection Crit.
O54Z Display Netting Selection Crit.
O581 OIB02 Conversion Mode
O588 Conversion group maintenance
O5A4 Intransit store location determ
O5AA Number range maintenance: OIG_TU
O5AB Number range maintenance: OIG_DRIVER
O5AC Number range maintenance: OIG_VEHMET
O5AD Number range maintenance: OIG_VEH
O5AE Number range maintenance: OIG_S
O5AF Number range maintenance: OIG_RACMET
O5AM In-transit batch/handling type
O5AW Number range maintenance: OIG_MASSPR
O5AX TD Customized Message Handling
O5AY Define intransit storage location
O5BAP4 Set up application log
O5BAPR1 Number range maintenance: OIRA_PRDOC
O5BAPR2 Number range maintenance: OIRA_PRIDX
O5BAPRDE1 SSR Output Det. - Field catalog
O5BAPRDE2 Cond.table - SSR Group output
O5BAPRDE3 Maintain Condition Type - SSR Gr.Out
O5BAPRDE4 Access Sequence (SSR Group Output)
O5BAPRDE5 SSR Group Output Det.Procedure
O5BAPRDE6 Output Det. Procedure - SSR Gr.Outp.
O5BAPRDE7 Cond.table - SSR Group output
O5BAPRDE8 Cond.table - SSR Group output
O5BC08 SSR Pricing - Create LV/Cond.
O5BC09 SSR Pricing - Disp/Change LV/Cond.
O5BC19_COPY SSR Pricing - Copy error check cust.
O5BC19_LIST SSR Pricing - List error check cust.
O5BCNRRG Number range maintenance: OIRC_PRUPD
O5BCPRCH Number range maintenance: OIRC_PRCHG
O5BEAD1 V_T681F: SSR CH Object-Allowed flds
O5BEAD11 Cond.proc. for SSR CH Object
O5BEAD13 Credit card accounts
O5BEAD16 SSR Clearing House Determination
O5BEAD2 SSR CH Det. : Create tab.
O5BEAD3 SSR CH Det. : Change tab.
O5BEAD4 SSR CH Det. : Display tab.
O5BEAD5 SSR CH Object det: Acc. seq.- Create
O5BEAD8 Condition types: SSR CH Object
O5BENR Number range maintenance: OIREDTF
O5BENRRECON Number range maintenance: OIRERECON1
O5BENRRECON2 Number range maintenance: OIRERECON2
O5BEPC4 Generate DTF Objects
O5BESNR Number range maintenance: OIRESETLNR
O5BESTAT1 Update Maintenance: IS-Oil
O5BH03 Generate CH Sttlmnt Msg Structure
O5BH04 Number range maintenance: OIRH_CHSMG
O5BINR03 Number range maintenance: OIRALINKNR
O5F5 Maintain Form and Average Exits
O5F9 Number Range Maintenance: RepForm-ID
O5K_J1B_27 Global plant business settings
O5N7 Customized Messages for BDRP
O5NX Maintain time windows for Ref. set
O5O_CTNUM Number range maintenance: OIO_CNTNR
O5O_PKGNR Number range maintenance: OIO_EXIDV
O5O_RTNUM Number range maintenance: OIO_RTDOC
O5O_VGNUM Number range maintenance: OIO_VOYAGE
O5PC Number range maintenance: OIK_LID
O5PL TPI Customized Message Handling
O5R7 Number Range Maintenance: OIF_PBL
O5S1 Output - Cond.Table - Scheduling.
O5S2 Conditions: Possible fields schedul.
O5S3 Maintain Condition Type - Scheduling
O5S4 Access Sequence (Bulk Scheduling)
O5S5 Bulk Scheduling Output Det.Procedure
O5S7 Output Det. Procedure - Scheduling
O5SA Output - Cond.Table - Change TD Load
O5SB Conditions: Possible fields loading
O5SC Maintain Condition Type - Loading
O5SD Access Sequence (Bulk Tran.-Loading)
O5SE Bulk Loading Output Det. Procedure
O5SG Output Det. Procedure - Loading
O5SJ Output - Cond.Table - Del. Confirm.
O5SK Conditions: Possible Fields Del.Conf
O5SL Maintain Condition Type-Del. Confirm
O5SM Access Sequence (Bulk Scheduling)
O5SN Bulk Scheduling Output Det.Procedure
O5SP Output det.procedure del confirm.
O5T1 Number range maintenance: OIJ_WL
O5T4 Number range maintenance: OIJ_TS
O5T7 Maintain condition tables - NOM
O5T7_TKT Maintain condition tables - Ticket
O5T8 Update fields in field catalog - NOM
O5T8_TKT Update fields in field catalog - TKT
O5T9 Maintain Condition Type - NOM
O5T9_TKT Maintain Condition Type - TKT
O5TA Maintain access sequence - NOM
O5TA_TKT Maintain access sequence - TKT
O5TB Maintain output det procedure - NOM
O5TB_TKT Maintain output det procedure - TKT
O5TC Assign output det procedure - NOM
O5TE Assign forms and programs - NOM
O5TE_TKT Assign forms and programs - TKT
O5TG Maintain TSW Planning Calendar
O5TNR_NOM_COMM Number range maintenance: OIJ_NOMCOM
O5TNR_NOM_VERS Number range maintenance: OIJ_VERS
O5TNR_OIJ_NOM No. Range Maintnce: OIJNOM
O5TNR_OIJ_PEG Number range maintenance: OIJ_PEG
O5TNR_OIJ_SIM Number range maintenance: OIJ_SIM
O5TPEGT Define Pegging type
O5UCM_SN_NR PRA Number Range Maintenance
O5UCM_TT Common Table Maintenance
O5UCW_CHECK_NUMBERS Configure Check Numbers in Check Lot
O5UH_JE03 Accounting Category
O5UP_SET_MONTHS Set Data Retention Periods
O5UREP_BACKUP1 Number range maintenance: OIUREPSYS
O5UREP_COMMON Regulatory Reporting Setup
O5UREP_MMS_TRANS_VAR MMS-2014:  Transport Suppl Rpt Vars
O5U_MEDOCN Measurement document number ranges
O5V1 Number range maintenance: OIJ_EL_TKT
O5W10 Storage location/license number
O5W11 Config.excise duty account determ.
O5W12 ED consumpt.posting/Activ.movement
O5W13 Activ.ED postings per movement type
O5WV Number range maintenance: OIH01
O5WW Number range maintenance: OIH30
O5WX Number Range Maint.: Tax Revaluation
O5ZZ C FI Table T030 EXD
O5_SILO02 Silo M. Cust.: Tank storage location
O7E1 Payment advice note entry screens.
O7E3 Acnt assignment model entry screens
O7E4 Preliminary posting entry screens
O7E5 Vendor inv./cr.mem. entry screens
O7E6 G/L item fast entry screens
O7F1 Clearing field selection conditions
O7F2 Clearing field selection search
O7F3 Clearing Field Selection Sort
O7F4 Item Display Field Sel.Conditions
O7F5 Item Display Field Selection Search
O7F6 Item Display Field Selection Sort
O7F7 Item Display Field Selection Total
O7F8 Item Display Field Sel.Addit.Fields
O7F9 Paymnt Adv.Notes Field Selction Flds
O7FA Pyt Adv.Notes Field Sel.Ext.Sel.Fld
O7FB Auto.Pymt Fld Sel.Sort Payment
O7FC Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Payment
O7FD Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Sort Payment
O7FE Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Line Item
O7L0 FI IMG Link
O7L1 FI IMG Link: Check Document
O7L2 Check Parked Documents
O7L3 Check Correspondence
O7L4 Check Withholding Tax
O7L5 Settings for Displaying Payments
O7L6 Settings for Displaying Line Items
O7L7 Settings for Processing Open Items
O7L8 Check Workflow Basis Settings
O7L9 Settings for Payment Release
O7R1 Item Display Totals Variants
O7R2 Item Display Master Record Info.
O7R3 Item Display Special Fields
O7S1 Pyt Medium Correspondence Sort Varnt
O7S2 Pyt Medium Line Items Sort Variant
O7S3 Credit Management Sort Variants
O7S4 General Correspondence Sort Variants
O7S5 Correspondence Int.Docs Sort Variant
O7S6 Line Item Corresp.Sort Variant
O7S7 Item Display Sort Variants
O7V1 Document Display Default Line Layout
O7V2 Item Display Default Line Layout
O7V3 Clearing Default Line Layout
O7V4 Automatic Paymnt Default Line Layout
O7V5 Auto.Pyt Line Item Dflt Line Layout
O7V6 Paymt Adv.Notes Default Line Layout
O7V7 Credit Management Dflt Line Layout
O7Z1 Document Display Line Layout
O7Z2 Document Posting Line Layout
O7Z3 Document Display Line Layout
O7Z4 Clearing Line Layout
O7Z4D Clearing Line Layout
O7Z4K Clearing Line Layout
O7Z4S Clearing Line Layout
O7Z5 Auto.Payment Line Layout
O7Z6 Auto.Pyt Line Item Line Layout
O7Z7 Payment Adv.Notes Line Layout
O7Z8 External Documents Line Layout
O7Z9 Credit Management Line Layout
O851 Update settings
O984 Customizing doc converter program

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